From 832fc24156a3fc817b223020017bba23e7a95ace Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Allan Jardine Date: Tue, 8 Sep 2015 10:41:09 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] Dev: Removing unit tests from the distribution repo --- media/unit_testing/controller.js | 94 -- media/unit_testing/controller.php | 100 -- media/unit_testing/data_sources/arrays.php | 50 - media/unit_testing/data_sources/method.php | 53 - media/unit_testing/data_sources/objects.php | 33 - media/unit_testing/data_sources/param.php | 42 - media/unit_testing/index.html | 7 - media/unit_testing/performance/draw.html | 482 -------- media/unit_testing/performance/large.php | 113 -- media/unit_testing/performance/page.html | 477 -------- media/unit_testing/performance/sort.html | 477 -------- .../templates/-complex_header.php | 469 ------- media/unit_testing/templates/2512.php | 464 ------- media/unit_testing/templates/6776.php | 116 -- .../templates/complex_header_2.php | 485 -------- .../unit_testing/templates/deferred_table.php | 132 -- 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media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/6_delayed_rendering/oLanguage.sInfo.js delete mode 100644 media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/6_delayed_rendering/oLanguage.sInfoEmpty.js delete mode 100644 media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/6_delayed_rendering/oLanguage.sInfoPostFix.js delete mode 100644 media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/6_delayed_rendering/oLanguage.sLengthMenu.js delete mode 100644 media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/6_delayed_rendering/oLanguage.sProcessing.js delete mode 100644 media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/6_delayed_rendering/oLanguage.sSearch.js delete mode 100644 media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/6_delayed_rendering/oLanguage.sUrl.js delete mode 100644 media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/6_delayed_rendering/oLanguage.sZeroRecords.js delete mode 100644 media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/6_delayed_rendering/oSearch.js delete mode 100644 media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/6_delayed_rendering/sAjaxDataProp.js delete mode 100644 media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/6_delayed_rendering/sAjaxDataProp2.js delete mode 100644 media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/6_delayed_rendering/sAjaxSource.js delete mode 100644 media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/6_delayed_rendering/sDom.js delete mode 100644 media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/6_delayed_rendering/sPaginationType.js delete mode 100644 media/unit_testing/unit_test.js diff --git a/media/unit_testing/controller.js b/media/unit_testing/controller.js deleted file mode 100644 index 590b756a..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/controller.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,94 +0,0 @@ -var giTotalTestCount = 0; -var giActiveModule = 0; -var giModuleTests; -var giStartTime; -var giTest; -var gbStop = false; -var gtoTest; - -function fnTestStart ( sTestInfo ) -{ - gaoTest[ giActiveModule ].iTests++; - document.getElementById('test_info').innerHTML += - (giActiveModule+1)+'.'+(giModuleTests+1)+'. '+sTestInfo+'... '; - document.getElementById('test_number').innerHTML = giTotalTestCount+1; - giModuleTests++; - giTotalTestCount++; - - /* Set a timer to catch stalled script */ - gtoTest = setTimeout( function () { - fnMessage( 'WARNING - test script stalled. Likely a JS error' ); - gbStop = true; - }, 3000 ); -} - -function fnTestResult ( bResult ) -{ - clearTimeout( gtoTest ); - if ( bResult ) - { - fnMessage( 'Passed' ); - } - else - { - fnMessage( 'FAILED' ); - gbStop = true; - fnEnd( false ); - } -} - -function fnUnitStart( iTest ) -{ - if ( !gbStop ) - { - giModuleTests = 0; - window.parent.test_arena.location.href = - (iTest==0?"":"../")+'templates/'+gaoTest[iTest].sTemplate+'.php?scripts='+gaoTest[iTest].sTest; - giTest = iTest; - } -} - -function fnStartMessage( sMessage ) -{ - fnMessage( '
'+gaoTest[giTest].sGroup+' - '+sMessage+'' ); -} - -function fnMessage( sMessage ) -{ - var nInfo = document.getElementById('test_info'); - nInfo.innerHTML += sMessage+'
'; - nInfo.scrollTop = nInfo.scrollHeight; -} - -function fnUnitComplete() -{ - if ( giActiveModule < gaoTest.length - 1 ) - { - fnUnitStart( ++giActiveModule ); - } - else - { - fnEnd( true ); - } -} - -function fnEnd( bSuccess ) -{ - var iEndTime = new Date().getTime(); - var sTime = '
This test run took '+parseInt((iEndTime-giStartTime)/1000, 10)+ - ' second(s) to complete.'; - - if ( bSuccess ) - { - $('#test_running').html( 'Tests complete. '+giTotalTestCount+' tests were run.'+sTime ); - } - else - { - $('#test_running').html( 'Unit tests failed at test '+giTotalTestCount+'.'+sTime ); - } -} - -$(document).ready( function () { - giStartTime = new Date().getTime(); - fnUnitStart( giActiveModule ); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/controller.php b/media/unit_testing/controller.php deleted file mode 100644 index 33f751e2..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/controller.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,100 +0,0 @@ - - - - - DataTables unit test controller - - - - - - - - -

DataTables unit testing

Running test:
- Test information:
- - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/data_sources/arrays.php b/media/unit_testing/data_sources/arrays.php deleted file mode 100644 index 91ac0272..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/data_sources/arrays.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,50 +0,0 @@ - array( - array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) - ) - ); - } - else if ( $_REQUEST['dataSrc'] === 'data' ) { - return array( - 'data' => array( - array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) - ) - ); - } - else if ( $_REQUEST['dataSrc'] === 'nested' ) { - return array( - 'data' => array( - 'inner' => array( - array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) - ) - ) - ); - } - else if ( $_REQUEST['dataSrc'] === 'plain' ) { - return array( - array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) - ); - } -} - - diff --git a/media/unit_testing/data_sources/method.php b/media/unit_testing/data_sources/method.php deleted file mode 100644 index 954e74a7..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/data_sources/method.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,53 +0,0 @@ - intval( $_REQUEST['sEcho'] ), - 'iTotalRecords' => 1, - 'iTotalDisplayRecords' => 1, - 'aaData' => array( - array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) - ) - ) ); - } - else { - // Client-side processing - echo json_encode( array( - 'aaData' => array( - array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) - ) - ) ); - } -} - - -function fail() -{ - if ( isset($_REQUEST['sEcho']) ) { - // Server-side processing - echo json_encode( array( - 'sEcho' => intval( $_REQUEST['sEcho'] ), - 'iTotalRecords' => 0, - 'iTotalDisplayRecords' => 0, - 'aaData' => array() - ) ); - } - else { - // Client-side processing - echo json_encode( array( - 'aaData' => array() - ) ); - } -} - diff --git a/media/unit_testing/data_sources/objects.php b/media/unit_testing/data_sources/objects.php deleted file mode 100644 index 480dbf6d..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/data_sources/objects.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ - intval( $_REQUEST['sEcho'] ), - 'iTotalRecords' => 1, - 'iTotalDisplayRecords' => 1, - 'aaData' => array( - array( - 'engine' => 10, - 'browser' => 20, - 'platform' => 30, - 'version' => 40, - 'grade' => 50 - ) - ) - ) ); -} -else { - echo json_encode( array( - 'aaData' => array( - array( - 'engine' => 10, - 'browser' => 20, - 'platform' => 30, - 'version' => 40, - 'grade' => 50 - ) - ) - ) ); -} - diff --git a/media/unit_testing/data_sources/param.php b/media/unit_testing/data_sources/param.php deleted file mode 100644 index 021225ee..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/data_sources/param.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ - intval( $_REQUEST['sEcho'] ), - 'iTotalRecords' => 1, - 'iTotalDisplayRecords' => 1, - 'aaData' => array( - array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) - ), - 'post' => xss( $_POST ), - 'get' => xss( $_GET ), - 'post_length' => count( array_keys( $_POST ) ), - 'get_length' => count( array_keys( $_GET ) ) - ) ); -} -else { - echo json_encode( array( - 'aaData' => array( - array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) - ), - 'post' => xss( $_POST ), - 'get' => xss( $_GET ), - 'post_length' => count( array_keys( $_POST ) ), - 'get_length' => count( array_keys( $_GET ) ) - ) ); -} - - - -// This script shouldn't be hosted on a public server, but to prevent attacks: -function xss ( $a ) -{ - $out = array(); - - foreach ($a as $key => $value) { - $out[ $key ] = htmlentities( $value ); - } - - return $out; -} diff --git a/media/unit_testing/index.html b/media/unit_testing/index.html deleted file mode 100644 index caab383b..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/index.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/performance/draw.html b/media/unit_testing/performance/draw.html deleted file mode 100644 index 32af1a91..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/performance/draw.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,482 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - DataTables example - - - - - - -
- DataTables performance test - draw -
- -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Rendering engineBrowserPlatform(s)Engine versionCSS grade
TridentInternet - Explorer 4.0Win 95+4X
TridentInternet - Explorer 5.0Win 95+5C
TridentInternet - Explorer 5.5Win 95+5.5A
TridentInternet - Explorer 6Win 98+6A
TridentInternet Explorer 7Win XP SP2+7A
TridentAOL browser (AOL desktop)Win XP6A
GeckoFirefox 1.0Win 98+ / OSX.2+1.7A
GeckoFirefox 1.5Win 98+ / OSX.2+1.8A
GeckoFirefox 2.0Win 98+ / OSX.2+1.8A
GeckoFirefox 3.0Win 2k+ / OSX.3+1.9A
GeckoCamino 1.0OSX.2+1.8A
GeckoCamino 1.5OSX.3+1.8A
GeckoNetscape 7.2Win 95+ / Mac OS 8.6-9.21.7A
GeckoNetscape Browser 8Win 98SE+1.7A
GeckoNetscape Navigator 9Win 98+ / OSX.2+1.8A
GeckoMozilla 1.0Win 95+ / OSX.1+1A
GeckoMozilla 1.1Win 95+ / OSX.1+1.1A
GeckoMozilla 1.2Win 95+ / OSX.1+1.2A
GeckoMozilla 1.3Win 95+ / OSX.1+1.3A
GeckoMozilla 1.4Win 95+ / OSX.1+1.4A
GeckoMozilla 1.5Win 95+ / OSX.1+1.5A
GeckoMozilla 1.6Win 95+ / OSX.1+1.6A
GeckoMozilla 1.7Win 98+ / OSX.1+1.7A
GeckoMozilla 1.8Win 98+ / OSX.1+1.8A
GeckoSeamonkey 1.1Win 98+ / OSX.2+1.8A
GeckoEpiphany 2.20Gnome1.8A
WebkitSafari 1.2OSX.3125.5A
WebkitSafari 1.3OSX.3312.8A
WebkitSafari 2.0OSX.4+419.3A
WebkitSafari 3.0OSX.4+522.1A
WebkitOmniWeb 5.5OSX.4+420A
WebkitiPod Touch / iPhoneiPod420.1A
PrestoOpera 7.0Win 95+ / OSX.1+-A
PrestoOpera 7.5Win 95+ / OSX.2+-A
PrestoOpera 8.0Win 95+ / OSX.2+-A
PrestoOpera 8.5Win 95+ / OSX.2+-A
PrestoOpera 9.0Win 95+ / OSX.3+-A
PrestoOpera 9.2Win 88+ / OSX.3+-A
PrestoOpera 9.5Win 88+ / OSX.3+-A
PrestoOpera for WiiWii-A
PrestoNokia N800N800-A
PrestoNintendo DS browserNintendo DS8.5C/A1
KHTMLKonqureror 3.1KDE 3.13.1C
KHTMLKonqureror 3.3KDE 3.33.3A
KHTMLKonqureror 3.5KDE 3.53.5A
TasmanInternet Explorer 4.5Mac OS 8-9-X
TasmanInternet Explorer 5.1Mac OS 7.6-91C
TasmanInternet Explorer 5.2Mac OS 8-X1C
MiscNetFront 3.1Embedded devices-C
MiscNetFront 3.4Embedded devices-A
MiscDillo 0.8Embedded devices-X
MiscLinksText only-X
MiscLynxText only-X
MiscIE MobileWindows Mobile 6-C
MiscPSP browserPSP-C
Other browsersAll others--U
Rendering engineBrowserPlatform(s)Engine versionCSS grade
- - - -
- - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/performance/large.php b/media/unit_testing/performance/large.php deleted file mode 100644 index 83819ea8..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/performance/large.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,113 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - DataTables example - - - - - - -
- DataTables performance test - draw -
- -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -'; - echo ''; - echo ''; - echo ''; - echo ''; - echo ''; - echo ''; - echo ''; - echo ''; - echo ''; - echo ''; - } -?> - -
- - -
- - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/performance/page.html b/media/unit_testing/performance/page.html deleted file mode 100644 index 77c6c2a5..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/performance/page.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,477 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - DataTables example - - - - - - -
- DataTables performance test - draw -
- -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Rendering engineBrowserPlatform(s)Engine versionCSS grade
TridentInternet - Explorer 4.0Win 95+4X
TridentInternet - Explorer 5.0Win 95+5C
TridentInternet - Explorer 5.5Win 95+5.5A
TridentInternet - Explorer 6Win 98+6A
TridentInternet Explorer 7Win XP SP2+7A
TridentAOL browser (AOL desktop)Win XP6A
GeckoFirefox 1.0Win 98+ / OSX.2+1.7A
GeckoFirefox 1.5Win 98+ / OSX.2+1.8A
GeckoFirefox 2.0Win 98+ / OSX.2+1.8A
GeckoFirefox 3.0Win 2k+ / OSX.3+1.9A
GeckoCamino 1.0OSX.2+1.8A
GeckoCamino 1.5OSX.3+1.8A
GeckoNetscape 7.2Win 95+ / Mac OS 8.6-9.21.7A
GeckoNetscape Browser 8Win 98SE+1.7A
GeckoNetscape Navigator 9Win 98+ / OSX.2+1.8A
GeckoMozilla 1.0Win 95+ / OSX.1+1A
GeckoMozilla 1.1Win 95+ / OSX.1+1.1A
GeckoMozilla 1.2Win 95+ / OSX.1+1.2A
GeckoMozilla 1.3Win 95+ / OSX.1+1.3A
GeckoMozilla 1.4Win 95+ / OSX.1+1.4A
GeckoMozilla 1.5Win 95+ / OSX.1+1.5A
GeckoMozilla 1.6Win 95+ / OSX.1+1.6A
GeckoMozilla 1.7Win 98+ / OSX.1+1.7A
GeckoMozilla 1.8Win 98+ / OSX.1+1.8A
GeckoSeamonkey 1.1Win 98+ / OSX.2+1.8A
GeckoEpiphany 2.20Gnome1.8A
WebkitSafari 1.2OSX.3125.5A
WebkitSafari 1.3OSX.3312.8A
WebkitSafari 2.0OSX.4+419.3A
WebkitSafari 3.0OSX.4+522.1A
WebkitOmniWeb 5.5OSX.4+420A
WebkitiPod Touch / iPhoneiPod420.1A
PrestoOpera 7.0Win 95+ / OSX.1+-A
PrestoOpera 7.5Win 95+ / OSX.2+-A
PrestoOpera 8.0Win 95+ / OSX.2+-A
PrestoOpera 8.5Win 95+ / OSX.2+-A
PrestoOpera 9.0Win 95+ / OSX.3+-A
PrestoOpera 9.2Win 88+ / OSX.3+-A
PrestoOpera 9.5Win 88+ / OSX.3+-A
PrestoOpera for WiiWii-A
PrestoNokia N800N800-A
PrestoNintendo DS browserNintendo DS8.5C/A1
KHTMLKonqureror 3.1KDE 3.13.1C
KHTMLKonqureror 3.3KDE 3.33.3A
KHTMLKonqureror 3.5KDE 3.53.5A
TasmanInternet Explorer 4.5Mac OS 8-9-X
TasmanInternet Explorer 5.1Mac OS 7.6-91C
TasmanInternet Explorer 5.2Mac OS 8-X1C
MiscNetFront 3.1Embedded devices-C
MiscNetFront 3.4Embedded devices-A
MiscDillo 0.8Embedded devices-X
MiscLinksText only-X
MiscLynxText only-X
MiscIE MobileWindows Mobile 6-C
MiscPSP browserPSP-C
Other browsersAll others--U
Rendering engineBrowserPlatform(s)Engine versionCSS grade
- - - -
- - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/performance/sort.html b/media/unit_testing/performance/sort.html deleted file mode 100644 index d154fb0b..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/performance/sort.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,477 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - DataTables example - - - - - - -
- DataTables performance test - draw -
- -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Rendering engineBrowserPlatform(s)Engine versionCSS grade
TridentInternet - Explorer 4.0Win 95+4X
TridentInternet - Explorer 5.0Win 95+5C
TridentInternet - Explorer 5.5Win 95+5.5A
TridentInternet - Explorer 6Win 98+6A
TridentInternet Explorer 7Win XP SP2+7A
TridentAOL browser (AOL desktop)Win XP6A
GeckoFirefox 1.0Win 98+ / OSX.2+1.7A
GeckoFirefox 1.5Win 98+ / OSX.2+1.8A
GeckoFirefox 2.0Win 98+ / OSX.2+1.8A
GeckoFirefox 3.0Win 2k+ / OSX.3+1.9A
GeckoCamino 1.0OSX.2+1.8A
GeckoCamino 1.5OSX.3+1.8A
GeckoNetscape 7.2Win 95+ / Mac OS 8.6-9.21.7A
GeckoNetscape Browser 8Win 98SE+1.7A
GeckoNetscape Navigator 9Win 98+ / OSX.2+1.8A
GeckoMozilla 1.0Win 95+ / OSX.1+1A
GeckoMozilla 1.1Win 95+ / OSX.1+1.1A
GeckoMozilla 1.2Win 95+ / OSX.1+1.2A
GeckoMozilla 1.3Win 95+ / OSX.1+1.3A
GeckoMozilla 1.4Win 95+ / OSX.1+1.4A
GeckoMozilla 1.5Win 95+ / OSX.1+1.5A
GeckoMozilla 1.6Win 95+ / OSX.1+1.6A
GeckoMozilla 1.7Win 98+ / OSX.1+1.7A
GeckoMozilla 1.8Win 98+ / OSX.1+1.8A
GeckoSeamonkey 1.1Win 98+ / OSX.2+1.8A
GeckoEpiphany 2.20Gnome1.8A
WebkitSafari 1.2OSX.3125.5A
WebkitSafari 1.3OSX.3312.8A
WebkitSafari 2.0OSX.4+419.3A
WebkitSafari 3.0OSX.4+522.1A
WebkitOmniWeb 5.5OSX.4+420A
WebkitiPod Touch / iPhoneiPod420.1A
PrestoOpera 7.0Win 95+ / OSX.1+-A
PrestoOpera 7.5Win 95+ / OSX.2+-A
PrestoOpera 8.0Win 95+ / OSX.2+-A
PrestoOpera 8.5Win 95+ / OSX.2+-A
PrestoOpera 9.0Win 95+ / OSX.3+-A
PrestoOpera 9.2Win 88+ / OSX.3+-A
PrestoOpera 9.5Win 88+ / OSX.3+-A
PrestoOpera for WiiWii-A
PrestoNokia N800N800-A
PrestoNintendo DS browserNintendo DS8.5C/A1
KHTMLKonqureror 3.1KDE 3.13.1C
KHTMLKonqureror 3.3KDE 3.33.3A
KHTMLKonqureror 3.5KDE 3.53.5A
TasmanInternet Explorer 4.5Mac OS 8-9-X
TasmanInternet Explorer 5.1Mac OS 7.6-91C
TasmanInternet Explorer 5.2Mac OS 8-X1C
MiscNetFront 3.1Embedded devices-C
MiscNetFront 3.4Embedded devices-A
MiscDillo 0.8Embedded devices-X
MiscLinksText only-X
MiscLynxText only-X
MiscIE MobileWindows Mobile 6-C
MiscPSP browserPSP-C
Other browsersAll others--U
Rendering engineBrowserPlatform(s)Engine versionCSS grade
- - - -
- - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/templates/-complex_header.php b/media/unit_testing/templates/-complex_header.php deleted file mode 100644 index 2cdc4250..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/templates/-complex_header.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,469 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - DataTables unit testing - - - - - '."\n"; - } - ?> - - -
- DataTables unit test template for reading DOM data -
- -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Rendering engineBrowser detailsCSS grade
BrowserPlatform(s)Engine versionCSS grade
TridentInternet - Explorer 4.0Win 95+4X
TridentInternet - Explorer 5.0Win 95+5C
TridentInternet - Explorer 5.5Win 95+5.5A
TridentInternet - Explorer 6Win 98+6A
TridentInternet Explorer 7Win XP SP2+7A
TridentAOL browser (AOL desktop)Win XP6A
GeckoFirefox 1.0Win 98+ / OSX.2+1.7A
GeckoFirefox 1.5Win 98+ / OSX.2+1.8A
GeckoFirefox 2.0Win 98+ / OSX.2+1.8A
GeckoFirefox 3.0Win 2k+ / OSX.3+1.9A
GeckoCamino 1.0OSX.2+1.8A
GeckoCamino 1.5OSX.3+1.8A
GeckoNetscape 7.2Win 95+ / Mac OS 8.6-9.21.7A
GeckoNetscape Browser 8Win 98SE+1.7A
GeckoNetscape Navigator 9Win 98+ / OSX.2+1.8A
GeckoMozilla 1.0Win 95+ / OSX.1+1A
GeckoMozilla 1.1Win 95+ / OSX.1+1.1A
GeckoMozilla 1.2Win 95+ / OSX.1+1.2A
GeckoMozilla 1.3Win 95+ / OSX.1+1.3A
GeckoMozilla 1.4Win 95+ / OSX.1+1.4A
GeckoMozilla 1.5Win 95+ / OSX.1+1.5A
GeckoMozilla 1.6Win 95+ / OSX.1+1.6A
GeckoMozilla 1.7Win 98+ / OSX.1+1.7A
GeckoMozilla 1.8Win 98+ / OSX.1+1.8A
GeckoSeamonkey 1.1Win 98+ / OSX.2+1.8A
GeckoEpiphany 2.20Gnome1.8A
WebkitSafari 1.2OSX.3125.5A
WebkitSafari 1.3OSX.3312.8A
WebkitSafari 2.0OSX.4+419.3A
WebkitSafari 3.0OSX.4+522.1A
WebkitOmniWeb 5.5OSX.4+420A
WebkitiPod Touch / iPhoneiPod420.1A
PrestoOpera 7.0Win 95+ / OSX.1+-A
PrestoOpera 7.5Win 95+ / OSX.2+-A
PrestoOpera 8.0Win 95+ / OSX.2+-A
PrestoOpera 8.5Win 95+ / OSX.2+-A
PrestoOpera 9.0Win 95+ / OSX.3+-A
PrestoOpera 9.2Win 88+ / OSX.3+-A
PrestoOpera 9.5Win 88+ / OSX.3+-A
PrestoOpera for WiiWii-A
PrestoNokia N800N800-A
PrestoNintendo DS browserNintendo DS8.5C/A1
KHTMLKonqureror 3.1KDE 3.13.1C
KHTMLKonqureror 3.3KDE 3.33.3A
KHTMLKonqureror 3.5KDE 3.53.5A
TasmanInternet Explorer 4.5Mac OS 8-9-X
TasmanInternet Explorer 5.1Mac OS 7.6-91C
TasmanInternet Explorer 5.2Mac OS 8-X1C
MiscNetFront 3.1Embedded devices-C
MiscNetFront 3.4Embedded devices-A
MiscDillo 0.8Embedded devices-X
MiscLinksText only-X
MiscLynxText only-X
MiscIE MobileWindows Mobile 6-C
MiscPSP browserPSP-C
Other browsersAll others--U
Rendering engineBrowserPlatform(s)Engine versionCSS grade
- - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/templates/2512.php b/media/unit_testing/templates/2512.php deleted file mode 100644 index 9ef8e2f0..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/templates/2512.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,464 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - DataTables unit testing - - - - - '."\n"; - } - ?> - - -
- DataTables unit test template for reading DOM data -
- -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Rendering engineBrowserPlatform(s)Engine versionCSS grade
html & entity
Win 95+4X
TridentInternet - Explorer 5.0Win 95+5C
TridentInternet - Explorer 5.5Win 95+5.5A
TridentInternet - Explorer 6Win 98+6A
TridentInternet Explorer 7Win XP SP2+7A
TridentAOL browser (AOL desktop)Win XP6A
GeckoFirefox 1.0Win 98+ / OSX.2+1.7A
GeckoFirefox 1.5Win 98+ / OSX.2+1.8A
GeckoFirefox 2.0Win 98+ / OSX.2+1.8A
GeckoFirefox 3.0Win 2k+ / OSX.3+1.9A
GeckoCamino 1.0OSX.2+1.8A
GeckoCamino 1.5OSX.3+1.8A
GeckoNetscape 7.2Win 95+ / Mac OS 8.6-9.21.7A
GeckoNetscape Browser 8Win 98SE+1.7A
GeckoNetscape Navigator 9Win 98+ / OSX.2+1.8A
GeckoMozilla 1.0Win 95+ / OSX.1+1A
GeckoMozilla 1.1Win 95+ / OSX.1+1.1A
GeckoMozilla 1.2Win 95+ / OSX.1+1.2A
GeckoMozilla 1.3Win 95+ / OSX.1+1.3A
GeckoMozilla 1.4Win 95+ / OSX.1+1.4A
GeckoMozilla 1.5Win 95+ / OSX.1+1.5A
GeckoMozilla 1.6Win 95+ / OSX.1+1.6A
GeckoMozilla 1.7Win 98+ / OSX.1+1.7A
GeckoMozilla 1.8Win 98+ / OSX.1+1.8A
GeckoSeamonkey 1.1Win 98+ / OSX.2+1.8A
GeckoEpiphany 2.20Gnome1.8A
WebkitSafari 1.2OSX.3125.5A
WebkitSafari 1.3OSX.3312.8A
WebkitSafari 2.0OSX.4+419.3A
WebkitSafari 3.0OSX.4+522.1A
WebkitOmniWeb 5.5OSX.4+420A
WebkitiPod Touch / iPhoneiPod420.1A
PrestoOpera 7.0Win 95+ / OSX.1+-A
PrestoOpera 7.5Win 95+ / OSX.2+-A
PrestoOpera 8.0Win 95+ / OSX.2+-A
PrestoOpera 8.5Win 95+ / OSX.2+-A
PrestoOpera 9.0Win 95+ / OSX.3+-A
PrestoOpera 9.2Win 88+ / OSX.3+-A
PrestoOpera 9.5Win 88+ / OSX.3+-A
PrestoOpera for WiiWii-A
PrestoNokia N800N800-A
PrestoNintendo DS browserNintendo DS8.5C/A1
KHTMLKonqureror 3.1KDE 3.13.1C
KHTMLKonqureror 3.3KDE 3.33.3A
KHTMLKonqureror 3.5KDE 3.53.5A
TasmanInternet Explorer 4.5Mac OS 8-9-X
TasmanInternet Explorer 5.1Mac OS 7.6-91C
TasmanInternet Explorer 5.2Mac OS 8-X1C
MiscNetFront 3.1Embedded devices-C
MiscNetFront 3.4Embedded devices-A
MiscDillo 0.8Embedded devices-X
MiscLinksText only-X
MiscLynxText only-X
MiscIE MobileWindows Mobile 6-C
MiscPSP browserPSP-C
Other browsersAll others--U
Rendering engineBrowserPlatform(s)Engine versionCSS grade
- - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/templates/6776.php b/media/unit_testing/templates/6776.php deleted file mode 100644 index 62defd14..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/templates/6776.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,116 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - DataTables unit testing - - - - - '."\n"; - } - ?> - - -

Live example

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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Rendering engineBrowserPlatform(s)Engine versionCSS grade
TridentInternet Explorer 4.0Win 95+ 4X
TridentInternet Explorer 4.0Win 95+ 4X
TridentInternet Explorer 4.0Win 95+ 4X
TridentInternet Explorer 4.0Win 95+ 4X
TridentInternet Explorer 4.0Win 95+ 4X
TridentInternet Explorer 4.0Win 95+ 4X
TridentInternet Explorer 4.0Win 95+ 4X
TridentInternet Explorer 4.0Win 95+ 4X
- - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/templates/complex_header_2.php b/media/unit_testing/templates/complex_header_2.php deleted file mode 100644 index 6795dbe3..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/templates/complex_header_2.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,485 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - DataTables unit testing - - - - - '."\n"; - } - ?> - - -
- DataTables unit test template for reading DOM data -
- -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
TridentInternet - Explorer 4.0Win 95+4X
TridentInternet - Explorer 5.0Win 95+5C
TridentInternet - Explorer 5.5Win 95+5.5A
TridentInternet - Explorer 6Win 98+6A
TridentInternet Explorer 7Win XP SP2+7A
TridentAOL browser (AOL desktop)Win XP6A
GeckoFirefox 1.0Win 98+ / OSX.2+1.7A
GeckoFirefox 1.5Win 98+ / OSX.2+1.8A
GeckoFirefox 2.0Win 98+ / OSX.2+1.8A
GeckoFirefox 3.0Win 2k+ / OSX.3+1.9A
GeckoCamino 1.0OSX.2+1.8A
GeckoCamino 1.5OSX.3+1.8A
GeckoNetscape 7.2Win 95+ / Mac OS 8.6-9.21.7A
GeckoNetscape Browser 8Win 98SE+1.7A
GeckoNetscape Navigator 9Win 98+ / OSX.2+1.8A
GeckoMozilla 1.0Win 95+ / OSX.1+1A
GeckoMozilla 1.1Win 95+ / OSX.1+1.1A
GeckoMozilla 1.2Win 95+ / OSX.1+1.2A
GeckoMozilla 1.3Win 95+ / OSX.1+1.3A
GeckoMozilla 1.4Win 95+ / OSX.1+1.4A
GeckoMozilla 1.5Win 95+ / OSX.1+1.5A
GeckoMozilla 1.6Win 95+ / OSX.1+1.6A
GeckoMozilla 1.7Win 98+ / OSX.1+1.7A
GeckoMozilla 1.8Win 98+ / OSX.1+1.8A
GeckoSeamonkey 1.1Win 98+ / OSX.2+1.8A
GeckoEpiphany 2.20Gnome1.8A
WebkitSafari 1.2OSX.3125.5A
WebkitSafari 1.3OSX.3312.8A
WebkitSafari 2.0OSX.4+419.3A
WebkitSafari 3.0OSX.4+522.1A
WebkitOmniWeb 5.5OSX.4+420A
WebkitiPod Touch / iPhoneiPod420.1A
PrestoOpera 7.0Win 95+ / OSX.1+-A
PrestoOpera 7.5Win 95+ / OSX.2+-A
PrestoOpera 8.0Win 95+ / OSX.2+-A
PrestoOpera 8.5Win 95+ / OSX.2+-A
PrestoOpera 9.0Win 95+ / OSX.3+-A
PrestoOpera 9.2Win 88+ / OSX.3+-A
PrestoOpera 9.5Win 88+ / OSX.3+-A
PrestoOpera for WiiWii-A
PrestoNokia N800N800-A
PrestoNintendo DS browserNintendo DS8.5C/A1
KHTMLKonqureror 3.1KDE 3.13.1C
KHTMLKonqureror 3.3KDE 3.33.3A
KHTMLKonqureror 3.5KDE 3.53.5A
TasmanInternet Explorer 4.5Mac OS 8-9-X
TasmanInternet Explorer 5.1Mac OS 7.6-91C
TasmanInternet Explorer 5.2Mac OS 8-X1C
MiscNetFront 3.1Embedded devices-C
MiscNetFront 3.4Embedded devices-A
MiscDillo 0.8Embedded devices-X
MiscLinksText only-X
MiscLynxText only-X
MiscIE MobileWindows Mobile 6-C
MiscPSP browserPSP-C
Other browsersAll others--U
- - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/templates/deferred_table.php b/media/unit_testing/templates/deferred_table.php deleted file mode 100644 index d98a4de9..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/templates/deferred_table.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,132 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - DataTables unit testing - - - - - '."\n"; - } - ?> - - -
- DataTables unit test template for reading DOM data -
- -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Rendering engineBrowserPlatform(s)Engine versionCSS grade
GeckoFirefox 1.0Win 98+ / OSX.2+1.7A
GeckoFirefox 1.5Win 98+ / OSX.2+1.8A
GeckoFirefox 2.0Win 98+ / OSX.2+1.8A
GeckoFirefox 3.0Win 2k+ / OSX.3+1.9A
GeckoCamino 1.0OSX.2+1.8A
GeckoCamino 1.5OSX.3+1.8A
GeckoNetscape 7.2Win 95+ / Mac OS 8.6-9.21.7A
GeckoNetscape Browser 8Win 98SE+1.7A
GeckoNetscape Navigator 9Win 98+ / OSX.2+1.8A
GeckoMozilla 1.0Win 95+ / OSX.1+1A
Rendering engineBrowserPlatform(s)Engine versionCSS grade
- - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/templates/dom_data.php b/media/unit_testing/templates/dom_data.php deleted file mode 100644 index b5fed473..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/templates/dom_data.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,465 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - DataTables unit testing - - - - - '."\n"; - } - ?> - - -
- DataTables unit test template for reading DOM data -
- -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Rendering engineBrowserPlatform(s)Engine versionCSS grade
TridentInternet - Explorer 4.0Win 95+4X
TridentInternet - Explorer 5.0Win 95+5C
TridentInternet - Explorer 5.5Win 95+5.5A
TridentInternet - Explorer 6Win 98+6A
TridentInternet Explorer 7Win XP SP2+7A
TridentAOL browser (AOL desktop)Win XP6A
GeckoFirefox 1.0Win 98+ / OSX.2+1.7A
GeckoFirefox 1.5Win 98+ / OSX.2+1.8A
GeckoFirefox 2.0Win 98+ / OSX.2+1.8A
GeckoFirefox 3.0Win 2k+ / OSX.3+1.9A
GeckoCamino 1.0OSX.2+1.8A
GeckoCamino 1.5OSX.3+1.8A
GeckoNetscape 7.2Win 95+ / Mac OS 8.6-9.21.7A
GeckoNetscape Browser 8Win 98SE+1.7A
GeckoNetscape Navigator 9Win 98+ / OSX.2+1.8A
GeckoMozilla 1.0Win 95+ / OSX.1+1A
GeckoMozilla 1.1Win 95+ / OSX.1+1.1A
GeckoMozilla 1.2Win 95+ / OSX.1+1.2A
GeckoMozilla 1.3Win 95+ / OSX.1+1.3A
GeckoMozilla 1.4Win 95+ / OSX.1+1.4A
GeckoMozilla 1.5Win 95+ / OSX.1+1.5A
GeckoMozilla 1.6Win 95+ / OSX.1+1.6A
GeckoMozilla 1.7Win 98+ / OSX.1+1.7A
GeckoMozilla 1.8Win 98+ / OSX.1+1.8A
GeckoSeamonkey 1.1Win 98+ / OSX.2+1.8A
GeckoEpiphany 2.20Gnome1.8A
WebkitSafari 1.2OSX.3125.5A
WebkitSafari 1.3OSX.3312.8A
WebkitSafari 2.0OSX.4+419.3A
WebkitSafari 3.0OSX.4+522.1A
WebkitOmniWeb 5.5OSX.4+420A
WebkitiPod Touch / iPhoneiPod420.1A
PrestoOpera 7.0Win 95+ / OSX.1+-A
PrestoOpera 7.5Win 95+ / OSX.2+-A
PrestoOpera 8.0Win 95+ / OSX.2+-A
PrestoOpera 8.5Win 95+ / OSX.2+-A
PrestoOpera 9.0Win 95+ / OSX.3+-A
PrestoOpera 9.2Win 88+ / OSX.3+-A
PrestoOpera 9.5Win 88+ / OSX.3+-A
PrestoOpera for WiiWii-A
PrestoNokia N800N800-A
PrestoNintendo DS browserNintendo DS8.5C/A1
KHTMLKonqureror 3.1KDE 3.13.1C
KHTMLKonqureror 3.3KDE 3.33.3A
KHTMLKonqureror 3.5KDE 3.53.5A
TasmanInternet Explorer 4.5Mac OS 8-9-X
TasmanInternet Explorer 5.1Mac OS 7.6-91C
TasmanInternet Explorer 5.2Mac OS 8-X1C
MiscNetFront 3.1Embedded devices-C
MiscNetFront 3.4Embedded devices-A
MiscDillo 0.8Embedded devices-X
MiscLinksText only-X
MiscLynxText only-X
MiscIE MobileWindows Mobile 6-C
MiscPSP browserPSP-C
Other browsersAll others--U
Rendering engineBrowserPlatform(s)Engine versionCSS grade
- - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/templates/dom_data_th.php b/media/unit_testing/templates/dom_data_th.php deleted file mode 100644 index 1faf9ab3..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/templates/dom_data_th.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,465 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - DataTables unit testing - - - - - '."\n"; - } - ?> - - -
- DataTables unit test template for reading DOM data -
- -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Rendering engineBrowserPlatform(s)Engine versionCSS grade
TridentInternet - Explorer 4.0Win 95+4X
TridentInternet - Explorer 5.0Win 95+5C
TridentInternet - Explorer 5.5Win 95+5.5A
TridentInternet - Explorer 6Win 98+6A
TridentInternet Explorer 7Win XP SP2+7A
TridentAOL browser (AOL desktop)Win XP6A
GeckoFirefox 1.0Win 98+ / OSX.2+1.7A
GeckoFirefox 1.5Win 98+ / OSX.2+1.8A
GeckoFirefox 2.0Win 98+ / OSX.2+1.8A
GeckoFirefox 3.0Win 2k+ / OSX.3+1.9A
GeckoCamino 1.0OSX.2+1.8A
GeckoCamino 1.5OSX.3+1.8A
GeckoNetscape 7.2Win 95+ / Mac OS 8.6-9.21.7A
GeckoNetscape Browser 8Win 98SE+1.7A
GeckoNetscape Navigator 9Win 98+ / OSX.2+1.8A
GeckoMozilla 1.0Win 95+ / OSX.1+1A
GeckoMozilla 1.1Win 95+ / OSX.1+1.1A
GeckoMozilla 1.2Win 95+ / OSX.1+1.2A
GeckoMozilla 1.3Win 95+ / OSX.1+1.3A
GeckoMozilla 1.4Win 95+ / OSX.1+1.4A
GeckoMozilla 1.5Win 95+ / OSX.1+1.5A
GeckoMozilla 1.6Win 95+ / OSX.1+1.6A
GeckoMozilla 1.7Win 98+ / OSX.1+1.7A
GeckoMozilla 1.8Win 98+ / OSX.1+1.8A
GeckoSeamonkey 1.1Win 98+ / OSX.2+1.8A
GeckoEpiphany 2.20Gnome1.8A
WebkitSafari 1.2OSX.3125.5A
WebkitSafari 1.3OSX.3312.8A
WebkitSafari 2.0OSX.4+419.3A
WebkitSafari 3.0OSX.4+522.1A
WebkitOmniWeb 5.5OSX.4+420A
WebkitiPod Touch / iPhoneiPod420.1A
PrestoOpera 7.0Win 95+ / OSX.1+-A
PrestoOpera 7.5Win 95+ / OSX.2+-A
PrestoOpera 8.0Win 95+ / OSX.2+-A
PrestoOpera 8.5Win 95+ / OSX.2+-A
PrestoOpera 9.0Win 95+ / OSX.3+-A
PrestoOpera 9.2Win 88+ / OSX.3+-A
PrestoOpera 9.5Win 88+ / OSX.3+-A
PrestoOpera for WiiWii-A
PrestoNokia N800N800-A
PrestoNintendo DS browserNintendo DS8.5C/A1
KHTMLKonqureror 3.1KDE 3.13.1C
KHTMLKonqureror 3.3KDE 3.33.3A
KHTMLKonqureror 3.5KDE 3.53.5A
TasmanInternet Explorer 4.5Mac OS 8-9-X
TasmanInternet Explorer 5.1Mac OS 7.6-91C
TasmanInternet Explorer 5.2Mac OS 8-X1C
MiscNetFront 3.1Embedded devices-C
MiscNetFront 3.4Embedded devices-A
MiscDillo 0.8Embedded devices-X
MiscLinksText only-X
MiscLynxText only-X
MiscIE MobileWindows Mobile 6-C
MiscPSP browserPSP-C
Other browsersAll others--U
Rendering engineBrowserPlatform(s)Engine versionCSS grade
- - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/templates/dom_data_two_headers.php b/media/unit_testing/templates/dom_data_two_headers.php deleted file mode 100644 index 09093b99..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/templates/dom_data_two_headers.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,472 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - DataTables unit testing - - - - - '."\n"; - } - ?> - - -
- DataTables unit test template for reading DOM data - with two rows in header -
- -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Rendering engineBrowserPlatform(s)Engine versionCSS grade
Rendering engineBrowserPlatform(s)Engine versionCSS grade
TridentInternet - Explorer 4.0Win 95+4X
TridentInternet - Explorer 5.0Win 95+5C
TridentInternet - Explorer 5.5Win 95+5.5A
TridentInternet - Explorer 6Win 98+6A
TridentInternet Explorer 7Win XP SP2+7A
TridentAOL browser (AOL desktop)Win XP6A
GeckoFirefox 1.0Win 98+ / OSX.2+1.7A
GeckoFirefox 1.5Win 98+ / OSX.2+1.8A
GeckoFirefox 2.0Win 98+ / OSX.2+1.8A
GeckoFirefox 3.0Win 2k+ / OSX.3+1.9A
GeckoCamino 1.0OSX.2+1.8A
GeckoCamino 1.5OSX.3+1.8A
GeckoNetscape 7.2Win 95+ / Mac OS 8.6-9.21.7A
GeckoNetscape Browser 8Win 98SE+1.7A
GeckoNetscape Navigator 9Win 98+ / OSX.2+1.8A
GeckoMozilla 1.0Win 95+ / OSX.1+1A
GeckoMozilla 1.1Win 95+ / OSX.1+1.1A
GeckoMozilla 1.2Win 95+ / OSX.1+1.2A
GeckoMozilla 1.3Win 95+ / OSX.1+1.3A
GeckoMozilla 1.4Win 95+ / OSX.1+1.4A
GeckoMozilla 1.5Win 95+ / OSX.1+1.5A
GeckoMozilla 1.6Win 95+ / OSX.1+1.6A
GeckoMozilla 1.7Win 98+ / OSX.1+1.7A
GeckoMozilla 1.8Win 98+ / OSX.1+1.8A
GeckoSeamonkey 1.1Win 98+ / OSX.2+1.8A
GeckoEpiphany 2.20Gnome1.8A
WebkitSafari 1.2OSX.3125.5A
WebkitSafari 1.3OSX.3312.8A
WebkitSafari 2.0OSX.4+419.3A
WebkitSafari 3.0OSX.4+522.1A
WebkitOmniWeb 5.5OSX.4+420A
WebkitiPod Touch / iPhoneiPod420.1A
PrestoOpera 7.0Win 95+ / OSX.1+-A
PrestoOpera 7.5Win 95+ / OSX.2+-A
PrestoOpera 8.0Win 95+ / OSX.2+-A
PrestoOpera 8.5Win 95+ / OSX.2+-A
PrestoOpera 9.0Win 95+ / OSX.3+-A
PrestoOpera 9.2Win 88+ / OSX.3+-A
PrestoOpera 9.5Win 88+ / OSX.3+-A
PrestoOpera for WiiWii-A
PrestoNokia N800N800-A
PrestoNintendo DS browserNintendo DS8.5C/A1
KHTMLKonqureror 3.1KDE 3.13.1C
KHTMLKonqureror 3.3KDE 3.33.3A
KHTMLKonqureror 3.5KDE 3.53.5A
TasmanInternet Explorer 4.5Mac OS 8-9-X
TasmanInternet Explorer 5.1Mac OS 7.6-91C
TasmanInternet Explorer 5.2Mac OS 8-X1C
MiscNetFront 3.1Embedded devices-C
MiscNetFront 3.4Embedded devices-A
MiscDillo 0.8Embedded devices-X
MiscLinksText only-X
MiscLynxText only-X
MiscIE MobileWindows Mobile 6-C
MiscPSP browserPSP-C
Other browsersAll others--U
Rendering engineBrowserPlatform(s)Engine versionCSS grade
- - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/templates/dymanic_table.php b/media/unit_testing/templates/dymanic_table.php deleted file mode 100644 index 49606c5f..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/templates/dymanic_table.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,45 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - DataTables unit testing - - - - - - '."\n"; - } - ?> - - -
- DataTables dynamic table template -
- -

Live example

- - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/templates/empty_table.php b/media/unit_testing/templates/empty_table.php deleted file mode 100644 index 0647f308..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/templates/empty_table.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,55 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - DataTables unit testing - - - - - '."\n"; - } - ?> - - -
- DataTables empty table template -
- -

Live example

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Rendering engineBrowserPlatform(s)Engine versionCSS grade
- - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/templates/html_table.php b/media/unit_testing/templates/html_table.php deleted file mode 100644 index 123f54b9..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/templates/html_table.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,66 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - DataTables unit testing - - - - - '."\n"; - } - ?> - - -
- DataTables table with HTML elements template -
- -

Live example

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2A link to Integrity
- - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/templates/js_data.php b/media/unit_testing/templates/js_data.php deleted file mode 100644 index 61f1852b..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/templates/js_data.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,124 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - DataTables unit testing - - - - - - '."\n"; - } - ?> - - -
- DataTables unit test template for reading DOM data -
- -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Rendering engineBrowserPlatform(s)Engine versionCSS grade
Rendering engineBrowserPlatform(s)Engine versionCSS grade
- - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/templates/js_data_mixed_types.php b/media/unit_testing/templates/js_data_mixed_types.php deleted file mode 100644 index 9cdd0aa4..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/templates/js_data_mixed_types.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,124 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - DataTables unit testing - - - - - - '."\n"; - } - ?> - - -
- DataTables unit test template for reading DOM data -
- -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Rendering engineBrowserPlatform(s)Engine versionCSS grade
Rendering engineBrowserPlatform(s)Engine versionCSS grade
- - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/templates/two_tables.php b/media/unit_testing/templates/two_tables.php deleted file mode 100644 index 89b2aa03..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/templates/two_tables.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,227 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - DataTables unit testing - - - - - '."\n"; - } - ?> - - -
- DataTables unit test template for two tables -
- -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Rendering engineBrowserPlatform(s)Engine versionCSS grade
html & entity
Win 95+4X
TridentInternet - Explorer 5.0Win 95+5C
TridentInternet - Explorer 5.5Win 95+5.5A
TridentInternet - Explorer 6Win 98+6A
TridentInternet Explorer 7Win XP SP2+7A
TridentAOL browser (AOL desktop)Win XP6A
Rendering engineBrowserPlatform(s)Engine versionCSS grade
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Rendering engineBrowserPlatform(s)
GeckoFirefox 1.0Win 98+ / OSX.2+
GeckoFirefox 1.5Win 98+ / OSX.2+
GeckoFirefox 2.0Win 98+ / OSX.2+
GeckoFirefox 3.0Win 2k+ / OSX.3+
GeckoCamino 1.0OSX.2+
GeckoCamino 1.5OSX.3+
GeckoNetscape 7.2Win 95+ / Mac OS 8.6-9.2
GeckoNetscape Browser 8Win 98SE+
GeckoNetscape Navigator 9Win 98+ / OSX.2+
GeckoMozilla 1.0Win 95+ / OSX.1+
GeckoMozilla 1.1Win 95+ / OSX.1+
GeckoMozilla 1.2Win 95+ / OSX.1+
GeckoMozilla 1.3Win 95+ / OSX.1+
GeckoMozilla 1.4Win 95+ / OSX.1+
GeckoMozilla 1.5Win 95+ / OSX.1+
GeckoMozilla 1.6Win 95+ / OSX.1+
GeckoMozilla 1.7Win 98+ / OSX.1+
GeckoMozilla 1.8Win 98+ / OSX.1+
GeckoSeamonkey 1.1Win 98+ / OSX.2+
GeckoEpiphany 2.20Gnome
Rendering engineBrowserPlatform(s)
- - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests/6776-scrolling-table-grows.js b/media/unit_testing/tests/6776-scrolling-table-grows.js deleted file mode 100755 index cfc70d5f..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests/6776-scrolling-table-grows.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,64 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: 6776 -oTest.fnStart( "Actions on a scrolling table keep width" ); - - -$(document).ready( function () { - var oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "bFilter": true, - "bSort": true, - "sScrollY": "100px", - "bPaginate": false - } ); - - var iWidth = $('div.dataTables_wrapper').width(); - - oTest.fnTest( - "First sort has no effect on width", - function () { $('th:eq(1)').click(); }, - function () { return $('div.dataTables_wrapper').width() == iWidth; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Second sort has no effect on width", - function () { $('th:eq(1)').click(); }, - function () { return $('div.dataTables_wrapper').width() == iWidth; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Third sort has no effect on width", - function () { $('th:eq(2)').click(); }, - function () { return $('div.dataTables_wrapper').width() == iWidth; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Filter has no effect on width", - function () { oTable.fnFilter('i'); }, - function () { return $('div.dataTables_wrapper').width() == iWidth; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Filter 2 has no effect on width", - function () { oTable.fnFilter('in'); }, - function () { return $('div.dataTables_wrapper').width() == iWidth; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "No result filter has header and body at same width", - function () { oTable.fnFilter('xxx'); }, - function () { return $('#example').width() == $('div.dataTables_scrollHeadInner').width(); } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Filter with no results has no effect on width", - function () { oTable.fnFilter('xxx'); }, - function () { return $('div.dataTables_wrapper').width() == iWidth; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Filter with no results has table equal to wrapper width", - function () { oTable.fnFilter('xxx'); }, - function () { return $('div.dataTables_wrapper').width() == $('#example').width(); } - ); - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests/ids.js b/media/unit_testing/tests/ids.js deleted file mode 100644 index 6194ac67..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests/ids.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: empty_table -oTest.fnStart( "Row ids" ); - -$(document).ready( function () { - var table = $('#example').DataTable( { - "ajax": "../../../examples/ajax/data/objects.txt", - "deferRender": true, - "rowId": 'name', - "columns": [ - { "data": "name" }, - { "data": "position" }, - { "data": "office" }, - { "data": "extn" }, - { "data": "start_date" }, - { "data": "salary" } - ] - } ); - - /* Basic checks */ - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Table draws", - null, - function () { return $('tbody td:eq(0)').text() === 'Airi Satou'; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "First row has an ID assigned", - null, - function () { return $('tbody tr:eq(0)').attr('id') === 'Airi Satou'; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Can select first row by ID via API", - null, - function () { return table.row('#Airi Satou').data().name === 'Airi Satou'; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Can select second row by ID via API", - null, - function () { return table.row('#Angelica Ramos').data().extn === '5797'; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Can select 11th row (deferred rendering) by ID via API - node doesn't exist", - null, - function () { return table.row('#Charde Marshall').data().extn === '6741'; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Get id for a row", - null, - function () { return table.row('#Dai Rios').id() === 'Dai Rios'; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Get id for a row with a hash", - null, - function () { return table.row('#Dai Rios').id(true) === '#Dai Rios'; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Get ids for a rows", - null, - function () { - return JSON.stringify(table.rows([':eq(0)', ':eq(1)']).ids().toArray()) === '["Airi Satou","Angelica Ramos"]'; - } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Get ids for a rows with a hash", - null, - function () { - return JSON.stringify(table.rows([':eq(0)', ':eq(1)']).ids(true).toArray()) === '["#Airi Satou","#Angelica Ramos"]'; - } - ); - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/-complex_header.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/-complex_header.js deleted file mode 100755 index fb173a78..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/-complex_header.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,52 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: -complex_header -oTest.fnStart( "Complex header" ); - - -$(document).ready( function () { - $('#example').dataTable(); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting on colspan has no effect", - function () { $('#example thead th:eq(1)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr td:eq(1)').html() == "Firefox 1.0"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting on non-unique TH and first TH has no effect", - function () { $('#example thead th:eq(2)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr td:eq(1)').html() == "Firefox 1.0"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting on non-unique TH and second TH will sort", - function () { $('#example thead th:eq(6)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr td:eq(4)').html() == "A"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting on non-unique TH and second TH will sort - reserve", - function () { $('#example thead th:eq(6)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr td:eq(4)').html() == "X"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting on unique TH will sort", - function () { $('#example thead th:eq(5)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr td:eq(3)').html() == "-"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting on unique TH will sort - reserve", - function () { $('#example thead th:eq(5)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr td:eq(3)').html() == "522.1"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting on unique rowspan TH will sort", - function () { $('#example thead th:eq(0)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr td:eq(0)').html() == "Gecko"; } - ); - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/-iDraw.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/-iDraw.js deleted file mode 100755 index efbf7415..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/-iDraw.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,41 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: dom_data -oTest.fnStart( "iDraw - check that iDraw increments for each draw" ); - - -$(document).ready( function () { - var oTable = $('#example').dataTable(); - var oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - - oTest.fnTest( - "After first draw, iDraw is 1", - null, - function () { return oSettings.iDraw == 1; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "After second draw, iDraw is 2", - function () { oTable.fnDraw() }, - function () { return oSettings.iDraw == 2; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "After sort", - function () { oTable.fnSort([[1,'asc']]) }, - function () { return oSettings.iDraw == 3; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "After filter", - function () { oTable.fnFilter('gecko') }, - function () { return oSettings.iDraw == 4; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "After another filter", - function () { oTable.fnFilter('gec') }, - function () { return oSettings.iDraw == 5; } - ); - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/2512.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/2512.js deleted file mode 100755 index e0c91798..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/2512.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: 2512 -oTest.fnStart( "Check filtering with BR and HTML entity" ); - - -$(document).ready( function () { - $('#example').dataTable(); - - /* Basic checks */ - oTest.fnTest( - "Check filtering", - function () { $('#example').dataTable().fnFilter('testsearchstring'); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr').length == 1; } - ); - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/2530-2.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/2530-2.js deleted file mode 100755 index cba8cf81..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/2530-2.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: dom_data -oTest.fnStart( "User given with is left when no scrolling" ); - -$(document).ready( function () { - $('#example')[0].style.width = "80%"; - $('#example').dataTable(); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Check user width is left", - null, - function () { return $('#example').width() == 640; } - ); - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/2530.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/2530.js deleted file mode 100755 index 29e642d7..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/2530.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: dymanic_table -oTest.fnStart( "2530 - Check width's when dealing with empty strings" ); - - -$(document).ready( function () { - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": [ - ['','Internet Explorer 4.0','Win 95+','4','X'], - ['','Internet Explorer 5.0','Win 95+','5','C'] - ], - "aoColumns": [ - { "sTitle": "", "sWidth": "40px" }, - { "sTitle": "Browser" }, - { "sTitle": "Platform" }, - { "sTitle": "Version", "sClass": "center" }, - { "sTitle": "Grade", "sClass": "center" } - ] - } ); - - /* Basic checks */ - oTest.fnTest( - "Check calculated widths", - null, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr td:eq(0)').width() < 100; } - ); - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/2569.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/2569.js deleted file mode 100755 index 59eae2ef..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/2569.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: dom_data -oTest.fnStart( "Destroy with hidden columns" ); - -$(document).ready( function () { - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aoColumnDefs": [ - { "bSearchable": false, "bVisible": false, "aTargets": [ 2 ] }, - { "bVisible": false, "aTargets": [ 3 ] } - ] - } ); - $('#example').dataTable().fnDestroy(); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Check that the number of columns in table is correct", - null, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td').length == 5; } - ); - - - oTest.fnTest( - "And with scrolling", - function () { - $('#example').dataTable( { - "sScrollY": 200, - "aoColumnDefs": [ - { "bSearchable": false, "bVisible": false, "aTargets": [ 2 ] }, - { "bVisible": false, "aTargets": [ 3 ] } - ] - } ); - $('#example').dataTable().fnDestroy(); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td').length == 5; } - ); - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/2600.