Scott Ehlert
Fixed VSP listener on Linux when loaded via gameinfo.txt on Left 4 Dead 2 (bug 4113, r=dvander).
This moves the actual VSP listener to the loader and so "plugin_load" is given the path to the loader rather than one of the engine specific binaries.
2009-11-22 23:54:55 -06:00 |
Scott Ehlert
Fixed core/version.rc for windows, so the filename field has the correct engine.
Also applied fix for other builds just in case target filename ever changes.
2008-11-24 03:30:52 -06:00 |
David Anderson
Updated core-legacy windows build.
2008-11-23 22:04:26 -06:00 |
Scott Ehlert
Added Windows support for loader, core, and core-legacy
rename : core-legacy/msvc9/sourcemm.sln => core-legacy/msvc9/mm_core-legacy.sln
rename : core-legacy/msvc9/sourcemm.vcproj => core-legacy/msvc9/mm_core-legacy.vcproj
rename : core/msvc9/sourcemm.sln => core/msvc9/mm_core.sln
rename : core/msvc9/sourcemm.vcproj => core/msvc9/mm_core.vcproj
2008-11-17 00:57:17 -06:00 |