mirror of
synced 2025-03-22 14:19:49 +01:00
New: $, clear, settings, on, one and off methods for new API
- $ - perform a jQuery selector on the nodes in the table (matching the $ method from the old API). - clear - clear the table completely (replaces fnClearTable). - settings - get an array of the settings objects for the tables used in the API instance. - on - jQuery event listener proxy. Use for table specific events ('draw', 'xhr' etc). - one - jQuery event listener proxy (single event). - off - jQuery event unlistener proxy.
This commit is contained in:
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@
return this;
@ -120,6 +120,7 @@
* Version string for plug-ins to check compatibility. Allowed format is
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,608 @@
(/** @lends <global> */function() {
* Computed structure of the DataTables API, defined by the options passed to
* `DataTable.Api.register()` when building the API.
* The structure is built in order to speed creation and extension of the Api
* objects since the extensions are effectively pre-parsed.
* The array is an array of objects with the following structure, where this
* base array represents the Api prototype base:
* [
* {
* name: 'data' -- string - Property name
* val: function () {}, -- function - Api method (or undefined if just an object
* methodExt: [ ... ], -- array - Array of Api object definitions to extend the method result
* propExt: [ ... ] -- array - Array of Api object definitions to extend the property
* },
* {
* name: 'row'
* val: {},
* methodExt: [ ... ],
* propExt: [
* {
* name: 'data'
* val: function () {},
* methodExt: [ ... ],
* propExt: [ ... ]
* },
* ...
* ]
* }
* ]
* @type {Array}
* @ignore
var _apiStruct = [];
* Api object reference.
* @type object
* @ignore
var _Api;
* `Array.prototype` reference.
* @type object
* @ignore
var _arrayProto = Array.prototype;
* Abstraction for `context` parameter of the `Api` constructor to allow it to
* take several different forms for ease of use.
* Each of the input parameter types will be converted to a DataTables settings
* object where possible.
* @param {string|node|jQuery|object} mixed DataTable identifier. Can be one
* of:
* * `string` - jQuery selector. Any DataTables' matching the given selector
* with be found and used.
* * `node` - `TABLE` node which has already been formed into a DataTable.
* * `jQuery` - A jQuery object of `TABLE` nodes.
* * `object` - DataTables settings object
* @return {array|null} Matching DataTables settings objects. `null` or
* `undefined` is returned if no matching DataTable is found.
* @ignore
var _toSettings = function ( mixed )
var idx, jq;
var settings = DataTable.settings;
var tables = $.map( settings, function (el, i) {
return el.nTable;
} );
if ( mixed.nTable && mixed.oApi ) {
// DataTables settings object
return [ mixed ];
else if ( mixed.nodeName && mixed.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'table' ) {
// Table node
idx = $.inArray( mixed, tables );
return idx !== -1 ? [ settings[idx] ] : null;
else if ( typeof mixed === 'string' ) {
// jQuery selector
jq = $(mixed);
else if ( mixed instanceof $ ) {
// jQuery object (also DataTables instance)
jq = mixed;
if ( jq ) {
return jq.map( function(i) {
idx = $.inArray( this, tables );
return idx !== -1 ? settings[idx] : null;
} );
* Find the unique elements in a source array.
* @param {array} src Source array
* @return {array} Array of unique items
* @ignore
var _unique = function ( src )
// A faster unique method is to use object keys to identify used values,
// but this doesn't work with arrays or objects, which we must also
// consider. See jsperf.com/compare-array-unique-versions/4 for more
// information.
out = [],
i, ien=src.length,
j, k=0;
again: for ( i=0 ; i<ien ; i++ ) {
val = src[i];
for ( j=0 ; j<k ; j++ ) {
if ( out[j] === val ) {
continue again;
out.push( val );
return out;
* DataTables API class - used to control and interface with one or more
* DataTables enhanced tables.
* The API class is heavily based on jQuery, presenting a chainable interface
* that you can use to interact with tables. Each instance of the API class has
* a "context" - i.e. the tables that it will operate on. This could be a single
* table, all tables on a page or a sub-set thereof.
