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/* ======== SourceHook ========
* Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Metamod:Source Development Team
* No warranties of any kind
* License: zlib/libpng
* Author(s): Pavol "PM OnoTo" Marko
* ============================
* @file sourcehook.h
* @brief Contains the public SourceHook API
#ifndef __SOURCEHOOK_H__
#define __SOURCEHOOK_H__
// Interface revisions:
// 1 - Initial revision
// 2 - Changed to virtual functions for iterators and all queries
// 3 - Added "hook loop status variable"
// 4 - Reentrant
#define SH_GLOB_SHPTR g_SHPtr
#ifdef SH_DEBUG
# include <stdio.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
# define SH_ASSERT(x, info) \
do { \
if (!(x)) \
{ \
printf("SOURCEHOOK DEBUG ASSERTION FAILED: %s:%u(%s): %s: ", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, #x); \
printf info; \
putchar('\n'); \
abort(); \
} \
} while(0)
# define SH_ASSERT(x, info)
// System
#define SH_SYS_WIN32 1
#define SH_SYS_LINUX 2
#ifdef _WIN32
# define SH_SYS SH_SYS_WIN32
#elif defined __linux__
# error Unsupported system
// Compiler
#define SH_COMP_GCC 1
#define SH_COMP_MSVC 2
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#elif defined __GNUC__
# error Unsupported compiler
# define vsnprintf _vsnprintf
#define SH_PTRSIZE sizeof(void*)
#include "FastDelegate.h"
#include "sh_memfuncinfo.h"
// Good old metamod!
// Flags returned by a plugin's api function.
// NOTE: order is crucial, as greater/less comparisons are made.
MRES_IGNORED=0, // plugin didn't take any action
MRES_HANDLED, // plugin did something, but real function should still be called
MRES_OVERRIDE, // call real function, but use my return value
MRES_SUPERCEDE // skip real function; use my return value
namespace SourceHook
* @brief Specifies the size (in bytes) for the internal buffer of vafmt(printf-like) function handlers
const int STRBUF_LEN=4096;
* @brief An empty class. No inheritance used. Used for original-function-call hacks
class EmptyClass
* @brief Implicit cast.
template <class In, class Out>
inline Out implicit_cast(In input)
return input;
* @brief A plugin typedef
* SourceHook doesn't really care what this is. As long as the ==, != and = operators work on it and every
* plugin has a unique identifier, everything is ok.
* It should also be possible to set it to 0.
typedef int Plugin;
* @brief Specifies the actions for hook managers
enum HookManagerAction
HA_GetInfo = 0, //!< Store info about the hook manager
HA_Register, //!< Save the IHookManagerInfo pointer for future reference
HA_Unregister //!< Clear the saved pointer
struct IHookManagerInfo;
* @brief Pointer to hook manager interface function
* A "hook manager" is a the only thing that knows the actual protoype of the function at compile time.
* @param ha What the hook manager should do
* @param hi A pointer to IHookManagerInfo
typedef int (*HookManagerPubFunc)(HookManagerAction ha, IHookManagerInfo *hi);
class ISHDelegate
virtual void DeleteThis() = 0; // Ugly, I know
virtual bool IsEqual(ISHDelegate *other) = 0;
template <class T> class CSHDelegate : public ISHDelegate
T m_Deleg;
CSHDelegate(T deleg) : m_Deleg(deleg)
CSHDelegate(const CSHDelegate &other) : m_Deleg(other.m_Deleg)
void DeleteThis()
delete this;
bool IsEqual(ISHDelegate *other)
return static_cast<CSHDelegate<T>* >(other)->GetDeleg() == GetDeleg();
T &GetDeleg()
return m_Deleg;
struct IHookList
struct IIter
