/* ======== SourceHook ======== * Copyright (C) 2004-2007 Metamod:Source Development Team * No warranties of any kind * * License: zlib/libpng * * Author(s): Pavol "PM OnoTo" Marko * ============================ */ #ifndef __SOURCEHOOK_HOOKMANGEN_H__ #define __SOURCEHOOK_HOOKMANGEN_H__ #include "sourcehook_impl.h" #include "sh_pagealloc.h" namespace SourceHook { namespace Impl { // Code gen stuff #if SH_COMP == SH_COMP_GCC #include typedef int8_t jit_int8_t; typedef uint8_t jit_uint8_t; typedef int32_t jit_int32_t; typedef uint32_t jit_uint32_t; typedef int64_t jit_int64_t; typedef uint64_t jit_uint64_t; #elif SH_COMP == SH_COMP_MSVC typedef __int8 jit_int8_t; typedef unsigned __int8 jit_uint8_t; typedef __int32 jit_int32_t; typedef unsigned __int32 jit_uint32_t; typedef __int64 jit_int64_t; typedef unsigned __int64 jit_uint64_t; #endif typedef unsigned int jitoffs_t; typedef signed int jitrel_t; class GenBuffer { static CPageAlloc ms_Allocator; unsigned char *m_pData; jitoffs_t m_Size; jitoffs_t m_AllocatedSize; public: GenBuffer() : m_pData(NULL), m_Size(0), m_AllocatedSize(0) { } ~GenBuffer() { clear(); } jitoffs_t GetSize() { return m_Size; } unsigned char *GetData() { return m_pData; } template void push(PT what) { push((const unsigned char *)&what, sizeof(PT)); } void push(const unsigned char *data, jitoffs_t size) { jitoffs_t newSize = m_Size + size; if (newSize > m_AllocatedSize) { m_AllocatedSize = newSize > m_AllocatedSize*2 ? newSize : m_AllocatedSize*2; if (m_AllocatedSize < 64) m_AllocatedSize = 64; unsigned char *newBuf; newBuf = reinterpret_cast(ms_Allocator.Alloc(m_AllocatedSize)); ms_Allocator.SetRW(newBuf); if (!newBuf) { SH_ASSERT(0, ("bad_alloc: couldn't allocate 0x%08X bytes of memory\n", m_AllocatedSize)); return; } memset((void*)newBuf, 0xCC, m_AllocatedSize); // :TODO: remove this ! memcpy((void*)newBuf, (const void*)m_pData, m_Size); if (m_pData) ms_Allocator.Free(reinterpret_cast(m_pData)); m_pData = newBuf; } memcpy((void*)(m_pData + m_Size), (const void*)data, size); m_Size = newSize; } template void rewrite(jitoffs_t offset, PT what) { rewrite(offset, (const unsigned char *)&what, sizeof(PT)); } void rewrite(jitoffs_t offset, const unsigned char *data, jitoffs_t size) { SH_ASSERT(offset + size <= m_AllocatedSize, ("rewrite too far")); memcpy((void*)(m_pData + offset), (const void*)data, size); } void clear() { if (m_pData) ms_Allocator.Free(reinterpret_cast(m_pData)); m_pData = NULL; m_Size = 0; m_AllocatedSize = 0; } void SetRE() { ms_Allocator.SetRE(reinterpret_cast(m_pData)); } operator void *() { return reinterpret_cast(GetData()); } void write_ubyte(jit_uint8_t x) { push(x); } void write_byte(jit_uint8_t x) { push(x); } void write_ushort(unsigned short x) { push(x); } void write_short(signed short x) { push(x); } void write_uint32(jit_uint32_t x) { push(x); } void write_int32(jit_uint32_t x) { push(x); } jitoffs_t get_outputpos() { return m_Size; } void start_count(jitoffs_t &offs) { offs = get_outputpos(); } void end_count(jitoffs_t &offs) { offs = get_outputpos() - offs; } }; class GenContext { const static int SIZE_MWORD = 4; const static int SIZE_PTR = sizeof(void*); CProto m_Proto; int m_VtblOffs; int m_VtblIdx; ISourceHook *m_SHPtr; GenBuffer m_HookFunc; GenBuffer m_PubFunc; ProtoInfo *m_BuiltPI; PassInfo *m_BuiltPI_Params; PassInfo::V2Info *m_BuiltPI_Params2; // For hookfunc void **m_pHI; void **m_HookfuncVfnptr; // Level 3 - Helpers int m_RegCounter; jit_int8_t NextRegEBX_ECX_EDX(); // size info jit_int32_t GetRealSize(const IntPassInfo &info); jit_int32_t GetStackSize(const IntPassInfo &info); short GetParamsStackSize(); // sum(GetStackSize(i), 0 <= i < numOfParams) // Helpers void BitwiseCopy_Setup(); void BitwiseCopy_Do(size_t size); // Param push jit_int32_t PushParams(jit_int32_t param_base_offset, jit_int32_t save_ret_to, jit_int32_t v_place_for_memret); // save_ret_to and v_place_for_memret only used for memory returns jit_int32_t PushRef(jit_int32_t param_offset, const IntPassInfo &pi); jit_int32_t PushBasic(jit_int32_t param_offset, const IntPassInfo &pi); jit_int32_t PushFloat(jit_int32_t param_offset, const IntPassInfo &pi); jit_int32_t PushObject(jit_int32_t param_offset, const IntPassInfo &pi); // Ret val processing void SaveRetVal(jit_int32_t v_where, jit_int32_t v_place_for_memret); void ProcessPluginRetVal(jit_int32_t v_cur_res, jit_int32_t v_pContext, jit_int32_t v_plugin_ret); void PrepareReturn(jit_int32_t v_status, jit_int32_t v_pContext, jit_int32_t v_retptr); void DoReturn(jit_int32_t v_retptr, jit_int32_t v_memret_outaddr); bool MemRetWithTempObj(); // do we do a memory return AND need a temporary place for it? // Call hooks void GenerateCallHooks(int v_status, int v_prev_res, int v_cur_res, int v_iter, int v_pContext, int base_param_offset, int v_plugin_ret, int v_place_for_memret); // Call orig void GenerateCallOrig(int v_status, int v_pContext, int param_base_offs, int v_this, int v_vfnptr_origentry, int v_orig_ret, int v_override_ret, int v_place_for_memret); // Hook loop void CallSetupHookLoop(int v_orig_ret, int v_override_ret, int v_cur_res, int v_prev_res, int v_status, int v_vnfptr_origentry, int v_this, int v_pContext); void CallEndContext(int v_pContext); // Level 2 -> called from Generate() void AutoDetectRetType(); void AutoDetectParamFlags(); bool PassInfoSupported(const IntPassInfo &pi, bool is_ret); void Clear(); void BuildProtoInfo(); void *GenerateHookFunc(); void *GeneratePubFunc(); public: // Level 1 -> Public interface GenContext(const ProtoInfo *proto, int vtbl_offs, int vtbl_idx, ISourceHook *pSHPtr); ~GenContext(); HookManagerPubFunc Generate(); }; } } #endif