- This is caused due to different content in the displayed header and
the size forcing header in the body scrolling table. The browsers can
lay the two tables out differently even although the widths applied
are identical, due to the different content.
- The fix is to keep the content in the scroll body header, but hide it
by wrapping in a div which has height 0 and overflow hidden
- See thread 19311 for more information
server-side processing
- A popular plug-in for DataTables is the `fnSetFilteringDelay` plug-in,
which provides a bit of a buffer when typing into the filter input so
you don't make an Ajax request for every key stroke - i.e. don't DDoS
your own server!
- Since we have _fnThrottle built in now for the scrolling, we can also
use it to provide this buffering functionality for server-side
processing filtering in the core. A couple of small changes for
_fnThrottle were required to get the callback context correct and ot
call it not immediately, but only after the delay
Update: Update CSS to display the table border properly when there is no
footer when scrolling
Dev: Update the _fnAddOptionsHtml function to be smaller in code size.
Identical functionality, just smaller code
fact that the table width attribute has been removed, but was being
applied to the table anyway, as 0px - causing the table to be as narrow
as possible. On the plus size, the columns kept their alignment with
such a misconfiguration! However, now the `width` option for columns is
correctly applied in x-scrolling tables.
don't need to look it up with inArray. Also the header renderer does not
pass in the column index now (the column.idx property can be used). This
is to allow operations such as ColReorder to reorder teh columns and
still have the renderers update correctly
- Column width is always a particularly difficult one to get quite
right. In this case, the fix is to have DataTables read column width
information from the `width` or `style` attributes of a column header
cell, if that information is present. If it is, it is treated as
sWidth is (although user supplied sWidth can override). That is it say
that it will be applied to the column width calculation table.
- The remaining gap is if a developer assigns a width using css classes.
We can't get that information, so we fall into the old problem.
- This change comes about from the discussion in
http://datatables.net/forums/discussion/19089 and the fiddle here:
- What is happening in the test case is that the calculation table is
being created, but it is then stripped of widths due to this commit:
https://github.com/DataTables/DataTables/commit/6a9e324 . That was to
allow DataTables column headers to have their applied size removed, so
a new size could be calculated. Only sWidth would override that - now
the width and style attributes will as well
- IE8- requires that Function.prototype.apply be used with an array or
arguments object as the second parameter - it being "array-like" isn't
good enough.
- This fixes DataTables/DataTables #262
- Added new orthogonal data example
- Updated columns.data and columns.render documentation
- Reordering the manual a little
- Add note to the old orthogonal data blog post to direct people to the
new manual page
- A lot of plug-ins use _fnCalculateEnd and although all that is needed
in the upgrade is to remove it, since the value is calculated
automatically now, it will likely cause confusion and hassle. So I've
added this stub to prevent those errors.
- Chrome (V8) will incorrectly detect '$245.12' and similar as dates,
since V8 will strip unknown characters from a string given to
Date.parse and then attempt to parse the rest of the string - in the
example above: Dec, 245:
- The fix implemented to to check for a leading a-zA-Z, number or +-.
Although this isn't a perfect match for what Chrome does, it, I think,
a good enough effort to chatch nearly all particular use cases.
- Additionaly, V8 will try to parse a single number passed into
Date.parse - 1-12 are months, 32+ are years. As such, the numeric type
detection much be a highter priority than the date detection, since
Chrome might incorrectly use a column as a date. It would sort
correctly, but it isn't "correct".
- The take away from this is that Date.parse cannot be used for date
format validation on its own...
1D arrays.
- The method implemented isn't actually 100% perfect - if you mix arrays
and scalars, then the behaviour is undefined. But that shouldn't
happen in DataTables. Will look into it further, though
- This is actually a little more complex than it might first appear
since any classes which have been added by DT_RowClass need to be
removed. We can't just bindly remove all classes, so we need to track
that classes have been added in a private variable.
