/* ======== SourceMM ======== * Copyright (C) 2004-2008 Metamod:Source Development Team * No warranties of any kind * * License: zlib/libpng * * Author(s): David "BAILOPAN" Anderson * Contributor(s): Scott "Damaged Soul" Ehlert * : Pavol "PM OnoTo" Marko * ============================ */ #include #include #include #include "sourcemm.h" #include "concommands.h" #include "CSmmAPI.h" #include "CPlugin.h" #include "util.h" #include "vsp_listener.h" #include "iplayerinfo.h" #include using namespace SourceMM; /** * @brief Implementation of main SourceMM GameDLL functionality * @file sourcemm.cpp */ #undef CommandLine DLL_IMPORT ICommandLine *CommandLine(); SH_DECL_HOOK4(IServerGameDLL, DLLInit, SH_NOATTRIB, false, bool, CreateInterfaceFn, CreateInterfaceFn, CreateInterfaceFn, CGlobalVars *); SH_DECL_HOOK0_void(IServerGameDLL, DLLShutdown, SH_NOATTRIB, false); SH_DECL_HOOK0_void(IServerGameDLL, LevelShutdown, SH_NOATTRIB, false); SH_DECL_HOOK6(IServerGameDLL, LevelInit, SH_NOATTRIB, false, bool, const char *, const char *, const char *, const char *, bool, bool); SH_DECL_HOOK1_void(IServerGameClients, ClientCommand, SH_NOATTRIB, 0, edict_t *); SH_DECL_HOOK0(IServerGameDLL, GameInit, SH_NOATTRIB, false, bool); bool DLLInit(CreateInterfaceFn engineFactory, CreateInterfaceFn physicsFactory, CreateInterfaceFn filesystemFactory, CGlobalVars *pGlobals); bool DLLInit_Post(CreateInterfaceFn engineFactory, CreateInterfaceFn physicsFactory, CreateInterfaceFn filesystemFactory, CGlobalVars *pGlobals); void DLLShutdown_handler(); void LevelShutdown_handler(); bool LevelInit_handler(char const *pMapName, char const *pMapEntities, char const *pOldLevel, char const *pLandmarkName, bool loadGame, bool background); bool GameInit_handler(); void LookForVDFs(const char *dir); bool KVLoadFromFile(KeyValues *kv, IBaseFileSystem *filesystem, const char *resourceName, const char *pathID = NULL); GameDllInfo g_GameDll = {false, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}; EngineInfo g_Engine; SourceHook::CSourceHookImpl g_SourceHook; SourceHook::ISourceHook *g_SHPtr = &g_SourceHook; SourceHook::String g_ModPath; SourceHook::String g_BinPath; SourceHook::String g_SmmPath; PluginId g_PLID = Pl_Console; /* Technically, SourceMM is the "Console" plugin... :p */ bool bInFirstLevel = true; bool gParsedGameInfo = false; bool bGameInit = false; SourceHook::List gamedll_list; SourceHook::CallClass *g_GameDllPatch; SourceHook::CallClass *g_CvarPatch; int g_GameDllVersion = 0; const char VSPIFACE_001[] = "ISERVERPLUGINCALLBACKS001"; const char VSPIFACE_002[] = "ISERVERPLUGINCALLBACKS002"; const char GAMEINFO_PATH[] = "|gameinfo_path|"; IFileSystem *baseFs = NULL; bool g_bLevelChanged = false; IServerPluginCallbacks *g_pRealVspCallbacks = &g_VspListener; void ClearGamedllList(); /* Helper Macro */ #define IFACE_MACRO(orig,nam) \ CPluginManager::CPlugin *pl; \ SourceHook::List::iterator event; \ IMetamodListener *api; \ int mret = 0; \ void *val = NULL; \ for (PluginIter iter = g_PluginMngr._begin(); iter != g_PluginMngr._end(); iter++) { \ pl = (*iter); \ for (event=pl->m_Events.begin(); event!=pl->m_Events.end(); event++) { \ api = (*event).event; \ mret = IFACE_FAILED; \ if ( (val=api->On##nam##Query(iface, &mret)) != NULL ) { \ if (ret) *ret = mret; \ return val; \ } \ } \ } \ return (orig)(iface, ret); #define ITER_EVENT(evn, args) \ CPluginManager::CPlugin *pl; \ SourceHook::List::iterator event; \ IMetamodListener *api; \ for (PluginIter iter = g_PluginMngr._begin(); iter != g_PluginMngr._end(); iter++) { \ pl = (*iter); \ for (event=pl->m_Events.begin(); event!