// Hello BAIL! // hello pm how are you // I'm fine, what about you? // not bad, just looking for mem leaks // mem leaks in my code!? never! I have to preserve binary compatibility :( // This is a test file #include <stdio.h> #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <stdlib.h> #include <time.h> #include "sh_tinyhash.h" #include "sh_list.h" #include "sourcehook_impl.h" #include "sourcehook.h" using namespace std; bool g_Verbose; class Test { typedef bool (*TestProto)(std::string&); TestProto m_Func; std::string m_Name; static SourceHook::List<Test *> ms_Tests; public: Test(TestProto func, const char *name) : m_Func(func), m_Name(name) { ms_Tests.push_back(this); } bool operator()() { std::string error; if (!m_Func(error)) { cout << "Test" << m_Name << " FAILED: " << error << endl; return false; } else { cout << "Test" << m_Name << " passed" << endl; return true; } } static bool DoTests() { int passed=0, failed=0; for (SourceHook::List<Test*>::iterator iter = ms_Tests.begin(); iter != ms_Tests.end(); ++iter) { if ((**iter)()) ++passed; else ++failed; } cout << endl << "----" << endl << "Passed: " << passed << endl << "Failed: " << failed << endl; cout << "Total: " << passed + failed << endl; return failed == 0; } }; SourceHook::List<Test *> Test::ms_Tests; #define DO_TEST(x) \ bool Test##x(std::string &error); \ Test g_Test##x(Test##x, #x); DO_TEST(List); DO_TEST(Basic); DO_TEST(VafmtAndOverload); DO_TEST(ThisPtrOffs); DO_TEST(PlugSys); DO_TEST(Bail); DO_TEST(Reentr); DO_TEST(Manual); DO_TEST(Recall); DO_TEST(Multi); DO_TEST(Ref); DO_TEST(RefRet); DO_TEST(VPHooks); int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { std::string error; g_Verbose = argc > 1 && strcmp(argv[1], "-v") == 0; if (!Test::DoTests()) return 1; return 0; } SourceHook::ISourceHook *Test_Factory() { return new SourceHook::CSourceHookImpl(); } void Test_Delete(SourceHook::ISourceHook *shptr) { delete static_cast<SourceHook::CSourceHookImpl *>(shptr); } void Test_CompleteShutdown(SourceHook::ISourceHook *shptr) { static_cast<SourceHook::CSourceHookImpl *>(shptr)->CompleteShutdown(); } bool Test_IsPluginInUse(SourceHook::ISourceHook *shptr, SourceHook::Plugin plug) { return static_cast<SourceHook::CSourceHookImpl *>(shptr)->IsPluginInUse(plug); } void Test_UnloadPlugin(SourceHook::ISourceHook *shptr, SourceHook::Plugin plug) { static_cast<SourceHook::CSourceHookImpl *>(shptr)->UnloadPlugin(plug); } void Test_PausePlugin(SourceHook::ISourceHook *shptr, SourceHook::Plugin plug) { static_cast<SourceHook::CSourceHookImpl *>(shptr)->PausePlugin(plug); } void Test_UnpausePlugin(SourceHook::ISourceHook *shptr, SourceHook::Plugin plug) { static_cast<SourceHook::CSourceHookImpl *>(shptr)->UnpausePlugin(plug); }