mirror of
synced 2025-03-15 16:29:16 +01:00
Dev: All the latest changes built into the main file
This commit is contained in:
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
"mData": oDefaults.mData ? oDefaults.oDefaults : iCol
} );
oSettings.aoColumns.push( oCol );
/* Add a column specific filter */
if ( oSettings.aoPreSearchCols[ iCol ] === undefined || oSettings.aoPreSearchCols[ iCol ] === null )
@ -234,24 +234,24 @@
var oPre = oSettings.aoPreSearchCols[ iCol ];
/* Don't require that the user must specify bRegex, bSmart or bCaseInsensitive */
if ( oPre.bRegex === undefined )
oPre.bRegex = true;
if ( oPre.bSmart === undefined )
oPre.bSmart = true;
if ( oPre.bCaseInsensitive === undefined )
oPre.bCaseInsensitive = true;
/* Use the column options function to initialise classes etc */
_fnColumnOptions( oSettings, iCol, null );
@ -268,13 +268,13 @@
var oCol = oSettings.aoColumns[ iCol ];
var oClasses = oSettings.oClasses;
/* User specified column options */
if ( oOptions !== undefined && oOptions !== null )
// Map camel case parameters to their Hungarian counterparts
_fnCamelToHungarian( DataTable.defaults.column, oOptions );
/* Backwards compatibility for mDataProp */
if ( oOptions.mDataProp !== undefined && !oOptions.mData )
@ -450,7 +450,7 @@
var aTypes = DataTable.ext.aTypes;
var iLen = aTypes.length;
for ( var i=0 ; i<iLen ; i++ )
var sType = aTypes[i]( sData );
@ -459,7 +459,7 @@
return sType;
return 'string';
@ -510,7 +510,7 @@
var aTargets = aoColDefs[i].targets || aoColDefs[i].aTargets;
if ( ! $.isArray( aTargets ) )
_fnLog( oSettings, 1, 'aTargets must be an array of targets, not a '+(typeof aTargets) );
aTargets = [ aTargets ];
for ( j=0, jLen=aTargets.length ; j<jLen ; j++ )
@ -590,7 +590,7 @@
oCol = oSettings.aoColumns[i];
_fnSetCellData( oSettings, iRow, i, _fnGetCellData( oSettings, iRow, i ) );
/* See if we should auto-detect the column type */
if ( oCol._bAutoType && oCol.sType != 'string' )
@ -611,7 +611,7 @@
/* Add to the display array */
oSettings.aiDisplayMaster.push( iRow );
@ -718,8 +718,8 @@
if ( oSettings.iDrawError != oSettings.iDraw && oCol.sDefaultContent === null )
_fnLog( oSettings, 0, "Requested unknown parameter "+
(typeof oCol.mData=='function' ? '{mData function}' : "'"+oCol.mData+"'")+
" from the data source for row "+iRow );
(typeof oCol.mData=='function' ? '{function}' : "'"+oCol.mData+"'")+
" for row "+iRow, 4 );
oSettings.iDrawError = oSettings.iDraw;
return oCol.sDefaultContent;
@ -843,7 +843,7 @@
data = data[ a[i] ];
out = [];
// Get the remainder of the nested object to get
a.splice( 0, i+1 );
innerSrc = a.join('.');
@ -943,7 +943,7 @@
a[i] = a[i].replace(__reArray, '');
data[ a[i] ] = [];
// Get the remainder of the nested object to set so we can recurse
b = a.slice();
b.splice( 0, i+1 );
@ -1169,6 +1169,11 @@
nTr.className += ' '+rowData.DT_RowClass;
if ( rowData.DT_RowData )
$(nTr).data( rowData.DT_RowData );
/* Process each column */
for ( i=0, iLen=oSettings.aoColumns.length ; i<iLen ; i++ )
@ -1182,7 +1187,7 @@
nTd.innerHTML = _fnGetCellData( oSettings, iRow, i, 'display' );
/* Add user defined class */
if ( oCol.sClass !== null )
@ -1226,7 +1231,7 @@
var iThs = $('th, td', oSettings.nTHead).length;
var iCorrector = 0;
var jqChildren;
/* If there is a header in place - then use it - otherwise it's going to get nuked... */
if ( iThs !== 0 )
@ -1245,7 +1250,7 @@
$(nTh).addClass( oSettings.aoColumns[i].sClass );
/* Set the title of the column if it is user defined (not what was auto detected) */
if ( oSettings.aoColumns[i].sTitle != nTh.innerHTML )
@ -1257,24 +1262,24 @@
/* We don't have a header in the DOM - so we are going to have to create one */
var nTr = document.createElement( "tr" );
for ( i=0, iLen=oSettings.aoColumns.length ; i<iLen ; i++ )
nTh = oSettings.aoColumns[i].nTh;
nTh.innerHTML = oSettings.aoColumns[i].sTitle;
nTh.setAttribute('tabindex', '0');
if ( oSettings.aoColumns[i].sClass !== null )
$(nTh).addClass( oSettings.aoColumns[i].sClass );
nTr.appendChild( nTh );
$(oSettings.nTHead).html( '' )[0].appendChild( nTr );
_fnDetectHeader( oSettings.aoHeader, oSettings.nTHead );
/* ARIA role for the rows */
$(oSettings.nTHead).children('tr').attr('role', 'row');
@ -1284,18 +1289,18 @@
for ( i=0, iLen=oSettings.aoColumns.length ; i<iLen ; i++ )
nTh = oSettings.aoColumns[i].nTh;
var nDiv = document.createElement('div');
nDiv.className = oSettings.oClasses.sSortJUIWrapper;
var nSpan = document.createElement('span');
nSpan.className = oSettings.oClasses.sSortIcon+' '+oSettings.aoColumns[i].sSortingClassJUI;
nDiv.appendChild( nSpan );
nTh.appendChild( nDiv );
if ( oSettings.oFeatures.bSort )
for ( i=0 ; i<oSettings.aoColumns.length ; i++ )
@ -1308,13 +1313,13 @@
/* Deal with the footer - add classes if required */
if ( oSettings.oClasses.sFooterTH !== "" )
$(oSettings.nTFoot).children('tr').children('th').addClass( oSettings.oClasses.sFooterTH );
/* Cache the footer elements */
if ( oSettings.nTFoot !== null )
@ -1387,7 +1392,7 @@
for ( i=0, iLen=aoLocal.length ; i<iLen ; i++ )
nLocalTr = aoLocal[i].nTr;
/* All cells are going to be replaced, so empty out the row */
if ( nLocalTr )
@ -1453,7 +1458,7 @@
_fnProcessingDisplay( oSettings, false );
var i, iLen, n;
var anRows = [];
var iRowCount = 0;
@ -1462,17 +1467,15 @@
var iOpenRows = oSettings.aoOpenRows.length;
var oLang = oSettings.oLanguage;
var iInitDisplayStart = oSettings.iInitDisplayStart;
var iDisplayStart = oSettings._iDisplayStart;
var iDisplayEnd = oSettings.fnDisplayEnd();
var bServerSide = oSettings.oFeatures.bServerSide;
var aiDisplay = oSettings.aiDisplay;
oSettings.bDrawing = true;
/* Check and see if we have an initial draw position from state saving */
if ( iInitDisplayStart !== undefined && iInitDisplayStart !== -1 )
iDisplayStart = bServerSide ?
oSettings._iDisplayStart = bServerSide ?
iInitDisplayStart :
iInitDisplayStart >= oSettings.fnRecordsDisplay() ?
