/** * vim: set ts=4 : * ====================================================== * Metamod:Source * Copyright (C) 2004-2008 AlliedModders LLC and authors. * All rights reserved. * ====================================================== * * This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. * In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from * the use of this software. * * Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, * including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it * freely, subject to the following restrictions: * * 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not * claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a * product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be * appreciated but is not required. * 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be * misrepresented as being the original software. * 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. * * Version: $Id$ */ #include #include "metamod_oslink.h" #include "metamod.h" #include #include #include "metamod_provider.h" #include "metamod_plugins.h" #include "metamod_util.h" #include "metamod_console.h" #include "provider/provider_ep2.h" using namespace SourceMM; using namespace SourceHook; using namespace SourceHook::Impl; /** * @brief Implementation of main SourceMM GameDLL functionality * @file sourcemm.cpp */ SH_DECL_MANUALHOOK0(SGD_GameInit, 0, 0, 0, bool); SH_DECL_MANUALHOOK6(SGD_LevelInit, 0, 0, 0, bool, const char *, const char *, const char *, const char *, bool, bool); SH_DECL_MANUALHOOK0_void(SGD_LevelShutdown, 0, 0, 0); static void Handler_LevelShutdown(); static bool Handler_LevelInit(char const *pMapName, char const *pMapEntities, char const *pOldLevel, char const *pLandmarkName, bool loadGame, bool background); static bool Handler_GameInit(); static void InitializeVSP(); static void LookForVDFs(const char *dir); struct game_dll_t { CreateInterfaceFn factory; }; static String mod_path; static String metamod_path; static String full_bin_path; static int vsp_version = 0; static int gamedll_version = 0; static int engine_build = SOURCE_ENGINE_UNKNOWN; static List gamedll_list; static bool is_gamedll_loaded = false; static bool in_first_level = true; static bool is_game_init = false; static bool vsp_load_requested = false; static bool vsp_loaded = false; static game_dll_t gamedll_info; static ConVar *metamod_version = NULL; static ConVar *mm_pluginsfile = NULL; static ConVar *mm_basedir = NULL; static CreateInterfaceFn engine_factory = NULL; static CreateInterfaceFn physics_factory = NULL; static CreateInterfaceFn filesystem_factory = NULL; static CGlobalVars *gpGlobals = NULL; static CHookManagerAutoGen g_SH_HookManagerAutoGen(&g_SourceHook); static META_RES last_meta_res; static IServerPluginCallbacks *vsp_callbacks = NULL; static bool were_plugins_loaded = false; static bool g_bIsVspBridged = false; MetamodSource g_Metamod; PluginId g_PLID = Pl_Console; CSourceHookImpl g_SourceHook; ISourceHook *g_SHPtr = &g_SourceHook; SourceMM::ISmmAPI *g_pMetamod = &g_Metamod; /* Helper Macro */ #define IFACE_MACRO(orig,nam) \ CPluginManager::CPlugin *pl; \ SourceHook::List::iterator event; \ IMetamodListener *api; \ int mret = 0; \ void *val = NULL; \ for (PluginIter iter = g_PluginMngr._begin(); iter != g_PluginMngr._end(); iter++) { \ pl = (*iter); \ for (event=pl->m_Events.begin(); event!