2005-10-07 15:42:18 +00:00
unit UnitInstall;
uses SysUtils, Classes, Windows, Graphics, Forms, ShellAPI, Controls, Messages,
TlHelp32, IdFTPCommon, ComCtrls;
type TOS = ( osWindows, osLinux) ;
procedure AddStatus( Text : String ; Color: TColor; ShowTime: Boolean = True ) ;
procedure AddDone( Additional: String = '' ) ;
procedure AddSkipped;
procedure AddNotFound;
procedure DownloadFile( eFile: String ; eDestination: String ) ;
2007-12-24 01:29:25 +00:00
procedure BasicInstallation( ePath: String ; SteamInstall, ListenInstall: Boolean ; OS: TOS; const Source: Boolean ) ;
procedure InstallDedicated( eModPath: String ; const UseSteam, Source: Boolean ) ;
procedure InstallListen( ePath: String ; const Source: Boolean ) ;
procedure InstallCustom( ePath: String ; eOS: TOS; const Source: Boolean ) ;
procedure InstallFTP( OS: TOS; const Source: Boolean ; const ModDir: String ) ;
2005-10-07 15:42:18 +00:00
var StartTime: TDateTime;
SteamPath: String ;
StandaloneServer: String ;
Cancel: Boolean = False ;
uses UnitfrmMain, UnitfrmProxy, UnitFunctions, UnitPackSystem;
// useful stuff
function InstallTime: String ;
2007-12-24 01:29:25 +00:00
Result : = Copy( FormatDateTime( 'HH:MM:SS' , Now - StartTime) , 4 , 5 ) ;
2005-10-07 15:42:18 +00:00
end ;
procedure AddStatus( Text : String ; Color: TColor; ShowTime: Boolean = True ) ;
frmMain. rtfDetails. SelStart : = Length( frmMain. rtfDetails. Text ) ;
if ShowTime then begin
frmMain. rtfDetails. SelAttributes. Color : = clBlack;
if frmMain. rtfDetails. Text = '' then
frmMain. rtfDetails. SelText : = '[' + InstallTime + '] '
frmMain. rtfDetails. SelText : = #13 #10 + '[' + InstallTime + '] ' ;
frmMain. rtfDetails. SelStart : = Length( frmMain. rtfDetails. Text ) ;
frmMain. rtfDetails. SelText : = #13 #10 ;
frmMain. rtfDetails. SelStart : = Length( frmMain. rtfDetails. Text ) ;
frmMain. rtfDetails. SelAttributes. Color : = Color;
frmMain. rtfDetails. SelText : = Text ;
frmMain. rtfDetails. Perform( WM_VSCROLL, SB_BOTTOM, 0 ) ;
frmMain. Repaint;
Application. ProcessMessages;
end ;
procedure AddDone( Additional: String = '' ) ;
frmMain. rtfDetails. SelStart : = Length( frmMain. rtfDetails. Text ) ;
frmMain. rtfDetails. SelAttributes. Color : = clGreen;
if Additional = '' then
frmMain. rtfDetails. SelText : = ' Done.'
