2005/07/07 1.00-RC2:
 - Added API for dealing with ConCommandBase registration (cvars/concmds).
    This is to fix the fact that Valve API provides no way to unlist a cvar/cmd.
 - Added two new commands - "meta cmds" and "meta cvars".
 - Added API calls for correctly printing to the console such that rcon
    will also receive messages that a plugin prints.
    This problem was mentioned on hlcoders and Valve offered no reply.
 - Added event hooking and cvar samples to sample_mm.
 - Added new cvar, mm_pluginsfile, which defaults to "addons/metamod/metaplugins.ini".  
 - Fixed a bug where multiple vtable patches on the same hook were not re-patched when removed.
    This caused a crash when two hooks were declared on one function, the first was removed, and
    the original function was then called.
 - Fixed "meta clear" not unloading all plugins.
 - Fixed Metamod:Source loading plugins with a higher current API version.
 - Fixed whitespace being parsed in metaplugins.ini.
 - Fixed bug where SourceHook tried to patch already destroyed/unavailable memory.
 - Bumped Plugin API version to 6.

2005/05/06 1.00-RC1:
 - Initial release.