0 :
@ -1480,7 +1483,10 @@
oSettings.iInitDisplayStart = -1;
var iDisplayStart = oSettings._iDisplayStart;
var iDisplayEnd = oSettings.fnDisplayEnd();
/* Server-side processing draw intercept */
if ( oSettings.bDeferLoading )
@ -1495,12 +1501,12 @@
if ( aiDisplay.length !== 0 )
var iStart = bServerSide ? 0 : iDisplayStart;
var iEnd = bServerSide ? oSettings.aoData.length : iDisplayEnd;
for ( var j=iStart ; j<iEnd ; j++ )
var iDataIndex = aiDisplay[j];
@ -1511,7 +1517,7 @@
var nRow = aoData.nTr;
/* Remove the old striping classes and then add the new one */
if ( iStripes !== 0 )
@ -1522,11 +1528,11 @@
aoData._sRowStripe = sStripe;
/* Row callback functions - might want to manipulate the row */
_fnCallbackFire( oSettings, 'aoRowCallback', null,
[nRow, aoData._aData, iRowCount, j] );
anRows.push( nRow );
@ -1551,11 +1557,11 @@
'class': oSettings.oClasses.sRowEmpty
} ).html( sZero ) )[0];
/* Header and footer callbacks */
_fnCallbackFire( oSettings, 'aoHeaderCallback', 'header', [ $(oSettings.nTHead).children('tr')[0],
_fnGetDataMaster( oSettings ), iDisplayStart, iDisplayEnd, aiDisplay ] );
_fnCallbackFire( oSettings, 'aoFooterCallback', 'footer', [ $(oSettings.nTFoot).children('tr')[0],
_fnGetDataMaster( oSettings ), iDisplayStart, iDisplayEnd, aiDisplay ] );
@ -1571,10 +1577,10 @@
body.append( $(anRows) );
/* Call all required callback functions for the end of a draw */
_fnCallbackFire( oSettings, 'aoDrawCallback', 'draw', [oSettings] );
/* Draw is complete, sorting and filtering must be as well */
oSettings.bSorted = false;
oSettings.bFiltered = false;
@ -1629,7 +1635,7 @@
var nHolding = $('<div></div>')[0];
oSettings.nTable.parentNode.insertBefore( nHolding, oSettings.nTable );
* All DataTables are wrapped in a div
@ -1638,7 +1644,7 @@
/* Track where we want to insert the option */
var nInsertNode = oSettings.nTableWrapper;
/* Loop over the user set positioning and place the elements as needed */
var aDom = oSettings.sDom.split('');
var nTmp, iPushFeature, cOption, nNewNode, cNext, sAttr, j;
@ -1646,12 +1652,12 @@
iPushFeature = 0;
cOption = aDom[i];
if ( cOption == '<' )
/* New container div */
nNewNode = $('<div></div>')[0];
/* Check to see if we should append an id and/or a class name to the container */
cNext = aDom[i+1];
if ( cNext == "'" || cNext == '"' )
@ -1663,7 +1669,7 @@
sAttr += aDom[i+j];
/* Replace jQuery UI constants */
if ( sAttr == "H" )
@ -1673,7 +1679,7 @@
sAttr = oSettings.oClasses.sJUIFooter;
/* The attribute can be in the format of "#id.class", "#id" or "class" This logic
* breaks the string into parts and applies them as needed
@ -1691,10 +1697,10 @@
nNewNode.className = sAttr;
i += j; /* Move along the position array */
nInsertNode.appendChild( nNewNode );
nInsertNode = nNewNode;
@ -1757,7 +1763,7 @@
/* Add to the 2D features array */
if ( iPushFeature == 1 && nTmp !== null )
@ -1769,7 +1775,7 @@
nInsertNode.appendChild( nTmp );
/* Built our DOM structure - replace the holding div with what we want */
nHolding.parentNode.replaceChild( oSettings.nTableWrapper, nHolding );
@ -1799,19 +1805,19 @@
aLayout.splice( 0, aLayout.length );
/* We know how many rows there are in the layout - so prep it */
for ( i=0, iLen=nTrs.length ; i<iLen ; i++ )
aLayout.push( [] );
/* Calculate a layout array */
for ( i=0, iLen=nTrs.length ; i<iLen ; i++ )
nTr = nTrs[i];
iColumn = 0;
/* For every cell in the row... */
nCell = nTr.firstChild;
while ( nCell ) {
@ -1828,10 +1834,10 @@
* accordingly
iColShifted = fnShiftCol( aLayout, i, iColumn );
/* Cache calculation for unique columns */
bUnique = iColspan === 1 ? true : false;
/* If there is col / rowspan, copy the information into the layout grid */
for ( l=0 ; l<iColspan ; l++ )
@ -1883,7 +1889,7 @@
return aReturn;
@ -1939,7 +1945,7 @@
if ( json.sError ) {
oSettings.oApi._fnLog( oSettings, 0, json.sError );
$(oSettings.oInstance).trigger('xhr', [oSettings, json]);
fn( json );
@ -1948,7 +1954,7 @@
"type": oSettings.sServerMethod,
"error": function (xhr, error, thrown) {
if ( error == "parsererror" ) {
oSettings.oApi._fnLog( oSettings, 0, "DataTables: invalid JSON response" );
oSettings.oApi._fnLog( oSettings, 0, 'Invalid JSON response', 1 );
@ -2025,7 +2031,7 @@
var param = function ( name, value ) {
aoData.push( { 'name': name, 'value': value } );
param( 'sEcho', oSettings.iDraw );
param( 'iColumns', iColumns );
param( 'sColumns', _fnColumnOrdering(oSettings) );
@ -2033,13 +2039,13 @@
param( 'iDisplayLength', oSettings.oFeatures.bPaginate !== false ?
oSettings._iDisplayLength : -1
for ( i=0 ; i<iColumns ; i++ )
mDataProp = aoColumns[i].mData;
param( "mDataProp_"+i, typeof(mDataProp)==="function" ? 'function' : mDataProp );
/* Filtering */
if ( oSettings.oFeatures.bFilter !== false )
@ -2052,7 +2058,7 @@
param( 'bSearchable_'+i, aoColumns[i].bSearchable );
/* Sorting */
if ( oSettings.oFeatures.bSort !== false )
@ -2061,11 +2067,11 @@
aaSort = ( oSettings.aaSortingFixed !== null ) ?
oSettings.aaSortingFixed.concat( oSettings.aaSorting ) :
for ( i=0 ; i<aaSort.length ; i++ )
aDataSort = aoColumns[ aaSort[i][0] ].aDataSort;
for ( j=0 ; j<aDataSort.length ; j++ )
param( 'iSortCol_'+iCounter, aDataSort[j] );
@ -2074,13 +2080,13 @@
param( 'iSortingCols', iCounter );
for ( i=0 ; i<iColumns ; i++ )
param( 'bSortable_'+i, aoColumns[i].bSortable );
return aoData;
@ -2109,21 +2115,21 @@
oSettings.iDraw = json.sEcho * 1;
if ( !oSettings.oScroll.bInfinite || oSettings.bSorted || oSettings.bFiltered )
_fnClearTable( oSettings );
oSettings._iRecordsTotal = parseInt(json.iTotalRecords, 10);
oSettings._iRecordsDisplay = parseInt(json.iTotalDisplayRecords, 10);
var aData = _fnAjaxDataSrc( oSettings, json );
for ( var i=0, iLen=aData.length ; i<iLen ; i++ )
_fnAddData( oSettings, aData[i] );
oSettings.aiDisplay = oSettings.aiDisplayMaster.slice();
oSettings.bAjaxDataGet = false;
_fnDraw( oSettings );
@ -2131,7 +2137,7 @@
_fnInitComplete( oSettings, json );
oSettings.bAjaxDataGet = true;
_fnProcessingDisplay( oSettings, false );
@ -2562,7 +2568,7 @@
tid = settings.sTableId,
nodes = settings.aanFeatures.i;
if ( ! nodes ) {
// Update display on each draw
settings.aoDrawCallback.push( {
@ -2593,7 +2599,7 @@
if ( nodes.length === 0 ) {
lang = settings.oLanguage,
start = settings._iDisplayStart+1,
@ -2612,14 +2618,14 @@
// Convert the macros
out += lang.sInfoPostFix;
out = _fnInfoMacros( settings, out );
var callback = lang.fnInfoCallback;
if ( callback !== null ) {
out = callback.call( settings.oInstance,
settings, start, end, max, total, out
$(nodes).html( out );
@ -2649,17 +2655,17 @@
function _fnInitialise ( oSettings )
var i, iLen, iAjaxStart=oSettings.iInitDisplayStart;
/* Ensure that the table data is fully initialised */
if ( oSettings.bInitialised === false )
setTimeout( function(){ _fnInitialise( oSettings ); }, 200 );
/* Show the display HTML options */
_fnAddOptionsHtml( oSettings );
/* Build and draw the header / footer for the table */
_fnBuildHead( oSettings );
_fnDrawHead( oSettings, oSettings.aoHeader );
@ -2667,13 +2673,13 @@
/* Okay to show that something is going on now */
_fnProcessingDisplay( oSettings, true );
/* Calculate sizes for columns */
if ( oSettings.oFeatures.bAutoWidth )
_fnCalculateColumnWidths( oSettings );
for ( i=0, iLen=oSettings.aoColumns.length ; i<iLen ; i++ )
if ( oSettings.aoColumns[i].sWidth !== null )
@ -2681,13 +2687,13 @@
oSettings.aoColumns[i].nTh.style.width = _fnStringToCss( oSettings.aoColumns[i].sWidth );
/* If there is default sorting required - let's do it. The sort function will do the
* drawing for us. Otherwise we draw the table regardless of the Ajax source - this allows
* the table to look initialised for Ajax sourcing data (show 'loading' message possibly)
_fnReDraw( oSettings );
/* if there is an ajax source load the data */
if ( (oSettings.sAjaxSource || oSettings.ajax) && !oSettings.oFeatures.bServerSide )
@ -2700,20 +2706,20 @@
_fnAddData( oSettings, aData[i] );
/* Reset the init display for cookie saving. We've already done a filter, and
* therefore cleared it before. So we need to make it appear 'fresh'
oSettings.iInitDisplayStart = iAjaxStart;
_fnReDraw( oSettings );
_fnProcessingDisplay( oSettings, false );
_fnInitComplete( oSettings, json );
}, oSettings );
/* Server-side processing init complete is done by _fnAjaxUpdateDraw */
if ( !oSettings.oFeatures.bServerSide )
@ -2823,7 +2829,7 @@
return null;
type = settings.sPaginationType,
plugin = DataTable.ext.oPagination[ type ],
@ -2833,7 +2839,7 @@
node = $('<div/>').addClass( settings.oClasses.sPaging + type )[0];
plugin.fnInit( settings, node, redraw );
/* Add a draw callback for the pagination on first instance, to update the paging display */
if ( ! settings.aanFeatures.p )
@ -2905,7 +2911,7 @@
_fnLog( settings, 0, "Unknown paging action: "+action );
_fnLog( settings, 0, "Unknown paging action: "+action, 5 );
var changed = settings._iDisplayStart !== start;
@ -2963,7 +2969,7 @@
return oSettings.nTable;
* The HTML structure that we want to generate in this function is:
* div - nScroller
@ -2993,7 +2999,7 @@
nTfoot = oSettings.nTable.getElementsByTagName('tfoot').length === 0 ? null :
oClasses = oSettings.oClasses;
nScrollHead.appendChild( nScrollHeadInner );
nScrollFoot.appendChild( nScrollFootInner );
nScrollBody.appendChild( oSettings.nTable );
@ -3007,14 +3013,14 @@
nScrollFootInner.appendChild( nScrollFootTable );
nScrollFootTable.appendChild( nTfoot );
nScroller.className = oClasses.sScrollWrapper;
nScrollHead.className = oClasses.sScrollHead;
nScrollHeadInner.className = oClasses.sScrollHeadInner;
nScrollBody.className = oClasses.sScrollBody;
nScrollFoot.className = oClasses.sScrollFoot;
nScrollFootInner.className = oClasses.sScrollFootInner;
if ( oSettings.oScroll.bAutoCss )
nScrollHead.style.overflow = "hidden";
@ -3022,13 +3028,13 @@
nScrollFoot.style.overflow = "hidden";
nScrollBody.style.overflow = "auto";
nScrollHead.style.border = "0";
nScrollHead.style.width = "100%";
nScrollFoot.style.border = "0";
nScrollHeadInner.style.width = oSettings.oScroll.sXInner !== "" ?
