- This is the CSS version of the cellspacing attribute on the table in HTML. It will work in all browsers except IE6/7. IE8+ and the others are all fine. So for the moment most of my examples will continue carrying the cellspacing attribute, but this is useful to have in the core css
- The fix here is to set the box sizing for the table and its cells to
be content-box sizing to allow the column width calculations to occur
correctly - 17932
- A numebr of support requests are about why the layout immediately
after a DataTable looks wrong, and its usually because of the floats
used by info / paging, so we self clear the wrapper around the
DataTable controls
- It is quite common to have a row selection styling in DataTables, so
it makes sense to built this ability directly into the core CSS. It
doesn't add too much extra weight, but it would be a huge pain for
developers to do themselves and also it means I can reuse it in
TableTools / Editor.
- Styles weren't being correctly applied becuase the selector was
`table.dataTable.display.stripe` rather than just
`table.dataTable.display` for the "correction" styles when multiple
styles are enabled.
- The SCSS stylesheet is now feature complete, and the
jquery.dataTables.css file found in the repo is now directly generated
from that SCSS file. The SCSS online compiler will run the stylesheet:
http://sass-lang.com/try.html .
New: SCSS base stylesheet with variables for colours
New: Pagination styling
- DataTables now has the ability to selectively enable different style
types by applying different class names to the host table. The options
supported are:
- hover - show a hover effect over rows
- stripe - show odd/even row stripes
- row-border - show a vertical border between rows
- cell-border - show a border around all four sides of a row (only
one of row-border or cell-border should be used)
- sort-column - highlighting of the sorting column.
I will be adding another class along the lines of `display` which will
enable 'hover, stripe, row-border and sort-column' (although this is
not yet implemented).
The reason for doing this is to encorage developers to style their
DataTables more their own way, but making it easier to enable the
features they want.
- To that end, the DataTables stylesheet will be generated from a SCSS
template in future. The SCSS template is included in this comment
(although the generated stylesheet is not yet committed). This allows
colours to be changed which a trivial amount of effort, while still
being able to get row highlighting etc, thanks to SCSS's colour
- Pagination styles have been updated to fit in with the new styling of
the DataTable.