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/2600.js deleted file mode 100755 index 7acda55b..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/2600.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,44 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: dom_data -oTest.fnStart( "2600 - Display rewind when changing length" ); - -$(document).ready( function () { - $('#example').dataTable(); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Info correct on init", - null, - function () { return $('#example_info').html() == "Showing 1 to 10 of 57 entries"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Page 2", - function () { $('#example_next').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example_info').html() == "Showing 11 to 20 of 57 entries"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Page 3", - function () { $('#example_next').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example_info').html() == "Showing 21 to 30 of 57 entries"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Page 4", - function () { $('#example_next').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example_info').html() == "Showing 31 to 40 of 57 entries"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Page 5", - function () { $('#example_next').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example_info').html() == "Showing 41 to 50 of 57 entries"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Rewind", - function () { $('#example_length select').val('100'); $('#example_length select').change(); }, - function () { return $('#example_info').html() == "Showing 1 to 57 of 57 entries"; } - ); - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/2608.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/2608.js deleted file mode 100644 index e306c4fc..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/2608.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,54 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: dom_data -oTest.fnStart( "2608 - State saving escaping filters" ); - -$(document).ready( function () { - $('#example').dataTable( { - "bStateSave": true - } ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Set the filter", - function () { - $('#example_filter input').val( '\\s*CVM\\s*$' ); - $('#example_filter input').keyup(); - }, - function () { return $('#example_filter input').val() == '\\s*CVM\\s*$'; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Destroy the table and remake it - checking the filter was saved", - function () { - $('#example').dataTable( { - "bStateSave": true, - "bDestroy": true - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example_filter input').val() == '\\s*CVM\\s*$'; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Do it again without state saving and make sure filter is empty", - function () { - $('#example').dataTable( { - "bDestroy": true - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example_filter input').val() == ''; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Clean up", - function () { - $('#example').dataTable( { - "bStateSave": true, - "bDestroy": true - } ); - $('#example_filter input').val( '' ); - $('#example_filter input').keyup(); - }, - function () { return $('#example_filter input').val() == ''; } - ); - - oTest.fnCookieDestroy( $('#example').dataTable() ); - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/2635.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/2635.js deleted file mode 100755 index 7226ea4b..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/2635.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,40 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: dom_data -oTest.fnStart( "2635 - Hiding column and state saving" ); - -$(document).ready( function () { - $('#example').dataTable( { - "bStateSave": true - } ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Set the hidden column", - function () { - $('#example').dataTable().fnSetColumnVis( 2, false ); - }, - function () { return $('#example thead th').length == 4; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Destroy the table and remake it - checking one column was removed", - function () { - $('#example').dataTable( { - "bStateSave": true, - "bDestroy": true - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example thead th').length == 4; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Do it again without state saving and make sure we are back to 5 columns", - function () { - $('#example').dataTable( { - "bDestroy": true - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example thead th').length == 5; } - ); - - oTest.fnCookieDestroy( $('#example').dataTable() ); - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/2746-stable-sort.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/2746-stable-sort.js deleted file mode 100755 index fbd3cf7d..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/2746-stable-sort.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,199 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: dom_data -oTest.fnStart( "2746 - Stable sorting" ); - -$(document).ready( function () { - $('#example').dataTable(); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Initial sort", - null, - function () { - var ret = - $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0)').html() == 'Gecko' && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(1) td:eq(0)').html() == 'Gecko' && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(1)').html() == 'Firefox 1.0' && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(1) td:eq(1)').html() == 'Firefox 1.5' && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(2) td:eq(1)').html() == 'Firefox 2.0'; - return ret; - } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Reserve initial sort", - function () { - $('#example thead th:eq(0)').click(); - }, - function () { - var ret = - $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0)').html() == 'Webkit' && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(1) td:eq(0)').html() == 'Webkit' && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(1)').html() == 'Safari 1.2' && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(1) td:eq(1)').html() == 'Safari 1.3' && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(2) td:eq(1)').html() == 'Safari 2.0'; - return ret; - } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Reserve to go back to initial sort sort", - function () { - $('#example thead th:eq(0)').click(); - }, - function () { - var ret = - $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0)').html() == 'Gecko' && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(1) td:eq(0)').html() == 'Gecko' && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(1)').html() == 'Firefox 1.0' && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(1) td:eq(1)').html() == 'Firefox 1.5' && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(2) td:eq(1)').html() == 'Firefox 2.0'; - return ret; - } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Reserve initial sort again", - function () { - $('#example thead th:eq(0)').click(); - }, - function () { - var ret = - $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0)').html() == 'Webkit' && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(1) td:eq(0)').html() == 'Webkit' && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(1)').html() == 'Safari 1.2' && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(1) td:eq(1)').html() == 'Safari 1.3' && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(2) td:eq(1)').html() == 'Safari 2.0'; - return ret; - } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "And once more back to the initial sort", - function () { - $('#example thead th:eq(0)').click(); - }, - function () { - var ret = - $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0)').html() == 'Gecko' && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(1) td:eq(0)').html() == 'Gecko' && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(1)').html() == 'Firefox 1.0' && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(1) td:eq(1)').html() == 'Firefox 1.5' && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(2) td:eq(1)').html() == 'Firefox 2.0'; - return ret; - } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sort on second column", - function () { - $('#example thead th:eq(1)').click(); - }, - function () { - var ret = - $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0)').html() == 'Other browsers' && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(1) td:eq(0)').html() == 'Trident' && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(1)').html() == 'All others' && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(1) td:eq(1)').html() == 'AOL browser (AOL desktop)' && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(2) td:eq(1)').html() == 'Camino 1.0'; - return ret; - } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Reserve sort on second column", - function () { - $('#example thead th:eq(1)').click(); - }, - function () { - var ret = - $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0)').html() == 'Gecko' && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(1) td:eq(0)').html() == 'Webkit' && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(1)').html() == 'Seamonkey 1.1' && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(1) td:eq(1)').html() == 'Safari 3.0' && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(2) td:eq(1)').html() == 'Safari 2.0'; - return ret; - } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "And back to asc sorting on second column", - function () { - $('#example thead th:eq(1)').click(); - }, - function () { - var ret = - $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0)').html() == 'Other browsers' && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(1) td:eq(0)').html() == 'Trident' && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(1)').html() == 'All others' && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(1) td:eq(1)').html() == 'AOL browser (AOL desktop)' && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(2) td:eq(1)').html() == 'Camino 1.0'; - return ret; - } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sort on third column, having now sorted on second", - function () { - $('#example thead th:eq(2)').click(); - }, - function () { - var ret = - $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0)').html() == 'Other browsers' && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(1) td:eq(0)').html() == 'Misc' && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(1)').html() == 'All others' && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(1) td:eq(1)').html() == 'Dillo 0.8' && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(2) td:eq(1)').html() == 'NetFront 3.1'; - return ret; - } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Reserve sort on third column", - function () { - $('#example thead th:eq(2)').click(); - }, - function () { - var ret = - $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0)').html() == 'Misc' && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(1) td:eq(0)').html() == 'Trident' && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(1)').html() == 'IE Mobile' && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(1) td:eq(1)').html() == 'Internet Explorer 7' && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(2) td:eq(1)').html() == 'AOL browser (AOL desktop)'; - return ret; - } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Return sorting on third column to asc", - function () { - $('#example thead th:eq(2)').click(); - }, - function () { - var ret = - $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0)').html() == 'Other browsers' && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(1) td:eq(0)').html() == 'Misc' && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(1)').html() == 'All others' && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(1) td:eq(1)').html() == 'Dillo 0.8' && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(2) td:eq(1)').html() == 'NetFront 3.1'; - return ret; - } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sort on first column having sorted on second then third columns", - function () { - $('#example thead th:eq(0)').click(); - }, - function () { - var ret = - $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0)').html() == 'Gecko' && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(1) td:eq(0)').html() == 'Gecko' && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(1)').html() == 'Epiphany 2.20' && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(1) td:eq(1)').html() == 'Camino 1.0' && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(2) td:eq(1)').html() == 'Camino 1.5'; - return ret; - } - ); - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/2799.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/2799.js deleted file mode 100755 index fe3a2c6c..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/2799.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: two_tables -oTest.fnStart( "Initialise two tables" ); - -$(document).ready( function () { - $('table.display').dataTable(); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Check that initialisation was okay", - null, - function () { return true; } - ); - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/2840-restore-table-width.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/2840-restore-table-width.js deleted file mode 100755 index 435213f2..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/2840-restore-table-width.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: dom_data -oTest.fnStart( "2840 - Restore table width on fnDestroy" ); - -$(document).ready( function () { - document.cookie = ""; - $('#example').dataTable( { - "sScrollX": "100%", - "sScrollXInner": "110%" - } ); - $('#example').dataTable().fnDestroy(); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Width after destroy", - null, - function () { return $('#example').width() == "800"; } - ); - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/2914-state-save-sort.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/2914-state-save-sort.js deleted file mode 100755 index 0c616b6d..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/2914-state-save-sort.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: dom_data -oTest.fnStart( "2914 - State saving with an empty array" ); - -$(document).ready( function () { - document.cookie = ""; - $('#example').dataTable( { - "bStateSave": true, - "aaSorting": [] - } ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "No sort", - null, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(3)').html() == "4"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Next page", - function () { - $('#example').dataTable().fnPageChange( 'next' ); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(1)').html() == "Camino 1.0"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Destroy the table and remake it - checking we are still on the next page", - function () { - $('#example').dataTable( { - "bStateSave": true, - "aaSorting": [], - "bDestroy": true - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(1)').html() == "Camino 1.0"; } - ); - - oTest.fnCookieDestroy( $('#example').dataTable() ); - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/5396-fnUpdate-arrays-mData.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/5396-fnUpdate-arrays-mData.js deleted file mode 100755 index 28bd208b..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/5396-fnUpdate-arrays-mData.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,103 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: empty_table -oTest.fnStart( "5396 - fnUpdate with 2D arrays for a single row" ); - -$(document).ready( function () { - $('#example thead tr').append( '6' ); - $('#example thead tr').append( '7' ); - $('#example thead tr').append( '8' ); - $('#example thead tr').append( '9' ); - $('#example thead tr').append( '10' ); - - var aDataSet = [ - [ - "1", - "홍길동", - "1154315", - "etc1", - [ - [ "", "2011-03-04" ], - [ "", "2009-07-06" ], - [ "", ",hide" ], - [ "test5?", "" ] - ], - "2011-03-04", - "show" - ], - [ - "2", - "홍길순", - "2154315", - "etc2", - [ - [ "", "2009-09-26" ], - [ "", "2009-05-21,hide" ], - [ "", "2010-03-05" ], - [ "", ",hide" ], - [ "", "2010-03-05" ] - ], - "2010-03-05", - "show" - ] -] - - var oTable = $('#example').dataTable({ - "aaData": aDataSet, - "aoColumns": [ - { "mData": "0"}, - { "mData": "1"}, - { "mData": "2"}, - { "mData": "3"}, - { "mData": "4.0.0"}, - { "mData": "4.0.1"}, - { "mData": "4.1.0"}, - { "mData": "4.1.1"}, - { "mData": "5"}, - { "mData": "6"} - ] - }); - - - oTest.fnTest( - "Initialisation", - null, - function () { - return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0)').html() == '1'; - } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Update row", - function () { - $('#example').dataTable().fnUpdate( [ - "0", - "홍길순", - "2154315", - "etc2", - [ - [ "", "2009-09-26" ], - [ "", "2009-05-21,hide" ], - [ "", "2010-03-05" ], - [ "", ",hide" ], - [ "", "2010-03-05" ] - ], - "2010-03-05", - "show" - ], 1 ); - }, - function () { - return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0)').html() == '0'; - } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Original row preserved", - null, - function () { - return $('#example tbody tr:eq(1) td:eq(0)').html() == '1'; - } - ); - - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/5396-fnUpdate-arrays.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/5396-fnUpdate-arrays.js deleted file mode 100755 index 4ab695b2..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/5396-fnUpdate-arrays.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,103 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: empty_table -oTest.fnStart( "5396 - fnUpdate with 2D arrays for a single row" ); - -$(document).ready( function () { - $('#example thead tr').append( '6' ); - $('#example thead tr').append( '7' ); - $('#example thead tr').append( '8' ); - $('#example thead tr').append( '9' ); - $('#example thead tr').append( '10' ); - - var aDataSet = [ - [ - "1", - "홍길동", - "1154315", - "etc1", - [ - [ "", "2011-03-04" ], - [ "", "2009-07-06" ], - [ "", ",hide" ], - [ "test5?", "" ] - ], - "2011-03-04", - "show" - ], - [ - "2", - "홍길순", - "2154315", - "etc2", - [ - [ "", "2009-09-26" ], - [ "", "2009-05-21,hide" ], - [ "", "2010-03-05" ], - [ "", ",hide" ], - [ "", "2010-03-05" ] - ], - "2010-03-05", - "show" - ] -] - - var oTable = $('#example').dataTable({ - "aaData": aDataSet, - "aoColumns": [ - { "mDataProp": "0"}, - { "mDataProp": "1"}, - { "mDataProp": "2"}, - { "mDataProp": "3"}, - { "mDataProp": "4.0.0"}, - { "mDataProp": "4.0.1"}, - { "mDataProp": "4.1.0"}, - { "mDataProp": "4.1.1"}, - { "mDataProp": "5"}, - { "mDataProp": "6"} - ] - }); - - - oTest.fnTest( - "Initialisation", - null, - function () { - return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0)').html() == '1'; - } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Update row", - function () { - $('#example').dataTable().fnUpdate( [ - "0", - "홍길순", - "2154315", - "etc2", - [ - [ "", "2009-09-26" ], - [ "", "2009-05-21,hide" ], - [ "", "2010-03-05" ], - [ "", ",hide" ], - [ "", "2010-03-05" ] - ], - "2010-03-05", - "show" - ], 1 ); - }, - function () { - return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0)').html() == '0'; - } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Original row preserved", - null, - function () { - return $('#example tbody tr:eq(1) td:eq(0)').html() == '1'; - } - ); - - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/5508-xscroll-zero-content.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/5508-xscroll-zero-content.js deleted file mode 100755 index f71ae8f4..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/5508-xscroll-zero-content.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: dom_data -oTest.fnStart( "5508 - Table container width doesn't change when filtering applied to scrolling table" ); - -$(document).ready( function () { - $('#example').dataTable( { - "sScrollY": "300px", - "bPaginate": false - } ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Width of container 800px on init with scroll", - null, - function () { return $('div.dataTables_scrollBody').width() == 800; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Unaltered when filter applied", - function () { $('#example').dataTable().fnFilter('123'); }, - function () { return $('div.dataTables_scrollBody').width() == 800; } - ); - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/6776-scrolling-table-grows.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/6776-scrolling-table-grows.js deleted file mode 100755 index cfc70d5f..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/6776-scrolling-table-grows.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,64 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: 6776 -oTest.fnStart( "Actions on a scrolling table keep width" ); - - -$(document).ready( function () { - var oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "bFilter": true, - "bSort": true, - "sScrollY": "100px", - "bPaginate": false - } ); - - var iWidth = $('div.dataTables_wrapper').width(); - - oTest.fnTest( - "First sort has no effect on width", - function () { $('th:eq(1)').click(); }, - function () { return $('div.dataTables_wrapper').width() == iWidth; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Second sort has no effect on width", - function () { $('th:eq(1)').click(); }, - function () { return $('div.dataTables_wrapper').width() == iWidth; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Third sort has no effect on width", - function () { $('th:eq(2)').click(); }, - function () { return $('div.dataTables_wrapper').width() == iWidth; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Filter has no effect on width", - function () { oTable.fnFilter('i'); }, - function () { return $('div.dataTables_wrapper').width() == iWidth; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Filter 2 has no effect on width", - function () { oTable.fnFilter('in'); }, - function () { return $('div.dataTables_wrapper').width() == iWidth; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "No result filter has header and body at same width", - function () { oTable.fnFilter('xxx'); }, - function () { return $('#example').width() == $('div.dataTables_scrollHeadInner').width(); } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Filter with no results has no effect on width", - function () { oTable.fnFilter('xxx'); }, - function () { return $('div.dataTables_wrapper').width() == iWidth; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Filter with no results has table equal to wrapper width", - function () { oTable.fnFilter('xxx'); }, - function () { return $('div.dataTables_wrapper').width() == $('#example').width(); } - ); - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/_getDataFunctions.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/_getDataFunctions.js deleted file mode 100755 index 5419d5d5..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/_getDataFunctions.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,399 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: dom_data -oTest.fnStart( "Check behaviour of the data get functions that DataTables uses" ); - -$(document).ready( function () { - // Slightly unusual test set this one, in that we don't really care about the DOM - // but want to test the internal data handling functions but we do need a table to - // get at the functions! - var table = $('#example').dataTable(); - var fn, test; - - // Object property access - oTest.fnTest( - "Single object, single property", - function () { - fn = table.oApi._fnGetObjectDataFn('test'); - test = fn( { "test": true } ); - }, - function () { return test } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Single property from object", - function () { - fn = table.oApi._fnGetObjectDataFn('test'); - test = fn( { "test": true, "test2": false } ); - }, - function () { return test } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Single property from object - different property", - function () { - fn = table.oApi._fnGetObjectDataFn('test2'); - test = fn( { "test": true, "test2": false } ); - }, - function () { return test===false } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Undefined property from object", - function () { - fn = table.oApi._fnGetObjectDataFn('test3'); - test = fn( { "test": true, "test2": false } ); - }, - function () { return test===undefined } - ); - - // Array index access - oTest.fnTest( - "Array access - index 0", - function () { - fn = table.oApi._fnGetObjectDataFn(0); - test = fn( [true, false, false, false] ); - }, - function () { return test } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Array access - index 1", - function () { - fn = table.oApi._fnGetObjectDataFn(2); - test = fn( [false, false, true, false] ); - }, - function () { return test } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Array access - undefined", - function () { - fn = table.oApi._fnGetObjectDataFn(7); - test = fn( [false, false, true, false] ); - }, - function () { return test===undefined } - ); - - // null source - oTest.fnTest( - "null source", - function () { - fn = table.oApi._fnGetObjectDataFn( null ); - test = fn( [false, false, true, false] ); - }, - function () { return test===null } - ); - - // nested objects - oTest.fnTest( - "Nested object property", - function () { - fn = table.oApi._fnGetObjectDataFn( 'a.b' ); - test = fn( { - "a":{ - "b": true, - "c": false, - "d": 1 - } - } ); - }, - function () { return test } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Nested object property - different prop", - function () { - fn = table.oApi._fnGetObjectDataFn( 'a.d' ); - test = fn( { - "a":{ - "b": true, - "c": false, - "d": 1 - } - } ); - }, - function () { return test===1 } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Nested object property - undefined prop", - function () { - fn = table.oApi._fnGetObjectDataFn( 'a.z' ); - test = fn( { - "a":{ - "b": true, - "c": false, - "d": 1 - } - } ); - }, - function () { return test===undefined } - ); - - // Nested array - oTest.fnTest( - "Nested array index property", - function () { - fn = table.oApi._fnGetObjectDataFn( 'a.0' ); - test = fn( { - "a": [ - true, - false, - 1 - ] - } ); - }, - function () { return test } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Nested array index property - different index", - function () { - fn = table.oApi._fnGetObjectDataFn( 'a.2' ); - test = fn( { - "a": [ - true, - false, - 1 - ] - } ); - }, - function () { return test===1 } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Nested array index property - undefined index", - function () { - fn = table.oApi._fnGetObjectDataFn( 'a.10' ); - test = fn( { - "a": [ - true, - false, - 1 - ] - } ); - }, - function () { return test===undefined } - ); - - // Nested array object property - oTest.fnTest( - "Nested array index object property", - function () { - fn = table.oApi._fnGetObjectDataFn( 'a.0.m' ); - test = fn( { - "a": [ - { "m": true, "n": 1 }, - { "m": false, "n": 2 }, - { "m": false, "n": 3 } - ] - } ); - }, - function () { return test } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Nested array index object property - different index", - function () { - fn = table.oApi._fnGetObjectDataFn( 'a.2.n' ); - test = fn( { - "a": [ - { "m": true, "n": 1 }, - { "m": false, "n": 2 }, - { "m": false, "n": 3 } - ] - } ); - }, - function () { return test===3 } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Nested array index object property - undefined index", - function () { - fn = table.oApi._fnGetObjectDataFn( 'a.0.z' ); - test = fn( { - "a": [ - { "m": true, "n": 1 }, - { "m": false, "n": 2 }, - { "m": false, "n": 3 } - ] - } ); - }, - function () { return test===undefined } - ); - - // Array notation - no join - oTest.fnTest( - "Array notation - no join - property", - function () { - fn = table.oApi._fnGetObjectDataFn( 'a[].n' ); - test = fn( { - "a": [ - { "m": true, "n": 1 }, - { "m": false, "n": 2 }, - { "m": false, "n": 3 } - ] - } ); - }, - function () { - return test.length===3 && test[0]===1 - && test[1]===2 && test[2]===3; - } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Array notation - no join - property (2)", - function () { - fn = table.oApi._fnGetObjectDataFn( 'a[].m' ); - test = fn( { - "a": [ - { "m": true, "n": 1 }, - { "m": false, "n": 2 } - ] - } ); - }, - function () { - return test.length===2 && test[0]===true - && test[1]===false; - } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Array notation - no join - undefined property", - function () { - fn = table.oApi._fnGetObjectDataFn( 'a[].z' ); - test = fn( { - "a": [ - { "m": true, "n": 1 }, - { "m": false, "n": 2 } - ] - } ); - }, - function () { - return test.length===2 && test[0]===undefined - && test[1]===undefined; - } - ); - - // Array notation - join - oTest.fnTest( - "Array notation - space join - property", - function () { - fn = table.oApi._fnGetObjectDataFn( 'a[ ].n' ); - test = fn( { - "a": [ - { "m": true, "n": 1 }, - { "m": false, "n": 2 }, - { "m": false, "n": 3 } - ] - } ); - }, - function () { return test === '1 2 3'; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Array notation - space join - property (2)", - function () { - fn = table.oApi._fnGetObjectDataFn( 'a[ ].m' ); - test = fn( { - "a": [ - { "m": true, "n": 1 }, - { "m": false, "n": 2 } - ] - } ); - }, - function () { return test === 'true false'; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Array notation - sapce join - undefined property", - function () { - fn = table.oApi._fnGetObjectDataFn( 'a[ ].z' ); - test = fn( { - "a": [ - { "m": true, "n": 1 }, - { "m": false, "n": 2 } - ] - } ); - }, - function () { return test === ' '; } - ); - oTest.fnTest( - "Array notation - string join - property", - function () { - fn = table.oApi._fnGetObjectDataFn( 'a[qwerty].n' ); - test = fn( { - "a": [ - { "m": true, "n": 1 }, - { "m": false, "n": 2 }, - { "m": false, "n": 3 } - ] - } ); - }, - function () { return test === '1qwerty2qwerty3'; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Array notation - string join - property (2)", - function () { - fn = table.oApi._fnGetObjectDataFn( 'a[qwerty].m' ); - test = fn( { - "a": [ - { "m": true, "n": 1 }, - { "m": false, "n": 2 } - ] - } ); - }, - function () { return test === 'trueqwertyfalse'; } - ); - - // Array alone join - oTest.fnTest( - "Flat array join", - function () { - fn = table.oApi._fnGetObjectDataFn( 'a[ ]' ); - test = fn( { - "a": [ - true, - false, - 1 - ] - } ); - }, - function () { return test==="true false 1"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Flat array string join", - function () { - fn = table.oApi._fnGetObjectDataFn( 'a[qwerty]' ); - test = fn( { - "a": [ - true, - false, - 1 - ] - } ); - }, - function () { return test==="trueqwertyfalseqwerty1"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Flat array no join", - function () { - fn = table.oApi._fnGetObjectDataFn( 'a[]' ); - test = fn( { - "a": [ - true, - false, - 1 - ] - } ); - }, - function () { return test.length===3 && test[0]===true && - test[1]===false && test[2]===1; } - ); - - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/_setDataFunctions.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/_setDataFunctions.js deleted file mode 100644 index 7cd7bf9c..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/_setDataFunctions.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,190 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: dom_data -oTest.fnStart( "Check behaviour of the data set functions that DataTables uses" ); - -$(document).ready( function () { - // Slightly unusual test set this one, in that we don't really care about the DOM - // but want to test the internal data handling functions but we do need a table to - // get at the functions! - var table = $('#example').dataTable(); - var fn, test, o; - - // Object property access - oTest.fnTest( - "Create property", - function () { - fn = table.oApi._fnSetObjectDataFn('test'); - - o = {}; - fn( o, true ); - }, - function () { return o.test } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Single property doesn't kill other properties", - function () { - fn = table.oApi._fnSetObjectDataFn('test'); - - o = { - "test2": false - }; - fn( o, true ); - }, - function () { return o.test && o.test2===false; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Single property overwrite old property", - function () { - fn = table.oApi._fnSetObjectDataFn('test'); - - o = { - "test": false, - "test2": false - }; - fn( o, true ); - }, - function () { return o.test && o.test2===false; } - ); - - - // Nested - oTest.fnTest( - "Create nested property", - function () { - fn = table.oApi._fnSetObjectDataFn('test.inner'); - - o = { - "test": {} - }; - fn( o, true ); - }, - function () { return o.test.inner } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Deep create nested property", - function () { - fn = table.oApi._fnSetObjectDataFn('test.inner'); - - o = {}; - fn( o, true ); - }, - function () { return o.test.inner } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Nested property doesn't kill other properties", - function () { - fn = table.oApi._fnSetObjectDataFn('test.inner'); - - o = { - "test": { - "test2": false - } - }; - fn( o, true ); - }, - function () { return o.test.inner && o.test.test2===false; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Single property overwrite old property", - function () { - fn = table.oApi._fnSetObjectDataFn('nested.test'); - - o = { - "nested": { - "test": false, - "test2": false - } - }; - fn( o, true ); - }, - function () { return o.nested.test && o.nested.test2===false; } - ); - - // Set arrays / objects - oTest.fnTest( - "Create object", - function () { - fn = table.oApi._fnSetObjectDataFn('test'); - - o = {}; - fn( o, {"a":true, "b":false} ); - }, - function () { return o.test.a && o.test.b===false } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Create nested object", - function () { - fn = table.oApi._fnSetObjectDataFn('nested.test'); - - o = {}; - fn( o, {"a":true, "b":false} ); - }, - function () { return o.nested.test.a && o.nested.test.b===false } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Create array", - function () { - fn = table.oApi._fnSetObjectDataFn('test'); - - o = {}; - fn( o, [1,2,3] ); - }, - function () { return o.test[0]===1 && o.test[2]===3 } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Create nested array", - function () { - fn = table.oApi._fnSetObjectDataFn('nested.test'); - - o = {}; - fn( o, [1,2,3] ); - }, - function () { return o.nested.test[0]===1 && o.nested.test[2]===3 } - ); - - - // Array notation - oTest.fnTest( - "Create array of objects", - function () { - fn = table.oApi._fnSetObjectDataFn('test[].a'); - - o = {}; - fn( o, [1,2,3] ); - }, - function () { return o.test.length===3 && o.test[0].a===1 && o.test[1].a===2; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Create array of nested objects", - function () { - fn = table.oApi._fnSetObjectDataFn('test[].a.b'); - - o = {}; - fn( o, [1,2,3] ); - }, - function () { return o.test.length===3 && o.test[0].a.b===1 && o.test[1].a.b===2; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Create array", - function () { - fn = table.oApi._fnSetObjectDataFn('test[]'); - - o = {}; - fn( o, [1,2,3] ); - }, - function () { return o.test.length===3 && o.test[0]===1 && o.test[1]===2; } - ); - - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/_zero_config.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/_zero_config.js deleted file mode 100755 index b3a941f8..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/_zero_config.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,437 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: dom_data -oTest.fnStart( "Sanity checks for DataTables with DOM data" ); - -oTest.fnTest( - "jQuery.dataTable function", - null, - function () { return typeof jQuery().dataTable == "function"; } -); - -oTest.fnTest( - "jQuery.dataTableSettings storage array", - null, - function () { return typeof jQuery().dataTableSettings == "object"; } -); - -oTest.fnTest( - "jQuery.dataTableExt plugin object", - null, - function () { return typeof jQuery().dataTableExt == "object"; } -); - -$(document).ready( function () { - $('#example').dataTable(); - - /* Basic checks */ - oTest.fnTest( - "Length changing div exists", - null, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_length') != null; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Filtering div exists", - null, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_filter') != null; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Information div exists", - null, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info') != null; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Pagination div exists", - null, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_paginate') != null; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Processing div is off by default", - null, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_processing') == null; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "10 rows shown on the first page", - null, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr').length == 10; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Initial sort occured", - null, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(0)').html() == "Gecko"; } - ); - - /* Need to use the WaitTest for sorting due to the setTimeout datatables uses */ - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting (first click) on second column", - function () { $('#example thead th:eq(1)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(1)').html() == "All others"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting (second click) on second column", - function () { $('#example thead th:eq(1)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(1)').html() == "Seamonkey 1.1"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting (third click) on second column", - function () { $('#example thead th:eq(1)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(1)').html() == "All others"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting (first click) on numeric column", - function () { $('#example thead th:eq(3)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(3)').html() == "-"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting (second click) on numeric column", - function () { $('#example thead th:eq(3)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(3)').html() == "522.1"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting multi-column (first click)", - function () { - $('#example thead th:eq(0)').click(); - $('#example thead th:eq(1)')[0], { 'shift': true } ); }, - function () { var b = - $('#example tbody td:eq(0)').html() == "Gecko" && - $('#example tbody td:eq(1)').html() == "Camino 1.0"; return b; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting multi-column - sorting second column only", - function () { - $('#example thead th:eq(1)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(1)').html() == "All others"; } - ); - - /* Basic paging */ - oTest.fnTest( - "Paging to second page", - function () { $('#example_next').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(1)').html() == "IE Mobile"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Paging to first page", - function () { $('#example_previous').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(1)').html() == "All others"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Attempting to page back beyond the first page", - function () { $('#example_previous').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(1)').html() == "All others"; } - ); - - /* Changing length */ - oTest.fnTest( - "Changing table length to 25 records", - function () { $("select[name=example_length]").val('25').change(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr').length == 25; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Changing table length to 50 records", - function () { $("select[name=example_length]").val('50').change(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr').length == 50; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Changing table length to 100 records", - function () { $("select[name=example_length]").val('100').change(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr').length == 57; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Changing table length to 10 records", - function () { $("select[name=example_length]").val('10').change(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr').length == 10; } - ); - - /* - * Information element - */ - oTest.fnTest( - "Information on zero config", - null, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == "Showing 1 to 10 of 57 entries"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Information on second page", - function () { $('#example_next').click(); }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == "Showing 11 to 20 of 57 entries"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Information on third page", - function () { $('#example_next').click(); }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == "Showing 21 to 30 of 57 entries"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Information on last page", - function () { - $('#example_next').click(); - $('#example_next').click(); - $('#example_next').click(); - }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == "Showing 51 to 57 of 57 entries"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Information back on first page", - function () { - $('#example_previous').click(); - $('#example_previous').click(); - $('#example_previous').click(); - $('#example_previous').click(); - $('#example_previous').click(); - }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == "Showing 1 to 10 of 57 entries"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Information with 25 records", - function () { $("select[name=example_length]").val('25').change(); }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == "Showing 1 to 25 of 57 entries"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Information with 25 records - second page", - function () { $('#example_next').click(); }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == "Showing 26 to 50 of 57 entries"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Information with 100 records - first page", - function () { - $('#example_previous').click(); - $("select[name=example_length]").val('100').change(); - }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == "Showing 1 to 57 of 57 entries"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Information back to 10 records", - function () { - $('#example_previous').click(); - $("select[name=example_length]").val('10').change(); - }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == "Showing 1 to 10 of 57 entries"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Information with filter 'Win'", - function () { $('#example_filter input').val("Win").keyup(); }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == - "Showing 1 to 10 of 31 entries (filtered from 57 total entries)"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Information with filter 'Win' second page", - function () { $('#example_next').click(); }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == - "Showing 11 to 20 of 31 entries (filtered from 57 total entries)"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Information with filter 'Win' last page", - function () { - $('#example_next').click(); - $('#example_next').click(); - }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == - "Showing 31 to 31 of 31 entries (filtered from 57 total entries)"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Information with filter 'Win' back to first page", - function () { - $('#example_previous').click(); - $('#example_previous').click(); - $('#example_previous').click(); - }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == - "Showing 1 to 10 of 31 entries (filtered from 57 total entries)"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Information with filter 'Win' second page - second time", - function () { - $('#example_next').click(); - }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == - "Showing 11 to 20 of 31 entries (filtered from 57 total entries)"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Information with filter increased to 'Win 98'", - function () { $('#example_filter input').val("Win 98").keyup(); }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == - "Showing 1 to 9 of 9 entries (filtered from 57 total entries)"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Information with filter decreased to 'Win'", - function () { $('#example_filter input').val("Win").keyup(); }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == - "Showing 1 to 10 of 31 entries (filtered from 57 total entries)"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Information with filter 'Win' second page - third time", - function () { - $('#example_next').click(); - }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == - "Showing 11 to 20 of 31 entries (filtered from 57 total entries)"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Information with filter removed", - function () { $('#example_filter input').val("").keyup(); }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == - "Showing 1 to 10 of 57 entries"; } - ); - - - /* - * Filtering - */ - oTest.fnTest( - "Filter 'W' - rows", - function () { - /* Reset the table such that the old sorting doesn't mess things up */ - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable(); - $('#example_filter input').val("W").keyup(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0)').html() == "Gecko"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Filter 'W' - info", - null, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == - "Showing 1 to 10 of 42 entries (filtered from 57 total entries)"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Filter 'Wi'", - function () { $('#example_filter input').val("Wi").keyup(); }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == - "Showing 1 to 10 of 32 entries (filtered from 57 total entries)"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Filter 'Win'", - function () { $('#example_filter input').val("Win").keyup(); }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == - "Showing 1 to 10 of 31 entries (filtered from 57 total entries)"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Filter 'Win' - sorting column 1", - function () { $('#example thead th:eq(1)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(1)').html() == "AOL browser (AOL desktop)"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Filter 'Win' - sorting column 1 info", - null, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == - "Showing 1 to 10 of 31 entries (filtered from 57 total entries)"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Filter 'Win' - sorting column 1 reverse", - function () { $('#example thead th:eq(1)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(1)').html() == "Seamonkey 1.1"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Filter 'Win XP' - maintaing reverse sorting col 1", - function () { $('#example_filter input').val("Win XP").keyup(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(1)').html() == "Internet Explorer 7"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Filter 'Win XP' - sorting col 3", - function () { $('#example thead th:eq(3)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(3)').html() == "4"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Filter 'Win XP' - sorting col 3 - reversed", - function () { $('#example thead th:eq(3)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(3)').html() == "7"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Filter 'Win' - sorting col 3 - reversed info", - null, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == - "Showing 1 to 6 of 6 entries (filtered from 57 total entries)"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Filter 'nothinghere'", - function () { $('#example_filter input').val("nothinghere").keyup(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0)').html() == - "No matching records found"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Filter 'nothinghere' - info", - null, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == - "Showing 0 to 0 of 0 entries (filtered from 57 total entries)"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Filter back to blank and 1st column sorting", - function () { - $('#example_filter input').val("").keyup(); - $('#example thead th:eq(0)').click(); - }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == - "Showing 1 to 10 of 57 entries"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Prefixing a filter entry", - function () { - $('#example_filter input').val("Win").keyup(); - $('#example_filter input').val("GeckoWin").keyup(); - }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == - "Showing 0 to 0 of 0 entries (filtered from 57 total entries)"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Prefixing a filter entry with space", - function () { - $('#example_filter input').val("Gecko Win").keyup(); - }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == - "Showing 1 to 10 of 17 entries (filtered from 57 total entries)"; } - ); - - - - - - - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/aaSorting.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/aaSorting.js deleted file mode 100755 index 848b85e4..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/aaSorting.