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//========= Copyright <20> 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $Workfile: $
// $Date$
// $NoKeywords: $
#ifndef CONVAR_H
#define CONVAR_H
#if _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "tier0/dbg.h"
// The default, no flags at all
#define FCVAR_NONE 0
// Command to ConVars and ConCommands
#define FCVAR_UNREGISTERED (1<<0) // If this is set, don't add to linked list, etc.
#define FCVAR_LAUNCHER (1<<1) // defined by launcher
#define FCVAR_GAMEDLL (1<<2) // defined by the game DLL
#define FCVAR_CLIENTDLL (1<<3) // defined by the client DLL
#define FCVAR_MATERIAL_SYSTEM (1<<4) // Defined by the material system.
#define FCVAR_STUDIORENDER (1<<15) // Defined by the material system.
#define FCVAR_PLUGIN (1<<18) // Defined by a 3rd party plugin.
#define FCVAR_CHEAT (1<<14) // Only useable in singleplayer / debug / multiplayer & sv_cheats
// ConVar only
#define FCVAR_PROTECTED (1<<5) // It's a server cvar, but we don't send the data since it's a password, etc. Sends 1 if it's not bland/zero, 0 otherwise as value
#define FCVAR_SPONLY (1<<6) // This cvar cannot be changed by clients connected to a multiplayer server.
#define FCVAR_ARCHIVE (1<<7) // set to cause it to be saved to vars.rc
#define FCVAR_NOTIFY (1<<8) // notifies players when changed
#define FCVAR_USERINFO (1<<9) // changes the client's info string
#define FCVAR_PRINTABLEONLY (1<<10) // This cvar's string cannot contain unprintable characters ( e.g., used for player name etc ).
#define FCVAR_UNLOGGED (1<<11) // If this is a FCVAR_SERVER, don't log changes to the log file / console if we are creating a log
#define FCVAR_NEVER_AS_STRING (1<<12) // never try to print that cvar
// It's a ConVar that's shared between the client and the server.
// At signon, the values of all such ConVars are sent from the server to the client (skipped for local
// client, of course )
// If a change is requested it must come from the console (i.e., no remote client changes)
// If a value is changed while a server is active, it's replicated to all connected clients
#define FCVAR_REPLICATED (1<<13) // server setting enforced on clients, TODO rename to FCAR_SERVER at some time
#define FCVAR_DEMO (1<<16) // record this cvar when starting a demo file
#define FCVAR_DONTRECORD (1<<17) // don't record these command in demofiles
#define FCVAR_NOT_CONNECTED (1<<19) // cvar cannot be changed by a client that is connected to a server
class ConVar;
class ConCommand;
class ConCommandBase;
// Any executable that wants to use ConVars need to implement one of
// these to hook up access to console variables.
class IConCommandBaseAccessor
// Flags is a combination of FCVAR flags in cvar.h.
// hOut is filled in with a handle to the variable.
virtual bool RegisterConCommandBase( ConCommandBase *pVar )=0;
// You don't have to instantiate one of these, just call its
// OneTimeInit function when your executable is initializing.
class ConCommandBaseMgr
// Call this ONCE when the executable starts up.
static void OneTimeInit( IConCommandBaseAccessor *pAccessor );
// Called when a ConVar changes value
typedef void ( *FnChangeCallback )( ConVar *var, char const *pOldString );
// Called when a ConCommand needs to execute
typedef void ( *FnCommandCallback )( void );
// Returns 0 to COMMAND_COMPLETION_MAXITEMS worth of completion strings
typedef int ( *FnCommandCompletionCallback )( char const *partial, char commands[ COMMAND_COMPLETION_MAXITEMS ][ COMMAND_COMPLETION_ITEM_LENGTH ] );
// Purpose: The base console invoked command/cvar interface
class ConCommandBase
friend class ConCommandBaseMgr;
friend class CCvar;
friend class ConVar;
friend class ConCommand;
ConCommandBase( void );
ConCommandBase( char const *pName, char const *pHelpString = 0,
int flags = 0 );
virtual ~ConCommandBase( void );
virtual bool IsCommand( void ) const;
// Check flag
virtual bool IsBitSet( int flag ) const;
// Set flag
virtual void AddFlags( int flags );
// Return name of cvar
virtual char const *GetName( void ) const;
// Return help text for cvar
virtual char const *GetHelpText( void ) const;
// Deal with next pointer
const ConCommandBase *GetNext( void ) const;
void SetNext( ConCommandBase *next );
virtual bool IsRegistered( void ) const;
// Global methods
static ConCommandBase const *GetCommands( void );
static void AddToList( ConCommandBase *var );
static void RemoveFlaggedCommands( int flag );
static void RevertFlaggedCvars( int flag );
static ConCommandBase const *FindCommand( char const *name );
virtual void Create( char const *pName, char const *pHelpString = 0,
int flags = 0 );
// Used internally by OneTimeInit to initialize.
virtual void Init();
// Internal copy routine ( uses new operator from correct module )
char *CopyString( char const *from );
// Next ConVar in chain
ConCommandBase *m_pNext;
// Has the cvar been added to the global list?
bool m_bRegistered;
// Static data
char const *m_pszName;
char const *m_pszHelpString;
// ConVar flags
int m_nFlags;
// ConVars add themselves to this list for the executable. Then ConVarMgr::Init() runs through
// all the console variables and registers them.
static ConCommandBase *s_pConCommandBases;
// ConVars in this executable use this 'global' to access values.
