mirror of https://github.com/DataTables/DataTables.git synced 2025-03-15 16:29:16 +01:00

First pass are using $.extend for the settings and initialsation objects.

Back into a state where the zero config will work
This commit is contained in:
Allan Jardine 2011-11-25 17:08:21 +00:00
parent 4853e868d4
commit d20b87f885
3 changed files with 2769 additions and 1063 deletions

View File

@ -28,702 +28,6 @@
/*globals $, jQuery,_fnExternApiFunc,_fnInitialise,_fnInitComplete,_fnLanguageProcess,_fnAddColumn,_fnColumnOptions,_fnAddData,_fnCreateTr,_fnGatherData,_fnBuildHead,_fnDrawHead,_fnDraw,_fnReDraw,_fnAjaxUpdate,_fnAjaxParameters,_fnAjaxUpdateDraw,_fnServerParams,_fnAddOptionsHtml,_fnFeatureHtmlTable,_fnScrollDraw,_fnAdjustColumnSizing,_fnFeatureHtmlFilter,_fnFilterComplete,_fnFilterCustom,_fnFilterColumn,_fnFilter,_fnBuildSearchArray,_fnBuildSearchRow,_fnFilterCreateSearch,_fnDataToSearch,_fnSort,_fnSortAttachListener,_fnSortingClasses,_fnFeatureHtmlPaginate,_fnPageChange,_fnFeatureHtmlInfo,_fnUpdateInfo,_fnFeatureHtmlLength,_fnFeatureHtmlProcessing,_fnProcessingDisplay,_fnVisibleToColumnIndex,_fnColumnIndexToVisible,_fnNodeToDataIndex,_fnVisbleColumns,_fnCalculateEnd,_fnConvertToWidth,_fnCalculateColumnWidths,_fnScrollingWidthAdjust,_fnGetWidestNode,_fnGetMaxLenString,_fnStringToCss,_fnArrayCmp,_fnDetectType,_fnSettingsFromNode,_fnGetDataMaster,_fnGetTrNodes,_fnGetTdNodes,_fnEscapeRegex,_fnDeleteIndex,_fnReOrderIndex,_fnColumnOrdering,_fnLog,_fnClearTable,_fnSaveState,_fnLoadState,_fnCreateCookie,_fnReadCookie,_fnDetectHeader,_fnGetUniqueThs,_fnScrollBarWidth,_fnApplyToChildren,_fnMap,_fnGetRowData,_fnGetCellData,_fnSetCellData,_fnGetObjectDataFn,_fnSetObjectDataFn*/
(function($, window, document) {
var oModels = {};
var modelInit = {
"a": 1
* Variable: dataTableSettings
* Purpose: Store the settings for each dataTables instance
* Scope: jQuery.fn
var _aoSettings = [];
* Function: classSettings
* Purpose: Settings container function for all 'class' properties which are required
* by dataTables
* Returns: -
* Inputs: -
var classSettings = {
* Variable: oFeatures
* Purpose: Indicate the enablement of key dataTable features
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
oFeatures: {
"bPaginate": true,
"bLengthChange": true,
"bFilter": true,
"bSort": true,
"bInfo": true,
"bAutoWidth": true,
"bProcessing": false,
"bSortClasses": true,
"bStateSave": false,
"bServerSide": false,
"bDeferRender": false
* Variable: oScroll
* Purpose: Container for scrolling options
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
oScroll: {
"sX": "",
"sXInner": "",
"sY": "",
"bCollapse": false,
"bInfinite": false,
"iLoadGap": 100,
"iBarWidth": 0,
"bAutoCss": true
* Variable: aanFeatures
* Purpose: Array referencing the nodes which are used for the features
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
* Notes: The parameters of this object match what is allowed by sDom - i.e.
* 'l' - Length changing
* 'f' - Filtering input
* 't' - The table!
* 'i' - Information
* 'p' - Pagination
* 'r' - pRocessing
aanFeatures: [],
* Variable: oLanguage
* Purpose: Store the language strings used by dataTables
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
* Notes: The words in the format _VAR_ are variables which are dynamically replaced
* by javascript
oLanguage: {
"sProcessing": "Processing...",
"sLengthMenu": "Show _MENU_ entries",
"sZeroRecords": "No matching records found",
"sEmptyTable": "No data available in table",
"sLoadingRecords": "Loading...",
"sInfo": "Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries",
"sInfoEmpty": "Showing 0 to 0 of 0 entries",
"sInfoFiltered": "(filtered from _MAX_ total entries)",
"sInfoPostFix": "",
"sInfoThousands": ",",
"sSearch": "Search:",
"sUrl": "",
"oPaginate": {
"sFirst": "First",
"sPrevious": "Previous",
"sNext": "Next",
"sLast": "Last"
"fnInfoCallback": null
* Variable: aoData
* Purpose: Store data information
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
* Notes: This is an array of objects with the following parameters:
* int: _iId - internal id for tracking
* array: _aData - internal data - used for sorting / filtering etc
* node: nTr - display node
* array node: _anHidden - hidden TD nodes
* string: _sRowStripe
aoData: [],
* Variable: aiDisplay
* Purpose: Array of indexes which are in the current display (after filtering etc)
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
aiDisplay: [],
* Variable: aiDisplayMaster
* Purpose: Array of indexes for display - no filtering
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
aiDisplayMaster: [],
* Variable: aoColumns
* Purpose: Store information about each column that is in use
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
aoColumns: [],
* Variable: aoHeader
* Purpose: Store information about the table's header
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
aoHeader: [],
* Variable: aoFooter
* Purpose: Store information about the table's footer
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
aoFooter: [],
* Variable: iNextId
* Purpose: Store the next unique id to be used for a new row
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
iNextId: 0,
* Variable: asDataSearch
* Purpose: Search data array for regular expression searching
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
asDataSearch: [],
* Variable: oPreviousSearch
* Purpose: Store the previous search incase we want to force a re-search
* or compare the old search to a new one
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
oPreviousSearch: {
"sSearch": "",
"bRegex": false,
"bSmart": true
* Variable: aoPreSearchCols
* Purpose: Store the previous search for each column
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
aoPreSearchCols: [],
* Variable: aaSorting
* Purpose: Sorting information
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
* Notes: Index 0 - column number
* Index 1 - current sorting direction
* Index 2 - index of asSorting for this column
aaSorting: [ [0, 'asc', 0] ],
* Variable: aaSortingFixed
* Purpose: Sorting information that is always applied
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
aaSortingFixed: null,
* Variable: asStripeClasses
* Purpose: Classes to use for the striping of a table
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
asStripeClasses: [],
* Variable: asDestroyStripes
* Purpose: If restoring a table - we should restore its striping classes as well
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
asDestroyStripes: [],
* Variable: sDestroyWidth
* Purpose: If restoring a table - we should restore its width
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
sDestroyWidth: 0,
* Variable: fnRowCallback
* Purpose: Call this function every time a row is inserted (draw)
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
fnRowCallback: null,
* Variable: fnHeaderCallback
* Purpose: Callback function for the header on each draw
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
fnHeaderCallback: null,
* Variable: fnFooterCallback
* Purpose: Callback function for the footer on each draw
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
fnFooterCallback: null,
* Variable: aoDrawCallback
* Purpose: Array of callback functions for draw callback functions
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
* Notes: Each array element is an object with the following parameters:
* function:fn - function to call
* string:sName - name callback (feature). useful for arranging array
aoDrawCallback: [],
* Variable: fnPreDrawCallback
* Purpose: Callback function for just before the table is redrawn. A return of false
* will be used to cancel the draw.
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
fnPreDrawCallback: null,
* Variable: fnInitComplete
* Purpose: Callback function for when the table has been initialised
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
fnInitComplete: null,
* Variable: sTableId
* Purpose: Cache the table ID for quick access
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
sTableId: "",
* Variable: nTable
* Purpose: Cache the table node for quick access
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
nTable: null,
* Variable: nTHead
* Purpose: Permanent ref to the thead element
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
nTHead: null,
* Variable: nTFoot
* Purpose: Permanent ref to the tfoot element - if it exists
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
nTFoot: null,
* Variable: nTBody
* Purpose: Permanent ref to the tbody element
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
nTBody: null,
* Variable: nTableWrapper
* Purpose: Cache the wrapper node (contains all DataTables controlled elements)
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
nTableWrapper: null,
* Variable: bDeferLoading
* Purpose: Indicate if when using server-side processing the loading of data
* should be deferred until the second draw
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
bDeferLoading: false,
* Variable: bInitialised
* Purpose: Indicate if all required information has been read in
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
bInitialised: false,
* Variable: aoOpenRows
* Purpose: Information about open rows
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
* Notes: Has the parameters 'nTr' and 'nParent'
aoOpenRows: [],
* Variable: sDom
* Purpose: Dictate the positioning that the created elements will take
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
* Notes:
* The following options are allowed:
* 'l' - Length changing
* 'f' - Filtering input
* 't' - The table!
* 'i' - Information
* 'p' - Pagination
* 'r' - pRocessing
* The following constants are allowed:
* 'H' - jQueryUI theme "header" classes
* 'F' - jQueryUI theme "footer" classes
* The following syntax is expected:
* '<' and '>' - div elements
* '<"class" and '>' - div with a class
* Examples:
* '<"wrapper"flipt>', '<lf<t>ip>'
sDom: 'lfrtip',
* Variable: sPaginationType
* Purpose: Note which type of sorting should be used
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
sPaginationType: "two_button",
* Variable: iCookieDuration
* Purpose: The cookie duration (for bStateSave) in seconds - default 2 hours
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
iCookieDuration: 60 * 60 * 2,
* Variable: sCookiePrefix
* Purpose: The cookie name prefix
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
sCookiePrefix: "SpryMedia_DataTables_",
* Variable: fnCookieCallback
* Purpose: Callback function for cookie creation
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
fnCookieCallback: null,
* Variable: aoStateSave
* Purpose: Array of callback functions for state saving
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
* Notes: Each array element is an object with the following parameters:
* function:fn - function to call. Takes two parameters, oSettings and the JSON string to
* save that has been thus far created. Returns a JSON string to be inserted into a
* json object (i.e. '"param": [ 0, 1, 2]')
* string:sName - name of callback
aoStateSave: [],
* Variable: aoStateLoad
* Purpose: Array of callback functions for state loading
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
* Notes: Each array element is an object with the following parameters:
* function:fn - function to call. Takes two parameters, oSettings and the object stored.
* May return false to cancel state loading.
* string:sName - name of callback
aoStateLoad: [],
* Variable: oLoadedState
* Purpose: State that was loaded from the cookie. Useful for back reference
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
oLoadedState: null,
* Variable: sAjaxSource
* Purpose: Source url for AJAX data for the table
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
sAjaxSource: null,
* Variable: sAjaxDataProp
* Purpose: Property from a given object from which to read the table data from. This can
* be an empty string (when not server-side processing), in which case it is
* assumed an an array is given directly.
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
sAjaxDataProp: 'aaData',
* Variable: bAjaxDataGet
* Purpose: Note if draw should be blocked while getting data
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
bAjaxDataGet: true,
* Variable: jqXHR
* Purpose: The last jQuery XHR object that was used for server-side data gathering.
* This can be used for working with the XHR information in one of the callbacks
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
jqXHR: null,
* Variable: fnServerData
* Purpose: Function to get the server-side data - can be overruled by the developer
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
fnServerData: function ( url, data, callback, settings ) {
settings.jqXHR = $.ajax( {
"url": url,
"data": data,
"success": function (json) {
$(settings.oInstance).trigger('xhr', settings);
callback( json );
"dataType": "json",
"cache": false,
"type": settings.sServerMethod,
"error": function (xhr, error, thrown) {
if ( error == "parsererror" ) {
alert( "DataTables warning: JSON data from server could not be parsed. "+
"This is caused by a JSON formatting error." );
} );
* Variable: aoServerParams
* Purpose: Functions which are called prior to sending an Ajax request so extra parameters
* can easily be sent to the server
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
* Notes: Each array element is an object with the following parameters:
* function:fn - function to call
* string:sName - name callback - useful for knowing where it came from (plugin etc)
aoServerParams: [],
* Variable: sServerType
* Purpose: Send the XHR HTTP method - GET or POST (could be PUT or DELETE if required)
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
sServerMethod: "GET",
* Variable: fnFormatNumber
* Purpose: Format numbers for display
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
fnFormatNumber: function ( iIn )
if ( iIn < 1000 )
/* A small optimisation for what is likely to be the vast majority of use cases */
return iIn;
var s=(iIn+""), a=s.split(""), out="", iLen=s.length;
for ( var i=0 ; i<iLen ; i++ )
if ( i%3 === 0 && i !== 0 )
out = this.oLanguage.sInfoThousands+out;
out = a[iLen-i-1]+out;
return out;
* Variable: aLengthMenu
* Purpose: List of options that can be used for the user selectable length menu
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
* Note: This varaible can take for form of a 1D array, in which case the value and the
* displayed value in the menu are the same, or a 2D array in which case the value comes
* from the first array, and the displayed value to the end user comes from the second
* array. 2D example: [ [ 10, 25, 50, 100, -1 ], [ 10, 25, 50, 100, 'All' ] ];
aLengthMenu: [ 10, 25, 50, 100 ],
* Variable: iDraw
* Purpose: Counter for the draws that the table does. Also used as a tracker for
* server-side processing
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
iDraw: 0,
* Variable: bDrawing
* Purpose: Indicate if a redraw is being done - useful for Ajax
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
bDrawing: 0,
* Variable: iDrawError
* Purpose: Last draw error
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
iDrawError: -1,
* Variable: _iDisplayLength, _iDisplayStart, _iDisplayEnd
* Purpose: Display length variables
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
* Notes: These variable must NOT be used externally to get the data length. Rather, use
* the fnRecordsTotal() (etc) functions.