=pl->m_Events.end(); event++) { \ api = (*event).event; \ api->evn args; \ } \ } /////////////////////////////////// // Main code for HL2 Interaction // /////////////////////////////////// /* Initialize everything here */ void InitMainStates() { char full_path[PATH_SIZE] = {0}; GetFileOfAddress((void *)g_GameDll.factory, full_path, sizeof(full_path)); g_BinPath.assign(full_path); /* Like Metamod, reload plugins at the end of the map. * This is so plugins can hook everything on load, BUT, new plugins will be reloaded * if the server is shut down (silly, but rare case). */ bInFirstLevel = true; SH_ADD_HOOK_STATICFUNC(IServerGameDLL, DLLInit, g_GameDll.pGameDLL, DLLInit, false); SH_ADD_HOOK_STATICFUNC(IServerGameDLL, DLLInit, g_GameDll.pGameDLL, DLLInit_Post, true); SH_ADD_HOOK_STATICFUNC(IServerGameDLL, DLLShutdown, g_GameDll.pGameDLL, DLLShutdown_handler, false); SH_ADD_HOOK_STATICFUNC(IServerGameDLL, LevelShutdown, g_GameDll.pGameDLL, LevelShutdown_handler, true); SH_ADD_HOOK_STATICFUNC(IServerGameDLL, LevelInit, g_GameDll.pGameDLL, LevelInit_handler, true); SH_ADD_HOOK_STATICFUNC(IServerGameDLL, GameInit, g_GameDll.pGameDLL, GameInit_handler, false); } void DoInitialPluginLoads() { const char *pluginFile = g_Engine.icvar->GetCommandLineValue("mm_pluginsfile"); const char *mmBaseDir = g_Engine.icvar->GetCommandLineValue("mm_basedir"); if (!pluginFile) { pluginFile = GetPluginsFile(); } if (!mmBaseDir) { mmBaseDir = GetMetamodBaseDir(); } char full_path[260]; g_SmmAPI.PathFormat(full_path, sizeof(full_path), "%s/%s", g_ModPath.c_str(), pluginFile); LoadPluginsFromFile(full_path); g_SmmAPI.PathFormat(full_path, sizeof(full_path), "%s/%s", g_ModPath.c_str(), mmBaseDir); LookForVDFs(full_path); } bool StartupMetamod(CreateInterfaceFn engineFactory, bool bWaitForGameInit) { g_Engine.engine = (IVEngineServer *)((engineFactory)(INTERFACEVERSION_VENGINESERVER, NULL)); if (!g_Engine.engine) { Error("Could not find IVEngineServer! Metamod cannot load."); return false; } g_Engine.icvar = (ICvar *)((engineFactory)(VENGINE_CVAR_INTERFACE_VERSION , NULL)); if (!g_Engine.icvar) { Error("Could not find ICvar! Metamod cannot load."); return false; } g_Engine.loaded = true; /* The Ship is the only game known at this time that uses the pre-Episode One engine */ g_Engine.original = strcmp(CommandLine()->ParmValue("-game", "hl2"), "ship") == 0; ConCommandBaseMgr::OneTimeInit(static_cast(&g_SMConVarAccessor)); g_GameDllPatch = SH_GET_CALLCLASS(g_GameDll.pGameDLL); g_CvarPatch = SH_GET_CALLCLASS(g_Engine.icvar); if (g_GameDll.pGameClients) { SH_ADD_HOOK_STATICFUNC(IServerGameClients, ClientCommand, g_GameDll.pGameClients, ClientCommand_handler, false); } else { /* If IServerGameClients isn't found, this really isn't a fatal error so... */ LogMessage("[META] Warning: Could not find IServerGameClients!"); LogMessage("[META] Warning: The 'meta' command will not be available to clients."); } if (!g_SmmAPI.CacheCmds()) { LogMessage("[META] Warning: Failed to initialize Con_Printf. Defaulting to Msg()."); LogMessage("[META] Warning: Console messages will not be redirected to rcon console."); } if (!g_SmmAPI.CacheUserMessages()) { /* Don't know of a mod that has stripped out user messages completely, * but perhaps should do something different here? */ LogMessage("[META] Warning: Failed to get list of user