frmMain. rtfDetails. SelText : = ' Done, ' + Additional + '.' ;
frmMain. rtfDetails. Perform( WM_VSCROLL, SB_BOTTOM, 0 ) ;
frmMain. Repaint;
Application. ProcessMessages;
end ;
procedure AddSkipped;
frmMain. rtfDetails. SelStart : = Length( frmMain. rtfDetails. Text ) ;
frmMain. rtfDetails. SelAttributes. Color : = $004080FF ; // orange
frmMain. rtfDetails. SelText : = ' Skipped.' ;
frmMain. rtfDetails. Perform( WM_VSCROLL, SB_BOTTOM, 0 ) ;
frmMain. Repaint;
Application. ProcessMessages;
end ;
procedure AddNotFound;
frmMain. rtfDetails. SelStart : = Length( frmMain. rtfDetails. Text ) ;
frmMain. rtfDetails. SelAttributes. Color : = clRed;
frmMain. rtfDetails. SelText : = ' Not found.' ;
frmMain. rtfDetails. Perform( WM_VSCROLL, SB_BOTTOM, 0 ) ;
frmMain. Repaint;
Application. ProcessMessages;
end ;
procedure FileCopy( Source, Destination: String ; CopyConfig: Boolean ; AddStatus: Boolean = True ) ;
if ( not CopyConfig) and ( Pos( 'config' , Source) < > 0 ) then begin
if AddStatus then
end ;
if not FileExists( Source) then begin
if AddStatus then
end ;
if FileExists( Destination) then
DeleteFile( PChar( Destination) ) ;
CopyFile( PChar( Source) , PChar( Destination) , False ) ;
Application. ProcessMessages;
end ;
if AddStatus then
end ;
procedure DownloadFile( eFile: String ; eDestination: String ) ;
var TransferType: TIdFTPTransferType;
// There's only one file to download and it's ASCII :]
TransferType : = ftASCII;
if frmMain. IdFTP. TransferType < > TransferType then
frmMain. IdFTP. TransferType : = TransferType;
// download the file
frmMain. IdFTP. Get( eFile, eDestination, True ) ;
end ;
procedure UploadFile( eFile: String ; eDestination: String ; CopyConfig: Boolean = True ) ;
var TransferType: TIdFTPTransferType;
if ( Pos( 'config' , eFile) > 0 ) and ( not CopyConfig) then begin
end ;
eDestination : = StringReplace( eDestination, '\' , '/' , [ rfReplaceAll] ) ;
// the same as in DownloadFile()
TransferType : = ftBinary;
if ExtractFileExt( LowerCase( eFile) ) = '.txt' then TransferType : = ftASCII;
if frmMain. IdFTP. TransferType < > TransferType then
frmMain. IdFTP. TransferType : = TransferType;
// upload the file
frmMain. IdFTP. Put( eFile, eDestination) ;
end ;
procedure FTPMakeDir( eDir: String ) ;
eDir : = StringReplace( eDir, '\' , '/' , [ rfReplaceAll] ) ;
frmMain. IdFTP. MakeDir( eDir) ;
Application. ProcessMessages;
end ;
end ;
function FSize( eFile: String ) : Cardinal ;
var eRec: TSearchRec;
if FindFirst( eFile, faAnyFile, eRec) = 0 then
Result : = eRec. Size
Result : = 0 ;
end ;
// stuff for killing processes
function GetProcessID( sProcName: String ) : Integer ;
hProcSnap: THandle;
pe32: TProcessEntry32;
result : = - 1 ;
hProcSnap : = CreateToolHelp32SnapShot( TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0 ) ;
if hProcSnap = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then
pe32. dwSize : = SizeOf( ProcessEntry32) ;
if Process32First( hProcSnap, pe32) = true then begin
while Process32Next( hProcSnap, pe32) = true do begin
if pos( sProcName, pe32. szExeFile) < > 0 then
result : = pe32. th32ProcessID;
end ;
end ;
CloseHandle( hProcSnap) ;
end ;
procedure KillProcess( dwProcID: DWORD) ;
hProcess : Cardinal ;
dw : DWORD;
hProcess : = OpenProcess( SYNCHRONIZE or PROCESS_TERMINATE, False , dwProcID) ;
TerminateProcess( hProcess, 0 ) ;
dw : = WaitForSingleObject( hProcess, 5 0 0 0 ) ;
case dw of
CloseHandle( hProcess) ;
end ;
CloseHandle( hProcess) ;
end ;
end ;
CloseHandle( hProcess) ;
end ;
// Installation here
{ Basic Installation }
2007-12-24 01:29:25 +00:00
procedure BasicInstallation( ePath: String ; SteamInstall, ListenInstall: Boolean ; OS: TOS; const Source: Boolean ) ;
2005-10-07 15:42:18 +00:00
var eStr: TStringList;
CopyConfig: Boolean ;
2005-12-28 00:09:55 +00:00
frmMain. ggeAll. MaxValue : = 8 ;
2005-10-07 15:42:18 +00:00
frmMain. ggeAll. Progress : = 0 ;
frmMain. ggeItem. MaxValue : = 1 ;
frmMain. ggeItem. Progress : = 0 ;
2007-12-24 01:29:25 +00:00
{ if ( GetProcessID( 'Steam.exe' ) < > - 1 ) and ( SteamInstall) then begin
2005-10-07 15:42:18 +00:00
if MessageBox( frmMain. Handle, 'Steam is still running. It is necersarry to shut it down before you install Metamod:Source. Shut it down now?' , PChar( frmMain. Caption) , MB_ICONQUESTION + MB_YESNO) = mrYes then begin
AddStatus( 'Shutting down Steam...' , clBlack, False ) ;
if GetProcessID( 'Steam.exe' ) = - 1 then
KillProcess( GetProcessID( 'Steam.exe' ) ) ;
while GetProcessID( 'Steam.exe' ) < > - 1 do begin // sure is sure...