=pl->m_Events.end(); event++) { \ api = (*event); \ mret = IFACE_FAILED; \ if ( (val=api->On##nam##Query(iface, &mret)) != NULL ) { \ if (ret) *ret = mret; \ return val; \ } \ } \ } \ return (orig)(iface, ret); #define ITER_EVENT(evn, args) \ CPluginManager::CPlugin *pl; \ SourceHook::List::iterator event; \ IMetamodListener *api; \ for (PluginIter iter = g_PluginMngr._begin(); iter != g_PluginMngr._end(); iter++) { \ pl = (*iter); \ for (event=pl->m_Events.begin(); event!=pl->m_Events.end(); event++) { \ api = (*event); \ api->evn args; \ } \ } /* Initialize everything here */ void mm_InitializeForLoad() { char full_path[PATH_SIZE] = {0}; GetFileOfAddress((void *)gamedll_info.factory, full_path, sizeof(full_path)); full_bin_path.assign(full_path); /* Like Metamod, reload plugins at the end of the map. * This is so plugins can hook everything on load, BUT, new plugins will be reloaded * if the server is shut down (silly, but rare case). */ in_first_level = true; SourceHook::MemFuncInfo info; if (!provider->GetHookInfo(ProvidedHook_GameInit, &info)) { provider->DisplayError("Metamod:Source could not find a valid hook for IServerGameDLL::GameInit"); } SH_MANUALHOOK_RECONFIGURE(SGD_GameInit, info.vtblindex, info.vtbloffs, info.thisptroffs); SH_ADD_MANUALHOOK_STATICFUNC(SGD_GameInit, server, Handler_GameInit, false); if (!provider->GetHookInfo(ProvidedHook_LevelInit, &info)) { provider->DisplayError("Metamod:Source could not find a valid hook for IServerGameDLL::LevelInit"); } SH_MANUALHOOK_RECONFIGURE(SGD_LevelInit, info.vtblindex, info.vtbloffs, info.thisptroffs); SH_ADD_MANUALHOOK_STATICFUNC(SGD_LevelInit, server, Handler_LevelInit, true); if (!provider->GetHookInfo(ProvidedHook_LevelShutdown, &info)) { provider->DisplayError("Metamod:Source could not find a valid hook for IServerGameDLL::LevelShutdown"); } SH_MANUALHOOK_RECONFIGURE(SGD_LevelShutdown, info.vtblindex, info.vtbloffs, info.thisptroffs); SH_ADD_MANUALHOOK_STATICFUNC(SGD_LevelShutdown, server, Handler_LevelShutdown, true); } bool mm_DetectGameInformation() { char mm_path[PATH_SIZE]; char game_path[PATH_SIZE]; /* Get path to SourceMM DLL */ if (!GetFileOfAddress((void *)mm_InitializeForLoad, mm_path, sizeof(mm_path))) { return false; } metamod_path.assign(mm_path); /* Get value of -game from command line, defaulting to hl2 as engine seems to do */ const char *game_dir = provider->GetCommandLineValue("-game", "hl2"); /* Get absolute path */ abspath(game_path, game_dir); mod_path.assign(game_path); engine_build = provider->DetermineSourceEngine(game_dir);; return true; } void * ServerFactory(const char *iface, int *ret) { IFACE_MACRO(gamedll_info.factory, GameDLL); } SMM_API void * CreateInterface(const char *iface, int *ret) { void *ptr = NULL; if (!mm_IsVspBridged() && strncmp(iface, "ISERVERPLUGINCALLBACKS", 22) == 0) { if (vsp_callbacks != NULL) { if (ret != NULL) *ret = IFACE_FAILED; return NULL; } vsp_version = atoi(&iface[22]); ptr = provider->GetVSPCallbacks(vsp_version); if (ptr == NULL) vsp_version = 0; return ptr; } if (ret) *ret = (ptr != NULL) ? IFACE_OK : IFACE_FAILED; return ptr; } int mm_LoadPluginsFromFile(const char *_file) { FILE *fp; int total = 0, skipped=0; PluginId id; bool already; fp = fopen(_file, "rt"); if (!fp) { mm_LogMessage("[META] Could not open plugins file %s\n", _file); return -1; } char buffer[255], error[255], full_path[255]; const char *ptr, *ext, *file; size_t length; while (!feof(fp) && fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fp) != NULL) { UTIL_TrimLeft(buffer); UTIL_TrimRight(buffer); length = strlen(buffer); if (!length) { continue; } if (buffer[0] == '\0' || buffer[0] == ';' || strncmp(buffer, "//", 2) == 0) { continue; } file = buffer; if (buffer[0] == '"') { char *cptr = buffer; file = ++cptr; while (*cptr) { if (*cptr == '"') { *cptr = '\0'; break; } cptr++; } } else { char *cptr = buffer; while (*cptr) { if (isspace(*cptr)) { char *optr = cptr; while (*cptr && isspace(*cptr)) { cptr++; } *optr = '\0'; UTIL_TrimRight(cptr); if (*cptr && isalpha(*cptr)) { g_PluginMngr.SetAlias(buffer, cptr); file = cptr; } break; } cptr++; } } if (!file[0]) { continue; } /* First find if it's an absolute path or not... */ if (file[0] == '/' || strncmp(&(file[1]), ":\\", 2) == 0) { /* If we're in an absolute path, ignore our normal heuristics */ id = g_PluginMngr.Load(file, Pl_File, already, error, sizeof(error)); if (id < Pl_MinId || g_PluginMngr.FindById(id)->m_Status < Pl_Paused) { mm_LogMessage("[META] Failed to load plugin %s. %s", buffer, error); } else { if (already) skipped++; else total++; } } else { /* Attempt to find a file extension */ ptr = UTIL_GetExtension(file); /* Add an extension if there's none there */ if (!ptr) { #if defined WIN32 || defined _WIN32 ext = ".dll"; #else ext = "_i486.so"; #endif } else { ext = ""; } /* Format the new path */ g_Metamod.PathFormat(full_path, sizeof(full_path), "%s/%s%s", mod_path.c_str(), file, ext); id = g_PluginMngr.Load(full_path, Pl_File, already, error, sizeof(error)); if (id < Pl_MinId || g_PluginMngr.FindById(id)->m_Status < Pl_Paused) { mm_LogMessage("[META] Failed to load plugin %s. %s", buffer, error); } else { if (already) skipped++; else total++; } } } fclose(fp); if (skipped) mm_LogMessage("[META] Loaded %d plugins from file (%d already loaded)", total, skipped); else mm_LogMessage("[META] Loaded %d plugins from file.", total); return total; } void InitializeVSP() { if (g_bIsVspBridged) return; size_t len; char engine_file[PATH_SIZE]; char engine_path[PATH_SIZE]; char rel_path[PATH_SIZE * 2]; GetFileOfAddress((void *)engine_factory, engine_file, sizeof(engine_file)); /* Chop off the "engine" file part */ len = strlen(engine_file); for (size_t i = len - 1; i >= 0 && i < len; i--) { if (engine_file[i] == '/' || engine_file[i] == '\\') { engine_file[i] = '\0'; break; } } abspath(engine_path, engine_file); const char *usepath = metamod_path.c_str(); if (UTIL_Relatize(rel_path, sizeof(rel_path), engine_path, metamod_path.c_str())) { usepath = rel_path; } char command[PATH_SIZE * 2]; UTIL_Format(command, sizeof(command), "plugin_load \"%s\"\n", usepath); provider->ServerCommand(command); } /* Wrapper function. This is called when the GameDLL thinks it's using * the engine's real engineFactory. */ static void * EngineFactory(const char *iface, int *ret) { IFACE_MACRO(engine_factory, Engine); } /* Wrapper function. This is called when the GameDLL thinks it's using * the engine's real physicsFactory. */ static void * PhysicsFactory(const char *iface, int *ret) { IFACE_MACRO(physics_factory, Physics); } /* Wrapper function. This is called when the GameDLL thinks it's using * the engine's real fileSystemFactory. */ static void * FileSystemFactory(const char *iface, int *ret) { IFACE_MACRO(filesystem_factory, FileSystem); } void mm_LogMessage(const char *msg, ...) { va_list ap; static char buffer[2048]; va_start(ap, msg); size_t len = vsnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer) - 2, msg, ap); va_end(ap); buffer[len++] = '\n'; buffer[len] = '\0'; if (!provider->LogMessage(buffer)) { fprintf(stdout, "%s", buffer); } } static