messages."); LogMessage("[META] Warning: The 'meta game' command will not display user messages."); } baseFs = (IFileSystem *)((engineFactory)(FILESYSTEM_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL)); if (baseFs == NULL) { LogMessage("[META] Failed to find filesystem interface, .vdf files will not be parsed."); } if (!g_SMConVarAccessor.InitConCommandBaseList()) { /* This is very unlikely considering it's old engine */ LogMessage("[META] Warning: Failed to find ConCommandBase list!"); LogMessage("[META] Warning: ConVars and ConCommands cannot be unregistered properly! Please file a bug report."); } if (!bWaitForGameInit) { DoInitialPluginLoads(); bInFirstLevel = true; } return true; } bool DLLInit(CreateInterfaceFn engineFactory, CreateInterfaceFn physicsFactory, CreateInterfaceFn filesystemFactory, CGlobalVars *pGlobals) { g_Engine.engineFactory = engineFactory; g_Engine.fileSystemFactory = filesystemFactory; g_Engine.physicsFactory = physicsFactory; g_Engine.pGlobals = pGlobals; StartupMetamod(engineFactory, false); RETURN_META_VALUE(MRES_IGNORED, true); } bool AlternatelyLoadMetamod(CreateInterfaceFn ifaceFactory, CreateInterfaceFn serverFactory) { g_Engine.engineFactory = ifaceFactory; g_Engine.fileSystemFactory = ifaceFactory; g_Engine.physicsFactory = ifaceFactory; IPlayerInfoManager *playerInfoManager = (IPlayerInfoManager *)serverFactory("PlayerInfoManager002", NULL); if (playerInfoManager == NULL) { Error("Metamod:Source requires gameinfo.txt modification to load on this game."); return false; } g_Engine.pGlobals = playerInfoManager->GetGlobalVars(); /* Now find the server */ g_GameDll.factory = serverFactory; g_GameDll.lib = NULL; char gamedll_iface[] = "ServerGameDLL000"; for (unsigned int i = 3; i <= 50; i++) { gamedll_iface[15] = '0' + i; g_GameDll.pGameDLL = (IServerGameDLL *)serverFactory(gamedll_iface, NULL); if (g_GameDll.pGameDLL != NULL) { g_GameDllVersion = i; break; } } if (g_GameDll.pGameDLL == NULL) { Error("Metamod:Source requires gameinfo.txt modification to load on this game."); return false; } char gameclients_iface[] = "ServerGameClients000"; for (unsigned int i = 3; i <= 4; i++) { gameclients_iface[19] = '0' + i; g_GameDll.pGameClients = (IServerGameClients *)serverFactory(gameclients_iface, NULL); if (g_GameDll.pGameClients != NULL) { break; } } char smm_path[PATH_SIZE]; const char *game_dir; GetFileOfAddress((void *)AlternatelyLoadMetamod, smm_path, sizeof(smm_path)); g_SmmPath.assign(smm_path); game_dir = CommandLine()->ParmValue("-game", "hl2"); abspath(smm_path, game_dir); g_ModPath.assign(smm_path); InitMainStates(); if (!StartupMetamod(ifaceFactory, true)) { return false; } g_PluginMngr.SetAllLoaded(); return true; } bool GameInit_handler() { if (bGameInit) RETURN_META_VALUE(MRES_IGNORED, true); if (g_SmmAPI.VSPEnabled() && !g_bIsBridgedAsVsp) g_SmmAPI.LoadAsVSP(); if (g_bIsBridgedAsVsp) DoInitialPluginLoads(); bGameInit = true; RETURN_META_VALUE(MRES_IGNORED, true); } bool DLLInit_Post(CreateInterfaceFn engineFactory, CreateInterfaceFn physicsFactory, CreateInterfaceFn filesystemFactory, CGlobalVars *pGlobals) { g_PluginMngr.SetAllLoaded(); RETURN_META_VALUE(MRES_IGNORED, true); } /* This is where the magic happens */ SMM_API void *CreateInterface(const char *iface, int *ret) { /* Prevent loading of self as a SourceMM plugin or Valve server plugin :x */ if (strcmp(iface, PLAPI_NAME) == 0) { Warning("Do not try loading Metamod:Source as a Metamod:Source plugin"); if (ret) { *ret = IFACE_FAILED; } return NULL; } /* We check these separately because we can't reply * unless our interface version really matches. */ if (!g_bIsBridgedAsVsp && (strcmp(iface, VSPIFACE_002) == 0 || strcmp(iface, VSPIFACE_001) == 0)) { if (ret) { *ret = IFACE_OK; } return &g_VspListener; } /* If we're a VSP, bypass this by default */ if (g_bIsBridgedAsVsp) { IFACE_MACRO(g_GameDll.factory, GameDLL); } if (!gParsedGameInfo) { gParsedGameInfo = true; const char *gameDir = NULL; char gamePath[PATH_SIZE]; char smmPath[PATH_SIZE]; /* Get path to SourceMM DLL */ if (!GetFileOfAddress((void *)CreateInterface, smmPath, sizeof(smmPath))) { Error("GetFileOfAddress() failed! Metamod cannot load.\n"); return NULL; } g_SmmPath.assign(smmPath); /* Get value of -game from command line, defaulting to hl2 as engine seems to do */ gameDir = CommandLine()->ParmValue("-game", "hl2"); /* Get absolute path */ abspath(gamePath, gameDir); g_ModPath.assign(gamePath); char tempPath[PATH_SIZE]; /* Path to gameinfo.txt */ g_SmmAPI.PathFormat(tempPath, PATH_SIZE, "%s/%s", g_ModPath.c_str(), "gameinfo.txt"); FILE *fp = fopen(tempPath, "rt"); if (!fp) { Error("Unable to open gameinfo.txt! Metamod cannot load.\n"); return NULL; } char buffer[255]; char key[128], val[128]; size_t len = 0; bool search = false; bool gamebin = false; char *ptr; const char *lptr; char curPath[PATH_SIZE]; getcwd(curPath, PATH_SIZE); while (!feof(fp)) { buffer[0] = '\0'; fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fp); len = strlen(buffer); if (buffer[len-1] == '\n') buffer[--len] = '\0'; UTIL_TrimComments(buffer); UTIL_TrimLeft(buffer); UTIL_TrimRight(buffer); if (stricmp(buffer, "SearchPaths") == 0) search = true; if (!search) continue; UTIL_KeySplit(buffer, key, sizeof(key) - 1, val, sizeof(val) - 1); if (stricmp(key, "Game") == 0 || stricmp(key, "GameBin") == 0) { if (stricmp(key, "Game") == 0) gamebin = false; else gamebin = true; if (strncmp(val, GAMEINFO_PATH, sizeof(GAMEINFO_PATH) - 1) == 0) { ptr = &(val[sizeof(GAMEINFO_PATH) - 1]); if (ptr[0] == '.') ptr++; lptr = g_ModPath.c_str(); } else { ptr = val; lptr = curPath; } size_t ptr_len = strlen(ptr); if (ptr[ptr_len] == '/' || ptr[ptr_len] == '\\') ptr[--ptr_len] = '\0'; /* No need to append "bin" if key is GameBin */ if (gamebin) { g_SmmAPI.PathFormat(tempPath, PATH_SIZE, "%s/%s/%s", lptr, ptr, SERVER_DLL); } else if (!ptr[0]) { g_SmmAPI.PathFormat(tempPath, PATH_SIZE, "%s/%s/%s", lptr, "bin", SERVER_DLL); } else { g_SmmAPI.PathFormat(tempPath, PATH_SIZE, "%s/%s/%s/%s", lptr, ptr, "bin", SERVER_DLL); } /* If not path to SourceMM... */ if (!UTIL_PathCmp(smmPath, tempPath)) { FILE *fp = fopen(tempPath, "rb"); if (!fp) continue; //:TODO: Optimize this a bit! SourceHook::List::iterator iter; GameDllInfo *pCheck; bool found = false; for (iter=gamedll_list.begin(); iter!=gamedll_list.end(); iter++) { pCheck = (*iter); if (GetFileOfAddress((void *)pCheck->factory, buffer, sizeof(buffer))) { if (UTIL_PathCmp(tempPath, buffer)) { found = true; break; } } } if (found) continue; fclose(fp); HINSTANCE gamedll = dlmount(tempPath); if (gamedll == NULL) continue; CreateInterfaceFn fn = (CreateInterfaceFn)dlsym(gamedll, "CreateInterface"); if (fn == NULL) { dlclose(gamedll); continue; } GameDllInfo *pInfo = new GameDllInfo; pInfo->factory = fn; pInfo->lib = gamedll; pInfo->loaded = true; pInfo->pGameDLL = NULL; gamedll_list.push_back(pInfo); break; } } } fclose(fp); } if (!g_GameDll.loaded) { const char *str = "ServerGameDLL"; size_t