/** * vim: set ts=4 sw=4 tw=99 noet : * ====================================================== * Metamod:Source * Copyright (C) 2004-2023 AlliedModders LLC and authors. * All rights reserved. * ====================================================== * * This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. * In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from * the use of this software. * * Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, * including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it * freely, subject to the following restrictions: * * 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not * claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a * product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be * appreciated but is not required. * 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be * misrepresented as being the original software. * 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. */ #include "provider_source2.h" #include "../console.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include void LocalCommand_Meta(const CCommand& args); ConCommand meta_local_cmd("meta", LocalCommand_Meta, "Metamod:Source control options"); static ISource2ServerConfig* serverconfig = NULL; INetworkServerService* netservice = NULL; IEngineServiceMgr* enginesvcmgr = NULL; // Hack to make hook decl compile when only having forward decl in header. // (we have class structure but it requires protobuf which we don't want to include here) class GameSessionConfiguration_t { }; SH_DECL_HOOK3_void(INetworkServerService, StartupServer, SH_NOATTRIB, 0, const GameSessionConfiguration_t &, ISource2WorldSession *, const char *); SH_DECL_HOOK5_void(IEngineServiceMgr, SwitchToLoop, SH_NOATTRIB, 0, const char *, KeyValues *, uint32, const char *, bool); SH_DECL_HOOK2_void(INetworkGameServer, Init, SH_NOATTRIB, 0, const GameSessionConfiguration_t &, const char *); SH_DECL_HOOK3(INetworkGameServer, StartChangeLevel, SH_NOATTRIB, 0, CUtlVector *, const char *, const char *, void *); SH_DECL_HOOK2_void(IServerGameClients, ClientCommand, SH_NOATTRIB, 0, CEntityIndex, const CCommand&); #ifdef SHOULD_OVERRIDE_ALLOWDEDICATED_SERVER SH_DECL_HOOK1(ISource2ServerConfig, AllowDedicatedServers, const, 0, bool, EUniverse); #endif void Source2Provider::Notify_DLLInit_Pre(CreateInterfaceFn engineFactory, CreateInterfaceFn serverFactory) { engine = (IVEngineServer*)((engineFactory)(INTERFACEVERSION_VENGINESERVER, NULL)); if (!engine) { DisplayError("Could not find IVEngineServer! Metamod cannot load."); return; } gpGlobals = engine->GetServerGlobals(); serverconfig = (ISource2ServerConfig*)((serverFactory)(INTERFACEVERSION_SERVERCONFIG, NULL)); netservice = (INetworkServerService*)((engineFactory)(NETWORKSERVERSERVICE_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL)); enginesvcmgr = (IEngineServiceMgr*)((engineFactory)(ENGINESERVICEMGR_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL)); icvar = (ICvar*)((engineFactory)(CVAR_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL)); if (!icvar) { DisplayError("Could not find ICvar! Metamod cannot load."); return; } gameclients = (IServerGameClients*)(serverFactory(INTERFACEVERSION_SERVERGAMECLIENTS, NULL)); baseFs = (IFileSystem*)((engineFactory)(FILESYSTEM_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL)); if (baseFs == NULL) { mm_LogMessage("Unable to find \"%s\": .vdf files will not be parsed", FILESYSTEM_INTERFACE_VERSION); } #if 0 // Since we have to be added as a Game path (cannot add GameBin directly), we // automatically get added to other paths as well, including having the MM:S // dir become the default write path for logs and more. We can fix some of these. char