mirror of https://github.com/DataTables/DataTables.git synced 2025-03-05 06:29:19 +01:00

Dev update: Commit built changes from Tim Tucker from last few merges

This commit is contained in:
Allan Jardine 2012-09-02 09:49:17 +01:00
parent 93b0c9ede7
commit e69e3c6c1c

View File

@ -23,7 +23,26 @@
/*jslint evil: true, undef: true, browser: true */
/*globals $, jQuery,_fnExternApiFunc,_fnInitialise,_fnInitComplete,_fnLanguageCompat,_fnAddColumn,_fnColumnOptions,_fnAddData,_fnCreateTr,_fnGatherData,_fnBuildHead,_fnDrawHead,_fnDraw,_fnReDraw,_fnAjaxUpdate,_fnAjaxParameters,_fnAjaxUpdateDraw,_fnServerParams,_fnAddOptionsHtml,_fnFeatureHtmlTable,_fnScrollDraw,_fnAdjustColumnSizing,_fnFeatureHtmlFilter,_fnFilterComplete,_fnFilterCustom,_fnFilterColumn,_fnFilter,_fnBuildSearchArray,_fnBuildSearchRow,_fnFilterCreateSearch,_fnDataToSearch,_fnSort,_fnSortAttachListener,_fnSortingClasses,_fnFeatureHtmlPaginate,_fnPageChange,_fnFeatureHtmlInfo,_fnUpdateInfo,_fnFeatureHtmlLength,_fnFeatureHtmlProcessing,_fnProcessingDisplay,_fnVisibleToColumnIndex,_fnColumnIndexToVisible,_fnNodeToDataIndex,_fnVisbleColumns,_fnCalculateEnd,_fnConvertToWidth,_fnCalculateColumnWidths,_fnScrollingWidthAdjust,_fnGetWidestNode,_fnGetMaxLenString,_fnStringToCss,_fnDetectType,_fnSettingsFromNode,_fnGetDataMaster,_fnGetTrNodes,_fnGetTdNodes,_fnEscapeRegex,_fnDeleteIndex,_fnReOrderIndex,_fnColumnOrdering,_fnLog,_fnClearTable,_fnSaveState,_fnLoadState,_fnCreateCookie,_fnReadCookie,_fnDetectHeader,_fnGetUniqueThs,_fnScrollBarWidth,_fnApplyToChildren,_fnMap,_fnGetRowData,_fnGetCellData,_fnSetCellData,_fnGetObjectDataFn,_fnSetObjectDataFn,_fnApplyColumnDefs,_fnBindAction,_fnCallbackReg,_fnCallbackFire,_fnJsonString,_fnRender,_fnNodeToColumnIndex,_fnInfoMacros,_fnBrowserDetect,_fnGetColumns*/
(/** @lends <global> */function($, window, document, undefined) {
(/** @lends <global> */function( factory, window, document, undefined )
"use strict";
// Define as an AMD module if possible
if ( typeof define === 'function' && define.amd )
define( ['jquery'], factory );
/* Define using browser globals otherwise
* Prevent multiple instantiations if the script is loaded twice
else if ( jQuery && !jQuery.fn.dataTable )
(function( $ )
"use strict";
* DataTables is a plug-in for the jQuery Javascript library. It is a
* highly flexible tool, based upon the foundations of progressive
@ -432,7 +451,6 @@
* Add a data array to the table, creating DOM node etc. This is the parallel to
* _fnGatherData, but for adding rows from a Javascript source, rather than a
@ -515,7 +533,7 @@
function _fnGatherData( oSettings )
var iLoop, i, iLen, j, jLen, jInner,
nTds, nTrs, nTd, aLocalData, iThisIndex,
nTds, nTrs, nTd, nTr, aLocalData, iThisIndex,
iRow, iRows, iColumn, iColumns, sNodeName,
oCol, oData;
@ -526,31 +544,32 @@
if ( oSettings.bDeferLoading || oSettings.sAjaxSource === null )
nTrs = oSettings.nTBody.childNodes;
for ( i=0, iLen=nTrs.length ; i<iLen ; i++ )
nTr = oSettings.nTBody.firstChild;
while ( nTr )
if ( nTrs[i].nodeName.toUpperCase() == "TR" )
if ( nTr.nodeName.toUpperCase() == "TR" )
iThisIndex = oSettings.aoData.length;
nTrs[i]._DT_RowIndex = iThisIndex;
