/* ======== SourceMM ======== * Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Metamod:Source Development Team * No warranties of any kind * * License: zlib/libpng * * Author(s): David "BAILOPAN" Anderson * Contributor(s): Scott "Damaged Soul" Ehlert * : Pavol "PM OnoTo" Marko * ============================ */ #include #include #include "CServerGameDLL.h" #include "CServerGameEnts.h" #include "CServerGameClients.h" #include "CHLTVDirector.h" #include "sourcemm.h" #include "concommands.h" #include "CSmmAPI.h" #include "util.h" /** * @brief Implementation of main SourceMM GameDLL functionality * @file sourcemm.cpp */ CServerGameDLL g_TempGameDLL; CServerGameEnts g_TempGameEnts; CServerGameClients g_TempGameClients; CHLTVDirector g_TempDirector; GameDllInfo g_GameDll = {false, NULL, NULL}; EngineInfo g_Engine = {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}; SourceHook::CSourceHookImpl g_SourceHook; SourceHook::ISourceHook *g_SHPtr; std::string g_ModPath; std::string g_BinPath; PluginId g_PLID = Pl_Console; //Technically, SourceMM is the "Console" plugin... :p bool bInShutdown = false; bool bInFirstLevel = true; /////////////////////////////////// // Main code for HL2 Interaction // /////////////////////////////////// //This is where the magic happens SMM_API void *CreateInterface(const char *name, int *ret) { if (!g_GameDll.loaded) { //State of the Mod: // Currently, HL2 Engine has loaded Metamod:Source // It is now asking it to get an interface. We don't have one, // so we're gonna try to give it a fake one to get the information we need. // Then, the the interface will forward the calls to the original interface if (strcmp(name, INTERFACEVERSION_SERVERGAMEDLL) == 0) { //We're in. Give the server our fake class as bait. if (ret) *ret = IFACE_OK; return static_cast(&g_TempGameDLL); } else if (strcmp(name, INTERFACEVERSION_SERVERGAMEENTS) == 0) { if (ret) *ret = IFACE_OK; return static_cast(&g_TempGameEnts); } else if (strcmp(name, INTERFACEVERSION_SERVERGAMECLIENTS) == 0) { if (ret) *ret = IFACE_OK; return static_cast(&g_TempGameClients); } else if (strcmp(name, INTERFACEVERSION_HLTVDIRECTOR) == 0) { if (ret) *ret = IFACE_OK; return static_cast(&g_TempDirector); } else { if (ret) *ret = IFACE_FAILED; return NULL; } } else { META_INTERFACE_MACRO(server, g_GameDll.factory); } } bool CServerGameDLL::DLLInit(CreateInterfaceFn engineFactory, CreateInterfaceFn physicsFactory, CreateInterfaceFn fileSystemFactory, CGlobalVars *pGlobals) { if (m_pOrig) return m_pOrig->DLLInit(engineFactory, physicsFactory, fileSystemFactory, pGlobals); if (!g_GameDll.loaded) { //Initialize SourceHook g_SHPtr = static_cast(&g_SourceHook); //The gamedll isn't loaded yet. We need to find out where it's hiding. IVEngineServer *ive = (IVEngineServer *)((engineFactory)(INTERFACEVERSION_VENGINESERVER, NULL)); if (!ive) { Error("Metamod:Source could not load %s", INTERFACEVERSION_VENGINESERVER); return false; } //Guess the file name //We'll have better heurestics[sp?] later on char mod_path[128], full_path[255]; ive->GetGameDir(mod_path, sizeof(mod_path)-1); g_ModPath.assign(mod_path); #if defined WIN32 || defined _WIN32 snprintf(full_path, sizeof(full_path)-1, "%s\\bin\\server.dll", mod_path); #else snprintf(full_path, sizeof(full_path)-1, "%s/bin/server_i486.so", mod_path); #endif g_BinPath.assign(full_path); //See if the file even exists FILE *fp = fopen(g_BinPath.c_str(), "r"); if (!fp) { Error("Metamod:Source could not read %s", g_BinPath.c_str()); return false; } fclose(fp); fp = NULL; //Load the DLL g_GameDll.lib = dlmount(g_BinPath.c_str()); if (!g_GameDll.lib) { Error("Metamod:Source could not load GameDLL: %s", dlerror()); return false; } else { //Find its factory g_GameDll.factory = (CreateInterfaceFn)(dlsym(g_GameDll.lib, "CreateInterface")); if (!g_GameDll.factory) { Error("Metamod:Source could not find an entry point in GameDLL: %s", g_BinPath.c_str()); dlclose(g_GameDll.lib); return false; } //Find the new IServerGameDLL pointer IServerGameDLL *serverDll; serverDll = (IServerGameDLL *)((g_GameDll.factory)(INTERFACEVERSION_SERVERGAMEDLL, NULL)); if (!serverDll) { Error("Metamod:Source could not find %s in GameDLL: %s", INTERFACEVERSION_SERVERGAMEDLL, g_BinPath.c_str()); dlclose(g_GameDll.lib); return false; } //Set this information early in case our wrappers are called somehow g_Engine.engineFactory = engineFactory; g_Engine.icvar = (ICvar *)(g_Engine.engineFactory)(VENGINE_CVAR_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL); if (!g_Engine.icvar) { Error("Metamod:Source could not find %s in engine!", VENGINE_CVAR_INTERFACE_VERSION); dlclose(g_GameDll.lib); return false; } g_Engine.fileSystemFactory = fileSystemFactory; g_Engine.pGlobals = pGlobals; g_Engine.physicsFactory = physicsFactory; g_Engine.engine = ive; //Attempt to load the GameDLL // Note that nothing will be intercepting yet. // This is the one and only call that plugins have no chance of seeing. // Likewise, you won't be able to trick the Server DLL into loading random things. // Luckily, because of SourceHook, this really isn't a problem - you can change // the virtual interfaces in anything it requests. if (!serverDll->DLLInit(EngineFactory, PhysicsFactory, FileSystemFactory, pGlobals)) { //For some reason, the GameDLL failed to load. Error("Metamod:Source: GameDLL %s refused to load.", g_BinPath.c_str()); dlclose(g_GameDll.lib); return false; } //Retrieve the pointers we'll need from the GameDLL IServerGameEnts *serverEnts; IServerGameClients *serverClients; IHLTVDirector *serverHLTV; serverEnts = (IServerGameEnts *)((g_GameDll.factory)(INTERFACEVERSION_SERVERGAMEENTS, NULL)); if (!serverEnts) { Error("Metamod:Source could not find %s in GameDLL: %s", INTERFACEVERSION_SERVERGAMEENTS, g_BinPath.c_str()); dlclose(g_GameDll.lib); return false; } serverClients = (IServerGameClients *)((g_GameDll.factory)(INTERFACEVERSION_SERVERGAMECLIENTS, NULL)); if (!serverClients) { Error("Metamod:Source could not find %s in GameDLL: %s", INTERFACEVERSION_SERVERGAMECLIENTS, g_BinPath.c_str()); dlclose(g_GameDll.lib); return false; } serverHLTV = (IHLTVDirector *)((g_GameDll.factory)(INTERFACEVERSION_HLTVDIRECTOR, NULL)); if (!serverHLTV) { Error("Metamod:Source could not find %s in GameDLL: %s", INTERFACEVERSION_HLTVDIRECTOR, g_BinPath.c_str()); dlclose(g_GameDll.lib); return false; } // Now tell the global temp classes that they can call the original functions g_TempDirector.SetOrig(serverHLTV); g_TempGameClients.SetOrig(serverClients); g_TempGameEnts.SetOrig(serverEnts); g_TempGameDLL.SetOrig(serverDll); //Everything's done. g_GameDll.loaded = true; //Initialize our console hooks ConCommandBaseMgr::OneTimeInit(static_cast(&g_SMConVarAccessor)); if (!g_SmmAPI.CacheCmds()) { LogMessage("[META] Warning: Failed to initialize Con_Printf. Defaulting to Msg()."); LogMessage("[META] Warning: Console messages will not be redirected to rcon console."); } //Now it's safe to load plugins. #if defined WIN32 || defined _WIN32 snprintf(full_path, sizeof(full_path)-1, "%s\\addons\\metamod\\%s", g_ModPath.c_str(), "metaplugins.ini"); #else snprintf(full_path, sizeof(full_path)-1, "%s/addons/metamod/%s", g_ModPath.c_str(), "metaplugins.ini"); #endif LoadPluginsFromFile(full_path); //All plugins are now loaded. g_PluginMngr.SetAllLoaded(); //Like metamod, reload plugins at the end of the map. //This is so plugins can hook everything on load, BUT, new plugins will be reloaded // if the server is shut down (silly, but rare case). bInFirstLevel = true; return true; } } //Somehow, the function got here. This should be impossible. Error("Metamod:Source fatal error - IServerGameDLL::DLLInit() called inappropriately"); return false; } void Shutdown() { //Unload plugins g_PluginMngr.UnloadAll(); // Shutdown sourcehook now g_SourceHook.CompleteShutdown(); // Add the FCVAR_GAMEDLL flag to our cvars so the engine removes them properly g_SMConVarAccessor.MarkCommandsAsGameDLL(); } // The engine uses the DLL even after it has call DLLShutdown, so we unload it // when it unloads us #if defined _WIN32 BOOL WINAPI DllMain( HINSTANCE hinstDLL, DWORD fdwReason, LPVOID lpvReserved ) { if (fdwReason == DLL_PROCESS_DETACH) { if (!bInShutdown) Shutdown(); if (g_GameDll.lib && g_GameDll.loaded) dlclose(g_GameDll.lib); memset(&g_GameDll, 0, sizeof(GameDllInfo)); } return TRUE; } #elif defined __linux__ void __attribute__ ((destructor)) app_fini(void) { if (!bInShutdown()) Shutdown(); if (g_GameDll.lib && g_GameDll.loaded) dlclose(g_GameDll.lib); memset(&g_GameDll, 0, sizeof(GameDllInfo)); } #endif void CServerGameDLL::DLLShutdown() { Shutdown(); //Call the original function m_pOrig->DLLShutdown(); bInShutdown = true; } int LoadPluginsFromFile(const char *file) { FILE *fp; int total = 0, skipped=0; PluginId id; bool already; fp = fopen(file, "rt"); if (!fp) { LogMessage("[META] Could not open plugins file %s\n", file); return -1; } char buffer[255], error[255], full_path[128]; const char *ptr, *ext; size_t length; while (!feof(fp)) { buffer[0] = '\0'; fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer)-1, fp); length = strlen(buffer); if (!length) continue; if (buffer[length-1] == '\n') buffer[length-1] = '\0'; UTIL_TrimLeft(buffer); UTIL_TrimRight(buffer); if (buffer[0] == NULL || buffer[0] == ';' || strncmp(buffer, "//", 2) == 0) continue; //First find if it's an absolute path or not... if (buffer[0] == '/' || strncmp(&(buffer[1]), ":\\", 2) == 0) { //If we're in an absolute path, ignore our normal heuristics id = g_PluginMngr.Load(buffer, Pl_File, already, error, sizeof(error)-1); if (id < Pl_MinId || g_PluginMngr.FindById(id)->m_Status < Pl_Paused) { LogMessage("[META] Failed to load plugin %s. %s", buffer, error); } else { if (already) skipped++; else total++; } } else { //Attempt to find a file extension ptr = UTIL_GetExtension(buffer); //Add an extension if there's none there if (!ptr) { #if defined WIN32 || defined _WIN32 ext = ".dll"; #else ext = "_i486.so"; #endif } else { ext = ""; } //Format the new path #if defined WIN32 || defined _WIN32 snprintf(full_path, sizeof(full_path)-1, "%s\\%s%s", g_ModPath.c_str(), buffer, ext); #else snprintf(full_path, sizeof(full_path)-1, "%s/%s%s", g_ModPath.c_str(), buffer, ext); #endif id = g_PluginMngr.Load(full_path, Pl_File, already, error, sizeof(error)-1); if (id < Pl_MinId || g_PluginMngr.FindById(id)->m_Status < Pl_Paused) { LogMessage("[META] Failed to load plugin %s. %s", buffer, error); } else { if (already) skipped++; else total++; } } } fclose(fp); if (skipped) { LogMessage("[META] Loaded %d plugins from file (%d already loaded)", total, skipped); } else { LogMessage("[META] Loaded %d plugins from file.", total); } return total; } //Wrapper function. This is called when the GameDLL thinks it's using // the engine's real engineFactory. void *EngineFactory(const char *name, int *ret) { META_INTERFACE_MACRO(engine, g_Engine.engineFactory); } //Wrapper function. This is called when the GameDLL thinks it's using // the engine's real physicsFactory. void *PhysicsFactory(const char *name, int *ret) { META_INTERFACE_MACRO(physics, g_Engine.physicsFactory); } //Wrapper function. This is called when the GameDLL thinks it's using // the engine's real fileSystemFactory. void *FileSystemFactory(const char *name, int *ret) { META_INTERFACE_MACRO(fileSystem, g_Engine.fileSystemFactory); } void LogMessage(const char *msg, ...) { va_list ap; static char buffer[2048]; buffer[0] = '\0'; va_start(ap, msg); vsnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer)-5, msg, ap); strcat(buffer, "\n"); va_end(ap); g_Engine.engine->LogPrint(buffer); } void CServerGameDLL::LevelShutdown(void) { LevelShutdown_handler(); m_pOrig->LevelShutdown(); } void LevelShutdown_handler(void) { if (!bInFirstLevel) { char full_path[255]; #if defined WIN32 || defined _WIN32 snprintf(full_path, sizeof(full_path)-1, "%s\\addons\\metamod\\%s", g_ModPath.c_str(), "metaplugins.ini"); #else snprintf(full_path, sizeof(full_path)-1, "%s/addons/metamod/%s", g_ModPath.c_str(), "metaplugins.ini"); #endif LoadPluginsFromFile(full_path); } else { bInFirstLevel = false; } } bool CServerGameDLL::LevelInit( char const *pMapName, char const *pMapEntities, char const *pOldLevel, char const *pLandmarkName, bool loadGame, bool background ) { if (!g_SmmAPI.CacheSuccessful()) { LogMessage("[META] Warning: Failed to initialize Con_Printf. Defaulting to Msg()."); LogMessage("[META] Warning: Console messages will not be redirected to rcon console."); } return m_pOrig->LevelInit(pMapName, pMapEntities, pOldLevel, pLandmarkName, loadGame, background); }