2005-10-07 15:42:18 +00:00
program MMS_Installer;
2006-12-18 20:26:31 +00:00
{ Metamod:Source installer is a port of the AMX Mod X installer
2005-10-07 15:42:18 +00:00
Used components:
- Indy 9 (www.indyproject.org)
- FlatStyle Components (www.torry.net)
- FlatPack Component Pack (www.torry.net)
- JVCL Lib Pack 3.0 (jvcl.sourceforge.net)
2006-12-18 20:26:31 +00:00
Half-Life 2 Icons by Vasili "vaksa" Vorotnikov, Thanks!
Visit www.vaksa.net for further information
2005-10-07 15:42:18 +00:00
UnitfrmMain in 'UnitfrmMain.pas' {frmMain},
UnitFunctions in 'UnitFunctions.pas',
UnitfrmProxy in 'UnitfrmProxy.pas' {frmProxy},
UnitInstall in 'UnitInstall.pas',
UnitSelectModPath in 'UnitSelectModPath.pas' {frmSelectModPath},
UnitPackSystem in 'UnitPackSystem.pas';
{$R *.res}
Application.Title := 'Metamod:Source Installer';
Application.CreateForm(TfrmMain, frmMain);
2006-11-30 22:53:20 +00:00
UnitfrmMain.VERSION := GetVersion;
2005-10-07 15:42:18 +00:00
frmMain.lblWelcome.Caption := 'Welcome to the Metamod:Source ' + VERSION + ' Setup Wizard';
frmMain.lblInfo1.Caption := 'This wizard will guide you through the installation of Metamod:Source ' + VERSION + '.';
frmMain.lblSubTitle1.Caption := 'Please review the following license terms before installing Metamod:Source ' + VERSION + '.';
frmMain.lblSelectModInfo.Caption := 'Please select the mod Metamod:Source ' + VERSION + ' shall be installed to.';
frmMain.lblTitle3.Caption := 'Installing Metamod:Source ' + VERSION + ' via FTP';
frmMain.lblTitle5.Caption := 'Installing Metamod:Source ' + VERSION;
frmMain.lblSubTitle5.Caption := 'Please wait while Metamod:Source ' + VERSION + ' is being installed.';
Application.CreateForm(TfrmProxy, frmProxy);
Application.CreateForm(TfrmSelectModPath, frmSelectModPath);