_iDisplayLength: 10,
_iDisplayStart: 0,
_iDisplayEnd: 10,
* Variable: _iRecordsTotal, _iRecordsDisplay
* Purpose: Display length variables used for server side processing
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
* Notes: These variable must NOT be used externally to get the data length. Rather, use
* the fnRecordsTotal() (etc) functions.
_iRecordsTotal: 0,
_iRecordsDisplay: 0,
* Variable: bJUI
* Purpose: Should we add the markup needed for jQuery UI theming?
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
bJUI: false,
* Variable: oClasses
* Purpose: Should we add the markup needed for jQuery UI theming?
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
oClasses: null,
* Variable: bFiltered and bSorted
* Purpose: Flags to allow callback functions to see what actions have been performed
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
bFiltered: false,
bSorted: false,
* Variable: bSortCellsTop
* Purpose: Indicate that if multiple rows are in the header and there is more than one
* unique cell per column, if the top one (true) or bottom one (false) should
* be used for sorting / title by DataTables
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
bSortCellsTop: false,
* Variable: oInit
* Purpose: Initialisation object that is used for the table
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
oInit: null,
* Variable: aoDestroyCallback
* Purpose: Destroy callback functions
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
aoDestroyCallback: [],
fnRecordsTotal: function ()
if ( this.oFeatures.bServerSide ) {
return parseInt(this._iRecordsTotal, 10);
} else {
return this.aiDisplayMaster.length;
fnRecordsDisplay: function ()
if ( this.oFeatures.bServerSide ) {
return parseInt(this._iRecordsDisplay, 10);
} else {
return this.aiDisplay.length;
fnDisplayEnd: function ()
if ( this.oFeatures.bServerSide ) {
if ( this.oFeatures.bPaginate === false || this._iDisplayLength == -1 ) {
return this._iDisplayStart+this.aiDisplay.length;
} else {
return Math.min( this._iDisplayStart+this._iDisplayLength,
this._iRecordsDisplay );
} else {
return this._iDisplayEnd;
* Variable: oInstance
* Purpose: The DataTables object for this table
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
oInstance: null,
* Variable: sInstance
* Purpose: Unique idendifier for each instance of the DataTables object
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
sInstance: null,
oClasses: null
var modelRow = {
"nTr": null,
"_iId": null,
"_aData": null,
"_aSortData": [],
"_anHidden": [],
"_sRowStripe": ""
var modelColumn = {
"sType": null,
"_bAutoType": true,
"bVisible": true,
"bSearchable": true,
"bSortable": true,
"asSorting": [ 'asc', 'desc' ],
"sSortingClass": null,
"sSortingClassJUI": null,
"sTitle": '',
"sName": '',
"sWidth": null,
"sWidthOrig": null,
"sClass": null,
"fnRender": null,
"bUseRendered": true,
"aDataSort": [],
"mDataProp": null,
"fnGetData": null,
"fnSetData": null,
"sSortDataType": 'std',
"sDefaultContent": null,
"sContentPadding": "",
"nTh": null,
"nTf": null
var _oExt = {};
@ -1487,6 +791,34 @@
* DataTables is a plug-in for the jQuery Javascript library. It is a
* highly flexible tool, based upon the foundations of progressive
* enhancement, which will add advanced interaction controls to any
* HTML table. For a full list of features please refer to
* <a href="http://datatables.net">DataTables.net</a>.
* @class
* @constructor
* @param {object} [oInit={}] Configuration object for DataTables. Options
* are defined by {@link FixedColumns.defaults}
* @requires jQuery 1.3+
* @example
* // Basic initialisation
* $(document).ready( function {
* $('#example').dataTable();
* } );
* @example
* // Initialisation with configuration options - in this case, disable
* // pagination and sorting.
* $(document).ready( function {
* $('#example').dataTable( {
* "bPaginate": false,
* "bSort": false
* } );
* } );
var DataTable = function( oInit )
@ -7044,9 +6376,7 @@
/* Make a complete and independent copy of the settings object */
var oSettings = $.extend( true, classSettings, {
"oClasses": _oExt.oStdClasses
} );
var oSettings = $.extend( true, {}, DataTable.models.oSettings );
_aoSettings.push( oSettings );
@ -7089,197 +6419,206 @@
/* State the table's width for if a destroy is called at a later time */
oSettings.sDestroyWidth = $(this).width();
/* Store the features that we have available */
if ( typeof oInit != 'undefined' && oInit !== null )
oSettings.oInit = oInit;
_fnMap( oSettings.oFeatures, oInit, "bPaginate" );
_fnMap( oSettings.oFeatures, oInit, "bLengthChange" );
_fnMap( oSettings.oFeatures, oInit, "bFilter" );
_fnMap( oSettings.oFeatures, oInit, "bSort" );
_fnMap( oSettings.oFeatures, oInit, "bInfo" );
_fnMap( oSettings.oFeatures, oInit, "bProcessing" );
_fnMap( oSettings.oFeatures, oInit, "bAutoWidth" );
_fnMap( oSettings.oFeatures, oInit, "bSortClasses" );
_fnMap( oSettings.oFeatures, oInit, "bServerSide" );
_fnMap( oSettings.oFeatures, oInit, "bDeferRender" );
_fnMap( oSettings.oScroll, oInit, "sScrollX", "sX" );
_fnMap( oSettings.oScroll, oInit, "sScrollXInner", "sXInner" );
_fnMap( oSettings.oScroll, oInit, "sScrollY", "sY" );
_fnMap( oSettings.oScroll, oInit, "bScrollCollapse", "bCollapse" );
_fnMap( oSettings.oScroll, oInit, "bScrollInfinite", "bInfinite" );
_fnMap( oSettings.oScroll, oInit, "iScrollLoadGap", "iLoadGap" );
_fnMap( oSettings.oScroll, oInit, "bScrollAutoCss", "bAutoCss" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "asStripClasses", "asStripeClasses" ); // legacy
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "asStripeClasses" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "fnPreDrawCallback" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "fnRowCallback" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "fnHeaderCallback" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "fnFooterCallback" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "fnCookieCallback" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "fnInitComplete" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "fnServerData" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "sServerMethod" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "fnFormatNumber" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "aaSorting" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "aaSortingFixed" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "aLengthMenu" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "sPaginationType" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "sAjaxSource" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "sAjaxDataProp" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "iCookieDuration" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "sCookiePrefix" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "sDom" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "bSortCellsTop" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "oSearch", "oPreviousSearch" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "aoSearchCols", "aoPreSearchCols" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "iDisplayLength", "_iDisplayLength" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "bJQueryUI", "bJUI" );
_fnMap( oSettings.oLanguage, oInit, "fnInfoCallback" );
/* Callback functions which are array driven */
if ( typeof oInit.fnDrawCallback == 'function' )
oSettings.aoDrawCallback.push( {
"fn": oInit.fnDrawCallback,
"sName": "user"
} );
/* Ajax additional variables are array driven */
if ( typeof oInit.fnServerParams == 'function' )
oSettings.aoServerParams.push( {
"fn": oInit.fnServerParams,
"sName": "user"
} );
if ( typeof oInit.fnStateSaveCallback == 'function' )
oSettings.aoStateSave.push( {
"fn": oInit.fnStateSaveCallback,
"sName": "user"
} );
if ( typeof oInit.fnStateLoadCallback == 'function' )
oSettings.aoStateLoad.push( {
"fn": oInit.fnStateLoadCallback,
"sName": "user"
} );
if ( oSettings.oFeatures.bServerSide && oSettings.oFeatures.bSort &&
oSettings.oFeatures.bSortClasses )
/* Enable sort classes for server-side processing. Safe to do it here, since server-side
* processing must be enabled by the developer
oSettings.aoDrawCallback.push( {
"fn": _fnSortingClasses,
"sName": "server_side_sort_classes"
} );
else if ( oSettings.oFeatures.bDeferRender )
oSettings.aoDrawCallback.push( {
"fn": _fnSortingClasses,
"sName": "defer_sort_classes"
} );
if ( typeof oInit.bJQueryUI != 'undefined' && oInit.bJQueryUI )
/* Use the JUI classes object for display. You could clone the oStdClasses object if
* you want to have multiple tables with multiple independent classes
oSettings.oClasses = _oExt.oJUIClasses;
if ( typeof oInit.sDom == 'undefined' )
/* Set the DOM to use a layout suitable for jQuery UI's theming */
oSettings.sDom = '<"H"lfr>t<"F"ip>';
/* Calculate the scroll bar width and cache it for use later on */
if ( oSettings.oScroll.sX !== "" || oSettings.oScroll.sY !== "" )
oSettings.oScroll.iBarWidth = _fnScrollBarWidth();
if ( typeof oInit.iDisplayStart != 'undefined' &&
typeof oSettings.iInitDisplayStart == 'undefined' )
/* Display start point, taking into account the save saving */
oSettings.iInitDisplayStart = oInit.iDisplayStart;
oSettings._iDisplayStart = oInit.iDisplayStart;
/* Must be done after everything which can be overridden by a cookie! */
if ( typeof oInit.bStateSave != 'undefined' )
oSettings.oFeatures.bStateSave = oInit.bStateSave;
_fnLoadState( oSettings, oInit );
oSettings.aoDrawCallback.push( {
"fn": _fnSaveState,
"sName": "state_save"
} );
if ( typeof oInit.iDeferLoading != 'undefined' )
oSettings.bDeferLoading = true;
oSettings._iRecordsTotal = oInit.iDeferLoading;
oSettings._iRecordsDisplay = oInit.iDeferLoading;
if ( typeof oInit.aaData != 'undefined' )
bUsePassedData = true;
/* Backwards compatability */
/* aoColumns / aoData - remove at some point... */
if ( typeof oInit != 'undefined' && typeof oInit.aoData != 'undefined' )
oInit.aoColumns = oInit.aoData;
/* Language definitions */
if ( typeof oInit.oLanguage != 'undefined' )
if ( typeof oInit.oLanguage.sUrl != 'undefined' && oInit.oLanguage.sUrl !== "" )
/* Get the language definitions from a file */
oSettings.oLanguage.sUrl = oInit.oLanguage.sUrl;
$.getJSON( oSettings.oLanguage.sUrl, null, function( json ) {
_fnLanguageProcess( oSettings, json, true ); } );
bInitHandedOff = true;
_fnLanguageProcess( oSettings, oInit.oLanguage, false );
/* Warning: The _fnLanguageProcess function is async to the remainder of this function due
* to the XHR. We use _bInitialised in _fnLanguageProcess() to check this the processing
* below is complete. The reason for spliting it like this is optimisation - we can fire
* off the XHR (if needed) and then continue processing the data.
/* Store the initialisation object that was passed in, useful for debugging */
oSettings.oInit = oInit;
oInit = (typeof oInit === 'undefined' || oInit === null) ?
