- SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS was used to try and speed the queries up, and that
works well for MySQL, but it confuses anyone who tries to modify this
script for other databases.
- Field escaping should possibly be considered in future as well
- SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS was used to try and speed the queries up, and that
works well for MySQL, but it confuses anyone who tries to modify this
script for other databases.
- Field escaping should possibly be considered in future as well
- Using just `datatables` would be difficult since I and others already
publish packages with that name. Anyone using those packages already
would run into real issues if I were to change their meaning and
simple() static method which makes it very easy to make a server-side
processing request.
- In the examples the SQL statements are all basically the same, so
having this method to wrap them into a single function cal absolutely
makes sense.
- Also added a `formatter` option to the columns array which will format
the data as needed using a closure function.