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,183 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: dom_data -oTest.fnStart( "aaSorting" ); - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Check the default */ - var oTable = $('#example').dataTable(); - var oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Default sorting is single column", - null, - function () { - return oSettings.aaSorting.length == 1 && typeof oSettings.aaSorting[0] == 'object'; - } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Default sorting is first column asc", - null, - function () { - return oSettings.aaSorting[0].length == 3 && oSettings.aaSorting[0][0] == 0 && - oSettings.aaSorting[0][1] == 'asc'; - } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting is applied", - null, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(0)').html() == "Gecko"; } - ); - - - oTest.fnTest( - "Custom sorting on single string column asc", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaSorting": [['1','asc']] - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(1)').html() == "All others"; } - ); - - - oTest.fnTest( - "Custom sorting on single string column desc", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaSorting": [['1','desc']] - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(1)').html() == "Seamonkey 1.1"; } - ); - - - oTest.fnTest( - "Custom sorting on single int column asc", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaSorting": [['1','asc']] - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(3)').html() == "-"; } - ); - - - oTest.fnTest( - "Custom sorting on single int column desc", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaSorting": [['1','desc']] - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(1)').html() == "Seamonkey 1.1"; } - ); - - - oTest.fnTest( - "Multi-column sorting (2 column) - string asc / string asc", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaSorting": [['0','asc'], ['1','asc']] - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(1)').html() == "Camino 1.0"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Multi-column sorting (2 column) - string asc / string desc", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaSorting": [['0','asc'], ['1','desc']] - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(1)').html() == "Seamonkey 1.1"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Multi-column sorting (2 column) - string desc / string asc", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaSorting": [['0','desc'], ['1','asc']] - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(1)').html() == "iPod Touch / iPhone"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Multi-column sorting (2 column) - string desc / string desc", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaSorting": [['0','desc'], ['1','desc']] - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(1)').html() == "Safari 3.0"; } - ); - - - oTest.fnTest( - "Multi-column sorting (2 column) - string asc / int asc", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaSorting": [['0','asc'], ['3','asc']] - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(3)').html() == "1"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Multi-column sorting (2 column) - string asc / int desc", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaSorting": [['0','asc'], ['3','desc']] - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(3)').html() == "1.9"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Multi-column sorting (2 column) - string desc / int asc", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaSorting": [['0','desc'], ['3','asc']] - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(3)').html() == "125.5"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Multi-column sorting (2 column) - string desc / int desc", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaSorting": [['0','desc'], ['3','desc']] - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(3)').html() == "522.1"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Multi-column sorting (3 column) - string asc / int asc / string asc", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaSorting": [['0','asc'], ['3','asc'], ['1','asc']] - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(7) td:eq(1)').html() == "Firefox 1.0"; } - ); - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/aaSortingFixed.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/aaSortingFixed.js deleted file mode 100755 index bc470e21..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/aaSortingFixed.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,60 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: dom_data -oTest.fnStart( "aaSortingFixed" ); - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Check the default */ - var oTable = $('#example').dataTable(); - var oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - - oTest.fnTest( - "No fixed sorting by default", - null, - function () { - return oSettings.aaSortingFixed == null; - } - ); - - - oTest.fnTest( - "Fixed sorting on first column (string/asc) with user sorting on second column (string/asc)", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaSortingFixed": [['0','asc']] - } ); - $('#example thead th:eq(1)').click(); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(1)').html() == "Camino 1.0"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Fixed sorting on first column (string/asc) with user sorting on second column (string/desc)", - function () { - $('#example thead th:eq(1)').click(); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(1)').html() == "Seamonkey 1.1"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Fixed sorting on fourth column (int/asc) with user sorting on second column (string/asc)", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaSortingFixed": [['3','asc']] - } ); - $('#example thead th:eq(1)').click(); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(1)').html() == "All others"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Fixed sorting on fourth column (int/asc) with user sorting on second column (string/desc)", - function () { - $('#example thead th:eq(1)').click(); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(1)').html() == "PSP browser"; } - ); - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/aoColumns.bSearchable.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/aoColumns.bSearchable.js deleted file mode 100755 index 27c211a7..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/aoColumns.bSearchable.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,67 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: dom_data -oTest.fnStart( "aoColumns.bSeachable" ); - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Check the default */ - var oTable = $('#example').dataTable(); - var oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Columns are searchable by default", - function () { oTable.fnFilter("Camino"); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(1)').html().match(/Camino/); } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Disabling sorting on a column removes it from the global filter", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "aoColumns": [ - null, - { "bSearchable": false }, - null, - null, - null - ] - } ); - oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - oTable.fnFilter("Camino"); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0)').html() == "No matching records found"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Disabled on one column has no effect on other columns", - function () { oTable.fnFilter("Webkit"); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0)').html() == "Webkit"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Disable filtering on multiple columns", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "aoColumns": [ - { "bSearchable": false }, - { "bSearchable": false }, - null, - null, - null - ] - } ); - oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - oTable.fnFilter("Webkit"); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0)').html() == "No matching records found"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Filter on second disabled column", - function () { oTable.fnFilter("Camino"); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0)').html() == "No matching records found"; } - ); - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/aoColumns.bSortable.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/aoColumns.bSortable.js deleted file mode 100755 index bbb41cd6..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/aoColumns.bSortable.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,105 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: dom_data -oTest.fnStart( "aoColumns.bSortable" ); - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Check the default */ - var oTable = $('#example').dataTable(); - var oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - - oTest.fnTest( - "All columns are sortable by default", - function () { $('#example thead th:eq(1)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(1)').html() == "All others"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Can disable sorting from one column", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aoColumns": [ - null, - { "bSortable": false }, - null, - null, - null - ] - } ); - $('#example thead th:eq(1)').click(); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(1)').html() != "All others"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Disabled column has no sorting class", - null, - function () { return $('#example thead th:eq(1)').hasClass("sorting_asc") == false; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Other columns can still sort", - function () { - $('#example thead th:eq(4)').click(); - $('#example thead th:eq(4)').click(); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(4)').html() == "X"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Disable sorting on multiple columns - no sorting classes", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aoColumns": [ - null, - { "bSortable": false }, - null, - { "bSortable": false }, - null - ] - } ); - }, - function () { - var bReturn = - $('#example thead th:eq(1)').hasClass("sorting") || - $('#example thead th:eq(3)').hasClass("sorting") - return bReturn == false; - } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting on disabled column 1 has no effect", - function () { - $('#example thead th:eq(1)').click(); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(1)').html() != "All others"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting on disabled column 2 has no effect", - function () { - $('#example thead th:eq(3)').click(); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(3)').html() != "-"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Second sort on disabled column 2 has no effect", - function () { - $('#example thead th:eq(3)').click(); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(3)').html() != "-"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Even with multiple disabled sorting columns other columns can still sort", - function () { - $('#example thead th:eq(4)').click(); - $('#example thead th:eq(4)').click(); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(4)').html() == "X"; } - ); - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/aoColumns.bUseRendered.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/aoColumns.bUseRendered.js deleted file mode 100755 index 161c4121..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/aoColumns.bUseRendered.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,145 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: dom_data -oTest.fnStart( "aoColumns.bUseRendered" ); - -/* bUseRendered is used to alter sorting data, if false then the original data is used for - * sorting rather than the rendered data - */ - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Check the default */ - var mTmp = 0; - - var oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "aoColumns": [ - null, - { "fnRender": function (a) { - if ( mTmp == 0 ) { - mTmp++; - return "aaa"; - } else - return a.aData[a.iDataColumn]; - } }, - null, - null, - null - ] - } ); - var oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Default for bUseRendered is true - rendered data is used for sorting", - function () { $('#example thead th:eq(1)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(1)').html() == 'aaa'; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "When bUseRendered is false, original data is used for sorting", - function () { - mTmp = 0; - oSession.fnRestore(); - oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "aoColumns": [ - null, - { - "bUseRendered": false, - "fnRender": function (a) { - if ( mTmp == 0 ) { - mTmp++; - return "aaa"; - } else { - return a.aData[a.iDataColumn]; - } - } - }, - null, - null, - null - ] - } ); - $('#example thead th:eq(1)').click(); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(1)').html() == 'All others'; } - ); - - - oTest.fnTest( - "bUseRendered set to false on one columns and true (default) on two others", - function () { - mTmp = 0; - var mTmp2 = 0; - var mTmp3 = 0; - - oSession.fnRestore(); - oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "aoColumns": [ - { - "fnRender": function (a) { - if ( mTmp == 0 ) { - mTmp++; - return "aaa1"; - } else { - return a.aData[a.iDataColumn]; - } - } - }, - { - "bUseRendered": false, - "fnRender": function (a) { - if ( mTmp2 == 0 ) { - mTmp2++; - return "aaa2"; - } else { - return a.aData[a.iDataColumn]; - } - } - }, - { - "fnRender": function (a) { - if ( mTmp3 == 0 ) { - mTmp3++; - return "zzz3"; - } else { - return a.aData[a.iDataColumn]; - } - } - }, - null, - null - ] - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0)').html() == 'aaa1'; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Multi-column rendering - 2nd column sorting", - function () { $('#example thead th:eq(1)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(1)').html() == 'All others'; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Multi-column rendering - 3rd column sorting", - function () { - $('#example thead th:eq(2)').click(); - $('#example thead th:eq(2)').click(); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(2)').html() == 'zzz3'; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Multi-column rendering - 4th column sorting", - function () { $('#example thead th:eq(3)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(3)').html() == '-'; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Multi-column rendering - 5th column sorting", - function () { $('#example thead th:eq(4)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(4)').html() == 'A'; } - ); - - - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/aoColumns.bVisible.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/aoColumns.bVisible.js deleted file mode 100755 index 84f1ee60..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/aoColumns.bVisible.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,132 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: dom_data -oTest.fnStart( "aoColumns.bVisible" ); - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Check the default */ - var oTable = $('#example').dataTable(); - var oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - - oTest.fnTest( - "All columns are visible by default", - null, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td').length == 5; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Can hide one column and it removes td column from DOM", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aoColumns": [ - null, - { "bVisible": false }, - null, - null, - null - ] - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td').length == 4; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Can hide one column and it removes thead th column from DOM", - null, - function () { return $('#example thead tr:eq(0) th').length == 4; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Can hide one column and it removes tfoot th column from DOM", - null, - function () { return $('#example tfoot tr:eq(0) th').length == 4; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "The correct thead column has been hidden", - null, - function () { - var jqNodes = $('#example thead tr:eq(0) th'); - var bReturn = - jqNodes[0].innerHTML == "Rendering engine" && - jqNodes[1].innerHTML == "Platform(s)" && - jqNodes[2].innerHTML == "Engine version" && - jqNodes[3].innerHTML == "CSS grade"; - return bReturn; - } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "The correct tbody column has been hidden", - function () { - $('#example thead th:eq(1)')[0], { 'shift': true } ); - }, - function () { - var jqNodes = $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td'); - var bReturn = - jqNodes[0].innerHTML == "Gecko" && - jqNodes[1].innerHTML == "Gnome" && - jqNodes[2].innerHTML == "1.8" && - jqNodes[3].innerHTML == "A"; - return bReturn; - } - ); - - - oTest.fnTest( - "Can hide multiple columns and it removes td column from DOM", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aoColumns": [ - null, - { "bVisible": false }, - { "bVisible": false }, - null, - { "bVisible": false } - ] - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td').length == 2; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Multiple hide - removes thead th column from DOM", - null, - function () { return $('#example thead tr:eq(0) th').length == 2; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Multiple hide - removes tfoot th column from DOM", - null, - function () { return $('#example tfoot tr:eq(0) th').length == 2; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Multiple hide - the correct thead columns have been hidden", - null, - function () { - var jqNodes = $('#example thead tr:eq(0) th'); - var bReturn = - jqNodes[0].innerHTML == "Rendering engine" && - jqNodes[1].innerHTML == "Engine version" - return bReturn; - } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Multiple hide - the correct tbody columns have been hidden", - function () { - $('#example thead th:eq(1)')[0], { 'shift': true } ); - }, - function () { - var jqNodes = $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td'); - var bReturn = - jqNodes[0].innerHTML == "Gecko" && - jqNodes[1].innerHTML == "1" - return bReturn; - } - ); - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/aoColumns.bVisible2.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/aoColumns.bVisible2.js deleted file mode 100755 index 5dbe214f..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/aoColumns.bVisible2.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,268 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: complex_header_2 -oTest.fnStart( "aoColumns.bVisible with complex headers" ); - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Check the default */ - var oTable = $('#example').dataTable(); - var oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - - oTest.fnTest( - "All columns are visible by default", - null, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td').length == 5; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Hide the first column", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aoColumns": [ - { "bVisible": false }, - null, - null, - null, - null - ] - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td').length == 4; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "First cell is '2' - first column hidden", - null, - function () { return $('#example thead tr:eq(0) th:eq(0)').html() == "2"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "First cell has colspan of 3", - null, - function () { return $('#example thead tr:eq(0) th:eq(0)')[0].getAttribute('colspan') == 3; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "First cell has rowspan of 2", - null, - function () { return $('#example thead tr:eq(0) th:eq(0)')[0].getAttribute('rowspan') == 2; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "First cell in last column is '11'", - null, - function () { return $('#example thead tr:eq(4) th:eq(0)').html() == 11; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "First cell in last column has been truncated to one column", - null, - function () { return $('#example thead tr:eq(4) th:eq(0)')[0].getAttribute('colspan') == 1; } - ); - - - oTest.fnTest( - "Hide the second column", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aoColumns": [ - null, - { "bVisible": false }, - null, - null, - null - ] - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td').length == 4; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "First cell is '1' - second column hidden", - null, - function () { return $('#example thead tr:eq(0) th:eq(0)').html() == "1"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Second cell is '2' - second column hidden", - null, - function () { return $('#example thead tr:eq(0) th:eq(1)').html() == "2"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "First cell in fourth row is '10' (visibly the first) - second column hidden", - null, - function () { return $('#example thead tr:eq(3) th:eq(0)').html() == "10"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "First cell has colspan of 1", - null, - function () { return $('#example thead tr:eq(0) th:eq(0)')[0].getAttribute('colspan') == 1; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Second cell has colspan of 2", - null, - function () { return $('#example thead tr:eq(0) th:eq(1)')[0].getAttribute('colspan') == 2; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "First cell has rowspan of 1", - null, - function () { return $('#example thead tr:eq(0) th:eq(0)')[0].getAttribute('rowspan') == 1; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Second cell has rowspan of 2", - null, - function () { return $('#example thead tr:eq(0) th:eq(1)')[0].getAttribute('rowspan') == 2; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "First cell in last column is '11'", - null, - function () { return $('#example thead tr:eq(4) th:eq(0)').html() == 11; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "First cell in last column has been truncated to one column", - null, - function () { return $('#example thead tr:eq(4) th:eq(0)')[0].getAttribute('colspan') == 1; } - ); - - - oTest.fnTest( - "Hide the first two columns", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aoColumns": [ - { "bVisible": false }, - { "bVisible": false }, - null, - null, - null - ] - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td').length == 3; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "First cell is '2' - first two columns hidden", - null, - function () { return $('#example thead tr:eq(0) th:eq(0)').html() == "2"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Second cell is '3' - first two columns hidden", - null, - function () { return $('#example thead tr:eq(0) th:eq(1)').html() == "3"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "First cell in third row is '6' - first two columns hidden", - null, - function () { return $('#example thead tr:eq(2) th:eq(0)').html() == "6"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "First cell has colspan of 2", - null, - function () { return $('#example thead tr:eq(0) th:eq(0)')[0].getAttribute('colspan') == 2; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "First cell has rowspan of 2", - null, - function () { return $('#example thead tr:eq(0) th:eq(0)')[0].getAttribute('rowspan') == 2; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Second cell has rowspan of 1", - null, - function () { return $('#example thead tr:eq(0) th:eq(1)')[0].getAttribute('rowspan') == 1; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "First cell in last column is '12'", - null, - function () { return $('#example thead tr:eq(4) th:eq(0)').html() == 12; } - ); - - - oTest.fnTest( - "Hide the third column", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aoColumns": [ - null, - null, - { "bVisible": false }, - null, - null - ] - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td').length == 4; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "First cell is '1' - third column hidden", - null, - function () { return $('#example thead tr:eq(0) th:eq(0)').html() == "1"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Second cell is '2' - third column hidden", - null, - function () { return $('#example thead tr:eq(0) th:eq(1)').html() == "2"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "First cell (visible second) in third row is '6' - third column hidden", - null, - function () { return $('#example thead tr:eq(2) th:eq(0)').html() == "6"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Second cell has colspan of 2", - null, - function () { return $('#example thead tr:eq(0) th:eq(1)')[0].getAttribute('colspan') == 2; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Second cell has rowspan of 2", - null, - function () { return $('#example thead tr:eq(0) th:eq(1)')[0].getAttribute('rowspan') == 2; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Third row first cell (second visible) colspan is 1", - null, - function () { return $('#example thead tr:eq(2) th:eq(0)')[0].getAttribute('colspan') == 1; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Third row second cell (third visible) value is 7", - null, - function () { return $('#example thead tr:eq(2) th:eq(1)').html() == "7"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Third row second cell (third visible) colspan is 1", - null, - function () { return $('#example thead tr:eq(2) th:eq(1)')[0].getAttribute('colspan') == 1; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Third row second cell (third visible) rowspan is 3", - null, - function () { return $('#example thead tr:eq(2) th:eq(1)')[0].getAttribute('rowspan') == 3; } - ); - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/aoColumns.fnRender.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/aoColumns.fnRender.js deleted file mode 100755 index 8060ddb8..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/aoColumns.fnRender.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,176 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: dom_data -oTest.fnStart( "aoColumns.fnRender" ); - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Check the default */ - var mTmp = 0; - var oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "aoColumns": [ - null, - { "fnRender": function (a) { - mTmp++; - return a.aData[a.iDataColumn]; - } }, - null, - null, - null - ] - } ); - var oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Single column - fnRender is called once for each row", - null, - function () { return mTmp == 57; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Confirm that fnRender passes two arguments with four parameters", - function () { - mTmp = true; - oSession.fnRestore(); - oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "aoColumns": [ - null, - { "fnRender": function (a, v) { - if ( arguments.length != 2 || typeof a.iDataRow=='undefined' || - typeof a.iDataColumn=='undefined' || typeof a.aData=='undefined' || - typeof a.mDataProp=='undefined' ) - { - mTmp = false; - } - return a.aData[a.iDataColumn]; - } }, - null, - null, - null - ] - } ); - }, - function () { return mTmp; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "fnRender iDataColumn is row number", - function () { - var iCount = 0; - mTmp = true; - oSession.fnRestore(); - oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "aoColumns": [ - null, - { "fnRender": function (a) { - if ( iCount != a.iDataRow ) - { - mTmp = false; - } - iCount++; - return a.aData[a.iDataColumn]; - } }, - null, - null, - null - ] - } ); - }, - function () { return mTmp; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "fnRender iDataColumn is the column", - function () { - mTmp = true; - oSession.fnRestore(); - oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "aoColumns": [ - null, - { "fnRender": function (a) { - if ( a.iDataColumn != 1 ) - { - mTmp = false; - } - return a.aData[a.iDataColumn]; - } }, - null, - null, - null - ] - } ); - }, - function () { return mTmp; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "fnRender aData is data array of correct size", - function () { - mTmp = true; - oSession.fnRestore(); - oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "aoColumns": [ - null, - { "fnRender": function (a) { - if ( a.aData.length != 5 ) - { - mTmp = false; - } - return a.aData[a.iDataColumn]; - } }, - null, - null, - null - ] - } ); - }, - function () { return mTmp; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Passed back data is put into the DOM", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "aoColumns": [ - null, - { "fnRender": function (a) { - return 'unittest'; - } }, - null, - null, - null - ] - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(1)').html() == 'unittest'; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Passed back data is put into the DOM", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "aoColumns": [ - null, - null, - { "fnRender": function (a) { - return 'unittest1'; - } }, - { "fnRender": function (a) { - return 'unittest2'; - } }, - null - ] - } ); - }, - function () { - var bReturn = - $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(2)').html() == 'unittest1' && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(3)').html() == 'unittest2'; - return bReturn; } - ); - - - - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/aoColumns.iDataSort.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/aoColumns.iDataSort.js deleted file mode 100755 index e9366ff4..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/aoColumns.iDataSort.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,88 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: dom_data -oTest.fnStart( "aoColumns.iDataSort" ); - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Should know that sorting already works by default from other tests, so we can jump - * right in here - */ - var oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "aoColumns": [ - null, - { "iDataSort": 4 }, - null, - null, - null - ] - } ); - var oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting on first column is uneffected", - null, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0)').html() == 'Gecko'; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting on second column is the order of the fifth", - function () { $('#example thead th:eq(1)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(4)').html() == 'A'; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Reserve sorting on second column uses fifth column as well", - function () { $('#example thead th:eq(1)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(4)').html() == 'X'; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting on 5th column retains it's own sorting", - function () { $('#example thead th:eq(4)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(4)').html() == 'A'; } - ); - - - oTest.fnTest( - "Use 2nd col for sorting 5th col and via-versa - no effect on first col sorting", - function () { - mTmp = 0; - oSession.fnRestore(); - oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "aoColumns": [ - null, - { "iDataSort": 4 }, - null, - null, - { "iDataSort": 1 } - ] - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0)').html() == 'Gecko'; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "2nd col sorting uses fifth col", - function () { $('#example thead th:eq(1)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(4)').html() == 'A'; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "2nd col sorting uses fifth col - reversed", - function () { $('#example thead th:eq(1)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(4)').html() == 'X'; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "5th col sorting uses 2nd col", - function () { $('#example thead th:eq(4)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(1)').html() == 'All others'; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "5th col sorting uses 2nd col - reversed", - function () { $('#example thead th:eq(4)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(1)').html() == 'Seamonkey 1.1'; } - ); - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/aoColumns.sClass.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/aoColumns.sClass.js deleted file mode 100755 index 09149bb0..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/aoColumns.sClass.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,111 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: dom_data -oTest.fnStart( "aoColumns.sClass" ); - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Check the default */ - var oTable = $('#example').dataTable(); - var oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - - oTest.fnTest( - "By default the test class hasn't been applied to the column (sanity!)", - null, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(2)').hasClass('unittest') == false; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Add a class to a single column - first row", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aoColumns": [ - null, - null, - { "sClass": 'unittest' }, - null, - null - ] - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(1) td:eq(2)').hasClass('unittest'); } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Add a class to a single column - third row", - null, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(3) td:eq(2)').hasClass('unittest'); } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Add a class to a single column - last row", - null, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(9) td:eq(2)').hasClass('unittest'); } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Add a class to a single column - has not applied to other columns - 1st", - null, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(3) td:eq(0)').hasClass('unittest') == false; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Add a class to a single column - has not applied to other columns - 5th", - null, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(3) td:eq(4)').hasClass('unittest') == false; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Add a class to a single column - seventh row - second page", - function () { $('#example_next').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(6) td:eq(2)').hasClass('unittest'); } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Add a class to a single column - has not applied to header", - null, - function () { return $('#example thead tr:eq(3) th:eq(4)').hasClass('unittest') == false; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Add a class to a single column - has not applied to footer", - null, - function () { return $('#example thead tr:eq(3) th:eq(4)').hasClass('unittest') == false; } - ); - - - oTest.fnTest( - "Class defined for multiple columns - first row", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aoColumns": [ - { "sClass": 'unittest2' }, - null, - null, - { "sClass": 'unittest1' }, - null - ] - } ); - }, - function () { - var bReturn = - $('#example tbody tr:eq(3) td:eq(0)').hasClass('unittest2') && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(8) td:eq(3)').hasClass('unittest1'); - return bReturn; - } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Class defined for multiple columns - has not applied to other columns - 5th 1", - null, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(4)').hasClass('unittest1') == false; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Class defined for multiple columns - has not applied to other columns - 5th 2", - null, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(6) td:eq(4)').hasClass('unittest2') == false; } - ); - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/aoColumns.sName.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/aoColumns.sName.js deleted file mode 100755 index 14a4c189..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/aoColumns.sName.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: dom_data -oTest.fnStart( "aoColumns.sName" ); - -/* This has no effect at all in DOM methods - so we just check that it has applied the name */ - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Check the default */ - var oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "aoColumns": [ - null, - null, - null, - { "sName": 'unit test' }, - null - ] - } ); - var oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Names are stored in the columns object", - null, - function () { return oSettings.aoColumns[3].sName =="unit test"; } - ); - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/aoColumns.sTitle.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/aoColumns.sTitle.js deleted file mode 100755 index 5ebac2f4..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/aoColumns.sTitle.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,78 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: dom_data -oTest.fnStart( "aoColumns.sTitle" ); - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Check the default */ - var oTable = $('#example').dataTable(); - var oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Column names are read from the DOM by default", - null, - function () { - var jqNodes = $('#example thead tr:eq(0) th'); - var bReturn = - jqNodes[0].innerHTML == "Rendering engine" && - jqNodes[1].innerHTML == "Browser" && - jqNodes[2].innerHTML == "Platform(s)" && - jqNodes[3].innerHTML == "Engine version" && - jqNodes[4].innerHTML == "CSS grade"; - return bReturn; - } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Can set a single column title - and others are read from DOM", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aoColumns": [ - null, - { "sTitle": 'unit test' }, - null, - null, - null - ] - } ); - }, - function () { - var jqNodes = $('#example thead tr:eq(0) th'); - var bReturn = - jqNodes[0].innerHTML == "Rendering engine" && - jqNodes[1].innerHTML == "unit test" && - jqNodes[2].innerHTML == "Platform(s)" && - jqNodes[3].innerHTML == "Engine version" && - jqNodes[4].innerHTML == "CSS grade"; - return bReturn; - } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Can set multiple column titles", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aoColumns": [ - null, - { "sTitle": 'unit test 1' }, - null, - null, - { "sTitle": 'unit test 2' } - ] - } ); - }, - function () { - var jqNodes = $('#example thead tr:eq(0) th'); - var bReturn = - jqNodes[0].innerHTML == "Rendering engine" && - jqNodes[1].innerHTML == "unit test 1" && - jqNodes[2].innerHTML == "Platform(s)" && - jqNodes[3].innerHTML == "Engine version" && - jqNodes[4].innerHTML == "unit test 2"; - return bReturn; - } - ); - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/aoColumns.sWidth.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/aoColumns.sWidth.js deleted file mode 100755 index e2777f67..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/aoColumns.sWidth.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,84 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: dom_data -oTest.fnStart( "aoColumns.sWidth" ); - -/* NOTE - we need to disable the auto width for the majority of these test in order to preform - * these tests as the auto width will convert the width to a px value. We can do 'non-exact' tests - * with auto width enabled however to ensure it scales columns as required - */ - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Check the default */ - var oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "bAutoWidth": false, - "aoColumns": [ - null, - { "sWidth": '40%' }, - null, - null, - null - ] - } ); - var oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - - oTest.fnTest( - "With auto width disabled the width for one column is appled", - null, - function () { return $('#example thead th:eq(1)')[0].style.width == "40%"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "With auto width disabled the width for one column is appled", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "bAutoWidth": false, - "aoColumns": [ - null, - null, - { "sWidth": '20%' }, - { "sWidth": '30%' }, - null - ] - } ); - }, - function () { - var bReturn = - $('#example thead th:eq(2)')[0].style.width == "20%" && - $('#example thead th:eq(3)')[0].style.width == "30%"; - return bReturn; - } - ); - - - oTest.fnTest( - "With auto width, it will make the smallest column the largest with percentage width given", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "aoColumns": [ - null, - null, - null, - { "sWidth": '40%' }, - null - ] - } ); - }, - function () { - var anThs = $('#example thead th'); - var a0 = anThs[0].offsetWidth; - var a1 = anThs[1].offsetWidth; - var a2 = anThs[2].offsetWidth; - var a3 = anThs[3].offsetWidth; - var a4 = anThs[4].offsetWidth; - - if ( a3>a0 && a3>a1 && a3>a2 && a3>a4 ) - return true; - else - return false; - } - ); - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/aoSearchCols.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/aoSearchCols.js deleted file mode 100755 index 9a1a3ece..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/aoSearchCols.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,112 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: dom_data -oTest.fnStart( "aoSearchCols" ); - -/* We could be here forever testing this one, so we test a limited subset on a couple of colums */ - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Check the default */ - var oTable = $('#example').dataTable(); - var oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Default should be to have a empty colums array", - null, - function () { - var bReturn = - oSettings.aoPreSearchCols[0].sSearch == 0 && !oSettings.aoPreSearchCols[0].bRegex && - oSettings.aoPreSearchCols[1].sSearch == 0 && !oSettings.aoPreSearchCols[1].bRegex && - oSettings.aoPreSearchCols[2].sSearch == 0 && !oSettings.aoPreSearchCols[2].bRegex && - oSettings.aoPreSearchCols[3].sSearch == 0 && !oSettings.aoPreSearchCols[3].bRegex && - oSettings.aoPreSearchCols[4].sSearch == 0 && !oSettings.aoPreSearchCols[4].bRegex; - return bReturn; - } - ); - - - oTest.fnTest( - "Search on a single column - no regex statement given", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "aoSearchCols": [ - null, - { "sSearch": "Mozilla" }, - null, - { "sSearch": "1" }, - null - ] - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example_info').html() == "Showing 1 to 9 of 9 entries (filtered from 57 total entries)"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Search on two columns - no regex statement given", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "aoSearchCols": [ - null, - { "sSearch": "Mozilla" }, - null, - { "sSearch": "1.5" }, - null - ] - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(3)').html() == "1.5"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Search on single column - escape regex false", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "aoSearchCols": [ - { "sSearch": ".*ML", "bEscapeRegex": false }, - null, - null, - null, - null - ] - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example_info').html() == "Showing 1 to 3 of 3 entries (filtered from 57 total entries)"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Search on two columns - escape regex false on first, true on second", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "aoSearchCols": [ - { "sSearch": ".*ML", "bEscapeRegex": false }, - { "sSearch": "3.3", "bEscapeRegex": true }, - null, - null, - null - ] - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(1)').html() == "Konqureror 3.3"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Search on two columns (no records) - escape regex false on first, true on second", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "aoSearchCols": [ - { "sSearch": ".*ML", "bEscapeRegex": false }, - { "sSearch": "Allan", "bEscapeRegex": true }, - null, - null, - null - ] - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0)').html() == "No matching records found"; } - ); - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/asStripClasses.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/asStripClasses.js deleted file mode 100755 index 906fc788..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/asStripClasses.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,106 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: dom_data -oTest.fnStart( "asStripeClasses" ); - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Check the default */ - $('#example').dataTable(); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Default row striping is applied", - null, - function () { - return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0)').hasClass('odd') && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(1)').hasClass('even') && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(2)').hasClass('odd') && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(3)').hasClass('even'); - } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Row striping does not effect current classes", - null, - function () { - return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0)').hasClass('gradeA') && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(1)').hasClass('gradeA') && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(2)').hasClass('gradeA') && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(3)').hasClass('gradeA'); - } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Row striping on the second page", - function () { $('#example_next').click(); }, - function () { - return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0)').hasClass('odd') && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(1)').hasClass('even') && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(2)').hasClass('odd') && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(3)').hasClass('even'); - } - ); - - /* No striping */ - oTest.fnTest( - "No row striping", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "asStripeClasses": [] - } ); - }, - function () { - return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0)')[0].className == "gradeA" && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(1)')[0].className == "gradeA" && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(2)')[0].className == "gradeA" && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(3)')[0].className == "gradeA"; - } - ); - - /* Custom striping */ - oTest.fnTest( - "Custom striping [2]", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "asStripeClasses": [ 'test1', 'test2' ] - } ); - }, - function () { - return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0)').hasClass('test1') && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(1)').hasClass('test2') && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(2)').hasClass('test1') && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(3)').hasClass('test2'); - } - ); - - - /* long array of striping */ - oTest.fnTest( - "Custom striping [4]", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "asStripeClasses": [ 'test1', 'test2', 'test3', 'test4' ] - } ); - }, - function () { - return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0)').hasClass('test1') && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(1)').hasClass('test2') && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(2)').hasClass('test3') && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(3)').hasClass('test4'); - } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Custom striping is restarted on second page [2]", - function () { $('#example_next').click(); }, - function () { - return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0)').hasClass('test1') && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(1)').hasClass('test2') && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(2)').hasClass('test3') && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(3)').hasClass('test4'); - } - ); - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/bAutoWidth.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/bAutoWidth.js deleted file mode 100755 index e88930bd..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/bAutoWidth.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,138 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: dom_data -oTest.fnStart( "bAutoWidth" ); - -/* It's actually a little tricky to test this. We can't test absolute numbers because - * different browsers and different platforms will render the width of the columns slightly - * differently. However, we certainly can test the principle of what should happen (column - * width doesn't change over pages) - */ - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Check the default */ - var oTable = $('#example').dataTable(); - var oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Auto width is enabled by default", - null, - function () { return oSettings.oFeatures.bAutoWidth; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "First column has a width assigned to it", - null, - function () { return $('#example thead th:eq(0)').attr('style').match(/width/i); } - ); - - /* - This would seem like a better test - but there appear to be difficulties with tables - which are bigger (calculated) than there is actually room for. I suspect this is actually - a bug in datatables - oTest.fnTest( - "Check column widths on first page match second page", - null, - function () { - var anThs = $('#example thead th'); - var a0 = anThs[0].offsetWidth; - var a1 = anThs[1].offsetWidth; - var a2 = anThs[2].offsetWidth; - var a3 = anThs[3].offsetWidth; - var a4 = anThs[4].offsetWidth; - $('#example_next').click(); - var b0 = anThs[0].offsetWidth; - var b1 = anThs[1].offsetWidth; - var b2 = anThs[2].offsetWidth; - var b3 = anThs[3].offsetWidth; - var b4 = anThs[4].offsetWidth; - console.log( a0, b0, a1, b1, a2, b2, a3, b3 ); - if ( a0==b0 && a1==b1 && a2==b2 && a3==b3 ) - return true; - else - return false; - } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Check column widths on second page match thid page", - null, - function () { - var anThs = $('#example thead th'); - var a0 = anThs[0].offsetWidth; - var a1 = anThs[1].offsetWidth; - var a2 = anThs[2].offsetWidth; - var a3 = anThs[3].offsetWidth; - var a4 = anThs[4].offsetWidth; - $('#example_next').click(); - var b0 = anThs[0].offsetWidth; - var b1 = anThs[1].offsetWidth; - var b2 = anThs[2].offsetWidth; - var b3 = anThs[3].offsetWidth; - var b4 = anThs[4].offsetWidth; - if ( a0==b0 && a1==b1 && a2==b2 && a3==b3 ) - return true; - else - return false; - } - ); - */ - - /* Check can disable */ - oTest.fnTest( - "Auto width can be disabled", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "bAutoWidth": false - } ); - oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - }, - function () { return oSettings.oFeatures.bAutoWidth == false; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "First column does not have a width assigned to it", - null, - function () { return $('#example thead th:eq(0)').attr('style') == null; } - ); - - /* - oTest.fnTest( - "Check column widths on first page do not match second page", - null, - function () { - var anThs = $('#example thead th'); - var a0 = anThs[0].offsetWidth; - var a1 = anThs[1].offsetWidth; - var a2 = anThs[2].offsetWidth; - var a3 = anThs[3].offsetWidth; - var a4 = anThs[4].offsetWidth; - $('#example_next').click(); - var b0 = anThs[0].offsetWidth; - var b1 = anThs[1].offsetWidth; - var b2 = anThs[2].offsetWidth; - var b3 = anThs[3].offsetWidth; - var b4 = anThs[4].offsetWidth; - if ( a0==b0 && a1==b1 && a2==b2 && a3==b3 ) - return false; - else - return true; - } - ); - */ - - /* Enable makes no difference */ - oTest.fnTest( - "Auto width enabled override", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "bAutoWidth": true - } ); - oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - }, - function () { return oSettings.oFeatures.bAutoWidth; } - ); - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/bFilter.