$( true, {}, DataTable.models.oInit ) :
$( true, {}, DataTable.models.oInit, oInit );
_fnMap( oSettings.oFeatures, oInit, "bPaginate" );
_fnMap( oSettings.oFeatures, oInit, "bLengthChange" );
_fnMap( oSettings.oFeatures, oInit, "bFilter" );
_fnMap( oSettings.oFeatures, oInit, "bSort" );
_fnMap( oSettings.oFeatures, oInit, "bInfo" );
_fnMap( oSettings.oFeatures, oInit, "bProcessing" );
_fnMap( oSettings.oFeatures, oInit, "bAutoWidth" );
_fnMap( oSettings.oFeatures, oInit, "bSortClasses" );
_fnMap( oSettings.oFeatures, oInit, "bServerSide" );
_fnMap( oSettings.oFeatures, oInit, "bDeferRender" );
_fnMap( oSettings.oScroll, oInit, "sScrollX", "sX" );
_fnMap( oSettings.oScroll, oInit, "sScrollXInner", "sXInner" );
_fnMap( oSettings.oScroll, oInit, "sScrollY", "sY" );
_fnMap( oSettings.oScroll, oInit, "bScrollCollapse", "bCollapse" );
_fnMap( oSettings.oScroll, oInit, "bScrollInfinite", "bInfinite" );
_fnMap( oSettings.oScroll, oInit, "iScrollLoadGap", "iLoadGap" );
_fnMap( oSettings.oScroll, oInit, "bScrollAutoCss", "bAutoCss" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "asStripClasses", "asStripeClasses" ); // legacy
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "asStripeClasses" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "fnPreDrawCallback" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "fnRowCallback" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "fnHeaderCallback" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "fnFooterCallback" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "fnCookieCallback" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "fnInitComplete" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "fnServerData" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "sServerMethod" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "fnFormatNumber" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "aaSorting" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "aaSortingFixed" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "aLengthMenu" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "sPaginationType" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "sAjaxSource" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "sAjaxDataProp" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "iCookieDuration" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "sCookiePrefix" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "sDom" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "bSortCellsTop" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "oSearch", "oPreviousSearch" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "aoSearchCols", "aoPreSearchCols" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "iDisplayLength", "_iDisplayLength" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "bJQueryUI", "bJUI" );
_fnMap( oSettings.oLanguage, oInit, "fnInfoCallback" );
/* Callback functions which are array driven */
if ( typeof oInit.fnDrawCallback == 'function' )
oSettings.aoDrawCallback.push( {
"fn": oInit.fnDrawCallback,
"sName": "user"
} );
/* Ajax additional variables are array driven */
if ( typeof oInit.fnServerParams == 'function' )
oSettings.aoServerParams.push( {
"fn": oInit.fnServerParams,
"sName": "user"
} );
if ( typeof oInit.fnStateSaveCallback == 'function' )
oSettings.aoStateSave.push( {
"fn": oInit.fnStateSaveCallback,
"sName": "user"
} );
if ( typeof oInit.fnStateLoadCallback == 'function' )
oSettings.aoStateLoad.push( {
"fn": oInit.fnStateLoadCallback,
"sName": "user"
} );
if ( oSettings.oFeatures.bServerSide && oSettings.oFeatures.bSort &&
oSettings.oFeatures.bSortClasses )
/* Enable sort classes for server-side processing. Safe to do it here, since server-side
* processing must be enabled by the developer
oSettings.aoDrawCallback.push( {
"fn": _fnSortingClasses,
"sName": "server_side_sort_classes"
} );
else if ( oSettings.oFeatures.bDeferRender )
oSettings.aoDrawCallback.push( {
"fn": _fnSortingClasses,
"sName": "defer_sort_classes"
} );
if ( typeof oInit.bJQueryUI != 'undefined' && oInit.bJQueryUI )
/* Use the JUI classes object for display. You could clone the oStdClasses object if
* you want to have multiple tables with multiple independent classes
oSettings.oClasses = _oExt.oJUIClasses;
if ( typeof oInit.sDom == 'undefined' )
/* Set the DOM to use a layout suitable for jQuery UI's theming */
oSettings.sDom = '<"H"lfr>t<"F"ip>';
/* Create a dummy object for quick manipulation later on. */
oInit = {};
oSettings.oClasses = _oExt.oStdClasses;
/* Calculate the scroll bar width and cache it for use later on */
if ( oSettings.oScroll.sX !== "" || oSettings.oScroll.sY !== "" )
oSettings.oScroll.iBarWidth = _fnScrollBarWidth();
if ( typeof oInit.iDisplayStart != 'undefined' &&
typeof oSettings.iInitDisplayStart == 'undefined' )
/* Display start point, taking into account the save saving */
oSettings.iInitDisplayStart = oInit.iDisplayStart;
oSettings._iDisplayStart = oInit.iDisplayStart;
/* Must be done after everything which can be overridden by a cookie! */
if ( typeof oInit.bStateSave != 'undefined' )
oSettings.oFeatures.bStateSave = oInit.bStateSave;
_fnLoadState( oSettings, oInit );
oSettings.aoDrawCallback.push( {
"fn": _fnSaveState,
"sName": "state_save"
} );
if ( typeof oInit.iDeferLoading != 'undefined' )
oSettings.bDeferLoading = true;
oSettings._iRecordsTotal = oInit.iDeferLoading;
oSettings._iRecordsDisplay = oInit.iDeferLoading;
if ( typeof oInit.aaData != 'undefined' )
bUsePassedData = true;
/* Backwards compatability */
/* aoColumns / aoData - remove at some point... */
if ( typeof oInit != 'undefined' && typeof oInit.aoData != 'undefined' )
oInit.aoColumns = oInit.aoData;
/* Language definitions */
if ( typeof oInit.oLanguage != 'undefined' )
if ( typeof oInit.oLanguage.sUrl != 'undefined' && oInit.oLanguage.sUrl !== "" )
/* Get the language definitions from a file */
oSettings.oLanguage.sUrl = oInit.oLanguage.sUrl;
$.getJSON( oSettings.oLanguage.sUrl, null, function( json ) {
_fnLanguageProcess( oSettings, json, true ); } );
bInitHandedOff = true;
_fnLanguageProcess( oSettings, oInit.oLanguage, false );
/* Warning: The _fnLanguageProcess function is async to the remainder of this function due
* to the XHR. We use _bInitialised in _fnLanguageProcess() to check this the processing
* below is complete. The reason for spliting it like this is optimisation - we can fire
* off the XHR (if needed) and then continue processing the data.
* Stripes
* Add the stripe classes now that we know which classes to apply - unless overruled
console.log( oSettings.oClasses, DataTable.models );
if ( typeof oInit.asStripClasses == 'undefined' &&
typeof oInit.asStripeClasses == 'undefined' )
@ -7521,6 +6860,2367 @@
} );
DataTable.models = {};
* Initilaisation options that can be given to DataTables at initialisation
* time.
* @namespace
DataTable.models.oInit = {
* An array of data to use for the table, passed in at initialisation which
* will be used in preference to any data which is already in the DOM. This is
* particularly useful for constructing tables purely in Javascript, for
* example with a custom Ajax call.
* @type array
* @default null
* @example
* // Using a 2D array data source
* $(document).ready( function () {
* $('#example').dataTable( {
* "aaData": [
* ['Trident', 'Internet Explorer 4.0', 'Win 95+', 4, 'X'],
* ['Trident', 'Internet Explorer 5.0', 'Win 95+', 5, 'C'],
* ],
* "aoColumns": [
* { "sTitle": "Engine" },
* { "sTitle": "Browser" },
* { "sTitle": "Platform" },
* { "sTitle": "Version" },
* { "sTitle": "Grade" }
* ]
* } );
* } );
* @example
* // Using an array of objects as a data source (mDataProp)
* $(document).ready( function () {
* $('#example').dataTable( {
* "aaData": [
* {
* "engine": "Trident",
* "browser": "Internet Explorer 4.0",
* "platform": "Win 95+",
* "version": 4,
* "grade": "X"
* },
* {
* "engine": "Trident",
* "browser": "Internet Explorer 5.0",
* "platform": "Win 95+",
* "version": 5,
* "grade": "C"
* }
* ],
* "aoColumns": [
* { "sTitle": "Engine", "mDataProp": "engine" },
* { "sTitle": "Browser", "mDataProp": "browser" },
* { "sTitle": "Platform", "mDataProp": "platform" },
* { "sTitle": "Version", "mDataProp": "version" },
* { "sTitle": "Grade", "mDataProp": "grade" }
* ]
* } );
* } );
"aaData": null,
* If sorting is enabled, then DataTables will perform a first pass sort on
* initialisation. You can define which column(s) the sort is performed upon,
* and the sorting direction, with this variable. The aaSorting array should
* contain an array for each column to be sorted initially containing the
* column's index and a direction string ('asc' or 'desc').
* @type array
* @default [[0,'asc']]
* @example
* // Sort by 3rd column first, and then 4th column
* $(document).ready( function() {
* $('#example').dataTable( {
* "aaSorting": [[2,'asc'], [3,'desc']]
* } );
* } );
* // No initial sorting
* $(document).ready( function() {
* $('#example').dataTable( {
* "aaSorting": []
* } );
* } );
"aaSorting": [[0,'asc']],
* This parameter is basically identical to the aaSorting parameter, but
* cannot be overridden by user interaction with the table. What this means
* is that you could have a column (visible or hidden) which the sorting will
* always be forced on first - any sorting after that (from the user) will
* then be performed as required. This can be useful for grouping rows
* together.
* @type array
* @default null
* @example
* $(document).ready( function() {
* $('#example').dataTable( {
* "aaSortingFixed": [[0,'asc']]
* } );
* } )
"aaSortingFixed": null,
* This parameter allows you to readily specify the entries in the length drop
* down menu that DataTables shows when pagination is enabled. It can be
* either a 1D array of options which will be used for both the displayed
* option and the value, or a 2D array which will use the array in the first
* position as the value, and the array in the second position as the
* displayed options (useful for language strings such as 'All').
* @type array
* @default [ 10, 25, 50, 100 ]
* @example
* $(document).ready(function() {
* $('#example').dataTable( {
* "aLengthMenu": [[10, 25, 50, -1], [10, 25, 50, "All"]]
* } );
* } );
* @example
* // Setting the default display length as well as length menu
* // This is likely to be wanted if you remove the '10' option which
* // is the iDisplayLength default.
* $(document).ready(function() {
* $('#example').dataTable( {
* "iDisplayLength": 25,
* "aLengthMenu": [[25, 50, 100, -1], [25, 50, 100, "All"]]
* } );
* } );
"aLengthMenu": [ 10, 25, 50, 100 ],
* The aoColumns option in the initialisation parameter allows you to define
* details about the way individual columns behave. For a full list of
* column options that can be set, please see
* {@link DataTable.models.oInitColumns}. Note that if you use aoColumns to
* define your columns, you must have an entry in the array for every single
* column that you have in your table (these can be null if you don't which
* to specify any options).
* @namespace
"aoColumns": null,
* Very similar to aoColumns, aoColumnDefs allows you to target a specific
* column, multiple columns, or all columns, using the aTargets property of
* each object in the array. This allows great flexibility when creating
* tables, as the aoColumnDefs arrays can be of any length, targeting the
* columns you specifically want. aoColumnDefs may use any of the column
* options available: {@link DataTable.models.oInitColumns}, but it _must_
* have aTargets defined in each object in the array. Values in the aTargets
* array may be:
* <ul>
* <li>a string - class name will be matched on the TH for the column</li>
* <li>0 or a positive integer - column index counting from the left</li>
* <li>a negative integer - column index counting from the right</li>
* <li>the string "_all" - all columns (i.e. assign a default)</li>
* </ul>
* @namespace
"aoColumnDefs": null,
* Basically the same as oSearch, this parameter defines the individual column
* filtering state at initialisation time. The array must be of the same size
* as the number of columns, and each element be an object with the parameters
* "sSearch" and "bEscapeRegex" (the latter is optional). 'null' is also
* accepted and the default will be used.
* @type array
* @default null
* @example
* $(document).ready( function() {
* $('#example').dataTable( {
* "aoSearchCols": [
* null,
* { "sSearch": "My filter" },
* null,
* { "sSearch": "^[0-9]", "bEscapeRegex": false }
* ]
* } );
* } )
"aoSearchCols": null,
* An array of CSS classes that should be applied to displayed rows. This
* array may be of any length, and DataTables will apply each class
* sequentially, looping when required.
* @type array
* @default [ 'odd', 'even' ]
* @example
* $(document).ready( function() {
* $('#example').dataTable( {
* "asStripClasses": [ 'strip1', 'strip2', 'strip3' ]
* } );
* } )
"asStripClasses": [ 'odd', 'even' ],
* Enable or disable automatic column width calculation. This can be disabled
* as an optimisation (it takes some time to calculate the widths) if the
* tables widths are passed in using aoColumns.
* @type boolean
* @default true
* @example
* $(document).ready( function () {
* $('#example').dataTable( {
* "bAutoWidth": false
* } );
* } );
"bAutoWidth": true,
* Deferred rendering can provide DataTables with a huge speed boost when you
* are using an Ajax or JS data source for the table. This option, when set to
* true, will cause DataTables to defer the creation of the table elements for
* each row until they are needed for a draw - saving a significant amount of
* time.
