#include <string> #include "sourcehook.h" #include "sourcehook_test.h" #include "testevents.h" // TESTRECALL // Test modifying parameters from hook handlers namespace { StateList g_States; SourceHook::ISourceHook *g_SHPtr; SourceHook::Plugin g_PLID; MAKE_STATE_1(State_Func1, int); MAKE_STATE_1(State_H1_Func1, int); MAKE_STATE_1(State_H2_Func1, int); MAKE_STATE_2(State_HP_Func1, int, void*); MAKE_STATE_1(State_Func2, int); MAKE_STATE_1(State_H1_Func2, int); MAKE_STATE_1(State_H2_Func2, int); MAKE_STATE_2(State_HP_Func2, int, int); MAKE_STATE_2(State_Func22, int, int); MAKE_STATE_2(State_H1_Func22, int, int); MAKE_STATE_2(State_HP1_Func22, int, int); MAKE_STATE_2(State_HP2_Func22, int, int); struct Test { virtual void Func1(int a) { ADD_STATE(State_Func1(a)); } virtual int Func2(int a) { ADD_STATE(State_Func2(a)); return 1000; } // Overloaded version virtual int Func2(int a, int b) { ADD_STATE(State_Func22(a, b)); return 0xDEADFC; } }; void Handler1_Func1(int a) { ADD_STATE(State_H1_Func1(a)); RETURN_META_NEWPARAMS(MRES_IGNORED, &Test::Func1, (5)); } void Handler2_Func1(int a) { ADD_STATE(State_H2_Func1(a)); RETURN_META_NEWPARAMS(MRES_IGNORED, &Test::Func1, (a - 5)); } void HandlerPost_Func1(int a) { ADD_STATE(State_HP_Func1(a, META_IFACEPTR(void))); } int Handler1_Func2(int a) { ADD_STATE(State_H1_Func2(a)); // Pfeeehhh, ugly, I know, but I had to test it :) RETURN_META_VALUE_NEWPARAMS(MRES_OVERRIDE, 500, static_cast<int (Test::*)(int)>(&Test::Func2), (a - 10)); } int Handler2_Func2(int a) { ADD_STATE(State_H2_Func2(a)); RETURN_META_VALUE_NEWPARAMS(MRES_IGNORED, 0, static_cast<int (Test::*)(int)>(&Test::Func2), (a - 10)); } int HandlerPost_Func2(int a) { ADD_STATE(State_HP_Func2(a, META_RESULT_ORIG_RET(int))); RETURN_META_VALUE(MRES_IGNORED, 0); } int Handler1_Func22(int a, int b) { ADD_STATE(State_H1_Func22(a, b)); RETURN_META_VALUE(MRES_IGNORED, 0); } int HandlerPost1_Func22(int a, int b) { ADD_STATE(State_HP1_Func22(a, b)); RETURN_META_VALUE_NEWPARAMS(MRES_IGNORED, 0, static_cast<int (Test::*)(int, int)>(&Test::Func2), (1, 2)); } int HandlerPost1A_Func22(int a, int b) { ADD_STATE(State_HP1_Func22(a, b)); RETURN_META_VALUE_NEWPARAMS(MRES_OVERRIDE, 0, static_cast<int (Test::*)(int, int)>(&Test::Func2), (1, 2)); } int HandlerPost2_Func22(int a, int b) { ADD_STATE(State_HP2_Func22(a, b)); RETURN_META_VALUE(MRES_IGNORED, 0); } SH_DECL_HOOK1_void(Test, Func1, SH_NOATTRIB, 0, int); SH_DECL_HOOK1(Test, Func2, SH_NOATTRIB, 0, int, int); SH_DECL_HOOK2(Test, Func2, SH_NOATTRIB, 1, int, int, int); Test *MyTestFactory() { return new Test; } } bool TestRecall(std::string &error) { GET_SHPTR(g_SHPtr); g_PLID = 1337; Test *ptr = MyTestFactory(); CAutoPtrDestruction<Test> apd(ptr); SH_ADD_HOOK(Test, Func1, ptr, SH_STATIC(Handler1_Func1), false); SH_ADD_HOOK(Test, Func1, ptr, SH_STATIC(Handler2_Func1), false); SH_ADD_HOOK(Test, Func1, ptr, SH_STATIC(HandlerPost_Func1), true); ptr->Func1(77); CHECK_STATES((&g_States, new State_H1_Func1(77), new State_H2_Func1(5), new State_Func1(0), new State_HP_Func1(0, ptr), NULL), "Part 1"); SH_REMOVE_HOOK(Test, Func1, ptr, SH_STATIC(Handler1_Func1), false); SH_ADD_HOOK(Test, Func1, ptr, SH_STATIC(Handler2_Func1), false); SH_ADD_HOOK(Test, Func1, ptr, SH_STATIC(Handler2_Func1), false); SH_ADD_HOOK(Test, Func1, ptr, SH_STATIC(Handler2_Func1), false); ptr->Func1(77); CHECK_STATES((&g_States, new State_H2_Func1(77), new State_H2_Func1(72), new State_H2_Func1(67), new State_H2_Func1(62), new State_Func1(57), new State_HP_Func1(57, ptr), NULL), "Part 2"); SH_REMOVE_HOOK(Test, Func1, ptr, SH_STATIC(Handler2_Func1), false); SH_REMOVE_HOOK(Test, Func1, ptr, SH_STATIC(HandlerPost_Func1), true); ptr->Func1(77); CHECK_STATES((&g_States, new State_Func1(77), NULL), "Part 3"); // Func2 SH_ADD_HOOK(Test, Func2, ptr, SH_STATIC(Handler1_Func2), false); SH_ADD_HOOK(Test, Func2, ptr, SH_STATIC(HandlerPost_Func2), true); int a = ptr->Func2(77); CHECK_STATES((&g_States, new State_H1_Func2(77), new State_Func2(67), new State_HP_Func2(67, 1000), // 1000 because it's the ORIG_RET NULL), "Part 4"); CHECK_COND(a == 500, "Part 4.1"); // Func2, with other handler SH_REMOVE_HOOK(Test, Func2, ptr, SH_STATIC(Handler1_Func2), false); SH_ADD_HOOK(Test, Func2, ptr, SH_STATIC(Handler2_Func2), false); a = ptr->Func2(77); CHECK_STATES((&g_States, new State_H2_Func2(77), new State_Func2(67), new State_HP_Func2(67, 1000), // 1000 because it's the ORIG_RET NULL), "Part 4.2"); CHECK_COND(a == 1000, "Part 4.2.1"); // Should return 1000 as well. // Func22 -> post recalls // 1) WITH OVERRIDE SH_ADD_HOOK(Test, Func2, ptr, SH_STATIC(Handler1_Func22), false); SH_ADD_HOOK(Test, Func2, ptr, SH_STATIC(HandlerPost1A_Func22), true); SH_ADD_HOOK(Test, Func2, ptr, SH_STATIC(HandlerPost2_Func22), true); a = ptr->Func2(10, 11); CHECK_STATES((&g_States, new State_H1_Func22(10, 11), new State_Func22(10, 11), new State_HP1_Func22(10, 11), new State_HP2_Func22(1, 2), NULL), "Part 5"); CHECK_COND(a == 0, "Part 5.1"); // 2) WITH IGNORE SH_REMOVE_HOOK(Test, Func2, ptr, SH_STATIC(HandlerPost1A_Func22), true); SH_REMOVE_HOOK(Test, Func2, ptr, SH_STATIC(HandlerPost2_Func22), true); SH_ADD_HOOK(Test, Func2, ptr, SH_STATIC(HandlerPost1_Func22), true); SH_ADD_HOOK(Test, Func2, ptr, SH_STATIC(HandlerPost2_Func22), true); a = ptr->Func2(10, 11); CHECK_STATES((&g_States, new State_H1_Func22(10, 11), new State_Func22(10, 11), new State_HP1_Func22(10, 11), new State_HP2_Func22(1, 2), NULL), "Part 5"); CHECK_COND(a == 0xDEADFC, "Part 5.1"); return true; }