unit UnitfrmMain; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, TFlatRadioButtonUnit, StdCtrls, ComCtrls, mxFlatControls, JvPageList, ExtCtrls, JvExControls, JvComponent, TFlatButtonUnit, jpeg, TFlatEditUnit, TFlatGaugeUnit, ImgList, FileCtrl, Registry, CheckLst, TFlatComboBoxUnit, TFlatCheckBoxUnit, IdBaseComponent, IdComponent, IdTCPConnection, IdTCPClient, IdFTP, IdException, IdAntiFreezeBase, IdAntiFreeze, IdIntercept, IdLogBase, IdLogFile, pngimage; type TfrmMain = class(TForm) jplWizard: TJvPageList; jspWelcome: TJvStandardPage; pnlButtons: TPanel; bvlSpace: TBevel; cmdNext: TFlatButton; cmdCancel: TFlatButton; imgInstall: TImage; lblWelcome: TLabel; lblInfo1: TLabel; lblInfo2: TLabel; lblInfo3: TLabel; jspLicense: TJvStandardPage; pnlLicense: TPanel; imgIcon1: TImage; lblTitle1: TLabel; lblSubTitle1: TLabel; freLicense: TmxFlatRichEdit; frbAgree: TFlatRadioButton; ftbDontAgree: TFlatRadioButton; jspInstallMethod: TJvStandardPage; pnlHeader2: TPanel; imgIcon2: TImage; lblTitle2: TLabel; lblSubTitle2: TLabel; lblInstallMethod: TLabel; pnlInstallMethod: TPanel; frbDedicatedServer: TFlatRadioButton; frbListenServer: TFlatRadioButton; frbSelectMod: TFlatRadioButton; frbFTP: TFlatRadioButton; cmdBack: TFlatButton; jspFTP: TJvStandardPage; pnlHeader3: TPanel; imgIcon3: TImage; lblTitle3: TLabel; lblSubTitle3: TLabel; lblStep1: TLabel; pnlFTPData: TPanel; lblHost: TLabel; txtHost: TFlatEdit; lblUserName: TLabel; txtUserName: TFlatEdit; txtPassword: TFlatEdit; lblPassword: TLabel; txtPort: TFlatEdit; lblPort: TLabel; lblStep2: TLabel; cmdConnect: TFlatButton; pnlDirectory: TPanel; trvDirectories: TTreeView; lblStep4: TLabel; jspInstallProgress: TJvStandardPage; pnlHeader5: TPanel; imgIcon4: TImage; lblTitle5: TLabel; lblSubTitle5: TLabel; ggeAll: TFlatGauge; lblProgress: TLabel; ggeItem: TFlatGauge; rtfDetails: TmxFlatRichEdit; lblDetails: TLabel; bvlSpace2: TBevel; ilImages: TImageList; bvlSpacer1: TBevel; bvlSpacer2: TBevel; bvlSpacer3: TBevel; bvlSpacer5: TBevel; jspSelectMod: TJvStandardPage; pnlSelectMod: TPanel; imgIcon5: TImage; lblSelectMod: TLabel; lblSelectModInfo: TLabel; bvlSelectMod: TBevel; lblInfo: TLabel; chkPassive: TFlatCheckBox; lblStep3: TLabel; pnlOS: TPanel; optWindows: TFlatRadioButton; optLinux: TFlatRadioButton; IdFTP: TIdFTP; cmdProxySettings: TFlatButton; IdAntiFreeze: TIdAntiFreeze; frbStandaloneServer: TFlatRadioButton; tmrSpeed: TTimer; IdLogFile: TIdLogFile; shpMods: TShape; trvMods: TTreeView; FlatRadioButton1: TFlatRadioButton; procedure jvwStepsCancelButtonClick(Sender: TObject); procedure cmdCancelClick(Sender: TObject); procedure cmdNextClick(Sender: TObject); procedure CheckNext(Sender: TObject); procedure cmdBackClick(Sender: TObject); procedure cmdConnectClick(Sender: TObject); procedure jplWizardChange(Sender: TObject); procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure cmdProxySettingsClick(Sender: TObject); procedure txtPortChange(Sender: TObject); procedure trvDirectoriesExpanded(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode); procedure trvDirectoriesChange(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode); procedure IdFTPWork(Sender: TObject; AWorkMode: TWorkMode; const AWorkCount: Integer); procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); procedure tmrSpeedTimer(Sender: TObject); procedure trvDirectoriesExpanding(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode; var AllowExpansion: Boolean); procedure trvDirectoriesCollapsing(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode; var