// DATA_TEMPLATE: empty_table oTest.fnStart( "aoSearchCols" ); /* We could be here forever testing this one, so we test a limited subset on a couple of colums */ $(document).ready( function () { /* Check the default */ var oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/objects.txt", "aoColumns": [ { "mDataProp": "engine" }, { "mDataProp": "browser" }, { "mDataProp": "platform" }, { "mDataProp": "version" }, { "mDataProp": "grade" } ] } ); var oSettings = oTable.fnSettings(); oTest.fnWaitTest( "Default should be to have a empty colums array", null, function () { var bReturn = oSettings.aoPreSearchCols[0].sSearch == 0 && !oSettings.aoPreSearchCols[0].bRegex && oSettings.aoPreSearchCols[1].sSearch == 0 && !oSettings.aoPreSearchCols[1].bRegex && oSettings.aoPreSearchCols[2].sSearch == 0 && !oSettings.aoPreSearchCols[2].bRegex && oSettings.aoPreSearchCols[3].sSearch == 0 && !oSettings.aoPreSearchCols[3].bRegex && oSettings.aoPreSearchCols[4].sSearch == 0 && !oSettings.aoPreSearchCols[4].bRegex; return bReturn; } ); oTest.fnWaitTest( "Search on a single column - no regex statement given", function () { oSession.fnRestore(); oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/objects.txt", "aoColumnDefs": [ { "mDataProp": "engine", "aTargets": [0] }, { "mDataProp": "browser", "aTargets": [1] }, { "mDataProp": "platform", "aTargets": [2] }, { "mDataProp": "version", "aTargets": [3] }, { "mDataProp": "grade", "aTargets": [4] } ], "aoSearchCols": [ null, { "sSearch": "Mozilla" }, null, { "sSearch": "1" }, null ] } ); }, function () { return $('#example_info').html() == "Showing 1 to 9 of 9 entries (filtered from 57 total entries)"; } ); oTest.fnWaitTest( "Search on two columns - no regex statement given", function () { oSession.fnRestore(); oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/objects.txt", "aoColumnDefs": [ { "mDataProp": "engine", "aTargets": [0] }, { "mDataProp": "browser", "aTargets": [1] }, { "mDataProp": "platform", "aTargets": [2] }, { "mDataProp": "version", "aTargets": [3] }, { "mDataProp": "grade", "aTargets": [4] } ], "aoSearchCols": [ null, { "sSearch": "Mozilla" }, null, { "sSearch": "1.5" }, null ] } ); }, function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(3)').html() == "1.5"; } ); oTest.fnWaitTest( "Search on single column - escape regex false", function () { oSession.fnRestore(); oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/objects.txt", "aoColumnDefs": [ { "mDataProp": "engine", "aTargets": [0] }, { "mDataProp": "browser", "aTargets": [1] }, { "mDataProp": "platform", "aTargets": [2] }, { "mDataProp": "version", "aTargets": [3] }, { "mDataProp": "grade", "aTargets": [4] } ], "aoSearchCols": [ { "sSearch": ".*ML", "bEscapeRegex": false }, null, null, null, null ] } ); }, function () { return $('#example_info').html() == "Showing 1 to 3 of 3 entries (filtered from 57 total entries)"; } ); oTest.fnWaitTest( "Search on two columns - escape regex false on first, true on second", function () { oSession.fnRestore(); oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/objects.txt", "aoColumnDefs": [ { "mDataProp": "engine", "aTargets": [0] }, { "mDataProp": "browser", "aTargets": [1] }, { "mDataProp": "platform", "aTargets": [2] }, { "mDataProp": "version", "aTargets": [3] }, { "mDataProp": "grade", "aTargets": [4] } ], "aoSearchCols": [ { "sSearch": ".*ML", "bEscapeRegex": false }, { "sSearch": "3.3", "bEscapeRegex": true }, null, null, null ] } ); }, function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(1)').html() == "Konqureror 3.3"; } ); oTest.fnWaitTest( "Search on two columns (no records) - escape regex false on first, true on second", function () { oSession.fnRestore(); oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/objects.txt", "aoColumnDefs": [ { "mDataProp": "engine", "aTargets": [0] }, { "mDataProp": "browser", "aTargets": [1] }, { "mDataProp": "platform", "aTargets": [2] }, { "mDataProp": "version", "aTargets": [3] }, { "mDataProp": "grade", "aTargets": [4] } ], "aoSearchCols": [ { "sSearch": ".*ML", "bEscapeRegex": false }, { "sSearch": "Allan", "bEscapeRegex": true }, null, null, null ] } ); }, function () { return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0)').html() == "No matching records found"; } ); oTest.fnComplete(); } );