- Previously you'd need to use initComplete and columns.adjust() to take
account of the data that was loaded by Ajax. Now this will be done
automatically. It does mean a few more clock cycles, but I think
that's a tradeoff that is worth it.
- Alias the static methods to camelCase and hungarian varients:
- versionCheck()
- tables()
- isDataTable()
- Small updates in styling of the static functions
- I'd previously added columns().cache() which gets the cached
information about filtering or sorting, but this rounds the API off,
extending that also to rows and cells:
- rows().cache()
- row().cache()
- cells().cache()
- cell().cache()
Fix: I've removed the third entry in the aaSorting array, as the issue
was that after using order() that entry wasn't present. It was a bit
confusing as well, so it is now replaced with a property (_idx on the
aaSorting entries) which indicates the current sorting index (in
asSorting) - and this property is optional. If not given, it is looked
up or 0.
build and commit scripts to keep the src and build repos in sync.
Dev: Update the dataTables main file to the latest build which was
accedentally committed. Just a couple of little dev fixes - no API