/* ======== SourceMM ======== * Copyright (C) 2004-2010 Metamod:Source Development Team * No warranties of any kind * * License: zlib/libpng * * Author(s): David "BAILOPAN" Anderson * ============================ */ #include "convar_smm.h" #include "CSmmAPI.h" #include "sourcemm.h" #include "concommands.h" #include "CPlugin.h" #include "util.h" #include "sh_memory.h" #include <setjmp.h> #if defined __linux__ #include <sys/stat.h> #endif /** * @brief Implementation of main API interface * @file CSmmAPI.cpp */ using namespace SourceMM; using namespace SourceHook; struct UsrMsgInfo { UsrMsgInfo() { } UsrMsgInfo(int s, const char *t) : size(s), name(t) { } int size; String name; }; CSmmAPI g_SmmAPI; static CVector<UsrMsgInfo> usermsgs_list; static jmp_buf usermsg_end; CSmmAPI::CSmmAPI() { m_ConPrintf = NULL; m_CmdCache = false; m_VSP = false; } void CSmmAPI::LogMsg(ISmmPlugin *pl, const char *msg, ...) { va_list ap; static char buffer[2048]; va_start(ap, msg); UTIL_FormatArgs(buffer, sizeof(buffer), msg, ap); va_end(ap); LogMessage("[%s] %s", pl->GetLogTag(), buffer); } CreateInterfaceFn CSmmAPI::engineFactory(bool syn) { if (syn) return EngineFactory; return g_Engine.engineFactory; } CreateInterfaceFn CSmmAPI::physicsFactory(bool syn) { if (syn) return PhysicsFactory; return g_Engine.physicsFactory; } CreateInterfaceFn CSmmAPI::fileSystemFactory(bool syn) { if (syn) return FileSystemFactory; return g_Engine.fileSystemFactory; } CreateInterfaceFn CSmmAPI::serverFactory(bool syn) { if (syn) return ServerFactory; return g_GameDll.factory; } CGlobalVars *CSmmAPI::pGlobals() { return g_Engine.pGlobals; } void CSmmAPI::SetLastMetaReturn(META_RES res) { m_Res = res; } META_RES CSmmAPI::GetLastMetaReturn() { return m_Res; } IConCommandBaseAccessor *CSmmAPI::GetCvarBaseAccessor() { return static_cast<IConCommandBaseAccessor *>(&g_SMConVarAccessor); } bool CSmmAPI::RegisterConCmdBase(ISmmPlugin *plugin, ConCommandBase *pCommand) { if (pCommand->IsCommand()) { g_PluginMngr.AddPluginCmd(plugin, pCommand); } else { g_PluginMngr.AddPluginCvar(plugin, pCommand); } return g_SMConVarAccessor.Register(pCommand); } void CSmmAPI::UnregisterConCmdBase(ISmmPlugin *plugin, ConCommandBase *pCommand) { if (pCommand->IsCommand()) { g_PluginMngr.RemovePluginCmd(plugin, pCommand); } else { g_PluginMngr.RemovePluginCvar(plugin, pCommand); } CPluginManager::CPlugin *pPlugin = g_PluginMngr.FindByAPI(plugin); PluginId id = (pPlugin != NULL) ? pPlugin->m_Id : Pl_BadLoad; NotifyConCommandBaseDrop(id, pCommand); g_SMConVarAccessor.Unregister(pCommand); } void CSmmAPI::ConPrint(const char *fmt) { (m_ConPrintf)("%s", fmt); } void CSmmAPI::ConPrintf(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; static char buffer[4096]; va_start(ap, fmt); UTIL_FormatArgs(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fmt, ap); va_end(ap); (m_ConPrintf)("%s", buffer); } void CSmmAPI::AddListener(ISmmPlugin *plugin, IMetamodListener *pListener) { CPluginManager::CPlugin *pl = g_PluginMngr.FindByAPI(plugin); CPluginEventHandler cpeh; cpeh.event = pListener; cpeh.got_vsp = false; pl->m_Events.push_back(cpeh); } void *CSmmAPI::MetaFactory(const char *iface, int *_ret, PluginId *id) { if (id) { *id = 0; } if (!iface) { return NULL; } //first check ours... we get first chance! if (strcmp(iface, MMIFACE_SOURCEHOOK) == 0) { if (_ret) { *_ret = IFACE_OK; } return static_cast<void *>(static_cast<SourceHook::ISourceHook *>(&g_SourceHook)); } else if (strcmp(iface, MMIFACE_PLMANAGER) == 0) { if (_ret) { *_ret = IFACE_OK; } return static_cast<void *>(static_cast<ISmmPluginManager *>(&g_PluginMngr)); } CPluginManager::CPlugin *pl; SourceHook::List<CPluginEventHandler>::iterator event; IMetamodListener *api; int ret = 0; void *val = NULL; for (PluginIter iter = g_PluginMngr._begin(); iter != g_PluginMngr._end(); iter++) { pl = (*iter); for (event=pl->m_Events.begin(); event!=pl->m_Events.end(); event++) { api = (*event).event; ret = IFACE_FAILED; if ( (val=api->OnMetamodQuery(iface, &ret)) != NULL ) { if (_ret) *_ret = ret; if (id) *id = pl->m_Id; return val; } } } if (_ret) *_ret = IFACE_FAILED; return NULL; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //THERE BE HAX HERE!!!! DON'T TELL ALFRED, BUT GABE WANTED IT THAT WAY. // // (note: you can find the offset by looking for the text // // "Echo text to console", you'll find the callback cmd pushed on the // // stack.) // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define SIGLEN 8 #define ENGINE486_SIG "\x55\x89\xE5\x53\x83\xEC\x14\xBB" #define ENGINE486_OFFS 40 #define ENGINE686_SIG "\x53\x83\xEC\x08\xBB\x01\x00\x00" #define ENGINE686_OFFS 50 #define ENGINEAMD_SIG "\x53\x51\xBB\x01\x00\x00\x00\x51" #define ENGINEAMD_OFFS 47 #define ENGINEW32_SIG "\xA1\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A\x56\xBE\x01" #define ENGINEW32_OFFS 38 #define IA32_CALL 0xE8 //Thanks to fysh for the idea of extracting info from "echo" and for // having the original offsets at hand! bool CSmmAPI::CacheCmds() { ICvar *pCvar = g_Engine.icvar; ConCommandBase *pBase = pCvar->GetCommands(); unsigned char *ptr = NULL; FnCommandCallback callback = NULL; int offs = 0; while (pBase) { if ( strcmp(pBase->GetName(), "echo") == 0 ) { //callback = //*((FnCommandCallback *)((char *)pBase + offsetof(ConCommand, m_fnCommandCallback))); callback = ((ConCommand *)pBase)->GetCallback(); ptr = (unsigned char *)callback; #ifdef OS_LINUX if (UTIL_VerifySignature(ptr, ENGINE486_SIG, SIGLEN)) { offs = ENGINE486_OFFS; } else if (UTIL_VerifySignature(ptr, ENGINE686_SIG, SIGLEN)) { offs = ENGINE686_OFFS; } else if (UTIL_VerifySignature(ptr, ENGINEAMD_SIG, SIGLEN)) { offs = ENGINEAMD_OFFS; } #elif defined OS_WIN32 // Only one Windows engine binary so far... if (UTIL_VerifySignature(ptr, ENGINEW32_SIG, SIGLEN)) { offs = ENGINEW32_OFFS; } #endif if (!offs || ptr[offs - 1] != IA32_CALL) { m_ConPrintf = (CONPRINTF_FUNC)Msg; return false; } //get the relative offset m_ConPrintf = *((CONPRINTF_FUNC *)(ptr + offs)); //add the base offset, to the ip (which is the address+offset + 4 bytes for next instruction) m_ConPrintf = (CONPRINTF_FUNC)((unsigned long)m_ConPrintf + (unsigned long)(ptr + offs) + 4); m_CmdCache = true; return true; } pBase = const_cast<ConCommandBase *>(pBase->GetNext()); } m_ConPrintf = (CONPRINTF_FUNC)Msg; return false; } bool CSmmAPI::CmdCacheSuccessful() { return m_CmdCache; } void CSmmAPI::GetApiVersions(int &major, int &minor, int &plvers, int &plmin) { major = SM_VERS_API_MAJOR; minor = SM_VERS_API_MINOR; plvers = PLAPI_VERSION; plmin = PLAPI_MIN_VERSION; } void