* Additionally the API is designed to allow you to easily work with the data in
* the tables, retrieving and manipulating it as required. This is done by
* presenting the API class as an array like interface. The contents of the
* array depend upon the actions requested by each method (for example
* `rows().nodes()` will return an array of nodes, while `rows().data()` will
* return an array of objects or arrays depending upon your table's
* configuration). The API object has a number of array like methods (`push`,
* `pop`, `reverse` etc) as well as additional helper methods (`each`, `pluck`,
* `unique` etc) to assist your working with the data held in a table.
* Most methods (those which return an Api instance) are chainable, which means
* the return from a method call also has all of the methods available that the
* top level object had. For example, these two calls are equivalent:
* // Not chained
* api.row.add( {...} );
* api.draw();
* // Chained
* api.row.add( {...} ).draw();
* @class DataTable.Api
* @param {array|object|string|jQuery} context DataTable identifier. This is
* used to define which DataTables enhanced tables this API will operate on.
* Can be one of:
* * `string` - jQuery selector. Any DataTables' matching the given selector
* with be found and used.
* * `node` - `TABLE` node which has already been formed into a DataTable.
* * `jQuery` - A jQuery object of `TABLE` nodes.
* * `object` - DataTables settings object
* @param {array} [data] Data to initialise the Api instance with.
* @example
* // Direct initialisation during DataTables construction
* var api = $('#example').DataTable();
* @example
* // Initialisation using a DataTables jQuery object
* var api = $('#example').dataTable().api();
* @example
* // Initialisation as a constructor
* var api = new $.fn.DataTable.Api( 'table.dataTable' );
DataTable.Api = _Api = function ( context, data )
if ( ! this instanceof _Api ) {
throw 'DT API must be constructed as a new object';
// or should it do the 'new' for the caller
// return new _Api.apply( this, arguments );
var settings = [];
var ctxSettings = function ( o ) {
var a = _toSettings( o );
if ( a ) {
settings.push.apply( settings, a );
if ( $.isArray( context ) ) {
for ( var i=0, ien=context.length ; i<ien ; i++ ) {
ctxSettings( context[i] );
else {
ctxSettings( context );
// Remove duplicates
this.context = _unique( settings );
// Initial data
if ( data ) {
this.push.apply( this, data );
// selector
this.selector = {
rows: null,
cols: null,
opts: null
_Api.extend( this, this, _apiStruct );
_Api.prototype = /** @lends DataTables.Api */{
* Return a new Api instance, comprised of the data held in the current
* instance, join with the other array(s) and/or value(s).
* An alias for `Array.prototype.concat`.
* @type method
* @param {*} value1 Arrays and/or values to concatenate.
* @param {*} [...] Additional arrays and/or values to concatenate.
* @returns {DataTables.Api} New API instance, comprising of the combined
* array.
concat: _arrayProto.concat,
context: [], // array of table settings objects
each: function ( fn )
if ( _arrayProto.forEach ) {
// Where possible, use the built-in forEach
_arrayProto.forEach.call( this, fn, this );
else {
// Compatibility for browsers without EMCA-252-5 (JS 1.6)
for ( var i=0, ien=this.length ; i<ien; i++ ) {
// In strict mode the execution scope is the passed value
fn.call( this, this[i], i, this );
return this;
filter: function ( fn )
var a = [];
if ( _arrayProto.filter ) {
a = _arrayProto.filter( this, fn, this );
else {
// Compatibility for browsers without EMCA-252-5 (JS 1.6)
for ( var i=0, ien=this.length ; i<ien ; i++ ) {
if ( fn.call( this, this[i], i, this ) ) {
a.push( this[i] );
return new _Api( this.context, a );
indexOf: _arrayProto.indexOf || function (obj, start)
for ( var i=(start || 0), ien=this.length ; i<ien ; i++ ) {
if ( this[i] === obj ) {
return i;
return -1;
// Internal only at the moment - relax?
iterator: function ( flatten, type, fn ) {
a = [], ret,
i, ien, j, jen,
context = this.context,
rows, items,
selector = this.selector;
// Argument shifting
if ( typeof flatten === 'string' ) {
fn = type;
type = flatten;
flatten = false;
for ( i=0, ien=context.length ; i<ien ; i++ ) {
if ( type === 'table' ) {
ret = fn( context[i], i );
if ( ret !== undefined ) {
a.push( ret );
else if ( type === 'columns' || type === 'rows' ) {
// this has same length as context - one entry for each table
ret = fn( context[i], this[i], i );
if ( ret !== undefined ) {
a.push( ret );
else if ( type === 'column' || type === 'column-rows' || type === 'row' ) {
// columns and rows share the same structure.
