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Executable File
/* ======== SourceHook ========
* Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Metamod:Source Development Team
* No warranties of any kind
* License: zlib/libpng
* Author(s): Pavol "PM OnoTo" Marko
* ============================
* @file sourcehook.h
* @brief Contains the public SourceHook API
#ifndef __SOURCEHOOK_H__
#define __SOURCEHOOK_H__
// Interface revisions:
// 1 - Initial revision
// 2 - Changed to virtual functions for iterators and all queries
// 3 - Added "hook loop status variable"
// 4 - Reentrant
// Hookman version:
// 1 - Support for recalls, performance optimisations
// The value of SH_GLOB_SHPTR has to be a pointer to SourceHook::ISourceHook
// It's used in various macros
#define SH_GLOB_SHPTR g_SHPtr
// Used to identify the current plugin
#ifdef SH_DEBUG
# include <stdio.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
# define SH_ASSERT(x, info) \
do { \
if (!(x)) \
{ \
printf("SOURCEHOOK DEBUG ASSERTION FAILED: %s:%u(%s): %s: ", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, #x); \
printf info; \
putchar('\n'); \
abort(); \
} \
} while(0)
# define SH_ASSERT(x, info)
// System
#define SH_SYS_WIN32 1
#define SH_SYS_LINUX 2
#ifdef _WIN32
# define SH_SYS SH_SYS_WIN32
#elif defined __linux__
# error Unsupported system
// Compiler
#define SH_COMP_GCC 1
#define SH_COMP_MSVC 2
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#elif defined __GNUC__
# error Unsupported compiler
# define vsnprintf _vsnprintf
#if SH_SYS != SH_SYS_WIN32
# include <unistd.h>
#define SH_PTRSIZE sizeof(void*)
#include "FastDelegate.h"
#include "sh_memfuncinfo.h"
// Good old metamod!
// Flags returned by a plugin's api function.
// NOTE: order is crucial, as greater/less comparisons are made.
MRES_IGNORED=0, // plugin didn't take any action
MRES_HANDLED, // plugin did something, but real function should still be called
MRES_OVERRIDE, // call real function, but use my return value
MRES_SUPERCEDE // skip real function; use my return value
namespace SourceHook
* @brief Specifies the size (in bytes) for the internal buffer of vafmt(printf-like) function handlers
const int STRBUF_LEN=4096;
* @brief An empty class. No inheritance used. Used for original-function-call hacks
class EmptyClass
* @brief Implicit cast.
template <class In, class Out>
inline Out implicit_cast(In input)
return input;
* @brief A plugin typedef
* SourceHook doesn't really care what this is. As long as the ==, != and = operators work on it and every
* plugin has a unique identifier, everything is ok.
* It should also be possible to set it to 0.
typedef int Plugin;
struct ProtoInfo
ProtoInfo(int rtsz, int nop, const int *p) : beginningNull(0), retTypeSize(rtsz), numOfParams(nop), params(p)
int beginningNull; //!< To distinguish from old protos (which never begin with 0)
int retTypeSize; //!< 0 if void
int numOfParams; //!< number of parameters
const int *params; //!< params[0]=0 (or -1 for vararg), params[1]=size of first param, ...
* @brief Specifies the actions for hook managers
enum HookManagerAction
HA_GetInfo = 0, //!< Store info about the hook manager
HA_Register, //!< Save the IHookManagerInfo pointer for future reference
HA_Unregister //!< Clear the saved pointer
struct IHookManagerInfo;
* @brief Pointer to hook manager interface function
* A "hook manager" is a the only thing that knows the actual protoype of the function at compile time.