virtual bool End() = 0;
virtual void Next() = 0;
virtual ISHDelegate *Handler() = 0;
virtual int ThisPtrOffs() = 0;
virtual IIter *GetIter() = 0;
virtual void ReleaseIter(IIter *pIter) = 0;
struct IIface
virtual void *GetPtr() = 0;
virtual IHookList *GetPreHooks() = 0;
virtual IHookList *GetPostHooks() = 0;
struct IVfnPtr
virtual void *GetVfnPtr() = 0;
virtual void *GetOrigEntry() = 0;
virtual IIface *FindIface(void *ptr) = 0;
struct IHookManagerInfo
virtual IVfnPtr *FindVfnPtr(void *vfnptr) = 0;
virtual void SetInfo(int vtbloffs, int vtblidx, const char *proto) = 0;
virtual void SetHookfuncVfnptr(void *hookfunc_vfnptr) = 0;
class AutoHookIter
IHookList *m_pList;
IHookList::IIter *m_pIter;
AutoHookIter(IHookList *pList)
: m_pList(pList), m_pIter(pList->GetIter())
if (m_pList)
bool End()
return m_pIter->End();
void Next()
ISHDelegate *Handler()
return m_pIter->Handler();
int ThisPtrOffs()
return m_pIter->ThisPtrOffs();
void SetToZero()
m_pList = 0;
template<class B> struct CallClass
virtual B *GetThisPtr() = 0;
virtual void *GetOrigFunc(int vtbloffs, int vtblidx) = 0;
typedef CallClass<void> GenericCallClass;
* @brief The main SourceHook interface
class ISourceHook
* @brief Return interface version
virtual int GetIfaceVersion() = 0;
* @brief Return implementation version
virtual int GetImplVersion() = 0;
* @brief Add a hook.
* @return True if the function succeeded, false otherwise
* @param plug The unique identifier of the plugin that calls this function
* @param iface The interface pointer
* @param ifacesize The size of the class iface points to
* @param myHookMan A hook manager function that should be capable of handling the function
* @param handler A pointer to a FastDelegate containing the hook handler
* @param post Set to true if you want a post handler
virtual bool AddHook(Plugin plug, void *iface, int thisptr_offs, HookManagerPubFunc myHookMan,
ISHDelegate *handler, bool post) = 0;
* @brief Removes a hook.
* @return True if the function succeeded, false otherwise
* @param plug The unique identifier of the plugin that calls this function
* @param iface The interface pointer
* @param myHookMan A hook manager function that should be capable of handling the function
* @param handler A pointer to a FastDelegate containing the hook handler
* @param post Set to true if you want a post handler
virtual bool RemoveHook(Plugin plug, void *iface, int thisptr_offs, HookManagerPubFunc myHookMan,
ISHDelegate *handler, bool post) = 0;
* @brief Checks whether a plugin has (a) hook manager(s) that is/are currently used by other plugins
* @param plug The unique identifier of the plugin in question
virtual bool IsPluginInUse(Plugin plug) = 0;
* @brief Return a pointer to a callclass. Generate a new one if required.
* @param iface The interface pointer
* @param size Size of the class instance
virtual GenericCallClass *GetCallClass(void *iface, size_t size) = 0;
* @brief Release a callclass
* @param ptr Pointer to the callclass
virtual void ReleaseCallClass(GenericCallClass *ptr) = 0;
virtual void SetRes(META_RES res) = 0; //!< Sets the meta result
virtual META_RES GetPrevRes() = 0; //!< Gets the meta result of the
//!< previously calledhandler
virtual META_RES GetStatus() = 0; //!< Gets the highest meta result
virtual const void *GetOrigRet() = 0; //!< Gets the original result.
//!< If not in post function, undefined
virtual const void *GetOverrideRet() = 0; //!< Gets the override result.