len = strlen(str); if (strncmp(iface, str, len) == 0) { /* This is the interface we want! Right now we support versions 3 through 8 */ g_GameDllVersion = atoi(&(iface[len])); int sizeTooBig = 0; //rename this to sizeWrong in the future! if (g_GameDllVersion < MIN_GAMEDLL_VERSION || g_GameDllVersion > MAX_GAMEDLL_VERSION) { /* Maybe this will get used in the future */ sizeTooBig = g_GameDllVersion; if (ret) { *ret = IFACE_FAILED; } } SourceHook::List::iterator iter; GameDllInfo *pInfo = NULL; void *ptr; for (iter=gamedll_list.begin(); iter!=gamedll_list.end(); iter++) { pInfo = (*iter); ptr = (pInfo->factory)(iface, ret); if (ptr) { /* This is our GameDLL. Unload the others. */ gamedll_list.erase(iter); ClearGamedllList(); pInfo->pGameDLL = static_cast(ptr); g_GameDll = *pInfo; delete pInfo; break; } } if (g_GameDll.loaded) { if (sizeTooBig) { Error("This mod version requires a SourceMM update (ServerGameDLL%03d)!\n", sizeTooBig); if (ret) { *ret = IFACE_FAILED; } return NULL; } else { InitMainStates(); } } else { sizeTooBig = 0; if (ret) *ret = IFACE_FAILED; return NULL; } } else { /* wtf do we do... */ /* :TODO: .. something a bit more intelligent? */ Error("Engine requested unknown interface before GameDLL was known!\n"); return NULL; } } /* We use this interface for responding to the meta client command */ if (strncmp(iface, "ServerGameClients", 17) == 0) { void *ptr = (g_GameDll.factory)(iface, ret); g_GameDll.pGameClients = static_cast(ptr); return ptr; } /* If we got here, there's definitely a GameDLL */ IFACE_MACRO(g_GameDll.factory, GameDLL); } void ClearGamedllList() { SourceHook::List::iterator iter; GameDllInfo *pInfo; for (iter=gamedll_list.begin(); iter!=gamedll_list.end(); iter++) { pInfo = (*iter); dlclose(pInfo->lib); delete pInfo; } gamedll_list.clear(); } void UnloadMetamod(bool shutting_down) { /* Unload plugins */ g_PluginMngr.UnloadAll(); if (shutting_down) { /* Add the FCVAR_GAMEDLL flag to our cvars so the engine removes them properly */ g_SMConVarAccessor.MarkCommandsAsGameDLL(); g_Engine.icvar->UnlinkVariables(FCVAR_GAMEDLL); SH_CALL(g_GameDllPatch, &IServerGameDLL::DLLShutdown)(); } SH_RELEASE_CALLCLASS(g_GameDllPatch); SH_RELEASE_CALLCLASS(g_CvarPatch); g_GameDllPatch = NULL; g_CvarPatch = NULL; g_SourceHook.CompleteShutdown(); if (g_GameDll.lib && g_GameDll.loaded) { dlclose(g_GameDll.lib); } memset(&g_GameDll, 0, sizeof(GameDllInfo)); } void DLLShutdown_handler() { UnloadMetamod(true); RETURN_META(MRES_SUPERCEDE); } void LoadFromVDF(const char *file) { PluginId id; bool already, kvfileLoaded; KeyValues *pValues; const char *plugin_file, *alias; char full_path[256], error[256]; pValues = new KeyValues("Metamod Plugin"); if (g_Engine.original) { /* The Ship must use a special version of this function */ kvfileLoaded = KVLoadFromFile(pValues, baseFs, file); } else { kvfileLoaded = pValues->LoadFromFile(baseFs, file); } if (!kvfileLoaded) { pValues->deleteThis(); return; } if ((plugin_file = pValues->GetString("file", NULL)) == NULL) { pValues->deleteThis(); return; } if ((alias = pValues->GetString("alias", NULL)) != NULL) { g_PluginMngr.SetAlias(alias, plugin_file); } /* Attempt to find a file extension */ if (UTIL_GetExtension(plugin_file) == NULL) { g_SmmAPI.PathFormat(full_path, sizeof(full_path), "%s/%s%s", g_ModPath.c_str(), plugin_file, #if defined WIN32 || defined _WIN32 ".dll" #else "_i486.so" #endif ); } else { g_SmmAPI.PathFormat(full_path, sizeof(full_path), "%s/%s", g_ModPath.c_str(), plugin_file); } id = g_PluginMngr.Load(full_path, Pl_File, already, error, sizeof(error)); if (id < Pl_MinId || g_PluginMngr.FindById(id)->m_Status < Pl_Paused) { LogMessage("[META] Failed to load plugin %s: %s", plugin_file, error); } pValues->deleteThis(); } void LookForVDFs(const char *dir) { char path[MAX_PATH]; int extidx; #if defined _MSC_VER HANDLE hFind; WIN32_FIND_DATA fd; char error[255]; g_SmmAPI.PathFormat(path, sizeof(path), "%s\\*.