* @param ha What the hook manager should do
* @param hi A pointer to IHookManagerInfo
typedef int (*HookManagerPubFunc)(HookManagerAction ha, IHookManagerInfo *hi);
class ISHDelegate
virtual void DeleteThis() = 0; // Ugly, I know
virtual bool IsEqual(ISHDelegate *other) = 0;
template <class T> class CSHDelegate : public ISHDelegate
T m_Deleg;
CSHDelegate(T deleg) : m_Deleg(deleg)
CSHDelegate(const CSHDelegate &other) : m_Deleg(other.m_Deleg)
void DeleteThis()
delete this;
bool IsEqual(ISHDelegate *other)
return static_cast<CSHDelegate<T>* >(other)->GetDeleg() == GetDeleg();
T &GetDeleg()
return m_Deleg;
struct IHookList
struct IIter
virtual bool End() = 0;
virtual void Next() = 0;
virtual ISHDelegate *Handler() = 0;
virtual int ThisPtrOffs() = 0;
virtual IIter *GetIter() = 0;
virtual void ReleaseIter(IIter *pIter) = 0;
struct IIface
virtual void *GetPtr() = 0;
virtual IHookList *GetPreHooks() = 0;
virtual IHookList *GetPostHooks() = 0;
struct IVfnPtr
virtual void *GetVfnPtr() = 0;
virtual void *GetOrigEntry() = 0;
virtual IIface *FindIface(void *ptr) = 0;
struct IHookManagerInfo
virtual IVfnPtr *FindVfnPtr(void *vfnptr) = 0;
virtual void SetInfo(int vtbloffs, int vtblidx, const char *proto) = 0;
virtual void SetHookfuncVfnptr(void *hookfunc_vfnptr) = 0;
// Added 23.12.2005 (yup! I'm coding RIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS!)
// If the hookman doesn't set this, it defaults 0
// SourceHook prefers hookmans with higher version numbers
virtual void SetVersion(int version) = 0;
class AutoHookIter
IHookList *m_pList;
IHookList::IIter *m_pIter;
AutoHookIter(IHookList *pList)
: m_pList(pList), m_pIter(pList->GetIter())
if (m_pList)
bool End()
return m_pIter->End();
void Next()
ISHDelegate *Handler()
return m_pIter->Handler();
int ThisPtrOffs()
return m_pIter->ThisPtrOffs();
void SetToZero()
m_pList = 0;
template<class B> struct CallClass
virtual B *GetThisPtr() = 0;
virtual void *GetOrigFunc(int vtbloffs, int vtblidx) = 0;
typedef CallClass<void> GenericCallClass;
typedef CallClass<EmptyClass> ManualCallClass;
* @brief The main SourceHook interface
class ISourceHook
* @brief Return interface version
virtual int GetIfaceVersion() = 0;
* @brief Return implementation version
virtual int GetImplVersion() = 0;
* @brief Add a hook.
* @return True if the function succeeded, false otherwise
* @param plug The unique identifier of the plugin that calls this function
* @param iface The interface pointer
* @param ifacesize The size of the class iface points to
* @param myHookMan A hook manager function that should be capable of handling the function
* @param handler A pointer to a FastDelegate containing the hook handler
* @param post Set to true if you want a post handler
virtual bool AddHook(Plugin plug, void *iface, int thisptr_offs, HookManagerPubFunc myHookMan,
ISHDelegate *handler, bool post) = 0;
* @brief Removes a hook.
* @return True if the function succeeded, false otherwise
* @param plug The unique identifier of the plugin that calls this function
* @param iface The interface pointer
* @param myHookMan A hook manager function that should be capable of handling the function
* @param handler A pointer to a FastDelegate containing the hook handler
* @param post Set to true if you want a post handler
virtual bool RemoveHook(Plugin plug, void *iface, int thisptr_offs, HookManagerPubFunc myHookMan,
ISHDelegate *handler, bool post) = 0;
* @brief Checks whether a plugin has (a) hook manager(s) that is/are currently used by other plugins
* @param plug The unique identifier of the plugin in question
virtual bool IsPluginInUse(Plugin plug) = 0;
* @brief Return a pointer to a callclass. Generate a new one if required.
* @param iface The interface pointer
* @param size Size of the class instance
virtual GenericCallClass *GetCallClass(void *iface, size_t size) = 0;
* @brief Release a callclass
* @param ptr Pointer to the callclass
virtual void ReleaseCallClass(GenericCallClass *ptr) = 0;
virtual void SetRes(META_RES res) = 0; //!< Sets the meta result
virtual META_RES GetPrevRes() = 0; //!< Gets the meta result of the
//!< previously calledhandler
virtual META_RES GetStatus() = 0; //!< Gets the highest meta result
virtual const void *GetOrigRet() = 0; //!< Gets the original result.
//!< If not in post function, undefined
virtual const void *GetOverrideRet() = 0; //!< Gets the override result.