AllowCollapse: Boolean); procedure trvModsClick(Sender: TObject); procedure trvDirectoriesMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); private OldProgress: Integer; CurrProgress: Integer; public procedure ExceptionHandler(Sender: TObject; E: Exception); end; var frmMain: TfrmMain; var VERSION: String = ''; implementation uses UnitFunctions, UnitfrmProxy, UnitInstall, UnitSelectModPath; {$R *.dfm} procedure TfrmMain.jvwStepsCancelButtonClick(Sender: TObject); begin Close; end; procedure TfrmMain.cmdCancelClick(Sender: TObject); begin Close; end; procedure TfrmMain.cmdNextClick(Sender: TObject); var ePath: String; eRegistry: TRegistry; eStr: TStringList; CurNode: TTreeNode; eOS: TOS; i: integer; Source: Boolean; begin { FTP } if jplWizard.ActivePage = jspFTP then begin if not IdFTP.Connected then IdFTP.Connect; eStr := TStringList.Create; ePath := '/'; CurNode := trvDirectories.Selected; if (Assigned(CurNode)) then begin repeat ePath := '/' + CurNode.Text + ePath; CurNode := CurNode.Parent; until (not Assigned(CurNode)); end; IdFTP.ChangeDir(ePath); IdFTP.List(eStr, '', False); eStr.CaseSensitive := False; // check if gameinfo.txt is in the directory -> valid installation if (eStr.IndexOf('gameinfo.txt') = -1) then begin MessageBox(Handle, 'Invalid directory. Please select your mod directory and try again.', PChar(Application.Title), MB_ICONWARNING); eStr.Free; exit; end else eStr.Free; // check for orangebox directory Source := True; if (AnsiSameText(trvDirectories.Selected.Text, 'tf')) then begin case MessageBox(Handle, 'It looks like your server is using the OrangeBox engine. Would you like to install the appropriate binaries for it?', PChar(Application.Title), MB_ICONQUESTION + MB_YESNOCANCEL) of mrYes: Source := False; mrNo: Source := True; mrCancel: begin eStr.Free; exit; end; end; end; // design stuff trvDirectories.Enabled := False; cmdConnect.Enabled := False; optWindows.Enabled := False; optLinux.Enabled := False; Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass; if optWindows.Checked then eOS := osWindows else eOS := osLinux; jspInstallProgress.Show; // installation Screen.Cursor := crAppStart; InstallFTP(eOS, Source, trvDirectories.Selected.Text); end else if jplWizard.ActivePage = jspInstallProgress then Close else if jplWizard.ActivePage = jspSelectMod then begin { Dedicated Server } if frbDedicatedServer.Checked then begin Source := True; ePath := trvMods.Selected.Text; if ePath = 'Counter-Strike:Source' then ePath := trvMods.Selected.Parent.Text + '\source dedicated server\cstrike' else if ePath = 'Day of Defeat:Source' then ePath := trvMods.Selected.Parent.Text + '\source dedicated server\dod' else if ePath = 'Half-Life 2 Deathmatch' then ePath := trvMods.Selected.Parent.Text + '\source dedicated server\hl2mp' else begin { get games } if ePath = 'Team Fortress 2' then ePath := trvMods.Selected.Parent.Text + '\source 2007 dedicated server\tf'; { ask user, just in case } case MessageBox(Handle, 'It looks like your server is using the OrangeBox engine. Would you like to install the appropriate binaries for it?', PChar(Application.Title), MB_ICONQUESTION + MB_YESNOCANCEL) of mrYes: Source := False; mrNo: Source := True; mrCancel: exit; end; end; SteamPath := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(SteamPath) + 'steamapps\'; // install it if DirectoryExists(SteamPath + ePath) then begin jspInstallProgress.Show; InstallDedicated(IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(SteamPath + ePath), True, Source); end else begin MessageBox(Handle, 