I don't know if there are more to this or if it would break some other rules but as of my testing it should be fine to remove this rule for headers that have no sorting applied to them.
This is the case already for "normal sized" tables as the padding-right rule is only applied if there is a sorting class to the element. But it has been forgotten for the table-sm variant. So there are two options that I can see.
Specify this rule does not apply if there is a sorting_disabled class
Do the same as what was done for the normal sized table in the following commit: 4e611f31ff84deae5ae4666c7ba60ad8cb1012c3
On line 605, column.sTitle is set to the TH's innerHTML.
On line 1816, column.sTitle is compared with cell.html().
If you have child elements with event handlers on them inside the TH, these are not the same in IE8 (see https://gist.github.com/simonbrent/933e552739477f4be3ab#file-test-html)
As a result, the check on 1816 fails, the contents of the cell is replaced, and the event handlers are removed.
Comparing instead with cell[0].innerHTML fixes this issue.
The specificity of pesudo selectors ranks higher than class selectors,
so `tr:hover` will always rank higher than `tr.odd`. Thus giving
`tr:hover, tr.odd:hover` is redundant and this commit removes that
For more about CSS selector specificity see the MDN documentation:
Fix: Ellipsis elements didn't have padding which could be jarring when shifting between paging that does and doesn't show ellipsis
This fixes DataTables/DataTables #26
Previously the CSS shorthand `background` was used for the background of
the header cells, but this makes it a good deal more difficult to set
the background colour if you want to since `transparent` is implicit in
the shorthand used. This method, although a bit longer in CSS is still
fairly simple and a lot more flexible
- This is caused due to different content in the displayed header and
the size forcing header in the body scrolling table. The browsers can
lay the two tables out differently even although the widths applied
are identical, due to the different content.
- The fix is to keep the content in the scroll body header, but hide it
by wrapping in a div which has height 0 and overflow hidden
- See thread 19311 for more information
Update: Update CSS to display the table border properly when there is no
footer when scrolling
Dev: Update the _fnAddOptionsHtml function to be smaller in code size.
Identical functionality, just smaller code
- It appears that ti is impossible to know in CSS if a table doesn't
have a tfoot element reliably and cross browser, so I've added a class
which is added to the table automatically if the table has no footer
or the fotoer is empty to complete the styling of the table.
- Fixed error when there are no cells in an empty TR row in the footer.
- This is the CSS version of the cellspacing attribute on the table in HTML. It will work in all browsers except IE6/7. IE8+ and the others are all fine. So for the moment most of my examples will continue carrying the cellspacing attribute, but this is useful to have in the core css
- The fix here is to set the box sizing for the table and its cells to
be content-box sizing to allow the column width calculations to occur
correctly - 17932
- A numebr of support requests are about why the layout immediately
after a DataTable looks wrong, and its usually because of the floats
used by info / paging, so we self clear the wrapper around the
DataTable controls