Allan Jardine
Dev: Overflow-x only for syntax highlighter - IE11
2020-05-21 09:25:40 +00:00
Allan Jardine
Avoid applying padding to non sortable items on small tables
I don't know if there are more to this or if it would break some other rules but as of my testing it should be fine to remove this rule for headers that have no sorting applied to them.
This is the case already for "normal sized" tables as the padding-right rule is only applied if there is a sorting class to the element. But it has been forgotten for the table-sm variant. So there are two options that I can see.
Specify this rule does not apply if there is a sorting_disabled class
Do the same as what was done for the normal sized table in the following commit: 4e611f31ff84deae5ae4666c7ba60ad8cb1012c3
2020-05-21 09:24:54 +00:00
Allan Jardine
Fix: [Semantic UI] reduce label and serach input to a single line and restore space between label and input
Merge pull request #122 from kickofitall/master
2018-06-14 11:28:56 +01:00
Allan Jardine
Fix - styling: Remove container-fluid
class from DataTable wrapper element from Bootstrap 4 integration
Fixes #121
2018-06-14 11:28:09 +01:00
Allan Jardine
restored space between label and input
2018-06-14 11:27:54 +01:00
Allan Jardine
Dev: Remove legacy CSS for old versions of Firefox
Update dataTables.semanticui.scss
2016-12-02 17:58:57 +00:00
Allan Jardine
Fix: Align "show entries" text correctly for cases where the Semantic UI JS is not available on the page
2016-12-02 17:22:39 +00:00
Allan Jardine
Fix: Semantic UI styling with a scrolling table
2016-12-02 17:22:08 +00:00
Allan Jardine
Update dataTables.uikit.scss
2016-12-02 17:14:13 +00:00
Allan Jardine
Update dataTables.semanticui.scss
2016-12-02 17:13:57 +00:00
Allan Jardine
Remove prefixed -moz-box-sizing (not needed since ff 29)
2016-12-02 16:46:11 +00:00
Allan Jardine
Fix: Align "show entries" text correctly for cases where the Semantic UI JS is not available on the page
2016-05-20 14:08:26 +01:00
Allan Jardine
Fix: Semantic UI styling with a scrolling table
2016-05-20 12:24:43 +01:00
Allan Jardine
Adding new integration files from the source repo. These are all currently proof of concept / technical previews and not ready for production use.
2016-02-11 10:28:13 +00:00