'Error: The directory of the mod you selected doesn''t exist any more. Run Dedicated Server with the chosen mod and try again.', PChar(Application.Title), MB_ICONERROR); jspSelectMod.Show; exit; end; end; { Standalone Server } if frbStandaloneServer.Checked then begin Source := True; ePath := trvMods.Selected.Text; if ePath = 'Counter-Strike:Source' then ePath := 'cstrike' else if ePath = 'Day of Defeat:Source' then ePath := 'dod' else if ePath = 'Half-Life 2 Deathmatch' then ePath := 'hl2mp' else begin { get games } if ePath = 'Team Fortress 2' then ePath := 'orangebox\tf'; { ask user, just in case } case MessageBox(Handle, 'It looks like your server is using the OrangeBox engine. Would you like to install the appropriate binaries for it?', PChar(Application.Title), MB_ICONQUESTION + MB_YESNOCANCEL) of mrYes: Source := False; mrNo: Source := True; mrCancel: exit; end; end; // install it if DirectoryExists(StandaloneServer + ePath) then begin jspInstallProgress.Show; InstallDedicated(IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(StandaloneServer + ePath), False, Source) end else begin MessageBox(Handle, 'Error: The directory of the mod you selected doesn''t exist (any more). Run Half-Life Dedicated Server with the chosen mod again and restart.', PChar(Application.Title), MB_ICONERROR); jspSelectMod.Show; exit; end; end; { Listen Server } if frbListenServer.Checked then begin Source := True; ePath := trvMods.Selected.Text; if ePath = 'Counter-Strike:Source' then ePath := SteamPath + 'SteamApps\' + trvMods.Selected.Parent.Text + '\counter-strike source\cstrike' else if ePath = 'Half-Life 2 Deathmatch' then ePath := SteamPath + 'SteamApps\' + trvMods.Selected.Parent.Text + '\half-life 2 deathmatch\hl2mp' else if ePath = 'Day of Defeat:Source' then ePath := SteamPath + 'SteamApps\' + trvMods.Selected.Parent.Text + '\day of defeat source\dod' else begin { get games } if ePath = 'Team Fortress 2' then ePath := SteamPath + 'SteamApps\' + trvMods.Selected.Parent.Text + '\team fortress 2\tf'; { ask user, just in case } case MessageBox(Handle, 'It looks like your server is using the OrangeBox engine. Would you like to install the appropriate binaries for it?', PChar(Application.Title), MB_ICONQUESTION + MB_YESNOCANCEL) of mrYes: Source := False; mrNo: Source := True; mrCancel: exit; end; end; if Pos(SteamPath, ePath) = 0 then MessageBox(Handle, 'An error occured. Please report this bug to the Metamod:Source team and post a new thread on the forums of www.amxmodx.org.', PChar(Application.Title), MB_ICONSTOP) else begin if not FileExists(ePath + '\gameinfo.txt') then begin MessageBox(Handle, 'You have to play this game once before installing Metamod:Source. Do that and try again.', PChar(Application.Title), MB_ICONWARNING); exit; end; jspInstallProgress.Show; InstallListen(IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(ePath), Source); end; end; { Custom mod below } end else if jplWizard.ActivePage <> jspInstallMethod then jplWizard.NextPage else begin if frbDedicatedServer.Checked then begin // Dedicated Server eRegistry := TRegistry.Create(KEY_READ); try eRegistry.RootKey := HKEY_CURRENT_USER; if eRegistry.OpenKey('Software\Valve\Steam', False) then begin ePath := eRegistry.ReadString('SteamPath'); ePath := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(StringReplace(ePath, '/', '\', [rfReplaceAll])); SteamPath := ePath; ePath := ePath + 'SteamApps\'; if DirectoryExists(ePath) then begin trvMods.Items.Clear; // Check Mods eStr := GetAllFiles(ePath + '*.