oSettings.oScroll.sXInner : "100%"; /* will be overwritten */
/* Modify attributes to respect the clones */
nScrollHeadTable.style.marginLeft = "0";
@ -3038,7 +3044,7 @@
nScrollFootTable.style.marginLeft = "0";
/* Move caption elements from the body to the header, footer or leave where it is
* depending on the configuration. Note that the DTD says there can be only one caption */
var nCaption = $(oSettings.nTable).children('caption');
@ -3054,7 +3060,7 @@
nScrollFootTable.appendChild( nCaption );
* Sizing
@ -3063,35 +3069,35 @@
nScrollHead.style.width = _fnStringToCss( oSettings.oScroll.sX );
nScrollBody.style.width = _fnStringToCss( oSettings.oScroll.sX );
if ( nTfoot !== null )
nScrollFoot.style.width = _fnStringToCss( oSettings.oScroll.sX );
nScrollFoot.style.width = _fnStringToCss( oSettings.oScroll.sX );
/* When the body is scrolled, then we also want to scroll the headers */
$(nScrollBody).scroll( function (e) {
nScrollHead.scrollLeft = this.scrollLeft;
if ( nTfoot !== null )
nScrollFoot.scrollLeft = this.scrollLeft;
} );
/* When yscrolling, add the height */
if ( oSettings.oScroll.sY !== "" )
nScrollBody.style.height = _fnStringToCss( oSettings.oScroll.sY );
/* Redraw - align columns across the tables */
oSettings.aoDrawCallback.push( {
"fn": _fnScrollDraw,
"sName": "scrolling"
} );
/* Infinite scrolling event handlers */
if ( oSettings.oScroll.bInfinite )
@ -3113,10 +3119,10 @@
} );
oSettings.nScrollHead = nScrollHead;
oSettings.nScrollFoot = nScrollFoot;
return nScroller;
@ -3152,11 +3158,11 @@
oStyle.borderBottomWidth = "0";
oStyle.height = 0;
* 1. Re-create the table inside the scrolling div
/* Remove the old minimised thead and tfoot elements in the inner table */
$(o.nTable).children('thead, tfoot').remove();
@ -3166,7 +3172,7 @@
anHeadToSize = o.nTHead.getElementsByTagName('tr');
anHeadSizers = nTheadSize.getElementsByTagName('tr');
$('th, td', nTheadSize).removeAttr('tabindex');
if ( o.nTFoot !== null )
nTfootSize = $(o.nTFoot).clone()[0];
@ -3174,11 +3180,11 @@
anFootToSize = o.nTFoot.getElementsByTagName('tr');
anFootSizers = nTfootSize.getElementsByTagName('tr');
* 2. Take live measurements from the DOM - do not alter the DOM itself!
/* Remove old sizing and apply the calculated column widths
* Get the unique column headers in the newly created (cloned) header. We want to apply the
* calculated sizes to this header
@ -3188,14 +3194,14 @@
nScrollBody.style.width = '100%';
nScrollHeadInner.parentNode.style.width = '100%';
var nThs = _fnGetUniqueThs( o, nTheadSize );
for ( i=0, iLen=nThs.length ; i<iLen ; i++ )
iVis = _fnVisibleToColumnIndex( o, i );
nThs[i].style.width = o.aoColumns[iVis].sWidth;
if ( o.nTFoot !== null )
_fnApplyToChildren( function(n) {
@ -3210,14 +3216,14 @@
nScrollBody.style.height = (nScrollBody.offsetHeight + o.nTHead.offsetHeight)+"px";
/* Size the table as a whole */
iSanityWidth = $(o.nTable).outerWidth();
if ( o.oScroll.sX === "" )
/* No x scrolling */
o.nTable.style.width = "100%";
/* I know this is rubbish - but IE7 will make the width of the table when 100% include
* the scrollbar - which is shouldn't. When there is a scrollbar we need to take this
* into account.
@ -3252,17 +3258,17 @@
o.nTable.style.width = _fnStringToCss( iSanityWidth );
/* Recalculate the sanity width - now that we've applied the required width, before it was
* a temporary variable. This is required because the column width calculation is done
* before this table DOM is created.
iSanityWidth = $(o.nTable).outerWidth();
/* We want the hidden header to have zero height, so remove padding and borders. Then
* set the width based on the real headers
// Apply all styles in one pass. Invalidates layout only once because we don't read any
// DOM properties.
_fnApplyToChildren( zeroOut, anHeadSizers );
@ -3280,7 +3286,7 @@
}, anHeadToSize );
/* Same again with the footer if we have one */
if ( o.nTFoot !== null )
@ -3296,11 +3302,11 @@
* 3. Apply the measurements
/* "Hide" the header and footer that we used for the sizing. We want to also fix their width
* to what they currently are
@ -3308,7 +3314,7 @@
nSizer.innerHTML = "";
nSizer.style.width = aApplied[i];
}, anHeadSizers );
if ( o.nTFoot !== null )
_fnApplyToChildren( function(nSizer, i) {
@ -3316,7 +3322,7 @@
nSizer.style.width = aAppliedFooter[i];
}, anFootSizers );
/* Sanity check that the table is of a sensible width. If not then we are going to get
* misalignment - try to prevent this by not allowing the table to shrink below its min width
@ -3326,48 +3332,41 @@
var iCorrection = ((nScrollBody.scrollHeight > nScrollBody.offsetHeight ||
$(nScrollBody).css('overflow-y') == "scroll")) ?