* @type boolean
* @default false
* @example
* $(document).ready(function() {
* var oTable = $('#example').dataTable( {
* "sAjaxSource": "sources/arrays.txt",
* "bDeferRender": true
* } );
* } );
"bDeferRender": false,
* Replace a DataTable which matches the given selector and replace it with
* one which has the properties of the new initialisation object passed. If no
* table matches the selector, then the new DataTable will be constructed as
* per normal.
* @type boolean
* @default false
* @example
* $(document).ready(function() {
* $('#example').dataTable( {
* "sScrollY": "200px",
* "bPaginate": false
* } );
* // Some time later....
* $('#example').dataTable( {
* "bFilter": false,
* "bDestroy": true
* } );
* } );
"bDestroy": false,
* Enable or disable filtering of data. Filtering in DataTables is "smart" in
* that it allows the end user to input multiple words (space separated) and
* will match a row containing those words, even if not in the order that was
* specified (this allow matching across multiple columns). Note that if you
* wish to use filtering in DataTables this must remain 'true' - to remove the
* default filtering input box and retain filtering abilities, please use
* @ref{sDom}.
* @type boolean
* @default true
* @example
* $(document).ready( function () {
* $('#example').dataTable( {
* "bFilter": false
* } );
* } );
"bFilter": true,
* Enable or disable the table information display. This shows information
* about the data that is currently visible on the page, including information
* about filtered data if that action is being performed.
* @type boolean
* @default true
* @example
* $(document).ready( function () {
* $('#example').dataTable( {
* "bInfo": false
* } );
* } );
"bInfo": true,
* Enable jQuery UI ThemeRoller support (required as ThemeRoller requires some
* slightly different and additional mark-up from what DataTables has
* traditionally used).
* @type boolean
* @default false
* @example
* $(document).ready( function() {
* $('#example').dataTable( {
* "bJQueryUI": true
* } );
* } );
"bJQueryUI": false,
* Allows the end user to select the size of a formatted page from a select
* menu (sizes are 10, 25, 50 and 100). Requires pagination (bPaginate).
* @type boolean
* @default true
* @example
* $(document).ready( function () {
* $('#example').dataTable( {
* "bLengthChange": false
* } );
* } );
"bLengthChange": true,
* Enable or disable pagination.
* @type boolean
* @default true
* @example
* $(document).ready( function () {
* $('#example').dataTable( {
* "bPaginate": false
* } );
* } );
"bPaginate": true,
* Enable or disable the display of a 'processing' indicator when the table is
* being processed (e.g. a sort). This is particularly useful for tables with
* large amounts of data where it can take a noticeable amount of time to sort
* the entries.
* @type boolean
* @default false
* @example
* $(document).ready( function () {
* $('#example').dataTable( {
* "bProcessing": true
* } );
* } );
"bProcessing": false,
* Retrieve the DataTables object for the given selector. Note that if the
* table has already been initialised, this parameter will cause DataTables
* to simply return the object that has already been set up - it will not take
* account of any changes you might have made to the initialisation object
* passed to DataTables (setting this parameter to true is an acknowledgement
* that you understand this). bDestroy can be used to reinitialise a table if
* you need.
* @type boolean
* @default false
* @example
* $(document).ready(function() {
* initTable();
* tableActions();
* } );
* function initTable ()
* {
* return $('#example').dataTable( {
* "sScrollY": "200px",
* "bPaginate": false,
* "bRetrieve": true
* } );
* }
* function tableActions ()
* {
* var oTable = initTable();
* // perform API operations with oTable
* }
"bRetrieve": false,
* When vertical (y) scrolling is enabled, DataTables will force the height of
* the table's viewport to the given height at all times (useful for layout).
* However, this can look odd when filtering data down to a small data set,
* and the footer is left "floating" further down. This parameter (when
* enabled) will cause DataTables to collapse the table's viewport down when
* the result set will fit within the given Y height.
* @type boolean
* @default false
* @example
* $(document).ready(function() {
* $('#example').dataTable( {
* "sScrollY": "200",
* "bScrollCollapse": true
* } );
* } );
"bScrollCollapse": false,
* Enable infinite scrolling for DataTables (to be used in combination with
* sScrollY). Infinite scrolling means that DataTables will continually load
* data as a user scrolls through a table, which is very useful for large
* dataset. This cannot be used with pagination, which is automatically
* disabled.
* @type boolean
* @default false
* @example
* $(document).ready(function() {
* $('#example').dataTable( {
* "bScrollInfinite": true,
* "bScrollCollapse": true,
* "sScrollY": "200px"
* } );
* } );
"bScrollInfinite": false,
* Configure DataTables to use server-side processing. Note that the
* sAjaxSource parameter must also be given in order to give DataTables a
* source to obtain the required data for each draw.
* @type boolean
* @default false
* @example
* $(document).ready( function () {
* $('#example').dataTable( {
* "bServerSide": true,
* "sAjaxSource": "xhr.php"
* } );
* } );
"bServerSide": false,
* Enable or disable sorting of columns. Sorting of individual columns can be
* disabled by the "bSortable" option for each column.
* @type boolean
* @default true
* @example
* $(document).ready( function () {
* $('#example').dataTable( {
* "bSort": false
* } );
* } );
"bSort": true,
* Allows control over whether DataTables should use the top (true) unique
* cell that is found for a single column, or the bottom (false - default).
* This is useful when using complex headers.
* @type boolean
* @default false
* @example
* $(document).ready(function() {
* $('#example').dataTable( {
* "bSortCellsTop": true
* } );
* } );
"bSortCellsTop": false,
* Enable or disable the addition of the classes 'sorting_1', 'sorting_2' and
* 'sorting_3' to the columns which are currently being sorted on. This is
* presented as a feature switch as it can increase processing time (while
* classes are removed and added) so for large data sets you might want to
* turn this off.
* @type boolean
* @default true
* @example
* $(document).ready( function () {
* $('#example').dataTable( {
* "bSortClasses": false
* } );
* } );
"bSortClasses": true,
* Enable or disable state saving. When enabled a cookie will be used to save
* table display information such as pagination information, display length,
* filtering and sorting. As such when the end user reloads the page the
* display display will match what thy had previously set up.
* @type boolean
* @default false
* @example
* $(document).ready( function () {
* $('#example').dataTable( {
* "bStateSave": true
* } );
* } );
"bStateSave": false,
* Customise the cookie and / or the parameters being stored when using
* DataTables with state saving enabled. This function is called whenever
* the cookie is modified, and it expects a fully formed cookie string to be
* returned. Note that the data object passed in is a Javascript object which
* must be converted to a string (JSON.stringify for example).
* @type function
* @param {string} sName Name of the cookie defined by DataTables
* @param {object} oData Data to be stored in the cookie
* @param {string} sExpires Cookie expires string
* @param {string} sPath Path of the cookie to set
* @returns {string} Cookie formatted string (which should be encoded by
* using encodeURIComponent())
* @example
* $(document).ready( function () {
* $('#example').dataTable( {
* "fnCookieCallback": function (sName, oData, sExpires, sPath) {
* // Customise oData or sName or whatever else here
* return sName + "="+JSON.stringify(oData)+"; expires=" + sExpires +"; path=" + sPath;
* }
* } );
* } );
"fnCookieCallback": null,
* This function is called on every 'draw' event, and allows you to
* dynamically modify any aspect you want about the created DOM.
* @type function
* @example
* $(document).ready( function() {
* $('#example').dataTable( {
* "fnDrawCallback": function() {
* alert( 'DataTables has redrawn the table' );
* }
* } );
* } );
"fnDrawCallback": null,
* Identical to fnHeaderCallback() but for the table footer this function
* allows you to modify the table footer on every 'draw' even.
* @type function
* @param {node} nFoot "TR" element for the footer
* @param {array} aData Full table data (as derived from the original HTML)
* @param {int} iStart Index for the current display starting point in the
* display array
* @param {int} iEnd Index for the current display ending point in the
* display array
* @param {array int} aiDisplay Index array to translate the visual position
* to the full data array
* @example
* $(document).ready( function() {
* $('#example').dataTable( {
* "fnFooterCallback": function( nFoot, aData, iStart, iEnd, aiDisplay ) {
* nFoot.getElementsByTagName('th')[0].innerHTML = "Starting index is "+iStart;
* }
* } );
* } )
"fnFooterCallback": null,
* When rendering large numbers in the information element for the table
* (i.e. "Showing 1 to 10 of 57 entries") DataTables will render large numbers
* to have a comma separator for the 'thousands' units (e.g. 1 million is
* rendered as "1,000,000") to help readability for the end user. This
* function will override the default method DataTables uses.
* @type function
* @param {int} iIn number to be formatted
* @returns {string} formatted string for DataTables to show the number
* @example
* $(document).ready(function() {
* $('#example').dataTable( {
* "fnFormatNumber": function ( iIn ) {
* if ( iIn &lt; 1000 ) {
* return iIn;
* } else {
* var
* s=(iIn+""),
* a=s.split(""), out="",
* iLen=s.length;
* for ( var i=0 ; i&lt;iLen ; i++ ) {
* if ( i%3 === 0 &amp;&amp; i !== 0 ) {
* out = "'"+out;
* }
* out = a[iLen-i-1]+out;
* }
* }
* return out;
* };
* } );
* } );
"fnFormatNumber": function ( iIn ) {
if ( iIn < 1000 )
// A small optimisation for what is likely to be the majority of use cases
return iIn;
var s=(iIn+""), a=s.split(""), out="", iLen=s.length;
for ( var i=0 ; i<iLen ; i++ )
if ( i%3 === 0 && i !== 0 )
out = this.oLanguage.sInfoThousands+out;
out = a[iLen-i-1]+out;
return out;
* This function is called on every 'draw' event, and allows you to
* dynamically modify the header row. This can be used to calculate and
* display useful information about the table.
* @type function
* @param {node} nHead "TR" element for the header
* @param {array} aData Full table data (as derived from the original HTML)
* @param {int} iStart Index for the current display starting point in the
* display array
* @param {int} iEnd Index for the current display ending point in the
* display array
* @param {array int} aiDisplay Index array to translate the visual position
* to the full data array
* @example
* $(document).ready( function() {
* $('#example').dataTable( {
* "fnHeaderCallback": function( nHead, aData, iStart, iEnd, aiDisplay ) {
* nHead.getElementsByTagName('th')[0].innerHTML = "Displaying "+(iEnd-iStart)+" records";
* }
* } );
* } )
"fnHeaderCallback": null,
* The information element can be used to convey information about the current
* state of the table. Although the internationalisation options presented by
* DataTables are quite capable of dealing with most customisations, there may
* be times where you wish to customise the string further. This callback
* allows you to do exactly that.
* @type function
* @param {object} oSettings DataTables settings object
* @param {int} iStart Starting position in data for the draw
* @param {int} iEnd End position in data for the draw
* @param {int} iMax Total number of rows in the table (regardless of
* filtering)
* @param {int} iTotal Total number of rows in the data set, after filtering
* @param {string} sPre The string that DataTables has formatted using it's
* own rules
* @returns {string} The string to be displayed in the information element.
* @example
* $('#example').dataTable( {
* "fnInfoCallback": function( oSettings, iStart, iEnd, iMax, iTotal, sPre ) {
* return iStart +" to "+ iEnd;
* }
* } );
"fnInfoCallback": null,
* Called when the table has been initialised. Normally DataTables will
* initialise sequentially and there will be no need for this function,
* however, this does not hold true when using external language information
* since that is obtained using an async XHR call.
* @type function
* @param {object} oSettings DataTables settings object
* @param {object} json The JSON object request from the server - only
* present if client-side Ajax sourced data is used</li></ol>
* @example
* $(document).ready( function() {
* $('#example').dataTable( {
* "fnInitComplete": function(oSettings, json) {
* alert( 'DataTables has finished its initialisation.' );
* }
* } );
* } )
"fnInitComplete": null,
* Called at the very start of each table draw and can be used to cancel the
* draw by returning false, any other return (including undefined) results in
* the full draw occurring).
* @type function
* @param {object} oSettings DataTables settings object
* @returns {boolean} False will cancel the draw, anything else (including no
* return) will allow it to complete.
* @example
* $(document).ready( function() {
* $('#example').dataTable( {
* "fnPreDrawCallback": function( oSettings ) {
* if ( $('#test').val() == 1 ) {
* return false;
* }
* }
* } );
* } );
"fnPreDrawCallback": null,
* This function allows you to 'post process' each row after it have been
* generated for each table draw, but before it is rendered on screen. This
* function might be used for setting the row class name etc.