Sleep( 5 0 ) ;
Application. ProcessMessages;
end ;
else begin
Application. Terminate;
end ;
2007-12-24 01:29:25 +00:00
end ; }
2005-10-07 15:42:18 +00:00
frmMain. ggeAll. Progress : = 1 ;
frmMain. ggeItem. Progress : = 1 ;
{ Unpack }
frmMain. ggeItem. Progress : = 0 ;
AddStatus( 'Unpacking files...' , clBlack) ;
2007-12-24 01:29:25 +00:00
if not Unpack( Source) then begin
2006-06-27 22:39:42 +00:00
AddStatus( 'No files attached!' , clRed) ;
Screen. Cursor : = crDefault;
end ;
2005-10-07 15:42:18 +00:00
frmMain. ggeAll. Progress : = 2 ;
frmMain. ggeItem. Progress : = 1 ;
2005-12-28 00:09:55 +00:00
{ Check for installation / Create directories }
2005-10-07 15:42:18 +00:00
CopyConfig : = True ;
2005-12-28 00:09:55 +00:00
AddStatus( 'Creating directories...' , clBlack) ;
2005-10-07 15:42:18 +00:00
if DirectoryExists( ePath + 'addons\metamod\bin' ) then begin
2008-01-21 18:39:25 +00:00
case MessageBox( frmMain. Handle, 'A Metamod:Source installation was already detected. If you choose to reinstall, your configuration files will be erased. Click Yes to upgrade, No to reinstall, or Cancel to abort the installation.' , PChar( frmMain. Caption) , MB_ICONQUESTION + MB_YESNOCANCEL) of
mrYes: CopyConfig : = False ;
2005-10-07 15:42:18 +00:00
mrCancel: begin
Application. Terminate;
end ;
end ;
2005-12-28 00:09:55 +00:00
else begin
2005-10-07 15:42:18 +00:00
frmMain. ggeItem. Progress : = 0 ;
ForceDirectories( ePath + 'addons\metamod\bin' ) ;
2005-12-28 00:09:55 +00:00
end ;
2005-10-07 15:42:18 +00:00
frmMain. ggeItem. Progress : = 1 ;
frmMain. ggeAll. Progress : = 3 ;
2007-12-24 01:29:25 +00:00
{ gameinfo.txt for check / create VDF file }
2005-10-07 15:42:18 +00:00
if not FileExists( ePath + 'gameinfo.txt' ) then begin
if MessageBox( frmMain. Handle, 'The file "gameinfo.txt" couldn' 't be found. Continue installation?' , PChar( frmMain. Caption) , MB_ICONQUESTION + MB_YESNO) = mrNo then begin
AddStatus( 'Installation canceled by user!' , clRed, False ) ;
Screen. Cursor : = crDefault;
Cancel : = True ;
end ;
else begin
eStr : = TStringList. Create;
{ Metaplugins.ini }
frmMain. ggeItem. Progress : = 0 ;
AddStatus( 'Creating metaplugins.ini...' , clBlack) ;
if CopyConfig then begin
eStr. SaveToFile( ePath + 'addons\metamod\metaplugins.ini' ) ;
frmMain. ggeItem. Progress : = 1 ;
frmMain. ggeAll. Progress : = 4 ;
2007-12-24 01:29:25 +00:00
{ CDF Plugin }
2005-10-07 15:42:18 +00:00
frmMain. ggeItem. Progress : = 0 ;
2007-12-24 01:29:25 +00:00
AddStatus( 'Creating VDF Plugin...' , clBlack) ;
if ( FileExists( ePath + 'addons\metamod.vdf' ) ) then begin
eStr. LoadFromFile( ePath + 'addons\metamod.vdf' ) ;
if ( Pos( 'server.dll' , eStr. Text ) < > 0 ) then
else begin
eStr. Add( '' ) ;
eStr. Add( '"Plugin"' ) ;
eStr. Add( '{' ) ;
eStr. Add( ' "file" "..\' + GetModName( ePath) + '\addons\metamod\bin\server.dll"' ) ;
eStr. Add( '}' ) ;