CSmmAPI::GetShVersions(int &shvers, int &shimpl) { shvers = SH_IFACE_VERSION; shimpl = SH_IMPL_VERSION; } int CSmmAPI::FormatIface(char iface[], unsigned int maxlength) { int length = (int)strlen(iface); int i; int num = 0; for (i = length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (!isdigit(iface[i])) { if (i != length - 1) { num = 1; } break; } } if ( (num && ((int)maxlength <= length)) || (!num && ((int)maxlength <= length + 3)) ) { return -1; } if (i != length - 1) num = atoi(&(iface[++i])); num++; snprintf(&(iface[i]), 4, "%03d", num); return num; } void *CSmmAPI::InterfaceSearch(CreateInterfaceFn fn, const char *iface, int max, int *ret) { char _if[256]; /* assume no interface goes beyond this */ size_t len = strlen(iface); int num = 0; void *pf = NULL; if (max > 999) max = 999; if (len + 4 > sizeof(_if)) { if (ret) { *ret = IFACE_FAILED; } return NULL; } strcpy(_if, iface); do { if ( (pf = (fn)(_if, ret)) != NULL ) break; if (num > max) break; } while (( num = FormatIface(_if, len+1) )); return pf; } void *CSmmAPI::VInterfaceMatch(CreateInterfaceFn fn, const char *iface, int min) { char buffer[256]; /* assume no interface will go beyond this */ size_t len = strlen(iface); int ret; /* just in case something doesn't handle NULL properly */ if (len > sizeof(buffer) - 4) { return NULL; } strcpy(buffer, iface); if (min != -1) { char *ptr = &buffer[len - 1]; int digits = 0; while (isdigit(*ptr) && digits <=3) { *ptr = '\0'; digits++; ptr--; } if (digits != 3) { /* for now, assume this is an error */ strcpy(buffer, iface); } else { char num[4]; min = (min == 0) ? 1 : min; snprintf(num, sizeof(num), "%03d", min); strcat(buffer, num); } } return InterfaceSearch(fn, buffer, IFACE_MAXNUM, &ret); } const char *CSmmAPI::GetBaseDir() { return g_ModPath.c_str(); } void CSmmAPI::PathFormat(char *buffer, size_t len, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); size_t mylen = UTIL_FormatArgs(buffer, len, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); for (size_t i = 0; i < mylen; i++) { if (buffer[i] == ALT_SEP_CHAR) { buffer[i] = PATH_SEP_CHAR; } } } void CSmmAPI::ClientConPrintf(edict_t *client, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; static char buffer[4096]; va_start(ap, fmt); UTIL_FormatArgs(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fmt, ap); va_end(ap); g_Engine.engine->ClientPrintf(client, buffer); } void CSmmAPI::LoadAsVSP() { size_t len; char engine_file[PATH_SIZE]; char rel_path[PATH_SIZE * 2]; GetFileOfAddress(g_Engine.engine, engine_file, sizeof(engine_file)); /* Chop off the "engine" file part */ len = strlen(engine_file); for (size_t i = len - 1; i < len; i--) { if (engine_file[i] == '/' || engine_file[i] == '\\') { engine_file[i] = '\0'; break; } } const char *usepath = g_MetamodPath.c_str(); if (UTIL_Relatize(rel_path, sizeof(rel_path), engine_file, g_MetamodPath.c_str())) { usepath = rel_path; } char command[PATH_SIZE * 2]; UTIL_Format(command, sizeof(command), "plugin_load \"%s\"\n", usepath); g_Engine.engine->ServerCommand(command); } void CSmmAPI::EnableVSPListener() { /* If GameInit already passed and we're not already enabled or loaded, go ahead and LoadAsVSP load */ if (g_bGameInit && !m_VSP && !g_bIsBridgedAsVsp) { LoadAsVSP(); } m_VSP = true; } int CSmmAPI::GetGameDLLVersion() { return