//!< If none is specified, NULL
virtual void *GetIfacePtr() = 0; //!< Gets the interface pointer
// For hook managers
virtual void HookLoopBegin(IIface *pIface) = 0; //!< Should be called when a hook loop begins
virtual void HookLoopEnd() = 0; //!< Should be called when a hook loop exits
virtual void SetCurResPtr(META_RES *mres) = 0; //!< Sets pointer to the current meta result
virtual void SetPrevResPtr(META_RES *mres) = 0; //!< Sets pointer to previous meta result
virtual void SetStatusPtr(META_RES *mres) = 0; //!< Sets pointer to the status variable
virtual void SetIfacePtrPtr(void **pp) = 0; //!< Sets pointer to the interface this pointer
virtual void SetOrigRetPtr(const void *ptr) = 0; //!< Sets the original return pointer
virtual void SetOverrideRetPtr(const void *ptr) = 0; //!< Sets the override result pointer
virtual bool ShouldContinue() = 0; //!< Returns false if the hook loop should exit
/* High level interface */
#define SET_META_RESULT(result) SH_GLOB_SHPTR->SetRes(result)
#define RETURN_META(result) do { SET_META_RESULT(result); return; } while(0)
#define RETURN_META_VALUE(result, value) do { SET_META_RESULT(result); return (value); } while(0)
#define META_RESULT_ORIG_RET(type) *reinterpret_cast<const type*>(SH_GLOB_SHPTR->GetOrigRet())
#define META_RESULT_OVERRIDE_RET(type) *reinterpret_cast<const type*>(SH_GLOB_SHPTR->GetOverrideRet())
#define META_IFACEPTR(type) reinterpret_cast<type*>(SH_GLOB_SHPTR->GetIfacePtr())
* @brief Get/generate callclass for an interface pointer
* @param ifaceptr The interface pointer
template<class ifacetype>
inline SourceHook::CallClass<ifacetype> *SH_GET_CALLCLASS_R(SourceHook::ISourceHook *shptr, ifacetype *ptr)
return reinterpret_cast<SourceHook::CallClass<ifacetype>*>(
shptr->GetCallClass(reinterpret_cast<void*>(ptr), sizeof(ifacetype)));
template<class ifacetype>
inline void SH_RELEASE_CALLCLASS_R(SourceHook::ISourceHook *shptr, SourceHook::CallClass<ifacetype> *ptr)
#define SH_ADD_HOOK(ifacetype, ifacefunc, ifaceptr, handler, post) \
__SourceHook_FHAdd##ifacetype##ifacefunc((void*)SourceHook::implicit_cast<ifacetype*>(ifaceptr), \
post, handler)
#define SH_ADD_HOOK_STATICFUNC(ifacetype, ifacefunc, ifaceptr, handler, post) \
SH_ADD_HOOK(ifacetype, ifacefunc, ifaceptr, fastdelegate::MakeDelegate(handler), post)
#define SH_ADD_HOOK_MEMFUNC(ifacetype, ifacefunc, ifaceptr, handler_inst, handler_func, post) \
SH_ADD_HOOK(ifacetype, ifacefunc, ifaceptr, fastdelegate::MakeDelegate(handler_inst, handler_func), post)
#define SH_REMOVE_HOOK(ifacetype, ifacefunc, ifaceptr, handler, post) \
__SourceHook_FHRemove##ifacetype##ifacefunc((void*)SourceHook::implicit_cast<ifacetype*>(ifaceptr), \
post, handler)
#define SH_REMOVE_HOOK_STATICFUNC(ifacetype, ifacefunc, ifaceptr, handler, post) \
SH_REMOVE_HOOK(ifacetype, ifacefunc, ifaceptr, fastdelegate::MakeDelegate(handler), post)
#define SH_REMOVE_HOOK_MEMFUNC(ifacetype, ifacefunc, ifaceptr, handler_inst, handler_func, post) \
SH_REMOVE_HOOK(ifacetype, ifacefunc, ifaceptr, fastdelegate::MakeDelegate(handler_inst, handler_func), post)
# define SH_SETUP_MFP(mfp) \
reinterpret_cast<void**>(&mfp)[0] = vfnptr_origentry;
# define SH_SETUP_MFP(mfp) \
reinterpret_cast<void**>(&mfp)[0] = vfnptr_origentry; \
reinterpret_cast<void**>(&mfp)[1] = 0;
