* DataTables uses custom jQuery events which propagate up through the
DOM, with the custom event being triggered on the table node. Ideally
I'd like to change the event handling to use $().triggerHandler() to
avoid this issue, but as discussed in issue #245 that would mean that
delegated events wouldn't work. Perhaps there should be two forms of
events triggered by DataTables, those which do bubble and those which
do not. `init` is the only one which would _have_ to bubble.
* The workaround for the moment is to check that the settings object in
context of the executed settings handler is the same as the one that
was used in the addition of the event handler.
* This fixes DataTables/DataTables #361
* In particular this fixes the FixedColumns + ColReorder example which
was showing the problem by expanding the columns to the full container
width for each column. See thread 20848 for information.