/* ======== SourceHook ======== * Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Metamod:Source Development Team * No warranties of any kind * * License: zlib/libpng * * Author(s): Pavol "PM OnoTo" Marko * Contributors: Scott "Damaged Soul" Ehlert * ============================ */ /** * @file sourcehook.cpp * @brief Contains the implementation of the SourceHook API */ #include #include "sourcehook_impl.h" namespace SourceHook { CSourceHookImpl::CSourceHookImpl() { } CSourceHookImpl::~CSourceHookImpl() { } int CSourceHookImpl::GetIfaceVersion() { return SH_IFACE_VERSION; } int CSourceHookImpl::GetImplVersion() { return SH_IMPL_VERSION; } bool CSourceHookImpl::IsPluginInUse(Plugin plug) { // Iterate through all hook managers which are in this plugin // Iterate through their vfnptrs, ifaces, hooks // If a hook from an other plugin is found, return true // Return false otherwise #define TMP_CHECK_LIST(name) \ for (hook_iter = iface_iter->name.begin(); hook_iter != iface_iter->name.end(); ++hook_iter) \ if (hook_iter->plug == plug) \ return true; for (HookManInfoList::iterator hmil_iter = m_HookMans.begin(); hmil_iter != m_HookMans.end(); ++hmil_iter) { if (hmil_iter->plug != plug) continue; for (HookManagerInfo::VfnPtrListIter vfnptr_iter = hmil_iter->vfnptrs.begin(); vfnptr_iter != hmil_iter->vfnptrs.end(); ++vfnptr_iter) { for (HookManagerInfo::VfnPtr::IfaceListIter iface_iter = vfnptr_iter->ifaces.begin(); iface_iter != vfnptr_iter->ifaces.end(); ++iface_iter) { std::list::iterator hook_iter; TMP_CHECK_LIST(hooks_pre); TMP_CHECK_LIST(hooks_post); } } } #undef TMP_CHECK_LIST return false; } void CSourceHookImpl::UnloadPlugin(Plugin plug) { // 1) Manually remove all hooks by this plugin std::list hookstoremove; HookManInfoList::iterator hmil_iter; #define TMP_CHECK_LIST(name, ispost) \ for (hook_iter = iface_iter->name.begin(); hook_iter != iface_iter->name.end(); ++hook_iter) \ if (hook_iter->plug == plug) \ hookstoremove.push_back(RemoveHookInfo(hook_iter->plug, iface_iter->ptr, \ hook_iter->thisptr_offs, hmil_iter->func, hook_iter->handler, ispost)) for (hmil_iter = m_HookMans.begin(); hmil_iter != m_HookMans.end(); ++hmil_iter) { for (HookManagerInfo::VfnPtrListIter vfnptr_iter = hmil_iter->vfnptrs.begin(); vfnptr_iter != hmil_iter->vfnptrs.end(); ++vfnptr_iter) { for (HookManagerInfo::VfnPtr::IfaceListIter iface_iter = vfnptr_iter->ifaces.begin(); iface_iter != vfnptr_iter->ifaces.end(); ++iface_iter) { std::list::iterator hook_iter; TMP_CHECK_LIST(hooks_pre, false); TMP_CHECK_LIST(hooks_post, true); } } } #undef TMP_CHECK_LIST for (std::list::iterator rmiter = hookstoremove.begin(); rmiter != hookstoremove.end(); ++rmiter) RemoveHook(*rmiter); // 2) Other plugins may use hook managers in this plugin. // Get a list of hook managers that are in this plugin and are used by other plugins // Delete all hook managers that are in this plugin HookManInfoList tmphookmans; bool erase = false; for (hmil_iter = m_HookMans.begin(); hmil_iter != m_HookMans.end(); erase ? hmil_iter=m_HookMans.erase(hmil_iter) : ++hmil_iter) { if (hmil_iter->plug == plug) { if (!hmil_iter->vfnptrs.empty()) { // All hooks by this plugin are already removed // So if there is a vfnptr, it has to be used by an other plugin tmphookmans.push_back(*hmil_iter); } erase = true; } else erase = false; } // For each hook manager: for (hmil_iter = tmphookmans.begin(); hmil_iter != tmphookmans.end(); ++hmil_iter) { // Find a suitable hook manager in an other plugin HookManInfoList::iterator newHookMan = FindHookMan(m_HookMans.begin(), m_HookMans.end(), hmil_iter->proto, hmil_iter->vtbl_offs, hmil_iter->vtbl_idx); // This