// 'this' is an array of column indexes for each context
items = this[i];
if ( type === 'column-rows' ) {
rows = _row_selector_indexes( context[i], selector.opts );
for ( j=0, jen=items.length ; j<jen ; j++ ) {
ret = fn( context[i], items[j], i, j, rows );
if ( ret !== undefined ) {
a.push( ret );
if ( a.length ) {
var api = new _Api( context, flatten ? a.concat.apply( [], a ) : a );
var apiSelector = api.selector;
apiSelector.rows = selector.rows;
apiSelector.cols = selector.cols;
apiSelector.opts = selector.opts;
return api;
return this;
lastIndexOf: _arrayProto.lastIndexOf || function (obj, start)
// Bit cheeky...
return this.indexOf.apply( this.toArray.reverse(), arguments );
length: 0,
map: function ( fn )
var a = [];
if ( _arrayProto.map ) {
a = _arrayProto.map( this, fn, this );
else {
// Compatibility for browsers without EMCA-252-5 (JS 1.6)
for ( var i=0, ien=this.length ; i<ien ; i++ ) {
a.push( fn.call( this, this[i], i ) );
return new _Api( this.context, a );
pluck: function ( prop )
return this.map( function ( el, i ) {
return el[ prop ];
} );
pop: _arrayProto.pop,
push: _arrayProto.push,
reduce: _arrayProto.reduce || function ( fn, init )
isSet = false;
if ( arguments.length > 1 ) {
value = init;
isSet = true;
for ( var i=0, ien=this.length ; i<ien ; i++ ) {
if ( ! this.hasOwnProperty(i) ) {
value = isSet ?
fn( value, this[i], i, this ) :
isSet = true;
return value;
reduceRight: _arrayProto.reduceRight || function ( fn, init )
isSet = false;
if ( arguments.length > 1 ) {
value = init;
isSet = true;
for ( var i=this.length-1 ; i>=0 ; i-- ) {
if ( ! this.hasOwnProperty(i) ) {
value = isSet ?
fn( value, this[i], i, this ) :
isSet = true;
return value;
reverse: _arrayProto.reverse,
// Object with rows, columns and opts
selector: null,
shift: _arrayProto.shift,
sort: _arrayProto.sort, // ? name - order?
splice: _arrayProto.splice,
toArray: function ()
return _arrayProto.slice.call( this );
unique: function ()
return new _Api( this.context, _unique(this) );
unshift: _arrayProto.unshift
_Api.extend = function ( scope, obj, ext )
if ( ! obj instanceof _Api ) {
i, ien,
j, jen,
methodScoping = function ( fn, struc ) {
return function () {
var ret = fn.apply( scope, arguments );
// Method extension
_Api.extend( ret, ret, struc.methodExt );
return ret;
for ( i=0, ien=ext.length ; i<ien ; i++ ) {
struct = ext[i];
// Value
if ( typeof struct.val === 'function' ) {
obj[ struct.name ] = methodScoping( struct.val, struct );
else {
obj[ struct.name ] = struct.val;
// Property extension
_Api.extend( scope, obj[ struct.name ], struct.propExt );
_Api.register = function ( name, val )
if ( $.isArray( name ) ) {
for ( var j=0, jen=name.length ; j<jen ; j++ ) {
_Api.register( name[j], val );
i, ien,
heir = name.split('.'),
struct = _apiStruct,
key, method;
var find = function ( src, name ) {
for ( var i=0, ien=src.length ; i<ien ; i++ ) {
if ( src[i].name === name ) {
return src[i];
return null;
for ( i=0, ien=heir.length ; i<ien ; i++ ) {
method = heir[i].indexOf('()') !== -1;
key = method ?
heir[i].replace('()', '') :
var src = find( struct, key );
if ( ! src ) {
src = {
name: key,
val: {},
methodExt: [],
propExt: []
struct.push( src );
if ( i === ien-1 ) {
src.val = val;
else {
struct = method ?
src.methodExt :
// Rebuild the API with the new construct
if ( _Api.ready ) {
@ -2,606 +2,47 @@
(/** @lends <global> */function() {
* Computed structure of the DataTables API, defined by the options passed to
* `DataTable.Api.register()` when building the API.
