mirror of https://github.com/DataTables/DataTables.git synced 2025-03-22 14:19:49 +01:00

467 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Allan Jardine
f6372323e3 Update: -webkit0overflow-scrolling:touch on all dataTables_scrollBody CSS files 2012-04-15 19:21:52 +01:00
Allan Jardine
ba85dc22d6 DataTables - 1.9.1 release :-) 2012-04-15 19:16:24 +01:00
Allan Jardine
827d4c1ae4 Fix unit tests: Witht he change to allow info macros in any of the strings the unit tests need updating to reflect this 2012-04-13 18:23:43 +01:00
Allan Jardine
aef0be6a1d Fix unit test: Number of errors in this test 2012-04-13 18:23:19 +01:00
Allan Jardine
e290b2cd7a Fix - unit test: Async behaviour could cause test to fail since the init might not have been complete (amazing that it was passing all this time - faster computers and faster JS engines now causing it to fail!) 2012-04-13 18:22:18 +01:00
Allan Jardine
9ec52faec5 Dev fix: The change to set all Ajax properties has a knock on effect on setting deep objects that don't exist, since that is now attempted. Picked up by unit test. 2012-04-13 17:56:46 +01:00
Allan Jardine
814ce1f7d5 Update: Bring the mDataProp as a function functionality to parity for Ajax / JS sourced data and DOM sourced data. Previously DOM sourced data would call the 'set' option for the mDataProp function but Ajax/JS sourced data would not, resulting in the set option never being called for those table types, which is a total bummer when you want to do some formatting in the set option. So now it is called. I was slightly conerned about the performance hit since this means a couple of extra function calls for each cell, but its all in JS, no DOM and I can see virtally no difference with about 50'000 rows and 5 columns of data, so acceptable for the benefits. 2012-04-13 17:25:25 +01:00
Allan Jardine
513d6d5440 New: "destroy" event - when the table is destroyed the destroy event is now triggered. This is very similar to how aoDestroyCallback worked before, but this brings the implementation into line with the newer callback/events mechanisim used in DataTable 2012-04-13 15:26:30 +01:00
Allan Jardine
ac9e454e11 New: Column option "sCellType" - allows you to create TD (default) or TH cells for a column. Useful for creating row headings in the TBODY. 2012-04-13 13:31:02 +01:00
Allan Jardine
732d25b229 Fix: IE8 bug where an empty string read from a DOM input element is JSON encoded as '"null"' - absolutely mental! See this blog post for more information http://blogs.msdn.com/b/jscript/archive/2009/06/23/serializing-the-value-of-empty-dom-elements-using-native-json-in-ie8.aspx . 2012-04-13 11:56:01 +01:00
Allan Jardine
773c88b9f6 Fix: When mDataProp is given as a function, an error in getting the data would be rather ugly - 8400 2012-04-13 11:40:45 +01:00
Allan Jardine
8a66adc2d4 New: The _START_, _END_, _MAX_ and _TOTAL_ macros for the information language strings can now be used in any info string, rather than being limited to just the ones noted in the documentation - a new internal function called _fnInfoMacros is introduced to allow this to work - 9211 2012-04-13 11:29:56 +01:00
Allan Jardine
2a60a96177 New: Static API method - fnVersionCheck same as the version check that is already available as an instance method, but here available as a static API method attached to $.fn.dataTable
New: Static API method - fnIsDataTable - check if a TABLE node is a DataTable or not
New: Static API method - fnTables - get the DataTables that are initialised on the table (optionally limit to just the visible tables)
Examples update - Tabs and scrolling updated to use the new static fnTables method
Fix: Settings object model was missing the nScrollHead and nScrollFoot properties from the documentation
2012-04-13 10:44:25 +01:00
Allan Jardine
0518525f59 Fix: Captions which were positioned using caption-side:bottom (CSS) would be positioned incorrectly if using a scrolling table. Need to work around webkit bug 83867 to address this and add an empty tfoot element if one is not given - 2022 2012-04-13 09:25:47 +01:00
