// DATA_TEMPLATE: empty_table oTest.fnStart( "ajax" ); $(document).ready( function () { var json; var result; // // As a string // oTest.fnWaitTest( "Basic request as a string - getting arrays", function () { $('#example').dataTable( { "ajax": "../data_sources/arrays.php" } ); }, function () { return $('tbody td').eq(0).html() === '1'; } ); oTest.fnWaitTest( "Basic request as a string - getting objects", function () { oSession.fnRestore(); $('#example').dataTable( { "ajax": "../data_sources/objects.php", "columns": [ { data: 'engine' }, { data: 'browser' }, { data: 'platform' }, { data: 'version' }, { data: 'grade' } ] } ); }, function () { return $('tbody td').eq(1).html() === '20'; } ); oTest.fnWaitTest( "Default request is GET - string based", function () { oSession.fnRestore(); json = {}; $('#example').dataTable( { "ajax": "../data_sources/method.php?method=get" } ); }, function () { return $('tbody td').eq(0).html() === '1'; } ); oTest.fnWaitTest( "jQuery anti-cache parameter is sent by default - string based", function () { oSession.fnRestore(); json = {}; $('#example').dataTable( { "ajax": "../data_sources/param.php" } ).on('xhr', function (e, settings, o) { json = o; } ); }, function () { return json.get && json.get._; } ); oTest.fnWaitTest( "No other parameters sent", null, function () { return json.get_length === 1; } ); // // As an object // oTest.fnWaitTest( "Get Ajax using url parameter only", function () { oSession.fnRestore(); $('#example').dataTable( { "ajax": { "url": "../data_sources/arrays.php" } } ); }, function () { return $('tbody td').eq(0).html() === '1'; } ); // props oTest.fnWaitTest( "Disable cache property", function () { oSession.fnRestore(); json = {}; $('#example').dataTable( { "ajax": { "url": "../data_sources/param.php", "cache": true } } ).on('xhr', function (e, settings, o) { json = o; } ); }, function () { return json.get && typeof json.get._ === 'undefined'; } ); oTest.fnWaitTest( "Set an error callback", function () { oSession.fnRestore(); result = false; $('#example').dataTable( { "ajax": { "url": "../data_sources/rubbish", "error": function () { result = true; } } } ); }, function () { return result; } ); // type oTest.fnWaitTest( "type - Default request is GET", function () { oSession.fnRestore(); $('#example').dataTable( { "ajax": { "url": "../data_sources/method.php?method=get" } } ); }, function () { return $('tbody td').eq(1).html() === '2'; } ); oTest.fnWaitTest( "type - Can use `type` to make a POST request", function () { oSession.fnRestore(); $('#example').dataTable( { "ajax": { "url": "../data_sources/method.php?method=post", "type": "POST" } } ); }, function () { return $('tbody td').eq(2).html() === '3'; } ); oTest.fnWaitTest( "type - Can use `type` to make a PUT request", function () { oSession.fnRestore(); $('#example').dataTable( { "ajax": { "url": "../data_sources/method.php?method=put", "type": "PUT" } } ); }, function () { return $('tbody td').eq(0).html() === '1'; } ); // data oTest.fnWaitTest( "data - Function based data - has empty array as input", function () { oSession.fnRestore(); result = false; $('#example').dataTable( { "ajax": { "url": "../data_sources/param.php", "data": function ( d ) { result = d.length === 0; } } } ); }, function () { return result; } ); oTest.fnWaitTest( "data - Function based data - can return an object", function () { oSession.fnRestore(); json = {}; $('#example').dataTable( { "ajax": { "url": "../data_sources/param.php", "data": function ( d ) { return { 'tapestry': 'king' }; } } } ).on('xhr', function (e, settings, o) { json = o; } ); }, function () { return json.get && json.get.tapestry === 'king'; } ); oTest.fnWaitTest( "data - Function based data - multiple properties", function () { oSession.fnRestore(); json = {}; $('#example').dataTable( { "ajax": { "url": "../data_sources/param.php", "data": function ( d ) { return { 'tapestry': 'king', 'move': 'earth' }; } } } ).on('xhr', function (e, settings, o) { json = o; } ); }, function () { return json.get && json.get.tapestry === 'king' && json.get.move === 'earth'; } ); oTest.fnWaitTest( "data - Confirm no other parameters sent", null, function () { return json.get_length === 3; } ); oTest.fnWaitTest( "data - Function based data - can return an array of key/value object pairs", function () { oSession.fnRestore(); json = {}; $('#example').dataTable( { "ajax": { "url": "../data_sources/param.php", "data": function ( d ) { return [ { 'name': 'tapestry', 'value': 'carole' } ]; } } } ).on('xhr', function (e, settings, o) { json = o; } ); }, function () { return json.get && json.get.tapestry === 'carole'; } ); oTest.fnWaitTest( "data - Function based data - multiple properties", function () { oSession.fnRestore(); json = {}; $('#example').dataTable( { "ajax": { "url": "../data_sources/param.php", "data": function ( d ) { return [ { 'name': 'tapestry', 'value': 'carole' }, { 'name': 'feel', 