void DoInitialPluginLoads() { const char *pluginFile = provider->GetCommandLineValue("mm_pluginsfile", NULL); const char *mmBaseDir = provider->GetCommandLineValue("mm_basedir", NULL); if (!pluginFile) { pluginFile = provider->GetConVarString(mm_pluginsfile); if (pluginFile == NULL) { pluginFile = "addons/metamod/metaplugins.ini"; } } if (!mmBaseDir) { mmBaseDir = provider->GetConVarString(mm_basedir); if (mmBaseDir == NULL) { mmBaseDir = "addons/metamod"; } } char full_path[260]; g_Metamod.PathFormat(full_path, sizeof(full_path), "%s/%s", mod_path.c_str(), pluginFile); mm_LoadPluginsFromFile(full_path); g_Metamod.PathFormat(full_path, sizeof(full_path), "%s/%s", mod_path.c_str(), mmBaseDir); LookForVDFs(full_path); } void mm_StartupMetamod(bool is_vsp_load) { char buffer[255]; UTIL_Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s%s", SVN_FULL_VERSION, is_vsp_load ? "V" : ""); metamod_version = provider->CreateConVar("metamod_version", SVN_FULL_VERSION, "Metamod:Source Version", ConVarFlag_Notify|ConVarFlag_SpOnly); provider->SetConVarString(metamod_version, buffer); mm_pluginsfile = provider->CreateConVar("mm_pluginsfile", #if defined WIN32 || defined _WIN32 "addons\\metamod\\metaplugins.ini", #else "addons/metamod/metaplugins.ini", #endif "Metamod:Source Plugins File", ConVarFlag_SpOnly); mm_basedir = provider->CreateConVar("mm_basedir", #if defined __linux__ "addons/metamod", #else "addons\\metamod", #endif "Metamod:Source Base Folder", ConVarFlag_SpOnly); g_bIsVspBridged = is_vsp_load; if (!is_vsp_load) { DoInitialPluginLoads(); in_first_level = true; } } void mm_InitializeGlobals(CreateInterfaceFn engineFactory, CreateInterfaceFn physicsFactory, CreateInterfaceFn filesystemFactory, CGlobalVars *pGlobals) { engine_factory = engineFactory; physics_factory = physicsFactory; filesystem_factory = filesystemFactory; gpGlobals = pGlobals; provider->Notify_DLLInit_Pre(engineFactory, gamedll_info.factory); } static bool Handler_GameInit() { if (is_game_init) return true; if (vsp_load_requested) InitializeVSP(); if (g_bIsVspBridged && !were_plugins_loaded) { DoInitialPluginLoads(); g_PluginMngr.SetAllLoaded(); were_plugins_loaded = true; } is_game_init = true; RETURN_META_VALUE(MRES_IGNORED, true); } void mm_UnloadMetamod() { /* Unload plugins */ g_PluginMngr.UnloadAll(); provider->Notify_DLLShutdown_Pre(); g_SourceHook.CompleteShutdown(); } static void Handler_LevelShutdown(void) { if (g_bIsVspBridged && !were_plugins_loaded) { g_PluginMngr.SetAllLoaded(); DoInitialPluginLoads(); were_plugins_loaded = true; in_first_level = true; } if (!in_first_level) { char full_path[255]; g_Metamod.PathFormat(full_path, sizeof(full_path), "%s/%s", mod_path.c_str(), provider->GetConVarString(mm_pluginsfile)); mm_LoadPluginsFromFile(full_path); g_Metamod.PathFormat(full_path, sizeof(full_path), "%s/%s", mod_path.c_str(), provider->GetConVarString(mm_basedir)); LookForVDFs(full_path); } else { in_first_level = false; } ITER_EVENT(OnLevelShutdown, ()); RETURN_META(MRES_IGNORED); } static bool Handler_LevelInit(char const *pMapName, char const *pMapEntities, char const *pOldLevel, char const *pLandmarkName, bool loadGame, bool background) { ITER_EVENT(OnLevelInit, (pMapName, pMapEntities, pOldLevel, pLandmarkName, loadGame, background)); RETURN_META_VALUE(MRES_IGNORED, false); } void MetamodSource::LogMsg(ISmmPlugin *pl, const char *msg, ...) { va_list ap; char