mirror of https://github.com/DataTables/DataTables.git synced 2025-02-27 00:54:15 +01:00
Allan Jardine 906cfe3b93 Dev: Update example SQL so that the start_date default is null. This
doesn't effect the DataTables demos since the inserts all have values
for this field. It is done for Editor which can use this table for
editing and it simplifies the MySQL aspect.
2016-01-07 15:26:27 +00:00

82 lines
7.7 KiB

-- DataTables Ajax and server-side processing database (Postgres)
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS datatables_demo;
CREATE TABLE datatables_demo (
id serial,
first_name text NOT NULL default '',
last_name text NOT NULL default '',
position text NOT NULL default '',
email text NOT NULL default '',
office text NOT NULL default '',
start_date timestamp without time zone default NULL,
age integer,
salary integer,
seq integer,
extn text NOT NULL default '',
INSERT INTO datatables_demo
( id, first_name, last_name, age, position, salary, start_date, extn, email, office, seq )
( 1, 'Tiger', 'Nixon', 61, 'System Architect', 320800, '2011/04/25', 5421, 't.nixon@datatables.net', 'Edinburgh', 2 ),
( 2, 'Garrett', 'Winters', 63, 'Accountant', 170750, '2011/07/25', 8422, 'g.winters@datatables.net', 'Tokyo', 22 ),
( 3, 'Ashton', 'Cox', 66, 'Junior Technical Author', 86000, '2009/01/12', 1562, 'a.cox@datatables.net', 'San Francisco', 6 ),
( 4, 'Cedric', 'Kelly', 22, 'Senior Javascript Developer', 433060, '2012/03/29', 6224, 'c.kelly@datatables.net', 'Edinburgh', 41 ),
( 5, 'Airi', 'Satou', 33, 'Accountant', 162700, '2008/11/28', 5407, 'a.satou@datatables.net', 'Tokyo', 55 ),
( 6, 'Brielle', 'Williamson', 61, 'Integration Specialist', 372000, '2012/12/02', 4804, 'b.williamson@datatables.net', 'New York', 21 ),
( 7, 'Herrod', 'Chandler', 59, 'Sales Assistant', 137500, '2012/08/06', 9608, 'h.chandler@datatables.net', 'San Francisco', 46 ),
( 8, 'Rhona', 'Davidson', 55, 'Integration Specialist', 327900, '2010/10/14', 6200, 'r.davidson@datatables.net', 'Tokyo', 50 ),
( 9, 'Colleen', 'Hurst', 39, 'Javascript Developer', 205500, '2009/09/15', 2360, 'c.hurst@datatables.net', 'San Francisco', 26 ),
( 10, 'Sonya', 'Frost', 23, 'Software Engineer', 103600, '2008/12/13', 1667, 's.frost@datatables.net', 'Edinburgh', 18 ),
( 11, 'Jena', 'Gaines', 30, 'Office Manager', 90560, '2008/12/19', 3814, 'j.gaines@datatables.net', 'London', 13 ),
( 12, 'Quinn', 'Flynn', 22, 'Support Lead', 342000, '2013/03/03', 9497, 'q.flynn@datatables.net', 'Edinburgh', 23 ),
( 13, 'Charde', 'Marshall', 36, 'Regional Director', 470600, '2008/10/16', 6741, 'c.marshall@datatables.net', 'San Francisco', 14 ),
( 14, 'Haley', 'Kennedy', 43, 'Senior Marketing Designer', 313500, '2012/12/18', 3597, 'h.kennedy@datatables.net', 'London', 12 ),
( 15, 'Tatyana', 'Fitzpatrick', 19, 'Regional Director', 385750, '2010/03/17', 1965, 't.fitzpatrick@datatables.net', 'London', 54 ),
( 16, 'Michael', 'Silva', 66, 'Marketing Designer', 198500, '2012/11/27', 1581, 'm.silva@datatables.net', 'London', 37 ),
( 17, 'Paul', 'Byrd', 64, 'Chief Financial Officer (CFO)', 725000, '2010/06/09', 3059, 'p.byrd@datatables.net', 'New York', 32 ),
( 18, 'Gloria', 'Little', 59, 'Systems Administrator', 237500, '2009/04/10', 1721, 'g.little@datatables.net', 'New York', 35 ),
( 19, 'Bradley', 'Greer', 41, 'Software Engineer', 132000, '2012/10/13', 2558, 'b.greer@datatables.net', 'London', 48 ),
( 20, 'Dai', 'Rios', 35, 'Personnel Lead', 217500, '2012/09/26', 2290, 'd.rios@datatables.net', 'Edinburgh', 45 ),
( 21, 'Jenette', 'Caldwell', 30, 'Development Lead', 345000, '2011/09/03', 1937, 'j.caldwell@datatables.net', 'New York', 17 ),
( 22, 'Yuri', 'Berry', 40, 'Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)', 675000, '2009/06/25', 6154, 'y.berry@datatables.net', 'New York', 57 ),
( 23, 'Caesar', 'Vance', 21, 'Pre-Sales Support', 106450, '2011/12/12', 8330, 'c.vance@datatables.net', 'New York', 29 ),
( 24, 'Doris', 'Wilder', 23, 'Sales Assistant', 85600, '2010/09/20', 3023, 'd.wilder@datatables.net', 'Sidney', 56 ),
