#!/usr/bin/perl use File::Basename; our (@LIBRARIES); my ($myself, $path) = fileparse($0); chdir($path); require 'helpers.pm'; #Get to top of source tree chdir('..'); chdir('..'); # Folder .vcproj Engine Binary Suffix type Build('loader', 'mm_loader', '', 'server', 'full'); Build('core-legacy', 'mm_core-legacy', '', 'metamod.1.ep1', ''); Build('core', 'mm_core', 'OrangeBox', 'metamod.2.ep2', ''); Build('core', 'mm_core', 'Left4Dead', 'metamod.2.l4d', ''); #Structure our output folder mkdir('OUTPUT'); mkdir(Build::PathFormat('OUTPUT/addons')); mkdir(Build::PathFormat('OUTPUT/addons/metamod')); mkdir(Build::PathFormat('OUTPUT/addons/metamod/bin')); my ($i); for ($i = 0; $i <= $#LIBRARIES; $i++) { my $library = $LIBRARIES[$i]; Copy($library, Build::PathFormat('OUTPUT/addons/metamod/bin')); } Copy(Build::PathFormat('support/metaplugins.ini'), Build::PathFormat('OUTPUT/addons/metamod')); Copy(Build::PathFormat('support/README.txt'), Build::PathFormat('OUTPUT/addons/metamod')); sub Copy { my ($a, $b) = (@_); die "Could not copy $a to $b!\n" if (!Build::Copy($a, $b)); } sub Build { my ($srcdir, $vcproj, $objdir, $binary, $suffix) = (@_); if ($^O eq "linux") { if ($suffix eq 'full') { $binary .= '_i486.so'; } else { $binary .= '.so'; } BuildLinux($srcdir, $objdir, $binary); } else { $binary .= '.dll'; BuildWindows($srcdir, $vcproj, $objdir, $binary); } } sub BuildWindows { my ($srcdir, $vcproj, $build, $binary) = (@)); my ($dir, $file, $param, $vcbuilder, $cmd); $dir = getcwd(); chdir($srcdir); $param = "Release"; if ($build eq "Orange Box") { $param = "Release - Orange Box"; } elsif ($build eq "Left4Dead") { $param = "Release - Left 4 Dead"; } print "Clean building $srcdir...\n"; $vcbuilder = $ENV{'VC9BUILDER'}; $cmd = "\"$vcbuilder\" /rebuild \"$vcproj.vcproj\" \"$param\""; print "$cmd\n"; system($cmd); CheckFailure(); $file = "$param\\$binary"; die "Output library not found: $file\n" if (!-f $file); chdir($dir); push(@LIBRARIES, "$srcdir\\$file"); } sub BuildLinux { my ($srcdir, $build, $binary) = (@_); my ($dir, $file, $param); $dir = getcwd(); chdir($srcdir); $param = ""; $file = "Release"; if ($build eq "OrangeBox") { $param = "ENGINE=orangebox"; $file .= '.orangebox'; } elsif ($build eq "Left4Dead") { $param = "ENGINE=left4dead"; $file .= '.left4dead'; } $file .= '/' . $binary; print "Cleaning $srcdir...\n"; system("make $param clean"); CheckFailure(); print "Building $srcdir for $binary...\n"; print "$param\n"; system("make $param"); CheckFailure(); die "Output library not found: $file\n" if (!-f $file); chdir($dir); push(@LIBRARIES, $srcdir . '/' . $file); } sub CheckFailure { die "Build failed: $!\n" if $? == -1; die "Build died :(\n" if $^O eq "linux" and $? & 127; die "Build failed with exit code: " . ($? >> 8) . "\n" if ($? >> 8 != 0); }