iSanityWidth+o.oScroll.iBarWidth : iSanityWidth;
/* IE6/7 are a law unto themselves... */
if ( ie67 && (nScrollBody.scrollHeight >
nScrollBody.offsetHeight || $(nScrollBody).css('overflow-y') == "scroll") )
o.nTable.style.width = _fnStringToCss( iCorrection-o.oScroll.iBarWidth );
/* Apply the calculated minimum width to the table wrappers */
nScrollBody.style.width = _fnStringToCss( iCorrection );
o.nScrollHead.style.width = _fnStringToCss( iCorrection );
if ( o.nTFoot !== null )
o.nScrollFoot.style.width = _fnStringToCss( iCorrection );
/* And give the user a warning that we've stopped the table getting too small */
if ( o.oScroll.sX === "" )
if ( o.oScroll.sX === "" || o.oScroll.sXInner !== "" )
_fnLog( o, 1, "The table cannot fit into the current element which will cause column"+
" misalignment. The table has been drawn at its minimum possible width." );
else if ( o.oScroll.sXInner !== "" )
_fnLog( o, 1, "The table cannot fit into the current element which will cause column"+
" misalignment. Increase the sScrollXInner value or remove it to allow automatic"+
" calculation" );
_fnLog( o, 1, 'Possible column misalignment', 6 );
nScrollBody.style.width = _fnStringToCss( '100%' );
o.nScrollHead.style.width = _fnStringToCss( '100%' );
if ( o.nTFoot !== null )
o.nScrollFoot.style.width = _fnStringToCss( '100%' );
* 4. Clean up
@ -3382,19 +3381,19 @@
nScrollBody.style.height = _fnStringToCss( o.nTable.offsetHeight+o.oScroll.iBarWidth );
if ( o.oScroll.sY !== "" && o.oScroll.bCollapse )
nScrollBody.style.height = _fnStringToCss( o.oScroll.sY );
var iExtra = (o.oScroll.sX !== "" && o.nTable.offsetWidth > nScrollBody.offsetWidth) ?
o.oScroll.iBarWidth : 0;
o.oScroll.iBarWidth : 0;
if ( o.nTable.offsetHeight < nScrollBody.offsetHeight )
nScrollBody.style.height = _fnStringToCss( o.nTable.offsetHeight+iExtra );
/* Finally set the width's of the header and footer tables */
var iOuterWidth = $(o.nTable).outerWidth();
nScrollHeadTable.style.width = _fnStringToCss( iOuterWidth );
@ -3405,7 +3404,7 @@
var bScrolling = $(o.nTable).height() > nScrollBody.clientHeight || $(nScrollBody).css('overflow-y') == "scroll";
var padding = o.oBrowser.bScrollbarLeft ? 'paddingLeft' : 'paddingRight';
nScrollHeadInner.style[padding] = bScrolling ? o.oScroll.iBarWidth+"px" : "0px";
if ( o.nTFoot !== null )
nScrollFootTable.style.width = _fnStringToCss( iOuterWidth );
@ -3415,7 +3414,7 @@
/* Adjust the position of the header in case we loose the y-scrollbar */
/* If sorting or filtering has occurred, jump the scrolling back to the top */
if ( o.bSorted || o.bFiltered )
@ -3475,19 +3474,19 @@
return 0;
if ( ! nParent )
nParent = document.body;
var n = $('<div/>')
.css( 'width', _fnStringToCss( sWidth ) )
.appendTo( nParent );
var width = n[0].offsetWidth;
return width;
@ -3508,14 +3507,14 @@
var oHeaders = $('th', oSettings.nTHead);
var widthAttr = oSettings.nTable.getAttribute('width');
var nWrapper = oSettings.nTable.parentNode;
/* Convert any user input sizes into pixel sizes */
for ( i=0 ; i<iColums ; i++ )
if ( oSettings.aoColumns[i].bVisible )
if ( oSettings.aoColumns[i].sWidth !== null )
iTmpWidth = _fnConvertToWidth( oSettings.aoColumns[i].sWidthOrig,
@ -3524,12 +3523,12 @@
oSettings.aoColumns[i].sWidth = _fnStringToCss( iTmpWidth );
/* If the number of columns in the DOM equals the number that we have to process in
* DataTables, then we can use the offsets that are created by the web-browser. No custom
* sizes can be set in order for this to happen, nor scrolling used
@ -3559,7 +3558,7 @@
nBody = document.createElement( 'tbody' ),
nTr = document.createElement( 'tr' ),
nCalcTmp.removeAttribute( "id" );
nCalcTmp.appendChild( nTheadClone );
if ( oSettings.nTFoot !== null )
@ -3569,10 +3568,10 @@
n.style.width = "";
}, nCalcTmp.getElementsByTagName('tr') );
nCalcTmp.appendChild( nBody );
nBody.appendChild( nTr );
/* Remove any sizing that was previously applied by the styles */
var jqColSizing = $('thead th', nCalcTmp);
if ( jqColSizing.length === 0 )
@ -3617,10 +3616,10 @@
/* Build the table and 'display' it */
nWrapper.appendChild( nCalcTmp );
/* When scrolling (X or Y) we want to set the width of the table as appropriate. However,
* when not scrolling leave the table width as it is. This results in slightly different,
* but I think correct behaviour
@ -3646,10 +3645,10 @@
nCalcTmp.style.width = _fnStringToCss( widthAttr );
nCalcTmp.style.visibility = "hidden";
/* Scrolling considerations */
_fnScrollingWidthAdjust( oSettings, nCalcTmp );
/* Read the width's calculated by the browser and store them for use by the caller. We
* first of all try to use the elements in the body, but it is possible that there are
* no elements there, under which circumstances we use the header elements
@ -3685,7 +3684,7 @@
nCalcTmp.style.width = _fnStringToCss( iTotal );
oSettings.nTable.style.width = _fnStringToCss( iTotal );
@ -3784,7 +3783,7 @@
function _fnGetMaxLenString( oSettings, iCol )
var s, iMax=-1, iMaxIndex = -1;
for ( var i=0 ; i<oSettings.aoData.length ; i++ )
s = _fnGetCellData( oSettings, i, iCol, 'display' )+'';
@ -3796,7 +3795,7 @@
iMaxIndex = i;
return iMaxIndex;
@ -3814,7 +3813,7 @@
return "0px";
if ( typeof s == 'number' )
if ( s < 0 )
@ -3823,7 +3822,7 @@
return s+"px";
/* Check if the last character is not 0-9 */
var c = s.charCodeAt( s.length-1 );
if (c < 0x30 || c > 0x39)
@ -3870,7 +3869,7 @@
w2 = outer[0].clientWidth;
DataTable.__scrollbarWidth = w1 - w2;
@ -4118,7 +4117,7 @@
var nextSort;
// If the shift key is pressed then we are multiple column sorting
if ( e.shiftKey ) {
if ( e.shiftKey && settings.oFeatures.bSortMulti ) {
// Are we already doing some kind of sort on this column?
var curr = _pluck( sorting, '0' );
var idx = $.inArray( colIdx, curr );
@ -4330,7 +4329,7 @@
_fnCallbackFire( oSettings, "aoStateSaveParams", 'stateSaveParams', [oSettings, oState] );
oSettings.fnStateSaveCallback.call( oSettings.oInstance, oSettings, oState );
@ -4353,7 +4352,7 @@
/* Allow custom and plug-in manipulation functions to alter the saved data set and
* cancelling of loading by returning false
@ -4367,30 +4366,28 @@
if ( oData.iCreate < new Date().getTime() - (oSettings.iStateDuration*1000) ) {
// Number of columns have changed - all bets are off, no restore of settings
if ( oSettings.aoColumns.length !== oData.aoSearchCols.length ) {
/* Store the saved state so it might be accessed at any time */
oSettings.oLoadedState = $.extend( true, {}, oData );
/* Restore key features */
oSettings._iDisplayStart = oData.iStart;
oSettings.iInitDisplayStart = oData.iStart;
oSettings._iDisplayLength = oData.iLength;
oSettings.aaSorting = oData.aaSorting.slice();
oSettings.saved_aaSorting = oData.aaSorting.slice();
/* Search filtering */
$.extend( oSettings.oPreviousSearch, oData.oSearch );
$.extend( true, oSettings.aoPreSearchCols, oData.aoSearchCols );
/* Column visibility state
* Pass back visibility settings to the init handler, but to do not here override
* the init object that the user might have passed in
oInit.saved_aoColumns = [];
for ( var i=0 ; i<oData.abVisCols.length ; i++ )
oInit.saved_aoColumns[i] = {};
oInit.saved_aoColumns[i].bVisible = oData.abVisCols[i];
/* Column visibility state */
for ( var i=0 ; i<oData.abVisCols.length ; i++ ) {
oSettings.aoColumns[i].bVisible = oData.abVisCols[i];
_fnCallbackFire( oSettings, 'aoStateLoaded', 'stateLoaded', [oSettings, oData] );
@ -4400,52 +4397,49 @@
* Return the settings object for a particular table
* @param {node} nTable table we are using as a dataTable
* @param {node} table table we are using as a dataTable
* @returns {object} Settings object - or null if not found
* @memberof DataTable#oApi
function _fnSettingsFromNode ( nTable )
function _fnSettingsFromNode ( table )
for ( var i=0 ; i<DataTable.settings.length ; i++ )
if ( DataTable.settings[i].nTable === nTable )
return DataTable.settings[i];
return null;
var settings = DataTable.settings;
var idx = $.inArray( table, _pluck( settings, 'nTable' ) );
return idx !== -1 ?
settings[ idx ] :
* Log an error message
* @param {object} oSettings dataTables settings object
* @param {int} iLevel log error messages, or display them to the user
* @param {string} sMesg error message
* @param {object} settings dataTables settings object
* @param {int} level log error messages, or display them to the user
* @param {string} msg error message
* @param {int} tn Technical note id to get more information about the error.