searchPath[260]; baseFs->GetSearchPath("GAME", (GetSearchPathTypes_t)0, searchPath, sizeof(searchPath)); for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(searchPath); ++i) { if (searchPath[i] == ';') { searchPath[i] = '\0'; break; } } baseFs->RemoveSearchPath(searchPath, "GAME"); // TODO: figure out why these calls get ignored and path remains //baseFs->RemoveSearchPath(searchPath, "CONTENT"); //baseFs->RemoveSearchPath(searchPath, "SHADER_SOURCE"); //baseFs->RemoveSearchPath(searchPath, "SHADER_SOURCE_MOD"); baseFs->RemoveSearchPaths("DEFAULT_WRITE_PATH"); baseFs->GetSearchPath("GAME", (GetSearchPathTypes_t)0, searchPath, sizeof(searchPath)); for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(searchPath); ++i) { if (searchPath[i] == ';') { searchPath[i] = '\0'; break; } } baseFs->AddSearchPath(searchPath, "DEFAULT_WRITE_PATH"); #endif g_pCVar = icvar; g_SMConVarAccessor.RegisterConCommandBase(&meta_local_cmd); if (gameclients) { SH_ADD_HOOK(IServerGameClients, ClientCommand, gameclients, SH_MEMBER(this, &Source2Provider::Hook_ClientCommand), false); } #ifdef SHOULD_OVERRIDE_ALLOWDEDICATED_SERVER SH_ADD_VPHOOK(ISource2ServerConfig, AllowDedicatedServers, serverconfig, SH_MEMBER(this, &Source2Provider::Hook_AllowDedicatedServers), false); #endif SH_ADD_HOOK(INetworkServerService, StartupServer, netservice, SH_MEMBER(this, &Source2Provider::Hook_StartupServer_Post), true); SH_ADD_HOOK(IEngineServiceMgr, SwitchToLoop, enginesvcmgr, SH_MEMBER(this, &Source2Provider::Hook_SwitchToLoop), false); } void Source2Provider::Notify_DLLShutdown_Pre() { g_SMConVarAccessor.RemoveMetamodCommands(); } bool Source2Provider::ProcessVDF(const char* file, char path[], size_t path_len, char alias[], size_t alias_len) { if (baseFs == NULL) { return false; } KeyValues* pValues; bool bKVLoaded = false; const char* plugin_file, * p_alias; pValues = new KeyValues("Metamod Plugin"); bKVLoaded = pValues->LoadFromFile(baseFs, file); if (!bKVLoaded) { delete pValues; return false; } if ((plugin_file = pValues->GetString("file", NULL)) == NULL) { delete pValues; return false; } UTIL_Format(path, path_len, "%s", plugin_file); if ((p_alias = pValues->GetString("alias", NULL)) != NULL) { UTIL_Format(alias, alias_len, "%s", p_alias); } else { UTIL_Format(alias, alias_len, ""); } delete pValues; return true; } int Source2Provider::DetermineSourceEngine() { #if SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_DOTA return SOURCE_ENGINE_DOTA; #elif SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_CS2 return SOURCE_ENGINE_CS2; #else #error "SOURCE_ENGINE not defined to a known value" #endif } const char* Source2Provider::GetEngineDescription() const { #if SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_DOTA return "Dota 2 (2013)"; #elif SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_CS2 return "Counter-Strike 2 (2023)"; #else #error "SOURCE_ENGINE not defined to a known value" #endif } void Source2Provider::GetGamePath(char* pszBuffer, int len) { ke::SafeSprintf(pszBuffer, len, "%s", Plat_GetGameDirectory()); } const char* Source2Provider::GetGameDescription() { return serverconfig->GetGameDescription(); } #ifdef SHOULD_OVERRIDE_ALLOWDEDICATED_SERVER bool Source2Provider::Hook_AllowDedicatedServers(EUniverse universe) const { RETURN_META_VALUE(MRES_SUPERCEDE, true); } #endif void Source2Provider::ConsolePrint(const char* str) { ConMsg("%s", str); } void Source2Provider::ClientConsolePrint(edict_t* pEdict, const char* message) { int client = (int)(pEdict - gpGlobals->pEdicts); engine->ClientPrintf(client, message); } void Source2Provider::ServerCommand(const char* cmd) { engine->ServerCommand(cmd); } const char* Source2Provider::GetConVarString(ConVar* convar) { if (convar == NULL) { return NULL; } return