DataTables example - Flat array data source

When loading data from an Ajax source, by default, DataTables will look for the data to use in the data parameter of a returned object (e.g. { "data": [...] }). This can easily be change by using the dataSrc option of the ajax initiation option.

The ajax.dataSrc has a number of ways in which it can be used:

  • As a string (e.g. dataSrc: 'myData') - obtain data from a different property in the source object.
  • As an empty string (e.g. dataSrc: '') - the data source is not an object but an array.
  • As a function (e.g. dataSrc: function(json) {}) - a function can be used to transform the data from one source format to another (for example you could convert from XML to a Javascript object). The value returned from the function is used as the data for the table.

The example below shows ajax.dataSrc being used as an empty string. This tells DataTables that the JSON loaded is a plain array, not an object with an array inside it as is the default.

Name Position Office Extn. Start date Salary
Name Position Office Extn. Start date Salary

The Javascript shown below is used to initialise the table shown in this example:

$(document).ready(function() {
	$('#example').dataTable( {
		"ajax": {
			"url": "data/objects_root_array.txt",
			"dataSrc": ""
		"columns": [
			{ "data": "name" },
			{ "data": "position" },
			{ "data": "office" },
			{ "data": "extn" },
			{ "data": "start_date" },
			{ "data": "salary" }
	} );
} );

In addition to the above code, the following Javascript library files are loaded for use in this example:

The HTML shown below is the raw HTML table element, before it has been enhanced by DataTables:

This example uses a little bit of additional CSS beyond what is loaded from the library files (below), in order to correctly display the table. The additional CSS used is shown below:

The following CSS library files are loaded for use in this example to provide the styling of the table:

This table loads data by Ajax. The latest data that has been loaded is shown below. This data will update automatically as any additional data is loaded.