( 25, 'Angelica', 'Ramos', 47, 'Chief Executive Officer (CEO)', 1200000, '2009/10/09', 5797, 'a.ramos@datatables.net', 'London', 36 ),
( 26, 'Gavin', 'Joyce', 42, 'Developer', 92575, '2010/12/22', 8822, 'g.joyce@datatables.net', 'Edinburgh', 5 ),
( 27, 'Jennifer', 'Chang', 28, 'Regional Director', 357650, '2010/11/14', 9239, 'j.chang@datatables.net', 'Singapore', 51 ),
( 28, 'Brenden', 'Wagner', 28, 'Software Engineer', 206850, '2011/06/07', 1314, 'b.wagner@datatables.net', 'San Francisco', 20 ),
( 29, 'Fiona', 'Green', 48, 'Chief Operating Officer (COO)', 850000, '2010/03/11', 2947, 'f.green@datatables.net', 'San Francisco', 7 ),
( 30, 'Shou', 'Itou', 20, 'Regional Marketing', 163000, '2011/08/14', 8899, 's.itou@datatables.net', 'Tokyo', 1 ),
( 31, 'Michelle', 'House', 37, 'Integration Specialist', 95400, '2011/06/02', 2769, 'm.house@datatables.net', 'Sidney', 39 ),
( 32, 'Suki', 'Burks', 53, 'Developer', 114500, '2009/10/22', 6832, 's.burks@datatables.net', 'London', 40 ),
( 33, 'Prescott', 'Bartlett', 27, 'Technical Author', 145000, '2011/05/07', 3606, 'p.bartlett@datatables.net', 'London', 47 ),
( 34, 'Gavin', 'Cortez', 22, 'Team Leader', 235500, '2008/10/26', 2860, 'g.cortez@datatables.net', 'San Francisco', 52 ),
( 35, 'Martena', 'Mccray', 46, 'Post-Sales support', 324050, '2011/03/09', 8240, 'm.mccray@datatables.net', 'Edinburgh', 8 ),
( 36, 'Unity', 'Butler', 47, 'Marketing Designer', 85675, '2009/12/09', 5384, 'u.butler@datatables.net', 'San Francisco', 24 ),
( 37, 'Howard', 'Hatfield', 51, 'Office Manager', 164500, '2008/12/16', 7031, 'h.hatfield@datatables.net', 'San Francisco', 38 ),
( 38, 'Hope', 'Fuentes', 41, 'Secretary', 109850, '2010/02/12', 6318, 'h.fuentes@datatables.net', 'San Francisco', 53 ),
( 39, 'Vivian', 'Harrell', 62, 'Financial Controller', 452500, '2009/02/14', 9422, 'v.harrell@datatables.net', 'San Francisco', 30 ),
( 40, 'Timothy', 'Mooney', 37, 'Office Manager', 136200, '2008/12/11', 7580, 't.mooney@datatables.net', 'London', 28 ),
( 41, 'Jackson', 'Bradshaw', 65, 'Director', 645750, '2008/09/26', 1042, 'j.bradshaw@datatables.net', 'New York', 34 ),
( 42, 'Olivia', 'Liang', 64, 'Support Engineer', 234500, '2011/02/03', 2120, 'o.liang@datatables.net', 'Singapore', 4 ),
( 43, 'Bruno', 'Nash', 38, 'Software Engineer', 163500, '2011/05/03', 6222, 'b.nash@datatables.net', 'London', 3 ),
( 44, 'Sakura', 'Yamamoto', 37, 'Support Engineer', 139575, '2009/08/19', 9383, 's.yamamoto@datatables.net', 'Tokyo', 31 ),
( 45, 'Thor', 'Walton', 61, 'Developer', 98540, '2013/08/11', 8327, 't.walton@datatables.net', 'New York', 11 ),
( 46, 'Finn', 'Camacho', 47, 'Support Engineer', 87500, '2009/07/07', 2927, 'f.camacho@datatables.net', 'San Francisco', 10 ),
( 47, 'Serge', 'Baldwin', 64, 'Data Coordinator', 138575, '2012/04/09', 8352, 's.baldwin@datatables.net', 'Singapore', 44 ),
( 48, 'Zenaida', 'Frank', 63, 'Software Engineer', 125250, '2010/01/04', 7439, 'z.frank@datatables.net', 'New York', 42 ),
( 49, 'Zorita', 'Serrano', 56, 'Software Engineer', 115000, '2012/06/01', 4389, 'z.serrano@datatables.net', 'San Francisco', 27 ),
( 50, 'Jennifer', 'Acosta', 43, 'Junior Javascript Developer', 75650, '2013/02/01', 3431, 'j.acosta@datatables.net', 'Edinburgh', 49 ),
( 51, 'Cara', 'Stevens', 46, 'Sales Assistant', 145600, '2011/12/06', 3990, 'c.stevens@datatables.net', 'New York', 15 ),
( 52, 'Hermione', 'Butler', 47, 'Regional Director', 356250, '2011/03/21', 1016, 'h.butler@datatables.net', 'London', 9 ),
( 53, 'Lael', 'Greer', 21, 'Systems Administrator', 103500, '2009/02/27', 6733, 'l.greer@datatables.net', 'London', 25 ),
( 54, 'Jonas', 'Alexander', 30, 'Developer', 86500, '2010/07/14', 8196, 'j.alexander@datatables.net', 'San Francisco', 33 ),
( 55, 'Shad', 'Decker', 51, 'Regional Director', 183000, '2008/11/13', 6373, 's.decker@datatables.net', 'Edinburgh', 43 ),
( 56, 'Michael', 'Bruce', 29, 'Javascript Developer', 183000, '2011/06/27', 5384, 'm.bruce@datatables.net', 'Singapore', 16 ),
( 57, 'Donna', 'Snider', 27, 'Customer Support', 112000, '2011/01/25', 4226, 'd.snider@datatables.net', 'New York', 19 );
ALTER SEQUENCE datatables_demo_id_seq RESTART WITH 58;