convar->GetString(); } void Source2Provider::SetConVarString(ConVar* convar, const char* str) { convar->SetValue(str); } bool Source2Provider::IsConCommandBaseACommand(ConCommandBase* pCommand) { return pCommand->IsCommand(); } IConCommandBaseAccessor* Source2Provider::GetConCommandBaseAccessor() { return &g_SMConVarAccessor; } bool Source2Provider::RegisterConCommandBase(ConCommandBase* pCommand) { return g_SMConVarAccessor.Register(pCommand); } void Source2Provider::UnregisterConCommandBase(ConCommandBase* pCommand) { return g_SMConVarAccessor.Unregister(pCommand); } ConVar* Source2Provider::CreateConVar(const char* name, const char* defval, const char* help, int flags) { int newflags = 0; if (flags & ConVarFlag_Notify) { newflags |= FCVAR_NOTIFY; } if (flags & ConVarFlag_SpOnly) { newflags |= FCVAR_SPONLY; } ConVar* pVar = new ConVar(name, defval, newflags, help); g_SMConVarAccessor.RegisterConCommandBase(pVar); return pVar; } class GlobCommand : public IMetamodSourceCommandInfo { public: GlobCommand(const CCommand* cmd) : m_cmd(cmd) { } public: unsigned int GetArgCount() { return m_cmd->ArgC() - 1; } const char* GetArg(unsigned int num) { return m_cmd->Arg(num); } const char* GetArgString() { return m_cmd->ArgS(); } private: const CCommand* m_cmd; }; void LocalCommand_Meta(const CCommand& args) { GlobCommand cmd(&args); Command_Meta(&cmd); } bool Source2Provider::KVLoadFromFile(KeyValues* kv, IFileSystem* filesystem, const char* resourceName, const char* pathID) { Assert(filesystem); #ifdef _MSC_VER Assert(_heapchk() == _HEAPOK); #endif FileHandle_t f = filesystem->Open(resourceName, "rb", pathID); if (!f) return false; // load file into a null-terminated buffer int fileSize = filesystem->Size(f); char* buffer = (char*)MemAllocScratch(fileSize + 1); Assert(buffer); filesystem->Read(buffer, fileSize, f); // read into local buffer buffer[fileSize] = 0; // null terminate file as EOF filesystem->Close(f); // close file after reading bool retOK = kv->LoadFromBuffer(resourceName, buffer, filesystem); MemFreeScratch(); return retOK; } void Source2Provider::Hook_StartupServer_Post(const GameSessionConfiguration_t &config, ISource2WorldSession *, const char *) { static bool bGameServerHooked = false; if (!bGameServerHooked) { INetworkGameServer* netserver = (META_IFACEPTR(INetworkServerService))->GetIGameServer(); SH_ADD_VPHOOK(INetworkGameServer, Init, netserver, SH_MEMBER(this, &Source2Provider::Hook_Init), false); SH_ADD_VPHOOK(INetworkGameServer, StartChangeLevel, netserver, SH_MEMBER(this, &Source2Provider::Hook_StartChangeLevel), false); bGameServerHooked = true; } RETURN_META(MRES_IGNORED); } void Source2Provider::Hook_Init(const GameSessionConfiguration_t &config, const char *pszMapName) { static char szLastMap[260] = ""; if (nullptr != m_pCallbacks) { m_pCallbacks->OnLevelInit(pszMapName, "", sLastMap.c_str(), "", false, false); } sLastMap = pszMapName; RETURN_META(MRES_IGNORED); } CUtlVector *Source2Provider::Hook_StartChangeLevel(const char *, const char *, void *) { if (nullptr != m_pCallbacks) { m_pCallbacks->OnLevelShutdown(); } RETURN_META_VALUE(MRES_IGNORED, nullptr); } void Source2Provider::Hook_SwitchToLoop(const char *pszLoopName, KeyValues *pKV, uint32 nId, const char *pszUnk, bool bUnk) { if (nullptr != m_pCallbacks && strcmp(pszLoopName, "levelload") == 0) { m_pCallbacks->OnGameInit(); } RETURN_META(MRES_IGNORED); } void Source2Provider::Hook_ClientCommand(CEntityIndex index, const CCommand& _cmd) { int client = index.Get(); GlobCommand cmd(&_cmd); if (strcmp(cmd.GetArg(0), "meta") == 0) { Command_ClientMeta(client, &cmd); RETURN_META(MRES_SUPERCEDE); } RETURN_META(MRES_IGNORED); } static Source2Provider g_Source2Provider; IMetamodSourceProvider* provider = &g_Source2Provider;