* @type function
* @param {node} nRow "TR" element for the current row
* @param {array} aData Raw data array for this row
* @param {int} iDisplayIndex The display index for the current table draw
* @param {int} iDisplayIndexFull The index of the data in the full list of
* rows (after filtering)
* @returns {node} "TR" element for the current row
* @example
* $(document).ready(function() {
* $('#example').dataTable( {
* "fnRowCallback": function( nRow, aData, iDisplayIndex, iDisplayIndexFull ) {
* // Bold the grade for all 'A' grade browsers
* if ( aData[4] == "A" )
* {
* $('td:eq(4)', nRow).html( '<b>A</b>' );
* }
* return nRow;
* }
* } );
* } );
"fnRowCallback": null,
* This parameter allows you to override the default function which obtains
* the data from the server ($.getJSON) so something more suitable for your
* application. For example you could use POST data, or pull information from
* a Gears or AIR database.
* @type function
* @param {string} sSource HTTP source to obtain the data from (sAjaxSource)
* @param {array} aoData A key/value pair object containing the data to send
* to the server
* @param {function} fnCallback to be called on completion of the data get
* process that will draw the data on the page.
* @param {object} oSettings DataTables settings object
* @example
* // POST data to server
* $(document).ready(function() {
* $('#example').dataTable( {
* "bProcessing": true,
* "bServerSide": true,
* "sAjaxSource": "xhr.php",
* "fnServerData": function ( sSource, aoData, fnCallback ) {
* $.ajax( {
* "dataType": 'json',
* "type": "POST",
* "url": sSource,
* "data": aoData,
* "success": fnCallback
* } );
* }
* } );
* } );
"fnServerData": function ( sUrl, aoData, fnCallback, oSettings ) {
oSettings.jqXHR = $.ajax( {
"url": sUrl,
"data": aoData,
"success": function (json) {
$(oSettings.oInstance).trigger('xhr', oSettings);
fnCallback( json );
"dataType": "json",
"cache": false,
"type": oSettings.sServerMethod,
"error": function (xhr, error, thrown) {
if ( error == "parsererror" ) {
alert( "DataTables warning: JSON data from server could not be parsed. "+
"This is caused by a JSON formatting error." );
} );
* It is often useful to send extra data to the server when making an Ajax
* request - for example custom filtering information, and this callback
* function makes it trivial to send extra information to the server. The
* passed in parameter is the data set that has been constructed by
* DataTables, and you can add to this or modify it as you require.
* @type function
* @param {array} aoData Data array (array of objects which are name/value
* pairs) that has been constructed by DataTables and will be sent to the
* server. In the case of Ajax sourced data with server-side processing
* this will be an empty array, for server-side processing there will be a
* significant number of parameters!.
* @returns {undefined} Ensure that you modify the aoData array passed in,
* as this is passed by reference.
* @example
* $(document).ready(function() {
* $('#example').dataTable( {
* "bProcessing": true,
* "bServerSide": true,
* "sAjaxSource": "scripts/server_processing.php",
* "fnServerParams": function ( aoData ) {
* aoData.push( { "name": "more_data", "value": "my_value" } );
* }
* } );
* } );
"fnServerParams": null,
* State saving in DataTables is very useful, but it does a blanket save on
* all properties that the user can modify, so the table is restored. This
* callback method can be used to modify the saved properties as you require,
* just prior to them being loaded. This method can also be used to override
* the state loading altogether by returning false.
* @type function
* @param {object} oSettings DataTables settings object
* @param {object} oData Object containing information retrieved from the
* state saving cookie which should be restored. For the exact properties
* please refer to the DataTables code.
* @returns {boolean} false if the state should not be loaded, true otherwise
* @example
* // Remove a previously saved filter
* $(document).ready( function () {
* $('#example').dataTable( {
* "bStateSave": true,
* "fnStateLoadCallback": function ( oSettings, oData ) {
* oData.sFilter = "";
* return true;
* }
* } );
* } );
* @example
* // Override state loading
* $(document).ready( function () {
* $('#example').dataTable( {
* "bStateSave": true,
* "fnStateLoadCallback": function ( oSettings, oData ) {
* return false;
* }
* } );
* } );
"fnStateLoadCallback": null,
* When using state saving it can be useful to store your own custom
* parameters in the state saving cookie that DataTables uses, or to modify
* the settings that DataTables uses. Note that this function can be quite
* involved to use since it uses JSON notation in a string, given that jQuery
* does not provide a "stringify" option for JSON objects.
* @type function
* @param {object} oSettings DataTables settings object
* @param {string} sValue a JSON string (without the final closing brace)
* which should be stored in the state saving cookie.
* @returns {string} The full string that should be used to save the state
* @example
* // Add a custom parameter
* $(document).ready( function () {
* $('#example').dataTable( {
* "bStateSave": true,
* "fnStateSaveCallback": function ( oSettings, sValue ) {
* sValue += ',"myCustomParameter": "myValue"';
* return sValue;
* }
* } );
* } );
* @example
* // Modify saved filter to be blank
* $(document).ready( function () {
* $('#example').dataTable( {
* "bStateSave": true,
* "fnStateSaveCallback": function ( oSettings, sValue ) {
* sValue = sValue.replace( /"sFilter":".*?"/, '"sFilter":""' );
* return sValue;
* }
* } );
* } );
* @example
* // Modify saved filter to be blank - using JSON2.js
* $(document).ready( function () {
* $('#example').dataTable( {
* "bStateSave": true,
* "fnStateSaveCallback": function ( oSettings, sValue ) {
* var oData = JSON.parse( sValue+"}" );
* oData.sFilter = "";
* return JSON.stringify( oData ).slice( 0, -1 );
* }
* } );
* } );
"fnStateSaveCallback": null,
* Duration of the cookie which is used for storing session information. This
* value is given in seconds.
* @type int
* @default 7200 <i>(2 hours)</i>
* @example
* $(document).ready( function() {
* $('#example').dataTable( {
* "iCookieDuration": 60*60*24 // 1 day
* } );
* } )
"iCookieDuration": 7200,
* When enabled DataTables will not make a request to the server for the first
* page draw - rather it will use the data already on the page (no sorting etc
* will be applied to it), thus saving on an XHR at load time. iDeferLoading
* is used to indicate that deferred loading is required, but it is also used
* to tell DataTables how many records there are in the full table (allowing
* the information element and pagination to be displayed correctly).
* @type int
* @default null
* @example
* $(document).ready(function() {
* $('#example').dataTable( {
* "bServerSide": true,
* "sAjaxSource": "scripts/server_processing.php",
* "iDeferLoading": 57
* } );
* } );
"iDeferLoading": null,
* Number of rows to display on a single page when using pagination. If
* feature enabled (bLengthChange) then the end user will be able to override
* this to a custom setting using a pop-up menu.
* @type int
* @default 10
* @example
* $(document).ready( function() {
* $('#example').dataTable( {
* "iDisplayLength": 50
* } );
* } )
"iDisplayLength": 10,
* Define the starting point for data display when using DataTables with
* pagination. Note that this parameter is the number of records, rather than
* the page number, so if you have 10 records per page and want to start on
* the third page, it should be "20".
* @type int
* @default 0
* @example
* $(document).ready( function() {
* $('#example').dataTable( {
* "iDisplayStart": 20
* } );
* } )
"iDisplayStart": 0,
* The scroll gap is the amount of scrolling that is left to go before
* DataTables will load the next 'page' of data automatically. You typically
* want a gap which is big enough that the scrolling will be smooth for the
* user, while not so large that it will load more data than need.
* @type int
* @default 100
* @example
* $(document).ready(function() {
* $('#example').dataTable( {
* "bScrollInfinite": true,
* "bScrollCollapse": true,
* "sScrollY": "200px",
* "iScrollLoadGap": 50
* } );
* } );
"iScrollLoadGap": 100,
* All strings that DataTables uses in the user interface that it creates
* are defined in this object, allowing you to modifed them individually or
* completely replace them all as required.
* @namespace
"oLanguage": {
* Pnagation string used by DataTables for the two built-in pagination
* control types ("two_button" and "full_numbers")
* @namespace
"oPaginate": {
* Text to use when using the 'full_numbers' type of pagination for the
* button
* to take the user to the first page.
* @type string
* @default First
* @example
* $(document).ready(function() {
* $('#example').dataTable( {
* "oLanguage": {
* "oPaginate": {
* "sFirst": "First page"
* }
* }
* } );
* } );
"sFirst": "First",
* Text to use when using the 'full_numbers' type of pagination for the
* button to take the user to the last page.
* @type string
* @default Last
* @example
* $(document).ready(function() {
* $('#example').dataTable( {
* "oLanguage": {
* "oPaginate": {
* "sLast": "Last page"
* }
* }
* } );
* } );
"sLast": "Last",
* Text to use when using the 'full_numbers' type of pagination for the
* button to take the user to the next page.
* @type string
* @default Next
* @example
* $(document).ready(function() {
* $('#example').dataTable( {
* "oLanguage": {
* "oPaginate": {
* "sNext": "Next page"
* }
* }
* } );
* } );
"sNext": "Next",
* Text to use when using the 'full_numbers' type of pagination for the
* button to take the user to the previous page.
* @type string
* @default Previous
* @example
* $(document).ready(function() {
* $('#example').dataTable( {
* "oLanguage": {
* "oPaginate": {
* "sPrevious": "Previous page"
* }
* }
* } );
* } );
"sPrevious": "Previous",
* This string is shown in preference to sZeroRecords when the table is
* empty of data (regardless of filtering). Note that this is an optional
* parameter - if it is not given, the value of sZeroRecords will be used
* instead (either the default or given value).
* @type string
* @default No data available in table
* @example
* $(document).ready(function() {
* $('#example').dataTable( {
* "oLanguage": {
* "sEmptyTable": "No data available in table"
* }
* } );
* } );
"sEmptyTable": "No data available in table",
* This string gives information to the end user about the information that
* is current on display on the page. The _START_, _END_ and _TOTAL_
* variables are all dynamically replaced as the table display updates, and
* can be freely moved or removed as the language requirements change.
* @type string
* @default Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries
* @example
* $(document).ready(function() {
* $('#example').dataTable( {
* "oLanguage": {
* "sInfo": "Got a total of _TOTAL_ entries to show (_START_ to _END_)"
* }
* } );
* } );
"sInfo": "Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries",
* Display information string for when the table is empty. Typically the
* format of this string should match sInfo.
* @type string
* @default Showing 0 to 0 of 0 entries
* @example
* $(document).ready(function() {
* $('#example').dataTable( {
* "oLanguage": {
* "sInfoEmpty": "No entries to show"
* }
* } );
* } );
"sInfoEmpty": "Showing 0 to 0 of 0 entries",
* When a user filters the information in a table, this string is appended
* to the information (sInfo) to give an idea of how strong the filtering
* is. The variable _MAX_ is dynamically updated.
* @type string
* @default (filtered from _MAX_ total entries)
* @example
* $(document).ready(function() {
* $('#example').dataTable( {
* "oLanguage": {
* "sInfoFiltered": " - filtering from _MAX_ records"
* }
* } );
* } );
"sInfoFiltered": "(filtered from _MAX_ total entries)",
* If can be useful to append extra information to the info string at times,
* and this variable does exactly that. This information will be appended to
* the sInfo (sInfoEmpty and sInfoFiltered in whatever combination they are
* being used) at all times.
* @type string
* @default <i>Empty string</i>
* @example
* $(document).ready(function() {
* $('#example').dataTable( {
* "oLanguage": {
* "sInfoPostFix": "All records shown are derived from real information."
* }
* } );
* } );
"sInfoPostFix": "",
* DataTables has a build in number formatter (fnFormatNumber) which is used
* to format large numbers that are used in the table information. By
* default a comma is used, but this can be trivially changed to any
* character you wish with this parameter.
* @type string
* @default ,
* @example
* $(document).ready(function() {
* $('#example').dataTable( {
* "oLanguage": {
* "sInfoThousands": "'"
* }
* } );
* } );
"sInfoThousands": ",",
* Detail the action that will be taken when the drop down menu for the
* pagination length option is changed. The '_MENU_' variable is replaced
* with a default select list of 10, 25, 50 and 100, and can be replaced
* with a custom select box if required.