* The structure is built in order to speed creation and extension of the Api
* objects since the extensions are effectively pre-parsed.
* The array is an array of objects with the following structure, where this
* base array represents the Api prototype base:
* [
* {
* name: 'data' -- string - Property name
* val: function () {}, -- function - Api method (or undefined if just an object
* methodExt: [ ... ], -- array - Array of Api object definitions to extend the method result
* propExt: [ ... ] -- array - Array of Api object definitions to extend the property
* },
* {
* name: 'row'
* val: {},
* methodExt: [ ... ],
* propExt: [
* {
* name: 'data'
* val: function () {},
* methodExt: [ ... ],
* propExt: [ ... ]
* },
* ...
* ]
* }
* ]
* @type {Array}
* @ignore
var _apiStruct = [];
var _api = DataTable.Api;
* Api object reference.
* @type object
* @ignore
var _Api;
_api.register( '$()', function ( selector, opts ) {
rows = this.rows( opts ).nodes(), // Get all rows
jqRows = $(rows);
return $( [].concat(
jqRows.filter( selector ).toArray(),
jqRows.find( selector ).toArray()
) );
} );
* `Array.prototype` reference.
* @type object
* @ignore
var _arrayProto = Array.prototype;
* Abstraction for `context` parameter of the `Api` constructor to allow it to
* take several different forms for ease of use.
* Each of the input parameter types will be converted to a DataTables settings
* object where possible.
* @param {string|node|jQuery|object} mixed DataTable identifier. Can be one
* of:
* * `string` - jQuery selector. Any DataTables' matching the given selector
* with be found and used.
* * `node` - `TABLE` node which has already been formed into a DataTable.
* * `jQuery` - A jQuery object of `TABLE` nodes.
* * `object` - DataTables settings object
* @return {array|null} Matching DataTables settings objects. `null` or
* `undefined` is returned if no matching DataTable is found.
* @ignore
var _toSettings = function ( mixed )
var idx, jq;
var settings = DataTable.settings;
var tables = $.map( settings, function (el, i) {
return el.nTable;
// jQuery functions to operate on the tables
$.each( [ 'on', 'one', 'off' ], function (i, key) {
_api.register( key+'()', function ( /* ... */ ) {
var inst = $( this.tables().nodes() );
inst[key].apply( inst, arguments );
return this;
} );
} );
if ( mixed.nTable && mixed.oApi ) {
// DataTables settings object
return [ mixed ];
else if ( mixed.nodeName && mixed.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'table' ) {
// Table node
idx = $.inArray( mixed, tables );
return idx !== -1 ? [ settings[idx] ] : null;
else if ( typeof mixed === 'string' ) {
// jQuery selector
jq = $(mixed);
else if ( mixed instanceof $ ) {
// jQuery object (also DataTables instance)
jq = mixed;
if ( jq ) {
return jq.map( function(i) {
idx = $.inArray( this, tables );
return idx !== -1 ? settings[idx] : null;
} );
_api.register( 'clear()', function ( selector, opts ) {
return this.iterator( 'table', function ( settings ) {
_fnClearTable( settings );
} );
} );
* Find the unique elements in a source array.
* @param {array} src Source array
* @return {array} Array of unique items
* @ignore
var _unique = function ( src )
// A faster unique method is to use object keys to identify used values,
// but this doesn't work with arrays or objects, which we must also
// consider. See jsperf.com/compare-array-unique-versions/4 for more
// information.
out = [],
i, ien=src.length,
j, k=0;
_api.register( 'settings()', function ( selector, opts ) {
return this.iterator( 'table', function ( settings ) {
return settings;
} );
} );
again: for ( i=0 ; i<ien ; i++ ) {
val = src[i];
for ( j=0 ; j<k ; j++ ) {
if ( out[j] === val ) {
continue again;
out.push( val );
return out;
* DataTables API class - used to control and interface with one or more
* DataTables enhanced tables.
* The API class is heavily based on jQuery, presenting a chainable interface
* that you can use to interact with tables. Each instance of the API class has
* a "context" - i.e. the tables that it will operate on. This could be a single
* table, all tables on a page or a sub-set thereof.