Allan Jardine
4be9b362c8 Fix: When scrolling and row height collapse was enabled, it was possible that the table column width applied would be too small due to the fact that a scrollbar would be shown for a fraction of a second, due to the height of the scroll body container enforced by the scroll collapse. Fix is to take into account the header height before the width calculation is done 2012-04-12 17:27:05 +01:00
Allan Jardine
3a27a605b9 Fix: Scrollbody height in IE7- - use offsetHeight consistently - 9424 2012-04-12 09:25:35 +01:00
Allan Jardine
5114e98a93 API - fix: The parameter for fnDraw was inverted by mistake in the 1.9.0 release - 7825 2012-04-04 08:28:35 +01:00
Allan Jardine
35a23adb75 Dev fix: Missed a variable def in the recent _fnLanguageCompat change 2012-04-02 11:53:13 +01:00
Allan Jardine
cd0babca54 Fix: IE6/7 return an empty string for getAttribute('id') when there is no ID attribute, rather than null. As such tables were not automatically being given an ID when they didn't have one, which created a situation where the settings object for a table could be 'lost' in IE6/7. Now check for empty string when checking the table ID. 2012-04-02 10:25:52 +01:00
Allan Jardine
04d4786455 Fix: IE6/7 when scrolling is enabled could loose the sorting event due to the way cloned nodes work in those browsers. Note that this was introduced after 1.9.0. Related - jQuery bug 10437 - http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/10437 2012-04-02 10:03:47 +01:00
Allan Jardine
c1e40a8596 Fix: Language backwards compatibility could override developer defined defaults - 9267 2012-03-30 15:30:19 +01:00
Allan Jardine
e815062197 Fix: When -1 is selected for the display length (show all) the full numbers paging control didn't show page '1' - 9170 2012-03-30 07:48:33 +01:00
Allan Jardine
dec097ef50 Docs - fix: Show oSettings parameter in fnDrawCallback example - 9067 2012-03-26 07:50:38 +01:00
Allan Jardine
1d62b40f66 Docs - fix: Typos 2012-03-21 08:53:21 +00:00
Allan Jardine
f883df1afd Docs - fix: fnSort documentation updated to indicate column sorting - 9094 2012-03-21 06:49:24 +00:00
Allan Jardine
2096244c60 Fix: afnSortData functions were not being executed with the DataTables instance's scope 2012-03-19 12:09:49 +00:00
Allan Jardine
b5f4938d7d Fix: If sType for a column is html and the data is null, then _fnDataToSearch could throw an error - 8987 2012-03-14 07:51:07 +00:00
Allan Jardine
c22dfe00d3 Strip HTML from the aria-label tag for the sorting headers 2012-03-14 07:04:33 +00:00
Allan Jardine
74f970e1a7 Fix: Use border collapse in JUI stylesheet - 8931 2012-03-12 08:06:24 +00:00
Allan Jardine
918a065f21 Add documentation note on the fact that mDataProp as a function can get a 'type' of undefined when raw data is expected to be returned 2012-03-10 11:34:38 +00:00
Sahab Yazdani
1ef5243cab Remove unused variables from fnUpdate 2012-03-06 12:51:56 -05:00
Sahab Yazdani
f5ff5884bc Remove unused variables from fnSetColumnVis 2012-03-06 12:51:26 -05:00
Allan Jardine
f0c91b7a9c Update: Add -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch; to the scrolling container to provide much improved scrolling interaction in browsers that support that (iOS5, and possibly new Andriod?) 2012-03-04 13:54:58 +00:00
Allan Jardine
cc42c49ec3 New - initisalisation: iDeferLoading can now also be an array allowing the developer to specify the number of records before and after filtering for the information display - 7936 2012-03-03 07:34:11 +00:00
Allan Jardine
fc730e17f3 Fix: The fnServerData error function can use the internal logging function now adays - make it do so - 8763 2012-02-29 10:33:03 +00:00
Allan Jardine
3a40c3a440 Fix: The sStripeOdd / sStripeEven options for the class objects were not being applied to the table. The fix is to set the default for asStripeClasses to be null, and then if null is found there, then the user hasn't applied a default, nor have they overridden the default, therefore we can use the classes from the class objects - 8770. 2012-02-29 09:09:16 +00:00