'value': 'earth move' } ]; } } } ).on('xhr', function (e, settings, o) { json = o; } ); }, function () { return json.get && json.get.tapestry === 'carole' && json.get.feel === 'earth move'; } ); oTest.fnWaitTest( "data - Function based data - add parameters to passed in array", function () { oSession.fnRestore(); json = {}; $('#example').dataTable( { "ajax": { "url": "../data_sources/param.php", "data": function ( d ) { d.push( { 'name': 'tapestry', 'value': 'carole' } ); d.push( { 'name': 'rich', 'value': 'hue' } ); } } } ).on('xhr', function (e, settings, o) { json = o; } ); }, function () { return json.get && json.get.tapestry === 'carole' && json.get.rich === 'hue'; } ); oTest.fnWaitTest( "data - Function based data - send parameters by POST", function () { oSession.fnRestore(); json = {}; $('#example').dataTable( { "ajax": { "url": "../data_sources/param.php", "data": function ( d ) { d.push( { 'name': 'tapestry', 'value': 'king' } ); d.push( { 'name': 'rich', 'value': 'hue' } ); }, "type": "POST" } } ).on('xhr', function (e, settings, o) { json = o; } ); }, function () { return json.post && json.post.tapestry === 'king' && json.post.rich === 'hue'; } ); oTest.fnWaitTest( "data - Object based data - sends parameters defined", function () { oSession.fnRestore(); json = {}; $('#example').dataTable( { "ajax": { "url": "../data_sources/param.php", "data": { "too": "late", "got": "friend" } } } ).on('xhr', function (e, settings, o) { json = o; } ); }, function () { return json.get && json.get.too === 'late' && json.get.got === 'friend'; } ); oTest.fnWaitTest( "data - Array based data - sends parameters defined", function () { oSession.fnRestore(); json = {}; $('#example').dataTable( { "ajax": { "url": "../data_sources/param.php", "data": [ { 'name': 'tapestry', 'value': 'king' }, { 'name': 'far', 'value': 'away' } ] } } ).on('xhr', function (e, settings, o) { json = o; } ); }, function () { return json.get && json.get.tapestry === 'king' && json.get.far === 'away'; } ); // dataSrc oTest.fnWaitTest( "dataSrc - Default data source is aaData", function () { oSession.fnRestore(); $('#example').dataTable( { "ajax": { "url": "../data_sources/arrays.php" } } ); }, function () { return $('tbody td').eq(0).html() === '1'; } ); oTest.fnWaitTest( "dataSrc - as a string - read from `data`", function () { oSession.fnRestore(); $('#example').dataTable( { "ajax": { "url": "../data_sources/arrays.php?dataSrc=data", "dataSrc": "data" } } ); }, function () { return $('tbody td').eq(0).html() === '1'; } ); oTest.fnWaitTest( "dataSrc - as a string - read from nested property `data.inner`", function () { oSession.fnRestore(); $('#example').dataTable( { "ajax": { "url": "../data_sources/arrays.php?dataSrc=nested", "dataSrc": "data.inner" } } ); }, function () { return $('tbody td').eq(0).html() === '1'; } ); oTest.fnWaitTest( "dataSrc - as a string - read from plain array", function () { oSession.fnRestore(); $('#example').dataTable( { "ajax": { "url": "../data_sources/arrays.php?dataSrc=plain", "dataSrc": "" } } ); }, function () { return $('tbody td').eq(0).html() === '1'; } ); oTest.fnWaitTest( "dataSrc - as a function, return JSON property", function () { oSession.fnRestore(); $('#example').dataTable( { "ajax": { "url": "../data_sources/arrays.php?dataSrc=nested", "dataSrc": function ( json ) { return json.data.inner; } } } ); }, function () { return $('tbody td').eq(0).html() === '1'; } ); oTest.fnWaitTest( "dataSrc - as a function, can manipulate the data", function () { oSession.fnRestore(); $('#example').dataTable( { "ajax": { "url": "../data_sources/arrays.php?dataSrc=data", "dataSrc": function ( json ) { json.data[0][0] = "Tapestry"; return json.data; } } } ); }, function () { return $('tbody td').eq(0).html() === 'Tapestry' && $('tbody td').eq(1).html() === '2'; } ); // // As a function // oTest.fnTest( "ajax as a function - first parameter is array of data", function () { oSession.fnRestore(); result = null; $('#example').dataTable( { "ajax": function ( data, callback, settings ) { result = arguments; callback( { aaData: [] } ); } } ); }, function () { return $.isArray( result[0] ) && result[0].length === 0; } ); oTest.fnTest( "ajax as a function - second parameter is callback function", null, function () { return $.isFunction( result[1] ); } ); oTest.fnTest( "ajax as a function - third parameter is settings object", null, function () { return result[2] === $('#example').dataTable().fnSettings(); } ); oTest.fnTest( "ajax as a function - only three parameters", null, function () { return result.length === 3; } ); oTest.fnTest( "ajax as a function - callback will insert data into the table", function () { oSession.fnRestore(); $('#example').dataTable( { "ajax": function ( data, callback, settings ) { callback( { aaData: [[1,2,3,4,5]] } ); } } ); }, function () { return $('tbody td').eq(0).html() === '1'; } ); oTest.fnComplete(); } );