/* ======== SourceMM ======== * Copyright (C) 2004-2008 Metamod:Source Development Team * No warranties of any kind * * License: zlib/libpng * * Author(s): David "BAILOPAN" Anderson * ============================ */ #ifndef _INCLUDE_SOURCEMM_H #define _INCLUDE_SOURCEMM_H /** * @brief SourceMM main functionality for GameDLL interception * @file sourcemm.h */ #include <string> #include <interface.h> #include <eiface.h> #include <sourcehook/sourcehook_impl.h> #include <sourcehook/sourcehook.h> #include "ISmmAPI.h" #include "CPlugin.h" #include "oslink.h" #include "util.h" #include "version.h" /** * Versioning * increase api_major when API breaks * increase api_minor when new functions are added (non-breaking) */ #define SOURCEMM_VERSION SVN_FILE_VERSION_STRING #define SOURCEMM_DATE __DATE__ #define SM_VERS_API_MAJOR 1 //increase this on a breaking change #define SM_VERS_API_MINOR 5 //increase this on a non-breaking API change //We need a good CServerGameDLL version to work properly. We support these inclusively. #define MIN_GAMEDLL_VERSION 3 #define MAX_GAMEDLL_VERSION 8 /** * @brief Entry point for HL2 Engine */ SMM_API void *CreateInterface(const char *name, int *code); /** @brief Wrapper to catch GameDLL calls */ void *EngineFactory(const char *name, int *code); /** @brief Wrapper to catch GameDLL calls */ void *PhysicsFactory(const char *name, int *code); /** @brief Wrapper to catch GameDLL calls */ void *FileSystemFactory(const char *name, int *code); /** @brief Loads all plugins found in a file */ int LoadPluginsFromFile(const char *file); /** @brief Logs a message to the standard log file */ void LogMessage(const char *msg, ...); /** @brief Stores information about the GameDLL */ struct GameDllInfo { bool loaded; HINSTANCE lib; CreateInterfaceFn factory; IServerGameDLL *pGameDLL; IServerGameClients *pGameClients; }; /** @brief Stores information about the HL2 Engine pointers */ struct EngineInfo { EngineInfo() : loaded(false), original(false), engineFactory(NULL), physicsFactory(NULL), fileSystemFactory(NULL), pGlobals(NULL), icvar(NULL), engine(NULL) { }; bool loaded; bool original; CreateInterfaceFn engineFactory; CreateInterfaceFn physicsFactory; CreateInterfaceFn fileSystemFactory; CGlobalVars *pGlobals; ICvar *icvar; IVEngineServer *engine; }; bool AlternatelyLoadMetamod(CreateInterfaceFn ifaceFactory, CreateInterfaceFn serverFactory); extern IServerPluginCallbacks *g_pRealVspCallbacks; extern bool g_bIsBridgedAsVsp; /** @brief Global variable for GameDLL info */ extern GameDllInfo g_GameDll; /** @brief Global variable for Engine info */ extern EngineInfo g_Engine; /** @brief Global singleton for SourceHook */ extern SourceHook::CSourceHookImpl g_SourceHook; /** @brief Mod path (important!)*/ extern SourceHook::String g_ModPath; /** @brief Path to server binary */ extern SourceHook::String g_BinPath; /** @brief Path to SourceMM binary */ extern SourceHook::String g_SmmPath; /** @brief Global variable for SourceHook macros */ extern SourceHook::ISourceHook *g_SHPtr; /** @brief We have our own internal plugin id... */ extern PluginId g_PLID; /** @brief ServerGameDLL version that is currently loaded */ extern int g_GameDllVersion; extern bool bGameInit; extern bool g_bLevelChanged; void UnloadMetamod(bool shutting_down); /** @brief Global CallClass for IServerGameDLL */ extern SourceHook::CallClass<IServerGameDLL> *g_GameDllPatch; /** @brief Global CallClass for ICvar */ extern SourceHook::CallClass<ICvar> *g_CvarPatch; #endif //_INCLUDE_SOURCEMM_H