* Additionally the API is designed to allow you to easily work with the data in
* the tables, retrieving and manipulating it as required. This is done by
* presenting the API class as an array like interface. The contents of the
* array depend upon the actions requested by each method (for example
* `rows().nodes()` will return an array of nodes, while `rows().data()` will
* return an array of objects or arrays depending upon your table's
* configuration). The API object has a number of array like methods (`push`,
* `pop`, `reverse` etc) as well as additional helper methods (`each`, `pluck`,
* `unique` etc) to assist your working with the data held in a table.
* Most methods (those which return an Api instance) are chainable, which means
* the return from a method call also has all of the methods available that the
* top level object had. For example, these two calls are equivalent:
* // Not chained
* api.row.add( {...} );
* api.draw();
* // Chained
* api.row.add( {...} ).draw();
* @class DataTable.Api
* @param {array|object|string|jQuery} context DataTable identifier. This is
* used to define which DataTables enhanced tables this API will operate on.
* Can be one of:
* * `string` - jQuery selector. Any DataTables' matching the given selector
* with be found and used.
* * `node` - `TABLE` node which has already been formed into a DataTable.
* * `jQuery` - A jQuery object of `TABLE` nodes.
* * `object` - DataTables settings object
* @param {array} [data] Data to initialise the Api instance with.
* @example
* // Direct initialisation during DataTables construction
* var api = $('#example').DataTable();
* @example
* // Initialisation using a DataTables jQuery object
* var api = $('#example').dataTable().api();
* @example
* // Initialisation as a constructor
* var api = new $.fn.DataTable.Api( 'table.dataTable' );
DataTable.Api = _Api = function ( context, data )
if ( ! this instanceof _Api ) {
throw 'DT API must be constructed as a new object';
// or should it do the 'new' for the caller
// return new _Api.apply( this, arguments );
var settings = [];
var ctxSettings = function ( o ) {
var a = _toSettings( o );
if ( a ) {
settings.push.apply( settings, a );
if ( $.isArray( context ) ) {
for ( var i=0, ien=context.length ; i<ien ; i++ ) {
ctxSettings( context[i] );
else {
ctxSettings( context );
// Remove duplicates
this.context = _unique( settings );
// Initial data
if ( data ) {
this.push.apply( this, data );
// selector
this.selector = {
rows: null,
cols: null,
opts: null
_Api.extend( this, this, _apiStruct );
_Api.prototype = /** @lends DataTables.Api */{
* Return a new Api instance, comprised of the data held in the current
* instance, join with the other array(s) and/or value(s).
* An alias for `Array.prototype.concat`.
* @type method
* @param {*} value1 Arrays and/or values to concatenate.
* @param {*} [...] Additional arrays and/or values to concatenate.
* @returns {DataTables.Api} New API instance, comprising of the combined
* array.
concat: _arrayProto.concat,
context: [], // array of table settings objects
each: function ( fn )
if ( _arrayProto.forEach ) {
// Where possible, use the built-in forEach
_arrayProto.forEach.call( this, fn, this );
else {
// Compatibility for browsers without EMCA-252-5 (JS 1.6)
for ( var i=0, ien=this.length ; i<ien; i++ ) {
// In strict mode the execution scope is the passed value
fn.call( this, this[i], i, this );
return this;
filter: function ( fn )
var a = [];
if ( _arrayProto.filter ) {
a = _arrayProto.filter( this, fn, this );
else {
// Compatibility for browsers without EMCA-252-5 (JS 1.6)
for ( var i=0, ien=this.length ; i<ien ; i++ ) {
if ( fn.call( this, this[i], i, this ) ) {
a.push( this[i] );
return new _Api( this.context, a );
indexOf: _arrayProto.indexOf || function (obj, start)
for ( var i=(start || 0), ien=this.length ; i<ien ; i++ ) {
if ( this[i] === obj ) {
return i;
return -1;
// Internal only at the moment - relax?
iterator: function ( flatten, type, fn ) {
a = [], ret,
i, ien, j, jen,
context = this.context,
rows, items,
selector = this.selector;
// Argument shifting
if ( typeof flatten === 'string' ) {
fn = type;
type = flatten;
flatten = false;
for ( i=0, ien=context.length ; i<ien ; i++ ) {
if ( type === 'table' ) {
ret = fn( context[i], i );
if ( ret !== undefined ) {
a.push( ret );
else if ( type === 'columns' || type === 'rows' ) {
// this has same length as context - one entry for each table
ret = fn( context[i], this[i], i );
if ( ret !== undefined ) {
a.push( ret );
else if ( type === 'column' || type === 'column-rows' || type === 'row' ) {
// columns and rows share the same structure.