* @memberof DataTable#oApi
function _fnLog( oSettings, iLevel, sMesg )
function _fnLog( settings, level, msg, tn )
var sAlert = (oSettings===null) ?
"DataTables warning: "+sMesg :
"DataTables warning (table id = '"+oSettings.sTableId+"'): "+sMesg;
if ( iLevel === 0 )
if ( DataTable.ext.sErrMode == 'alert' )
alert( sAlert );
throw new Error(sAlert);
msg = 'DataTables warning: '+
(settings!==null ? 'table id='+settings.sTableId+' - ' : '')+msg;
if ( tn ) {
msg += '. For more information about this error, please see '+
else if ( window.console && console.log )
console.log( sAlert );
if ( ! level ) {
if ( DataTable.ext.sErrMode == 'alert' ) {
alert( msg );
else {
throw new Error(msg);
else if ( window.console && console.log ) {
console.log( msg );
@ -4485,7 +4479,7 @@
function _fnExtend( oOut, oExtender )
var val;
for ( var prop in oExtender )
if ( oExtender.hasOwnProperty(prop) )
@ -5497,8 +5491,7 @@
/* Sanity check */
if ( this.nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'table' )
_fnLog( null, 0, "Attempted to initialise DataTables on a node which is not a "+
"table: "+this.nodeName );
_fnLog( null, 0, 'Non-table node initialisation ('+this.nodeName+')', 2 );
@ -5533,13 +5526,11 @@
_fnLog( DataTable.settings[i], 0, "Cannot reinitialise DataTable.\n\n"+
"To retrieve the DataTables object for this table, pass no arguments or see "+
"the docs for bRetrieve and bDestroy" );
_fnLog( DataTable.settings[i], 0, 'Cannot reinitialise DataTable', 3 );
/* If the element we are initialising has the same ID as a table which was previously
* initialised, but the table nodes don't match (from before) then we destroy the old
* instance by simply deleting it. This is under the assumption that the table has been
@ -5594,6 +5585,7 @@
_fnMap( oSettings.oFeatures, oInit, "bLengthChange" );
_fnMap( oSettings.oFeatures, oInit, "bFilter" );
_fnMap( oSettings.oFeatures, oInit, "bSort" );
_fnMap( oSettings.oFeatures, oInit, "bSortMulti" );
_fnMap( oSettings.oFeatures, oInit, "bInfo" );
_fnMap( oSettings.oFeatures, oInit, "bProcessing" );
_fnMap( oSettings.oFeatures, oInit, "bAutoWidth" );
@ -5663,7 +5655,7 @@
* you want to have multiple tables with multiple independent classes
$.extend( oSettings.oClasses, DataTable.ext.oJUIClasses );
if ( oInit.sDom === DataTable.defaults.sDom && DataTable.defaults.sDom === "lfrtip" )
/* Set the DOM to use a layout suitable for jQuery UI's theming */
@ -5689,14 +5681,6 @@
oSettings._iDisplayStart = oInit.iDisplayStart;
/* Must be done after everything which can be overridden by the state saving! */
if ( oInit.bStateSave )
oSettings.oFeatures.bStateSave = true;
_fnLoadState( oSettings, oInit );
_fnCallbackReg( oSettings, 'aoDrawCallback', _fnSaveState, 'state_save' );
if ( oInit.iDeferLoading !== null )
oSettings.bDeferLoading = true;
@ -5782,16 +5766,6 @@
/* Add the columns */
for ( i=0, iLen=aoColumnsInit.length ; i<iLen ; i++ )
/* Short cut - use the loop to check if we have column visibility state to restore */
if ( oInit.saved_aoColumns !== undefined && oInit.saved_aoColumns.length == iLen )
if ( aoColumnsInit[i] === null )
aoColumnsInit[i] = {};
aoColumnsInit[i].bVisible = oInit.saved_aoColumns[i].bVisible;
_fnAddColumn( oSettings, anThs ? anThs[i] : null );
@ -5801,6 +5775,15 @@
} );
/* Must be done after everything which can be overridden by the state saving! */
if ( oInit.bStateSave )
oSettings.oFeatures.bStateSave = true;
_fnLoadState( oSettings, oInit );
_fnCallbackReg( oSettings, 'aoDrawCallback', _fnSaveState, 'state_save' );
* Sorting
* Check the aaSorting array
@ -5812,19 +5795,19 @@
oSettings.aaSorting[i][0] = 0;
var oColumn = oSettings.aoColumns[ oSettings.aaSorting[i][0] ];
/* Add a default sorting index */
if ( oSettings.aaSorting[i][2] === undefined )
oSettings.aaSorting[i][2] = 0;
/* If aaSorting is not defined, then we use the first indicator in asSorting */
if ( oInit.aaSorting === undefined && oSettings.saved_aaSorting === undefined )
if ( oInit.aaSorting === undefined )
oSettings.aaSorting[i][1] = oColumn.asSorting[0];
/* Set the current sorting index based on aoColumns.asSorting */
for ( j=0, jLen=oColumn.asSorting.length ; j<jLen ; j++ )
@ -5835,7 +5818,7 @@
/* Do a first pass on the sorting classes (allows any size changes to be taken into
* account, and also will apply sorting disabled classes if disabled
@ -8259,11 +8242,11 @@
var jqWrapper = $(settings.nTableWrapper);
var rows = _pluck( settings.aoData, 'nTr' );
var i, ien;
// Flag to note that the table is currently being destroyed - no action
// should be taken
settings.bDestroying = true;
// Fire off the destroy callbacks for plug-ins etc
_fnCallbackFire( settings, "aoDestroyCallback", "destroy", [settings] );
@ -8271,32 +8254,32 @@
if ( ! remove ) {
new _api( settings ).columns().visible( true );
// Blitz all DT events
// When scrolling we had to break the table up - restore it
if ( table != thead.parentNode ) {
jqTable( thead );
if ( tfoot && table != tfoot.parentNode ) {
jqTable( tfoot );
// Remove the DataTables generated nodes, events and classes
settings.aaSorting = [];
settings.aaSortingFixed = [];
_fnSortingClasses( settings );
$( rows ).removeClass( settings.asStripeClasses.join(' ') );
$('th, td', thead).removeClass( classes.sSortable+' '+
classes.sSortableAsc+' '+classes.sSortableDesc+' '+classes.sSortableNone
@ -8318,11 +8301,13 @@
// Add the TR elements back into the table in their original order
jqTbody.append( rows );
// Restore the width of the original table - was read from the style property,
// so we can restore directly to that
jqTable.css( 'width', settings.sDestroyWidth );
.css( 'width', settings.sDestroyWidth )
.removeClass( classes.sTable );
// If the were originally stripe classes - then we add them back here.
// Note this is not fool proof (for example if not all rows had stripe
// classes - but it's a good effort without getting carried away
@ -8333,7 +8318,7 @@
$(this).addClass( settings.asDestroyStripes[i % ien] );
} );
/* Remove the settings object from the settings array */
var idx = $.inArray( settings, DataTable.settings );
if ( idx !== -1 ) {
@ -8654,7 +8639,7 @@
* @default {}
"oStdClasses": {},
* Storage for the various classes that DataTables uses - jQuery UI suitable
@ -9047,26 +9032,26 @@
* @type array
"asSorting": null,
* Flag to indicate if the column is searchable, and thus should be included
* in the filtering or not.
* @type boolean
"bSearchable": null,
* Flag to indicate if the column is sortable or not.
* @type boolean
"bSortable": null,
* Flag to indicate if the column is currently visible in the table or not
* @type boolean
"bVisible": null,
* Flag to indicate to the type detection method if the automatic type
* detection should be used, or if a column type (sType) has been specified
@ -9075,7 +9060,7 @@
* @private
"_bAutoType": true,
* Developer definable function that is called whenever a cell is created (Ajax source,
* etc) or processed for input (DOM source). This can be used as a compliment to mRender
@ -9089,7 +9074,7 @@
* @default null
"fnCreatedCell": null,
* Function to get data from a cell in a column. You should <b>never</b>
* access data directly through _aData internally in DataTables - always use
@ -9105,7 +9090,7 @@
* @default null
"fnGetData": null,
* Function to set data for a cell in the column. You should <b>never</b>
* set the data directly to _aData internally in DataTables - always use
@ -9118,7 +9103,7 @@
* @default null
"fnSetData": null,
* Property to read the value for the cells in the column from the data
* source array / object. If null, then the default content is used, if a
@ -9127,7 +9112,7 @@
* @default null
"mData": null,
* Partner property to mData which is used (only when defined) to get
* the data - i.e. it is basically the same as mData, but without the
@ -9137,7 +9122,7 @@
* @default null
"mRender": null,
* Unique header TH/TD element for this column - this is what the sorting
* listener is attached to (if sorting is enabled.)