* @type string
* @default Show _MENU_ entries
* @example
* // Language change only
* $(document).ready(function() {
* $('#example').dataTable( {
* "oLanguage": {
* "sLengthMenu": "Display _MENU_ records"
* }
* } );
* } );
* @example
* // Language and options change
* $(document).ready(function() {
* $('#example').dataTable( {
* "oLanguage": {
* "sLengthMenu": 'Display <select>'+
* '<option value="10">10</option>'+
* '<option value="20">20</option>'+
* '<option value="30">30</option>'+
* '<option value="40">40</option>'+
* '<option value="50">50</option>'+
* '<option value="-1">All</option>'+
* '</select> records'
* }
* } );
* } );
"sLengthMenu": "Show _MENU_ entries",
* When using Ajax sourced data and during the first draw when DataTables is
* gathering the data, this message is shown in an empty row in the table to
* indicate to the end user the the data is being loaded. Note that this
* parameter is not used when loading data by server-side processing, just
* Ajax sourced data with client-side processing.
* @type string
* @default Loading...
* @example
* $(document).ready( function() {
* $('#example').dataTable( {
* "oLanguage": {
* "sLoadingRecords": "Please wait - loading..."
* }
* } );
* } );
"sLoadingRecords": "Loading...",
* Text which is displayed when the table is processing a user action
* (usually a sort command or similar).
* @type string
* @default Processing...
* @example
* $(document).ready(function() {
* $('#example').dataTable( {
* "oLanguage": {
* "sProcessing": "DataTables is currently busy"
* }
* } );
* } );
"sProcessing": "Processing...",
* Details the actions that will be taken when the user types into the
* filtering input text box. The variable "_INPUT_", if used in the string,
* is replaced with the HTML text box for the filtering input allowing
* control over where it appears in the string. If "_INPUT_" is not given
* then the input box is appended to the string automatically.
* @type string
* @default Search:
* @example
* // Input text box will be appended at the end automatically
* $(document).ready(function() {
* $('#example').dataTable( {
* "oLanguage": {
* "sSearch": "Filter records:"
* }
* } );
* } );
* @example
* // Specify where the filter should appear
* $(document).ready(function() {
* $('#example').dataTable( {
* "oLanguage": {
* "sSearch": "Apply filter _INPUT_ to table"
* }
* } );
* } );
"sSearch": "Search:",
* All of the language information can be stored in a file on the
* server-side, which DataTables will look up if this parameter is passed.
* It must store the URL of the language file, which is in a JSON format,
* and the object has the same properties as the oLanguage object in the
* initialiser object (i.e. the above parameters). Please refer to one of
* the example language files to see how this works in action.
* @type string
* @default <i>Empty string - i.e. disabled</i>
* @example
* $(document).ready(function() {
* $('#example').dataTable( {
* "oLanguage": {
* "sUrl": "http://www.sprymedia.co.uk/dataTables/lang.txt"
* }
* } );
* } );
"sUrl": "",
* Text shown inside the table records when the is no information to be
* displayed after filtering. sEmptyTable is shown when there is simply no
* information in the table at all (regardless of filtering).
* @type string
* @default No matching records found
* @example
* $(document).ready(function() {
* $('#example').dataTable( {
* "oLanguage": {
* "sZeroRecords": "No records to display"
* }
* } );
* } );
"sZeroRecords": "No matching records found",
* This parameter allows you to have define the global filtering state at
* initialisation time. As an object the "sSearch" parameter must be
* defined, but the "bRegex" and "bSmart" parameters are optional. When
* "bRegex" is true, the search string will be treated as a regular
* expression, when false (default) it will be treated as a straight string.
* When "bSmart" DataTables will use it's smart filtering methods (to word
* match at any point in the data), when false this will not be done.
* @type string
* @default { "sSearch": "", "bRegex": false, "bSmart": true }
* @example
* $(document).ready( function() {
* $('#example').dataTable( {
* "oSearch": {"sSearch": "Initial search"}
* } );
* } )
"oSearch": {
"sSearch": "",
"bRegex": false,
"bSmart": true
* By default DataTables will look for the property 'aaData' when obtaining
* data from an Ajax source or for server-side processing - this parameter
* allows that property to be changed. You can use Javascript dotted object
* notation to get a data source for multiple levels of nesting.
* @type string
* @default aaData
* @example
* // Get data from { "data": [...] }
* $(document).ready(function() {
* var oTable = $('#example').dataTable( {
* "sAjaxSource": "sources/data.txt",
* "sAjaxDataProp": "data"
* } );
* } );
* @example
* // Get data from { "data": { "inner": [...] } }
* $(document).ready(function() {
* var oTable = $('#example').dataTable( {
* "sAjaxSource": "sources/data.txt",
* "sAjaxDataProp": "data.inner"
* } );
* } );
"sAjaxDataProp": "aaData",
* You can instruct DataTables to load data from an external source using this
* parameter (use aData if you want to pass data in you already have). Simply
* provide a url a JSON object can be obtained from. This object must include
* the parameter 'aaData' which is a 2D array with the source data.
* @type string
* @default null
* @example
* $(document).ready( function() {
* $('#example').dataTable( {
* "sAjaxSource": "http://www.sprymedia.co.uk/dataTables/json.php"
* } );
* } )
"sAjaxSource": null,
* Address from which DataTables should load the remote data from when using
* server-side processing. Note that sAjaxSource can also be used without
* server-side processing to indicate a "one time get" of JSON formatted data.
* @type string
* @default null
* @example
* $(document).ready( function () {
* $('#example').dataTable( {
* "bProcessing": false,
* "sAjaxSource": "xhr.php"
* } );
* } );
"sAjaxSource": null,
* This parameter can be used to override the default prefix that DataTables
* assigns to a cookie when state saving is enabled.
* @type string
* @default SpryMedia_DataTables_
* @example
* $(document).ready(function() {
* $('#example').dataTable( {
* "sCookiePrefix": "my_datatable_",
* } );
* } );
"sCookiePrefix": "SpryMedia_DataTables_",
* This initialisation variable allows you to specify exactly where in the
* DOM you want DataTables to inject the various controls it adds to the page
* (for example you might want the pagination controls at the top of the
* table). DIV elements (with or without a custom class) can also be added to
* aid styling. The follow syntax is used:
* <ul>
* <li>The following options are allowed:
* <ul>
* <li>'l' - Length changing</li
* <li>'f' - Filtering input</li>
* <li>'t' - The table!</li>
* <li>'i' - Information</li>
* <li>'p' - Pagination</li>
* <li>'r' - pRocessing</li>
* </ul>
* </li>
* <li>The following constants are allowed:
* <ul>
* <li>'H' - jQueryUI theme "header" classes ('fg-toolbar ui-widget-header ui-corner-tl ui-corner-tr ui-helper-clearfix')</li>
* <li>'F' - jQueryUI theme "footer" classes ('fg-toolbar ui-widget-header ui-corner-bl ui-corner-br ui-helper-clearfix')</li>
* </ul>
* </li>
* <li>The following syntax is expected:
* <ul>
* <li>'&lt;' and '&gt;' - div elements</li>
* <li>'&lt;"class" and '&gt;' - div with a class</li>
* <li>'&lt;"#id" and '&gt;' - div with an ID</li>
* </ul>
* </li>
* <li>Examples:
* <ul>
* <li>'&lt;"wrapper"flipt&gt;'</li>
* <li>'&lt;lf&lt;t&gt;ip&gt;'</li>
* </ul>
* </li>
* </ul>
* @type string
* @default lfrtip <i>(when bJQueryUI is false)</i> <b>or</b>
* <"H"lfr>t<"F"ip> <i>(when bJQueryUI is true)</i>
* @example
* $(document).ready(function() {
* $('#example').dataTable( {
* "sDom": '&lt;"top"i&gt;rt&lt;"bottom"flp&gt;&lt;"clear"&lgt;'
* } );
* } );
"sDom": "lfrtip",
* DataTables features two different built-in pagination interaction methods
* ('two_button' or 'full_numbers') which present different page controls to
* the end user. Further methods can be added using the API (see below).
* @type string
* @default two_button
* @example
* $(document).ready( function() {
* $('#example').dataTable( {
* "sPaginationType": "full_numbers"
* } );
* } )
"sPaginationType": "two_button",
* Enable horizontal scrolling. When a table is too wide to fit into a certain
* layout, or you have a large number of columns in the table, you can enable
* x-scrolling to show the table in a viewport, which can be scrolled. This
* property can by any CSS unit, or a number (in which case it will be treated
* as a pixel measurement).
* @type string
* @default <i>blank string - i.e. disabled</i>
* @example
* $(document).ready(function() {
* $('#example').dataTable( {
* "sScrollX": "100%",
* "bScrollCollapse": true
* } );
* } );
"sScrollX": "",
* This property can be used to force a DataTable to use more width than it
* might otherwise do when x-scrolling is enabled. For example if you have a
* table which requires to be well spaced, this parameter is useful for
* "over-sizing" the table, and thus forcing scrolling. This property can by
* any CSS unit, or a number (in which case it will be treated as a pixel
* measurement).
* @type string
* @default <i>blank string - i.e. disabled</i>
* @example
* $(document).ready(function() {
* $('#example').dataTable( {
* "sScrollX": "100%",
* "sScrollXInner": "110%"
* } );
* } );
"sScrollXInner": "",
* Enable vertical scrolling. Vertical scrolling will constrain the DataTable
* to the given height, an enable scrolling for any data which overflows the
* current viewport. This can be used as an alternative to paging to display
* a lot of data in a small area (although paging and scrolling can both be
* enabled at the same time). This property can by any CSS unit, or a number
* (in which case it will be treated as a pixel measurement).
* @type string
* @default <i>blank string - i.e. disabled</i>
* @example
* $(document).ready(function() {
* $('#example').dataTable( {
* "sScrollY": "200px",
* "bPaginate": false
* } );
* } );
"sScrollY": ""
* Variable: dataTableSettings
* Purpose: Store the settings for each dataTables instance
* Scope: jQuery.fn
var _aoSettings = [];
* Function: classSettings
* Purpose: Settings container function for all 'class' properties which are required
* by dataTables
* Returns: -
* Inputs: -
DataTable.models.oSettings = {
* Variable: oFeatures
* Purpose: Indicate the enablement of key dataTable features
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
oFeatures: {
"bPaginate": true,
"bLengthChange": true,
"bFilter": true,
"bSort": true,
"bInfo": true,
"bAutoWidth": true,
"bProcessing": false,
"bSortClasses": true,
"bStateSave": false,
"bServerSide": false,
"bDeferRender": false
* Variable: oScroll
* Purpose: Container for scrolling options
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
oScroll: {
"sX": "",
"sXInner": "",
"sY": "",
"bCollapse": false,
"bInfinite": false,
"iLoadGap": 100,
"iBarWidth": 0,
"bAutoCss": true
* Variable: aanFeatures
* Purpose: Array referencing the nodes which are used for the features
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
* Notes: The parameters of this object match what is allowed by sDom - i.e.
* 'l' - Length changing
* 'f' - Filtering input
* 't' - The table!