# error Not supported yet.
#define SH_FHCls(ift, iff, ov) __SourceHook_FHCls_##ift##iff##ov
#define SHINT_MAKE_HOOKMANPUBFUNC(ifacetype, ifacefunc, overload, funcptr) \
SH_FHCls(ifacetype,ifacefunc,overload)() \
{ \
GetFuncInfo(funcptr, ms_MFI); \
} \
static int HookManPubFunc(::SourceHook::HookManagerAction action, ::SourceHook::IHookManagerInfo *param) \
{ \
using namespace ::SourceHook; \
GetFuncInfo(funcptr, ms_MFI); \
/* Verify interface version */ \
if (SH_GLOB_SHPTR->GetIfaceVersion() != SH_IFACE_VERSION) \
return 1; \
if (action == ::SourceHook::HA_GetInfo) \
{ \
param->SetInfo(ms_MFI.vtbloffs, ms_MFI.vtblindex, ms_Proto); \
MemFuncInfo mfi; \
GetFuncInfo(&SH_FHCls(ifacetype,ifacefunc,overload)::Func, mfi); \
param->SetHookfuncVfnptr( \
reinterpret_cast<void**>(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&ms_Inst) + mfi.vtbloffs)[mfi.vtblindex]); \
return 0; \
} \
else if (action == ::SourceHook::HA_Register) \
{ \
ms_HI = param; \
return 0; \
} \
else if (action == ::SourceHook::HA_Unregister) \
{ \
ms_HI = NULL; \
return 0; \
} \
else \
return 1; \
// It has to be possible to use the macros in namespaces
// -> So we need to access and extend the global SourceHook namespace
// We use a namespace alias for this
#define SHINT_MAKE_GENERICSTUFF_BEGIN(ifacetype, ifacefunc, overload, funcptr) \
struct SH_FHCls(ifacetype,ifacefunc,overload) \
{ \
static SH_FHCls(ifacetype,ifacefunc,overload) ms_Inst; \
static ::SourceHook::MemFuncInfo ms_MFI; \
static ::SourceHook::IHookManagerInfo *ms_HI; \
static const char *ms_Proto; \
SHINT_MAKE_HOOKMANPUBFUNC(ifacetype, ifacefunc, overload, funcptr)
#define SHINT_MAKE_GENERICSTUFF_END(ifacetype, ifacefunc, overload, proto, funcptr) \
}; \
SH_FHCls(ifacetype,ifacefunc,overload) SH_FHCls(ifacetype,ifacefunc,overload)::ms_Inst; \
::SourceHook::MemFuncInfo SH_FHCls(ifacetype,ifacefunc,overload)::ms_MFI; \
::SourceHook::IHookManagerInfo *SH_FHCls(ifacetype,ifacefunc,overload)::ms_HI; \
const char *SH_FHCls(ifacetype,ifacefunc,overload)::ms_Proto = proto; \
bool __SourceHook_FHAdd##ifacetype##ifacefunc(void *iface, bool post, \
SH_FHCls(ifacetype,ifacefunc,overload)::FD handler) \
{ \
using namespace ::SourceHook; \
MemFuncInfo mfi; \
GetFuncInfo(funcptr, mfi); \
if (mfi.thisptroffs < 0) \
return false; /* No virtual inheritance supported */ \
return SH_GLOB_SHPTR->AddHook(SH_GLOB_PLUGPTR, iface, mfi.thisptroffs, \
SH_FHCls(ifacetype,ifacefunc,overload)::HookManPubFunc, \
new CSHDelegate<SH_FHCls(ifacetype,ifacefunc,overload)::FD>(handler), post); \
} \
bool __SourceHook_FHRemove##ifacetype##ifacefunc(void *iface, bool post, \
SH_FHCls(ifacetype,ifacefunc,overload)::FD handler) \
{ \
using namespace ::SourceHook; \
MemFuncInfo mfi; \
GetFuncInfo(funcptr, mfi); \
if (mfi.thisptroffs < 0) \
return false; /* No virtual inheritance supported */ \
CSHDelegate<SH_FHCls(ifacetype,ifacefunc,overload)::FD> tmp(handler); \
return SH_GLOB_SHPTR->RemoveHook(SH_GLOB_PLUGPTR, iface, mfi.thisptroffs, \