should _never_ happen. // If there is a hook from an other plugin, the plugin must have provided a hook manager as well. SH_ASSERT(newHookMan != m_HookMans.end(), "Could not find a suitable hook manager in an other plugin!"); // AddHook should make sure that every plugin only has _one_ hook manager for _one_ proto/vi/vo SH_ASSERT(newHookMan->plug != plug, "New hook manager from same plugin!"); // The first hook manager should be always used - so the new hook manager has to be empty SH_ASSERT(newHookMan->vfnptrs.empty(), "New hook manager not empty!"); // Move the vfnptrs from the old hook manager to the new one newHookMan->vfnptrs = hmil_iter->vfnptrs; // Unregister the old one, register the new one hmil_iter->func(HA_Unregister, NULL); newHookMan->func(HA_Register, &(*newHookMan)); // zOMG BAIL, here is part of what you wanted: // Go through all vfnptrs in this hookman and patch them to point to the new manager's handler! // or whatever for (HookManagerInfo::VfnPtrListIter vfnptr_iter = newHookMan->vfnptrs.begin(); vfnptr_iter != newHookMan->vfnptrs.end(); ++vfnptr_iter) { // And DEREFERENCE newHookMan->hookfunc_vfnptr! // otherwise it will be executing the vtable... had to find out the hard way *reinterpret_cast(vfnptr_iter->vfnptr) = *reinterpret_cast(newHookMan->hookfunc_vfnptr); } // That should fix it, bail! } } void CSourceHookImpl::CompleteShutdown() { std::list hookstoremove; #define TMP_CHECK_LIST(name, ispost) \ for (hook_iter = iface_iter->name.begin(); hook_iter != iface_iter->name.end(); ++hook_iter) \ hookstoremove.push_back(RemoveHookInfo(hook_iter->plug, iface_iter->ptr, \ hook_iter->thisptr_offs, hmil_iter->func, hook_iter->handler, ispost)) for (HookManInfoList::iterator hmil_iter = m_HookMans.begin(); hmil_iter != m_HookMans.end(); ++hmil_iter) { for (HookManagerInfo::VfnPtrListIter vfnptr_iter = hmil_iter->vfnptrs.begin(); vfnptr_iter != hmil_iter->vfnptrs.end(); ++vfnptr_iter) { for (HookManagerInfo::VfnPtr::IfaceListIter iface_iter = vfnptr_iter->ifaces.begin(); iface_iter != vfnptr_iter->ifaces.end(); ++iface_iter) { std::list::iterator hook_iter; TMP_CHECK_LIST(hooks_pre, false); TMP_CHECK_LIST(hooks_post, true); } } } #undef TMP_CHECK_LIST for (std::list::iterator rmiter = hookstoremove.begin(); rmiter != hookstoremove.end(); ++rmiter) RemoveHook(*rmiter); m_HookMans.clear(); } bool CSourceHookImpl::AddHook(Plugin plug, void *iface, int thisptr_offs, HookManagerPubFunc myHookMan, ISHDelegate *handler, bool post) { void *adjustediface = reinterpret_cast(reinterpret_cast(iface) + thisptr_offs); // 1) Get info about the hook manager HookManagerInfo tmp; if (myHookMan(HA_GetInfo, &tmp) != 0) return false; // Add the proposed hook manager to the _end_ of the list if the plugin doesn't have a hook manager with this proto/vo/vi registered HookManInfoList::iterator hkmi_iter; for (hkmi_iter = m_HookMans.begin(); hkmi_iter != m_HookMans.end(); ++hkmi_iter) { if (hkmi_iter->plug == plug && strcmp(hkmi_iter->proto, tmp.proto) == 0 && hkmi_iter->vtbl_offs == tmp.vtbl_offs && hkmi_iter->vtbl_idx == tmp.vtbl_idx) break; } if (hkmi_iter == m_HookMans.end()) { // No such hook manager from this plugin yet, add it! tmp.func = myHookMan; tmp.plug = plug; m_HookMans.push_back(tmp); } // Then, search for a suitable hook manager (from the beginning) HookManInfoList::iterator hookman = FindHookMan(m_HookMans.begin(), m_HookMans.end(), tmp.proto, tmp.vtbl_offs, tmp.vtbl_idx); SH_ASSERT(hookman != m_HookMans.end(), "No hookman found - but if there was none, we've just added one!"); // Tell it to store the pointer if it's not already