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/bFilter.js deleted file mode 100755 index f4ec3158..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/bFilter.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,40 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: dom_data -oTest.fnStart( "bFilter" ); - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Check the default */ - $('#example').dataTable(); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Filtering div exists by default", - null, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_filter') != null; } - ); - - /* Check can disable */ - oTest.fnTest( - "Fltering can be disabled", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "bFilter": false - } ); - }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_filter') == null; } - ); - - /* Enable makes no difference */ - oTest.fnTest( - "Filtering enabled override", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "bFilter": true - } ); - }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_filter') != null; } - ); - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/bInfiniteScroll.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/bInfiniteScroll.js deleted file mode 100755 index ce73892b..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/bInfiniteScroll.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,130 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: dom_data -oTest.fnStart( "bInfiniteScroll" ); - - -$(document).ready( function () { - var oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "bScrollInfinite": true, - "sScrollY": "200px" - } ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "10 rows by default", - null, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr').length == 10; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Info", - null, - function () { return $('#example_info').html() == "Showing 1 to 10 of 57 entries"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Get nodes", - null, - function () { return $('#example tbody>tr').length == 10; } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Scroll on 20px adds 10 rows", - function () { $('div.dataTables_scrollBody').scrollTop(20); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr').length == 20; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Info after 20px scroll", - null, - function () { return $('#example_info').html() == "Showing 1 to 20 of 57 entries"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Get nodes after 20px scroll", - null, - function () { return $('#example tbody>tr').length == 20; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Scroll on 10px more results in the same number of rows", - function () { $('div.dataTables_scrollBody').scrollTop(30); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr').length == 20; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Info after 10 more px scroll", - null, - function () { return $('#example_info').html() == "Showing 1 to 20 of 57 entries"; } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Scroll to 240px adds another 10 rows", - function () { $('div.dataTables_scrollBody').scrollTop(240); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr').length == 30; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Info after 240px scroll", - null, - function () { return $('#example_info').html() == "Showing 1 to 30 of 57 entries"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Get nodes after 240px scroll", - null, - function () { return $('#example tbody>tr').length == 30; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Filtering will drop back to 10 rows", - function () { - $('div.dataTables_scrollBody').scrollTop(0); - oTable.fnFilter('gec') - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr').length == 10; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Info after filtering", - null, - function () { return $('#example_info').html() == "Showing 1 to 10 of 20 entries (filtered from 57 total entries)"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Get nodes after filtering", - null, - function () { return $('#example tbody>tr').length == 10; } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Scroll after filtering adds 10", - function () { $('div.dataTables_scrollBody').scrollTop(20); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr').length == 20; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Get nodes after filtering", - null, - function () { return $('#example tbody>tr').length == 20; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting will drop back to 10 rows", - function () { oTable.fnSort([[1,'asc']]) }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr').length == 10; } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Scroll after sorting adds 10", - function () { $('div.dataTables_scrollBody').scrollTop(20); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr').length == 20; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Get nodes after scrolling", - null, - function () { return $('#example tbody>tr').length == 20; } - ); - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/bInfo.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/bInfo.js deleted file mode 100755 index 54d470f0..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/bInfo.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,40 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: dom_data -oTest.fnStart( "bInfo" ); - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Check the default */ - $('#example').dataTable(); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Info div exists by default", - null, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info') != null; } - ); - - /* Check can disable */ - oTest.fnTest( - "Info can be disabled", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "bInfo": false - } ); - }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info') == null; } - ); - - /* Enable makes no difference */ - oTest.fnTest( - "Info enabled override", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "bInfo": true - } ); - }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info') != null; } - ); - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/bJQueryUI.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/bJQueryUI.js deleted file mode 100755 index 6c685468..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/bJQueryUI.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,40 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: dom_data -oTest.fnStart( "bJQueryUI" ); - -$(document).ready( function () { - $('#example').dataTable( { - "bJQueryUI": true - } ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Header elements are fully wrapped by DIVs", - null, - function () { - var test = true; - $('#example thead th').each( function () { - if ( this.childNodes > 1 ) { - test = false; - } - } ); - return test; - } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "One div for each header element", - null, - function () { - return $('#example thead th div').length == 5; - } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "One span for each header element, nested as child of div", - null, - function () { - return $('#example thead th div>span').length == 5; - } - ); - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/bLengthChange.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/bLengthChange.js deleted file mode 100755 index 1c8ef40b..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/bLengthChange.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,71 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: dom_data -oTest.fnStart( "bLengthChange" ); - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Check the default */ - $('#example').dataTable(); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Length div exists by default", - null, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_length') != null; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Four default options", - null, - function () { return $("select[name=example_length] option").length == 4; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Default options", - null, - function () { - var opts = $("select[name='example_length'] option"); - return opts[0].getAttribute('value') == 10 && opts[1].getAttribute('value') == 25 && - opts[2].getAttribute('value') == 50 && opts[3].getAttribute('value') == 100; - } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Info takes length into account", - null, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == - "Showing 1 to 10 of 57 entries"; } - ); - - /* Check can disable */ - oTest.fnTest( - "Change length can be disabled", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "bLengthChange": false - } ); - }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_length') == null; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Information takes length disabled into account", - null, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == - "Showing 1 to 10 of 57 entries"; } - ); - - /* Enable makes no difference */ - oTest.fnTest( - "Length change enabled override", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "bLengthChange": true - } ); - }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_length') != null; } - ); - - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/bPaginate.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/bPaginate.js deleted file mode 100755 index 560114e3..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/bPaginate.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,55 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: dom_data -oTest.fnStart( "bPaginate" ); - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Check the default */ - $('#example').dataTable(); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Pagiantion div exists by default", - null, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_paginate') != null; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Information div takes paging into account", - null, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == - "Showing 1 to 10 of 57 entries"; } - ); - - /* Check can disable */ - oTest.fnTest( - "Pagiantion can be disabled", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "bPaginate": false - } ); - }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_paginate') == null; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Information div takes paging disabled into account", - null, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == - "Showing 1 to 57 of 57 entries"; } - ); - - /* Enable makes no difference */ - oTest.fnTest( - "Pagiantion enabled override", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "bPaginate": true - } ); - }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_paginate') != null; } - ); - - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/bProcessing.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/bProcessing.js deleted file mode 100755 index e342a40c..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/bProcessing.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,99 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: dom_data -oTest.fnStart( "bProcessing" ); - -/* It's actually a bit hard to set this one due to the fact that it will only be shown - * when DataTables is doing some kind of processing. The server-side processing is a bit - * better to test this than here - so we just the interal functions to enable it and check - * that it is available - */ - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Check the default */ - var oTable = $('#example').dataTable(); - var oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Processing is off by default", - null, - function () { return oSettings.oFeatures.bProcessing == false; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Processing div is not in the DOM", - function () { oTable.oApi._fnProcessingDisplay( oSettings, true ); }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_processing') == null; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Processing div cannot be shown", - function () { oTable.oApi._fnProcessingDisplay( oSettings, true ); }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_processing') == null; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Processing div cannot be hidden", - function () { oTable.oApi._fnProcessingDisplay( oSettings, false ); }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_processing') == null; } - ); - - - /* Check can disable */ - oTest.fnTest( - "Processing can be enabled", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "bProcessing": true - } ); - oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - }, - function () { return oSettings.oFeatures.bProcessing == true; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Processing div is in the DOM", - function () { oTable.oApi._fnProcessingDisplay( oSettings, true ); }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_processing'); } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Processing div is hidden by default", - function () { oTable.oApi._fnProcessingDisplay( oSettings, true ); }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_processing').style.visibility = "hidden"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Processing div can be shown", - function () { oTable.oApi._fnProcessingDisplay( oSettings, true ); }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_processing').style.visibility = "visible"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Processing div can be hidden", - function () { oTable.oApi._fnProcessingDisplay( oSettings, false ); }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_processing').style.visibility = "hidden"; } - ); - - /* Enable makes no difference */ - oTest.fnTest( - "Processing disabled override", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "bProcessing": false - } ); - oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - }, - function () { return oSettings.oFeatures.bProcessing == false; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Processing div is not in the DOM", - function () { oTable.oApi._fnProcessingDisplay( oSettings, true ); }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_processing') == null; } - ); - - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/bServerSide.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/bServerSide.js deleted file mode 100755 index c6aacec6..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/bServerSide.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: dom_data -oTest.fnStart( "bServerSide" ); - -/* Not interested in server-side processing here other than to check that it is off */ - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Check the default */ - var oTable = $('#example').dataTable(); - var oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Server side is off by default", - null, - function () { return oSettings.oFeatures.bServerSide == false; } - ); - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/bSort.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/bSort.js deleted file mode 100755 index ecaf168e..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/bSort.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,101 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: dom_data -oTest.fnStart( "bSort" ); - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Check the default */ - $('#example').dataTable(); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting is on by default", - null, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(0)').html() == "Gecko"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting Asc by default class applied", - null, - function () { return $('#example thead th:eq(0)').hasClass("sorting_asc"); } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Click on second column", - function () { $('#example thead th:eq(1)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(1)').html() == "All others"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting class removed from first column", - null, - function () { return $('#example thead th:eq(0)').hasClass("sorting_asc") != true; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting asc class applied to second column", - null, - function () { return $('#example thead th:eq(1)').hasClass("sorting_asc"); } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Reverse on second column", - function () { $('#example thead th:eq(1)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(1)').html() == "Seamonkey 1.1"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting acs class removed from second column", - null, - function () { return $('#example thead th:eq(1)').hasClass("sorting_asc") != true; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting desc class applied to second column", - null, - function () { return $('#example thead th:eq(1)').hasClass("sorting_desc"); } - ); - - /* Check can disable */ - oTest.fnTest( - "Pagiantion can be disabled", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "bSort": false - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(3)').html() == "4"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Disabled classes applied", - null, - function () { return $('#example thead th:eq(0)').hasClass('sorting_disabled'); } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Click on second column has no effect", - function () { $('#example thead th:eq(1)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(3)').html() == "4"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Reverse on second column has no effect", - function () { $('#example thead th:eq(1)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(3)').html() == "4"; } - ); - - /* Enable makes no difference */ - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting enabled override", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "bSort": true - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(0)').html() == "Gecko"; } - ); - - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/bSortCellsTop.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/bSortCellsTop.js deleted file mode 100755 index fc550d5d..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/bSortCellsTop.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,77 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: dom_data_two_headers -oTest.fnStart( "bSortCellsTop" ); - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Check the default */ - var oTable = $('#example').dataTable(); - var oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting class is on the bottom cells by default", - null, - function () { return $('#example thead tr:eq(1) th:eq(0)').hasClass('sorting_asc'); } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting is performed on bottom cells", - function () { return $('#example thead tr:eq(1) th:eq(0)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0)').html() == "Webkit"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting class is updated on the bottom cells", - null, - function () { return $('#example thead tr:eq(1) th:eq(0)').hasClass('sorting_desc'); } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Clicking on top cells has no effect", - function () { return $('#example thead tr:eq(0) th:eq(0)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0)').html() == "Webkit"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Clicking on another top cell has no effect", - function () { return $('#example thead tr:eq(0) th:eq(3)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0)').html() == "Webkit"; } - ); - - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting class is on the top cell when bSortCellsTop is true", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "bSortCellsTop": true - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example thead tr:eq(0) th:eq(0)').hasClass('sorting_asc'); } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting is performed on top cells now", - function () { return $('#example thead tr:eq(0) th:eq(0)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0)').html() == "Webkit"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting class is updated on the top cells", - null, - function () { return $('#example thead tr:eq(0) th:eq(0)').hasClass('sorting_desc'); } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Clicking on bottom cells has no effect", - function () { return $('#example thead tr:eq(1) th:eq(0)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0)').html() == "Webkit"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Clicking on another bottom cell has no effect", - function () { return $('#example thead tr:eq(1) th:eq(3)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0)').html() == "Webkit"; } - ); - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/bSortClasses.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/bSortClasses.js deleted file mode 100755 index 97f0c1fc..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/bSortClasses.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,128 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: dom_data -oTest.fnStart( "bSortClasses" ); - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Check the default */ - $('#example').dataTable(); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting classes are applied by default", - null, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0)').hasClass('sorting_1'); } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting classes are applied to all required cells", - null, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(7) td:eq(0)').hasClass('sorting_1'); } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting classes are not applied to non-sorting columns", - null, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(1)').hasClass('sorting_1') == false; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting multi-column - add column 1", - function () { - $('#example thead th:eq(1)')[0], { 'shift': true } ); }, - function () { - return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0)').hasClass('sorting_1') && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(1)').hasClass('sorting_2'); - } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting multi-column - add column 2", - function () { - $('#example thead th:eq(2)')[0], { 'shift': true } ); }, - function () { - return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0)').hasClass('sorting_1') && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(1)').hasClass('sorting_2') && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(2)').hasClass('sorting_3'); - } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting multi-column - add column 3", - function () { - $('#example thead th:eq(3)')[0], { 'shift': true } ); - }, - function () { - return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0)').hasClass('sorting_1') && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(1)').hasClass('sorting_2') && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(2)').hasClass('sorting_3') && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(3)').hasClass('sorting_3'); - } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Remove sorting classes on single column sort", - function () { - $('#example thead th:eq(4)').click(); - }, - function () { - return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0)').hasClass('sorting_1') == false && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(1)').hasClass('sorting_2') == false && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(2)').hasClass('sorting_3') == false && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(3)').hasClass('sorting_3') == false; - } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting class 1 was added", - null, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(1) td:eq(4)').hasClass('sorting_1'); } - ); - - - /* Check can disable */ - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting classes can be disabled", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "bSortClasses": false - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0)').hasClass('sorting_1') == false; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting classes disabled - add column 1 - no effect", - function () { - $('#example thead th:eq(1)')[0], { 'shift': true } ); }, - function () { - return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0)').hasClass('sorting_1') == false && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(1)').hasClass('sorting_2') == false; - } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting classes disabled - add column 2 - no effect", - function () { - $('#example thead th:eq(2)')[0], { 'shift': true } ); }, - function () { - return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0)').hasClass('sorting_1') == false && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(1)').hasClass('sorting_2') == false && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(2)').hasClass('sorting_3') == false; - } - ); - - - /* Enable makes no difference */ - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting classes enabled override", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "bSortClasses": true - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0)').hasClass('sorting_1'); } - ); - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/fnCookieCallback.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/fnCookieCallback.js deleted file mode 100755 index 31d03936..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/fnCookieCallback.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,97 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: dom_data -oTest.fnStart( "Cookie callback" ); - - -$(document).ready( function () { - var mPass; - /* Note that in order to be fully effective here for saving state, there would need to be a - * stringify function to serialise the data array - */ - - oTest.fnTest( - "null by default", - function () { - $('#example').dataTable(); - }, - function () { return $('#example').dataTable().fnSettings().fnCookieCallback == null; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Number of arguments", - function () { - $('#example').dataTable( { - "bDestroy": true, - "bStateSave": true, - "fnCookieCallback": function (sName, oData, sExpires, sPath) { - mPass = arguments.length; - return sName + "=; expires=" + sExpires +"; path=" + sPath; - } - } ); - }, - function () { return mPass == 4; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Name", - function () { - $('#example').dataTable( { - "bDestroy": true, - "bStateSave": true, - "fnCookieCallback": function (sName, oData, sExpires, sPath) { - mPass = sName=="SpryMedia_DataTables_example_dom_data.php"; - return sName + "=; expires=" + sExpires +"; path=" + sPath; - } - } ); - }, - function () { return mPass; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Data", - function () { - $('#example').dataTable( { - "bDestroy": true, - "bStateSave": true, - "fnCookieCallback": function (sName, oData, sExpires, sPath) { - mPass = typeof oData.iStart != 'undefined'; - return sName + "=; expires=" + sExpires +"; path=" + sPath; - } - } ); - }, - function () { return mPass; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Expires", - function () { - $('#example').dataTable( { - "bDestroy": true, - "bStateSave": true, - "fnCookieCallback": function (sName, oData, sExpires, sPath) { - mPass = typeof sExpires == 'string'; - return sName + "=; expires=" + sExpires +"; path=" + sPath; - } - } ); - }, - function () { return mPass; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Path", - function () { - $('#example').dataTable( { - "bDestroy": true, - "bStateSave": true, - "fnCookieCallback": function (sName, oData, sExpires, sPath) { - mPass = sPath.match(/media\/unit_testing\/templates/); - return sName + "=; expires=" + sExpires +"; path=" + sPath; - } - } ); - }, - function () { return mPass; } - ); - - - oTest.fnCookieDestroy( $('#example').dataTable() ); - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/fnCreatedCell.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/fnCreatedCell.js deleted file mode 100755 index 1de49671..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/fnCreatedCell.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,151 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: dom_data -oTest.fnStart( "fnCreatedCell tests" ); - -$(document).ready( function () { - var tmp = 0; - - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aoColumnDefs": [ { - fnCreatedCell: function () { - tmp++; - }, - "aTargets": ["_all"] - } ] - } ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Cell created is called once for each cell on init", - null, - function () { return tmp===285; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Created isn't called back on other draws", - function () { $('#example th:eq(1)').click(); }, - function () { return tmp===285; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Four arguments for the function", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - tmp = true; - - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aoColumnDefs": [ { - fnCreatedRow: function () { - if ( arguments.length !== 4 ) { - tmp = false; - } - }, - "aTargets": ["_all"] - } ] - } ); - }, - function () { return tmp; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "First argument is a TD element", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - tmp = true; - - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aoColumnDefs": [ { - fnCreatedRow: function () { - if ( arguments[0].nodeName !== "TD" ) { - tmp = false; - } - }, - "aTargets": ["_all"] - } ] - } ); - }, - function () { return tmp; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Second argument is the HTML value", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - tmp = true; - - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aoColumnDefs": [ { - fnCreatedRow: function () { - if ( arguments[1] != $('td').html() ) { - tmp = false; - } - }, - "aTargets": ["_all"] - } ] - } ); - }, - function () { return tmp; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Third argument is the data array", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - tmp = true; - - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aoColumnDefs": [ { - fnCreatedRow: function () { - if ( arguments[2].length !== 5 ) { - tmp = false; - } - }, - "aTargets": ["_all"] - } ] - } ); - }, - function () { return tmp; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Fourth argument is the data source for the row", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - tmp = true; - - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aoColumnDefs": [ { - fnCreatedRow: function () { - if ( arguments[2] !== this.fnSettings().aoData[ arguments[2] ]._aData ) { - tmp = false; - } - }, - "aTargets": ["_all"] - } ] - } ); - }, - function () { return tmp; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Fifth argument is the the col index", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - tmp = true; - - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aoColumnDefs": [ { - fnCreatedRow: function () { - if ( arguments[1] != $('td:eq('+arguments[4]+')', arguments[0].parentNode).html() ) { - tmp = false; - } - }, - "aTargets": ["_all"] - } ] - } ); - }, - function () { return tmp; } - ); - - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/fnCreatedRow.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/fnCreatedRow.js deleted file mode 100755 index e408f709..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/fnCreatedRow.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,115 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: dom_data -oTest.fnStart( "fnCreatedRow tests" ); - -$(document).ready( function () { - var tmp = 0; - - $('#example').dataTable( { - fnCreatedRow: function () { - tmp++; - } - } ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Row created is called once for each row on init", - null, - function () { return tmp===57; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Created isn't called back on other draws", - function () { $('#example th:eq(1)').click(); }, - function () { return tmp===57; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Three arguments for the function", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - tmp = true; - - $('#example').dataTable( { - fnCreatedRow: function () { - if ( arguments.length !== 3 ) { - tmp = false; - } - } - } ); - }, - function () { return tmp; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "First argument is a TR element", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - tmp = true; - - $('#example').dataTable( { - fnCreatedRow: function () { - if ( arguments[0].nodeName !== "TR" ) { - tmp = false; - } - } - } ); - }, - function () { return tmp; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Second argument is an array with 5 elements", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - tmp = true; - - $('#example').dataTable( { - fnCreatedRow: function () { - if ( arguments[1].length !== 5 ) { - tmp = false; - } - } - } ); - }, - function () { return tmp; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Third argument is the data source for the row", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - tmp = true; - - $('#example').dataTable( { - fnCreatedRow: function () { - if ( arguments[1] !== this.fnSettings().aoData[ arguments[2] ]._aData ) { - tmp = false; - } - } - } ); - }, - function () { return tmp; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "TR element is tied to the correct data", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - tmp = false; - - $('#example').dataTable( { - fnCreatedRow: function (tr, data, index) { - if ( data[1] === "Firefox 1.0" ) { - if ( $('td:eq(3)', tr).html() == "1.7" ) { - tmp = true; - } - } - } - } ); - }, - function () { return tmp; } - ); - - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/fnDeleteRow.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/fnDeleteRow.js deleted file mode 100755 index 29a0b3fd..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/fnDeleteRow.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,30 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: dom_data -oTest.fnStart( "fnDeleteRow" ); - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Check the default */ - var oTable = $('#example').dataTable(); - var oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Check that the default data is sane", - null, - function () { return oSettings.asDataSearch.join(' ').match(/4.0/g).length == 3; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Remove the first data row, and check that hte search data has been updated", - function () { oTable.fnDeleteRow( 0 ); }, - function () { return oSettings.asDataSearch.join(' ').match(/4.0/g).length == 2; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Check that the info element has been updated", - null, - function () { return $('#example_info').html() == "Showing 1 to 10 of 56 entries"; } - ); - - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/fnDrawCallback.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/fnDrawCallback.js deleted file mode 100755 index ffa5f814..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/fnDrawCallback.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: dom_data -oTest.fnStart( "fnDrawCallback" ); - -/* Fairly boring function compared to the others! */ - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Check the default */ - var oTable = $('#example').dataTable(); - var oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - var mPass; - - oTest.fnTest( - "Default should be null", - null, - function () { return oSettings.fnDrawCallback == null; } - ); - - - oTest.fnTest( - "One argument passed", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - - mPass = -1; - $('#example').dataTable( { - "fnDrawCallback": function ( ) { - mPass = arguments.length; - } - } ); - }, - function () { return mPass == 1; } - ); - - - oTest.fnTest( - "That one argument is the settings object", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - - oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "fnDrawCallback": function ( oSettings ) { - mPass = oSettings; - } - } ); - }, - function () { return oTable.fnSettings() == mPass; } - ); - - - oTest.fnTest( - "fnRowCallback called once on first draw", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - - mPass = 0; - $('#example').dataTable( { - "fnDrawCallback": function ( ) { - mPass++; - } - } ); - }, - function () { return mPass == 1; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "fnRowCallback called once on each draw there after as well", - function () { - $('#example_next').click(); - $('#example_next').click(); - $('#example_next').click(); - }, - function () { return mPass == 4; } - ); - - - - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/fnFilter.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/fnFilter.js deleted file mode 100755 index 1e18b22d..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/fnFilter.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: dom_data -oTest.fnStart( "fnFilter" ); - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Check the default */ - var oTable = $('#example').dataTable(); - oTable.fnFilter(1); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Filtering with a non-string input is valid", - null, - function () { return $('#example_info').html() == "Showing 1 to 10 of 32 entries (filtered from 57 total entries)"; } - ); - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/fnFooterCallback.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/fnFooterCallback.js deleted file mode 100755 index a02f8de2..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/fnFooterCallback.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,227 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: dom_data -oTest.fnStart( "fnFooterCallback" ); - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Check the default */ - var oTable = $('#example').dataTable(); - var oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - var mPass; - - oTest.fnTest( - "Default should be null", - null, - function () { return oSettings.fnFooterCallback == null; } - ); - - - oTest.fnTest( - "Five arguments passed", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - - mPass = -1; - $('#example').dataTable( { - "fnFooterCallback": function ( ) { - mPass = arguments.length; - } - } ); - }, - function () { return mPass == 5; } - ); - - - oTest.fnTest( - "fnRowCallback called once per draw", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - - mPass = 0; - $('#example').dataTable( { - "fnFooterCallback": function ( nFoot, aasData, iStart, iEnd, aiDisplay ) { - mPass++; - } - } ); - }, - function () { return mPass == 1; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "fnRowCallback called on paging (i.e. another draw)", - function () { $('#example_next').click(); }, - function () { return mPass == 2; } - ); - - - oTest.fnTest( - "fnRowCallback allows us to alter row information", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "fnFooterCallback": function ( nFoot, aasData, iStart, iEnd, aiDisplay ) { - nFoot.getElementsByTagName('th')[0].innerHTML = "Displaying "+(iEnd-iStart)+" records"; - } - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example tfoot th:eq(0)').html() == "Displaying 10 records"; } - ); - - - oTest.fnTest( - "Data array has length matching original data", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - - mPass = true; - $('#example').dataTable( { - "fnFooterCallback": function ( nFoot, aasData, iStart, iEnd, aiDisplay ) { - if ( aasData.length != 57 ) - { - mPass = false; - } - } - } ); - }, - function () { return mPass; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Data array's column lengths match original data", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - - mPass = true; - $('#example').dataTable( { - "fnFooterCallback": function ( nFoot, aasData, iStart, iEnd, aiDisplay ) { - for ( var i=0, iLen=aasData.length ; i' - } ); - oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - }, - function () { return oSettings.sDom == '<"wrapper"flipt>'; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Check example 1 in DOM", - null, - function () { - var jqNodes = $('#demo div, #demo table'); - var nNodes = []; - - /* Strip the paging nodes */ - for ( var i=0, iLen=jqNodes.length ; iip>' - } ); - }, - function () { - var jqNodes = $('#demo div, #demo table'); - var nNodes = []; - var nCustomWrappers = [] - - /* Strip the paging nodes */ - for ( var i=0, iLen=jqNodes.length ; irti' - } ); - }, - function () { - return $('#test').length == 1; - } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Element with an id and a class", - function () { - $('#example').dataTable( { - "bDestroy": true, - "sDom": '<"#test.classTest"lf>rti' - } ); - }, - function () { - return ($('#test').length == 1 && $('#test')[0].className == "classTest"); - } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Element with just a class", - function () { - $('#example').dataTable( { - "bDestroy": true, - "sDom": '<"classTest"lf>rti' - } ); - }, - function () { - return ($('div.classTest').length == 1 ); - } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Two elements with an id", - function () { - $('#example').dataTable( { - "bDestroy": true, - "sDom": '<"#test1"lf>rti<"#test2"lf>' - } ); - }, - function () { - return ($('#test1').length == 1 && $('#test2').length == 1); - } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Two elements with an id and one with a class", - function () { - $('#example').dataTable( { - "bDestroy": true, - "sDom": '<"#test1"lf>rti<"#test2.classTest"lf>' - } ); - }, - function () { - return ($('#test1').length == 1 && $('#test2').length == 1 && $('div.classTest').length == 1); - } - ); - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/sPaginationType.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/sPaginationType.js deleted file mode 100755 index 8d975f55..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/sPaginationType.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,122 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: dom_data -oTest.fnStart( "sPaginationType" ); - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Check the default */ - var oTable = $('#example').dataTable(); - var oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Check two button paging is the default", - null, - function () { return oSettings.sPaginationType == "two_button"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Check class is applied", - null, - function () { return $('#example_paginate').hasClass('paging_two_button'); } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Two A elements are in the wrapper", - null, - function () { return $('#example_paginate a').length == 2; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "We have the previous button", - null, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_previous'); } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "We have the next button", - null, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_next'); } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Previous button is disabled", - null, - function () { return $('#example_previous').hasClass('paginate_disabled_previous'); } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Next button is enabled", - null, - function () { return $('#example_next').hasClass('paginate_enabled_next'); } - ); - - /* Don't test paging - that's done by the zero config test script. */ - - - /* Two buttons paging */ - oTest.fnTest( - "Can enabled full numbers paging", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "sPaginationType": "full_numbers" - } ); - oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - }, - function () { return oSettings.sPaginationType == "full_numbers"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Check full numbers class is applied", - null, - function () { return $('#example_paginate').hasClass('paging_full_numbers'); } - ); - - - var nFirst, nPrevious, nNext, nLast; - oTest.fnTest( - "Jump to last page", - function () { - nFirst = $('div.dataTables_paginate a.first'); - nPrevious = $('div.dataTables_paginate a.previous'); - nNext = $('div.dataTables_paginate'); - nLast = $('div.dataTables_paginate a.last'); -; - }, - function () { - return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == "Showing 51 to 57 of 57 entries"; - } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Go to two pages previous", - function () { -; -; - }, - function () { - return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == "Showing 31 to 40 of 57 entries"; - } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Next (second last) page", - function () { -; - }, - function () { - return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == "Showing 41 to 50 of 57 entries"; - } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Jump to first page", - function () { -; - }, - function () { - return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == "Showing 1 to 10 of 57 entries"; - } - ); - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/sScrollXY.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/sScrollXY.js deleted file mode 100755 index d9a61195..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/sScrollXY.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,63 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: dom_data -oTest.fnStart( "sScrollX / Y" ); - - -$(document).ready( function () { - // Force some x scrolling - $('body').css('white-space', 'nowrap'); - $('#container').css('width', '400px'); - - var oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "sScrollX": "100%", - "sScrollY": "200px", - "bPaginate": false - } ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Header follows x-scrolling", - function () { $('div.dataTables_scrollBody').scrollLeft(20); }, - function () { return $('div.dataTables_scrollHead').scrollLeft() == 20; } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Footer follows x-scrolling", - null, - function () { return $('div.dataTables_scrollFoot').scrollLeft() == 20; } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "y-scrolling has no effect on header", - function () { $('div.dataTables_scrollBody').scrollTop(20); }, - function () { return $('div.dataTables_scrollHead').scrollLeft() == 20; } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Filtering results in sets y-scroll back to 0", - function () { oTable.fnFilter('1') }, - function () { return $('div.dataTables_scrollBody').scrollTop() == 0; } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Filtering has no effect on x-scroll", - null, - function () { return $('div.dataTables_scrollBody').scrollLeft() == 20; } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Full x-scroll has header track all the way with it", - function () { - $('div.dataTables_scrollBody').scrollLeft( - $('#example').width() - $('div.dataTables_scrollBody')[0].clientWidth - ); - }, - function () { return $('div.dataTables_scrollBody').scrollLeft() == $('div.dataTables_scrollHead').scrollLeft(); } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Footer also tracked all the way", - null, - function () { return $('div.dataTables_scrollBody').scrollLeft() == $('div.dataTables_scrollFoot').scrollLeft(); } - ); - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/th_in_body.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/th_in_body.js deleted file mode 100755 index bbf5ee3a..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/1_dom/th_in_body.