@ -9145,7 +9130,7 @@
* @default null
"nTh": null,
* Unique footer TH/TD element for this column (if there is one). Not used
* in DataTables as such, but can be used for plug-ins to reference the
@ -9154,14 +9139,14 @@
* @default null
"nTf": null,
* The class to apply to all TD elements in the table's TBODY for the column
* @type string
* @default null
"sClass": null,
* When DataTables calculates the column widths to assign to each column,
* it finds the longest string in each column and then constructs a
@ -9174,7 +9159,7 @@
* @type string
"sContentPadding": null,
* Allows a default value to be given for a column's data, and will be used
* whenever a null data source is encountered (this can be because mData
@ -9183,14 +9168,14 @@
* @default null
"sDefaultContent": null,
* Name for the column, allowing reference to the column by name as well as
* by index (needs a lookup to work by name).
* @type string
"sName": null,
* Custom sorting data type - defines which of the available plug-ins in
* afnSortData the custom sorting will use - if any is defined.
@ -9198,14 +9183,14 @@
* @default std
"sSortDataType": 'std',
* Class to be applied to the header element when sorting on this column
* @type string
* @default null
"sSortingClass": null,
* Class to be applied to the header element when sorting on this column -
* when jQuery UI theming is used.
@ -9213,27 +9198,27 @@
* @default null
"sSortingClassJUI": null,
* Title of the column - what is seen in the TH element (nTh).
* @type string
"sTitle": null,
* Column sorting and filtering type
* @type string
* @default null
"sType": null,
* Width of the column
* @type string
* @default null
"sWidth": null,
* Width of the column when it was first "encountered"
* @type string
@ -9987,6 +9972,26 @@
"bSort": true,
* Enable or display DataTables' ability to sort multiple columns at the
* same time (activated by shift-click by the user).
* @type boolean
* @default true
* @dtopt Options
* @name DataTable.defaults.sortMulti
* @example
* // Disable multiple column sorting ability
* $(document).ready( function () {
* $('#example').dataTable( {
* "sortMulti": false
* } );
* } );
"bSortMulti": true,
* Allows control over whether DataTables should use the top (true) unique
* cell that is found for a single column, or the bottom (false - default).
@ -10177,7 +10182,7 @@
var s=(toFormat+""), a=s.split(""), out="", iLen=s.length;
for ( var i=0 ; i<iLen ; i++ )
if ( i%3 === 0 && i !== 0 )
@ -10798,8 +10803,8 @@
* } );
"sFirst": "First",
* Text to use when using the 'full_numbers' type of pagination for the
* button to take the user to the last page.
@ -10821,8 +10826,8 @@
* } );
"sLast": "Last",
* Text to use for the 'next' pagination button (to take the user to the
* next page).
@ -10844,8 +10849,8 @@
* } );
"sNext": "Next",
* Text to use for the 'previous' pagination button (to take the user to
* the previous page).
@ -10868,7 +10873,7 @@
"sPrevious": "Previous"
* This string is shown in preference to `zeroRecords` when the table is
* empty of data (regardless of filtering). Note that this is an optional
@ -10890,8 +10895,8 @@
* } );
"sEmptyTable": "No data available in table",
* This string gives information to the end user about the information that
* is current on display on the page. The _START_, _END_ and _TOTAL_
@ -10913,8 +10918,8 @@
* } );
"sInfo": "Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries",
* Display information string for when the table is empty. Typically the
* format of this string should match `info`.
@ -10934,8 +10939,8 @@
* } );
"sInfoEmpty": "Showing 0 to 0 of 0 entries",
* When a user filters the information in a table, this string is appended
* to the information (`info`) to give an idea of how strong the filtering
@ -10956,8 +10961,8 @@
* } );
"sInfoFiltered": "(filtered from _MAX_ total entries)",
* If can be useful to append extra information to the info string at times,
* and this variable does exactly that. This information will be appended to
@ -10979,8 +10984,8 @@
* } );
"sInfoPostFix": "",
* DataTables has a build in number formatter (`formatNumber`) which is used
* to format large numbers that are used in the table information. By
@ -11002,8 +11007,8 @@
* } );
"sInfoThousands": ",",
* Detail the action that will be taken when the drop down menu for the
* pagination length option is changed. The '_MENU_' variable is replaced
@ -11043,8 +11048,8 @@
* } );
"sLengthMenu": "Show _MENU_ entries",
* When using Ajax sourced data and during the first draw when DataTables is
* gathering the data, this message is shown in an empty row in the table to
@ -11067,8 +11072,8 @@
* } );
"sLoadingRecords": "Loading...",
* Text which is displayed when the table is processing a user action
* (usually a sort command or similar).
@ -11088,8 +11093,8 @@
* } );
"sProcessing": "Processing...",
* Details the actions that will be taken when the user types into the
* filtering input text box. The variable "_INPUT_", if used in the string,
@ -11123,8 +11128,8 @@
* } );
"sSearch": "Search:",
* All of the language information can be stored in a file on the
* server-side, which DataTables will look up if this parameter is passed.
@ -11148,8 +11153,8 @@
* } );
"sUrl": "",
* Text shown inside the table records when the is no information to be
* displayed after filtering. `emptyTable` is shown when there is simply no
@ -11590,8 +11595,8 @@
* } );
"bVisible": true,
* Developer definable function that is called whenever a cell is created (Ajax source,
* etc) or processed for input (DOM source). This can be used as a compliment to mRender
@ -12021,7 +12026,7 @@
* } );
"sClass": "",
* When DataTables calculates the column widths to assign to each column,
* it finds the longest string in each column and then constructs a
@ -12332,7 +12337,7 @@
* @namespace
"oFeatures": {
* Flag to say if DataTables should automatically try to calculate the
* optimum table and columns widths (true) or not (false).
@ -12352,7 +12357,7 @@
* @type boolean
"bDeferRender": null,
* Enable filtering on the table or not. Note that if this is disabled
* then there is no filtering at all on the table, including fnFilter.
@ -12362,7 +12367,7 @@
* @type boolean
"bFilter": null,
* Table information element (the 'Showing x of y records' div) enable
* flag.
@ -12371,7 +12376,7 @@
* @type boolean
"bInfo": null,
* Present a user control allowing the end user to change the page size
* when pagination is enabled.
@ -12389,7 +12394,7 @@
* @type boolean
"bPaginate": null,
* Processing indicator enable flag whenever DataTables is enacting a
* user request - typically an Ajax request for server-side processing.
@ -12398,7 +12403,7 @@
* @type boolean
"bProcessing": null,
* Server-side processing enabled flag - when enabled DataTables will
* get all data from the server for every draw - there is no filtering,
@ -12408,7 +12413,7 @@
* @type boolean
"bServerSide": null,
* Sorting enablement flag.
* Note that this parameter will be set by the initialisation routine. To
@ -12416,7 +12421,15 @@
* @type boolean
"bSort": null,
* Multi-column sorting
* Note that this parameter will be set by the initialisation routine. To
* set a default use {@link DataTable.defaults}.
* @type boolean
"bSortMulti": null,
* Apply a class to the columns which are being sorted to provide a
* visual highlight or not. This can slow things down when enabled since
@ -12426,7 +12439,7 @@
* @type boolean
"bSortClasses": null,
* State saving enablement flag.
* Note that this parameter will be set by the initialisation routine. To
@ -12435,7 +12448,7 @@
"bStateSave": null
* Scrolling settings for a table.
@ -12451,7 +12464,7 @@
* @type boolean
"bAutoCss": null,
* When the table is shorter in height than sScrollY, collapse the
* table container down to the height of the table (when true).
@ -12460,7 +12473,7 @@
* @type boolean
"bCollapse": null,
* Infinite scrolling enablement flag. Now deprecated in favour of
* using the Scroller plug-in.
@ -12469,7 +12482,7 @@
* @type boolean
"bInfinite": null,
* Width of the scrollbar for the web-browser's platform. Calculated
* during table initialisation.
@ -12477,7 +12490,7 @@
* @default 0
"iBarWidth": 0,
* Space (in pixels) between the bottom of the scrolling container and
* the bottom of the scrolling viewport before the next page is loaded
@ -12487,7 +12500,7 @@
* @type int
"iLoadGap": null,
* Viewport width for horizontal scrolling. Horizontal scrolling is
* disabled if an empty string.
