;;;; ;; (C)2005-2007 AlliedModders LLC ;; By the Metamod:Source Development Team ;; This software is licensed under the zlib/libpng free software license. ;; ;; This assembly file is a short thunk wrapper to let us load as a VSP and exit quietly, ;; without any overhead of the rest of the interface, and also to prevent linking against ;; tierX or vstdlib ;;;; ;;Exports: ;; void GetBaseDir(char *buffer, maxlength); ;; void *GetThisPointer(); ;;Imports: ;; void LoadFunction(); section .text global GetThisPointer, GetGameDir global _GetThisPointer, _GetGameDir extern _LoadFunction GetThisPointer: _GetThisPointer: mov eax, GLOBAL_POINTER ret GetGameDir: _GetGameDir: push ebp mov ebp, esp mov ecx, [engine] ;get this pointer mov edx, [ecx] ;get the vtable push dword [ebp+12] ;push maxlenth push dword [ebp+8] ;push buffer %ifdef LINUX push ecx ;push this pointer %endif call dword [edx+216] ;call IVEngineServer::GetGameDir %ifdef LINUX add esp, 12 ;correct stack %endif pop ebp ret thisLoadFunction: push ebp mov ebp, esp ;get factory %ifdef LINUX mov eax, [ebp+12] %else mov eax, [ebp+8] %endif push dword 0 ;NULL push dword VENGINESERVER ;iface name call eax ;call factory add esp, 8 ;correct stack test eax, eax ;do we have a valid pointer? jz .end ;no, bail out mov [engine], eax ;store the engine pointer call _LoadFunction .end: ;We never load, never ever ever! xor eax, eax pop ebp %ifdef LINUX ret %else retn 8 %endif thisUnloadFunction: ret section .data INTERFACE_NAME DB "ISERVERPLUGINCALLBACKS001", 0 VENGINESERVER DB "VEngineServer021", 0 VIRTUAL_TABLE DD thisLoadFunction DD thisUnloadFunction ;We don't need any more of the vtable here GLOBAL_POINTER DD VIRTUAL_TABLE temp_ret DD 0 temp_ptr DD temp_ret engine DD 0