*', faDirectory, False, True, False); for i := 0 to eStr.Count -1 do begin CurNode := trvMods.Items.Add(nil, eStr[i]); if DirectoryExists(ePath + eStr[i] + '\source dedicated server\cstrike') then trvMods.Items.AddChild(CurNode, 'Counter-Strike:Source'); if DirectoryExists(ePath + eStr[i] + '\source dedicated server\dod') then trvMods.Items.AddChild(CurNode, 'Day of Defeat:Source'); if DirectoryExists(ePath + eStr[i] + '\source dedicated server\hl2mp') then trvMods.Items.AddChild(CurNode, 'Half-Life 2 Deatmatch'); if DirectoryExists(ePath + eStr[i] + '\source 2007 dedicated server\tf') then trvMods.Items.AddChild(CurNode, 'Team Fortress 2'); if CurNode.Count = 0 then CurNode.Free else CurNode.Expand(False); end; // Misc jspSelectMod.Show; trvMods.Selected := nil; cmdNext.Enabled := False; end else MessageBox(Handle, 'You have to run Dedicated Server once before installing Metamod:Source!', 'Error', MB_ICONWARNING); end else MessageBox(Handle, 'You haven''t installed Steam yet! Download it at www.steampowered.com, install Dedicated Server and try again.', 'Error', MB_ICONWARNING); finally eRegistry.Free; end; end else if frbListenServer.Checked then begin // Listen Server eRegistry := TRegistry.Create(KEY_READ); try eRegistry.RootKey := HKEY_CURRENT_USER; if eRegistry.OpenKey('Software\Valve\Steam', False) then begin ePath := eRegistry.ReadString('SteamPath'); ePath := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(StringReplace(ePath, '/', '\', [rfReplaceAll])); SteamPath := ePath; ePath := ePath + 'SteamApps\'; if DirectoryExists(ePath) then begin trvMods.Items.Clear; // Check Mods eStr := GetAllFiles(ePath + '*.*', faDirectory, False, True, False); for i := 0 to eStr.Count -1 do begin CurNode := trvMods.Items.Add(nil, eStr[i]); if DirectoryExists(ePath + eStr[i] + '\counter-strike source') then trvMods.Items.AddChild(CurNode, 'Counter-Strike:Source'); if DirectoryExists(ePath + eStr[i] + '\day of defeat source') then trvMods.Items.AddChild(CurNode, 'Day of Defeat:Source'); if DirectoryExists(ePath + eStr[i] + '\half-life 2 deathmatch') then trvMods.Items.AddChild(CurNode, 'Half-Life 2 Deatmatch'); if DirectoryExists(ePath + eStr[i] + '\team fortress 2') then trvMods.Items.AddChild(CurNode, 'Team Fortress 2'); if CurNode.Count = 0 then CurNode.Free else CurNode.Expand(False); end; // Misc jspSelectMod.Show; trvMods.Selected := nil; cmdNext.Enabled := False; end else MessageBox(Handle, 'You haven''t installed Steam yet! Download it at www.steampowered.com, install Dedicated Server and try again.', 'Error', MB_ICONWARNING); end else MessageBox(Handle, 'You haven''t installed Steam yet! Download it at www.steampowered.com, install Dedicated Server and try again.', 'Error', MB_ICONWARNING); finally eRegistry.Free; end; end else if frbStandaloneServer.Checked then begin // Standalone Server eRegistry := TRegistry.Create; try eRegistry.RootKey := HKEY_CURRENT_USER; if eRegistry.OpenKey('Software\Valve\HLServer', False) then begin StandaloneServer := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(eRegistry.ReadString('InstallPath')); if DirectoryExists(StandaloneServer + 'cstrike') then trvMods.Items.Add(nil, 'Counter-Strike:Source'); if DirectoryExists(StandaloneServer + 'dod') then trvMods.Items.Add(nil, 'Day of Defeat:Source'); if DirectoryExists(StandaloneServer + 'hl2mp') then trvMods.Items.Add(nil, 'Half-Life 2 Deatmatch'); if DirectoryExists(StandaloneServer + 'orangebox\tf') then trvMods.Items.Add(nil, 'Team Fortress 2'); jspSelectMod.Show; cmdNext.Enabled := False; end else