eStr. SaveToFile( ePath + 'addons\metamod.vdf' ) ;
2005-10-07 15:42:18 +00:00
end ;
2007-12-24 01:29:25 +00:00
else begin
eStr. Add( '' ) ;
eStr. Add( '"Plugin"' ) ;
eStr. Add( '{' ) ;
eStr. Add( ' "file" "..\' + GetModName( ePath) + '\addons\metamod\bin\server.dll"' ) ;
eStr. Add( '}' ) ;
eStr. SaveToFile( ePath + 'addons\metamod.vdf' ) ;
end ;
2005-10-07 15:42:18 +00:00
eStr. Free;
frmMain. ggeItem. Progress : = 1 ;
frmMain. ggeAll. Progress : = 5 ;
end ;
{ Copy files }
frmMain. ggeItem. Progress : = 0 ;
AddStatus( 'Copying server.dll...' , clBlack) ;
CopyFile( PChar( ExtractFilePath( ParamStr( 0 ) ) + 'server.dll' ) , PChar( ePath + 'addons\metamod\bin\server.dll' ) , False ) ;
frmMain. ggeItem. Progress : = 1 ;
frmMain. ggeAll. Progress : = 6 ;
{ Remove files }
frmMain. ggeItem. Progress : = 0 ;
AddStatus( 'Removing temporary files...' , clBlack) ;
DeleteFile( PChar( ExtractFilePath( ParamStr( 0 ) ) + 'server.dll' ) ) ;
DeleteFile( PChar( ExtractFilePath( ParamStr( 0 ) ) + 'server_i486.so' ) ) ;
frmMain. ggeItem. Progress : = 1 ;
2005-12-28 00:09:55 +00:00
frmMain. ggeAll. Progress : = 8 ;
2005-10-07 15:42:18 +00:00
{ Finish }
AddStatus( '' , clBlack, False ) ;
AddStatus( 'Finished installation!' , clBlack, False ) ;
frmMain. cmdNext. Enabled : = True ;
frmMain. cmdCancel. Hide;
Screen. Cursor : = crDefault;
end ;
{ Dedicated Server }
2007-12-24 01:29:25 +00:00
procedure InstallDedicated( eModPath: String ; const UseSteam, Source: Boolean ) ;
2005-10-07 15:42:18 +00:00
StartTime : = Now;
Screen. Cursor : = crHourGlass;
AddStatus( 'Starting Metamod:Source installation on dedicated server...' , clBlack, False ) ;
2007-12-24 01:29:25 +00:00
BasicInstallation( eModPath, UseSteam, False , osWindows, Source) ;
2005-10-07 15:42:18 +00:00
end ;
{ Listen Server }
2007-12-24 01:29:25 +00:00
procedure InstallListen( ePath: String ; const Source: Boolean ) ;
2005-10-07 15:42:18 +00:00
StartTime : = Now;
Screen. Cursor : = crHourGlass;
AddStatus( 'Starting Metamod:Source installation on the listen server...' , clBlack) ;
2007-12-24 01:29:25 +00:00
BasicInstallation( ePath, True , True , osWindows, Source) ;
2005-10-07 15:42:18 +00:00
end ;
{ Custom mod }
2007-12-24 01:29:25 +00:00
procedure InstallCustom( ePath: String ; eOS: TOS; const Source: Boolean ) ;
2005-10-07 15:42:18 +00:00
StartTime : = Now;
Screen. Cursor : = crHourGlass;
AddStatus( 'Starting Metamod:Source installation...' , clBlack) ;
2007-12-24 01:29:25 +00:00
BasicInstallation( ePath, False , False , eOS, Source) ;
2005-10-07 15:42:18 +00:00
end ;
{ FTP }
2007-12-24 01:29:25 +00:00
procedure InstallFTP( OS: TOS; const Source: Boolean ; const ModDir: String ) ;
2005-10-07 15:42:18 +00:00
function DoReconnect: Boolean ;
Result : = False ;
if MessageBox( frmMain. Handle, 'You have been disconnected due to an error. Try to reconnect?' , PChar( Application. Title) , MB_ICONQUESTION + MB_YESNO) = mrYes then begin