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,437 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: dom_data_th -oTest.fnStart( "Sanity checks for DataTables with DOM data and a TH in the body" ); - -oTest.fnTest( - "jQuery.dataTable function", - null, - function () { return typeof jQuery().dataTable == "function"; } -); - -oTest.fnTest( - "jQuery.dataTableSettings storage array", - null, - function () { return typeof jQuery().dataTableSettings == "object"; } -); - -oTest.fnTest( - "jQuery.dataTableExt plugin object", - null, - function () { return typeof jQuery().dataTableExt == "object"; } -); - -$(document).ready( function () { - $('#example').dataTable(); - - /* Basic checks */ - oTest.fnTest( - "Length changing div exists", - null, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_length') != null; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Filtering div exists", - null, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_filter') != null; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Information div exists", - null, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info') != null; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Pagination div exists", - null, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_paginate') != null; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Processing div is off by default", - null, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_processing') == null; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "10 rows shown on the first page", - null, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr').length == 10; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Initial sort occured", - null, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(0)').html() == "Gecko"; } - ); - - /* Need to use the WaitTest for sorting due to the setTimeout datatables uses */ - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting (first click) on second column", - function () { $('#example thead th:eq(1)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(1)').html() == "All others"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting (second click) on second column", - function () { $('#example thead th:eq(1)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(1)').html() == "Seamonkey 1.1"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting (third click) on second column", - function () { $('#example thead th:eq(1)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(1)').html() == "All others"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting (first click) on numeric column", - function () { $('#example thead th:eq(3)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(3)').html() == "-"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting (second click) on numeric column", - function () { $('#example thead th:eq(3)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(3)').html() == "522.1"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting multi-column (first click)", - function () { - $('#example thead th:eq(0)').click(); - $('#example thead th:eq(1)')[0], { 'shift': true } ); }, - function () { var b = - $('#example tbody td:eq(0)').html() == "Gecko" && - $('#example tbody td:eq(1)').html() == "Camino 1.0"; return b; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting multi-column - sorting second column only", - function () { - $('#example thead th:eq(1)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(1)').html() == "All others"; } - ); - - /* Basic paging */ - oTest.fnTest( - "Paging to second page", - function () { $('#example_next').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(1)').html() == "IE Mobile"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Paging to first page", - function () { $('#example_previous').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(1)').html() == "All others"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Attempting to page back beyond the first page", - function () { $('#example_previous').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(1)').html() == "All others"; } - ); - - /* Changing length */ - oTest.fnTest( - "Changing table length to 25 records", - function () { $("select[name=example_length]").val('25').change(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr').length == 25; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Changing table length to 50 records", - function () { $("select[name=example_length]").val('50').change(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr').length == 50; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Changing table length to 100 records", - function () { $("select[name=example_length]").val('100').change(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr').length == 57; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Changing table length to 10 records", - function () { $("select[name=example_length]").val('10').change(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr').length == 10; } - ); - - /* - * Information element - */ - oTest.fnTest( - "Information on zero config", - null, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == "Showing 1 to 10 of 57 entries"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Information on second page", - function () { $('#example_next').click(); }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == "Showing 11 to 20 of 57 entries"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Information on third page", - function () { $('#example_next').click(); }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == "Showing 21 to 30 of 57 entries"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Information on last page", - function () { - $('#example_next').click(); - $('#example_next').click(); - $('#example_next').click(); - }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == "Showing 51 to 57 of 57 entries"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Information back on first page", - function () { - $('#example_previous').click(); - $('#example_previous').click(); - $('#example_previous').click(); - $('#example_previous').click(); - $('#example_previous').click(); - }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == "Showing 1 to 10 of 57 entries"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Information with 25 records", - function () { $("select[name=example_length]").val('25').change(); }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == "Showing 1 to 25 of 57 entries"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Information with 25 records - second page", - function () { $('#example_next').click(); }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == "Showing 26 to 50 of 57 entries"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Information with 100 records - first page", - function () { - $('#example_previous').click(); - $("select[name=example_length]").val('100').change(); - }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == "Showing 1 to 57 of 57 entries"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Information back to 10 records", - function () { - $('#example_previous').click(); - $("select[name=example_length]").val('10').change(); - }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == "Showing 1 to 10 of 57 entries"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Information with filter 'Win'", - function () { $('#example_filter input').val("Win").keyup(); }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == - "Showing 1 to 10 of 31 entries (filtered from 57 total entries)"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Information with filter 'Win' second page", - function () { $('#example_next').click(); }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == - "Showing 11 to 20 of 31 entries (filtered from 57 total entries)"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Information with filter 'Win' last page", - function () { - $('#example_next').click(); - $('#example_next').click(); - }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == - "Showing 31 to 31 of 31 entries (filtered from 57 total entries)"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Information with filter 'Win' back to first page", - function () { - $('#example_previous').click(); - $('#example_previous').click(); - $('#example_previous').click(); - }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == - "Showing 1 to 10 of 31 entries (filtered from 57 total entries)"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Information with filter 'Win' second page - second time", - function () { - $('#example_next').click(); - }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == - "Showing 11 to 20 of 31 entries (filtered from 57 total entries)"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Information with filter increased to 'Win 98'", - function () { $('#example_filter input').val("Win 98").keyup(); }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == - "Showing 1 to 9 of 9 entries (filtered from 57 total entries)"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Information with filter decreased to 'Win'", - function () { $('#example_filter input').val("Win").keyup(); }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == - "Showing 1 to 10 of 31 entries (filtered from 57 total entries)"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Information with filter 'Win' second page - third time", - function () { - $('#example_next').click(); - }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == - "Showing 11 to 20 of 31 entries (filtered from 57 total entries)"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Information with filter removed", - function () { $('#example_filter input').val("").keyup(); }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == - "Showing 1 to 10 of 57 entries"; } - ); - - - /* - * Filtering - */ - oTest.fnTest( - "Filter 'W' - rows", - function () { - /* Reset the table such that the old sorting doesn't mess things up */ - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable(); - $('#example_filter input').val("W").keyup(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0)').html() == "Gecko"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Filter 'W' - info", - null, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == - "Showing 1 to 10 of 42 entries (filtered from 57 total entries)"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Filter 'Wi'", - function () { $('#example_filter input').val("Wi").keyup(); }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == - "Showing 1 to 10 of 32 entries (filtered from 57 total entries)"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Filter 'Win'", - function () { $('#example_filter input').val("Win").keyup(); }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == - "Showing 1 to 10 of 31 entries (filtered from 57 total entries)"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Filter 'Win' - sorting column 1", - function () { $('#example thead th:eq(1)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(1)').html() == "AOL browser (AOL desktop)"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Filter 'Win' - sorting column 1 info", - null, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == - "Showing 1 to 10 of 31 entries (filtered from 57 total entries)"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Filter 'Win' - sorting column 1 reverse", - function () { $('#example thead th:eq(1)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(1)').html() == "Seamonkey 1.1"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Filter 'Win XP' - maintaing reverse sorting col 1", - function () { $('#example_filter input').val("Win XP").keyup(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(1)').html() == "Internet Explorer 7"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Filter 'Win XP' - sorting col 3", - function () { $('#example thead th:eq(3)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(3)').html() == "4"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Filter 'Win XP' - sorting col 3 - reversed", - function () { $('#example thead th:eq(3)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(3)').html() == "7"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Filter 'Win' - sorting col 3 - reversed info", - null, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == - "Showing 1 to 6 of 6 entries (filtered from 57 total entries)"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Filter 'nothinghere'", - function () { $('#example_filter input').val("nothinghere").keyup(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0)').html() == - "No matching records found"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Filter 'nothinghere' - info", - null, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == - "Showing 0 to 0 of 0 entries (filtered from 57 total entries)"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Filter back to blank and 1st column sorting", - function () { - $('#example_filter input').val("").keyup(); - $('#example thead th:eq(0)').click(); - }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == - "Showing 1 to 10 of 57 entries"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Prefixing a filter entry", - function () { - $('#example_filter input').val("Win").keyup(); - $('#example_filter input').val("GeckoWin").keyup(); - }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == - "Showing 0 to 0 of 0 entries (filtered from 57 total entries)"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Prefixing a filter entry with space", - function () { - $('#example_filter input').val("Gecko Win").keyup(); - }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == - "Showing 1 to 10 of 17 entries (filtered from 57 total entries)"; } - ); - - - - - - - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/39-nested-null.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/39-nested-null.js deleted file mode 100644 index 09db94ea..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/39-nested-null.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,76 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: empty_table -oTest.fnStart( "39 - nested null values" ); - -$(document).ready( function () { - var test = false; - - $.fn.dataTable.ext.sErrMode = "throw"; - - oTest.fnTest( - "No default content throws an error", - function () { - try { - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": [ - { "a": "0", "b": {"c": 0} }, - { "a": "1", "b": {"c": 3} }, - { "a": "2", "b": null } - ], - "aoColumns": [ - { "mDataProp": "a" }, - { "mDataProp": "b" }, - { "mDataProp": "b.c" } - ] - } ); - } - catch(err) { - test = true; - } - }, - function () { return test; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Table renders", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": [ - { "a": "0", "b": {"c": 0} }, - { "a": "1", "b": {"c": 3} }, - { "a": "2", "b": null } - ], - "aoColumns": [ - { "mDataProp": "a" }, - { "mDataProp": "b" }, - { "mDataProp": "b.c", "sDefaultContent": "allan" } - ] - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(0)').html() === "0"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Default content applied", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": [ - { "a": "0", "b": {"c": 0} }, - { "a": "1", "b": {"c": 3} }, - { "a": "2", "b": null } - ], - "aoColumns": [ - { "mDataProp": "a" }, - { "mDataProp": "b" }, - { "mDataProp": "b.c", "sDefaultContent": "allan" } - ] - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(8)').html() === "allan"; } - ); - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/6872-default-content-missing-props.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/6872-default-content-missing-props.js deleted file mode 100644 index 5ae4126b..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/6872-default-content-missing-props.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,285 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: empty_table -oTest.fnStart( "6872 - mDataProp and sDefaultContent for deep objects" ); - -$(document).ready( function () { - var test = false; - - $.fn.dataTable.ext.sErrMode = "throw"; - - - - /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * - * Shallow properties - */ - - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": [ - { - "a": "a", - "b": "b", - "c": "c", - "d": "d", - "e": "e" - } - ], - "aoColumns": [ - { "mDataProp": "a" }, - { "mDataProp": "b" }, - { "mDataProp": "c" }, - { "mDataProp": "d" }, - { "mDataProp": "e" } - ] - } ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Basic initialisation of objects works", - null, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(0)').html() === "a"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Error when property missing (no default content)", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - test = false; - - try { - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": [ - { - "a": "a", - "b": "b", - "d": "d", - "e": "e" - } - ], - "aoColumns": [ - { "mDataProp": "a" }, - { "mDataProp": "b" }, - { "mDataProp": "c" }, - { "mDataProp": "d" }, - { "mDataProp": "e" } - ] - } ); - } catch (e) { - test = true; - } - }, - function () { return test; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Default content used for missing prop and no error", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": [ - { - "a": "a", - "b": "b", - "d": "d", - "e": "e" - } - ], - "aoColumns": [ - { "mDataProp": "a" }, - { "mDataProp": "b" }, - { "mDataProp": "c", "sDefaultContent": "test" }, - { "mDataProp": "d" }, - { "mDataProp": "e" } - ] - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(2)').html() === "test"; } - ); - - - - /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * - * Deep properties with a single object - */ - - oTest.fnTest( - "Basic test with deep properties", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": [ - { - "z": { - "a": "a", - "b": "b", - "c": "c", - "d": "d", - "e": "e" - } - } - ], - "aoColumns": [ - { "mDataProp": "z.a" }, - { "mDataProp": "z.b" }, - { "mDataProp": "z.c" }, - { "mDataProp": "z.d" }, - { "mDataProp": "z.e" } - ] - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(0)').html() === "a"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Error when property missing on deep get (no default content)", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - test = false; - - try { - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": [ - { - "z": { - "a": "a", - "b": "b", - "c": "c", - "e": "e" - } - } - ], - "aoColumns": [ - { "mDataProp": "z.a" }, - { "mDataProp": "z.b" }, - { "mDataProp": "z.c" }, - { "mDataProp": "z.d" }, - { "mDataProp": "z.e" } - ] - } ); - } catch (e) { - test = true; - } - }, - function () { return test; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Default content used for missing prop on deep get and no error", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": [ - { - "z": { - "a": "a", - "b": "b", - "c": "c", - "e": "e" - } - } - ], - "aoColumns": [ - { "mDataProp": "z.a" }, - { "mDataProp": "z.b" }, - { "mDataProp": "z.c" }, - { "mDataProp": "z.d", "sDefaultContent": "test" }, - { "mDataProp": "z.e" } - ] - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(3)').html() === "test"; } - ); - - - - /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * - * Deep properties with individual objects - */ - - oTest.fnTest( - "Basic test with deep individual properties", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": [ - { - "m": { "a": "a" }, - "n": { "b": "b" }, - "o": { "c": "c" }, - "p": { "d": "d" }, - "q": { "e": "e" } - } - ], - "aoColumns": [ - { "mDataProp": "m.a" }, - { "mDataProp": "n.b" }, - { "mDataProp": "o.c" }, - { "mDataProp": "p.d" }, - { "mDataProp": "q.e" } - ] - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(0)').html() === "a"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Error when property missing on deep individual get (no default content)", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - test = false; - - try { - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": [ - { - "m": { "a": "a" }, - "n": { "b": "b" }, - "p": { "d": "d" }, - "q": { "e": "e" } - } - ], - "aoColumns": [ - { "mDataProp": "m.a" }, - { "mDataProp": "n.b" }, - { "mDataProp": "o.c" }, - { "mDataProp": "p.d" }, - { "mDataProp": "q.e" } - ] - } ); - } catch (e) { - test = true; - } - }, - function () { return test; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Default content used for missing prop on deep individual get and no error", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": [ - { - "m": { "a": "a" }, - "n": { "b": "b" }, - "p": { "d": "d" }, - "q": { "e": "e" } - } - ], - "aoColumns": [ - { "mDataProp": "m.a" }, - { "mDataProp": "n.b" }, - { "mDataProp": "o.c", "sDefaultContent": "test" }, - { "mDataProp": "p.d" }, - { "mDataProp": "q.e" } - ] - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(2)').html() === "test"; } - ); - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/8549--string-sorting-nonstrings.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/8549--string-sorting-nonstrings.js deleted file mode 100644 index 57ffebc0..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/8549--string-sorting-nonstrings.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,47 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: empty_table -oTest.fnStart( "8549 - string sorting non-string types" ); - -$(document).ready( function () { - var test = false; - - $.fn.dataTable.ext.sErrMode = "throw"; - - - - /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * - * Shallow properties - */ - - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": [ - [ null ], - [ 5 ], - [ "1a" ], - [ new Date(0) ] - ], - "aoColumns": [ - { "sTitle": "Test" } - ] - } ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting works - first cell is empty", - null, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0)').html() === ""; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Second cell is 1a", - null, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(1) td:eq(0)').html() === "1a"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Third cell is 5", - null, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(2) td:eq(0)').html() === "5"; } - ); - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/_zero_config.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/_zero_config.js deleted file mode 100644 index 51abbad2..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/_zero_config.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,440 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: js_data -oTest.fnStart( "Sanity checks for DataTables with data from JS" ); - -oTest.fnTest( - "jQuery.dataTable function", - null, - function () { return typeof jQuery().dataTable == "function"; } -); - -oTest.fnTest( - "jQuery.dataTableSettings storage array", - null, - function () { return typeof jQuery().dataTableSettings == "object"; } -); - -oTest.fnTest( - "jQuery.dataTableExt plugin object", - null, - function () { return typeof jQuery().dataTableExt == "object"; } -); - -$(document).ready( function () { - var oInit = { - "aaData": gaaData - }; - $('#example').dataTable( oInit ); - - /* Basic checks */ - oTest.fnTest( - "Length changing div exists", - null, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_length') != null; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Filtering div exists", - null, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_filter') != null; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Information div exists", - null, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info') != null; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Pagination div exists", - null, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_paginate') != null; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Processing div is off by default", - null, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_processing') == null; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "10 rows shown on the first page", - null, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr').length == 10; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Initial sort occured", - null, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(0)').html() == "Gecko"; } - ); - - /* Need to use the WaitTest for sorting due to the setTimeout datatables uses */ - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting (first click) on second column", - function () { $('#example thead th:eq(1)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(1)').html() == "All others"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting (second click) on second column", - function () { $('#example thead th:eq(1)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(1)').html() == "Seamonkey 1.1"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting (third click) on second column", - function () { $('#example thead th:eq(1)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(1)').html() == "All others"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting (first click) on numeric column", - function () { $('#example thead th:eq(3)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(3)').html() == "-"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting (second click) on numeric column", - function () { $('#example thead th:eq(3)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(3)').html() == "522.1"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting multi-column (first click)", - function () { - $('#example thead th:eq(0)').click(); - $('#example thead th:eq(1)')[0], { 'shift': true } ); }, - function () { var b = - $('#example tbody td:eq(0)').html() == "Gecko" && - $('#example tbody td:eq(1)').html() == "Camino 1.0"; return b; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting multi-column - sorting second column only", - function () { - $('#example thead th:eq(1)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(1)').html() == "All others"; } - ); - - /* Basic paging */ - oTest.fnTest( - "Paging to second page", - function () { $('#example_next').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(1)').html() == "IE Mobile"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Paging to first page", - function () { $('#example_previous').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(1)').html() == "All others"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Attempting to page back beyond the first page", - function () { $('#example_previous').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(1)').html() == "All others"; } - ); - - /* Changing length */ - oTest.fnTest( - "Changing table length to 25 records", - function () { $("select[name=example_length]").val('25').change(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr').length == 25; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Changing table length to 50 records", - function () { $("select[name=example_length]").val('50').change(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr').length == 50; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Changing table length to 100 records", - function () { $("select[name=example_length]").val('100').change(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr').length == 57; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Changing table length to 10 records", - function () { $("select[name=example_length]").val('10').change(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr').length == 10; } - ); - - /* - * Information element - */ - oTest.fnTest( - "Information on zero config", - null, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == "Showing 1 to 10 of 57 entries"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Information on second page", - function () { $('#example_next').click(); }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == "Showing 11 to 20 of 57 entries"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Information on third page", - function () { $('#example_next').click(); }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == "Showing 21 to 30 of 57 entries"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Information on last page", - function () { - $('#example_next').click(); - $('#example_next').click(); - $('#example_next').click(); - }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == "Showing 51 to 57 of 57 entries"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Information back on first page", - function () { - $('#example_previous').click(); - $('#example_previous').click(); - $('#example_previous').click(); - $('#example_previous').click(); - $('#example_previous').click(); - }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == "Showing 1 to 10 of 57 entries"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Information with 25 records", - function () { $("select[name=example_length]").val('25').change(); }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == "Showing 1 to 25 of 57 entries"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Information with 25 records - second page", - function () { $('#example_next').click(); }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == "Showing 26 to 50 of 57 entries"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Information with 100 records - first page", - function () { - $('#example_previous').click(); - $("select[name=example_length]").val('100').change(); - }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == "Showing 1 to 57 of 57 entries"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Information back to 10 records", - function () { - $('#example_previous').click(); - $("select[name=example_length]").val('10').change(); - }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == "Showing 1 to 10 of 57 entries"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Information with filter 'Win'", - function () { $('#example_filter input').val("Win").keyup(); }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == - "Showing 1 to 10 of 31 entries (filtered from 57 total entries)"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Information with filter 'Win' second page", - function () { $('#example_next').click(); }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == - "Showing 11 to 20 of 31 entries (filtered from 57 total entries)"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Information with filter 'Win' last page", - function () { - $('#example_next').click(); - $('#example_next').click(); - }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == - "Showing 31 to 31 of 31 entries (filtered from 57 total entries)"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Information with filter 'Win' back to first page", - function () { - $('#example_previous').click(); - $('#example_previous').click(); - $('#example_previous').click(); - }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == - "Showing 1 to 10 of 31 entries (filtered from 57 total entries)"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Information with filter 'Win' second page - second time", - function () { - $('#example_next').click(); - }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == - "Showing 11 to 20 of 31 entries (filtered from 57 total entries)"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Information with filter increased to 'Win 98'", - function () { $('#example_filter input').val("Win 98").keyup(); }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == - "Showing 1 to 9 of 9 entries (filtered from 57 total entries)"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Information with filter decreased to 'Win'", - function () { $('#example_filter input').val("Win").keyup(); }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == - "Showing 1 to 10 of 31 entries (filtered from 57 total entries)"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Information with filter 'Win' second page - third time", - function () { - $('#example_next').click(); - }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == - "Showing 11 to 20 of 31 entries (filtered from 57 total entries)"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Information with filter removed", - function () { $('#example_filter input').val("").keyup(); }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == - "Showing 1 to 10 of 57 entries"; } - ); - - - /* - * Filtering - */ - oTest.fnTest( - "Filter 'W' - rows", - function () { - /* Reset the table such that the old sorting doesn't mess things up */ - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( oInit ); - $('#example_filter input').val("W").keyup(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0)').html() == "Gecko"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Filter 'W' - info", - null, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == - "Showing 1 to 10 of 42 entries (filtered from 57 total entries)"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Filter 'Wi'", - function () { $('#example_filter input').val("Wi").keyup(); }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == - "Showing 1 to 10 of 32 entries (filtered from 57 total entries)"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Filter 'Win'", - function () { $('#example_filter input').val("Win").keyup(); }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == - "Showing 1 to 10 of 31 entries (filtered from 57 total entries)"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Filter 'Win' - sorting column 1", - function () { $('#example thead th:eq(1)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(1)').html() == "AOL browser (AOL desktop)"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Filter 'Win' - sorting column 1 info", - null, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == - "Showing 1 to 10 of 31 entries (filtered from 57 total entries)"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Filter 'Win' - sorting column 1 reverse", - function () { $('#example thead th:eq(1)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(1)').html() == "Seamonkey 1.1"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Filter 'Win XP' - maintaing reverse sorting col 1", - function () { $('#example_filter input').val("Win XP").keyup(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(1)').html() == "Internet Explorer 7"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Filter 'Win XP' - sorting col 3", - function () { $('#example thead th:eq(3)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(3)').html() == "4"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Filter 'Win XP' - sorting col 3 - reversed", - function () { $('#example thead th:eq(3)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(3)').html() == "7"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Filter 'Win' - sorting col 3 - reversed info", - null, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == - "Showing 1 to 6 of 6 entries (filtered from 57 total entries)"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Filter 'nothinghere'", - function () { $('#example_filter input').val("nothinghere").keyup(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0)').html() == - "No matching records found"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Filter 'nothinghere' - info", - null, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == - "Showing 0 to 0 of 0 entries (filtered from 57 total entries)"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Filter back to blank and 1st column sorting", - function () { - $('#example_filter input').val("").keyup(); - $('#example thead th:eq(0)').click(); - }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == - "Showing 1 to 10 of 57 entries"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Prefixing a filter entry", - function () { - $('#example_filter input').val("Win").keyup(); - $('#example_filter input').val("GeckoWin").keyup(); - }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == - "Showing 0 to 0 of 0 entries (filtered from 57 total entries)"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Prefixing a filter entry with space", - function () { - $('#example_filter input').val("Gecko Win").keyup(); - }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == - "Showing 1 to 10 of 17 entries (filtered from 57 total entries)"; } - ); - - - - - - - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/aaSorting.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/aaSorting.js deleted file mode 100644 index 3b16828e..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/aaSorting.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,198 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: js_data -oTest.fnStart( "aaSorting" ); - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Check the default */ - var oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData - } ); - var oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Default sorting is single column", - null, - function () { - return oSettings.aaSorting.length == 1 && typeof oSettings.aaSorting[0] == 'object'; - } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Default sorting is first column asc", - null, - function () { - return oSettings.aaSorting[0].length == 3 && oSettings.aaSorting[0][0] == 0 && - oSettings.aaSorting[0][1] == 'asc'; - } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting is applied", - null, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(0)').html() == "Gecko"; } - ); - - - oTest.fnTest( - "Custom sorting on single string column asc", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - "aaSorting": [['1','asc']] - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(1)').html() == "All others"; } - ); - - - oTest.fnTest( - "Custom sorting on single string column desc", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - "aaSorting": [['1','desc']] - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(1)').html() == "Seamonkey 1.1"; } - ); - - - oTest.fnTest( - "Custom sorting on single int column asc", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - "aaSorting": [['1','asc']] - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(3)').html() == "-"; } - ); - - - oTest.fnTest( - "Custom sorting on single int column desc", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - "aaSorting": [['1','desc']] - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(1)').html() == "Seamonkey 1.1"; } - ); - - - oTest.fnTest( - "Multi-column sorting (2 column) - string asc / string asc", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - "aaSorting": [['0','asc'], ['1','asc']] - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(1)').html() == "Camino 1.0"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Multi-column sorting (2 column) - string asc / string desc", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - "aaSorting": [['0','asc'], ['1','desc']] - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(1)').html() == "Seamonkey 1.1"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Multi-column sorting (2 column) - string desc / string asc", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - "aaSorting": [['0','desc'], ['1','asc']] - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(1)').html() == "iPod Touch / iPhone"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Multi-column sorting (2 column) - string desc / string desc", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - "aaSorting": [['0','desc'], ['1','desc']] - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(1)').html() == "Safari 3.0"; } - ); - - - oTest.fnTest( - "Multi-column sorting (2 column) - string asc / int asc", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - "aaSorting": [['0','asc'], ['3','asc']] - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(3)').html() == "1"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Multi-column sorting (2 column) - string asc / int desc", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - "aaSorting": [['0','asc'], ['3','desc']] - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(3)').html() == "1.9"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Multi-column sorting (2 column) - string desc / int asc", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - "aaSorting": [['0','desc'], ['3','asc']] - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(3)').html() == "125.5"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Multi-column sorting (2 column) - string desc / int desc", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - "aaSorting": [['0','desc'], ['3','desc']] - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(3)').html() == "522.1"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Multi-column sorting (3 column) - string asc / int asc / string asc", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - "aaSorting": [['0','asc'], ['3','asc'], ['1','asc']] - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(7) td:eq(1)').html() == "Firefox 1.0"; } - ); - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/aaSortingFixed.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/aaSortingFixed.js deleted file mode 100644 index a28e6101..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/aaSortingFixed.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,64 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: js_data -oTest.fnStart( "aaSortingFixed" ); - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Check the default */ - var oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData - } ); - var oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - - oTest.fnTest( - "No fixed sorting by default", - null, - function () { - return oSettings.aaSortingFixed == null; - } - ); - - - oTest.fnTest( - "Fixed sorting on first column (string/asc) with user sorting on second column (string/asc)", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - "aaSortingFixed": [['0','asc']] - } ); - $('#example thead th:eq(1)').click(); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(1)').html() == "Camino 1.0"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Fixed sorting on first column (string/asc) with user sorting on second column (string/desc)", - function () { - $('#example thead th:eq(1)').click(); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(1)').html() == "Seamonkey 1.1"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Fixed sorting on fourth column (int/asc) with user sorting on second column (string/asc)", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - "aaSortingFixed": [['3','asc']] - } ); - $('#example thead th:eq(1)').click(); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(1)').html() == "All others"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Fixed sorting on fourth column (int/asc) with user sorting on second column (string/desc)", - function () { - $('#example thead th:eq(1)').click(); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(1)').html() == "PSP browser"; } - ); - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/aoColumns.bSearchable.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/aoColumns.bSearchable.js deleted file mode 100755 index 4ce91588..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/aoColumns.bSearchable.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,71 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: js_data -oTest.fnStart( "aoColumns.bSeachable" ); - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Check the default */ - var oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData - } ); - var oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Columns are searchable by default", - function () { oTable.fnFilter("Camino"); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(1)').html().match(/Camino/); } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Disabling sorting on a column removes it from the global filter", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - "aoColumns": [ - null, - { "bSearchable": false }, - null, - null, - null - ] - } ); - oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - oTable.fnFilter("Camino"); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0)').html() == "No matching records found"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Disabled on one column has no effect on other columns", - function () { oTable.fnFilter("Webkit"); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0)').html() == "Webkit"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Disable filtering on multiple columns", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - "aoColumns": [ - { "bSearchable": false }, - { "bSearchable": false }, - null, - null, - null - ] - } ); - oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - oTable.fnFilter("Webkit"); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0)').html() == "No matching records found"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Filter on second disabled column", - function () { oTable.fnFilter("Camino"); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0)').html() == "No matching records found"; } - ); - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/aoColumns.bSortable.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/aoColumns.bSortable.js deleted file mode 100755 index 4e4548d1..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/aoColumns.bSortable.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,109 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: js_data -oTest.fnStart( "aoColumns.bSortable" ); - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Check the default */ - var oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData - } ); - var oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - - oTest.fnTest( - "All columns are sortable by default", - function () { $('#example thead th:eq(1)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(1)').html() == "All others"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Can disable sorting from one column", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - "aoColumns": [ - null, - { "bSortable": false }, - null, - null, - null - ] - } ); - $('#example thead th:eq(1)').click(); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(1)').html() != "All others"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Disabled column has no sorting class", - null, - function () { return $('#example thead th:eq(1)').hasClass("sorting_asc") == false; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Other columns can still sort", - function () { - $('#example thead th:eq(4)').click(); - $('#example thead th:eq(4)').click(); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(4)').html() == "X"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Disable sorting on multiple columns - no sorting classes", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - "aoColumns": [ - null, - { "bSortable": false }, - null, - { "bSortable": false }, - null - ] - } ); - }, - function () { - var bReturn = - $('#example thead th:eq(1)').hasClass("sorting") || - $('#example thead th:eq(3)').hasClass("sorting") - return bReturn == false; - } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting on disabled column 1 has no effect", - function () { - $('#example thead th:eq(1)').click(); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(1)').html() != "All others"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting on disabled column 2 has no effect", - function () { - $('#example thead th:eq(3)').click(); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(3)').html() != "-"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Second sort on disabled column 2 has no effect", - function () { - $('#example thead th:eq(3)').click(); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(3)').html() != "-"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Even with multiple disabled sorting columns other columns can still sort", - function () { - $('#example thead th:eq(4)').click(); - $('#example thead th:eq(4)').click(); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(4)').html() == "X"; } - ); - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/aoColumns.bUseRendered.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/aoColumns.bUseRendered.js deleted file mode 100755 index 2e3a9489..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/aoColumns.bUseRendered.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,148 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: js_data -oTest.fnStart( "aoColumns.bUseRendered" ); - -/* bUseRendered is used to alter sorting data, if false then the original data is used for - * sorting rather than the rendered data - */ - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Check the default */ - var mTmp = 0; - - var oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - "aoColumns": [ - null, - { "fnRender": function (a) { - if ( mTmp == 0 ) { - mTmp++; - return "aaa"; - } else - return a.aData[a.iDataColumn]; - } }, - null, - null, - null - ] - } ); - var oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Default for bUseRendered is true - rendered data is used for sorting", - function () { $('#example thead th:eq(1)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(1)').html() == 'aaa'; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "When bUseRendered is false, original data is used for sorting", - function () { - mTmp = 0; - oSession.fnRestore(); - oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - "aoColumns": [ - null, - { - "bUseRendered": false, - "fnRender": function (a) { - if ( mTmp == 0 ) { - mTmp++; - return "aaa"; - } else { - return a.aData[a.iDataColumn]; - } - } - }, - null, - null, - null - ] - } ); - $('#example thead th:eq(1)').click(); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(1)').html() == 'All others'; } - ); - - - oTest.fnTest( - "bUseRendered set to false on one columns and true (default) on two others", - function () { - mTmp = 0; - var mTmp2 = 0; - var mTmp3 = 0; - - oSession.fnRestore(); - oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - "aoColumns": [ - { - "fnRender": function (a) { - if ( mTmp == 0 ) { - mTmp++; - return "aaa1"; - } else { - return a.aData[a.iDataColumn]; - } - } - }, - { - "bUseRendered": false, - "fnRender": function (a) { - if ( mTmp2 == 0 ) { - mTmp2++; - return "aaa2"; - } else { - return a.aData[a.iDataColumn]; - } - } - }, - { - "fnRender": function (a) { - if ( mTmp3 == 0 ) { - mTmp3++; - return "zzz3"; - } else { - return a.aData[a.iDataColumn]; - } - } - }, - null, - null - ] - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0)').html() == 'aaa1'; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Multi-column rendering - 2nd column sorting", - function () { $('#example thead th:eq(1)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(1)').html() == 'All others'; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Multi-column rendering - 3rd column sorting", - function () { - $('#example thead th:eq(2)').click(); - $('#example thead th:eq(2)').click(); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(2)').html() == 'zzz3'; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Multi-column rendering - 4th column sorting", - function () { $('#example thead th:eq(3)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(3)').html() == '-'; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Multi-column rendering - 5th column sorting", - function () { $('#example thead th:eq(4)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(4)').html() == 'A'; } - ); - - - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/aoColumns.bVisible.