unit UnitInstall; interface uses SysUtils, Classes, Windows, Graphics, Forms, ShellAPI, Controls, Messages, TlHelp32, IdFTPCommon, ComCtrls; type TOS = (osWindows, osLinux); procedure AddStatus(Text: String; Color: TColor; ShowTime: Boolean = True); procedure AddDone(Additional: String = ''); procedure AddSkipped; procedure AddNotFound; procedure DownloadFile(eFile: String; eDestination: String); procedure BasicInstallation(ePath: String; SteamInstall, ListenInstall: Boolean; OS: TOS; const Source: Boolean); procedure InstallDedicated(eModPath: String; const UseSteam, Source: Boolean); procedure InstallListen(ePath: String; const Source: Boolean); procedure InstallCustom(ePath: String; eOS: TOS; const Source: Boolean); procedure InstallFTP(OS: TOS; const Source: Boolean); var StartTime: TDateTime; SteamPath: String; StandaloneServer: String; Cancel: Boolean = False; implementation uses UnitfrmMain, UnitfrmProxy, UnitFunctions, UnitPackSystem; // useful stuff function InstallTime: String; begin Result := FormatDateTime('HH:MM:SS', Now - StartTime); end; procedure AddStatus(Text: String; Color: TColor; ShowTime: Boolean = True); begin frmMain.rtfDetails.SelStart := Length(frmMain.rtfDetails.Text); if ShowTime then begin frmMain.rtfDetails.SelAttributes.Color := clBlack; if frmMain.rtfDetails.Text = '' then frmMain.rtfDetails.SelText := '[' + InstallTime + '] ' else frmMain.rtfDetails.SelText := #13#10 + '[' + InstallTime + '] '; frmMain.rtfDetails.SelStart := Length(frmMain.rtfDetails.Text); end else frmMain.rtfDetails.SelText := #13#10; frmMain.rtfDetails.SelStart := Length(frmMain.rtfDetails.Text); frmMain.rtfDetails.SelAttributes.Color := Color; frmMain.rtfDetails.SelText := Text; frmMain.rtfDetails.Perform(WM_VSCROLL, SB_BOTTOM, 0); frmMain.Repaint; Application.ProcessMessages; end; procedure AddDone(Additional: String = ''); begin frmMain.rtfDetails.SelStart := Length(frmMain.rtfDetails.Text); frmMain.rtfDetails.SelAttributes.Color := clGreen; if Additional = '' then frmMain.rtfDetails.SelText := ' Done.' else frmMain.rtfDetails.SelText := ' Done, ' + Additional + '.'; frmMain.rtfDetails.Perform(WM_VSCROLL, SB_BOTTOM, 0); frmMain.Repaint; Application.ProcessMessages; end; procedure AddSkipped; begin frmMain.rtfDetails.SelStart := Length(frmMain.rtfDetails.Text); frmMain.rtfDetails.SelAttributes.Color := $004080FF; // orange frmMain.rtfDetails.SelText := ' Skipped.'; frmMain.rtfDetails.Perform(WM_VSCROLL, SB_BOTTOM, 0); frmMain.Repaint; Application.ProcessMessages; end; procedure AddNotFound; begin frmMain.rtfDetails.SelStart := Length(frmMain.rtfDetails.Text); frmMain.rtfDetails.SelAttributes.Color := clRed; frmMain.rtfDetails.SelText := ' Not found.'; frmMain.rtfDetails.Perform(WM_VSCROLL, SB_BOTTOM, 0); frmMain.Repaint; Application.ProcessMessages; end; procedure FileCopy(Source, Destination: String; CopyConfig: Boolean; AddStatus: Boolean = True); begin if (not CopyConfig) and (Pos('config', Source) <> 0) then begin if AddStatus then AddSkipped; exit; end; if not FileExists(Source) then begin if AddStatus then AddNotFound; exit; end; try if FileExists(Destination) then DeleteFile(PChar(Destination)); CopyFile(PChar(Source), PChar(Destination), False); except Application.ProcessMessages; end; if AddStatus then AddDone; end; procedure DownloadFile(eFile: String; eDestination: String); var TransferType: TIdFTPTransferType; begin // There's only one file to download and it's ASCII :] TransferType := ftASCII; if frmMain.IdFTP.TransferType <> TransferType then frmMain.IdFTP.TransferType := TransferType; // download the file frmMain.IdFTP.Get(eFile, eDestination, True); end; procedure UploadFile(eFile: String; eDestination: String; CopyConfig: Boolean = True); var TransferType: TIdFTPTransferType; begin if (Pos('config', eFile) > 0) and (not CopyConfig) then begin AddSkipped; exit; end; eDestination := StringReplace(eDestination, '\', '/', [rfReplaceAll]); // the same as in DownloadFile() TransferType := ftBinary; if ExtractFileExt(LowerCase(eFile)) = '.txt' then TransferType := ftASCII; if frmMain.IdFTP.TransferType <> TransferType then frmMain.IdFTP.TransferType := TransferType; // upload the