/* ======== stub_mm ======== * Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Metamod:Source Development Team * No warranties of any kind * * License: zlib/libpng * * Author(s): David "BAILOPAN" Anderson * ============================ */ #include #include "stub_mm.h" StubPlugin g_StubPlugin; PLUGIN_EXPOSE(SamplePlugin, g_StubPlugin); //This has all of the necessary hook declarations. Read it! #include "meta_hooks.h" void StubPlugin::ServerActivate(edict_t *pEdictList, int edictCount, int clientMax) { META_LOG(g_PLAPI, "ServerActivate() called: edictCount=%d, clientMax=%d", edictCount, clientMax); RETURN_META(MRES_IGNORED); } bool StubPlugin::Load(PluginId id, ISmmAPI *ismm, factories *list, char *error, size_t maxlen) { PLUGIN_SAVEVARS(); m_ServerDll = (IServerGameDLL *)((ismm->serverFactory())(INTERFACEVERSION_SERVERGAMEDLL, NULL)); if (!m_ServerDll) { snprintf(error, maxlen, "Could not find interface %s", INTERFACEVERSION_SERVERGAMEDLL); return false; } SH_ADD_HOOK_MEMFUNC(IServerGameDLL, ServerActivate, m_ServerDll, &g_StubPlugin, ServerActivate, true); m_ServerDll_CC = SH_GET_CALLCLASS(IServerGameDLL, m_ServerDll); return true; } bool StubPlugin::Unload(char *error, size_t maxlen) { SH_REMOVE_HOOK_MEMFUNC(IServerGameDLL, ServerActivate, m_ServerDll, &g_StubPlugin, ServerActivate, true); SH_RELEASE_CALLCLASS(m_ServerDll_CC); return true; } bool StubPlugin::Pause(char *error, size_t maxlen) { return true; } bool StubPlugin::Unpause(char *error, size_t maxlen) { return true; } void StubPlugin::AllPluginsLoaded() { } const char *StubPlugin::GetAuthor() { return "AUTHOR"; } const char *StubPlugin::GetName() { return "Stub Plugin"; } const char *StubPlugin::GetDescription() { return "Stub Plugin"; } const char *StubPlugin::GetURL() { return "http://www.mysite.com/"; } const char *StubPlugin::GetLicense() { return "zlib/libpng"; } const char *StubPlugin::GetVersion() { return "1.00"; } const char *StubPlugin::GetDate() { return __DATE__; } const char *StubPlugin::GetLogTag() { return "STUB"; }