* Previously the filter builder was created as a string, so we had to
escape quotes, otherwise it could create invalid HTML. That is no
longer the case as we are using jQuery DOM manipulation, so the escape
is redundant and potentially harmful
* See thread 21197
* Due to the manipulation of DOM elements rather than strings for the
length list, the browser was cropping elements which were being cut
short. Fix is to switch back to string manipulation, which can be done
easily using the outerHTML property of the DOM element. This is
supported in all browsers since Firefox 11, so happy to use it here.
* See thread 21170 for more information
* The two data handling functions for each column are now given a forth
parameter if you are using them as a function. This new parameter
gives index position information about the cell in question, as well
as access to the settings object.
* This additional information allows abstraction functions to be created
external to DataTables that can be reused for different columns, with
those abstraction functions now having access to the information about
the cell they are operating on. For example, you might have a number
formatting function which can be reused, and it will determine what
data to read based on the column index given.
* This additional information is required in order to be able to fully
replace fnRender which was removed in DataTables 1.10.
* This fixes DataTables/DataTables #321
* Documentation updated, including an error fix for columns.data
* The error was that the registered cells array was growing on every
call, so the processing took longer and the memory usage went up
* See thread 21063 for details
* The sort handler was expecting to deal with a 2D array, so we always
dropped into the single column first sort condition.
* See thread 20811 for more information.
- The stateDuration option has been updated to provide the ability to
indicate if sessionStorage should be used rather than localStorage
(set value to -1).
- Settings stateDuration to 0 also indicates that the duration is
- Parts of the state saving have been optimised for code size, so this
commit actually reduces the min size by 32 bytes despite the new
- See thread 19572 for discussion on this
- The column index selector was broken by a previous commit (d9f416232).
- Fix also an error in the column selector whereby a result was being
tested against itself
- If you provided your own <select> list for the lenght language option,
DataTables would still append its own and ignore your custom one
- See thread 20548
- Feedback from James Craig on improving the accessiblity of DataTables.
Since the `role=grid` option is added to the DataTables table, we
should also add `role=row` to the rows in the table so the browsers
can see them correctly. As James notes, it is debatable if this is
needed or not but it is required in current Chrome and Webkit.
- Webkit do now allow roles to be optional in the nighties - see:
https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=131819 . Once Apple deploy
this in a Safari update, and Chrome also deploy support, I think this
should be removed from DataTables core, since it will no longer be
needed in the latest browsers, and manipulating the DOM can hit
performance a bit.
- It is useful to be able to filter row indexes by a condition and then
operate on the resulting array of indexes, but before the selector
would only itterate over real arrays. So if you passed is an API
instance with the result set being the indexes to delete, it wouldn't
- Fix is to loop over anything which has a `length` property
- Thread 20572
- Remove the aria-relevant from the info text to use the default,
otherwise it was reading information that isn't very useful
- Change info text role to `status`
- Remove `role=row` from header - this is experimental and might change.
Might need it on this row and all rows in the table
- Based on feedback from James Craig (thanks!)
- If you were to click the 'previous' button when on the first page, the
table would redraw - that's the easiest manifestation of this bug to
see. There is no need to redraw the table when the paging hasn't
changed, so don't.
- This fixes DataTables/DataTables #304
- Because DataTables is destroying and creating elements for the paging
control, focus is lost when navigating via keyboard. This is a real
pain when trying to operate DataTables that way! Fix is to refocus on
the new element.
- If you used client-side processing ajax, the parameter passed into
_fnBuildAjax is an array, needed for the old 1.9 compatiblity, but the
ajax wasn't transforming this into a data object and then sending it
to the server. The fix is to check if the data passed in is an array
or not - if so, transform it to an object
- If you use multiple column definations such that a columns' sorting
options are initially disabled and then enabled, the sorting classes
for the header were not being applied correctly.
- The fix is to always assign classes based on the most up-to-date
information for the column.
- This fixes DataTables/DataTables #303
- The resolution of unknown sorting types was being done after the
sorting structure array of objects was being calculated. As such, a
string sort was always being done in the first instance!
- This fixes thread 20433
- In a fenced code block, need to encode the HTML elements. However, the
HTML was being detected and saved first. Run the fencer first.
- Type links updated
- When invalidating a DOM row, DataTables wasn't taking into account the
fact that the columns in the row might be hidden. This means that the
array of data read is shortened by the number of hidden columns, and
thus the data is corrupted.
- Fix is to read from the known cells if the row already exists
- Issue here was that when doing the camelCase to hungarian conversion
on objects, the user object was copying over the hungarian default.
This meant that parameters were lost and things broke! The fix is to
decend into the object
- See thread 20233 for the original report
- DataTables' smart filtering now has the ability to search for an exact
string, in the given order, over multiple words. This is done by
providing the exact match search string in quotes - for example:
Angela "Cheif Exec" London
Will match three terms - `Angela`, `Cheif Exec` and `London`. Those
three terms will be matched in any order.
- This matches the search behaviour that we all know and love in Google!
- It can be disabled along with the rest of DataTables' smart filtering
using the `smart` option.
- This enhancement comes courtesy of Barry Keepence. Original forum
thread: http://datatables.net/forums/discussion/16250/. Thanks!