active if (hookman->vfnptrs.empty()) hookman->func(HA_Register, &(*hookman)); void **cur_vtptr = *reinterpret_cast( reinterpret_cast(adjustediface) + tmp.vtbl_offs); void *cur_vfnptr = reinterpret_cast(cur_vtptr + tmp.vtbl_idx); HookManagerInfo::VfnPtrListIter vfnptr_iter = std::find( hookman->vfnptrs.begin(), hookman->vfnptrs.end(), cur_vfnptr); if (vfnptr_iter == hookman->vfnptrs.end()) { // Add a new one HookManagerInfo::VfnPtr vfp; vfp.vfnptr = cur_vfnptr; vfp.orig_entry = *reinterpret_cast(cur_vfnptr); // Alter vtable entry if (!SetMemAccess(cur_vtptr, sizeof(void*) * (tmp.vtbl_idx + 1), SH_MEM_READ | SH_MEM_WRITE)) return false; *reinterpret_cast(cur_vfnptr) = *reinterpret_cast(hookman->hookfunc_vfnptr); hookman->vfnptrs.push_back(vfp); // Make vfnptr_iter point to the new element vfnptr_iter = hookman->vfnptrs.end(); --vfnptr_iter; // Now that it is done, check whether we have to update any callclasses ApplyCallClassPatches(adjustediface, tmp.vtbl_offs, tmp.vtbl_idx, vfp.orig_entry); } HookManagerInfo::VfnPtr::IfaceListIter iface_iter = std::find( vfnptr_iter->ifaces.begin(), vfnptr_iter->ifaces.end(), adjustediface); if (iface_iter == vfnptr_iter->ifaces.end()) { // Add a new one HookManagerInfo::VfnPtr::Iface ifs; ifs.ptr = adjustediface; vfnptr_iter->ifaces.push_back(ifs); // Make iface_iter point to the new element iface_iter = vfnptr_iter->ifaces.end(); --iface_iter; } // Add the hook HookManagerInfo::VfnPtr::Iface::Hook hookinfo; hookinfo.handler = handler; hookinfo.plug = plug; hookinfo.paused = false; hookinfo.thisptr_offs = thisptr_offs; if (post) iface_iter->hooks_post.push_back(hookinfo); else iface_iter->hooks_pre.push_back(hookinfo); return true; } bool CSourceHookImpl::RemoveHook(RemoveHookInfo info) { return RemoveHook(info.plug, info.iface, info.thisptr_offs, info.hookman, info.handler, info.post); } bool CSourceHookImpl::RemoveHook(Plugin plug, void *iface, int thisptr_offs, HookManagerPubFunc myHookMan, ISHDelegate *handler, bool post) { void *adjustediface = reinterpret_cast(reinterpret_cast(iface)+thisptr_offs); HookManagerInfo tmp; if (myHookMan(HA_GetInfo, &tmp) != 0) return false; // Find the hook manager and the hook HookManInfoList::iterator hookman = FindHookMan(m_HookMans.begin(), m_HookMans.end(), tmp.proto, tmp.vtbl_offs, tmp.vtbl_idx); if (hookman == m_HookMans.end()) return false; if (IsBadReadPtr(reinterpret_cast(adjustediface) + tmp.vtbl_offs, sizeof(char))) { hookman->vfnptrs.clear(); hookman->func(HA_Unregister, NULL); return true; } void **cur_vtptr = *reinterpret_cast( reinterpret_cast(adjustediface) + tmp.vtbl_offs); void *cur_vfnptr = reinterpret_cast(cur_vtptr + tmp.vtbl_idx); HookManagerInfo::VfnPtrListIter vfnptr_iter = std::find(hookman->vfnptrs.begin(), hookman->vfnptrs.end(), cur_vfnptr); if (vfnptr_iter == hookman->vfnptrs.end()) return false; for (HookManagerInfo::VfnPtr::IfaceListIter iface_iter = vfnptr_iter->ifaces.begin(); iface_iter != vfnptr_iter->ifaces.end();) { std::list &hooks = post ? iface_iter->hooks_post : iface_iter->hooks_pre; bool erase; for (std::list::iterator hookiter = hooks.begin(); hookiter != hooks.end(); erase ? hookiter = hooks.erase(hookiter) : ++hookiter) { erase = hookiter->plug == plug && hookiter->handler->IsEqual(handler) && hookiter->thisptr_offs == thisptr_offs; if (erase) hookiter->handler->DeleteThis(); // Make the _plugin_ delete the handler object } if (iface_iter->hooks_post.empty() && iface_iter->hooks_pre.empty()) { iface_iter = vfnptr_iter->ifaces.erase(iface_iter); if (vfnptr_iter->ifaces.empty()) { // Deactivate the hook *reinterpret_cast(vfnptr_iter->vfnptr) = vfnptr_iter->orig_entry; hookman->vfnptrs.erase(vfnptr_iter); // Remove callclass patch for (Impl_CallClassList::iterator cciter = m_CallClasses.begin(); cciter != m_CallClasses.end(); ++cciter) if (cciter->cc.ptr == adjustediface) RemoveCallClassPatch(*cciter, tmp.vtbl_offs, tmp.vtbl_idx); if (hookman->vfnptrs.empty()) { // Unregister the hook manager hookman->func(HA_Unregister, NULL); } // Don't try to continue looping through ifaces // - the list is already invalid return true; } } else ++iface_iter; } return true; } GenericCallClass *CSourceHookImpl::GetCallClass(void *iface, size_t size) { for (Impl_CallClassList::iterator cciter = m_CallClasses.begin(); cciter != m_CallClasses.end(); ++cciter) { if (cciter->cc.ptr == iface && cciter->cc.objsize == size) { ++cciter->refcounter; return &cciter->cc; } } CallClassInfo tmp; tmp.refcounter = 1; tmp.cc.ptr = iface; tmp.cc.objsize = size; ApplyCallClassPatches(tmp); m_CallClasses.push_back(tmp); return &m_CallClasses.back().cc; } void CSourceHookImpl::ReleaseCallClass(GenericCallClass *ptr) { Impl_CallClassList::iterator iter = std::find(m_CallClasses.begin(), m_CallClasses.end(), ptr); if (iter == m_CallClasses.end()) return; --iter->refcounter; if (iter->refcounter < 1) m_CallClasses.erase(iter); } void CSourceHookImpl::ApplyCallClassPatch(CallClassInfo &cc, int vtbl_offs, int vtbl_idx, void *orig_entry) { OrigFuncs &tmpvec = cc.cc.vt[vtbl_offs]; if (tmpvec.size() <= (size_t)vtbl_idx) tmpvec.resize(vtbl_idx+1); tmpvec[vtbl_idx] = orig_entry; } void CSourceHookImpl::ApplyCallClassPatches(CallClassInfo &cc) { for (HookManInfoList::iterator hookman = m_HookMans.begin(); hookman != m_HookMans.end(); ++hookman) { for (HookManagerInfo::VfnPtrListIter vfnptr_iter = hookman->vfnptrs.begin(); vfnptr_iter != hookman->vfnptrs.end(); ++vfnptr_iter) { for (HookManagerInfo::VfnPtr::IfaceListIter iface_iter = vfnptr_iter->ifaces.begin(); iface_iter != vfnptr_iter->ifaces.end(); ++iface_iter) { if (iface_iter->ptr >= cc.cc.ptr && iface_iter->ptr < (reinterpret_cast(cc.cc.ptr) + cc.cc.objsize)) { ApplyCallClassPatch(cc, static_cast(reinterpret_cast(iface_iter->ptr) - reinterpret_cast(cc.cc.ptr)) + hookman->vtbl_offs, hookman->vtbl_idx, vfnptr_iter->orig_entry); } } } } } void CSourceHookImpl::ApplyCallClassPatches(void *ifaceptr, int vtbl_offs, int vtbl_idx, void *orig_entry) { for (Impl_CallClassList::iterator cc_iter = m_CallClasses.begin(); cc_iter != m_CallClasses.end(); ++cc_iter) { if (ifaceptr >= cc_iter->cc.ptr && ifaceptr < (reinterpret_cast(cc_iter->cc.ptr) + cc_iter->cc.objsize)) { ApplyCallClassPatch(*cc_iter, static_cast(reinterpret_cast(ifaceptr) - reinterpret_cast(cc_iter->cc.ptr)) + vtbl_offs, vtbl_idx, orig_entry); } } } void CSourceHookImpl::RemoveCallClassPatches(void *ifaceptr, int vtbl_offs, int vtbl_idx) { for (Impl_CallClassList::iterator cc_iter = m_CallClasses.begin(); cc_iter != m_CallClasses.end(); ++cc_iter) { if (ifaceptr >= cc_iter->cc.ptr && ifaceptr < (reinterpret_cast(cc_iter->cc.ptr) + cc_iter->cc.objsize)) { RemoveCallClassPatch(*cc_iter, vtbl_offs, vtbl_idx); } } } void CSourceHookImpl::RemoveCallClassPatch(CallClassInfo &cc, int vtbl_offs, int vtbl_idx) { OrigVTables::iterator iter = cc.cc.vt.find(vtbl_offs); if (iter != cc.cc.vt.end()) { if (iter->second.size() > (size_t)vtbl_idx) { iter->second[vtbl_idx] = 0; // Free some memory if possible OrigFuncs::reverse_iterator riter; for (riter = iter->second.rbegin(); riter != iter->second.rend(); ++riter) { if (*riter != 0) break; } iter->second.resize(iter->second.size() - (riter - iter->second.rbegin())); if (!iter->second.size()) cc.cc.vt.erase(iter); } } } CSourceHookImpl::HookManInfoList::iterator CSourceHookImpl::FindHookMan(HookManInfoList::iterator begin, HookManInfoList::iterator end, const char *proto, int vtblofs, int vtblidx) { HookManInfoList::iterator hookmaniter; for (hookmaniter = m_HookMans.begin(); hookmaniter != m_HookMans.end(); ++hookmaniter) { if (strcmp(hookmaniter->proto, proto) == 0 && hookmaniter->vtbl_offs == vtblofs && hookmaniter->vtbl_idx == vtblidx) break; } return hookmaniter; } void CSourceHookImpl::PausePlugin(Plugin plug) { // Go through all hook managers, all interfaces, and set the status of all hooks of this plugin to paused for (HookManInfoList::iterator hookmaniter = m_HookMans.begin(); hookmaniter != m_HookMans.end(); ++hookmaniter) for (HookManagerInfo::VfnPtrListIter vfnptr_iter = hookmaniter->vfnptrs.begin(); vfnptr_iter != hookmaniter->vfnptrs.end(); ++vfnptr_iter) for (HookManagerInfo::VfnPtr::IfaceListIter ifaceiter = vfnptr_iter->ifaces.begin(); ifaceiter != vfnptr_iter->ifaces.end(); ++ifaceiter) { for (std::list::iterator hookiter = ifaceiter->hooks_pre.begin(); hookiter != ifaceiter->hooks_pre.end(); ++hookiter) if (plug == hookiter->plug) hookiter->paused = true; for (std::list::iterator hookiter = ifaceiter->hooks_post.begin(); hookiter != ifaceiter->hooks_post.end(); ++hookiter) if (plug == hookiter->plug) hookiter->paused = true; } } void CSourceHookImpl::UnpausePlugin(Plugin plug) { // Go through all hook managers, all interfaces, and set the status of all hooks of this plugin to paused for (HookManInfoList::iterator hookmaniter = m_HookMans.begin(); hookmaniter != m_HookMans.end(); ++hookmaniter) for (HookManagerInfo::VfnPtrListIter vfnptr_iter = hookmaniter->vfnptrs.begin(); vfnptr_iter != hookmaniter->vfnptrs.end(); ++vfnptr_iter) for (HookManagerInfo::VfnPtr::IfaceListIter ifaceiter = vfnptr_iter->ifaces.begin(); ifaceiter != vfnptr_iter->ifaces.end(); ++ifaceiter) { for (std::list::iterator hookiter = ifaceiter->hooks_pre.begin(); hookiter != ifaceiter->hooks_pre.end(); ++hookiter) if (plug == hookiter->plug) hookiter->paused = false; for (std::list::iterator hookiter = ifaceiter->hooks_post.begin(); hookiter != ifaceiter->hooks_post.end(); ++hookiter) if (plug == hookiter->plug) hookiter->paused = false; } } void CSourceHookImpl::SetRes(META_RES res) { m_CurRes = res; } META_RES CSourceHookImpl::GetPrevRes() { return m_PrevRes; } META_RES CSourceHookImpl::GetStatus() { return m_Status; } const void *CSourceHookImpl::GetOrigRet() { return m_OrigRet; } const void *CSourceHookImpl::GetOverrideRet() { return m_OverrideRet; } META_RES &CSourceHookImpl::GetCurResRef() { return m_CurRes; } META_RES &CSourceHookImpl::GetPrevResRef() { return m_PrevRes; } META_RES &CSourceHookImpl::GetStatusRef() { return m_Status; } void * &CSourceHookImpl::GetIfacePtrRef() { return m_IfacePtr; } void CSourceHookImpl::SetOrigRet(const void *ptr) { m_OrigRet = ptr; } void CSourceHookImpl::SetOverrideRet(const void *ptr) { m_OverrideRet = ptr; } void *CSourceHookImpl::GetIfacePtr() { return m_IfacePtr; } #ifdef __linux__ // Windows has an implementation for this already, but Linux does not :( bool IsBadReadPtr(const void *ptr, size_t len) { void(*prevHandler)(int sig); g_BadReadCalled = true; if (setjmp(g_BadReadJmpBuf)) return true; prevHandler = signal(SIGSEGV, BadReadHandler); volatile const char *p = reinterpret_cast(ptr); char dummy; for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) dummy = p[i]; g_BadReadCalled = false; signal(SIGSEGV, prevHandler); return false; } void BadReadHandler(int sig) { if (g_BadReadCalled) longjmp(g_BadReadJmpBuf, 1); } #endif }