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/aoColumns.bVisible.js deleted file mode 100755 index e38948ce..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/aoColumns.bVisible.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,110 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: js_data -oTest.fnStart( "aoColumns.bVisible" ); - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Check the default */ - var oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData - } ); - var oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - - oTest.fnTest( - "All columns are visible by default", - null, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td').length == 5; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Can hide one column and it removes td column from DOM", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - "aoColumns": [ - null, - { "bVisible": false }, - null, - null, - null - ] - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td').length == 4; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Can hide one column and it removes thead th column from DOM", - null, - function () { return $('#example thead tr:eq(0) th').length == 4; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Can hide one column and it removes tfoot th column from DOM", - null, - function () { return $('#example tfoot tr:eq(0) th').length == 4; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "The correct tbody column has been hidden", - function () { - $('#example thead th:eq(1)')[0], { 'shift': true } ); - }, - function () { - var jqNodes = $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td'); - var bReturn = - jqNodes[0].innerHTML == "Gecko" && - jqNodes[1].innerHTML == "Gnome" && - jqNodes[2].innerHTML == "1.8" && - jqNodes[3].innerHTML == "A"; - return bReturn; - } - ); - - - oTest.fnTest( - "Can hide multiple columns and it removes td column from DOM", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - "aoColumns": [ - null, - { "bVisible": false }, - { "bVisible": false }, - null, - { "bVisible": false } - ] - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td').length == 2; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Multiple hide - removes thead th column from DOM", - null, - function () { return $('#example thead tr:eq(0) th').length == 2; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Multiple hide - removes tfoot th column from DOM", - null, - function () { return $('#example tfoot tr:eq(0) th').length == 2; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Multiple hide - the correct tbody columns have been hidden", - function () { - $('#example thead th:eq(1)')[0], { 'shift': true } ); - }, - function () { - var jqNodes = $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td'); - var bReturn = - jqNodes[0].innerHTML == "Gecko" && - jqNodes[1].innerHTML == "1" - return bReturn; - } - ); - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/aoColumns.fnRender.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/aoColumns.fnRender.js deleted file mode 100755 index cb89aeb9..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/aoColumns.fnRender.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,156 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: js_data -oTest.fnStart( "aoColumns.fnRender" ); - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Check the default */ - var mTmp = 0; - var oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - "aoColumns": [ - null, - { "fnRender": function (a) { - mTmp++; - return a.aData[a.iDataColumn]; - } }, - null, - null, - null - ] - } ); - var oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Single column - fnRender is called once for each row", - null, - function () { return mTmp == 57; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Confirm that fnRender passes two arguments with four parameters", - function () { - mTmp = true; - oSession.fnRestore(); - oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - "aoColumns": [ - null, - { "fnRender": function (a) { - if ( arguments.length != 2 || typeof a.iDataRow=='undefined' || - typeof a.iDataColumn=='undefined' || typeof a.aData=='undefined' || - typeof a.mDataProp=='undefined' ) - { - mTmp = false; - } - return a.aData[a.iDataColumn]; - } }, - null, - null, - null - ] - } ); - }, - function () { return mTmp; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "fnRender iDataColumn is the column", - function () { - mTmp = true; - oSession.fnRestore(); - oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - "aoColumns": [ - null, - { "fnRender": function (a) { - if ( a.iDataColumn != 1 ) - { - mTmp = false; - } - return a.aData[a.iDataColumn]; - } }, - null, - null, - null - ] - } ); - }, - function () { return mTmp; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "fnRender aData is data array of correct size", - function () { - mTmp = true; - oSession.fnRestore(); - oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - "aoColumns": [ - null, - { "fnRender": function (a) { - if ( a.aData.length != 5 ) - { - mTmp = false; - } - return a.aData[a.iDataColumn]; - } }, - null, - null, - null - ] - } ); - }, - function () { return mTmp; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Passed back data is put into the DOM", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - "aoColumns": [ - null, - { "fnRender": function (a) { - return 'unittest'; - } }, - null, - null, - null - ] - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(1)').html() == 'unittest'; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Passed back data is put into the DOM", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - "aoColumns": [ - null, - null, - { "fnRender": function (a) { - return 'unittest1'; - } }, - { "fnRender": function (a) { - return 'unittest2'; - } }, - null - ] - } ); - }, - function () { - var bReturn = - $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(2)').html() == 'unittest1' && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(3)').html() == 'unittest2'; - return bReturn; } - ); - - - - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/aoColumns.iDataSort.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/aoColumns.iDataSort.js deleted file mode 100755 index 6c0c7057..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/aoColumns.iDataSort.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,90 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: js_data -oTest.fnStart( "aoColumns.iDataSort" ); - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Should know that sorting already works by default from other tests, so we can jump - * right in here - */ - var oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - "aoColumns": [ - null, - { "iDataSort": 4 }, - null, - null, - null - ] - } ); - var oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting on first column is uneffected", - null, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0)').html() == 'Gecko'; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting on second column is the order of the fifth", - function () { $('#example thead th:eq(1)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(4)').html() == 'A'; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Reserve sorting on second column uses fifth column as well", - function () { $('#example thead th:eq(1)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(4)').html() == 'X'; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting on 5th column retains it's own sorting", - function () { $('#example thead th:eq(4)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(4)').html() == 'A'; } - ); - - - oTest.fnTest( - "Use 2nd col for sorting 5th col and via-versa - no effect on first col sorting", - function () { - mTmp = 0; - oSession.fnRestore(); - oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - "aoColumns": [ - null, - { "iDataSort": 4 }, - null, - null, - { "iDataSort": 1 } - ] - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0)').html() == 'Gecko'; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "2nd col sorting uses fifth col", - function () { $('#example thead th:eq(1)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(4)').html() == 'A'; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "2nd col sorting uses fifth col - reversed", - function () { $('#example thead th:eq(1)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(4)').html() == 'X'; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "5th col sorting uses 2nd col", - function () { $('#example thead th:eq(4)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(1)').html() == 'All others'; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "5th col sorting uses 2nd col - reversed", - function () { $('#example thead th:eq(4)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(1)').html() == 'Seamonkey 1.1'; } - ); - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/aoColumns.sClass.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/aoColumns.sClass.js deleted file mode 100755 index b99cf181..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/aoColumns.sClass.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,115 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: js_data -oTest.fnStart( "aoColumns.sClass" ); - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Check the default */ - var oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData - } ); - var oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - - oTest.fnTest( - "By default the test class hasn't been applied to the column (sanity!)", - null, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(2)').hasClass('unittest') == false; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Add a class to a single column - first row", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - "aoColumns": [ - null, - null, - { "sClass": 'unittest' }, - null, - null - ] - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(1) td:eq(2)').hasClass('unittest'); } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Add a class to a single column - third row", - null, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(3) td:eq(2)').hasClass('unittest'); } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Add a class to a single column - last row", - null, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(9) td:eq(2)').hasClass('unittest'); } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Add a class to a single column - has not applied to other columns - 1st", - null, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(3) td:eq(0)').hasClass('unittest') == false; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Add a class to a single column - has not applied to other columns - 5th", - null, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(3) td:eq(4)').hasClass('unittest') == false; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Add a class to a single column - seventh row - second page", - function () { $('#example_next').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(6) td:eq(2)').hasClass('unittest'); } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Add a class to a single column - has not applied to header", - null, - function () { return $('#example thead tr:eq(3) th:eq(4)').hasClass('unittest') == false; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Add a class to a single column - has not applied to footer", - null, - function () { return $('#example thead tr:eq(3) th:eq(4)').hasClass('unittest') == false; } - ); - - - oTest.fnTest( - "Class defined for multiple columns - first row", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - "aoColumns": [ - { "sClass": 'unittest2' }, - null, - null, - { "sClass": 'unittest1' }, - null - ] - } ); - }, - function () { - var bReturn = - $('#example tbody tr:eq(3) td:eq(0)').hasClass('unittest2') && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(8) td:eq(3)').hasClass('unittest1'); - return bReturn; - } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Class defined for multiple columns - has not applied to other columns - 5th 1", - null, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(4)').hasClass('unittest1') == false; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Class defined for multiple columns - has not applied to other columns - 5th 2", - null, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(6) td:eq(4)').hasClass('unittest2') == false; } - ); - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/aoColumns.sName.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/aoColumns.sName.js deleted file mode 100755 index b11f58cb..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/aoColumns.sName.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: js_data -oTest.fnStart( "aoColumns.sName" ); - -/* This has no effect at all in DOM methods - so we just check that it has applied the name */ - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Check the default */ - var oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - "aoColumns": [ - null, - null, - null, - { "sName": 'unit test' }, - null - ] - } ); - var oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Names are stored in the columns object", - null, - function () { return oSettings.aoColumns[3].sName =="unit test"; } - ); - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/aoColumns.sTitle.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/aoColumns.sTitle.js deleted file mode 100755 index da13f1c2..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/aoColumns.sTitle.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,82 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: js_data -oTest.fnStart( "aoColumns.sTitle" ); - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Check the default */ - var oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData - } ); - var oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - - oTest.fnTest( - "If not given, then the columns titles are empty", - null, - function () { - var jqNodes = $('#example thead tr:eq(0) th'); - var bReturn = - jqNodes[0].innerHTML == "Rendering engine" && - jqNodes[1].innerHTML == "Browser" && - jqNodes[2].innerHTML == "Platform(s)" && - jqNodes[3].innerHTML == "Engine version" && - jqNodes[4].innerHTML == "CSS grade"; - return bReturn; - } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Can set a single column title - and others are read from DOM", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - "aoColumns": [ - null, - { "sTitle": 'unit test' }, - null, - null, - null - ] - } ); - }, - function () { - var jqNodes = $('#example thead tr:eq(0) th'); - var bReturn = - jqNodes[0].innerHTML == "Rendering engine" && - jqNodes[1].innerHTML == "unit test" && - jqNodes[2].innerHTML == "Platform(s)" && - jqNodes[3].innerHTML == "Engine version" && - jqNodes[4].innerHTML == "CSS grade"; - return bReturn; - } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Can set multiple column titles", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - "aoColumns": [ - null, - { "sTitle": 'unit test 1' }, - null, - null, - { "sTitle": 'unit test 2' } - ] - } ); - }, - function () { - var jqNodes = $('#example thead tr:eq(0) th'); - var bReturn = - jqNodes[0].innerHTML == "Rendering engine" && - jqNodes[1].innerHTML == "unit test 1" && - jqNodes[2].innerHTML == "Platform(s)" && - jqNodes[3].innerHTML == "Engine version" && - jqNodes[4].innerHTML == "unit test 2"; - return bReturn; - } - ); - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/aoColumns.sWidth.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/aoColumns.sWidth.js deleted file mode 100755 index 960c0561..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/aoColumns.sWidth.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,87 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: js_data -oTest.fnStart( "aoColumns.sWidth" ); - -/* NOTE - we need to disable the auto width for the majority of these test in order to preform - * these tests as the auto width will convert the width to a px value. We can do 'non-exact' tests - * with auto width enabled however to ensure it scales columns as required - */ - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Check the default */ - var oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - "bAutoWidth": false, - "aoColumns": [ - null, - { "sWidth": '40%' }, - null, - null, - null - ] - } ); - var oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - - oTest.fnTest( - "With auto width disabled the width for one column is appled", - null, - function () { return $('#example thead th:eq(1)')[0].style.width == "40%"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "With auto width disabled the width for one column is appled", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - "bAutoWidth": false, - "aoColumns": [ - null, - null, - { "sWidth": '20%' }, - { "sWidth": '30%' }, - null - ] - } ); - }, - function () { - var bReturn = - $('#example thead th:eq(2)')[0].style.width == "20%" && - $('#example thead th:eq(3)')[0].style.width == "30%"; - return bReturn; - } - ); - - - oTest.fnTest( - "With auto width, it will make the smallest column the largest with percentage width given", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - "aoColumns": [ - null, - null, - null, - { "sWidth": '40%' }, - null - ] - } ); - }, - function () { - var anThs = $('#example thead th'); - var a0 = anThs[0].offsetWidth; - var a1 = anThs[1].offsetWidth; - var a2 = anThs[2].offsetWidth; - var a3 = anThs[3].offsetWidth; - var a4 = anThs[4].offsetWidth; - - if ( a3>a0 && a3>a1 && a3>a2 && a3>a4 ) - return true; - else - return false; - } - ); - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/aoSearchCols.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/aoSearchCols.js deleted file mode 100644 index ac70b387..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/aoSearchCols.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,119 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: js_data -oTest.fnStart( "aoSearchCols" ); - -/* We could be here forever testing this one, so we test a limited subset on a couple of colums */ - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Check the default */ - var oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData - } ); - var oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Default should be to have a empty colums array", - null, - function () { - var bReturn = - oSettings.aoPreSearchCols[0].sSearch == 0 && !oSettings.aoPreSearchCols[0].bRegex && - oSettings.aoPreSearchCols[1].sSearch == 0 && !oSettings.aoPreSearchCols[1].bRegex && - oSettings.aoPreSearchCols[2].sSearch == 0 && !oSettings.aoPreSearchCols[2].bRegex && - oSettings.aoPreSearchCols[3].sSearch == 0 && !oSettings.aoPreSearchCols[3].bRegex && - oSettings.aoPreSearchCols[4].sSearch == 0 && !oSettings.aoPreSearchCols[4].bRegex; - return bReturn; - } - ); - - - oTest.fnTest( - "Search on a single column - no regex statement given", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - "aoSearchCols": [ - null, - { "sSearch": "Mozilla" }, - null, - { "sSearch": "1" }, - null - ] - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example_info').html() == "Showing 1 to 9 of 9 entries (filtered from 57 total entries)"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Search on two columns - no regex statement given", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - "aoSearchCols": [ - null, - { "sSearch": "Mozilla" }, - null, - { "sSearch": "1.5" }, - null - ] - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(3)').html() == "1.5"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Search on single column - escape regex false", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - "aoSearchCols": [ - { "sSearch": ".*ML", "bEscapeRegex": false }, - null, - null, - null, - null - ] - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example_info').html() == "Showing 1 to 3 of 3 entries (filtered from 57 total entries)"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Search on two columns - escape regex false on first, true on second", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - "aoSearchCols": [ - { "sSearch": ".*ML", "bEscapeRegex": false }, - { "sSearch": "3.3", "bEscapeRegex": true }, - null, - null, - null - ] - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(1)').html() == "Konqureror 3.3"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Search on two columns (no records) - escape regex false on first, true on second", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - "aoSearchCols": [ - { "sSearch": ".*ML", "bEscapeRegex": false }, - { "sSearch": "Allan", "bEscapeRegex": true }, - null, - null, - null - ] - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0)').html() == "No matching records found"; } - ); - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/asStripClasses.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/asStripClasses.js deleted file mode 100644 index fa3af827..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/asStripClasses.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,100 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: js_data -oTest.fnStart( "asStripeClasses" ); - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Check the default */ - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData - } ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Default row striping is applied", - null, - function () { - return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0)').hasClass('odd') && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(1)').hasClass('even') && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(2)').hasClass('odd') && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(3)').hasClass('even'); - } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Row striping on the second page", - function () { $('#example_next').click(); }, - function () { - return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0)').hasClass('odd') && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(1)').hasClass('even') && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(2)').hasClass('odd') && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(3)').hasClass('even'); - } - ); - - /* No striping */ - oTest.fnTest( - "No row striping", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - "asStripeClasses": [] - } ); - }, - function () { - return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0)')[0].className == "" && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(1)')[0].className == "" && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(2)')[0].className == "" && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(3)')[0].className == ""; - } - ); - - /* Custom striping */ - oTest.fnTest( - "Custom striping [2]", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - "asStripeClasses": [ 'test1', 'test2' ] - } ); - }, - function () { - return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0)').hasClass('test1') && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(1)').hasClass('test2') && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(2)').hasClass('test1') && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(3)').hasClass('test2'); - } - ); - - - /* long array of striping */ - oTest.fnTest( - "Custom striping [4]", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - "asStripeClasses": [ 'test1', 'test2', 'test3', 'test4' ] - } ); - }, - function () { - return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0)').hasClass('test1') && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(1)').hasClass('test2') && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(2)').hasClass('test3') && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(3)').hasClass('test4'); - } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Custom striping is restarted on second page [2]", - function () { $('#example_next').click(); }, - function () { - return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0)').hasClass('test1') && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(1)').hasClass('test2') && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(2)').hasClass('test3') && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(3)').hasClass('test4'); - } - ); - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/bAutoWidth.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/bAutoWidth.js deleted file mode 100644 index 094fe15b..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/bAutoWidth.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,142 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: js_data -oTest.fnStart( "bAutoWidth" ); - -/* It's actually a little tricky to test this. We can't test absolute numbers because - * different browsers and different platforms will render the width of the columns slightly - * differently. However, we certainly can test the principle of what should happen (column - * width doesn't change over pages) - */ - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Check the default */ - var oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData - } ); - var oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Auto width is enabled by default", - null, - function () { return oSettings.oFeatures.bAutoWidth; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "First column has a width assigned to it", - null, - function () { return $('#example thead th:eq(0)').attr('style').match(/width/i); } - ); - - /* - This would seem like a better test - but there appear to be difficulties with tables - which are bigger (calculated) than there is actually room for. I suspect this is actually - a bug in datatables - oTest.fnTest( - "Check column widths on first page match second page", - null, - function () { - var anThs = $('#example thead th'); - var a0 = anThs[0].offsetWidth; - var a1 = anThs[1].offsetWidth; - var a2 = anThs[2].offsetWidth; - var a3 = anThs[3].offsetWidth; - var a4 = anThs[4].offsetWidth; - $('#example_next').click(); - var b0 = anThs[0].offsetWidth; - var b1 = anThs[1].offsetWidth; - var b2 = anThs[2].offsetWidth; - var b3 = anThs[3].offsetWidth; - var b4 = anThs[4].offsetWidth; - console.log( a0, b0, a1, b1, a2, b2, a3, b3 ); - if ( a0==b0 && a1==b1 && a2==b2 && a3==b3 ) - return true; - else - return false; - } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Check column widths on second page match thid page", - null, - function () { - var anThs = $('#example thead th'); - var a0 = anThs[0].offsetWidth; - var a1 = anThs[1].offsetWidth; - var a2 = anThs[2].offsetWidth; - var a3 = anThs[3].offsetWidth; - var a4 = anThs[4].offsetWidth; - $('#example_next').click(); - var b0 = anThs[0].offsetWidth; - var b1 = anThs[1].offsetWidth; - var b2 = anThs[2].offsetWidth; - var b3 = anThs[3].offsetWidth; - var b4 = anThs[4].offsetWidth; - if ( a0==b0 && a1==b1 && a2==b2 && a3==b3 ) - return true; - else - return false; - } - ); - */ - - /* Check can disable */ - oTest.fnTest( - "Auto width can be disabled", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - "bAutoWidth": false - } ); - oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - }, - function () { return oSettings.oFeatures.bAutoWidth == false; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "First column does not have a width assigned to it", - null, - function () { return $('#example thead th:eq(0)').attr('style') == null; } - ); - - /* - oTest.fnTest( - "Check column widths on first page do not match second page", - null, - function () { - var anThs = $('#example thead th'); - var a0 = anThs[0].offsetWidth; - var a1 = anThs[1].offsetWidth; - var a2 = anThs[2].offsetWidth; - var a3 = anThs[3].offsetWidth; - var a4 = anThs[4].offsetWidth; - $('#example_next').click(); - var b0 = anThs[0].offsetWidth; - var b1 = anThs[1].offsetWidth; - var b2 = anThs[2].offsetWidth; - var b3 = anThs[3].offsetWidth; - var b4 = anThs[4].offsetWidth; - if ( a0==b0 && a1==b1 && a2==b2 && a3==b3 ) - return false; - else - return true; - } - ); - */ - - /* Enable makes no difference */ - oTest.fnTest( - "Auto width enabled override", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - "bAutoWidth": true - } ); - oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - }, - function () { return oSettings.oFeatures.bAutoWidth; } - ); - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/bFilter.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/bFilter.js deleted file mode 100644 index d838e4ad..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/bFilter.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,44 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: js_data -oTest.fnStart( "bFilter" ); - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Check the default */ - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData - } ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Filtering div exists by default", - null, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_filter') != null; } - ); - - /* Check can disable */ - oTest.fnTest( - "Fltering can be disabled", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - "bFilter": false - } ); - }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_filter') == null; } - ); - - /* Enable makes no difference */ - oTest.fnTest( - "Filtering enabled override", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - "bFilter": true - } ); - }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_filter') != null; } - ); - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/bInfo.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/bInfo.js deleted file mode 100644 index 60a42734..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/bInfo.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,44 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: js_data -oTest.fnStart( "bInfo" ); - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Check the default */ - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData - } ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Info div exists by default", - null, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info') != null; } - ); - - /* Check can disable */ - oTest.fnTest( - "Info can be disabled", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - "bInfo": false - } ); - }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info') == null; } - ); - - /* Enable makes no difference */ - oTest.fnTest( - "Info enabled override", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - "bInfo": true - } ); - }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info') != null; } - ); - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/bLengthChange.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/bLengthChange.js deleted file mode 100644 index d67b4d2d..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/bLengthChange.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,75 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: js_data -oTest.fnStart( "bLengthChange" ); - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Check the default */ - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData - } ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Length div exists by default", - null, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_length') != null; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Four default options", - null, - function () { return $("select[name=example_length] option").length == 4; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Default options", - null, - function () { - var opts = $("select[name='example_length'] option"); - return opts[0].getAttribute('value') == 10 && opts[1].getAttribute('value') == 25 && - opts[2].getAttribute('value') == 50 && opts[3].getAttribute('value') == 100; - } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Info takes length into account", - null, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == - "Showing 1 to 10 of 57 entries"; } - ); - - /* Check can disable */ - oTest.fnTest( - "Change length can be disabled", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - "bLengthChange": false - } ); - }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_length') == null; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Information takes length disabled into account", - null, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == - "Showing 1 to 10 of 57 entries"; } - ); - - /* Enable makes no difference */ - oTest.fnTest( - "Length change enabled override", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - "bLengthChange": true - } ); - }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_length') != null; } - ); - - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/bPaginate.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/bPaginate.js deleted file mode 100644 index d386bbf0..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/bPaginate.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,59 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: js_data -oTest.fnStart( "bPaginate" ); - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Check the default */ - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData - } ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Pagiantion div exists by default", - null, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_paginate') != null; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Information div takes paging into account", - null, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == - "Showing 1 to 10 of 57 entries"; } - ); - - /* Check can disable */ - oTest.fnTest( - "Pagiantion can be disabled", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - "bPaginate": false - } ); - }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_paginate') == null; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Information div takes paging disabled into account", - null, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == - "Showing 1 to 57 of 57 entries"; } - ); - - /* Enable makes no difference */ - oTest.fnTest( - "Pagiantion enabled override", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - "bPaginate": true - } ); - }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_paginate') != null; } - ); - - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/bProcessing.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/bProcessing.js deleted file mode 100644 index 1408656f..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/bProcessing.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,103 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: js_data -oTest.fnStart( "bProcessing" ); - -/* It's actually a bit hard to set this one due to the fact that it will only be shown - * when DataTables is doing some kind of processing. The server-side processing is a bit - * better to test this than here - so we just the interal functions to enable it and check - * that it is available - */ - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Check the default */ - var oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData - } ); - var oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Processing is off by default", - null, - function () { return oSettings.oFeatures.bProcessing == false; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Processing div is not in the DOM", - function () { oTable.oApi._fnProcessingDisplay( oSettings, true ); }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_processing') == null; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Processing div cannot be shown", - function () { oTable.oApi._fnProcessingDisplay( oSettings, true ); }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_processing') == null; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Processing div cannot be hidden", - function () { oTable.oApi._fnProcessingDisplay( oSettings, false ); }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_processing') == null; } - ); - - - /* Check can disable */ - oTest.fnTest( - "Processing can be enabled", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - "bProcessing": true - } ); - oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - }, - function () { return oSettings.oFeatures.bProcessing == true; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Processing div is in the DOM", - function () { oTable.oApi._fnProcessingDisplay( oSettings, true ); }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_processing'); } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Processing div is hidden by default", - function () { oTable.oApi._fnProcessingDisplay( oSettings, true ); }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_processing').style.visibility = "hidden"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Processing div can be shown", - function () { oTable.oApi._fnProcessingDisplay( oSettings, true ); }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_processing').style.visibility = "visible"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Processing div can be hidden", - function () { oTable.oApi._fnProcessingDisplay( oSettings, false ); }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_processing').style.visibility = "hidden"; } - ); - - /* Enable makes no difference */ - oTest.fnTest( - "Processing disabled override", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - "bProcessing": false - } ); - oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - }, - function () { return oSettings.oFeatures.bProcessing == false; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Processing div is not in the DOM", - function () { oTable.oApi._fnProcessingDisplay( oSettings, true ); }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_processing') == null; } - ); - - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/bServerSide.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/bServerSide.js deleted file mode 100644 index 65c75b1a..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/bServerSide.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: js_data -oTest.fnStart( "bServerSide" ); - -/* Not interested in server-side processing here other than to check that it is off */ - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Check the default */ - var oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData - } ); - var oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Server side is off by default", - null, - function () { return oSettings.oFeatures.bServerSide == false; } - ); - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/bSort.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/bSort.js deleted file mode 100644 index 9107937b..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/bSort.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,99 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: js_data -oTest.fnStart( "bSort" ); - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Check the default */ - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData - } ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting is on by default", - null, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(0)').html() == "Gecko"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting Asc by default class applied", - null, - function () { return $('#example thead th:eq(0)').hasClass("sorting_asc"); } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Click on second column", - function () { $('#example thead th:eq(1)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(1)').html() == "All others"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting class removed from first column", - null, - function () { return $('#example thead th:eq(0)').hasClass("sorting_asc") != true; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting asc class applied to second column", - null, - function () { return $('#example thead th:eq(1)').hasClass("sorting_asc"); } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Reverse on second column", - function () { $('#example thead th:eq(1)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(1)').html() == "Seamonkey 1.1"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting acs class removed from second column", - null, - function () { return $('#example thead th:eq(1)').hasClass("sorting_asc") != true; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting desc class applied to second column", - null, - function () { return $('#example thead th:eq(1)').hasClass("sorting_desc"); } - ); - - /* Check can disable */ - oTest.fnTest( - "Pagiantion can be disabled", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - "bSort": false - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(3)').html() == "4"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Click on second column has no effect", - function () { $('#example thead th:eq(1)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(3)').html() == "4"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Reverse on second column has no effect", - function () { $('#example thead th:eq(1)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(3)').html() == "4"; } - ); - - /* Enable makes no difference */ - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting enabled override", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - "bSort": true - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(0)').html() == "Gecko"; } - ); - - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/bSortClasses.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/bSortClasses.js deleted file mode 100644 index 5726561f..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/bSortClasses.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,132 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: js_data -oTest.fnStart( "bSortClasses" ); - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Check the default */ - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData - } ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting classes are applied by default", - null, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0)').hasClass('sorting_1'); } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting classes are applied to all required cells", - null, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(7) td:eq(0)').hasClass('sorting_1'); } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting classes are not applied to non-sorting columns", - null, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(1)').hasClass('sorting_1') == false; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting multi-column - add column 1", - function () { - $('#example thead th:eq(1)')[0], { 'shift': true } ); }, - function () { - return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0)').hasClass('sorting_1') && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(1)').hasClass('sorting_2'); - } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting multi-column - add column 2", - function () { - $('#example thead th:eq(2)')[0], { 'shift': true } ); }, - function () { - return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0)').hasClass('sorting_1') && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(1)').hasClass('sorting_2') && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(2)').hasClass('sorting_3'); - } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting multi-column - add column 3", - function () { - $('#example thead th:eq(3)')[0], { 'shift': true } ); - }, - function () { - return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0)').hasClass('sorting_1') && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(1)').hasClass('sorting_2') && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(2)').hasClass('sorting_3') && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(3)').hasClass('sorting_3'); - } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Remove sorting classes on single column sort", - function () { - $('#example thead th:eq(4)').click(); - }, - function () { - return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0)').hasClass('sorting_1') == false && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(1)').hasClass('sorting_2') == false && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(2)').hasClass('sorting_3') == false && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(3)').hasClass('sorting_3') == false; - } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting class 1 was added", - null, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(1) td:eq(4)').hasClass('sorting_1'); } - ); - - - /* Check can disable */ - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting classes can be disabled", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - "bSortClasses": false - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0)').hasClass('sorting_1') == false; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting classes disabled - add column 1 - no effect", - function () { - $('#example thead th:eq(1)')[0], { 'shift': true } ); }, - function () { - return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0)').hasClass('sorting_1') == false && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(1)').hasClass('sorting_2') == false; - } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting classes disabled - add column 2 - no effect", - function () { - $('#example thead th:eq(2)')[0], { 'shift': true } ); }, - function () { - return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0)').hasClass('sorting_1') == false && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(1)').hasClass('sorting_2') == false && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(2)').hasClass('sorting_3') == false; - } - ); - - - /* Enable makes no difference */ - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting classes enabled override", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - "bSortClasses": true - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0)').hasClass('sorting_1'); } - ); - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/fnCreatedCell.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/fnCreatedCell.js deleted file mode 100755 index 59fe717d..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/fnCreatedCell.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,158 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: js_data -oTest.fnStart( "fnCreatedCell tests" ); - -$(document).ready( function () { - var tmp = 0; - - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - "aoColumnDefs": [ { - fnCreatedCell: function () { - tmp++; - }, - "aTargets": ["_all"] - } ] - } ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Cell created is called once for each cell on init", - null, - function () { return tmp===285; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Created isn't called back on other draws", - function () { $('#example th:eq(1)').click(); }, - function () { return tmp===285; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Four arguments for the function", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - tmp = true; - - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - "aoColumnDefs": [ { - fnCreatedRow: function () { - if ( arguments.length !== 4 ) { - tmp = false; - } - }, - "aTargets": ["_all"] - } ] - } ); - }, - function () { return tmp; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "First argument is a TD element", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - tmp = true; - - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - "aoColumnDefs": [ { - fnCreatedRow: function () { - if ( arguments[0].nodeName !== "TD" ) { - tmp = false; - } - }, - "aTargets": ["_all"] - } ] - } ); - }, - function () { return tmp; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Second argument is the HTML value", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - tmp = true; - - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - "aoColumnDefs": [ { - fnCreatedRow: function () { - if ( arguments[1] != $('td').html() ) { - tmp = false; - } - }, - "aTargets": ["_all"] - } ] - } ); - }, - function () { return tmp; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Third argument is the data array", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - tmp = true; - - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - "aoColumnDefs": [ { - fnCreatedRow: function () { - if ( arguments[2].length !== 5 ) { - tmp = false; - } - }, - "aTargets": ["_all"] - } ] - } ); - }, - function () { return tmp; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Fourth argument is the data source for the row", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - tmp = true; - - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - "aoColumnDefs": [ { - fnCreatedRow: function () { - if ( arguments[2] !