nTr._DT_RowIndex = iThisIndex;
oSettings.aoData.push( $.extend( true, {}, DataTable.models.oRow, {
"nTr": nTrs[i]
"nTr": nTr
} ) );
oSettings.aiDisplayMaster.push( iThisIndex );
nTds = nTrs[i].childNodes;
nTd = nTr.firstChild;
jInner = 0;
for ( j=0, jLen=nTds.length ; j<jLen ; j++ )
while ( nTd )
sNodeName = nTds[j].nodeName.toUpperCase();
sNodeName = nTd.nodeName.toUpperCase();
if ( sNodeName == "TD" || sNodeName == "TH" )
_fnSetCellData( oSettings, iThisIndex, jInner, $.trim(nTds[j].innerHTML) );
_fnSetCellData( oSettings, iThisIndex, jInner, $.trim(nTd.innerHTML) );
nTd = nTd.nextSibling;
nTr = nTr.nextSibling;
@ -562,14 +581,15 @@
nTds = [];
for ( i=0, iLen=nTrs.length ; i<iLen ; i++ )
for ( j=0, jLen=nTrs[i].childNodes.length ; j<jLen ; j++ )
nTd = nTrs[i].firstChild;
while ( nTd )
nTd = nTrs[i].childNodes[j];
sNodeName = nTd.nodeName.toUpperCase();
if ( sNodeName == "TD" || sNodeName == "TH" )
nTds.push( nTd );
nTd = nTd.nextSibling;
@ -1057,7 +1077,6 @@
"mDataProp": oCol.mData
}, _fnGetCellData(oSettings, iRow, iCol, 'display') );
* Create a new TR element (and it's TD children) for a row
* @param {object} oSettings dataTables settings object
@ -1750,10 +1769,12 @@
function _fnDetectHeader ( aLayout, nThead )
var nTrs = $(nThead).children('tr');
var nCell;
var i, j, k, l, iLen, jLen, iColShifted;
var nTr, nCell;
var i, k, l, iLen, jLen, iColShifted, iColumn, iColspan, iRowspan;
var bUnique;
var fnShiftCol = function ( a, i, j ) {
while ( a[i][j] ) {
var k = a[i];
while ( k[j] ) {
return j;
@ -1770,19 +1791,18 @@
/* Calculate a layout array */
for ( i=0, iLen=nTrs.length ; i<iLen ; i++ )
var iColumn = 0;
nTr = nTrs[i];
iColumn = 0;
/* For every cell in the row... */
for ( j=0, jLen=nTrs[i].childNodes.length ; j<jLen ; j++ )
nCell = nTrs[i].childNodes[j];
nCell = nTr.firstChild;
while ( nCell ) {
if ( nCell.nodeName.toUpperCase() == "TD" ||
nCell.nodeName.toUpperCase() == "TH" )
/* Get the col and rowspan attributes from the DOM and sanitise them */
var iColspan = nCell.getAttribute('colspan') * 1;
var iRowspan = nCell.getAttribute('rowspan') * 1;
iColspan = nCell.getAttribute('colspan') * 1;
iRowspan = nCell.getAttribute('rowspan') * 1;
iColspan = (!iColspan || iColspan===0 || iColspan===1) ? 1 : iColspan;
iRowspan = (!iRowspan || iRowspan===0 || iRowspan===1) ? 1 : iRowspan;
@ -1791,6 +1811,9 @@
iColShifted = fnShiftCol( aLayout, i, iColumn );
/* Cache calculation for unique columns */
bUnique = iColspan === 1 ? true : false;
/* If there is col / rowspan, copy the information into the layout grid */
for ( l=0 ; l<iColspan ; l++ )
@ -1798,13 +1821,14 @@
aLayout[i+k][iColShifted+l] = {
"cell": nCell,
"unique": iColspan == 1 ? true : false
"unique": bUnique
aLayout[i+k].nTr = nTrs[i];
aLayout[i+k].nTr = nTr;
nCell = nCell.nextSibling;
@ -2985,7 +3009,6 @@
* Add any control elements for the table - specifically scrolling
* @param {object} oSettings dataTables settings object
@ -3470,32 +3493,35 @@
function _fnApplyToChildren( fn, an1, an2 )
var index=0,
i, iLen, j, jLen;
var index=0, i=0, iLen=an1.length;
var nNode1, nNode2;
for ( i=0, iLen=an1.length ; i<iLen ; i++ )
while ( i < iLen )