- The jQueryUI option is depricated in 1.10 and will be removed in 1.11
to be replaced by style integration files int he same way that
Bootstrap and Foundation use. This helps to reduce the size of the
core for a feature that is no longer used that often, while also
ensureing that DataTables remains modular and supports many styling
- As a result of this change, I want developers to be able to implement
1.10 without needing to use a depricated option, so this highlights
the newly added jQuery styling integration files from the plug-ins
simple() static method which makes it very easy to make a server-side
processing request.
- In the examples the SQL statements are all basically the same, so
having this method to wrap them into a single function cal absolutely
makes sense.
- Also added a `formatter` option to the columns array which will format
the data as needed using a closure function.
- It appears that ti is impossible to know in CSS if a table doesn't
have a tfoot element reliably and cross browser, so I've added a class
which is added to the table automatically if the table has no footer
or the fotoer is empty to complete the styling of the table.
- Fixed error when there are no cells in an empty TR row in the footer.
- With the change to camelCase, it is easier to extend the usageof
optiosn now, and in this case I've allowed the `orderFixed` (formally
`aaSortingFixed` parameter to be passed in as an object as well as an
array. As an object the `pre` and `post` parameters are used to
specify prefix and / or postfix ordering. Useful for gouping.
- The _pluck() function that was being used to get the tr elements
didn't remove nulls, while jQuery doesn't like removing a class from!
- Thanks to `RagingTroll` in the forums for spotting this:
the property being expanded is an object or not. If not, then set it to
be an empty object which will be extended. Only really effected the
`ajax` property
Based on the discussion in the forms (
http://datatables.net/forums/discussion/18456 ) the fix from 8935b8a
wasn't good enough. What was happening was that the _save_data function
was doing a deep copy of all arrays (minus the data array) so the
default sort was stil applied.
The fix is to reinstate the _fnExtend function which does a jQuery like
deep extend on objects and a shallow extend on arrays. That is extended
slightly to allow array references to be broken on initialisation, to
resolve the issue 8935b8a attempted to (sorting array would be used for
two tables for example), by an optional parameter. This should resolve
the issue correctly this time!
- This fixes DataTables/DataTables issue #241.
- Most of the properties attached are objects, so we want the references
to them, rather than a copy, so a simple assignment is all that is
needed. Strings etc will continue to work as well.
syntax paraneter names
- Data added using fnServerParams with array syntax had different
behaviour in 1.10 from 1.9. In 1.9 jQuery would create an array for
us, but in 1.10 before we create an object first, we need to create
that array ourselves. So the following code had different behaviour:
"sAjaxSource": "data/arrays.txt",
"fnServerParams": function ( d ) {
{name: 'somekey[]', value: 'somevalue1'},
{name: 'somekey[]', value: 'somevalue2'}
In 1.10 it would have sent `somekey[] = somevalue2` but 1.9 would have
sent both as part of an array.
To maintain full compatiblity with 1.9 we need to convert this syntax to
an array - this commit does that.
I was concerned about using parameters in the brackets, but jQuery only
searches for `[]` when performing this conversion. We could use $.param
and then decode the created query string, which would be absolutely 100%
comaptible, but would involve additional code and I think this method
provides that 100% compatiblity from reading the jQuery code), and its
- This is the CSS version of the cellspacing attribute on the table in HTML. It will work in all browsers except IE6/7. IE8+ and the others are all fine. So for the moment most of my examples will continue carrying the cellspacing attribute, but this is useful to have in the core css
- The ability to use negative numbers as a column selector for the
column data index was added recently, but that didn't include the
ability to work with negative numbers with the :visible pesudo
selector. This commit adds that ability so you can do:
`table.column("-1:visible")` to always get the right most visible
with :name postfix.
- Previously you could use a jQuery selector for columns by using the
:jq postfix, and names were matched otherwise. This is reversed now
for consistency with the rows and cells selectors which treat strings
as jQuery selectors without the :jq postfix.