== this.fnSettings().aoData[ arguments[2] ]._aData ) { - tmp = false; - } - }, - "aTargets": ["_all"] - } ] - } ); - }, - function () { return tmp; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Fifth argument is the the col index", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - tmp = true; - - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - "aoColumnDefs": [ { - fnCreatedRow: function () { - if ( arguments[1] != $('td:eq('+arguments[4]+')', arguments[0].parentNode).html() ) { - tmp = false; - } - }, - "aTargets": ["_all"] - } ] - } ); - }, - function () { return tmp; } - ); - - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/fnCreatedRow.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/fnCreatedRow.js deleted file mode 100755 index 72b2ddde..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/fnCreatedRow.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,121 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: js_data -oTest.fnStart( "fnCreatedRow tests" ); - -$(document).ready( function () { - var tmp = 0; - - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - fnCreatedRow: function () { - tmp++; - } - } ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Row created is called once for each row on init", - null, - function () { return tmp===57; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Created isn't called back on other draws", - function () { $('#example th:eq(1)').click(); }, - function () { return tmp===57; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Three arguments for the function", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - tmp = true; - - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - fnCreatedRow: function () { - if ( arguments.length !== 3 ) { - tmp = false; - } - } - } ); - }, - function () { return tmp; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "First argument is a TR element", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - tmp = true; - - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - fnCreatedRow: function () { - if ( arguments[0].nodeName !== "TR" ) { - tmp = false; - } - } - } ); - }, - function () { return tmp; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Second argument is an array with 5 elements", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - tmp = true; - - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - fnCreatedRow: function () { - if ( arguments[1].length !== 5 ) { - tmp = false; - } - } - } ); - }, - function () { return tmp; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Third argument is the data source for the row", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - tmp = true; - - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - fnCreatedRow: function () { - if ( arguments[1] !== this.fnSettings().aoData[ arguments[2] ]._aData ) { - tmp = false; - } - } - } ); - }, - function () { return tmp; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "TR element is tied to the correct data", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - tmp = false; - - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - fnCreatedRow: function (tr, data, index) { - if ( data[1] === "Firefox 1.0" ) { - if ( $('td:eq(3)', tr).html() == "1.7" ) { - tmp = true; - } - } - } - } ); - }, - function () { return tmp; } - ); - - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/fnDrawCallback.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/fnDrawCallback.js deleted file mode 100644 index 28d5871d..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/fnDrawCallback.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,85 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: js_data -oTest.fnStart( "fnDrawCallback" ); - -/* Fairly boring function compared to the others! */ - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Check the default */ - var oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData - } ); - var oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - var mPass; - - oTest.fnTest( - "Default should be null", - null, - function () { return oSettings.fnDrawCallback == null; } - ); - - - oTest.fnTest( - "One argument passed", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - - mPass = -1; - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - "fnDrawCallback": function ( ) { - mPass = arguments.length; - } - } ); - }, - function () { return mPass == 1; } - ); - - - oTest.fnTest( - "That one argument is the settings object", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - - oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - "fnDrawCallback": function ( oSettings ) { - mPass = oSettings; - } - } ); - }, - function () { return oTable.fnSettings() == mPass; } - ); - - - oTest.fnTest( - "fnRowCallback called once on first draw", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - - mPass = 0; - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - "fnDrawCallback": function ( ) { - mPass++; - } - } ); - }, - function () { return mPass == 1; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "fnRowCallback called once on each draw there after as well", - function () { - $('#example_next').click(); - $('#example_next').click(); - $('#example_next').click(); - }, - function () { return mPass == 4; } - ); - - - - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/fnFooterCallback.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/fnFooterCallback.js deleted file mode 100644 index f16b921c..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/2_js/fnFooterCallback.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,240 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: js_data -oTest.fnStart( "fnFooterCallback" ); - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Check the default */ - var oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData - } ); - var oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - var mPass; - - oTest.fnTest( - "Default should be null", - null, - function () { return oSettings.fnFooterCallback == null; } - ); - - - oTest.fnTest( - "Five arguments passed", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - - mPass = -1; - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - "fnFooterCallback": function ( ) { - mPass = arguments.length; - } - } ); - }, - function () { return mPass == 5; } - ); - - - oTest.fnTest( - "fnRowCallback called once per draw", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - - mPass = 0; - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - "fnFooterCallback": function ( nFoot, aasData, iStart, iEnd, aiDisplay ) { - mPass++; - } - } ); - }, - function () { return mPass == 1; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "fnRowCallback called on paging (i.e. another draw)", - function () { $('#example_next').click(); }, - function () { return mPass == 2; } - ); - - - oTest.fnTest( - "fnRowCallback allows us to alter row information", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - "fnFooterCallback": function ( nFoot, aasData, iStart, iEnd, aiDisplay ) { - nFoot.getElementsByTagName('th')[0].innerHTML = "Displaying "+(iEnd-iStart)+" records"; - } - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example tfoot th:eq(0)').html() == "Displaying 10 records"; } - ); - - - oTest.fnTest( - "Data array has length matching original data", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - - mPass = true; - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - "fnFooterCallback": function ( nFoot, aasData, iStart, iEnd, aiDisplay ) { - if ( aasData.length != 57 ) - { - mPass = false; - } - } - } ); - }, - function () { return mPass; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Data array's column lengths match original data", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - - mPass = true; - $('#example').dataTable( { - "aaData": gaaData, - "fnFooterCallback": function ( nFoot, aasData, iStart, iEnd, aiDisplay ) { - for ( var i=0, iLen=aasData.length ; i' - } ); - oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - }, - function () { return oSettings.sDom == '<"wrapper"flipt>'; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Check example 1 in DOM", - null, - function () { - var jqNodes = $('#demo div, #demo table'); - var nNodes = []; - - /* Strip the paging nodes */ - for ( var i=0, iLen=jqNodes.length ; iip>' - } ); - }, - function () { - var jqNodes = $('#demo div, #demo table'); - var nNodes = []; - var nCustomWrappers = [] - - /* Strip the paging nodes */ - for ( var i=0, iLen=jqNodes.length ; ia0 && a3>a1 && a3>a2 && a3>a4 ) - return true; - else - return false; - } - ); - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/aoSearchCols.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/aoSearchCols.js deleted file mode 100644 index d0a9a6be..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/aoSearchCols.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,119 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: empty_table -oTest.fnStart( "aoSearchCols" ); - -/* We could be here forever testing this one, so we test a limited subset on a couple of colums */ - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Check the default */ - var oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt" - } ); - var oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Default should be to have a empty colums array", - null, - function () { - var bReturn = - oSettings.aoPreSearchCols[0].sSearch == 0 && !oSettings.aoPreSearchCols[0].bRegex && - oSettings.aoPreSearchCols[1].sSearch == 0 && !oSettings.aoPreSearchCols[1].bRegex && - oSettings.aoPreSearchCols[2].sSearch == 0 && !oSettings.aoPreSearchCols[2].bRegex && - oSettings.aoPreSearchCols[3].sSearch == 0 && !oSettings.aoPreSearchCols[3].bRegex && - oSettings.aoPreSearchCols[4].sSearch == 0 && !oSettings.aoPreSearchCols[4].bRegex; - return bReturn; - } - ); - - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Search on a single column - no regex statement given", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "aoSearchCols": [ - null, - { "sSearch": "Mozilla" }, - null, - { "sSearch": "1" }, - null - ] - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example_info').html() == "Showing 1 to 9 of 9 entries (filtered from 57 total entries)"; } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Search on two columns - no regex statement given", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "aoSearchCols": [ - null, - { "sSearch": "Mozilla" }, - null, - { "sSearch": "1.5" }, - null - ] - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(3)').html() == "1.5"; } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Search on single column - escape regex false", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "aoSearchCols": [ - { "sSearch": ".*ML", "bEscapeRegex": false }, - null, - null, - null, - null - ] - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example_info').html() == "Showing 1 to 3 of 3 entries (filtered from 57 total entries)"; } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Search on two columns - escape regex false on first, true on second", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "aoSearchCols": [ - { "sSearch": ".*ML", "bEscapeRegex": false }, - { "sSearch": "3.3", "bEscapeRegex": true }, - null, - null, - null - ] - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(1)').html() == "Konqureror 3.3"; } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Search on two columns (no records) - escape regex false on first, true on second", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "aoSearchCols": [ - { "sSearch": ".*ML", "bEscapeRegex": false }, - { "sSearch": "Allan", "bEscapeRegex": true }, - null, - null, - null - ] - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0)').html() == "No matching records found"; } - ); - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/asStripClasses.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/asStripClasses.js deleted file mode 100644 index b195c405..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/asStripClasses.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,105 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: empty_table -oTest.fnStart( "asStripeClasses" ); - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Check the default */ - $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt" - } ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Default row striping is applied", - null, - function () { - return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0)').hasClass('odd') && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(1)').hasClass('even') && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(2)').hasClass('odd') && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(3)').hasClass('even'); - } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Row striping on the second page", - function () { $('#example_next').click(); }, - function () { - return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0)').hasClass('odd') && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(1)').hasClass('even') && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(2)').hasClass('odd') && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(3)').hasClass('even'); - } - ); - - /* No striping */ - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "No row striping", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "asStripeClasses": [] - } ); - }, - function () { - if ( typeof $('#example tbody tr:eq(1)')[0] == 'undefined' ) - { - /* Use the 'wait for' to allow this to become true */ - return false; - } - return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0)')[0].className == "" && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(1)')[0].className == "" && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(2)')[0].className == "" && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(3)')[0].className == ""; - } - ); - - /* Custom striping */ - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Custom striping [2]", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "asStripeClasses": [ 'test1', 'test2' ] - } ); - }, - function () { - return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0)').hasClass('test1') && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(1)').hasClass('test2') && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(2)').hasClass('test1') && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(3)').hasClass('test2'); - } - ); - - - /* long array of striping */ - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Custom striping [4]", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "asStripeClasses": [ 'test1', 'test2', 'test3', 'test4' ] - } ); - }, - function () { - return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0)').hasClass('test1') && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(1)').hasClass('test2') && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(2)').hasClass('test3') && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(3)').hasClass('test4'); - } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Custom striping is restarted on second page [2]", - function () { $('#example_next').click(); }, - function () { - return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0)').hasClass('test1') && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(1)').hasClass('test2') && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(2)').hasClass('test3') && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(3)').hasClass('test4'); - } - ); - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/bAutoWidth.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/bAutoWidth.js deleted file mode 100644 index ee49f7c1..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/bAutoWidth.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,142 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: empty_table -oTest.fnStart( "bAutoWidth" ); - -/* It's actually a little tricky to test this. We can't test absolute numbers because - * different browsers and different platforms will render the width of the columns slightly - * differently. However, we certainly can test the principle of what should happen (column - * width doesn't change over pages) - */ - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Check the default */ - var oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt" - } ); - var oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Auto width is enabled by default", - null, - function () { return oSettings.oFeatures.bAutoWidth; } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "First column has a width assigned to it", - null, - function () { return $('#example thead th:eq(0)').attr('style').match(/width/i); } - ); - - /* - This would seem like a better test - but there appear to be difficulties with tables - which are bigger (calculated) than there is actually room for. I suspect this is actually - a bug in datatables - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Check column widths on first page match second page", - null, - function () { - var anThs = $('#example thead th'); - var a0 = anThs[0].offsetWidth; - var a1 = anThs[1].offsetWidth; - var a2 = anThs[2].offsetWidth; - var a3 = anThs[3].offsetWidth; - var a4 = anThs[4].offsetWidth; - $('#example_next').click(); - var b0 = anThs[0].offsetWidth; - var b1 = anThs[1].offsetWidth; - var b2 = anThs[2].offsetWidth; - var b3 = anThs[3].offsetWidth; - var b4 = anThs[4].offsetWidth; - console.log( a0, b0, a1, b1, a2, b2, a3, b3 ); - if ( a0==b0 && a1==b1 && a2==b2 && a3==b3 ) - return true; - else - return false; - } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Check column widths on second page match thid page", - null, - function () { - var anThs = $('#example thead th'); - var a0 = anThs[0].offsetWidth; - var a1 = anThs[1].offsetWidth; - var a2 = anThs[2].offsetWidth; - var a3 = anThs[3].offsetWidth; - var a4 = anThs[4].offsetWidth; - $('#example_next').click(); - var b0 = anThs[0].offsetWidth; - var b1 = anThs[1].offsetWidth; - var b2 = anThs[2].offsetWidth; - var b3 = anThs[3].offsetWidth; - var b4 = anThs[4].offsetWidth; - if ( a0==b0 && a1==b1 && a2==b2 && a3==b3 ) - return true; - else - return false; - } - ); - */ - - /* Check can disable */ - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Auto width can be disabled", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "bAutoWidth": false - } ); - oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - }, - function () { return oSettings.oFeatures.bAutoWidth == false; } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "First column does not have a width assigned to it", - null, - function () { return $('#example thead th:eq(0)').attr('style') == null; } - ); - - /* - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Check column widths on first page do not match second page", - null, - function () { - var anThs = $('#example thead th'); - var a0 = anThs[0].offsetWidth; - var a1 = anThs[1].offsetWidth; - var a2 = anThs[2].offsetWidth; - var a3 = anThs[3].offsetWidth; - var a4 = anThs[4].offsetWidth; - $('#example_next').click(); - var b0 = anThs[0].offsetWidth; - var b1 = anThs[1].offsetWidth; - var b2 = anThs[2].offsetWidth; - var b3 = anThs[3].offsetWidth; - var b4 = anThs[4].offsetWidth; - if ( a0==b0 && a1==b1 && a2==b2 && a3==b3 ) - return false; - else - return true; - } - ); - */ - - /* Enable makes no difference */ - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Auto width enabled override", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "bAutoWidth": true - } ); - oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - }, - function () { return oSettings.oFeatures.bAutoWidth; } - ); - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/bFilter.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/bFilter.js deleted file mode 100644 index 8c322293..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/bFilter.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,44 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: empty_table -oTest.fnStart( "bFilter" ); - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Check the default */ - $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt" - } ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Filtering div exists by default", - null, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_filter') != null; } - ); - - /* Check can disable */ - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Fltering can be disabled", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "bFilter": false - } ); - }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_filter') == null; } - ); - - /* Enable makes no difference */ - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Filtering enabled override", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "bFilter": true - } ); - }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_filter') != null; } - ); - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/bInfo.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/bInfo.js deleted file mode 100644 index 24eeedfa..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/bInfo.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,44 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: empty_table -oTest.fnStart( "bInfo" ); - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Check the default */ - $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt" - } ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Info div exists by default", - null, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info') != null; } - ); - - /* Check can disable */ - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Info can be disabled", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "bInfo": false - } ); - }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info') == null; } - ); - - /* Enable makes no difference */ - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Info enabled override", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "bInfo": true - } ); - }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info') != null; } - ); - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/bLengthChange.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/bLengthChange.js deleted file mode 100644 index 551878c5..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/bLengthChange.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,75 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: empty_table -oTest.fnStart( "bLengthChange" ); - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Check the default */ - $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt" - } ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Length div exists by default", - null, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_length') != null; } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Four default options", - null, - function () { return $("select[name=example_length] option").length == 4; } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Default options", - null, - function () { - var opts = $("select[name='example_length'] option"); - return opts[0].getAttribute('value') == 10 && opts[1].getAttribute('value') == 25 && - opts[2].getAttribute('value') == 50 && opts[3].getAttribute('value') == 100; - } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Info takes length into account", - null, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == - "Showing 1 to 10 of 57 entries"; } - ); - - /* Check can disable */ - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Change length can be disabled", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "bLengthChange": false - } ); - }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_length') == null; } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Information takes length disabled into account", - null, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == - "Showing 1 to 10 of 57 entries"; } - ); - - /* Enable makes no difference */ - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Length change enabled override", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "bLengthChange": true - } ); - }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_length') != null; } - ); - - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/bPaginate.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/bPaginate.js deleted file mode 100644 index 6e3ec5e4..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/bPaginate.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,59 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: empty_table -oTest.fnStart( "bPaginate" ); - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Check the default */ - $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt" - } ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Pagiantion div exists by default", - null, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_paginate') != null; } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Information div takes paging into account", - null, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == - "Showing 1 to 10 of 57 entries"; } - ); - - /* Check can disable */ - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Pagiantion can be disabled", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "bPaginate": false - } ); - }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_paginate') == null; } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Information div takes paging disabled into account", - null, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == - "Showing 1 to 57 of 57 entries"; } - ); - - /* Enable makes no difference */ - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Pagiantion enabled override", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "bPaginate": true - } ); - }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_paginate') != null; } - ); - - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/bProcessing.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/bProcessing.js deleted file mode 100644 index 100db867..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/bProcessing.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,103 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: empty_table -oTest.fnStart( "bProcessing" ); - -/* It's actually a bit hard to set this one due to the fact that it will only be shown - * when DataTables is doing some kind of processing. The server-side processing is a bit - * better to test this than here - so we just the interal functions to enable it and check - * that it is available - */ - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Check the default */ - var oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt" - } ); - var oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Processing is off by default", - null, - function () { return oSettings.oFeatures.bProcessing == false; } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Processing div is not in the DOM", - function () { oTable.oApi._fnProcessingDisplay( oSettings, true ); }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_processing') == null; } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Processing div cannot be shown", - function () { oTable.oApi._fnProcessingDisplay( oSettings, true ); }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_processing') == null; } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Processing div cannot be hidden", - function () { oTable.oApi._fnProcessingDisplay( oSettings, false ); }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_processing') == null; } - ); - - - /* Check can disable */ - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Processing can be enabled", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "bProcessing": true - } ); - oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - }, - function () { return oSettings.oFeatures.bProcessing == true; } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Processing div is in the DOM", - function () { oTable.oApi._fnProcessingDisplay( oSettings, true ); }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_processing'); } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Processing div is hidden by default", - function () { oTable.oApi._fnProcessingDisplay( oSettings, true ); }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_processing').style.visibility = "hidden"; } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Processing div can be shown", - function () { oTable.oApi._fnProcessingDisplay( oSettings, true ); }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_processing').style.visibility = "visible"; } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Processing div can be hidden", - function () { oTable.oApi._fnProcessingDisplay( oSettings, false ); }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_processing').style.visibility = "hidden"; } - ); - - /* Enable makes no difference */ - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Processing disabled override", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "bProcessing": false - } ); - oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - }, - function () { return oSettings.oFeatures.bProcessing == false; } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Processing div is not in the DOM", - function () { oTable.oApi._fnProcessingDisplay( oSettings, true ); }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_processing') == null; } - ); - - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/bServerSide.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/bServerSide.js deleted file mode 100644 index 61fdce4b..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/bServerSide.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: empty_table -oTest.fnStart( "bServerSide" ); - -/* Not interested in server-side processing here other than to check that it is off */ - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Check the default */ - var oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt" - } ); - var oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Server side is off by default", - null, - function () { return oSettings.oFeatures.bServerSide == false; } - ); - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/bSort.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/bSort.js deleted file mode 100644 index 066afee8..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/bSort.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,99 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: empty_table -oTest.fnStart( "bSort" ); - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Check the default */ - $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt" - } ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Sorting is on by default", - null, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(0)').html() == "Gecko"; } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Sorting Asc by default class applied", - null, - function () { return $('#example thead th:eq(0)').hasClass("sorting_asc"); } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Click on second column", - function () { $('#example thead th:eq(1)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(1)').html() == "All others"; } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Sorting class removed from first column", - null, - function () { return $('#example thead th:eq(0)').hasClass("sorting_asc") != true; } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Sorting asc class applied to second column", - null, - function () { return $('#example thead th:eq(1)').hasClass("sorting_asc"); } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Reverse on second column", - function () { $('#example thead th:eq(1)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(1)').html() == "Seamonkey 1.1"; } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Sorting acs class removed from second column", - null, - function () { return $('#example thead th:eq(1)').hasClass("sorting_asc") != true; } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Sorting desc class applied to second column", - null, - function () { return $('#example thead th:eq(1)').hasClass("sorting_desc"); } - ); - - /* Check can disable */ - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Pagiantion can be disabled", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "bSort": false - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(3)').html() == "4"; } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Click on second column has no effect", - function () { $('#example thead th:eq(1)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(3)').html() == "4"; } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Reverse on second column has no effect", - function () { $('#example thead th:eq(1)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(3)').html() == "4"; } - ); - - /* Enable makes no difference */ - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Sorting enabled override", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "bSort": true - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(0)').html() == "Gecko"; } - ); - - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/bSortClasses.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/bSortClasses.js deleted file mode 100644 index b957c805..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/bSortClasses.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,132 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: empty_table -oTest.fnStart( "bSortClasses" ); - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Check the default */ - $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt" - } ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Sorting classes are applied by default", - null, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0)').hasClass('sorting_1'); } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Sorting classes are applied to all required cells", - null, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(7) td:eq(0)').hasClass('sorting_1'); } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Sorting classes are not applied to non-sorting columns", - null, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(1)').hasClass('sorting_1') == false; } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Sorting multi-column - add column 1", - function () { - $('#example thead th:eq(1)')[0], { 'shift': true } ); }, - function () { - return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0)').hasClass('sorting_1') && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(1)').hasClass('sorting_2'); - } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Sorting multi-column - add column 2", - function () { - $('#example thead th:eq(2)')[0], { 'shift': true } ); }, - function () { - return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0)').hasClass('sorting_1') && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(1)').hasClass('sorting_2') && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(2)').hasClass('sorting_3'); - } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Sorting multi-column - add column 3", - function () { - $('#example thead th:eq(3)')[0], { 'shift': true } ); - }, - function () { - return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0)').hasClass('sorting_1') && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(1)').hasClass('sorting_2') && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(2)').hasClass('sorting_3') && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(3)').hasClass('sorting_3'); - } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Remove sorting classes on single column sort", - function () { - $('#example thead th:eq(4)').click(); - }, - function () { - return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0)').hasClass('sorting_1') == false && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(1)').hasClass('sorting_2') == false && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(2)').hasClass('sorting_3') == false && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(3)').hasClass('sorting_3') == false; - } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Sorting class 1 was added", - null, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(1) td:eq(4)').hasClass('sorting_1'); } - ); - - - /* Check can disable */ - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Sorting classes can be disabled", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "bSortClasses": false - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0)').hasClass('sorting_1') == false; } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Sorting classes disabled - add column 1 - no effect", - function () { - $('#example thead th:eq(1)')[0], { 'shift': true } ); }, - function () { - return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0)').hasClass('sorting_1') == false && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(1)').hasClass('sorting_2') == false; - } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Sorting classes disabled - add column 2 - no effect", - function () { - $('#example thead th:eq(2)')[0], { 'shift': true } ); }, - function () { - return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0)').hasClass('sorting_1') == false && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(1)').hasClass('sorting_2') == false && - $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(2)').hasClass('sorting_3') == false; - } - ); - - - /* Enable makes no difference */ - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Sorting classes enabled override", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "bSortClasses": true - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0)').hasClass('sorting_1'); } - ); - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/fnCreatedCell.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/fnCreatedCell.js deleted file mode 100755 index e930d052..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/fnCreatedCell.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,183 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: empty_table -oTest.fnStart( "fnCreatedCell tests" ); - -$(document).ready( function () { - var tmp = 0; - var complete = false; - - $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "aoColumnDefs": [ { - fnCreatedCell: function () { - tmp++; - }, - "aTargets": ["_all"] - } ] - } ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Cell created is called once for each cell on init", - null, - function () { return tmp===285; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Created isn't called back on other draws", - function () { $('#example th:eq(1)').click(); }, - function () { return tmp===285; } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Four arguments for the function", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - tmp = true; - complete = false; - - $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "aoColumnDefs": [ { - fnCreatedRow: function () { - if ( arguments.length !== 4 ) { - tmp = false; - } - }, - "aTargets": ["_all"] - } ], - fnInitComplete: function () { - complete = true; - } - } ); - }, - function () { return (tmp && complete); } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "First argument is a TD element", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - tmp = true; - complete = false; - - $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "aoColumnDefs": [ { - fnCreatedRow: function () { - if ( arguments[0].nodeName !== "TD" ) { - tmp = false; - } - }, - "aTargets": ["_all"] - } ], - fnInitComplete: function () { - complete = true; - } - } ); - }, - function () { return (tmp && complete); } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Second argument is the HTML value", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - tmp = true; - complete = false; - - $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "aoColumnDefs": [ { - fnCreatedRow: function () { - if ( arguments[1] != $('td').html() ) { - tmp = false; - } - }, - "aTargets": ["_all"] - } ], - fnInitComplete: function () { - complete = true; - } - } ); - }, - function () { return (tmp && complete); } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Third argument is the data array", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - tmp = true; - complete = false; - - $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "aoColumnDefs": [ { - fnCreatedRow: function () { - if ( arguments[2].length !== 5 ) { - tmp = false; - } - }, - "aTargets": ["_all"] - } ], - fnInitComplete: function () { - complete = true; - } - } ); - }, - function () { return (tmp && complete); } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Fourth argument is the data source for the row", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - tmp = true; - complete = false; - - $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "aoColumnDefs": [ { - fnCreatedRow: function () { - if ( arguments[2] !== this.fnSettings().aoData[ arguments[2] ]._aData ) { - tmp = false; - } - }, - "aTargets": ["_all"] - } ], - fnInitComplete: function () { - complete = true; - } - } ); - }, - function () { return (tmp && complete); } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Fifth argument is the the col index", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - tmp = true; - complete = false; - - $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "aoColumnDefs": [ { - fnCreatedRow: function () { - if ( arguments[1] != $('td:eq('+arguments[4]+')', arguments[0].parentNode).html() ) { - tmp = false; - } - }, - "aTargets": ["_all"] - } ], - fnInitComplete: function () { - complete = true; - } - } ); - }, - function () { return (tmp && complete); } - ); - - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/fnCreatedRow.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/fnCreatedRow.js deleted file mode 100755 index 66fc3287..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/fnCreatedRow.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,142 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: empty_table -oTest.fnStart( "fnCreatedRow tests" ); - -$(document).ready( function () { - var tmp = 0; - var complete = false; - - $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - fnCreatedRow: function () { - tmp++; - } - } ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Row created is called once for each row on init", - null, - function () { return tmp===57; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Created isn't called back on other draws", - function () { $('#example th:eq(1)').click(); }, - function () { return tmp===57; } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Three arguments for the function", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - tmp = true; - complete = false; - - $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - fnCreatedRow: function () { - if ( arguments.length !== 3 ) { - tmp = false; - } - }, - fnInitComplete: function () { - complete = true; - } - } ); - }, - function () { return (tmp && complete); } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "First argument is a TR element", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - tmp = true; - complete = false; - - $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - fnCreatedRow: function () { - if ( arguments[0].nodeName !== "TR" ) { - tmp = false; - } - }, - fnInitComplete: function () { - complete = true; - } - } ); - }, - function () { return (tmp && complete); } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Second argument is an array with 5 elements", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - tmp = true; - complete = false; - - $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - fnCreatedRow: function () { - if ( arguments[1].length !== 5 ) { - tmp = false; - } - }, - fnInitComplete: function () { - complete = true; - } - } ); - }, - function () { return (tmp && complete); } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Third argument is the data source for the row", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - tmp = true; - complete = false; - - $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - fnCreatedRow: function () { - if ( arguments[1] !== this.fnSettings().aoData[ arguments[2] ]._aData ) { - tmp = false; - } - }, - fnInitComplete: function () { - complete = true; - } - } ); - }, - function () { return (tmp && complete); } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "TR element is tied to the correct data", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - tmp = false; - complete = false; - - $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - fnCreatedRow: function (tr, data, index) { - if ( data[1] === "Firefox 1.0" ) { - if ( $('td:eq(3)', tr).html() == "1.7" ) { - tmp = true; - } - } - }, - fnInitComplete: function () { - complete = true; - } - } ); - }, - function () { return (tmp && complete); } - ); - - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/fnDrawCallback.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/fnDrawCallback.js deleted file mode 100644 index 14c5ff19..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/fnDrawCallback.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,98 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: empty_table -oTest.fnStart( "fnDrawCallback" ); - -/* Fairly boring function compared to the others! */ - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Check the default */ - var oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt" - } ); - var oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - var mPass, bInit; - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Default should be null", - null, - function () { return oSettings.fnDrawCallback == null; } - ); - - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "One argument passed", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - - mPass = -1; - bInit = false; - $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "fnDrawCallback": function ( ) { - mPass = arguments.length; - }, - "fnInitComplete": function () { - bInit = true; - } - } ); - }, - function () { return mPass == 1 && bInit; } - ); - - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "That one argument is the settings object", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - - bInit = false; - oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "fnDrawCallback": function ( oSettings ) { - mPass = oSettings; - }, - "fnInitComplete": function () { - bInit = true; - } - } ); - }, - function () { return oTable.fnSettings() == mPass && bInit; } - ); - - - /* The draw callback is called once for the init and then when the data is added */ - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "fnRowCallback called once on first draw", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - - mPass = 0; - bInit = false; - $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "fnDrawCallback": function ( ) { - mPass++; - }, - "fnInitComplete": function () { - bInit = true; - } - } ); - }, - function () { return mPass == 2 && bInit; } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "fnRowCallback called once on each draw there after as well", - function () { - $('#example_next').click(); - $('#example_next').click(); - $('#example_next').click(); - }, - function () { return mPass == 5; } - ); - - - - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/fnHeaderCallback.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/fnHeaderCallback.js deleted file mode 100644 index dd161287..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/fnHeaderCallback.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,191 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: empty_table -oTest.fnStart( "fnHeaderCallback" ); - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Check the default */ - var oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt" - } ); - var oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - var mPass, bInit; - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Default should be null", - null, - function () { return oSettings.fnHeaderCallback == null; } - ); - - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Five arguments passed", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - - mPass = -1; - bInit = false; - $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "fnHeaderCallback": function ( ) { - mPass = arguments.length; - }, - "fnInitComplete": function () { - bInit = true; - } - } ); - }, - function () { return mPass == 5 && bInit; } - ); - - - /* The header callback is called once for the init and then when the data is added */ - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "fnHeaderCallback called once per draw", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - - mPass = 0; - bInit = false; - $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "fnHeaderCallback": function ( nHead, aasData, iStart, iEnd, aiDisplay ) { - mPass++; - }, - "fnInitComplete": function () { - bInit = true; - } - } ); - }, - function () { return mPass == 2 && bInit; } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "fnRowCallback called on paging (i.e. another draw)", - function () { $('#example_next').click(); }, - function () { return mPass == 3; } - ); - - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "fnRowCallback allows us to alter row information", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "fnHeaderCallback": function ( nHead, aasData, iStart, iEnd, aiDisplay ) { - nHead.getElementsByTagName('th')[0].innerHTML = "Displaying "+(iEnd-iStart)+" records"; - } - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example thead th:eq(0)').html() == "Displaying 10 records"; } - ); - - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "iStart correct on first page", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - - mPass = true; - $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "fnHeaderCallback": function ( nHead, aasData, iStart, iEnd, aiDisplay ) { - if ( iStart != 0 ) - { - mPass = false; - } - } - } ); - }, - function () { return mPass; } - ); - - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "iStart correct on second page", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - - mPass = false; - $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "fnHeaderCallback": function ( nHead, aasData, iStart, iEnd, aiDisplay ) { - if ( iStart == 10 ) - { - mPass = true; - } - }, - "fnInitComplete": function () { - $('#example_next').click(); - } - } ); - }, - function () { return mPass; } - ); - - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "iEnd correct on second page", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - - mPass = false; - $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "fnHeaderCallback": function ( nHead, aasData, iStart, iEnd, aiDisplay ) { - if ( iEnd == 20 ) - { - mPass = true; - } - }, - "fnInitComplete": function () { - $('#example_next').click(); - } - } ); - }, - function () { return mPass; } - ); - - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "aiDisplay length is full data when not filtered", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - - mPass = false; - $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "fnHeaderCallback": function ( nHead, aasData, iStart, iEnd, aiDisplay ) { - if ( aiDisplay.length == 57 ) - { - mPass = true; - } - } - } ); - }, - function () { return mPass; } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "aiDisplay length is 9 when filtering on 'Mozilla'", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - - mPass = false; - oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "fnHeaderCallback": function ( nHead, aasData, iStart, iEnd, aiDisplay ) { - if ( aiDisplay.length == 9 ) - { - mPass = true; - } - } - } ); - oTable.fnFilter( "Mozilla" ); - }, - function () { return mPass; } - ); - - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/fnInitComplete.