//!< If none is specified, NULL
virtual void *GetIfacePtr() = 0; //!< Gets the interface pointer
// For hook managers
virtual void HookLoopBegin(IIface *pIface) = 0; //!< Should be called when a hook loop begins
virtual void HookLoopEnd() = 0; //!< Should be called when a hook loop exits
virtual void SetCurResPtr(META_RES *mres) = 0; //!< Sets pointer to the current meta result
virtual void SetPrevResPtr(META_RES *mres) = 0; //!< Sets pointer to previous meta result
virtual void SetStatusPtr(META_RES *mres) = 0; //!< Sets pointer to the status variable
virtual void SetIfacePtrPtr(void **pp) = 0; //!< Sets pointer to the interface this pointer
virtual void SetOrigRetPtr(const void *ptr) = 0; //!< Sets the original return pointer
virtual void SetOverrideRetPtr(void *ptr) = 0; //!< Sets the override result pointer
virtual bool ShouldContinue() = 0; //!< Returns false if the hook loop should exit
* @brief Remove a hook manager. Auto-removes all hooks attached to it from plugin plug.
* @param plug The owner of the hook manager
* @param pubFunc The hook manager's info function
virtual void RemoveHookManager(Plugin plug, HookManagerPubFunc pubFunc) = 0;
virtual void DoRecall() = 0; //!< Initiates a recall sequence
The problem:
Users want the ability to change parameters of the called function
from inside their handler.
The solution:
1) Mark as "recall"
2) Recall the function
3) => SH's hook func gets called:
4) The first iterator points at the first hook the last hookfunc didn't execute yet
5) does all iteration and returns normally
6) The user's handler returns immediately
7) The hook func returns immediately as well
Also note that the recalled hookfunc starts with the status the recalling hookfunc
ended with. The last handler (doing the recall) is also able to specify its own
virtual void *GetOverrideRetPtr() = 0; //!< Returns the pointer set by SetOverrideRetPtr
* @brief Set up the hook loop. Equivalent to calling:
* SetStatusPtr, SetPrevResPtr, SetCurResPtr, SetIfacePtrPtr, SetOrigRetPtr, Get/SetOverrideRetPtr
* @param statusPtr pointer to status variable
* @param prevResPtr pointer to previous result variable
* @param curResPtr pointer to current result variable
* @param ifacePtrPtr pointer to interface this pointer variable
* @param origRetPr pointer to original return value variable. NULL for void funcs
* @param overrideRetPtr pointer to override return value variable. NULL for void funcs
* @return Override Return Pointer the hookfunc should use (may differ from overrideRetPtr
* when the hook func is being called as part of a recall
virtual void *SetupHookLoop(META_RES *statusPtr, META_RES *prevResPtr, META_RES *curResPtr,
void **ifacePtrPtr, const void *origRetPtr, void *overrideRetPtr) = 0;
/* High level interface */
#define META_RESULT_ORIG_RET(type) *reinterpret_cast<const type*>(SH_GLOB_SHPTR->GetOrigRet())
#define META_RESULT_OVERRIDE_RET(type) *reinterpret_cast<const type*>(SH_GLOB_SHPTR->GetOverrideRet())
#define META_IFACEPTR(type) reinterpret_cast<type*>(SH_GLOB_SHPTR->GetIfacePtr())
#define SET_META_RESULT(result) SH_GLOB_SHPTR->SetRes(result)
#define RETURN_META(result) do { SET_META_RESULT(result); return; } while(0)
#define RETURN_META_VALUE(result, value) do { SET_META_RESULT(result); return (value); } while(0)
// only call these from the hook handlers directly!
// :TODO: enforce it ?
// Why take a memfuncptr instead of iface and func when we have to deduce the iface anyway now?
// Well, without it, there'd be no way to specify which overloaded version we want in _VALUE
// SourceHook::SetOverrideRet is defined later.
#define RETURN_META_NEWPARAMS(result, memfuncptr, newparams) \
do { \
SET_META_RESULT(result); \
SH_GLOB_SHPTR->DoRecall(); \
(SourceHook::RecallGetIface(SH_GLOB_SHPTR, memfuncptr)->*(memfuncptr)) newparams; \
} while (0)
#define RETURN_META_VALUE_NEWPARAMS(result, value, memfuncptr, newparams) \
do { \
SET_META_RESULT(result); \
SH_GLOB_SHPTR->DoRecall(); \
if ((result) >= MRES_OVERRIDE) \
{ \
/* meh, set the override result here because we don't get a chance to return */ \
/* before continuing the hook loop through the recall */ \
SourceHook::SetOverrideResult(SH_GLOB_SHPTR, memfuncptr, value); \
} \
(SourceHook::RecallGetIface(SH_GLOB_SHPTR, memfuncptr)->*(memfuncptr)) newparams); \
} while (0)
// :TODO: thisptroffs in MNEWPARAMS ??