* 'i' - Information
* 'p' - Pagination
* 'r' - pRocessing
aanFeatures: [],
* Variable: oLanguage
* Purpose: Store the language strings used by dataTables
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
* Notes: The words in the format _VAR_ are variables which are dynamically replaced
* by javascript
oLanguage: {
"sProcessing": "Processing...",
"sLengthMenu": "Show _MENU_ entries",
"sZeroRecords": "No matching records found",
"sEmptyTable": "No data available in table",
"sLoadingRecords": "Loading...",
"sInfo": "Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries",
"sInfoEmpty": "Showing 0 to 0 of 0 entries",
"sInfoFiltered": "(filtered from _MAX_ total entries)",
"sInfoPostFix": "",
"sInfoThousands": ",",
"sSearch": "Search:",
"sUrl": "",
"oPaginate": {
"sFirst": "First",
"sPrevious": "Previous",
"sNext": "Next",
"sLast": "Last"
"fnInfoCallback": null
* Variable: aoData
* Purpose: Store data information
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
* Notes: This is an array of objects with the following parameters:
* int: _iId - internal id for tracking
* array: _aData - internal data - used for sorting / filtering etc
* node: nTr - display node
* array node: _anHidden - hidden TD nodes
* string: _sRowStripe
aoData: [],
* Variable: aiDisplay
* Purpose: Array of indexes which are in the current display (after filtering etc)
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
aiDisplay: [],
* Variable: aiDisplayMaster
* Purpose: Array of indexes for display - no filtering
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
aiDisplayMaster: [],
* Variable: aoColumns
* Purpose: Store information about each column that is in use
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
aoColumns: [],
* Variable: aoHeader
* Purpose: Store information about the table's header
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
aoHeader: [],
* Variable: aoFooter
* Purpose: Store information about the table's footer
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
aoFooter: [],
* Variable: iNextId
* Purpose: Store the next unique id to be used for a new row
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
iNextId: 0,
* Variable: asDataSearch
* Purpose: Search data array for regular expression searching
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
asDataSearch: [],
* Variable: oPreviousSearch
* Purpose: Store the previous search incase we want to force a re-search
* or compare the old search to a new one
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
oPreviousSearch: {
"sSearch": "",
"bRegex": false,
"bSmart": true
* Variable: aoPreSearchCols
* Purpose: Store the previous search for each column
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
aoPreSearchCols: [],
* Variable: aaSorting
* Purpose: Sorting information
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
* Notes: Index 0 - column number
* Index 1 - current sorting direction
* Index 2 - index of asSorting for this column
aaSorting: [ [0, 'asc', 0] ],
* Variable: aaSortingFixed
* Purpose: Sorting information that is always applied
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
aaSortingFixed: null,
* Variable: asStripeClasses
* Purpose: Classes to use for the striping of a table
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
asStripeClasses: [],
* Variable: asDestroyStripes
* Purpose: If restoring a table - we should restore its striping classes as well
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
asDestroyStripes: [],
* Variable: sDestroyWidth
* Purpose: If restoring a table - we should restore its width
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
sDestroyWidth: 0,
* Variable: fnRowCallback
* Purpose: Call this function every time a row is inserted (draw)
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
fnRowCallback: null,
* Variable: fnHeaderCallback
* Purpose: Callback function for the header on each draw
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
fnHeaderCallback: null,
* Variable: fnFooterCallback
* Purpose: Callback function for the footer on each draw
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
fnFooterCallback: null,
* Variable: aoDrawCallback
* Purpose: Array of callback functions for draw callback functions
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
* Notes: Each array element is an object with the following parameters:
* function:fn - function to call
* string:sName - name callback (feature). useful for arranging array
aoDrawCallback: [],
* Variable: fnPreDrawCallback
* Purpose: Callback function for just before the table is redrawn. A return of false
* will be used to cancel the draw.
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
fnPreDrawCallback: null,
* Variable: fnInitComplete
* Purpose: Callback function for when the table has been initialised
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
fnInitComplete: null,
* Variable: sTableId
* Purpose: Cache the table ID for quick access
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
sTableId: "",
* Variable: nTable
* Purpose: Cache the table node for quick access
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
nTable: null,
* Variable: nTHead
* Purpose: Permanent ref to the thead element
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
nTHead: null,
* Variable: nTFoot
* Purpose: Permanent ref to the tfoot element - if it exists
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
nTFoot: null,
* Variable: nTBody
* Purpose: Permanent ref to the tbody element
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
nTBody: null,
* Variable: nTableWrapper
* Purpose: Cache the wrapper node (contains all DataTables controlled elements)
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
nTableWrapper: null,
* Variable: bDeferLoading
* Purpose: Indicate if when using server-side processing the loading of data
* should be deferred until the second draw
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
bDeferLoading: false,
* Variable: bInitialised
* Purpose: Indicate if all required information has been read in
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
bInitialised: false,
* Variable: aoOpenRows
* Purpose: Information about open rows
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
* Notes: Has the parameters 'nTr' and 'nParent'
aoOpenRows: [],
* Variable: sDom
* Purpose: Dictate the positioning that the created elements will take
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
* Notes:
* The following options are allowed:
* 'l' - Length changing
* 'f' - Filtering input
* 't' - The table!
* 'i' - Information
* 'p' - Pagination
* 'r' - pRocessing
* The following constants are allowed:
* 'H' - jQueryUI theme "header" classes
* 'F' - jQueryUI theme "footer" classes
* The following syntax is expected:
* '<' and '>' - div elements
* '<"class" and '>' - div with a class
* Examples:
* '<"wrapper"flipt>', '<lf<t>ip>'
sDom: 'lfrtip',
* Variable: sPaginationType
* Purpose: Note which type of sorting should be used
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
sPaginationType: "two_button",
* Variable: iCookieDuration
* Purpose: The cookie duration (for bStateSave) in seconds - default 2 hours
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
iCookieDuration: 60 * 60 * 2,
* Variable: sCookiePrefix
* Purpose: The cookie name prefix
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
sCookiePrefix: "SpryMedia_DataTables_",
* Variable: fnCookieCallback
* Purpose: Callback function for cookie creation
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
fnCookieCallback: null,
* Variable: aoStateSave
* Purpose: Array of callback functions for state saving
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
* Notes: Each array element is an object with the following parameters:
* function:fn - function to call. Takes two parameters, oSettings and the JSON string to
* save that has been thus far created. Returns a JSON string to be inserted into a
* json object (i.e. '"param": [ 0, 1, 2]')
* string:sName - name of callback
aoStateSave: [],
* Variable: aoStateLoad
* Purpose: Array of callback functions for state loading
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
* Notes: Each array element is an object with the following parameters:
* function:fn - function to call. Takes two parameters, oSettings and the object stored.
* May return false to cancel state loading.
* string:sName - name of callback
aoStateLoad: [],
* Variable: oLoadedState
* Purpose: State that was loaded from the cookie. Useful for back reference
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
oLoadedState: null,
* Variable: sAjaxSource
* Purpose: Source url for AJAX data for the table
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
sAjaxSource: null,
* Variable: sAjaxDataProp
* Purpose: Property from a given object from which to read the table data from. This can
* be an empty string (when not server-side processing), in which case it is
* assumed an an array is given directly.
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
sAjaxDataProp: 'aaData',
* Variable: bAjaxDataGet
* Purpose: Note if draw should be blocked while getting data
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
bAjaxDataGet: true,
* Variable: jqXHR
* Purpose: The last jQuery XHR object that was used for server-side data gathering.
* This can be used for working with the XHR information in one of the callbacks
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
jqXHR: null,
* Variable: fnServerData
* Purpose: Function to get the server-side data - can be overruled by the developer
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
fnServerData: function ( url, data, callback, settings ) {
settings.jqXHR = $.ajax( {
"url": url,
"data": data,
"success": function (json) {
$(settings.oInstance).trigger('xhr', settings);
callback( json );
"dataType": "json",
"cache": false,
"type": settings.sServerMethod,
"error": function (xhr, error, thrown) {
if ( error == "parsererror" ) {
alert( "DataTables warning: JSON data from server could not be parsed. "+
"This is caused by a JSON formatting error." );
} );
* Variable: aoServerParams
* Purpose: Functions which are called prior to sending an Ajax request so extra parameters
* can easily be sent to the server
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
* Notes: Each array element is an object with the following parameters:
* function:fn - function to call
* string:sName - name callback - useful for knowing where it came from (plugin etc)
aoServerParams: [],
* Variable: sServerType
* Purpose: Send the XHR HTTP method - GET or POST (could be PUT or DELETE if required)
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
sServerMethod: "GET",
* Variable: fnFormatNumber
* Purpose: Format numbers for display
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
fnFormatNumber: function ( iIn )
if ( iIn < 1000 )
/* A small optimisation for what is likely to be the vast majority of use cases */
return iIn;
var s=(iIn+""), a=s.split(""), out="", iLen=s.length;
for ( var i=0 ; i<iLen ; i++ )
if ( i%3 === 0 && i !== 0 )
out = this.oLanguage.sInfoThousands+out;
out = a[iLen-i-1]+out;
return out;
* Variable: aLengthMenu
* Purpose: List of options that can be used for the user selectable length menu
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
* Note: This varaible can take for form of a 1D array, in which case the value and the
* displayed value in the menu are the same, or a 2D array in which case the value comes
* from the first array, and the displayed value to the end user comes from the second
* array. 2D example: [ [ 10, 25, 50, 100, -1 ], [ 10, 25, 50, 100, 'All' ] ];
aLengthMenu: [ 10, 25, 50, 100 ],
* Variable: iDraw
* Purpose: Counter for the draws that the table does. Also used as a tracker for
* server-side processing
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
iDraw: 0,
* Variable: bDrawing
* Purpose: Indicate if a redraw is being done - useful for Ajax
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
bDrawing: 0,
* Variable: iDrawError
* Purpose: Last draw error
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
iDrawError: -1,
* Variable: _iDisplayLength, _iDisplayStart, _iDisplayEnd
* Purpose: Display length variables
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
* Notes: These variable must NOT be used externally to get the data length. Rather, use
* the fnRecordsTotal() (etc) functions.
_iDisplayLength: 10,
_iDisplayStart: 0,
_iDisplayEnd: 10,
* Variable: _iRecordsTotal, _iRecordsDisplay
* Purpose: Display length variables used for server side processing
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
* Notes: These variable must NOT be used externally to get the data length. Rather, use
* the fnRecordsTotal() (etc) functions.
_iRecordsTotal: 0,
_iRecordsDisplay: 0,
* Variable: bJUI
* Purpose: Should we add the markup needed for jQuery UI theming?
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
bJUI: false,
* Variable: oClasses
* Purpose: Should we add the markup needed for jQuery UI theming?