SH_FHCls(ifacetype,ifacefunc,overload)::HookManPubFunc, &tmp, post); \
} \
#define SH_SETUPCALLS(rettype, paramtypes, params) \
/* 1) Find the vfnptr */ \
using namespace ::SourceHook; \
void *ourvfnptr = reinterpret_cast<void*>( \
*reinterpret_cast<void***>(reinterpret_cast<char*>(this) + ms_MFI.vtbloffs) + ms_MFI.vtblindex); \
IVfnPtr *vfnptr = ms_HI->FindVfnPtr(ourvfnptr); \
SH_ASSERT(vfnptr, ("Called with vfnptr 0x%p which couldn't be found in the list", ourvfnptr)); \
void *vfnptr_origentry = vfnptr->GetOrigEntry(); \
/* ... and the iface */ \
IIface *ifinfo = vfnptr->FindIface(reinterpret_cast<void*>(this)); \
if (!ifinfo) \
{ \
/* The iface info was not found. Redirect the call to the original function. */ \
rettype (EmptyClass::*mfp)paramtypes; \
SH_SETUP_MFP(mfp); \
return (reinterpret_cast<EmptyClass*>(this)->*mfp)params; \
} \
/* 2) Declare some vars and set it up */ \
SH_GLOB_SHPTR->HookLoopBegin(ifinfo); \
IHookList *prelist = ifinfo->GetPreHooks(); \
IHookList *postlist = ifinfo->GetPostHooks(); \
META_RES prev_res; \
META_RES cur_res; \
SH_GLOB_SHPTR->SetStatusPtr(&status); \
SH_GLOB_SHPTR->SetPrevResPtr(&prev_res); \
SH_GLOB_SHPTR->SetCurResPtr(&cur_res); \
rettype orig_ret; \
rettype override_ret; \
rettype plugin_ret; \
void* ifptr; \
SH_GLOB_SHPTR->SetIfacePtrPtr(&ifptr); \
SH_GLOB_SHPTR->SetOrigRetPtr(reinterpret_cast<void*>(&orig_ret)); \
#define SH_CALL_HOOKS(post, params) \
if (SH_GLOB_SHPTR->ShouldContinue()) \
{ \
prev_res = MRES_IGNORED; \
for (AutoHookIter iter(post##list); !iter.End(); iter.Next()) \
{ \
cur_res = MRES_IGNORED; \
ifptr = reinterpret_cast<void*>(reinterpret_cast<char*>(this) - iter.ThisPtrOffs()); \
plugin_ret = reinterpret_cast<CSHDelegate<FD>*>(iter.Handler())->GetDeleg() params; \
prev_res = cur_res; \
if (cur_res > status) \
status = cur_res; \
if (cur_res >= MRES_OVERRIDE) \
{ \
override_ret = plugin_ret; \
SH_GLOB_SHPTR->SetOverrideRetPtr(&override_ret); \
} \
if (!SH_GLOB_SHPTR->ShouldContinue()) \
{ \
iter.SetToZero(); \
break; \
} \
} \
#define SH_CALL_ORIG(ifacetype, ifacefunc, rettype, paramtypes, params) \
if (status != MRES_SUPERCEDE) \
{ \
rettype (EmptyClass::*mfp)paramtypes; \
SH_SETUP_MFP(mfp); \
orig_ret = (reinterpret_cast<EmptyClass*>(this)->*mfp)params; \
} \
else \
orig_ret = override_ret;
#define SH_RETURN() \
SH_GLOB_SHPTR->HookLoopEnd(); \
return status >= MRES_OVERRIDE ? override_ret : orig_ret;
#define SH_HANDLEFUNC(ifacetype, ifacefunc, paramtypes, params, rettype) \
SH_SETUPCALLS(rettype, paramtypes, params) \
SH_CALL_HOOKS(pre, params) \
SH_CALL_ORIG(ifacetype, ifacefunc, rettype, paramtypes, params) \
SH_CALL_HOOKS(post, params) \
#define SH_SETUPCALLS_void(paramtypes, params) \
/* 1) Find the vfnptr */ \
using namespace ::SourceHook; \
void *ourvfnptr = reinterpret_cast<void*>( \
*reinterpret_cast<void***>(reinterpret_cast<char*>(this) + ms_MFI.vtbloffs) + ms_MFI.vtblindex); \
