- rows().nodes() - Get the TR nodes for the selected rows
- rows().data() - Get the data for the selected rows
- columns().header() - Get the header cells for the selected columns
- This also introduces the `iterator` method to the API instance, which
can be used to loop over selected columns / rows, for the context
(tables), returning a flat array / API instance.
- Use variable aliases to allow better compression
- Replace body append code with jQuery code. Much simpiler, and only
a very small performance hit (around 1mS for a draw of 100 records).
- Remove the settings._iDisplayEnd parameter finally, using only
fnDisplayEnd() is needed, and the end point is calculated on-the-fly
when needed (which is not often and it is not expensive). This also
means that the internal method `_fnCalculateEnd` can be dropped
- Refactoring the empty cell in _fnDraw
- columns() and rows() introduced with their selector components. They
don't have any additional funtionality at this time other than just
being able to selector rows and columns (returning arrays of indexes),
but the principle is now in place, and the additional functions can be
fleshed out.
- Moving to use a work in process branch, as some aspects of DataTables
may break as this work continues, and certainly the files etc are all
in flux
- order() and order.listener() added (to replace fnSort and
fnSortListener) from the old API.
- Note that the name `order` is selected to not conflict with the `sort`
method of the API object, which can be used to order the sort data
held in the collection.
- The `sort()` method is expanded over the abilities of fnSort to allow
multiple different forms of input (column + direction, 1D array, list
of 1D arrays or a 2D array).
- draw() and ajax.reload() can now have `false` passed as their first
(and currently only) parameter, which instructs DataTables to do a
'static' redraw (i.e. not to reset the pagination).
- Previously the master sort and filter functions would perform a draw,
but this was a bit redundant, complex and didn't allow multiple
changes to be queued up before a new draw was performed. The new API
will allow this ability, so we need to allow it in the core as well.
You can now do a sort, and it will be performed internally, but not
actually drawn until the redraw function is called. This makes a full
redraw much simpiler, and has the benefit that a standing redraw is
now relatively trivial since it is all performed in a single place.
- Introducing several methods which will control the ajax aspects of
DataTables through the API:
- ajax.json() - get the last JSON returned from the server
- ajax.reload() - reload from JSON source
- ajax.url( [url] ) - get / set the Ajax URL
- ajax.url( url ).load() - load data from new URL after a set
- Note that this effectively replaces the old fnReloadAjax plug-in which
was quite popular.
- Not yet fully tested - further work required.
- Paging control methods for the new API:
- page() / page(n) - Get / set the current page
- page.info() - Get information about the table's paging state
- page.len() / page.len(n) - Get / set the page length
- Rewrite of core.page.js and core.length.js to be more space efficient.
The functionality is identical to before, but now compresses much
better (796 byte saving). The new paging API methods add only 614
bytes (compressed), so overall a saving of 182 bytes, with the new
functionality added by the new API.
- Start of draw methods for new API:
- draw() - Draw the table. Need this to test the new paging methods
since page() etc do not do a redraw themselves, you must call draw()
when you are ready for the table to be redrawn now.
- tables() is a table selector and iterator that most other API methods
will likely use.
- tables().nodes() gets the selected HTML table nodes.
- Documentation of these functions is rather incomplete. Not yet sure
how to fully document them. Currently thinking of having seperate
documentation, a bit like jQuery, which can be a lot more involved,
rather than building it fromt he doc comments which might get rather
long (they already are!).
- This commit introduces the new Api core, a 'class' which is a data
helper and DataTable control interface. Methods of this class are
designed to be chainable (although it is not manditory - some can
return boolean values if needed).
- The core data helper functions are present in this comment, although
not yet fully documented. That will come as the Api stablises and I'm
happy with the structure.
- There are no table control methods yet - coming soon.
apply that.
- This is much faster than the previous method of using $(this).width()
since there is no longer an invalidation and getComputedStyle
calculation. It just uses the value that is available in style.width,
which might very well be empty (if the style attribute is used with a
width property defined is it not empty).
- This also improves accuracy since it is the original that is restored,
and not the calculated size.
- See http://datatables.net/forums/discussion/14811 for the discussion
for this change.
- Thanks to `krzycho` for the discussion and suggestions.
between table's being reinitialised, so calculating the scrollbar width
every time is a real hit on performance since it needs to manipulate the
DOM. This change ensures that the calculation is performed only once.
- When server-side processing is enabled, fnInitComplete will now be
passed a second parameter, the json returned from the server for that
first draw, matching the Ajax data source with client-side processing
- Full license available here: http://datatables.net/license_mit
- Note that this effectively makes the BSD and GPLv2 licenses that
DataTables is also available under redundant since the MIT is the most
relaxed of these licenses. At some point in the not too distant
future, it would make sense to remove these two licenses and have
DataTables available under only the MIT license.
- Attach an event handler to the window to resize the table. Note that
this isn't debounced - possibly it should be in future(?), but don't
want to add the additional code required if it isn't required. It
seems to function perfectly well for me!
- Unbind needs to unbind by the instance unique reference since there
might be multiple tables listening for the event.
used for the different data types very easily.
- Until now, if you want to use different data for the different data
types (I've called these orthogonal data in relations to DataTables)
you had to specify a function. That's fine, but it seems a rather
clumsy way of just pulling different data out of a source object based
on the type. This method allows the data types to be very easily
defined with an object, allowing the same rules as `render` normally
does (dotted object notation, array notation etc).
- For example:
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#example').dataTable( {
columns: [
{ data: null, render: {
_: 'a',
sort: 'c',
type: 'c',
filter: 'd'
} },
{ data: 'b' }
data: [
{ 'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 4, 'd': '1' },
{ 'a': 3, 'b': 4, 'c': 3, 'd': '3' },
{ 'a': 5, 'b': 6, 'c': 2, 'd': '5' },
{ 'a': 7, 'b': 8, 'c': 1, 'd': 'allan' }
} );
} );
- Tabbing through a scrolling table the tabindex on the cloned header in
the body part of hte table meant that the browser would focus on those
elements. Fix is to remove the tab index from the clone nodes.
- Cope with the change in jQuery 1.9 for element ordering. From the
DataTables thread on this topic ( 14316 ):
So a bit of further investigation into this - I've used these two test
No DataTables: http://live.datatables.net/uwidel/edit#source
DataTables: http://live.datatables.net/ivojev/4/edit
The new DataTables version shows that jQuery 1.9 is now always trying to
order the nodes by document order, not but the order that they are found
in the source array. Additionally removed nodes are appended to the
results, themselves in reserve order, but that's just the way the Sizzle
node ordering works when items are not in the document (try sorting
numbers and you get the same result).
Given the suggestion in the release notes that the move is to have nodes
always treated in document order, I don't think this is a bug, so not
filing one. It is a bit frustrating that the nodes are iterated in a
different order from the source array, but it is expected from their
documentation and comments. So this is simply something we'll need to
work around.
To that end, I've updated the examples and taken the unusual step of
updating the examples on this site outside the normal release cycle. The
examples in the 1.9.4 current release of DataTables can't change of
course, but the updated examples will be in 1.10 when it is released.