*", dir); if ((hFind = FindFirstFile(path, &fd)) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { DWORD dw = GetLastError(); FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM|FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, dw, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), error, sizeof(error), NULL); LogMessage("[META] Could not open folder \"%s\" (%s)", dir, error); return; } do { if (strcmp(fd.cFileName, ".") == 0 || strcmp(fd.cFileName, "..") == 0) { continue; } extidx = strlen(fd.cFileName) - 4; if (extidx < 0 || stricmp(&fd.cFileName[extidx], ".vdf")) { continue; } g_SmmAPI.PathFormat(path, sizeof(path), "%s\\%s", dir, fd.cFileName); LoadFromVDF(path); } while (FindNextFile(hFind, &fd)); FindClose(hFind); #else DIR *pDir; struct dirent *pEnt; if ((pDir = opendir(dir)) == NULL) { LogMessage("[META] Could not open folder \"%s\" (%s)", dir, strerror(errno)); return; } while ((pEnt = readdir(pDir)) != NULL) { if (strcmp(pEnt->d_name, ".") == 0 || strcmp(pEnt->d_name, "..") == 0) { continue; } extidx = strlen(pEnt->d_name) - 4; if (extidx < 0 || stricmp(&pEnt->d_name[extidx], ".vdf")) { continue; } g_SmmAPI.PathFormat(path, sizeof(path), "%s/%s", dir, pEnt->d_name); LoadFromVDF(path); } closedir(pDir); #endif } bool KVLoadFromFile(KeyValues *kv, IBaseFileSystem *filesystem, const char *resourceName, const char *pathID) { Assert(filesystem); #ifdef _MSC_VER Assert(_heapchk() == _HEAPOK); #endif FileHandle_t f = filesystem->Open(resourceName, "rb", pathID); if (!f) return false; // load file into a null-terminated buffer int fileSize = filesystem->Size(f); char *buffer = (char *)MemAllocScratch(fileSize + 1); Assert(buffer); filesystem->Read(buffer, fileSize, f); // read into local buffer buffer[fileSize] = 0; // null terminate file as EOF filesystem->Close( f ); // close file after reading bool retOK = kv->LoadFromBuffer( resourceName, buffer, filesystem ); MemFreeScratch(); return retOK; } int LoadPluginsFromFile(const char *_file) { FILE *fp; int total = 0, skipped=0; PluginId id; bool already; fp = fopen(_file, "rt"); if (!fp) { LogMessage("[META] Could not open plugins file %s\n", _file); return -1; } char buffer[255], error[255], full_path[255]; const char *ptr, *ext, *file; size_t length; while (!feof(fp) && fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fp) != NULL) { UTIL_TrimLeft(buffer); UTIL_TrimRight(buffer); length = strlen(buffer); if (!length) { continue; } if (buffer[0] == '\0' || buffer[0] == ';' || strncmp(buffer, "//", 2) == 0) { continue; } file = buffer; if (buffer[0] == '"') { char *cptr = buffer; file = ++cptr; while (*cptr) { if (*cptr == '"') { *cptr = '\0'; break; } cptr++; } } else { char *cptr = buffer; while (*cptr) { if (isspace(*cptr)) { char *optr = cptr; while (*cptr && isspace(*cptr)) { cptr++; } *optr = '\0'; UTIL_TrimRight(cptr); if (*cptr && isalpha(*cptr)) { g_PluginMngr.SetAlias(buffer, cptr); file = cptr; } break; } cptr++; } } if (!file[0]) { continue; } /* First find if it's an absolute