frmMain. IdFTP. Connect;
Result : = True ;
MessageBox( frmMain. Handle, 'Failed to reconnect. Installation aborted.' , PChar( Application. Title) , MB_ICONSTOP) ;
end ;
end ;
end ;
2007-12-24 01:29:25 +00:00
2005-10-07 15:42:18 +00:00
label CreateAgain;
label UploadAgain;
2007-12-24 01:29:25 +00:00
2005-10-07 15:42:18 +00:00
var eStr: TStringList;
2008-01-13 22:00:45 +00:00
CopyConfig, CommentFound: Boolean ;
i: Integer ;
2005-10-07 15:42:18 +00:00
frmMain. cmdCancel. Show;
frmMain. cmdNext. Hide;
Screen. Cursor : = crHourGlass;
frmMain. ggeAll. MaxValue : = 6 ;
frmMain. ggeAll. Progress : = 0 ;
2007-12-24 01:29:25 +00:00
frmMain. ggeItem. MaxValue : = 3 ;
2005-10-07 15:42:18 +00:00
frmMain. ggeItem. Progress : = 0 ;
2007-12-24 22:14:50 +00:00
StartTime : = Now;
2005-10-07 15:42:18 +00:00
{ Unpack }
AddStatus( 'Unpacking files...' , clBlack) ;
2007-12-24 01:29:25 +00:00
if not Unpack( Source) then begin
2006-06-27 22:39:42 +00:00
AddStatus( 'No files attached!' , clRed) ;
Screen. Cursor : = crDefault;
end ;
2005-10-07 15:42:18 +00:00
2007-12-24 01:29:25 +00:00
frmMain. ggeAll. Progress : = 1 ;
2005-10-07 15:42:18 +00:00
frmMain. ggeItem. Progress : = 1 ;
2007-12-24 01:29:25 +00:00
Sleep( 2 5 0 ) ;
2005-10-07 15:42:18 +00:00
{ Create directories }
2007-12-24 01:29:25 +00:00
frmMain. ggeAll. Progress : = 2 ;
2005-10-07 15:42:18 +00:00
frmMain. ggeItem. Progress : = 0 ;
2007-12-24 01:29:25 +00:00
2005-10-07 15:42:18 +00:00
AddStatus( 'Creating directories...' , clBlack) ;
2007-12-24 22:14:50 +00:00
2005-10-07 15:42:18 +00:00
FTPMakeDir( 'addons' ) ;
frmMain. IdFTP. ChangeDir( 'addons' ) ;
frmMain. ggeItem. Progress : = 1 ;
FTPMakeDir( 'metamod' ) ;
frmMain. IdFTP. ChangeDir( 'metamod' ) ;
frmMain. ggeItem. Progress : = 2 ;
FTPMakeDir( 'bin' ) ;
frmMain. ggeItem. Progress : = 3 ;
2007-12-24 22:14:50 +00:00
2005-10-07 15:42:18 +00:00
2007-12-24 22:14:50 +00:00
end ;
2008-01-13 23:19:44 +00:00
{ Check VDF Plugin }
2007-12-24 01:29:25 +00:00
CopyConfig : = True ;
frmMain. ggeAll. Progress : = 3 ;
frmMain. ggeItem. Progress : = 0 ;
2008-01-13 23:19:44 +00:00
2007-12-24 01:29:25 +00:00
AddStatus( 'Creating VDF Plugin...' , clBlack) ;
eStr : = TStringList. Create;
2007-12-24 22:14:50 +00:00
frmMain. IdFTP. ChangeDirUp;
2008-01-13 22:00:45 +00:00
2007-12-24 01:29:25 +00:00
frmMain. ggeItem. Progress : = 1 ;
DownloadFile( 'metamod.vdf' , ExtractFilePath( ParamStr( 0 ) ) + 'metamod.vdf' ) ;
eStr. LoadFromFile( ExtractFilePath( ParamStr( 0 ) ) + 'metamod.vdf' ) ;
frmMain. ggeItem. Progress : = 2 ;
if ( ( ( Pos( 'server.dll' , eStr. Text ) < > 0 ) and ( OS = osWindows) ) or ( ( Pos( 'server_i486.so' , eStr. Text ) < > 0 ) and ( OS = osLinux) ) ) then begin
2008-01-21 18:39:25 +00:00