buffer[2048]; va_start(ap, msg); UTIL_FormatArgs(buffer, sizeof(buffer), msg, ap); va_end(ap); mm_LogMessage("[%s] %s", pl->GetLogTag(), buffer); } CreateInterfaceFn MetamodSource::GetEngineFactory(bool syn/* =true */) { if (syn) return EngineFactory; return engine_factory; } CreateInterfaceFn MetamodSource::GetPhysicsFactory(bool syn/* =true */) { if (syn) return PhysicsFactory; return physics_factory; } CreateInterfaceFn MetamodSource::GetFileSystemFactory(bool syn/* =true */) { if (syn) return FileSystemFactory; return filesystem_factory; } CreateInterfaceFn MetamodSource::GetServerFactory(bool syn/* =true */) { if (syn) return ServerFactory; return gamedll_info.factory; } CGlobalVars *MetamodSource::GetCGlobals() { return gpGlobals; } void MetamodSource::SetLastMetaReturn(META_RES res) { last_meta_res = res; } META_RES MetamodSource::GetLastMetaReturn() { return last_meta_res; } void MetamodSource::ConPrint(const char *str) { provider->ConsolePrint(str); } void MetamodSource::ConPrintf(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; char buffer[2048]; va_start(ap, fmt); UTIL_FormatArgs(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fmt, ap); va_end(ap); provider->ConsolePrint(buffer); } void MetamodSource::GetApiVersions(int &major, int &minor, int &plvers, int &plmin) { major = METAMOD_API_MAJOR; minor = METAMOD_API_MINOR; plvers = METAMOD_PLAPI_VERSION; plmin = PLAPI_MIN_VERSION; } void MetamodSource::GetShVersions(int &shvers, int &shimpl) { shvers = SH_IFACE_VERSION; shimpl = SH_IMPL_VERSION; } int MetamodSource::FormatIface(char iface[], unsigned int maxlength) { int length = (int)strlen(iface); int i; int num = 0; for (i = length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (!isdigit(iface[i])) { if (i != length - 1) { num = 1; } break; } } if ( (num && ((int)maxlength <= length)) || (!num && ((int)maxlength <= length + 3)) ) { return -1; } if (i != length - 1) { num = atoi(&(iface[++i])); } num++; snprintf(&(iface[i]), 4, "%03d", num); return num; } void *MetamodSource::InterfaceSearch(CreateInterfaceFn fn, const char *iface, int max, int *ret) { char _if[256]; /* assume no interface goes beyond this */ size_t len = strlen(iface); int num = 0; void *pf = NULL; if (max > 999) { max = 999; } if (len + 4 > sizeof(_if)) { if (ret) { *ret = IFACE_FAILED; } return NULL; } strcpy(_if, iface); do { if ((pf = (fn)(_if, ret)) != NULL) { break; } if (num > max) { break; } } while ((num = FormatIface(_if, len+1))); return pf; } void *MetamodSource::VInterfaceMatch(CreateInterfaceFn fn, const char *iface, int min) { char buffer[256]; /* assume no interface will go beyond this */ size_t len = strlen(iface); int ret; /* just in case something doesn't handle NULL properly */ if (len > sizeof(buffer) - 4) { return NULL; } strcpy(buffer, iface); if (min != -1) { char *ptr = &buffer[len - 1]; int digits = 0; while (isdigit(*ptr) && digits <=3) { *ptr = '\0'; digits++; ptr--; } if (digits != 3) { /* for now, assume this is an error */ strcpy(buffer, iface); } else { char num[4]; min = (min == 0) ? 