g_GameDllVersion; } /* This only gets called if IServerGameDLL::GetUserMessageInfo() triggers it */ void Detour_Error(const tchar *pMsg, ...) { /* Jump back to setjmp() in CacheUserMessages() */ longjmp(usermsg_end, 1); } /* IServerGameDLL::GetUserMessageInfo() crashes on games based on the old engine and * early Orange Box. This is because Error() from tier0 gets called when a bad index is * passed. This is all due to a bug in CUtlRBTree::IsValidIndex(). * * So we detour Error() to fix this. Our detour then jumps back into CacheUserMessages() * to a point before GetUserMessageInfo() is called. The detour is then removed and we * exit. */ void CSmmAPI::CacheUserMessages() { int q, size; char buffer[256]; unsigned char *target, *detour; unsigned char orig_bytes[5]; target = (unsigned char *)&Error; detour = (unsigned char *)&Detour_Error; /* Save bytes from target function */ memcpy(orig_bytes, target, sizeof(orig_bytes)); /* Patch in relative jump to our Error() detour */ SetMemAccess(target, sizeof(orig_bytes), SH_MEM_READ|SH_MEM_WRITE|SH_MEM_EXEC); target[0] = IA32_JMP_IMM32; *(int32_t *)&target[1] = (int32_t)(detour - (target + 5)); /* This is where longjmp() will end up */ if (setjmp(usermsg_end)) { /* Restore bytes and memory protection */ memcpy(target, orig_bytes, sizeof(orig_bytes)); SetMemAccess(target, sizeof(orig_bytes), SH_MEM_READ|SH_MEM_EXEC); return; } q = 0; /* If GetUserMessageInfo() calls Error(), we should end up in our detour */ while (g_GameDll.pGameDLL->GetUserMessageInfo(q, buffer, sizeof(buffer), size)) { usermsgs_list.push_back(UsrMsgInfo(size, buffer)); q++; } /* Jump back to setjmp() */ longjmp(usermsg_end, 1); } int CSmmAPI::GetUserMessageCount() { return (int)usermsgs_list.size(); } int CSmmAPI::FindUserMessage(const char *name, int *size) { for (size_t i = 0; i < usermsgs_list.size(); i++) { if (usermsgs_list[i].name.compare(name) == 0) { if (size) { *size = usermsgs_list[i].size; } return (int)i; } } return -1; } const char *CSmmAPI::GetUserMessage(int index, int *size) { if (index < 0 || index >= (int)usermsgs_list.size()) { return NULL; } if (size) { *size = usermsgs_list[index].size; } return usermsgs_list[index].name.c_str(); } IServerPluginCallbacks *CSmmAPI::GetVSPInfo(int *pVersion) { if (pVersion != NULL) *pVersion = g_vsp_version; return g_pRealVspCallbacks; } int CSmmAPI::GetSourceEngineBuild() { return g_Engine.original ? SOURCE_ENGINE_ORIGINAL : SOURCE_ENGINE_EPISODEONE; } void CSmmAPI::GetFullPluginPath(const char *plugin, char *buffer, size_t len) { const char *pext, *ext; /* First find if it's an absolute path or not... */ if (plugin[0] == '/' || strncmp(&(plugin[1]), ":\\", 2) == 0) { UTIL_Format(buffer, len, plugin); return; } /* Attempt to find a file extension */ pext = UTIL_GetExtension(plugin); /* Add an extension if there's none there */ if (!pext) { #if defined WIN32 || defined _WIN32 ext = ".dll"; #else ext = "_i486.so"; #endif } else { ext = ""; } /* Format the new path */ PathFormat(buffer, len, "%s/%s%s", g_ModPath.c_str(), plugin, ext); #if defined __linux__ /* If path was passed without extension and it doesn't exist with "_i486.so" try ".so" */ struct stat s; if (!pext && stat(buffer, &s) != 0) { PathFormat(buffer, len, "%s/%s.so", g_ModPath.c_str(), plugin); } #endif }