@ -12496,7 +12509,7 @@
* @type string
"sX": null,
* Width to expand the table to when using x-scrolling. Typically you
* should not need to use this.
@ -12506,7 +12519,7 @@
* @deprecated
"sXInner": null,
* Viewport height for vertical scrolling. Vertical scrolling is disabled
* if an empty string.
@ -12516,7 +12529,7 @@
"sY": null
* Language information for the table.
* @namespace
@ -12531,7 +12544,7 @@
"fnInfoCallback": null
* Browser support parameters
* @namespace
@ -12554,11 +12567,11 @@
"bScrollbarLeft": false
"ajax": null,
* Array referencing the nodes which are used for the features. The
* parameters of this object match what is allowed by sDom - i.e.
@ -12574,7 +12587,7 @@
* @default []
"aanFeatures": [],
* Store data information - see {@link DataTable.models.oRow} for detailed
* information.
@ -12582,49 +12595,49 @@
* @default []
"aoData": [],
* Array of indexes which are in the current display (after filtering etc)
* @type array
* @default []
"aiDisplay": [],
* Array of indexes for display - no filtering
* @type array
* @default []
"aiDisplayMaster": [],
* Store information about each column that is in use
* @type array
* @default []
"aoColumns": [],
* Store information about the table's header
* @type array
* @default []
"aoHeader": [],
* Store information about the table's footer
* @type array
* @default []
"aoFooter": [],
* Search data array for regular expression searching
* @type array
* @default []
"asDataSearch": [],
* Store the applied global search information in case we want to force a
* research or compare the old search to a new one.
@ -12634,7 +12647,7 @@
* @extends DataTable.models.oSearch
"oPreviousSearch": {},
* Store the applied search for each column - see
* {@link DataTable.models.oSearch} for the format that is used for the
@ -12643,7 +12656,7 @@
* @default []
"aoPreSearchCols": [],
* Sorting that is applied to the table. Note that the inner arrays are
* used in the following manner:
@ -12658,7 +12671,7 @@
* @todo These inner arrays should really be objects
"aaSorting": null,
* Sorting that is always applied to the table (i.e. prefixed in front of
* aaSorting).
@ -12668,7 +12681,7 @@
* @default []
"aaSortingFixed": [],
* Classes to use for the striping of a table.
* Note that this parameter will be set by the initialisation routine. To
@ -12677,56 +12690,56 @@
* @default []
"asStripeClasses": null,
* If restoring a table - we should restore its striping classes as well
* @type array
* @default []
"asDestroyStripes": [],
* If restoring a table - we should restore its width
* @type int
* @default 0
"sDestroyWidth": 0,
* Callback functions array for every time a row is inserted (i.e. on a draw).
* @type array
* @default []
"aoRowCallback": [],
* Callback functions for the header on each draw.
* @type array
* @default []
"aoHeaderCallback": [],
* Callback function for the footer on each draw.
* @type array
* @default []
"aoFooterCallback": [],
* Array of callback functions for draw callback functions
* @type array
* @default []
"aoDrawCallback": [],
* Array of callback functions for row created function
* @type array
* @default []
"aoRowCreatedCallback": [],
* Callback functions for just before the table is redrawn. A return of
* false will be used to cancel the draw.
@ -12734,7 +12747,7 @@
* @default []
"aoPreDrawCallback": [],
* Callback functions for when the table has been initialised.
* @type array
@ -12742,7 +12755,7 @@
"aoInitComplete": [],
* Callbacks for modifying the settings to be stored for state saving, prior to
* saving state.
@ -12750,7 +12763,7 @@
* @default []
"aoStateSaveParams": [],
* Callbacks for modifying the settings that have been stored for state saving
* prior to using the stored values to restore the state.
@ -12758,7 +12771,7 @@
* @default []
"aoStateLoadParams": [],
* Callbacks for operating on the settings object once the saved state has been
* loaded
@ -12766,49 +12779,49 @@
* @default []
"aoStateLoaded": [],
* Cache the table ID for quick access
* @type string
* @default <i>Empty string</i>
"sTableId": "",
* The TABLE node for the main table
* @type node
* @default null
"nTable": null,
* Permanent ref to the thead element
* @type node
* @default null
"nTHead": null,
* Permanent ref to the tfoot element - if it exists
* @type node
* @default null
"nTFoot": null,
* Permanent ref to the tbody element
* @type node
* @default null
"nTBody": null,
* Cache the wrapper node (contains all DataTables controlled elements)
* @type node
* @default null
"nTableWrapper": null,
* Indicate if when using server-side processing the loading of data
* should be deferred until the second draw.
@ -12818,14 +12831,14 @@
* @default false
"bDeferLoading": false,
* Indicate if all required information has been read in
* @type boolean
* @default false
"bInitialised": false,
* Information about open rows. Each object in the array has the parameters
* 'nTr' and 'nParent'
@ -12833,7 +12846,7 @@
* @default []
"aoOpenRows": [],
* Dictate the positioning of DataTables' control elements - see
* {@link DataTable.model.oInit.sDom}.
@ -12843,7 +12856,7 @@
* @default null
"sDom": null,
* Which type of pagination should be used.
* Note that this parameter will be set by the initialisation routine. To
@ -12852,7 +12865,7 @@
* @default two_button
"sPaginationType": "two_button",
* The state duration (for `stateSave`) in seconds.
* Note that this parameter will be set by the initialisation routine. To
@ -12861,7 +12874,7 @@
* @default 0
"iStateDuration": 0,
* Array of callback functions for state saving. Each array element is an
* object with the following parameters:
@ -12876,7 +12889,7 @@
* @default []
"aoStateSave": [],
* Array of callback functions for state loading. Each array element is an
* object with the following parameters:
@ -12889,14 +12902,14 @@
* @default []
"aoStateLoad": [],
* State that was loaded. Useful for back reference
* @type object
* @default null
"oLoadedState": null,
* Source url for AJAX data for the table.
* Note that this parameter will be set by the initialisation routine. To
@ -12905,7 +12918,7 @@
* @default null
"sAjaxSource": null,
* Property from a given object from which to read the table data from. This
* can be an empty string (when not server-side processing), in which case
@ -12915,14 +12928,14 @@
* @type string
"sAjaxDataProp": null,
* Note if draw should be blocked while getting data
* @type boolean
* @default true
"bAjaxDataGet": true,
* The last jQuery XHR object that was used for server-side data gathering.
* This can be used for working with the XHR information in one of the
@ -12931,7 +12944,7 @@
* @default null
"jqXHR": null,
* Function to get the server-side data.
* Note that this parameter will be set by the initialisation routine. To
@ -12939,7 +12952,7 @@
* @type function
"fnServerData": null,
* Functions which are called prior to sending an Ajax request so extra
* parameters can easily be sent to the server
@ -12947,7 +12960,7 @@
* @default []
"aoServerParams": [],
* Send the XHR HTTP method - GET or POST (could be PUT or DELETE if
* required).
@ -12956,7 +12969,7 @@
* @type string
"sServerMethod": null,
* Format numbers for display.
* Note that this parameter will be set by the initialisation routine. To
@ -12964,7 +12977,7 @@
* @type function
"fnFormatNumber": null,
* List of options that can be used for the user selectable length menu.
* Note that this parameter will be set by the initialisation routine. To
@ -12973,7 +12986,7 @@
* @default []
"aLengthMenu": null,
* Counter for the draws that the table does. Also used as a tracker for
* server-side processing
@ -12981,21 +12994,21 @@
* @default 0
"iDraw": 0,
* Indicate if a redraw is being done - useful for Ajax
* @type boolean
* @default false
"bDrawing": false,
* Draw index (iDraw) of the last error when parsing the returned data
* @type int
* @default -1
"iDrawError": -1,
* Paging display length
* @type int
@ -13009,7 +13022,7 @@
* @default 0
"_iDisplayStart": 0,
* Server-side processing - number of records in the result set
* (i.e. before filtering), Use fnRecordsTotal rather than
@ -13031,7 +13044,7 @@
* @private
"_iRecordsDisplay": 0,
* Flag to indicate if jQuery UI marking and classes should be used.
* Note that this parameter will be set by the initialisation routine. To
@ -13039,14 +13052,14 @@
* @type boolean
"bJUI": null,
* The classes to use for the table
* @type object
* @default {}
"oClasses": {},
* Flag attached to the settings object so you can check in the draw
* callback if filtering has been done in the draw. Deprecated in favour of
@ -13056,7 +13069,7 @@
* @deprecated
"bFiltered": false,
* Flag attached to the settings object so you can check in the draw
* callback if sorting has been done in the draw. Deprecated in favour of
@ -13066,7 +13079,7 @@
* @deprecated
"bSorted": false,
* Indicate that if multiple rows are in the header and there is more than
* one unique cell per column, if the top one (true) or bottom one (false)
@ -13076,14 +13089,14 @@
* @type boolean
"bSortCellsTop": null,
* Initialisation object that is used for the table
* @type object
* @default null
"oInit": null,
* Destroy callback functions - for plug-ins to attach themselves to the
* destroy so they can clean up markup and events.
