unit UnitFunctions; interface uses SysUtils, Classes, Windows, IdFTPList, Math; function CalcSpeed(eOld, eNew: Integer): String; // local function GetAllFiles(Mask: String; Attr: Integer; Recursive: Boolean; ShowDirs: Boolean; ShowPath: Boolean = True): TStringList; // ftp function GetAllDirs: TStringList; function GetModName(const Path: String): String; implementation uses UnitfrmMain; function CalcSpeed(eOld, eNew: Integer): String; begin Result := frmMain.Caption; if (eOld < eNew) and (eOld <> 0) then begin eOld := eNew - eOld; //eOld := eOld *2; // this is only used for faster updates... Result := 'Metamod:Source - Uploading with ' + FloatToStr(RoundTo(eOld / 1024, -2)) + ' kb/s'; end; end; function GetAllFiles(Mask: String; Attr: Integer; Recursive: Boolean; ShowDirs: Boolean; ShowPath: Boolean = True): TStringList; var eSearch: TSearchRec; begin Result := TStringList.Create; // Find all files if FindFirst(Mask, Attr, eSearch) = 0 then begin repeat if eSearch.Name[1] <> '.' then begin if ShowPath then begin if ((eSearch.Attr and Attr) = eSearch.Attr) and ((eSearch.Attr and faDirectory) <> eSearch.Attr) then Result.Add(ExtractFilePath(Mask) + eSearch.Name) else if (ShowDirs) and ((eSearch.Attr and faDirectory) = eSearch.Attr) then Result.Add(ExtractFilePath(Mask) + eSearch.Name); end else begin if ((eSearch.Attr and Attr) = eSearch.Attr) and ((eSearch.Attr and faDirectory) <> eSearch.Attr) then Result.Add(eSearch.Name) else if (ShowDirs) and ((eSearch.Attr and faDirectory) = eSearch.Attr) then Result.Add(eSearch.Name); end; if ((eSearch.Attr and faDirectory) = eSearch.Attr) and (Recursive) then begin with GetAllFiles(ExtractFilePath(Mask) + eSearch.Name + '\' + ExtractFileName(Mask), Attr, True, ShowDirs, ShowPath) do begin Result.Text := Result.Text + Text; Free; end; end; end; until FindNext(eSearch) <> 0; end; end; function GetAllDirs: TStringList; var eList: TStringList; i: integer; begin eList := TStringList.Create; frmMain.IdFTP.List(eList); frmMain.IdFTP.DirectoryListing.LoadList(eList); eList.Clear; for i := 0 to frmMain.IdFTP.DirectoryListing.Count -1 do begin if frmMain.IdFTP.DirectoryListing.Items[i].ItemType = ditDirectory then eList.Add(frmMain.IdFTP.DirectoryListing.Items[i].FileName); end; Result := eList; end; { This is another possibility I coded because I couldn't find another bug... function GetAllDirs: TStringList; var eList: TStringList; i, eStart: integer; begin eList := TStringList.Create; frmMain.IdFTP.List(eList, '', True); eStart := 0; // +----------------------------------------------------------------+ // | drwxr-xr-x 5 web3 ftponly 2048 Jun 25 19:43 files | // | drwxr-xr-x 2 web3 ftponly 2048 Jun 25 19:57 html | // | drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 2048 Jun 20 05:03 log | // | drwxrwxrwx 2 web3 ftponly 2048 Jun 19 2004 phptmp | // +----------------------------------------------------------------+ // at first remove all non-directories from the list for i := eList.Count -1 downto 0 do begin if Pos('d', eList[i]) <> 1 then eList.Delete(i); end; // then we have to find the position where ALL filenames start... for i := 0 to eList.Count -1 do begin if (eStart = 0) and (Pos(':', eList[i]) <> 0) then eStart := Pos(':', eList[i]); end; if eStart = 0 then eList.Clear else begin // find the position for i := 0 to eList.Count -1 do begin if Pos(':', eList[i]) <> 0 then begin while (eStart <> Length(eList[i])) and (eList[i][eStart] <> #32) do Inc(eStart, 1); end; end; // remove the detail stuff... for i := 0 to eList.Count -1 do eList[i] := Copy(eList[i], eStart +1, Length(eList[i])); end; Result := eList; end; } function GetModName(const Path: String): String; var i: integer; begin Result := ''; for i := Length(Path) -1 downto 1 do begin if (Path[i] = '\') or (Path[i] = '/') then begin Result := Copy(Path, i +1, Length(Path) -i); break; end; end; if (Copy(Result, Length(Result), 1) = '\') or (Copy(Result, Length(Result), 1) = '/') then Result := Copy(Result, 1, Length(Result) -1); end; end.