// 'this' is an array of column indexes for each context
items = this[i];
if ( type === 'column-rows' ) {
rows = _row_selector_indexes( context[i], selector.opts );
for ( j=0, jen=items.length ; j<jen ; j++ ) {
ret = fn( context[i], items[j], i, j, rows );
if ( ret !== undefined ) {
a.push( ret );
if ( a.length ) {
var api = new _Api( context, flatten ? a.concat.apply( [], a ) : a );
var apiSelector = api.selector;
apiSelector.rows = selector.rows;
apiSelector.cols = selector.cols;
apiSelector.opts = selector.opts;
return api;
return this;
lastIndexOf: _arrayProto.lastIndexOf || function (obj, start)
// Bit cheeky...
return this.indexOf.apply( this.toArray.reverse(), arguments );
length: 0,
map: function ( fn )
var a = [];
if ( _arrayProto.map ) {
a = _arrayProto.map( this, fn, this );
else {
// Compatibility for browsers without EMCA-252-5 (JS 1.6)
for ( var i=0, ien=this.length ; i<ien ; i++ ) {
a.push( fn.call( this, this[i], i ) );
return new _Api( this.context, a );
pluck: function ( prop )
return this.map( function ( el, i ) {
return el[ prop ];
} );
pop: _arrayProto.pop,
push: _arrayProto.push,
reduce: _arrayProto.reduce || function ( fn, init )
isSet = false;
if ( arguments.length > 1 ) {
value = init;
isSet = true;
for ( var i=0, ien=this.length ; i<ien ; i++ ) {
if ( ! this.hasOwnProperty(i) ) {
value = isSet ?
fn( value, this[i], i, this ) :
isSet = true;
return value;
reduceRight: _arrayProto.reduceRight || function ( fn, init )
isSet = false;
if ( arguments.length > 1 ) {
value = init;
isSet = true;
for ( var i=this.length-1 ; i>=0 ; i-- ) {
if ( ! this.hasOwnProperty(i) ) {
value = isSet ?
fn( value, this[i], i, this ) :
isSet = true;
return value;
reverse: _arrayProto.reverse,
// Object with rows, columns and opts
selector: null,
shift: _arrayProto.shift,
sort: _arrayProto.sort, // ? name - order?
splice: _arrayProto.splice,
toArray: function ()
return _arrayProto.slice.call( this );
unique: function ()
return new _Api( this.context, _unique(this) );
unshift: _arrayProto.unshift
_Api.extend = function ( scope, obj, ext )
if ( ! obj instanceof _Api ) {
i, ien,
j, jen,
methodScoping = function ( fn, struc ) {
return function () {
var ret = fn.apply( scope, arguments );
// Method extension
_Api.extend( ret, ret, struc.methodExt );
return ret;
for ( i=0, ien=ext.length ; i<ien ; i++ ) {
struct = ext[i];
// Value
if ( typeof struct.val === 'function' ) {
obj[ struct.name ] = methodScoping( struct.val, struct );
else {
obj[ struct.name ] = struct.val;
// Property extension
_Api.extend( scope, obj[ struct.name ], struct.propExt );
_Api.register = function ( name, val )
if ( $.isArray( name ) ) {
for ( var j=0, jen=name.length ; j<jen ; j++ ) {
_Api.register( name[j], val );
i, ien,
heir = name.split('.'),
struct = _apiStruct,
key, method;
var find = function ( src, name ) {
for ( var i=0, ien=src.length ; i<ien ; i++ ) {
if ( src[i].name === name ) {
return src[i];
return null;
for ( i=0, ien=heir.length ; i<ien ; i++ ) {
method = heir[i].indexOf('()') !== -1;
key = method ?
heir[i].replace('()', '') :
var src = find( struct, key );
if ( ! src ) {
src = {
name: key,
val: {},
methodExt: [],
propExt: []
struct.push( src );
if ( i === ien-1 ) {
src.val = val;
else {
struct = method ?
src.methodExt :
// Rebuild the API with the new construct
if ( _Api.ready ) {
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