// DATA_TEMPLATE: empty_table oTest.fnStart( "Custom data source property - array only" ); $(document).ready( function () { var oInit = { "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/ajax/sources/array_only.txt", "sAjaxDataProp": "" }; $('#example').dataTable( oInit ); oTest.fnWaitTest( "10 rows shown on the first page", null, function () { return $('#example tbody tr').length == 10; } ); oTest.fnTest( "Initial sort occured", null, function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(0)').html() == "Gecko"; } ); /* Need to use the WaitTest for sorting due to the setTimeout datatables uses */ oTest.fnTest( "Sorting (first click) on second column", function () { $('#example thead th:eq(1)').click(); }, function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(1)').html() == "All others"; } ); oTest.fnTest( "Sorting (second click) on second column", function () { $('#example thead th:eq(1)').click(); }, function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(1)').html() == "Seamonkey 1.1"; } ); oTest.fnTest( "Sorting (third click) on second column", function () { $('#example thead th:eq(1)').click(); }, function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(1)').html() == "All others"; } ); oTest.fnTest( "Sorting (first click) on numeric column", function () { $('#example thead th:eq(3)').click(); }, function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(3)').html() == "-"; } ); oTest.fnTest( "Sorting (second click) on numeric column", function () { $('#example thead th:eq(3)').click(); }, function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(3)').html() == "522.1"; } ); oTest.fnTest( "Sorting multi-column (first click)", function () { $('#example thead th:eq(0)').click(); oDispacher.click( $('#example thead th:eq(1)')[0], { 'shift': true } ); }, function () { var b = $('#example tbody td:eq(0)').html() == "Gecko" && $('#example tbody td:eq(1)').html() == "Camino 1.0"; return b; } ); oTest.fnTest( "Sorting multi-column - sorting second column only", function () { $('#example thead th:eq(1)').click(); }, function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(1)').html() == "All others"; } ); /* Basic paging */ oTest.fnTest( "Paging to second page", function () { $('#example_next').click(); }, function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(1)').html() == "IE Mobile"; } ); oTest.fnTest( "Paging to first page", function () { $('#example_previous').click(); }, function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(1)').html() == "All others"; } ); oTest.fnTest( "Attempting to page back beyond the first page", function () { $('#example_previous').click(); }, function () { return $('#example tbody td:eq(1)').html() == "All others"; } ); /* Changing length */ oTest.fnTest( "Changing table length to 25 records", function () { $("select[name=example_length]").val('25').change(); }, function () { return $('#example tbody tr').length == 25; } ); oTest.fnTest( "Changing table length to 50 records", function () { $("select[name=example_length]").val('50').change(); }, function () { return $('#example tbody tr').length == 50; } ); oTest.fnTest( "Changing table length to 100 records", function () { $("select[name=example_length]").val('100').change(); }, function () { return $('#example tbody tr').length == 57; } ); oTest.fnTest( "Changing table length to 10 records", function () { $("select[name=example_length]").val('10').change(); }, function () { return $('#example tbody tr').length == 10; } ); /* * Information element */ oTest.fnTest( "Information on zero config", null, function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == "Showing 1 to 10 of 57 entries"; } ); oTest.fnTest( "Information on second page", function () { $('#example_next').click(); }, function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == "Showing 11 to 20 of 57 entries"; } ); oTest.fnTest( "Information on third page", function () { $('#example_next').click(); }, function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == "Showing 21 to 30 of 57 entries"; } ); oTest.fnComplete(); } );