case MessageBox( frmMain. Handle, 'A Metamod:Source installation was already detected. If you choose to reinstall, your configuration files will be erased. Click Yes to upgrade, No to reinstall, or Cancel to abort the installation.' , PChar( frmMain. Caption) , MB_ICONQUESTION + MB_YESNOCANCEL) of
mrYes: CopyConfig : = False ;
2007-12-24 01:29:25 +00:00
mrCancel: begin
Application. Terminate;
eStr. Free;
end ;
end ;
2008-01-13 22:00:45 +00:00
end ;
2007-12-24 01:29:25 +00:00
2008-01-13 23:19:44 +00:00
// bacon
2007-12-24 01:29:25 +00:00
end ;
2008-01-13 23:19:44 +00:00
{ Create and Upload plugin here }
frmMain. ggeItem. Progress : = 2 ;
2008-01-13 23:45:05 +00:00
eStr. Clear;
2008-01-13 23:19:44 +00:00
eStr. Add( '"Plugin"' ) ;
eStr. Add( '{' ) ;
if ( OS = osWindows) then
eStr. Add( ' "file" "..\' + ModDir + '\addons\metamod\bin\server.dll"' )
eStr. Add( ' "file" "../' + ModDir + '/addons/metamod/bin/server_i486.so"' ) ;
eStr. Add( '}' ) ;
eStr. SaveToFile( ExtractFilePath( ParamStr( 0 ) ) + 'metamod.vdf' ) ;
UploadFile( ExtractFilePath( ParamStr( 0 ) ) + 'metamod.vdf' , 'metamod.vdf' ) ;
frmMain. ggeItem. Progress : = 3 ;
2005-10-07 15:42:18 +00:00
{ Upload metaplugins.ini }
frmMain. ggeAll. Progress : = 4 ;
frmMain. ggeItem. MaxValue : = 1 ;
frmMain. ggeItem. Progress : = 0 ;
AddStatus( 'Uploading metaplugins.ini...' , clBlack) ;
2008-01-13 22:00:45 +00:00
frmMain. IdFTP. ChangeDir( 'metamod' ) ;
if ( CopyConfig) then begin
2005-10-07 15:42:18 +00:00
eStr. Clear;
2008-01-13 22:00:45 +00:00
// see http://svn.alliedmods.net/viewvc.cgi/metamodsource/orangebox/addons/metamod/metaplugins.ini?revision=1099&root=Packages
eStr. Add( ';List one plugin per line. Each line should contain the path to the plugin' 's binary.' ) ;
eStr. Add( ';Any line starting with a ' ';' ' character is a comment line, and is ignored.' ) ;
eStr. Add( ';' ) ;
eStr. Add( ';You do not need to include the _i486.so or .dll part of the file name. Example:' ) ;
eStr. Add( '; addons/sourcemod/bin/sourcemod_mm' ) ;
eStr. Add( ';You may also put an alias in front of the file, for example:' ) ;
eStr. Add( '; sm addons/sourcemod/bin/sourcemod_mm' ) ;
eStr. Add( ';Will allow you to use "meta load sm" from the console.' ) ;
eStr. Add( ';' ) ;
eStr. Add( ';********* LIST PLUGINS BELOW ***********' ) ;
// end
2005-10-07 15:42:18 +00:00
eStr. SaveToFile( ExtractFilePath( ParamStr( 0 ) ) + 'metaplugins.ini' ) ;
UploadFile( ExtractFilePath( ParamStr( 0 ) ) + 'metaplugins.ini' , 'metaplugins.ini' ) ;
2008-01-13 23:45:05 +00:00
else if ( frmMain. IdFTP. Size( 'metaplugins.ini' ) < > - 1 ) then begin
DownloadFile( 'metaplugins.ini' , ExtractFilePath( ParamStr( 0 ) ) + 'metaplugins.ini' ) ;
2008-01-13 22:00:45 +00:00
eStr. LoadFromFile( ExtractFilePath( ParamStr( 0 ) ) + 'metaplugins.ini' ) ;
CommentFound : = False ;
for i : = 0 to eStr. Count - 1 do begin
if ( Pos( ';' , eStr[ i] ) = 1 ) then begin
CommentFound : = True ;
end ;
end ;
if ( CommentFound) then
else begin
2008-01-21 18:39:25 +00:00