Allan Jardine
e40d1edebc Fix - docs: Link to sDom from bFilter was incorrect 2012-02-28 10:35:46 +00:00
Allan Jardine
5479600611 Fix - performance: Don't extend the passed in data a second time - its a waste of time 2012-02-26 19:12:11 +00:00
Allan Jardine
126a4fe44e Fix: When scrolling is enabled the initial width of the header was being set to 150% which was a bit random and could result in the header flashing its display in the wrong place when loading. The fix is to use 100% unless x-scrolling is being forced, at which point it needs to match the inner table - 8332 2012-02-25 07:56:27 +00:00
Allan Jardine
872dc0db3e Fix: Feature match the server-side sorting to the client-side sorting for what information is sent to the server for sorting. Previously aDataSort was no honored - https://twitter.com/#!/naomiaro/status/172397914239414272 2012-02-22 19:47:09 +00:00
Allan Jardine
bc756f3a69 Docs fix: fnStateLoad documention refered to fnStateSave instead of itself 2012-02-21 14:14:13 +00:00
Allan Jardine
793020a8d4 Updated: When throwing an error, throw a "new Error()" so we can get a bit more information about the error
Updated: When using custom sort data types, if the returned array is not of the required length (aoData.length), then an error is thrown
2012-02-20 08:15:28 +00:00
Allan Jardine
409edd791b Fix: When sorting non-string data as a string (type to type detection) then DataTables 1.9 would automatically convert the non-string data to an empty string so it can be sorted. This can result in unexpected ordering in the table. The fix is to check for a toString() function that is available for the data and if it is there, then use it (great for numeric data, dates etc), otherwise the empty string is used (null, methods without toString). This brings 1.9 back into line with how 1.8 behaved - 8549 2012-02-17 09:29:41 +00:00
Allan Jardine
af2e153bc3 Fix: When updating the filtering input control, we would just match on INPUT elements, so if the developer had appended an input button to the filter wrapper, that value would also be changed - 8537. Now a reference to the input element is stored and used to update the input value (this method means we don't need to add another class option, and developers can change to 'type=search' if they wish). 2012-02-15 09:36:51 +00:00
Allan Jardine
431b5e8a55 Fix: IE8 doesn't like the console check in logging - make it object based on window - 8517 2012-02-14 08:44:34 +00:00
Allan Jardine
ca009fdf88 Fix: When scrolling the column matching would remove any nested THEAD and TFOOT elements in the table - 8423 2012-02-08 08:34:39 +00:00
Allan Jardine
6021360da1 Docs: Fix - Parameter for filtering options in state saving examples should be oSearch, not oFilter - 8408 2012-02-07 14:28:46 +00:00
Allan Jardine
68975aff10 Docs: Fix - fnStateSaveParams refered to fnStateLoadParams in the example code - 8408 2012-02-07 14:23:46 +00:00
Allan Jardine
5907eb4639 Docs: Fix - 8400 - mDataProp when null incorrectly suggested that sDefaultContent was an empty string. It is infact null. Also typo fixes. 2012-02-06 18:26:13 +00:00
Allan Jardine
ab9dfd5052 Fix: x-scrolling to the end of a table would cause the header and the columns to go out of alignment due to the header not being able to scroll as far as was needed (this was caused by the changes in 876a75f) - 8332.
Fix: Table could conitnually expand when x-scrolling was enabled. This was partly addressed in 6776, but the fix was incomplete as it would still occur on Safari Mac (possibly other browsers as well). This fix is very closely related to 8332 (hence commiting together as they are interdependent). Now use padding right on the header/footer wrapper to provide the overflow scroll ability, but only add it when a scrollbar is present - otherwise the width gets added on and we get the forever expanding table.
Dev: Unit tests - New tests for scrolling to ensure 6776 and 8332 don't occur again
2012-02-06 18:09:16 +00:00