path or not... */ if (file[0] == '/' || strncmp(&(file[1]), ":\\", 2) == 0) { /* If we're in an absolute path, ignore our normal heuristics */ id = g_PluginMngr.Load(file, Pl_File, already, error, sizeof(error)); if (id < Pl_MinId || g_PluginMngr.FindById(id)->m_Status < Pl_Paused) { LogMessage("[META] Failed to load plugin %s. %s", buffer, error); } else { if (already) { skipped++; } else { total++; } } } else { /* Attempt to find a file extension */ ptr = UTIL_GetExtension(file); /* Add an extension if there's none there */ if (!ptr) { #if defined WIN32 || defined _WIN32 ext = ".dll"; #else ext = "_i486.so"; #endif } else { ext = ""; } /* Format the new path */ g_SmmAPI.PathFormat(full_path, sizeof(full_path), "%s/%s%s", g_ModPath.c_str(), file, ext); id = g_PluginMngr.Load(full_path, Pl_File, already, error, sizeof(error)); if (id < Pl_MinId || g_PluginMngr.FindById(id)->m_Status < Pl_Paused) { LogMessage("[META] Failed to load plugin %s. %s", buffer, error); } else { if (already) { skipped++; } else { total++; } } } } fclose(fp); if (skipped) { LogMessage("[META] Loaded %d plugins from file (%d already loaded)", total, skipped); } else { LogMessage("[META] Loaded %d plugins from file.", total); } return total; } /* Wrapper function. This is called when the GameDLL thinks it's using * the engine's real engineFactory. */ void *EngineFactory(const char *iface, int *ret) { IFACE_MACRO(g_Engine.engineFactory, Engine); } /* Wrapper function. This is called when the GameDLL thinks it's using * the engine's real physicsFactory. */ void *PhysicsFactory(const char *iface, int *ret) { IFACE_MACRO(g_Engine.physicsFactory, Physics); } /* Wrapper function. This is called when the GameDLL thinks it's using * the engine's real fileSystemFactory. */ void *FileSystemFactory(const char *iface, int *ret) { IFACE_MACRO(g_Engine.fileSystemFactory, FileSystem); } void LogMessage(const char *msg, ...) { va_list ap; static char buffer[2048]; va_start(ap, msg); size_t len = vsnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer) - 2, msg, ap); va_end(ap); buffer[len++] = '\n'; buffer[len] = '\0'; if (!g_Engine.engine) { fprintf(stdout, "%s", buffer); } else { g_Engine.engine->LogPrint(buffer); } } void LevelShutdown_handler(void) { if (!bInFirstLevel) { char full_path[255]; g_SmmAPI.PathFormat(full_path, sizeof(full_path), "%s/%s", g_ModPath.c_str(), GetPluginsFile()); LoadPluginsFromFile(full_path); g_SmmAPI.PathFormat(full_path, sizeof(full_path), "%s/%s", g_ModPath.c_str(), GetMetamodBaseDir()); LookForVDFs(full_path); } else { bInFirstLevel = false; } g_bLevelChanged = true; ITER_EVENT(OnLevelShutdown, ()); RETURN_META(MRES_IGNORED); } bool LevelInit_handler(char const *pMapName, char const *pMapEntities, char const *pOldLevel, char const *pLandmarkName, bool loadGame, bool background) { if (!g_SmmAPI.CmdCacheSuccessful()) { LogMessage("[META] Warning: Failed to initialize Con_Printf. Defaulting to Msg()."); LogMessage("[META] Warning: Console messages will not be redirected to rcon console."); } ITER_EVENT(OnLevelInit, (pMapName, pMapEntities, pOldLevel, pLandmarkName, loadGame, background)); RETURN_META_VALUE(MRES_IGNORED, false); } #if defined __GNUC__ && (__GNUC__ == 3 || __GNUC__ == 4) void * operator new(size_t size) { return(calloc(1, size)); } void * operator new[](size_t size) { return(calloc(1, size)); } void operator delete(void * ptr) { if(ptr) free(ptr); } void operator delete[](void * ptr) { if(ptr) free(ptr); } #endif