IVfnPtr *vfnptr = ms_HI->FindVfnPtr(ourvfnptr); \
SH_ASSERT(vfnptr, ("Called with vfnptr 0x%p which couldn't be found in the list", ourvfnptr)); \
void *vfnptr_origentry = vfnptr->GetOrigEntry(); \
/* ... and the iface */ \
IIface *ifinfo = vfnptr->FindIface(reinterpret_cast<void*>(this)); \
if (!ifinfo) \
{ \
/* The iface info was not found. Redirect the call to the original function. */ \
void (EmptyClass::*mfp)paramtypes; \
SH_SETUP_MFP(mfp); \
(reinterpret_cast<EmptyClass*>(this)->*mfp)params; \
return; \
} \
/* 2) Declare some vars and set it up */ \
SH_GLOB_SHPTR->HookLoopBegin(ifinfo); \
IHookList *prelist = ifinfo->GetPreHooks(); \
IHookList *postlist = ifinfo->GetPostHooks(); \
META_RES prev_res; \
META_RES cur_res; \
SH_GLOB_SHPTR->SetStatusPtr(&status); \
SH_GLOB_SHPTR->SetPrevResPtr(&prev_res); \
SH_GLOB_SHPTR->SetCurResPtr(&cur_res); \
void* ifptr; \
SH_GLOB_SHPTR->SetIfacePtrPtr(&ifptr); \
SH_GLOB_SHPTR->SetOverrideRetPtr(NULL); \
#define SH_CALL_HOOKS_void(post, params) \
if (SH_GLOB_SHPTR->ShouldContinue()) \
{ \
prev_res = MRES_IGNORED; \
for (AutoHookIter iter(post##list); !iter.End(); iter.Next()) \
{ \
cur_res = MRES_IGNORED; \
ifptr = reinterpret_cast<void*>(reinterpret_cast<char*>(this) - iter.ThisPtrOffs()); \
reinterpret_cast<CSHDelegate<FD>*>(iter.Handler())->GetDeleg() params; \
prev_res = cur_res; \
if (cur_res > status) \
status = cur_res; \
if (!SH_GLOB_SHPTR->ShouldContinue()) \
{ \
iter.SetToZero(); \
break; \
} \
} \
#define SH_CALL_ORIG_void(ifacetype, ifacefunc, paramtypes, params) \
if (status != MRES_SUPERCEDE) \
{ \
void (EmptyClass::*mfp)paramtypes; \
SH_SETUP_MFP(mfp); \
(reinterpret_cast<EmptyClass*>(this)->*mfp)params; \
#define SH_RETURN_void() \
#define SH_HANDLEFUNC_void(ifacetype, ifacefunc, paramtypes, params) \
SH_SETUPCALLS_void(paramtypes, params) \
SH_CALL_HOOKS_void(pre, params) \
SH_CALL_ORIG_void(ifacetype, ifacefunc, paramtypes, params) \
SH_CALL_HOOKS_void(post, params) \
// Special vafmt handlers
#define SH_HANDLEFUNC_vafmt(ifacetype, ifacefunc, paramtypes, params_orig, params_plug, rettype) \
SH_SETUPCALLS(rettype, paramtypes, params_orig) \
SH_CALL_HOOKS(pre, params_plug) \
SH_CALL_ORIG(ifacetype, ifacefunc, rettype, paramtypes, params_orig) \
SH_CALL_HOOKS(post, params_plug) \
#define SH_HANDLEFUNC_void_vafmt(ifacetype, ifacefunc, paramtypes, params_orig, params_plug) \
SH_SETUPCALLS_void(paramtypes, params_orig) \
SH_CALL_HOOKS_void(pre, params_plug) \
SH_CALL_ORIG_void(ifacetype, ifacefunc, paramtypes, params_orig) \
SH_CALL_HOOKS_void(post, params_plug) \
// ********* Support for @$@ arguments *********
#define SH_DECL_HOOK@$@(ifacetype, ifacefunc, attr, overload, rettype@, param%%@) \
SHINT_MAKE_GENERICSTUFF_BEGIN(ifacetype, ifacefunc, overload, (static_cast<rettype (ifacetype::*)(@param%%|, @) attr> \
(&ifacetype::ifacefunc))) \
typedef fastdelegate::FastDelegate@$@<@param%%|, @@, @rettype> FD; \
virtual rettype Func(@param%% p%%|, @) \