// delete empty lines first
for i : = eStr. Count - 1 downto 0 do begin
if ( Trim( eStr[ i] ) = '' ) then
eStr. Delete( i) ;
end ;
2008-01-13 22:00:45 +00:00
// see http://svn.alliedmods.net/viewvc.cgi/metamodsource/orangebox/addons/metamod/metaplugins.ini?revision=1099&root=Packages
eStr. Insert( 0 , ';List one plugin per line. Each line should contain the path to the plugin' 's binary.' ) ;
eStr. Insert( 1 , ';Any line starting with a ' ';' ' character is a comment line, and is ignored.' ) ;
eStr. Insert( 2 , ';' ) ;
eStr. Insert( 3 , ';You do not need to include the _i486.so or .dll part of the file name. Example:' ) ;
eStr. Insert( 4 , '; addons/sourcemod/bin/sourcemod_mm' ) ;
eStr. Insert( 5 , ';You may also put an alias in front of the file, for example:' ) ;
eStr. Insert( 6 , '; sm addons/sourcemod/bin/sourcemod_mm' ) ;
eStr. Insert( 7 , ';Will allow you to use "meta load sm" from the console.' ) ;
eStr. Insert( 8 , ';' ) ;
eStr. Insert( 9 , ';********* LIST PLUGINS BELOW ***********' ) ;
// end
eStr. SaveToFile( ExtractFilePath( ParamStr( 0 ) ) + 'metaplugins.ini' ) ;
UploadFile( ExtractFilePath( ParamStr( 0 ) ) + 'metaplugins.ini' , 'metaplugins.ini' ) ;
end ;
end ;
2005-10-07 15:42:18 +00:00
frmMain. ggeAll. Progress : = 5 ;
frmMain. ggeItem. Progress : = 1 ;
{ Upload server.dll / server_i486.so }
frmMain. tmrSpeed. Enabled : = True ;
frmMain. ggeItem. Progress : = 0 ;
frmMain. IdFTP. ChangeDir( 'bin' ) ;
if OS = osWindows then begin
AddStatus( 'Uploading server.dll...' , clBlack) ;
frmMain. ggeItem. MaxValue : = FSize( ExtractFilePath( ParamStr( 0 ) ) + 'server.dll' ) ;
UploadFile( ExtractFilePath( ParamStr( 0 ) ) + 'server.dll' , 'server.dll' ) ;
else begin
AddStatus( 'Uploading server_i486.so...' , clBlack) ;
frmMain. ggeItem. MaxValue : = FSize( ExtractFilePath( ParamStr( 0 ) ) + 'server_i486.so' ) ;
UploadFile( ExtractFilePath( ParamStr( 0 ) ) + 'server_i486.so' , 'server_i486.so' ) ;
end ;
{ Remove created files }
AddStatus( 'Removing temporary files...' , clBlack) ;
DeleteFile( PChar( ExtractFilePath( ParamStr( 0 ) ) + 'server.dll' ) ) ;
DeleteFile( PChar( ExtractFilePath( ParamStr( 0 ) ) + 'server_i486.so' ) ) ;
2007-12-24 22:14:50 +00:00
DeleteFile( PChar( ExtractFilePath( ParamStr( 0 ) ) + 'metamod.vdf' ) ) ;
DeleteFile( PChar( ExtractFilePath( ParamStr( 0 ) ) + 'metaplugins.ini' ) ) ;
2005-10-07 15:42:18 +00:00
{ End }
frmMain. IdFTP. Disconnect;
frmMain. ggeAll. Progress : = frmMain. ggeAll. MaxValue;
frmMain. ggeItem. Progress : = frmMain. ggeItem. MaxValue;
AddStatus( '' , clBlack, False ) ;
AddStatus( 'Finished installation!' , clBlack, False ) ;
frmMain. tmrSpeed. Enabled : = False ;
eStr. Free;
Screen. Cursor : = crDefault;
frmMain. cmdNext. Enabled : = True ;
frmMain. cmdCancel. Hide;
frmMain. cmdNext. Show;
frmMain. tmrSpeed. Enabled : = False ;
frmMain. Caption : = Application. Title;
end ;
end .