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
oClasses: null,
* Variable: bFiltered and bSorted
* Purpose: Flags to allow callback functions to see what actions have been performed
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
bFiltered: false,
bSorted: false,
* Variable: bSortCellsTop
* Purpose: Indicate that if multiple rows are in the header and there is more than one
* unique cell per column, if the top one (true) or bottom one (false) should
* be used for sorting / title by DataTables
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
bSortCellsTop: false,
* Variable: oInit
* Purpose: Initialisation object that is used for the table
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
oInit: null,
* Variable: aoDestroyCallback
* Purpose: Destroy callback functions
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
aoDestroyCallback: [],
fnRecordsTotal: function ()
if ( this.oFeatures.bServerSide ) {
return parseInt(this._iRecordsTotal, 10);
} else {
return this.aiDisplayMaster.length;
fnRecordsDisplay: function ()
if ( this.oFeatures.bServerSide ) {
return parseInt(this._iRecordsDisplay, 10);
} else {
return this.aiDisplay.length;
fnDisplayEnd: function ()
if ( this.oFeatures.bServerSide ) {
if ( this.oFeatures.bPaginate === false || this._iDisplayLength == -1 ) {
return this._iDisplayStart+this.aiDisplay.length;
} else {
return Math.min( this._iDisplayStart+this._iDisplayLength,
this._iRecordsDisplay );
} else {
return this._iDisplayEnd;
* Variable: oInstance
* Purpose: The DataTables object for this table
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
oInstance: null,
* Variable: sInstance
* Purpose: Unique idendifier for each instance of the DataTables object
* Scope: jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
sInstance: null,
oClasses: null
var modelRow = {
"nTr": null,
"_iId": null,
"_aData": null,
"_aSortData": [],
"_anHidden": [],
"_sRowStripe": ""
var modelColumn = {
"sType": null,
"_bAutoType": true,
"bVisible": true,
"bSearchable": true,
"bSortable": true,
"asSorting": [ 'asc', 'desc' ],
"sSortingClass": null,
"sSortingClassJUI": null,
"sTitle": '',
"sName": '',
"sWidth": null,
"sWidthOrig": null,
"sClass": null,
"fnRender": null,
"bUseRendered": true,
"aDataSort": [],
"mDataProp": null,
"fnGetData": null,
"fnSetData": null,
"sSortDataType": 'std',
"sDefaultContent": null,
"sContentPadding": "",
"nTh": null,
"nTf": null
DataTable.ext = {};
// jQuery aliases
$.fn.dataTable = DataTable;
$.fn.dataTableSettings = _aoSettings;

View File

@ -42,9 +42,7 @@ for ( i=0, iLen=_aoSettings.length ; i<iLen ; i++ )
/* Make a complete and independent copy of the settings object */
var oSettings = $.extend( true, classSettings, {
"oClasses": _oExt.oStdClasses
} );
var oSettings = $.extend( true, {}, DataTable.models.oSettings );
_aoSettings.push( oSettings );
@ -87,193 +85,201 @@ oSettings.oApi = _that.oApi;
/* State the table's width for if a destroy is called at a later time */
oSettings.sDestroyWidth = $(this).width();
/* Store the features that we have available */
if ( typeof oInit != 'undefined' && oInit !== null )
oSettings.oInit = oInit;
_fnMap( oSettings.oFeatures, oInit, "bPaginate" );
_fnMap( oSettings.oFeatures, oInit, "bLengthChange" );
_fnMap( oSettings.oFeatures, oInit, "bFilter" );
_fnMap( oSettings.oFeatures, oInit, "bSort" );
_fnMap( oSettings.oFeatures, oInit, "bInfo" );
_fnMap( oSettings.oFeatures, oInit, "bProcessing" );
_fnMap( oSettings.oFeatures, oInit, "bAutoWidth" );
_fnMap( oSettings.oFeatures, oInit, "bSortClasses" );
_fnMap( oSettings.oFeatures, oInit, "bServerSide" );
_fnMap( oSettings.oFeatures, oInit, "bDeferRender" );
_fnMap( oSettings.oScroll, oInit, "sScrollX", "sX" );
_fnMap( oSettings.oScroll, oInit, "sScrollXInner", "sXInner" );
_fnMap( oSettings.oScroll, oInit, "sScrollY", "sY" );
_fnMap( oSettings.oScroll, oInit, "bScrollCollapse", "bCollapse" );
_fnMap( oSettings.oScroll, oInit, "bScrollInfinite", "bInfinite" );
_fnMap( oSettings.oScroll, oInit, "iScrollLoadGap", "iLoadGap" );
_fnMap( oSettings.oScroll, oInit, "bScrollAutoCss", "bAutoCss" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "asStripClasses", "asStripeClasses" ); // legacy
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "asStripeClasses" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "fnPreDrawCallback" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "fnRowCallback" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "fnHeaderCallback" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "fnFooterCallback" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "fnCookieCallback" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "fnInitComplete" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "fnServerData" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "sServerMethod" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "fnFormatNumber" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "aaSorting" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "aaSortingFixed" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "aLengthMenu" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "sPaginationType" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "sAjaxSource" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "sAjaxDataProp" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "iCookieDuration" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "sCookiePrefix" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "sDom" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "bSortCellsTop" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "oSearch", "oPreviousSearch" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "aoSearchCols", "aoPreSearchCols" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "iDisplayLength", "_iDisplayLength" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "bJQueryUI", "bJUI" );
_fnMap( oSettings.oLanguage, oInit, "fnInfoCallback" );
/* Callback functions which are array driven */
if ( typeof oInit.fnDrawCallback == 'function' )
oSettings.aoDrawCallback.push( {
"fn": oInit.fnDrawCallback,
"sName": "user"
} );
/* Ajax additional variables are array driven */
if ( typeof oInit.fnServerParams == 'function' )
oSettings.aoServerParams.push( {
"fn": oInit.fnServerParams,
"sName": "user"
} );
if ( typeof oInit.fnStateSaveCallback == 'function' )
oSettings.aoStateSave.push( {
"fn": oInit.fnStateSaveCallback,
"sName": "user"
} );
if ( typeof oInit.fnStateLoadCallback == 'function' )
oSettings.aoStateLoad.push( {
"fn": oInit.fnStateLoadCallback,
"sName": "user"
} );
if ( oSettings.oFeatures.bServerSide && oSettings.oFeatures.bSort &&
oSettings.oFeatures.bSortClasses )
/* Enable sort classes for server-side processing. Safe to do it here, since server-side
* processing must be enabled by the developer
oSettings.aoDrawCallback.push( {
"fn": _fnSortingClasses,
"sName": "server_side_sort_classes"
} );
else if ( oSettings.oFeatures.bDeferRender )
oSettings.aoDrawCallback.push( {
"fn": _fnSortingClasses,
"sName": "defer_sort_classes"
} );
if ( typeof oInit.bJQueryUI != 'undefined' && oInit.bJQueryUI )
/* Use the JUI classes object for display. You could clone the oStdClasses object if
* you want to have multiple tables with multiple independent classes
oSettings.oClasses = _oExt.oJUIClasses;
if ( typeof oInit.sDom == 'undefined' )
/* Set the DOM to use a layout suitable for jQuery UI's theming */
oSettings.sDom = '<"H"lfr>t<"F"ip>';
/* Calculate the scroll bar width and cache it for use later on */
if ( oSettings.oScroll.sX !== "" || oSettings.oScroll.sY !== "" )
oSettings.oScroll.iBarWidth = _fnScrollBarWidth();
if ( typeof oInit.iDisplayStart != 'undefined' &&
typeof oSettings.iInitDisplayStart == 'undefined' )
/* Display start point, taking into account the save saving */
oSettings.iInitDisplayStart = oInit.iDisplayStart;
oSettings._iDisplayStart = oInit.iDisplayStart;
/* Must be done after everything which can be overridden by a cookie! */
if ( typeof oInit.bStateSave != 'undefined' )
oSettings.oFeatures.bStateSave = oInit.bStateSave;
_fnLoadState( oSettings, oInit );
oSettings.aoDrawCallback.push( {
"fn": _fnSaveState,
"sName": "state_save"
} );
if ( typeof oInit.iDeferLoading != 'undefined' )
oSettings.bDeferLoading = true;
oSettings._iRecordsTotal = oInit.iDeferLoading;
oSettings._iRecordsDisplay = oInit.iDeferLoading;
if ( typeof oInit.aaData != 'undefined' )
bUsePassedData = true;
/* Backwards compatability */
/* aoColumns / aoData - remove at some point... */
if ( typeof oInit != 'undefined' && typeof oInit.aoData != 'undefined' )
oInit.aoColumns = oInit.aoData;
/* Language definitions */
if ( typeof oInit.oLanguage != 'undefined' )
if ( typeof oInit.oLanguage.sUrl != 'undefined' && oInit.oLanguage.sUrl !== "" )
/* Get the language definitions from a file */
oSettings.oLanguage.sUrl = oInit.oLanguage.sUrl;
$.getJSON( oSettings.oLanguage.sUrl, null, function( json ) {
_fnLanguageProcess( oSettings, json, true ); } );
bInitHandedOff = true;
_fnLanguageProcess( oSettings, oInit.oLanguage, false );
/* Warning: The _fnLanguageProcess function is async to the remainder of this function due
* to the XHR. We use _bInitialised in _fnLanguageProcess() to check this the processing
* below is complete. The reason for spliting it like this is optimisation - we can fire
* off the XHR (if needed) and then continue processing the data.
/* Store the initialisation object that was passed in, useful for debugging */
oSettings.oInit = oInit;
oInit = (typeof oInit === 'undefined' || oInit === null) ?
$( true, {}, DataTable.models.oInit ) :
$( true, {}, DataTable.models.oInit, oInit );
_fnMap( oSettings.oFeatures, oInit, "bPaginate" );
_fnMap( oSettings.oFeatures, oInit, "bLengthChange" );
_fnMap( oSettings.oFeatures, oInit, "bFilter" );
_fnMap( oSettings.oFeatures, oInit, "bSort" );
_fnMap( oSettings.oFeatures, oInit, "bInfo" );
_fnMap( oSettings.oFeatures, oInit, "bProcessing" );
_fnMap( oSettings.oFeatures, oInit, "bAutoWidth" );
_fnMap( oSettings.oFeatures, oInit, "bSortClasses" );
_fnMap( oSettings.oFeatures, oInit, "bServerSide" );
_fnMap( oSettings.oFeatures, oInit, "bDeferRender" );
_fnMap( oSettings.oScroll, oInit, "sScrollX", "sX" );
_fnMap( oSettings.oScroll, oInit, "sScrollXInner", "sXInner" );
_fnMap( oSettings.oScroll, oInit, "sScrollY", "sY" );
_fnMap( oSettings.oScroll, oInit, "bScrollCollapse", "bCollapse" );
_fnMap( oSettings.oScroll, oInit, "bScrollInfinite", "bInfinite" );
_fnMap( oSettings.oScroll, oInit, "iScrollLoadGap", "iLoadGap" );
_fnMap( oSettings.oScroll, oInit, "bScrollAutoCss", "bAutoCss" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "asStripClasses", "asStripeClasses" ); // legacy
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "asStripeClasses" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "fnPreDrawCallback" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "fnRowCallback" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "fnHeaderCallback" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "fnFooterCallback" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "fnCookieCallback" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "fnInitComplete" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "fnServerData" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "sServerMethod" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "fnFormatNumber" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "aaSorting" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "aaSortingFixed" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "aLengthMenu" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "sPaginationType" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "sAjaxSource" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "sAjaxDataProp" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "iCookieDuration" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "sCookiePrefix" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "sDom" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "bSortCellsTop" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "oSearch", "oPreviousSearch" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "aoSearchCols", "aoPreSearchCols" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "iDisplayLength", "_iDisplayLength" );
_fnMap( oSettings, oInit, "bJQueryUI", "bJUI" );
_fnMap( oSettings.oLanguage, oInit, "fnInfoCallback" );
/* Callback functions which are array driven */
if ( typeof oInit.fnDrawCallback == 'function' )
oSettings.aoDrawCallback.push( {
"fn": oInit.fnDrawCallback,
"sName": "user"
} );
/* Ajax additional variables are array driven */
if ( typeof oInit.fnServerParams == 'function' )
oSettings.aoServerParams.push( {
"fn": oInit.fnServerParams,
"sName": "user"
} );
if ( typeof oInit.fnStateSaveCallback == 'function' )
oSettings.aoStateSave.push( {
"fn": oInit.fnStateSaveCallback,
"sName": "user"
} );
if ( typeof oInit.fnStateLoadCallback == 'function' )
oSettings.aoStateLoad.push( {
"fn": oInit.fnStateLoadCallback,
"sName": "user"
} );
if ( oSettings.oFeatures.bServerSide && oSettings.oFeatures.bSort &&
oSettings.oFeatures.bSortClasses )
/* Enable sort classes for server-side processing. Safe to do it here, since server-side
* processing must be enabled by the developer
oSettings.aoDrawCallback.push( {
"fn": _fnSortingClasses,
"sName": "server_side_sort_classes"
} );
else if ( oSettings.oFeatures.bDeferRender )
oSettings.aoDrawCallback.push( {
"fn": _fnSortingClasses,
"sName": "defer_sort_classes"
} );
if ( typeof oInit.bJQueryUI != 'undefined' && oInit.bJQueryUI )
/* Use the JUI classes object for display. You could clone the oStdClasses object if
* you want to have multiple tables with multiple independent classes
oSettings.oClasses = _oExt.oJUIClasses;
if ( typeof oInit.sDom == 'undefined' )
/* Set the DOM to use a layout suitable for jQuery UI's theming */
oSettings.sDom = '<"H"lfr>t<"F"ip>';
/* Create a dummy object for quick manipulation later on. */
oInit = {};
oSettings.oClasses = _oExt.oStdClasses;
/* Calculate the scroll bar width and cache it for use later on */
if ( oSettings.oScroll.sX !== "" || oSettings.oScroll.sY !== "" )
oSettings.oScroll.iBarWidth = _fnScrollBarWidth();
if ( typeof oInit.iDisplayStart != 'undefined' &&
typeof oSettings.iInitDisplayStart == 'undefined' )
/* Display start point, taking into account the save saving */
oSettings.iInitDisplayStart = oInit.iDisplayStart;
oSettings._iDisplayStart = oInit.iDisplayStart;
/* Must be done after everything which can be overridden by a cookie! */
if ( typeof oInit.bStateSave != 'undefined' )
oSettings.oFeatures.bStateSave = oInit.bStateSave;
_fnLoadState( oSettings, oInit );
oSettings.aoDrawCallback.push( {
"fn": _fnSaveState,
"sName": "state_save"
} );
if ( typeof oInit.iDeferLoading != 'undefined' )
oSettings.bDeferLoading = true;
oSettings._iRecordsTotal = oInit.iDeferLoading;
oSettings._iRecordsDisplay = oInit.iDeferLoading;
if ( typeof oInit.aaData != 'undefined' )
bUsePassedData = true;
/* Backwards compatability */
/* aoColumns / aoData - remove at some point... */
if ( typeof oInit != 'undefined' && typeof oInit.aoData != 'undefined' )
oInit.aoColumns = oInit.aoData;
/* Language definitions */
if ( typeof oInit.oLanguage != 'undefined' )
if ( typeof oInit.oLanguage.sUrl != 'undefined' && oInit.oLanguage.sUrl !== "" )
/* Get the language definitions from a file */
oSettings.oLanguage.sUrl = oInit.oLanguage.sUrl;
$.getJSON( oSettings.oLanguage.sUrl, null, function( json ) {
_fnLanguageProcess( oSettings, json, true ); } );
bInitHandedOff = true;
_fnLanguageProcess( oSettings, oInit.oLanguage, false );
/* Warning: The _fnLanguageProcess function is async to the remainder of this function due
* to the XHR. We use _bInitialised in _fnLanguageProcess() to check this the processing
* below is complete. The reason for spliting it like this is optimisation - we can fire
* off the XHR (if needed) and then continue processing the data.
* Stripes
* Add the stripe classes now that we know which classes to apply - unless overruled

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ var _aoSettings = [];
* Returns: -
* Inputs: -
var classSettings = {
DataTable.models.oSettings = {
* Variable: oFeatures