static IConCommandBaseAccessor *s_pAccessor;
// Purpose: The console invoked command
class ConCommand : public ConCommandBase
friend class ConCommandBaseMgr;
friend class CCvar;
typedef ConCommandBase BaseClass;
ConCommand( void );
ConCommand( char const *pName, FnCommandCallback callback,
char const *pHelpString = 0, int flags = 0, FnCommandCompletionCallback completionFunc = 0 );
virtual ~ConCommand( void );
virtual bool IsCommand( void ) const;
virtual int AutoCompleteSuggest( char const *partial, char commands[ COMMAND_COMPLETION_MAXITEMS ][ COMMAND_COMPLETION_ITEM_LENGTH ] );
virtual bool CanAutoComplete( void );
// Invoke the function
virtual void Dispatch( void );
virtual void Create( char const *pName, FnCommandCallback callback,
char const *pHelpString = 0, int flags = 0, FnCommandCompletionCallback completionFunc = 0 );
// Call this function when executing the command
FnCommandCallback m_fnCommandCallback;
FnCommandCompletionCallback m_fnCompletionCallback;
bool m_bHasCompletionCallback;
//HACKHACK from BAILOPAN - we want to access this okay!
FnCommandCallback GetCallback() { return m_fnCommandCallback; }
// Purpose: A console variable
class ConVar : public ConCommandBase
friend class ConCommandBaseMgr;
friend class CCvar;
friend class CDefaultCvar;
typedef ConCommandBase BaseClass;
ConVar( char const *pName, char const *pDefaultValue, int flags = 0);
ConVar( char const *pName, char const *pDefaultValue, int flags,
char const *pHelpString );
ConVar( char const *pName, char const *pDefaultValue, int flags,
char const *pHelpString, bool bMin, float fMin, bool bMax, float fMax );
ConVar( char const *pName, char const *pDefaultValue, int flags,
char const *pHelpString, FnChangeCallback callback );
ConVar( char const *pName, char const *pDefaultValue, int flags,
char const *pHelpString, bool bMin, float fMin, bool bMax, float fMax,
FnChangeCallback callback );
virtual ~ConVar( void );
virtual bool IsBitSet( int flag ) const;
virtual char const* GetHelpText( void ) const;
virtual bool IsRegistered( void ) const;
virtual char const *GetName( void ) const;
virtual void AddFlags( int flags );
virtual bool IsCommand( void ) const;
// Install a change callback (there shouldn't already be one....)
void InstallChangeCallback( FnChangeCallback callback );
// Retrieve value
FORCEINLINE float GetFloat( void ) const;
FORCEINLINE int GetInt( void ) const;
FORCEINLINE bool GetBool() const { return !!GetInt(); }
FORCEINLINE char const *GetString( void ) const;
// Any function that allocates/frees memory needs to be virtual or else you'll have crashes
// from alloc/free across dll/exe boundaries.
// These just call into the IConCommandBaseAccessor to check flags and set the var (which ends up calling InternalSetValue).
virtual void SetValue( char const *value );
virtual void SetValue( float value );
virtual void SetValue( int value );
// Reset to default value
void Revert( void );
// True if it has a min/max setting
bool GetMin( float& minVal ) const;
bool GetMax( float& maxVal ) const;
char const *GetDefault( void ) const;
static void RevertAll( void );
// Called by CCvar when the value of a var is changing.
virtual void InternalSetValue(char const *value);
virtual void InternalSetFloatValue( float fNewValue );
virtual void InternalSetIntValue( int nValue );
virtual bool ClampValue( float& value );
virtual void ChangeStringValue( char const *tempVal );
virtual void Create( char const *pName, char const *pDefaultValue, int flags = 0,
char const *pHelpString = 0, bool bMin = false, float fMin = 0.0,
bool bMax = false, float fMax = false, FnChangeCallback callback = 0 );
// Used internally by OneTimeInit to initialize.
virtual void Init();
// This either points to "this" or it points to the original declaration of a ConVar.
// This allows ConVars to exist in separate modules, and they all use the first one to be declared.
// m_pParent->m_pParent must equal m_pParent (ie: m_pParent must be the root, or original, ConVar).
ConVar *m_pParent;
// Static data
char const *m_pszDefaultValue;
// Value
// Dynamically allocated
char *m_pszString;
int m_StringLength;
// Values
float m_fValue;
int m_nValue;
// Min/Max values
bool m_bHasMin;
float m_fMinVal;
bool m_bHasMax;
float m_fMaxVal;
// Call this function when ConVar changes
FnChangeCallback m_fnChangeCallback;
// Purpose: Return ConVar value as a float
// Output : float
FORCEINLINE float ConVar::GetFloat( void ) const
return m_pParent->m_fValue;
// Purpose: Return ConVar value as an int
// Output : int
FORCEINLINE int ConVar::GetInt( void ) const
return m_pParent->m_nValue;
// Purpose: Return ConVar value as a string, return "" for bogus string pointer, etc.
// Output : char const *
FORCEINLINE char const *ConVar::GetString( void ) const
if ( m_nFlags & FCVAR_NEVER_AS_STRING )
return ( m_pParent->m_pszString ) ? m_pParent->m_pszString : "";
// Purpose: Utility to quicky generate a simple console command
#define CON_COMMAND( name, description ) \
static void name(); \
static ConCommand name##_command( #name, name, description ); \
static void name()
// Purpose: Utility to quicky generate a simple console command
#define CON_COMMAND_F( name, description, flags ) \
static void name(); \
static ConCommand name##_command( #name, name, description, flags ); \
static void name()
#endif // CONVAR_H