for ( j=0, jLen=an1[i].childNodes.length ; j<jLen ; j++ )
nNode1 = an1[i].firstChild;
nNode2 = an2 ? an2[i].firstChild : null;
while ( nNode1 )
if ( an1[i].childNodes[j].nodeType == 1 )
if ( nNode1.nodeType === 1 )
if ( an2 )
fn( an1[i].childNodes[j], an2[i].childNodes[j], index );
fn( nNode1, nNode2, index );
fn( an1[i].childNodes[j], index );
fn( nNode1, index );
nNode1 = nNode1.nextSibling;
nNode2 = an2 ? nNode2.nextSibling : null;
* Convert a CSS unit width to pixels (e.g. 2em)
* @param {string} sWidth width to be converted
@ -4561,7 +4587,6 @@
* Return the settings object for a particular table
* @param {node} nTable table we are using as a dataTable
@ -4615,7 +4640,7 @@
var anReturn = [];
var iCorrector;
var anTds;
var anTds, nTd;
var iRow, iRows=oSettings.aoData.length,
iColumn, iColumns, oData, sNodeName, iStart=0, iEnd=iRows;
@ -4633,13 +4658,15 @@
/* get the TD child nodes - taking into account text etc nodes */
anTds = [];
for ( iColumn=0, iColumns=oData.nTr.childNodes.length ; iColumn<iColumns ; iColumn++ )
nTd = oData.nTr.firstChild;
while ( nTd )
sNodeName = oData.nTr.childNodes[iColumn].nodeName.toLowerCase();
sNodeName = nTd.nodeName.toLowerCase();
if ( sNodeName == 'td' || sNodeName == 'th' )
anTds.push( oData.nTr.childNodes[iColumn] );
anTds.push( nTd );
nTd = nTd.nextSibling;
iCorrector = 0;
@ -4906,8 +4933,6 @@
* Perform a jQuery selector action on the table's TR elements (from the tbody) and
* return the resulting jQuery object.
@ -5474,12 +5499,19 @@
oSettings.nTable.style.width = _fnStringToCss(oSettings.sDestroyWidth);
/* If the were originally odd/even type classes - then we add them back here. Note
* this is not fool proof (for example if not all rows as odd/even classes - but
/* If the were originally stripe classes - then we add them back here. Note
* this is not fool proof (for example if not all rows had stripe classes - but
* it's a good effort without getting carried away
$(nBody).children('tr:even').addClass( oSettings.asDestroyStripes[0] );
$(nBody).children('tr:odd').addClass( oSettings.asDestroyStripes[1] );
iLen = oSettings.asDestroyStripes.length;
if (iLen)
var anRows = $(nBody).children('tr');
for ( i=0 ; i<iLen ; i++ )
anRows.filter(':nth-child(' + iLen + 'n + ' + i + ')').addClass( oSettings.asDestroyStripes[i] );
/* Remove the settings object from the settings array */
for ( i=0, iLen=DataTable.settings.length ; i<iLen ; i++ )
@ -6317,7 +6349,6 @@
var _that = this;
this.each(function() {
var i=0, iLen, j, jLen, k, kLen;
var sId = this.getAttribute( 'id' );
var bInitHandedOff = false;
@ -6559,42 +6590,29 @@
/* Remove row stripe classes if they are already on the table row */
var bStripeRemove = false;
var anRows = $(this).children('tbody').children('tr');
for ( i=0, iLen=oSettings.asStripeClasses.length ; i<iLen ; i++ )
oSettings.asDestroyStripes = [];
if (iLen)
if ( anRows.filter(":lt(2)").hasClass( oSettings.asStripeClasses[i]) )
var bStripeRemove = false;
var anRows = $(this).children('tbody').children('tr:lt(' + iLen + ')');
for ( i=0 ; i<iLen ; i++ )
bStripeRemove = true;
if ( bStripeRemove )
/* Store the classes which we are about to remove so they can be re-added on destroy */