MessageBox(Handle, 'You haven''t installed Half-Life Dedicated Server yet!', 'Error', MB_ICONWARNING); finally eRegistry.Free; end; end else if frbSelectMod.Checked then begin { Custom mod } if frmSelectModPath.ShowModal = mrOk then begin ePath := frmSelectModPath.trvDirectory.SelectedFolder.PathName; { check if this is an orangebox game } Source := True; if (AnsiSameText(ExtractFileName(ePath), 'tf')) then begin case MessageBox(Handle, 'It looks like your server is using the OrangeBox engine. Would you like to install the appropriate binaries for it?', PChar(Application.Title), MB_ICONQUESTION + MB_YESNOCANCEL) of mrYes: Source := False; mrNo: Source := True; mrCancel: exit; end; end; { install now } jspInstallProgress.Show; InstallCustom(IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(ePath), osWindows, Source); end; end else if frbFTP.Checked then // FTP jspFTP.Show; end; end; procedure TfrmMain.CheckNext(Sender: TObject); begin cmdNext.Enabled := frbAgree.Checked; end; procedure TfrmMain.cmdBackClick(Sender: TObject); begin if jplWizard.ActivePage = jspFTP then jspInstallMethod.Show else begin jplWizard.PrevPage; cmdBack.Visible := jplWizard.ActivePageIndex <> 0; end; end; procedure TfrmMain.cmdConnectClick(Sender: TObject); var i: integer; eStr: TStringList; CurNode: TTreeNode; Path: String; begin if (Trim(txtHost.Text) = '') or (Trim(txtUsername.Text) = '') then MessageBox(Handle, 'Please fill in each field!', PChar(Application.Title), MB_ICONWARNING) else if cmdConnect.Caption = 'Connect' then begin // ... design stuff ... Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass; cmdConnect.Enabled := False; cmdProxySettings.Enabled := False; txtHost.Enabled := False; txtPort.Enabled := False; txtUsername.Enabled := False; txtPassword.Enabled := False; chkPassive.Enabled := False; cmdConnect.Caption := 'Connecting...'; // ... set values ... IdFTP.Host := txtHost.Text; IdFTP.Port := StrToInt(txtPort.Text); IdFTP.Username := txtUsername.Text; IdFTP.Passive := chkPassive.Checked; IdFTP.Password := txtPassword.Text; // ... connect and check values etc ... try IdFTP.Connect(True, 15000); // ... get initial directory ... Path := IdFTP.RetrieveCurrentDir; // ... "fix" path ... eStr := TStringList.Create; eStr.Text := StringReplace(Path, '/', #13, [rfReplaceAll]); for i := eStr.Count -1 downto 0 do begin if eStr[i] = '' then eStr.Delete(i); end; if (Copy(Path, Length(Path) -1, 1) <> '/') then Path := Path + '/'; // ... connect successful, change captions ... trvDirectories.Enabled := True; cmdConnect.Enabled := True; cmdConnect.Caption := 'Disconnect'; // ... change to / and create all the directories ... CurNode := nil; if (Path <> '/') then begin try IdFTP.ChangeDir('/'); with GetAllDirs do begin for i := 0 to Count -1 do begin if (Assigned(CurNode)) then trvDirectories.Items.AddChild(trvDirectories.Items.Add(nil, Strings[i]), 'Scanning...') else begin CurNode := trvDirectories.Items.Add(nil, Strings[i]); trvDirectories.Items.AddChild(CurNode, 'Scanning...'); if (Pos('/' + CurNode.Text + '/', Path) = 0) then CurNode := nil; end end; Free; end; IdFTP.ChangeDir(Path); except if (IdFTP.Connected) then IdFTP.ChangeDir(Path) else IdFTP.Connect; end; end; // ... find directories in start path ... if eStr.Count <> 0 then begin for i := 0 to eStr.Count -1 do begin if (not ((i = 0) and (Assigned(CurNode)))) then CurNode := trvDirectories.Items.AddChild(CurNode, eStr[i]); end; end; trvDirectories.Selected := CurNode; eStr.Free; // ... scan for directories ... with GetAllDirs do begin for i := 0 to Count -1 do trvDirectories.Items.AddChild(trvDirectories.Items.AddChild(CurNode, Strings[i]), 'Scanning...'); Free; end; if Assigned(CurNode) then CurNode.Expand(False); except on E: Exception do begin // reset button properties cmdConnect.Enabled := True; txtHost.Enabled := True; txtPort.Enabled := True; txtUsername.Enabled := True; txtPassword.Enabled := True; chkPassive.Enabled := True; cmdProxySettings.Enabled := True; cmdNext.Enabled := False; cmdConnect.Caption := 'Connect'; // analyze messages if Pos('Login incorrect.', E.Message) <> 0 then begin // login failed MessageBox(Handle, 'Login incorrect. Check your FTP settings and try again.', PChar(Application.Title), MB_ICONWARNING); txtUsername.SetFocus; txtUsername.SelectAll; end else if Pos('Host not found.', E.Message) <> 0 then begin // host not found MessageBox(Handle, 'The entered host couldn''t be found. Check your settings and try again.', PChar(Application.Title), MB_ICONWARNING); txtHost.SetFocus; txtHost.SelectAll; end else if Pos('Connection refused.', E.Message) <> 0 then begin // wrong port (?) MessageBox(Handle, 'The host refused the connection. Check your port and try again.', PChar(Application.Title), MB_ICONWARNING); txtPort.SetFocus; txtPort.SelectAll; end else if E is EIdProtocolReplyError then begin // wrong port MessageBox(Handle, 'The port you entered is definitely wrong. Check it and try again.', PChar(Application.Title), MB_ICONWARNING); txtPort.SetFocus; txtPort.SelectAll; end else MessageBox(Handle, PChar(E.Message), PChar(Application.Title), MB_ICONWARNING); // unknown error // ... connect failed, leave procedure ... Screen.Cursor := crDefault; exit; end; end; Screen.Cursor := crDefault; end else begin Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass; IdFTP.Quit; trvDirectories.Items.Clear; trvDirectories.Enabled := False; cmdConnect.Enabled := True; cmdProxySettings.Enabled := True; txtHost.Enabled := True; txtPort.Enabled := True; txtUsername.Enabled := True; txtPassword.Enabled := True; chkPassive.Enabled := True; cmdConnect.Caption := 'Connect'; cmdNext.Enabled := False; Screen.Cursor := crDefault; end; end; procedure TfrmMain.jplWizardChange(Sender: TObject); begin if (jplWizard.ActivePage = jspInstallProgress) then begin cmdNext.Caption := '&Finish'; cmdNext.Enabled := False; cmdBack.Visible := False; end else begin cmdNext.Caption := '&Next >'; cmdNext.Enabled := True; cmdBack.Visible := jplWizard.ActivePageIndex <> 0; end; if (jplWizard.ActivePage = jspLicense) then cmdNext.Enabled := frbAgree.Checked; if (jplWizard.ActivePage = jspFTP) then cmdNext.Enabled := False; end; procedure TfrmMain.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin if LowerCase(ParamStr(1)) = '-logftp' then begin MessageBox(Handle, 'FTP installation will be logged to FTP.log!', PChar(Application.Title), MB_ICONINFORMATION); IdLogFile.Filename := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) + 'FTP.log'; IdLogFile.Active := True; end; rtfDetails.Clear; end; procedure TfrmMain.cmdProxySettingsClick(Sender: TObject); begin frmProxy.ShowModal; // Apply Proxy Settings case frmProxy.cboProxy.ItemIndex of 0: IdFTP.ProxySettings.ProxyType := fpcmNone; // none 1: IdFTP.ProxySettings.ProxyType := fpcmHttpProxyWithFtp; // HTTP Proxy with FTP 2: IdFTP.ProxySettings.ProxyType := fpcmOpen; // Open 3: IdFTP.ProxySettings.ProxyType := fpcmSite; // Site 4: IdFTP.ProxySettings.ProxyType := fpcmTransparent; // Transparent 5: IdFTP.ProxySettings.ProxyType := fpcmUserPass; // User (Password) 6: IdFTP.ProxySettings.ProxyType := fpcmUserSite; // User (Site) end; IdFTP.ProxySettings.Host := frmProxy.txtHost.Text; IdFTP.ProxySettings.UserName := frmProxy.txtPort.Text; IdFTP.ProxySettings.Password := frmProxy.txtPassword.Text; IdFTP.ProxySettings.Port := StrToInt(frmProxy.txtPort.Text); end; procedure TfrmMain.txtPortChange(Sender: TObject); var i: integer; begin if txtPort.Text = '' then txtPort.Text := '21' else begin // check if value is numeric... for i := Length(txtPort.Text) downto 1 do begin if Pos(txtPort.Text[i], '0123456789') = 0 then begin txtPort.Text := '21'; txtPort.SelStart := 4; exit; end; end; end; end; procedure TfrmMain.trvDirectoriesExpanded(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode); var ePath: String; CurNode: TTreeNode; i: integer; begin if Node.Item[0].Text = 'Scanning...' then begin // no directories added yet Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass; // get complete path ePath := '/'; CurNode := Node; repeat ePath := '/' + CurNode.Text + ePath; CurNode := CurNode.Parent; until (not Assigned(CurNode)); // change dir and add directories in it try Repaint; IdFTP.ChangeDir(ePath); with GetAllDirs do begin Node.Item[0].Free; for i := 0 to Count -1 do begin trvDirectories.Items.AddChild(trvDirectories.Items.AddChild(Node, Strings[i]), 'Scanning...'); end; Free; end; finally Application.ProcessMessages; end; Screen.Cursor := crDefault; end; end; procedure TfrmMain.trvDirectoriesChange(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode); begin cmdNext.Enabled := Assigned(trvDirectories.Selected); end; procedure TfrmMain.IdFTPWork(Sender: TObject; AWorkMode: TWorkMode; const AWorkCount: Integer); begin if AWorkCount > 15 then begin ggeItem.Progress := AWorkCount; CurrProgress := AWorkCount; end; if Cancel then IdFTP.Abort; Application.ProcessMessages; end; procedure TfrmMain.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); begin if (jplWizard.ActivePage = jspFTP) and (IdFTP.Connected) then IdFTP.Quit; if (jplWizard.ActivePage = jspInstallProgress) and (ggeAll.Progress <> ggeAll.MaxValue) and (not Cancel) then begin if MessageBox(Handle, 'Do you really want to cancel the installation?', PChar(Application.Title), MB_ICONQUESTION + MB_YESNO) = mrYes then begin Screen.Cursor := crDefault; Application.OnException := ExceptionHandler; Cancel := True; if IdFTP.Connected then IdFTP.Quit; end else Action := caNone; end; end; procedure TfrmMain.ExceptionHandler(Sender: TObject; E: Exception); begin // IF any exceptions were raised after close, nobody would want them so leave this empty end; procedure TfrmMain.tmrSpeedTimer(Sender: TObject); begin Caption := CalcSpeed(OldProgress, CurrProgress); OldProgress := CurrProgress; end; procedure TfrmMain.trvDirectoriesExpanding(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode; var AllowExpansion: Boolean); begin Node.ImageIndex := 1; Node.SelectedIndex := 1; end; procedure TfrmMain.trvDirectoriesCollapsing(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode; var AllowCollapse: Boolean); begin Node.ImageIndex := 0; Node.SelectedIndex := 0; end; procedure TfrmMain.trvModsClick(Sender: TObject); begin if Assigned(trvMods.Selected) then cmdNext.Enabled := Assigned(trvMods.Selected.Parent) else cmdNext.Enabled := False; end; procedure TfrmMain.trvDirectoriesMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); var Node: TTreeNode; begin Node := trvDirectories.GetNodeAt(X, Y); if (Assigned(Node)) then begin if (Node.DisplayRect(True).Right < X) then trvDirectories.Selected := nil; end; end; end.