{ SH_HANDLEFUNC(ifacetype, ifacefunc, (@param%%|, @), (@p%%|, @), rettype); } \
SHINT_MAKE_GENERICSTUFF_END(ifacetype, ifacefunc, overload, #attr "|" #rettype @"|" #param%%| @, \
(static_cast<rettype (ifacetype::*)(@param%%|, @) attr>(&ifacetype::ifacefunc)))
#define SH_DECL_HOOK@$@_void(ifacetype, ifacefunc, attr, overload@, param%%@) \
SHINT_MAKE_GENERICSTUFF_BEGIN(ifacetype, ifacefunc, overload, (static_cast<void (ifacetype::*)(@param%%|, @) attr> \
(&ifacetype::ifacefunc))) \
typedef fastdelegate::FastDelegate@$@<@param%%|, @> FD; \
virtual void Func(@param%% p%%|, @) \
{ SH_HANDLEFUNC_void(ifacetype, ifacefunc, (@param%%|, @), (@p%%|, @)); } \
SHINT_MAKE_GENERICSTUFF_END(ifacetype, ifacefunc, overload, #attr @"|" #param%%| @, \
(static_cast<void (ifacetype::*)(@param%%|, @) attr>(&ifacetype::ifacefunc)))
#define SH_DECL_HOOK@$@_vafmt(ifacetype, ifacefunc, attr, overload, rettype@, param%%@) \
SHINT_MAKE_GENERICSTUFF_BEGIN(ifacetype, ifacefunc, overload, (static_cast<rettype (ifacetype::*)(@param%%|, @@, @const char *, ...) attr> \
(&ifacetype::ifacefunc))) \
typedef fastdelegate::FastDelegate@$+1@<@param%%|, @@, @const char *, rettype> FD; \
virtual rettype Func(@param%% p%%|, @@, @const char *fmt, ...) \
{ \
char buf[::SourceHook::STRBUF_LEN]; \
va_list ap; \
va_start(ap, fmt); \
vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, ap); \
va_end(ap); \
SH_HANDLEFUNC_vafmt(ifacetype, ifacefunc, (@param%%|, @@, @...), (@p%%|, @@, @"%s", buf), (@p%%|, @@, @buf), rettype); \
} \
SHINT_MAKE_GENERICSTUFF_END(ifacetype, ifacefunc, overload, #attr "|" #rettype @"|" #param%%| @ "|const char*|...", \
(static_cast<rettype (ifacetype::*)(@param%%|, @@, @const char *, ...) attr>(&ifacetype::ifacefunc)))
#define SH_DECL_HOOK@$@_void_vafmt(ifacetype, ifacefunc, attr, overload@, param%%@) \
SHINT_MAKE_GENERICSTUFF_BEGIN(ifacetype, ifacefunc, overload, (static_cast<void (ifacetype::*)(@param%%|, @@, @const char *, ...) attr> \
(&ifacetype::ifacefunc))) \
typedef fastdelegate::FastDelegate@$+1@<@param%%|, @@, @const char *> FD; \
virtual void Func(@param%% p%%|, @@, @const char *fmt, ...) \
{ \
char buf[::SourceHook::STRBUF_LEN]; \
va_list ap; \
va_start(ap, fmt); \
vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, ap); \
va_end(ap); \
SH_HANDLEFUNC_void_vafmt(ifacetype, ifacefunc, (@param%%|, @@, @...), (@p%%|, @@, @"%s", buf), (@p%%|, @@, @buf)); \
} \
SHINT_MAKE_GENERICSTUFF_END(ifacetype, ifacefunc, overload, #attr @"|" #param%%| @ "|const char*|...", \
(static_cast<void (ifacetype::*)(@param%%|, @@, @const char *, ...) attr>(&ifacetype::ifacefunc)))
# define SH_MAKE_EXECUTABLECLASS_OB(call, prms) \
{ \
using namespace ::SourceHook; \
MemFuncInfo mfi; \
GetFuncInfo(m_CC->GetThisPtr(), m_MFP, mfi); \
void *origfunc = m_CC->GetOrigFunc(mfi.thisptroffs + mfi.vtbloffs, mfi.vtblindex); \
if (!origfunc) \
return (m_CC->GetThisPtr()->*m_MFP)call; \
/* It's hooked. Call the original function. */ \
union \
{ \
RetType(EmptyClass::*mfpnew)prms; \