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/fnInitComplete.js deleted file mode 100644 index fe2c65e4..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/fnInitComplete.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,100 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: empty_table -oTest.fnStart( "fnInitComplete" ); - -/* Fairly boring function compared to the others! */ - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Check the default */ - var oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt" - } ); - var oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - var mPass; - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Default should be null", - null, - function () { return oSettings.fnInitComplete == null; } - ); - - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Two arguments passed (for Ajax!)", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - - mPass = -1; - $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "fnInitComplete": function ( ) { - mPass = arguments.length; - } - } ); - }, - function () { return mPass == 2; } - ); - - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "That one argument is the settings object", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - - oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "fnInitComplete": function ( oSettings ) { - mPass = oSettings; - } - } ); - }, - function () { return oTable.fnSettings() == mPass; } - ); - - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "fnInitComplete called once on first draw", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - - mPass = 0; - $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "fnInitComplete": function ( ) { - mPass++; - } - } ); - }, - function () { return mPass == 1; } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "fnInitComplete never called there after", - function () { - $('#example_next').click(); - $('#example_next').click(); - $('#example_next').click(); - }, - function () { return mPass == 1; } - ); - - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "10 rows in the table on complete", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - - mPass = 0; - $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "fnInitComplete": function ( ) { - mPass = $('#example tbody tr').length; - } - } ); - }, - function () { return mPass == 10; } - ); - - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/fnRowCallback.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/fnRowCallback.js deleted file mode 100644 index 766f09a2..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/fnRowCallback.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,112 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: empty_table -oTest.fnStart( "fnRowCallback" ); - -/* Note - fnRowCallback MUST return the first arguments (modified or not) */ - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Check the default */ - var oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt" - } ); - var oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - var mPass; - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Default should be null", - null, - function () { return oSettings.fnRowCallback == null; } - ); - - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Four arguments passed", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - - mPass = -1; - $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "fnRowCallback": function ( nTr ) { - mPass = arguments.length; - return nTr; - } - } ); - }, - function () { return mPass == 4; } - ); - - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "fnRowCallback called once for each drawn row", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - - mPass = 0; - $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "fnRowCallback": function ( nTr, asData, iDrawIndex, iDataIndex ) { - mPass++; - return nTr; - } - } ); - }, - function () { return mPass == 10; } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "fnRowCallback allows us to alter row information", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "fnRowCallback": function ( nTr, asData, iDrawIndex, iDataIndex ) { - $(nTr).addClass('unit_test'); - return nTr; - } - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(1)').hasClass('unit_test'); } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Data array has length matching columns", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - - mPass = true; - $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "fnRowCallback": function ( nTr, asData, iDrawIndex, iDataIndex ) { - if ( asData.length != 5 ) - mPass = false; - return nTr; - } - } ); - }, - function () { return mPass; } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Data array has length matching columns", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - - mPass = true; - var iCount = 0; - $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "fnRowCallback": function ( nTr, asData, iDrawIndex, iDataIndex ) { - if ( iCount != iDrawIndex ) - mPass = false; - iCount++; - return nTr; - } - } ); - }, - function () { return mPass; } - ); - - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/fnServerData.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/fnServerData.js deleted file mode 100644 index ab20ba3d..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/fnServerData.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,64 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: empty_table -oTest.fnStart( "fnServerData for Ajax sourced data" ); - -$(document).ready( function () { - var mPass; - - oTest.fnTest( - "Argument length", - function () { - $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "fnServerData": function () { - mPass = arguments.length; - } - } ); - }, - function () { return mPass == 4; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Url", - function () { - $('#example').dataTable( { - "bDestroy": true, - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "fnServerData": function (sUrl, aoData, fnCallback, oSettings) { - mPass = sUrl == "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt"; - } - } ); - }, - function () { return mPass; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Data array", - function () { - $('#example').dataTable( { - "bDestroy": true, - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "fnServerData": function (sUrl, aoData, fnCallback, oSettings) { - mPass = aoData.length==0; - } - } ); - }, - function () { return mPass; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Callback function", - function () { - $('#example').dataTable( { - "bDestroy": true, - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "fnServerData": function (sUrl, aoData, fnCallback, oSettings) { - mPass = typeof fnCallback == 'function'; - } - } ); - }, - function () { return mPass; } - ); - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/fnServerParams.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/fnServerParams.js deleted file mode 100644 index 586e8bdb..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/fnServerParams.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,82 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: empty_table -oTest.fnStart( "fnServerParams" ); - - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Check the default */ - var json = {}; - var oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../data_sources/param.php" - } ).on('xhr', function (e, settings, o) { - json = o; - } ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "jQuery anti-cache parameter was sent", - null, - function () { - return json.get && json.get._; - } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "No other parameters sent", - null, - function () { - return 1 === $.map( json.get, function (val) { - return val; - } ).length; - } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Send additional parameters", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - json = {}; - - $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../data_sources/param.php", - "fnServerParams": function ( data ) { - data.push( { name: 'test', value: 'unit' } ); - } - } ).on('xhr', function (e, settings, o) { - json = o; - } ); - }, - function () { - return json.get && json.get.test === 'unit'; - } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "jQuery anti-cache parameter was still sent", - null, - function () { - return json.get._; - } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Send multiple parameters", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - json = {}; - - $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../data_sources/param.php", - "fnServerParams": function ( data ) { - data.push( { name: 'test', value: 'unit' } ); - data.push( { name: 'tapestry', value: 'king' } ); - } - } ).on('xhr', function (e, settings, o) { - json = o; - } ); - }, - function () { - return json.get && json.get.test === 'unit' && json.get.tapestry === 'king'; - } - ); - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/iDisplayLength.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/iDisplayLength.js deleted file mode 100644 index 69e7abed..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/iDisplayLength.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,81 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: empty_table -oTest.fnStart( "iDisplayLength" ); - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Check the default */ - $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt" - } ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Default length is ten", - null, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr').length == 10; } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Select menu shows 10", - null, - function () { return $('#example_length select').val() == 10; } - ); - - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Set initial length to 25", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "iDisplayLength": 25 - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr').length == 25; } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Select menu shows 25", - null, - function () { return $('#example_length select').val() == 25; } - ); - - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Set initial length to 100", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "iDisplayLength": 100 - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr').length == 57; } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Select menu shows 25", - null, - function () { return $('#example_length select').val() == 100; } - ); - - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Set initial length to 23 (unknown select menu length)", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "iDisplayLength": 23 - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr').length == 23; } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Select menu shows 10 (since 23 is unknow)", - null, - function () { return $('#example_length select').val() == 10; } - ); - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/oLanguage.oPaginate.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/oLanguage.oPaginate.js deleted file mode 100644 index 0dc5812b..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/oLanguage.oPaginate.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,84 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: empty_table -oTest.fnStart( "oLanguage.oPaginate" ); - -/* Note that the paging language information only has relevence in full numbers */ - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Check the default */ - var oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "sPaginationType": "full_numbers" - } ); - var oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "oLanguage.oPaginate defaults", - null, - function () { - var bReturn = - oSettings.oLanguage.oPaginate.sFirst == "First" && - oSettings.oLanguage.oPaginate.sPrevious == "Previous" && - oSettings.oLanguage.oPaginate.sNext == "Next" && - oSettings.oLanguage.oPaginate.sLast == "Last"; - return bReturn; - } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "oLanguage.oPaginate defaults are in the DOM", - null, - function () { - var bReturn = - $('#example_paginate .first').html() == "First" && - $('#example_paginate .previous').html() == "Previous" && - $('#example_paginate .next').html() == "Next" && - $('#example_paginate .last').html() == "Last"; - return bReturn; - } - ); - - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "oLanguage.oPaginate can be defined", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "sPaginationType": "full_numbers", - "oLanguage": { - "oPaginate": { - "sFirst": "unit1", - "sPrevious": "test2", - "sNext": "unit3", - "sLast": "test4" - } - } - } ); - oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - }, - function () { - var bReturn = - oSettings.oLanguage.oPaginate.sFirst == "unit1" && - oSettings.oLanguage.oPaginate.sPrevious == "test2" && - oSettings.oLanguage.oPaginate.sNext == "unit3" && - oSettings.oLanguage.oPaginate.sLast == "test4"; - return bReturn; - } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "oLanguage.oPaginate definitions are in the DOM", - null, - function () { - var bReturn = - $('#example_paginate .first').html() == "unit1" && - $('#example_paginate .previous').html() == "test2" && - $('#example_paginate .next').html() == "unit3" && - $('#example_paginate .last').html() == "test4"; - return bReturn; - } - ); - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/oLanguage.sInfo.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/oLanguage.sInfo.js deleted file mode 100644 index 1a72a0a8..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/oLanguage.sInfo.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,117 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: empty_table -oTest.fnStart( "oLanguage.sInfo" ); - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Check the default */ - var oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt" - } ); - var oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Info language is 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries' by default", - null, - function () { return oSettings.oLanguage.sInfo == "Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Info language default is in the DOM", - null, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML = "Showing 1 to 10 of 57 entries"; } - ); - - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Info language can be defined - without any macros", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "oLanguage": { - "sInfo": "unit test" - } - } ); - oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - }, - function () { return oSettings.oLanguage.sInfo == "unit test"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Info language definition is in the DOM", - null, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML = "unit test"; } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Info language can be defined - with macro _START_ only", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "oLanguage": { - "sInfo": "unit _START_ test" - } - } ); - }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML = "unit 1 test"; } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Info language can be defined - with macro _END_ only", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "oLanguage": { - "sInfo": "unit _END_ test" - } - } ); - }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML = "unit 10 test"; } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Info language can be defined - with macro _TOTAL_ only", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "oLanguage": { - "sInfo": "unit _END_ test" - } - } ); - }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML = "unit 57 test"; } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Info language can be defined - with macros _START_ and _END_", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "oLanguage": { - "sInfo": "unit _START_ _END_ test" - } - } ); - }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML = "unit 1 10 test"; } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Info language can be defined - with macros _START_, _END_ and _TOTAL_", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "oLanguage": { - "sInfo": "unit _START_ _END_ _TOTAL_ test" - } - } ); - }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML = "unit 1 10 57 test"; } - ); - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/oLanguage.sInfoEmpty.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/oLanguage.sInfoEmpty.js deleted file mode 100644 index a5066cf8..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/oLanguage.sInfoEmpty.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,79 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: empty_table -oTest.fnStart( "oLanguage.sInfoEmpty" ); - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Check the default */ - var oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt" - } ); - var oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Info empty language is 'Showing 0 to 0 of 0 entries' by default", - function () { oTable.fnFilter("nothinghere"); }, - function () { return oSettings.oLanguage.sInfoEmpty == "Showing 0 to 0 of 0 entries"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Info empty language default is in the DOM", - null, - function () { - var bReturn = document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML.replace( - ' '+oSettings.oLanguage.sInfoFiltered.replace( '_MAX_', '57' ), "" ) == - "Showing 0 to 0 of 0 entries"; - return bReturn; - } - ); - - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Info empty language can be defined", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "oLanguage": { - "sInfoEmpty": "unit test" - } - } ); - oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - oTable.fnFilter("nothinghere"); - }, - function () { return oSettings.oLanguage.sInfoEmpty == "unit test"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Info empty language default is in the DOM", - null, - function () { - var bReturn = document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML.replace( - ' '+oSettings.oLanguage.sInfoFiltered.replace( '_MAX_', '57' ), "" ) == - "unit test"; - return bReturn; - } - ); - - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Macro's replaced", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "oLanguage": { - "sInfoEmpty": "unit _START_ _END_ _TOTAL_ test" - } - } ); - oTable.fnFilter("nothinghere"); - }, - function () { - var bReturn = document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML.replace( - ' '+oSettings.oLanguage.sInfoFiltered.replace( '_MAX_', '57' ), "" ) == - "unit 1 0 0 test"; - return bReturn; - } - ); - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/oLanguage.sInfoPostFix.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/oLanguage.sInfoPostFix.js deleted file mode 100644 index f91e5daf..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/oLanguage.sInfoPostFix.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,78 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: empty_table -oTest.fnStart( "oLanguage.sInfoPostFix" ); - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Check the default */ - var oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt" - } ); - var oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Info post fix language is '' (blank) by default", - null, - function () { return oSettings.oLanguage.sInfoPostFix == ""; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Width no post fix, the basic info shows", - null, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML = "Showing 1 to 10 of 57 entries"; } - ); - - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Info post fix language can be defined", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "oLanguage": { - "sInfoPostFix": "unit test" - } - } ); - oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - }, - function () { return oSettings.oLanguage.sInfoPostFix == "unit test"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Info empty language default is in the DOM", - null, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML = "Showing 1 to 10 of 57 entries unit test"; } - ); - - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Macros have no effect in the post fix", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "oLanguage": { - "sInfoPostFix": "unit _START_ _END_ _TOTAL_ test" - } - } ); - }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML = "Showing 1 to 10 of 57 entries unit _START_ _END_ _TOTAL_ test"; } - ); - - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Post fix is applied after fintering info", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "oLanguage": { - "sInfoPostFix": "unit test" - } - } ); - oTable.fnFilter("nothinghere"); - }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML = "Showing 0 to 0 of 0 entries unit (filtered from 57 total entries) test"; } - ); - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/oLanguage.sLengthMenu.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/oLanguage.sLengthMenu.js deleted file mode 100644 index 6fae9483..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/oLanguage.sLengthMenu.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,111 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: empty_table -oTest.fnStart( "oLanguage.sLengthMenu" ); - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Check the default */ - var oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt" - } ); - var oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Menu language is 'Show _MENU_ entries' by default", - null, - function () { return oSettings.oLanguage.sLengthMenu == "Show _MENU_ entries"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "_MENU_ macro is replaced by select menu in DOM", - null, - function () { return $('select', oSettings.aanFeatures.l[0]).length == 1 } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "A label input is used", - null, - function () { return $('label', oSettings.aanFeatures.l[0]).length == 1 } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Default is put into DOM", - null, - function () { - var anChildren = $('label',oSettings.aanFeatures.l[0])[0].childNodes; - var bReturn = - anChildren[0].nodeValue == "Show " && - anChildren[2].nodeValue == " entries"; - return bReturn; - } - ); - - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Menu length language can be defined - no _MENU_ macro", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "oLanguage": { - "sLengthMenu": "unit test" - } - } ); - oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - }, - function () { return oSettings.oLanguage.sLengthMenu == "unit test"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Menu length language definition is in the DOM", - null, - function () { - return $('label', oSettings.aanFeatures.l[0]).text() == "unit test"; - } - ); - - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Menu length language can be defined - with _MENU_ macro", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "oLanguage": { - "sLengthMenu": "unit _MENU_ test" - } - } ); - oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - }, - function () { - var anChildren = $('label',oSettings.aanFeatures.l[0])[0].childNodes; - var bReturn = - anChildren[0].nodeValue == "unit " && - anChildren[2].nodeValue == " test"; - return bReturn; - } - ); - - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Only the _MENU_ macro", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "oLanguage": { - "sLengthMenu": "_MENU_" - } - } ); - oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - }, - function () { - var anChildren = oSettings.aanFeatures.l[0].childNodes; - var bReturn = - anChildren.length == 1 && - $('select', oSettings.aanFeatures.l[0]).length == 1; - return bReturn; - } - ); - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/oLanguage.sLoadingRecords.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/oLanguage.sLoadingRecords.js deleted file mode 100644 index 616b0ef3..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/oLanguage.sLoadingRecords.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,65 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: empty_table -oTest.fnStart( "oLanguage.sLoadingRecords" ); - -$(document).ready( function () { - var tmp = false; - oTest.fnTest( - "Default loading text is 'Loading...'", - function () { - $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt" - } ); - tmp = $('#example tbody tr td')[0].innerHTML == "Loading..."; - }, - function () { return tmp; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Text can be overriden", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "oLanguage": { - "sLoadingRecords": "unitest" - }, - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt" - } ); - tmp = $('#example tbody tr td')[0].innerHTML == "unitest"; - }, - function () { return tmp; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "When sZeroRecords is given but sLoadingRecords is not, sZeroRecords is used", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "oLanguage": { - "sZeroRecords": "unitest_sZeroRecords" - }, - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt" - } ); - tmp = $('#example tbody tr td')[0].innerHTML == "unitest_sZeroRecords"; - }, - function () { return tmp; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "sLoadingRecords and sZeroRecords both given", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "oLanguage": { - "sZeroRecords": "unitest_sZeroRecords2", - "sLoadingRecords": "unitest2" - }, - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt" - } ); - tmp = $('#example tbody tr td')[0].innerHTML == "unitest2"; - }, - function () { return tmp; } - ); - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/oLanguage.sProcessing.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/oLanguage.sProcessing.js deleted file mode 100644 index 39886194..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/oLanguage.sProcessing.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,49 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: empty_table -oTest.fnStart( "oLanguage.sProcessing" ); - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Check the default */ - var oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "bProcessing": true - } ); - var oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Processing language is 'Processing...' by default", - null, - function () { return oSettings.oLanguage.sProcessing == "Processing..."; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Processing language default is in the DOM", - null, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_processing').innerHTML = "Processing..."; } - ); - - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Processing language can be defined", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "bProcessing": true, - "oLanguage": { - "sProcessing": "unit test" - } - } ); - oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - }, - function () { return oSettings.oLanguage.sProcessing == "unit test"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Processing language definition is in the DOM", - null, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_processing').innerHTML = "unit test"; } - ); - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/oLanguage.sSearch.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/oLanguage.sSearch.js deleted file mode 100644 index 5a1584d1..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/oLanguage.sSearch.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,70 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: empty_table -oTest.fnStart( "oLanguage.sSearch" ); - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Check the default */ - var oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt" - } ); - var oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Search language is 'Search:' by default", - null, - function () { return oSettings.oLanguage.sSearch == "Search:"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "A label input is used", - null, - function () { return $('label', oSettings.aanFeatures.f[0]).length == 1 } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Search language default is in the DOM", - null, - function () { return $('label', oSettings.aanFeatures.f[0]).text() - == "Search: "; } - ); - - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Search language can be defined", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "oLanguage": { - "sSearch": "unit test" - } - } ); - oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - }, - function () { return oSettings.oLanguage.sSearch == "unit test"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Info language definition is in the DOM", - null, - function () { return $('label', oSettings.aanFeatures.f[0]).text().indexOf('unit test') !== -1; } - ); - - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Blank search has a no space (separator) inserted", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "oLanguage": { - "sSearch": "" - } - } ); - oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_filter').childNodes.length == 1; } - ); - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/oLanguage.sUrl.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/oLanguage.sUrl.js deleted file mode 100644 index 5ebfe5dd..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/oLanguage.sUrl.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,62 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: empty_table -oTest.fnStart( "oLanguage.sUrl" ); - -/* Note that we only test the internal storage of language information pulled form a file here - * as the other language tests will check it goes into the DOM correctly - */ - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Check the default */ - var oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt" - } ); - var oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - - oTest.fnTest( - "sUrl is blank by default", - null, - function () { return oSettings.oLanguage.sUrl == ""; } - ); - - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Loading of German file loads language information", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "oLanguage": { - "sUrl": "../../../examples/examples_support/de_DE.txt" - } - } ); - oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - }, - function () { - var bReturn = - oSettings.oLanguage.sProcessing == "Bitte warten..." && - oSettings.oLanguage.sLengthMenu == "_MENU_ Einträge anzeigen" && - oSettings.oLanguage.sZeroRecords == "Keine Einträge vorhanden." && - oSettings.oLanguage.sInfo == "_START_ bis _END_ von _TOTAL_ Einträgen" && - oSettings.oLanguage.sInfoEmpty == "0 bis 0 von 0 Einträgen" && - oSettings.oLanguage.sInfoFiltered == "(gefiltert von _MAX_ Einträgen)" && - oSettings.oLanguage.sInfoPostFix == "" && - oSettings.oLanguage.sSearch == "Suchen" && - oSettings.oLanguage.oPaginate.sFirst == "Erster" && - oSettings.oLanguage.oPaginate.sPrevious == "Zurück" && - oSettings.oLanguage.oPaginate.sNext == "Nächster" && - oSettings.oLanguage.oPaginate.sLast == "Letzter"; - - return bReturn; - } - ); - - /* One DOM check just to ensure that they go into the DOM */ - oTest.fnTest( - "Loaded language goes into the DOM", - null, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML = "1 bis 10 von 57 Einträgen"; } - ); - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/oLanguage.sZeroRecords.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/oLanguage.sZeroRecords.js deleted file mode 100644 index 7dffc151..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/oLanguage.sZeroRecords.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,48 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: empty_table -oTest.fnStart( "oLanguage.sZeroRecords" ); - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Check the default */ - var oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt" - } ); - var oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Zero records language is 'No matching records found' by default", - null, - function () { return oSettings.oLanguage.sZeroRecords == "No matching records found"; } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Text is shown when empty table (after filtering)", - function () { oTable.fnFilter('nothinghere'); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr td')[0].innerHTML == "No matching records found" } - ); - - - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Zero records language can be defined", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "oLanguage": { - "sZeroRecords": "unit test" - } - } ); - oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - }, - function () { return oSettings.oLanguage.sZeroRecords == "unit test"; } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Text is shown when empty table (after filtering)", - function () { oTable.fnFilter('nothinghere2'); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr td')[0].innerHTML == "unit test" } - ); - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/oSearch.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/oSearch.js deleted file mode 100644 index 42f1b948..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/oSearch.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,108 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: empty_table -oTest.fnStart( "oSearch" ); - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Check the default */ - var oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt" - } ); - var oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Default values should be blank", - null, - function () { - var bReturn = oSettings.oPreviousSearch.sSearch == "" && - !oSettings.oPreviousSearch.bRegex; - return bReturn; - } - ); - - /* This test might be considered iffy since the full object isn't given, but it's reasonable to - * expect DataTables to cope with this. It should just assumine regex false - */ - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Search term only in object", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "oSearch": { - "sSearch": "Mozilla" - } - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0)').html() == "Gecko"; } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "New search will kill old one", - function () { - oTable.fnFilter("Opera"); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0)').html() == "Presto"; } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Search plain text term and escape regex true", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "oSearch": { - "sSearch": "DS", - "bRegex": false - } - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(1)').html() == "Nintendo DS browser"; } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Search plain text term and escape regex false", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "oSearch": { - "sSearch": "Opera", - "bRegex": true - } - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0)').html() == "Presto"; } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Search regex text term and escape regex true", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "oSearch": { - "sSearch": "1.*", - "bRegex": false - } - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0)').html() == "No matching records found"; } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Search regex text term and escape regex false", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "oSearch": { - "sSearch": "1.*", - "bRegex": true - } - } ); - }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0)').html() == "Gecko"; } - ); - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/sAjaxDataProp.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/sAjaxDataProp.js deleted file mode 100644 index 5759c47d..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/sAjaxDataProp.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,139 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: empty_table -oTest.fnStart( "Custom data source property - property given" ); - - -$(document).ready( function () { - var oInit = { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/custom_prop.txt", - "sAjaxDataProp": "demo" - }; - $('#example').dataTable( oInit ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "10 rows shown on the first page", - null, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr').length == 10; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Initial sort occured", - null, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(0)').html() == "Gecko"; } - ); - - /* Need to use the WaitTest for sorting due to the setTimeout datatables uses */ - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting (first click) on second column", - function () { $('#example thead th:eq(1)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(1)').html() == "All others"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting (second click) on second column", - function () { $('#example thead th:eq(1)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(1)').html() == "Seamonkey 1.1"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting (third click) on second column", - function () { $('#example thead th:eq(1)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(1)').html() == "All others"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting (first click) on numeric column", - function () { $('#example thead th:eq(3)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(3)').html() == "-"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting (second click) on numeric column", - function () { $('#example thead th:eq(3)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(3)').html() == "522.1"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting multi-column (first click)", - function () { - $('#example thead th:eq(0)').click(); - $('#example thead th:eq(1)')[0], { 'shift': true } ); }, - function () { var b = - $('#example tbody td:eq(0)').html() == "Gecko" && - $('#example tbody td:eq(1)').html() == "Camino 1.0"; return b; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting multi-column - sorting second column only", - function () { - $('#example thead th:eq(1)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(1)').html() == "All others"; } - ); - - /* Basic paging */ - oTest.fnTest( - "Paging to second page", - function () { $('#example_next').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(1)').html() == "IE Mobile"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Paging to first page", - function () { $('#example_previous').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(1)').html() == "All others"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Attempting to page back beyond the first page", - function () { $('#example_previous').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(1)').html() == "All others"; } - ); - - /* Changing length */ - oTest.fnTest( - "Changing table length to 25 records", - function () { $("select[name=example_length]").val('25').change(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr').length == 25; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Changing table length to 50 records", - function () { $("select[name=example_length]").val('50').change(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr').length == 50; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Changing table length to 100 records", - function () { $("select[name=example_length]").val('100').change(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr').length == 57; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Changing table length to 10 records", - function () { $("select[name=example_length]").val('10').change(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr').length == 10; } - ); - - /* - * Information element - */ - oTest.fnTest( - "Information on zero config", - null, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == "Showing 1 to 10 of 57 entries"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Information on second page", - function () { $('#example_next').click(); }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == "Showing 11 to 20 of 57 entries"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Information on third page", - function () { $('#example_next').click(); }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == "Showing 21 to 30 of 57 entries"; } - ); - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/sAjaxDataProp2.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/sAjaxDataProp2.js deleted file mode 100644 index 646657e3..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/sAjaxDataProp2.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,139 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: empty_table -oTest.fnStart( "Custom data source property - array only" ); - - -$(document).ready( function () { - var oInit = { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/array_only.txt", - "sAjaxDataProp": "" - }; - $('#example').dataTable( oInit ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "10 rows shown on the first page", - null, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr').length == 10; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Initial sort occured", - null, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(0)').html() == "Gecko"; } - ); - - /* Need to use the WaitTest for sorting due to the setTimeout datatables uses */ - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting (first click) on second column", - function () { $('#example thead th:eq(1)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(1)').html() == "All others"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting (second click) on second column", - function () { $('#example thead th:eq(1)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(1)').html() == "Seamonkey 1.1"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting (third click) on second column", - function () { $('#example thead th:eq(1)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(1)').html() == "All others"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting (first click) on numeric column", - function () { $('#example thead th:eq(3)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(3)').html() == "-"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting (second click) on numeric column", - function () { $('#example thead th:eq(3)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(3)').html() == "522.1"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting multi-column (first click)", - function () { - $('#example thead th:eq(0)').click(); - $('#example thead th:eq(1)')[0], { 'shift': true } ); }, - function () { var b = - $('#example tbody td:eq(0)').html() == "Gecko" && - $('#example tbody td:eq(1)').html() == "Camino 1.0"; return b; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Sorting multi-column - sorting second column only", - function () { - $('#example thead th:eq(1)').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(1)').html() == "All others"; } - ); - - /* Basic paging */ - oTest.fnTest( - "Paging to second page", - function () { $('#example_next').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(1)').html() == "IE Mobile"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Paging to first page", - function () { $('#example_previous').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(1)').html() == "All others"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Attempting to page back beyond the first page", - function () { $('#example_previous').click(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(1)').html() == "All others"; } - ); - - /* Changing length */ - oTest.fnTest( - "Changing table length to 25 records", - function () { $("select[name=example_length]").val('25').change(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr').length == 25; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Changing table length to 50 records", - function () { $("select[name=example_length]").val('50').change(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr').length == 50; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Changing table length to 100 records", - function () { $("select[name=example_length]").val('100').change(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr').length == 57; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Changing table length to 10 records", - function () { $("select[name=example_length]").val('10').change(); }, - function () { return $('#example tbody tr').length == 10; } - ); - - /* - * Information element - */ - oTest.fnTest( - "Information on zero config", - null, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == "Showing 1 to 10 of 57 entries"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Information on second page", - function () { $('#example_next').click(); }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == "Showing 11 to 20 of 57 entries"; } - ); - - oTest.fnTest( - "Information on third page", - function () { $('#example_next').click(); }, - function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == "Showing 21 to 30 of 57 entries"; } - ); - - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/sAjaxSource.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/sAjaxSource.js deleted file mode 100644 index b633d097..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/sAjaxSource.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,22 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: empty_table -oTest.fnStart( "sAjaxSource" ); - -/* Sanitfy check really - all the other tests blast this */ - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Check the default */ - var oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt" - } ); - var oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Server side is off by default", - null, - function () { - return oSettings.sAjaxSource == "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt"; - } - ); - - oTest.fnComplete(); -} ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/sDom.js b/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/sDom.js deleted file mode 100644 index 0af1f599..00000000 --- a/media/unit_testing/tests_onhold/3_ajax/sDom.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,262 +0,0 @@ -// DATA_TEMPLATE: empty_table -oTest.fnStart( "sDom" ); - -/* This is going to be brutal on the browser! There is a lot that can be tested here... */ - -$(document).ready( function () { - /* Check the default */ - var oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt" - } ); - var oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Default DOM varaible", - null, - function () { return oSettings.sDom == "lfrtip"; } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Default DOM in document", - null, - function () { - var nNodes = $('#demo div, #demo table'); - var nWrapper = document.getElementById('example_wrapper'); - var nLength = document.getElementById('example_length'); - var nFilter = document.getElementById('example_filter'); - var nInfo = document.getElementById('example_info'); - var nPaging = document.getElementById('example_paginate'); - var nTable = document.getElementById('example'); - - var bReturn = - nNodes[0] == nWrapper && - nNodes[1] == nLength && - nNodes[2] == nFilter && - nNodes[3] == nTable && - nNodes[4] == nInfo && - nNodes[5] == nPaging; - return bReturn; - } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Check example 1 in code propagates", - function () { - oSession.fnRestore(); - oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { - "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/arrays.txt", - "sDom": '<"wrapper"flipt>' - } ); - oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); - }, - function () { return oSettings.sDom == '<"wrapper"flipt>'; } - ); - - oTest.fnWaitTest( - "Check example 1 in DOM", - null, - function () { - var jqNodes = $('#demo div, #demo table'); - var nNodes = []; - - /* Strip the paging nodes */ - for ( var i=0, iLen=jqNodes.length ; iip>' - } ); - }, - function () { - var jqNodes = $('#demo div, #demo table'); - var nNodes = []; - var nCustomWrappers = [] - - /* Strip the paging nodes */ - for ( var i=0, iLen=jqNodes.length ; i