1 : min; snprintf(num, sizeof(num), "%03d", min); strcat(buffer, num); } } return InterfaceSearch(fn, buffer, IFACE_MAXNUM, &ret); } const char *MetamodSource::GetBaseDir() { return mod_path.c_str(); } size_t MetamodSource::PathFormat(char *buffer, size_t len, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); size_t mylen = UTIL_FormatArgs(buffer, len, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); for (size_t i = 0; i < mylen; i++) { if (buffer[i] == ALT_SEP_CHAR) { buffer[i] = PATH_SEP_CHAR; } } return mylen; } void MetamodSource::ClientConPrintf(edict_t *client, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; char buffer[2048]; va_start(ap, fmt); UTIL_FormatArgs(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fmt, ap); va_end(ap); provider->ClientConsolePrint(client, buffer); } void MetamodSource::EnableVSPListener() { if (is_game_init && !vsp_load_requested && !vsp_loaded) InitializeVSP(); vsp_load_requested = true; } int MetamodSource::GetVSPVersion() { return vsp_version; } int MetamodSource::GetGameDLLVersion() { return gamedll_version; } bool MetamodSource::RemotePrintingAvailable() { return provider->IsRemotePrintingAvailable(); } void *MetamodSource::MetaFactory(const char *iface, int *ret, PluginId *id) { if (id) { *id = 0; } if (!iface) { return NULL; } /* First check ours... we get first chance! */ if (strcmp(iface, MMIFACE_SOURCEHOOK) == 0) { if (ret) { *ret = IFACE_OK; } return static_cast(static_cast(&g_SourceHook)); } else if (strcmp(iface, MMIFACE_PLMANAGER) == 0) { if (ret) { *ret = IFACE_OK; } return static_cast(static_cast(&g_PluginMngr)); } else if (strcmp(iface, MMIFACE_SH_HOOKMANAUTOGEN) == 0) { if (ret) { *ret = IFACE_OK; } return static_cast(static_cast(&g_SH_HookManagerAutoGen)); } CPluginManager::CPlugin *pl; List::iterator event; IMetamodListener *api; void *value; int subret = 0; for (PluginIter iter = g_PluginMngr._begin(); iter != g_PluginMngr._end(); iter++) { pl = (*iter); for (event = pl->m_Events.begin(); event != pl->m_Events.end(); event++) { api = (*event); subret = IFACE_FAILED; if ((value = api->OnMetamodQuery(iface, &subret)) != NULL) { if (ret) { *ret = subret; } if (id) { *id = pl->m_Id; } return value; } } } if (ret) { *ret = IFACE_FAILED; } return NULL; } void MetamodSource::AddListener(ISmmPlugin *plugin, IMetamodListener *pListener) { CPluginManager::CPlugin *pl = g_PluginMngr.FindByAPI(plugin); pl->m_Events.push_back(pListener); } const char *MetamodSource::GetGameBinaryPath() { return full_bin_path.c_str(); } const char *MetamodSource::GetPluginsFile() { return provider->GetConVarString(mm_pluginsfile); } IConCommandBaseAccessor *MetamodSource::GetCvarBaseAccessor() { return provider->GetConCommandBaseAccessor(); } bool MetamodSource::RegisterConCommandBase(ISmmPlugin *plugin, ConCommandBase *pCommand) { if (provider->IsConCommandBaseACommand(pCommand)) { g_PluginMngr.AddPluginCmd(plugin, pCommand); } else { g_PluginMngr.AddPluginCvar(plugin, pCommand); } return provider->RegisterConCommandBase(pCommand); } void MetamodSource::UnregisterConCommandBase(ISmmPlugin *plugin, ConCommandBase *pCommand) { if (provider->IsConCommandBaseACommand(pCommand)) { g_PluginMngr.RemovePluginCmd(plugin, pCommand); } else { g_PluginMngr.RemovePluginCvar(plugin, pCommand); } CPluginManager::CPlugin *pOrig = g_PluginMngr.FindByAPI(plugin); UnregisterConCommandBase(pOrig ? pOrig->m_Id : 0, pCommand); } void MetamodSource::UnregisterConCommandBase(PluginId id, ConCommandBase *pCommand) { PluginIter iter; CPluginManager::CPlugin *pPlugin; List::iterator event; IMetamodListener *pML; for (iter=g_PluginMngr._begin(); iter!=g_PluginMngr._end(); iter++) { pPlugin = (*iter); if (pPlugin->m_Status < Pl_Paused) { continue; } /* Only valid for plugins >= 12 (v1:6, SourceMM 1.5) */ if (pPlugin->m_API->GetApiVersion() < 12) { continue; } for (event=pPlugin->m_Events.begin(); event!