void *addr; \
} u; \
u.addr = origfunc; \
void *adjustedthisptr = reinterpret_cast<void*>(reinterpret_cast<char*>(m_CC->GetThisPtr()) + mfi.thisptroffs); \
return (reinterpret_cast<EmptyClass*>(adjustedthisptr)->*u.mfpnew)call; \
# define SH_MAKE_EXECUTABLECLASS_OB(call, prms) \
{ \
using namespace ::SourceHook; \
MemFuncInfo mfi; \
GetFuncInfo(m_CC->GetThisPtr(), m_MFP, mfi); \
void *origfunc = m_CC->GetOrigFunc(mfi.thisptroffs + mfi.vtbloffs, mfi.vtblindex); \
if (!origfunc) \
return (m_CC->GetThisPtr()->*m_MFP)call; \
/* It's hooked. Call the original function. */ \
union \
{ \
RetType(EmptyClass::*mfpnew)prms; \
struct \
{ \
void *addr; \
intptr_t adjustor; \
} s; \
} u; \
u.s.addr = origfunc; \
u.s.adjustor = mfi.thisptroffs; \
return (reinterpret_cast<EmptyClass*>(m_CC->GetThisPtr())->*u.mfpnew)call; \
namespace SourceHook
template<class CCType, class RetType, class MFPType> class ExecutableClass
CCType *m_CC;
MFPType m_MFP;
ExecutableClass(CCType *cc, MFPType mfp) : m_CC(cc), m_MFP(mfp)
// Support for @$@ arguments
@template<@@class Param%%|, @@> @RetType operator()(@Param%% p%%|, @) const
SH_MAKE_EXECUTABLECLASS_OB((@p%%|, @), (@Param%%|, @))
// SH_CALL needs to deduce the return type -> it uses templates and function overloading
// That's why SH_CALL takes two parameters: "mfp2" of type RetType(X::*mfp)(params), and "mfp" of type MFP
// The only purpose of the mfp2 parameter is to extract the return type
// Support for @$@ arguments
template <class X, class Y, class MFP, class RetType@, @@class Param%%|, @>
SourceHook::ExecutableClass<SourceHook::CallClass<Y>, RetType, MFP>
SH_CALL2(SourceHook::CallClass<Y> *ptr, MFP mfp, RetType(X::*mfp2)(@Param%%|, @))
return SourceHook::ExecutableClass<SourceHook::CallClass<Y>, RetType, MFP>(ptr, mfp);
template <class X, class Y, class MFP, class RetType@, @@class Param%%|, @>
SourceHook::ExecutableClass<SourceHook::CallClass<Y>, RetType, MFP>
SH_CALL2(SourceHook::CallClass<Y> *ptr, MFP mfp, RetType(X::*mfp2)(@Param%%|, @)const)
return SourceHook::ExecutableClass<SourceHook::CallClass<Y>, RetType, MFP>(ptr, mfp);
#if SH_COMP != SH_COMP_MSVC || _MSC_VER > 1300
// GCC & MSVC 7.1 need this, MSVC 7.0 doesn't like it
// Support for @$@ arguments
template <class X, class Y, class MFP, class RetType@, @@class Param%%|, @>
SourceHook::ExecutableClass<SourceHook::CallClass<Y>, RetType, MFP>
SH_CALL2(SourceHook::CallClass<Y> *ptr, MFP mfp, RetType(X::*mfp2)(@Param%%|, @@, @...))
return SourceHook::ExecutableClass<SourceHook::CallClass<Y>, RetType, MFP>(ptr, mfp);
template <class X, class Y, class MFP, class RetType@, @@class Param%%|, @>
SourceHook::ExecutableClass<SourceHook::CallClass<Y>, RetType, MFP>
SH_CALL2(SourceHook::CallClass<Y> *ptr, MFP mfp, RetType(X::*mfp2)(@Param%%|, @@, @...)const)
return SourceHook::ExecutableClass<SourceHook::CallClass<Y>, RetType, MFP>(ptr, mfp);
#define SH_CALL(ptr, mfp) SH_CALL2((ptr), (mfp), (mfp))
// The pope is dead. -> :(