file frmMain.IdFTP.Put(eFile, eDestination); AddDone; end; procedure FTPMakeDir(eDir: String); begin eDir := StringReplace(eDir, '\', '/', [rfReplaceAll]); try frmMain.IdFTP.MakeDir(eDir); except Application.ProcessMessages; end; end; function FSize(eFile: String): Cardinal; var eRec: TSearchRec; begin if FindFirst(eFile, faAnyFile, eRec) = 0 then Result := eRec.Size else Result := 0; end; // stuff for killing processes function GetProcessID(sProcName: String): Integer; var hProcSnap: THandle; pe32: TProcessEntry32; begin result := -1; hProcSnap := CreateToolHelp32SnapShot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0); if hProcSnap = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then exit; pe32.dwSize := SizeOf(ProcessEntry32); if Process32First(hProcSnap, pe32) = true then begin while Process32Next(hProcSnap, pe32) = true do begin if pos(sProcName, pe32.szExeFile) <> 0then result := pe32.th32ProcessID; end; end; CloseHandle(hProcSnap); end; procedure KillProcess(dwProcID: DWORD); var hProcess : Cardinal; dw : DWORD; begin hProcess := OpenProcess(SYNCHRONIZE or PROCESS_TERMINATE, False, dwProcID); TerminateProcess(hProcess, 0); dw := WaitForSingleObject(hProcess, 5000); case dw of WAIT_TIMEOUT: begin CloseHandle(hProcess); exit; end; WAIT_FAILED: begin RaiseLastOSError; CloseHandle(hProcess); exit; end; end; CloseHandle(hProcess); end; // Installation here { Basic Installation } procedure BasicInstallation(ePath: String; SteamInstall, ListenInstall: Boolean; OS: TOS; const Source: Boolean); var eStr: TStringList; i: integer; CopyConfig: Boolean; eFound: Boolean; begin frmMain.ggeAll.MaxValue := 8; frmMain.ggeAll.Progress := 0; frmMain.ggeItem.MaxValue := 1; frmMain.ggeItem.Progress := 0; {if (GetProcessID('Steam.exe') <> -1) and (SteamInstall) then begin if MessageBox(frmMain.Handle, 'Steam is still running. It is necersarry to shut it down before you install Metamod:Source. Shut it down now?', PChar(frmMain.Caption), MB_ICONQUESTION + MB_YESNO) = mrYes then begin AddStatus('Shutting down Steam...', clBlack, False); if GetProcessID('Steam.exe') = -1 then AddDone else KillProcess(GetProcessID('Steam.exe')); while GetProcessID('Steam.exe') <> -1 do begin // sure is sure... Sleep(50); Application.ProcessMessages; end; AddDone; end else begin Application.Terminate; exit; end; end;} frmMain.ggeAll.Progress := 1; frmMain.ggeItem.Progress := 1; { Unpack } frmMain.ggeItem.Progress := 0; AddStatus('Unpacking files...', clBlack); if not Unpack(Source) then begin AddStatus('No files attached!', clRed); Screen.Cursor := crDefault; exit; end; AddDone; frmMain.ggeAll.Progress := 2; frmMain.ggeItem.Progress := 1; { Check for installation / Create directories } CopyConfig := True; AddStatus('Creating directories...', clBlack); if DirectoryExists(ePath + 'addons\metamod\bin') then begin case MessageBox(frmMain.Handle, 'A Metamod:Source installation was already detected. If you choose to reinstall, your configuration files will be erased. Click Yes to continue, No to Upgrade, or Cancel to abort the install.', PChar(frmMain.Caption), MB_ICONQUESTION + MB_YESNOCANCEL) of mrNo: CopyConfig := False; mrCancel: begin Application.Terminate; exit; end; end; AddSkipped; end else begin frmMain.ggeItem.Progress := 0; ForceDirectories(ePath + 'addons\metamod\bin'); AddDone; end; frmMain.ggeItem.Progress := 1; frmMain.ggeAll.Progress := 3; { gameinfo.txt } if not FileExists(ePath + 'gameinfo.txt') then begin if MessageBox(frmMain.Handle, 'The file "gameinfo.txt" couldn''t be found. Continue installation?', PChar(frmMain.Caption), MB_ICONQUESTION + MB_YESNO) = mrNo then begin AddStatus('Installation canceled by user!', clRed, False); Screen.Cursor := crDefault; Cancel := True; exit; end; end else begin eStr := TStringList.Create; { Metaplugins.ini } frmMain.ggeItem.Progress := 0; AddStatus('Creating metaplugins.ini...', clBlack); if CopyConfig then begin eStr.SaveToFile(ePath + 'addons\metamod\metaplugins.ini'); AddDone; end else AddSkipped; frmMain.ggeItem.Progress := 1; frmMain.ggeAll.Progress := 4; { Gameinfo.txt } frmMain.ggeItem.Progress := 0; eFound := False; AddStatus('Editing gameinfo.txt...', clBlack); eStr.LoadFromFile(ePath + 'gameinfo.txt'); for i := 0 to eStr.Count -1 do begin if Trim(LowerCase(eStr[i])) = 'gamebin |gameinfo_path|addons/metamod/bin' then begin eFound := True; break; end; end; if not eFound then begin for i := 0 to eStr.Count -1 do begin if Trim(eStr[i]) = 'SearchPaths' then begin eStr.Insert(i +2, ' GameBin |gameinfo_path|addons/metamod/bin'); AddDone; break; end; end; SetFileAttributes(PChar(ePath + 'gameinfo.txt'), 0); eStr.SaveToFile(ePath + 'gameinfo.txt'); SetFileAttributes(PChar(ePath + 'gameinfo.txt'), faReadOnly); // important for listen servers AddDone; end else AddSkipped; eStr.Free; frmMain.ggeItem.Progress := 1; frmMain.ggeAll.Progress := 5; end; { Copy files } frmMain.ggeItem.Progress := 0; AddStatus('Copying server.dll...', clBlack); CopyFile(PChar(ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) + 'server.dll'), PChar(ePath + 'addons\metamod\bin\server.dll'), False); AddDone; frmMain.ggeItem.Progress := 1; frmMain.ggeAll.Progress := 6; if ListenInstall then begin ePath := ExtractFilePath(Copy(ePath, 1, Length(ePath)-1)); AddStatus('Copying hl2launch.exe...', clBlack); CopyFile(PChar(ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) + 'hl2launch.exe'), PChar(ePath + 'hl2launch.exe'), False); AddDone; end; { Remove files } frmMain.ggeItem.Progress := 0; AddStatus('Removing temporary files...', clBlack); DeleteFile(PChar(ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) + 'hl2launch.exe')); DeleteFile(PChar(ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) + 'server.dll')); DeleteFile(PChar(ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) + 'server_i486.so')); AddDone; frmMain.ggeItem.Progress := 1; frmMain.ggeAll.Progress := 8; { Finish } AddStatus('', clBlack, False); AddStatus('Finished installation!', clBlack, False); frmMain.cmdNext.Enabled := True; frmMain.cmdCancel.Hide; Screen.Cursor := crDefault; if ListenInstall then MessageBox(frmMain.Handle, PChar('hl2launch.exe has been copied to ' + ePath + '. You can use it if you want to start your Source game with Metamod:Source enabled.'), PChar(Application.Title), MB_ICONINFORMATION); end; { Dedicated Server } procedure InstallDedicated(eModPath: String; const UseSteam, Source: Boolean); begin StartTime := Now; Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass; AddStatus('Starting Metamod:Source installation on dedicated server...', clBlack, False); BasicInstallation(eModPath, UseSteam, False, osWindows, Source); end; { Listen Server } procedure InstallListen(ePath: String; const Source: Boolean); begin StartTime := Now; Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass; AddStatus('Starting Metamod:Source installation on the listen server...', clBlack); BasicInstallation(ePath, True, True, osWindows, Source); end; { Custom mod } procedure InstallCustom(ePath: String; eOS: TOS; const Source: Boolean); begin StartTime := Now; Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass; AddStatus('Starting Metamod:Source installation...', clBlack); BasicInstallation(ePath, False, False, eOS, Source); end; { FTP } procedure InstallFTP(OS: TOS; const Source: Boolean); function DoReconnect: Boolean; begin Result := False; if MessageBox(frmMain.Handle, 'You have been disconnected due to an error. Try to reconnect?', PChar(Application.Title), MB_ICONQUESTION + MB_YESNO) = mrYes then begin try frmMain.IdFTP.Connect; Result := True; except MessageBox(frmMain.Handle, 'Failed to reconnect. Installation aborted.', PChar(Application.Title), MB_ICONSTOP); end; end; end; label CreateAgain; label UploadAgain; var eStr: TStringList; i: integer; CopyConfig, eFound: Boolean; begin frmMain.cmdCancel.Show; frmMain.cmdNext.Hide; Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass; frmMain.ggeAll.MaxValue := 6; frmMain.ggeAll.Progress := 0; frmMain.ggeItem.MaxValue := 1; frmMain.ggeItem.Progress := 0; { Unpack } frmMain.ggeItem.Progress := 0; AddStatus('Unpacking files...', clBlack); if not Unpack(Source) then begin AddStatus('No files attached!', clRed); Screen.Cursor := crDefault; exit; end; AddDone; frmMain.ggeAll.Progress := 2; frmMain.ggeItem.Progress := 1; { Check for installation } AddStatus('Editing gameinfo.txt...', clBlack); eStr := TStringList.Create; DownloadFile('gameinfo.txt', ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) + 'gameinfo.txt'); eStr.LoadFromFile(ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) + 'gameinfo.txt'); CopyConfig := True; eFound := False; for i := 0 to eStr.Count -1 do begin if Trim(LowerCase(eStr[i])) = 'gamebin |gameinfo_path|addons/metamod/bin' then begin eFound := True; case MessageBox(frmMain.Handle, 'A Metamod:Source installation was already detected. If you choose to reinstall, your configuration files will be erased. Click Yes to continue, No to Upgrade, or Cancel to abort the install.', PChar(frmMain.Caption), MB_ICONQUESTION + MB_YESNOCANCEL) of mrNo: CopyConfig := False; mrCancel: begin Application.Terminate; eStr.Free; exit; end; end; break; end; end; if not eFound then begin for i := 0 to eStr.Count -1 do begin if Trim(eStr[i]) = 'SearchPaths' then begin eStr.Insert(i +2, ' GameBin |gameinfo_path|addons/metamod/bin'); AddDone; break; end; end; eStr.SaveToFile(ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) + 'gameinfo.txt'); UploadFile(ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) + 'gameinfo.txt', 'gameinfo.txt'); try AddStatus('Trying to set gameinfo.txt to read-only...', clBlack); frmMain.IdFTP.Site('CHMOD 744 gameinfo.txt'); AddDone; except AddStatus('Warning: CHMOD not supported.', clMaroon); end; DeleteFile(PChar(ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) + 'gameinfo.txt')); end else AddSkipped; frmMain.ggeAll.Progress := 3; frmMain.ggeItem.Progress := 1; { Create directories } frmMain.ggeItem.Progress := 0; frmMain.ggeItem.MaxValue := 3; AddStatus('Creating directories...', clBlack); if not eFound then begin FTPMakeDir('addons'); frmMain.IdFTP.ChangeDir('addons'); frmMain.ggeItem.Progress := 1; FTPMakeDir('metamod'); frmMain.IdFTP.ChangeDir('metamod'); frmMain.ggeItem.Progress := 2; FTPMakeDir('bin'); frmMain.ggeItem.Progress := 3; AddDone; end else AddSkipped; frmMain.ggeAll.Progress := 4; frmMain.ggeItem.Progress := 3; { Upload metaplugins.ini } frmMain.ggeAll.Progress := 4; frmMain.ggeItem.MaxValue := 1; frmMain.ggeItem.Progress := 0; AddStatus('Uploading metaplugins.ini...', clBlack); if CopyConfig then begin eStr.Clear; eStr.SaveToFile(ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) + 'metaplugins.ini'); UploadFile(ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) + 'metaplugins.ini', 'metaplugins.ini'); DeleteFile(PChar(ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) + 'metaplugins.ini')); end else AddSkipped; frmMain.ggeAll.Progress := 5; frmMain.ggeItem.Progress := 1; { Upload server.dll / server_i486.so } frmMain.tmrSpeed.Enabled := True; frmMain.ggeItem.Progress := 0; frmMain.IdFTP.ChangeDir('bin'); if OS = osWindows then begin AddStatus('Uploading server.dll...', clBlack); frmMain.ggeItem.MaxValue := FSize(ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) + 'server.dll'); UploadFile(ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) + 'server.dll', 'server.dll'); end else begin AddStatus('Uploading server_i486.so...', clBlack); frmMain.ggeItem.MaxValue := FSize(ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) + 'server_i486.so'); UploadFile(ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) + 'server_i486.so', 'server_i486.so'); end; { Remove created files } AddStatus('Removing temporary files...', clBlack); DeleteFile(PChar(ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) + 'hl2launch.exe')); DeleteFile(PChar(ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) + 'server.dll')); DeleteFile(PChar(ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) + 'server_i486.so')); AddDone; { End } frmMain.IdFTP.Disconnect; frmMain.ggeAll.Progress := frmMain.ggeAll.MaxValue; frmMain.ggeItem.Progress := frmMain.ggeItem.MaxValue; AddStatus('', clBlack, False); AddStatus('Finished installation!', clBlack, False); frmMain.tmrSpeed.Enabled := False; eStr.Free; Screen.Cursor := crDefault; frmMain.cmdNext.Enabled := True; frmMain.cmdCancel.Hide; frmMain.cmdNext.Show; frmMain.tmrSpeed.Enabled := False; frmMain.Caption := Application.Title; end; end.