oSettings.asDestroyStripes = [ '', '' ];
if ( $(anRows[0]).hasClass(oSettings.oClasses.sStripeOdd) )
oSettings.asDestroyStripes[0] += oSettings.oClasses.sStripeOdd+" ";
if ( $(anRows[0]).hasClass(oSettings.oClasses.sStripeEven) )
oSettings.asDestroyStripes[0] += oSettings.oClasses.sStripeEven;
if ( $(anRows[1]).hasClass(oSettings.oClasses.sStripeOdd) )
oSettings.asDestroyStripes[1] += oSettings.oClasses.sStripeOdd+" ";
if ( $(anRows[1]).hasClass(oSettings.oClasses.sStripeEven) )
oSettings.asDestroyStripes[1] += oSettings.oClasses.sStripeEven;
if ( anRows.hasClass( oSettings.asStripeClasses[i] ) )
bStripeRemove = true;
/* Store the classes which we are about to remove so they can be re-added on destroy */
oSettings.asDestroyStripes.push( oSettings.asStripeClasses[i] );
anRows.removeClass( oSettings.asStripeClasses.join(' ') );
if ( bStripeRemove )
anRows.removeClass( oSettings.asStripeClasses.join(' ') );
* Columns
* See if we should load columns automatically or use defined ones
@ -11558,7 +11576,6 @@
"sJUIFooter": "fg-toolbar ui-toolbar ui-widget-header ui-corner-bl ui-corner-br ui-helper-clearfix"
} );
* Variable: oPagination
* Purpose:
@ -11633,17 +11650,22 @@
var oClasses = oSettings.oClasses;
var an = oSettings.aanFeatures.p;
var nNode;
/* Loop over each instance of the pager */
for ( var i=0, iLen=an.length ; i<iLen ; i++ )
if ( an[i].childNodes.length !== 0 )
nNode = an[i].firstChild;
if ( nNode )
an[i].childNodes[0].className = ( oSettings._iDisplayStart === 0 ) ?
oClasses.sPagePrevDisabled : oClasses.sPagePrevEnabled;
an[i].childNodes[1].className = ( oSettings.fnDisplayEnd() == oSettings.fnRecordsDisplay() ) ?
oClasses.sPageNextDisabled : oClasses.sPageNextEnabled;
/* Previous page */
nNode.className = ( oSettings._iDisplayStart === 0 ) ?
oClasses.sPagePrevDisabled : oClasses.sPagePrevEnabled;
/* Next page */
nNode = nNode.nextSibling;
nNode.className = ( oSettings.fnDisplayEnd() == oSettings.fnRecordsDisplay() ) ?
oClasses.sPageNextDisabled : oClasses.sPageNextEnabled;
@ -11732,7 +11754,7 @@
var sList = "";
var iStartButton, iEndButton, i, iLen;
var oClasses = oSettings.oClasses;
var anButtons, anStatic, nPaginateList;
var anButtons, anStatic, nPaginateList, nNode;
var an = oSettings.aanFeatures.p;
var fnBind = function (j) {
oSettings.oApi._fnBindAction( this, {"page": j+iStartButton-1}, function(e) {
@ -11783,18 +11805,19 @@
/* Loop over each instance of the pager */
for ( i=0, iLen=an.length ; i<iLen ; i++ )
if ( an[i].childNodes.length === 0 )
nNode = an[i];
if ( !nNode.hasChildNodes() )
/* Build up the dynamic list first - html and listeners */
$('span:eq(0)', an[i])
$('span:eq(0)', nNode)
.html( sList )
.children('a').each( fnBind );
/* Update the permanent button's classes */
anButtons = an[i].getElementsByTagName('a');
anButtons = nNode.getElementsByTagName('a');
anStatic = [
anButtons[0], anButtons[1],
anButtons[anButtons.length-2], anButtons[anButtons.length-1]
@ -12109,4 +12132,4 @@
* @param {event} e jQuery event object
* @param {object} o DataTables settings object {@link DataTable.models.oSettings}
}(jQuery, window, document, undefined));
}), window, document, undefined );