@ -13092,7 +13105,7 @@
"aoDestroyCallback": [],
* Get the number of records in the current record set, before filtering
* @type function
@ -13103,7 +13116,7 @@
parseInt(this._iRecordsTotal, 10) :
* Get the number of records in the current record set, after filtering
* @type function
@ -13114,7 +13127,7 @@
parseInt(this._iRecordsDisplay, 10) :
* Get the display end point - aiDisplay index
* @type function
@ -13140,14 +13153,14 @@
* The DataTables object for this table
* @type object
* @default null
"oInstance": null,
* Unique identifier for each instance of the DataTables object. If there
* is an ID on the table node, then it takes that value, otherwise an
@ -13203,7 +13216,7 @@
"sPageNextDisabled": "paginate_disabled_next",
"sPageJUINext": "",
"sPageJUIPrev": "",
/* Full numbers paging buttons */
"sPageButton": "paginate_button",
"sPageButtonActive": "paginate_active",
@ -13212,14 +13225,14 @@
"sPagePrevious": "previous",
"sPageNext": "next",
"sPageLast": "last",
/* Striping classes */
"sStripeOdd": "odd",
"sStripeEven": "even",
/* Empty row */
"sRowEmpty": "dataTables_empty",
/* Features */
"sWrapper": "dataTables_wrapper",
"sFilter": "dataTables_filter",
@ -13227,7 +13240,7 @@
"sPaging": "dataTables_paginate paging_", /* Note that the type is postfixed */
"sLength": "dataTables_length",
"sProcessing": "dataTables_processing",
/* Sorting */
"sSortAsc": "sorting_asc",
"sSortDesc": "sorting_desc",
@ -13243,7 +13256,7 @@
"sSortJUIDescAllowed": "",
"sSortJUIWrapper": "",
"sSortIcon": "",
/* Scrolling */
"sScrollWrapper": "dataTables_scroll",
"sScrollHead": "dataTables_scrollHead",
@ -13251,7 +13264,7 @@
"sScrollBody": "dataTables_scrollBody",
"sScrollFoot": "dataTables_scrollFoot",
"sScrollFootInner": "dataTables_scrollFootInner",
/* Misc */
"sFooterTH": "",
"sJUIHeader": "",
@ -13267,18 +13280,18 @@
"sPageNextDisabled": "fg-button ui-button ui-state-default ui-corner-right ui-state-disabled",
"sPageJUINext": "ui-icon ui-icon-circle-arrow-e",
"sPageJUIPrev": "ui-icon ui-icon-circle-arrow-w",
/* Full numbers paging buttons */
"sPageButton": "fg-button ui-button ui-state-default",
"sPageButtonActive": "fg-button ui-button ui-state-default ui-state-disabled",
"sPageButtonStaticDisabled": "fg-button ui-button ui-state-default ui-state-disabled",
"sPageFirst": "first ui-corner-tl ui-corner-bl",
"sPageLast": "last ui-corner-tr ui-corner-br",
/* Features */
"sPaging": "dataTables_paginate fg-buttonset ui-buttonset fg-buttonset-multi "+
"ui-buttonset-multi paging_", /* Note that the type is postfixed */
/* Sorting */
"sSortAsc": "ui-state-default",
"sSortDesc": "ui-state-default",
@ -13293,11 +13306,11 @@
"sSortJUIDescAllowed": "css_right ui-icon ui-icon-carat-1-s",
"sSortJUIWrapper": "DataTables_sort_wrapper",
"sSortIcon": "DataTables_sort_icon",
/* Scrolling */
"sScrollHead": "dataTables_scrollHead ui-state-default",
"sScrollFoot": "dataTables_scrollFoot ui-state-default",
/* Misc */
"sFooterTH": "ui-state-default",
"sJUIHeader": "fg-toolbar ui-toolbar ui-widget-header ui-corner-tl ui-corner-tr ui-helper-clearfix",
@ -13342,14 +13355,14 @@
'<a class="'+oSettings.oClasses.sPagePrevDisabled+'" tabindex="'+oSettings.iTabIndex+'" role="button"><span class="'+oSettings.oClasses.sPageJUIPrev+'"></span></a>'+
'<a class="'+oSettings.oClasses.sPageNextDisabled+'" tabindex="'+oSettings.iTabIndex+'" role="button"><span class="'+oSettings.oClasses.sPageJUINext+'"></span></a>';
$(nPaging).append( sAppend );
var els = $('a', nPaging);
var nPrevious = els[0],
nNext = els[1];
oSettings.oApi._fnBindAction( nPrevious, {action: "previous"}, fnClickHandler );
oSettings.oApi._fnBindAction( nNext, {action: "next"}, fnClickHandler );
/* ID the first elements only */
if ( !oSettings.aanFeatures.p )
@ -13361,7 +13374,7 @@
nNext.setAttribute('aria-controls', oSettings.sTableId);
* Function: oPagination.two_button.fnUpdate
* Purpose: Update the two button pagination at the end of the draw
@ -13375,7 +13388,7 @@
var oClasses = oSettings.oClasses;
var an = oSettings.aanFeatures.p;
var nNode;
@ -13398,15 +13411,15 @@
* Variable: iFullNumbersShowPages
* Purpose: Change the number of pages which can be seen
* Scope: jQuery.fn.dataTableExt.oPagination
"iFullNumbersShowPages": 5,
* Variable: full_numbers
* Purpose: Full numbers pagination
@ -13444,12 +13457,12 @@
nPrev = els[1],
nNext = els[2],
nLast = els[3];
oSettings.oApi._fnBindAction( nFirst, {action: "first"}, fnClickHandler );
oSettings.oApi._fnBindAction( nPrev, {action: "previous"}, fnClickHandler );
oSettings.oApi._fnBindAction( nNext, {action: "next"}, fnClickHandler );
oSettings.oApi._fnBindAction( nLast, {action: "last"}, fnClickHandler );
/* ID the first elements only */
if ( !oSettings.aanFeatures.p )
@ -13460,7 +13473,7 @@
nLast.id =oSettings.sTableId+'_last';
* Function: oPagination.full_numbers.fnUpdate
* Purpose: Update the list of page buttons shows
@ -13474,7 +13487,7 @@
var iPageCount = DataTable.ext.oPagination.iFullNumbersShowPages;
var iPageCountHalf = Math.floor(iPageCount / 2);
var iPages = Math.ceil((oSettings.fnRecordsDisplay()) / oSettings._iDisplayLength);
@ -13492,7 +13505,7 @@
} );
/* Pages calculation */
if ( oSettings._iDisplayLength === -1 )
@ -13521,7 +13534,7 @@
iEndButton = iStartButton + iPageCount - 1;
/* Build the dynamic list */
for ( i=iStartButton ; i<=iEndButton ; i++ )
@ -13529,7 +13542,7 @@
'<a tabindex="'+oSettings.iTabIndex+'" class="'+oClasses.sPageButton+'">'+oSettings.fnFormatNumber(i)+'</a>' :
'<a tabindex="'+oSettings.iTabIndex+'" class="'+oClasses.sPageButtonActive+'">'+oSettings.fnFormatNumber(i)+'</a>';
/* Loop over each instance of the pager */
for ( i=0, iLen=an.length ; i<iLen ; i++ )
@ -13538,12 +13551,12 @@
/* Build up the dynamic list first - html and listeners */
$('span:eq(0)', nNode)
.html( sList )
.children('a').each( fnBind );
/* Update the permanent button's classes */
anButtons = nNode.getElementsByTagName('a');
anStatic = [
@ -13588,13 +13601,13 @@
return ((x < y) ? -1 : ((x > y) ? 1 : 0));
"string-desc": function ( x, y )
return ((x < y) ? 1 : ((x > y) ? -1 : 0));
* html sorting (ignore html tags)
@ -13602,23 +13615,23 @@
return a.replace( /<.*?>/g, "" ).toLowerCase();
* date sorting
"date-pre": function ( a )
var x = Date.parse( a );
if ( isNaN(x) || x==="" )
x = Date.parse( "01/01/1970 00:00:00" );
return x;
* numerical sorting
@ -13638,7 +13651,7 @@
return data==='' || data==='-' || (!isNaN( parseFloat(data) ) && isFinite( data )) ?
'numeric' : null;
// Dates (only those recognised by the browser's Date.parse)
function ( data )
@ -13646,7 +13659,7 @@
return (parsed !== null && !isNaN(parsed)) || (typeof data==='string' && data.length===0) ?
'date' : null;
function ( data )
Reference in New Issue
Block a user