=pPlugin->m_Events.end(); event++) { pML = (*event); pML->OnUnlinkConCommandBase(id, pCommand); } } return provider->UnregisterConCommandBase(pCommand); } int MetamodSource::GetUserMessageCount() { return provider->GetUserMessageCount(); } int MetamodSource::FindUserMessage(const char *name, int *size/* =NULL */) { return provider->FindUserMessage(name, size); } const char *MetamodSource::GetUserMessage(int index, int *size/* =NULL */) { return provider->GetUserMessage(index, size); } int MetamodSource::GetSourceEngineBuild() { return engine_build; } void MetamodSource::NotifyVSPListening(IServerPluginCallbacks *callbacks, int version) { if (version != -1) vsp_version = version; vsp_callbacks = callbacks; ITER_EVENT(OnVSPListening, (callbacks)); } IServerPluginCallbacks *MetamodSource::GetVSPInfo(int *pVersion) { if (pVersion) { *pVersion = vsp_version; } return vsp_callbacks; } size_t MetamodSource::Format(char *buffer, size_t maxlength, const char *format, ...) { va_list ap; size_t result; va_start(ap, format); result = FormatArgs(buffer, maxlength, format, ap); va_end(ap); return result; } size_t MetamodSource::FormatArgs(char *buffer, size_t maxlength, const char *format, va_list ap) { return UTIL_FormatArgs(buffer, maxlength, format, ap); } bool MetamodSource::IsLoadedAsGameDLL() { return is_gamedll_loaded; } void MetamodSource::SetGameDLLInfo(CreateInterfaceFn serverFactory, int version, bool loaded) { gamedll_info.factory = serverFactory; gamedll_version = version; is_gamedll_loaded = loaded; } static void ProcessVDF(const char *path) { PluginId id; bool already; char alias[24], file[255], error[255]; if (!provider->ProcessVDF(path, file, sizeof(file), alias, sizeof(alias))) return; if (alias[0] != '\0') g_PluginMngr.SetAlias(alias, file); id = g_PluginMngr.Load(file, Pl_File, already, error, sizeof(error)); if (id < Pl_MinId || g_PluginMngr.FindById(id)->m_Status < Pl_Paused) mm_LogMessage("[META] Failed to load plugin %s: %s", file, error); } static void LookForVDFs(const char *dir) { char path[MAX_PATH]; char relpath[MAX_PATH * 2]; #if defined _MSC_VER HANDLE hFind; WIN32_FIND_DATA fd; char error[255]; g_Metamod.PathFormat(path, sizeof(path), "%s\\*.vdf", dir); if ((hFind = FindFirstFile(path, &fd)) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { DWORD dw = GetLastError(); if (dw == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) return; FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM|FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, dw, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), error, sizeof(error), NULL); mm_LogMessage("[META] Could not open folder \"%s\" (%s)", dir, error); return; } do { g_Metamod.PathFormat(path, sizeof(path), "%s\\%s", dir, fd.cFileName); UTIL_Relatize(relpath, sizeof(relpath), mod_path.c_str(), path); ProcessVDF(relpath); } while (FindNextFile(hFind, &fd)); FindClose(hFind); #else DIR *pDir; struct dirent *pEnt; int extidx; if ((pDir = opendir(dir)) == NULL) { mm_LogMessage("[META] Could not open folder \"%s\" (%s)", dir, strerror(errno)); return; } while ((pEnt = readdir(pDir)) != NULL) { if (strcmp(pEnt->d_name, ".") == 0 || strcmp(pEnt->d_name, "..") == 0) { continue; } extidx = strlen(pEnt->d_name) - 4; if (extidx < 0 || stricmp(&pEnt->d_name[extidx], ".vdf")) { continue; } g_Metamod.PathFormat(path, sizeof(path), "%s/%s", dir, pEnt->d_name); UTIL_Relatize(relpath, sizeof(relpath), mod_path.c_str(), path); ProcessVDF(relpath); } closedir(pDir); #endif } bool mm_IsVspBridged() { return g_bIsVspBridged; } bool mm_IsVspLoadComplete() { return were_plugins_loaded; }