union \
{ \
SH_MFHCls(hookname)::ECMFP mfp; \
void *addr; \
} u; \
SourceHook::EmptyClass *thisptr = reinterpret_cast<SourceHook::EmptyClass*>(SH_GLOB_SHPTR->GetIfacePtr()); \
u.addr = (*reinterpret_cast<void***>(reinterpret_cast<char*>(thisptr) + SH_MFHCls(hookname)::ms_MFI.vtbloffs))[ \
union \
{ \
SH_MFHCls(hookname)::ECMFP mfp; \
struct \
{ \
void *addr; \
intptr_t adjustor; \
} s; \
} u; \
SourceHook::EmptyClass *thisptr = reinterpret_cast<SourceHook::EmptyClass*>(SH_GLOB_SHPTR->GetIfacePtr()); \
u.s.addr = (*reinterpret_cast<void***>(reinterpret_cast<char*>(thisptr) + SH_MFHCls(hookname)::ms_MFI.vtbloffs))[ \
SH_MFHCls(hookname)::ms_MFI.vtblindex]; \
u.s.adjustor = 0;
#define RETURN_META_MNEWPARAMS(result, hookname, newparams) \
do { \
SET_META_RESULT(result); \
SH_GLOB_SHPTR->DoRecall(); \
(thisptr->*(u.mfp)) newparams; \
} while (0)
#define RETURN_META_VALUE_MNEWPARAMS(result, value, hookname, newparams) \
do { \
SET_META_RESULT(result); \
SH_GLOB_SHPTR->DoRecall(); \
if ((result) >= MRES_OVERRIDE) \
{ \
SourceHook::SetOverrideResult<SH_MFHCls(hookname)::RetType>(SH_GLOB_SHPTR, value); \
} \
RETURN_META_VALUE(MRES_SUPERCEDE, (thisptr->*(u.mfp)) newparams); \
} while (0)
* @brief Get/generate callclass for an interface pointer
* @param ifaceptr The interface pointer
template<class ifacetype>
inline SourceHook::CallClass<ifacetype> *SH_GET_CALLCLASS_R(SourceHook::ISourceHook *shptr, ifacetype *ptr)
return reinterpret_cast<SourceHook::CallClass<ifacetype>*>(
shptr->GetCallClass(reinterpret_cast<void*>(ptr), sizeof(ifacetype)));
template<class ifacetype>
inline SourceHook::CallClass<ifacetype> *SH_GET_MCALLCLASS_R(SourceHook::ISourceHook *shptr, ifacetype *ptr, int ifacesize)
return reinterpret_cast<SourceHook::CallClass<ifacetype>*>(
shptr->GetCallClass(reinterpret_cast<void*>(ptr), ifacesize));
template<class ifacetype>
inline void SH_RELEASE_CALLCLASS_R(SourceHook::ISourceHook *shptr, SourceHook::CallClass<ifacetype> *ptr)
#define SH_MANUALHOOK_RECONFIGURE(hookname, pvtblindex, pvtbloffs, pthisptroffs) \
do { \
SH_GLOB_SHPTR->RemoveHookManager(SH_GLOB_PLUGPTR, SH_MFHCls(hookname)::HookManPubFunc); \
SH_MFHCls(hookname)::ms_MFI.thisptroffs = pthisptroffs; \
SH_MFHCls(hookname)::ms_MFI.vtblindex = pvtblindex; \
SH_MFHCls(hookname)::ms_MFI.vtbloffs = pvtbloffs; \
} while (0)
#define SH_GET_MCALLCLASS(ptr, size) SH_GET_MCALLCLASS_R(SH_GLOB_SHPTR, reinterpret_cast<SourceHook::EmptyClass*>(ptr), size)
#define SH_ADD_HOOK(ifacetype, ifacefunc, ifaceptr, handler, post) \
__SourceHook_FHAdd##ifacetype##ifacefunc((void*)SourceHook::implicit_cast<ifacetype*>(ifaceptr), \
post, handler)
#define SH_ADD_HOOK_STATICFUNC(ifacetype, ifacefunc, ifaceptr, handler, post) \
SH_ADD_HOOK(ifacetype, ifacefunc, ifaceptr, fastdelegate::MakeDelegate(handler), post)
#define SH_ADD_HOOK_MEMFUNC(ifacetype, ifacefunc, ifaceptr, handler_inst, handler_func, post) \
SH_ADD_HOOK(ifacetype, ifacefunc, ifaceptr, fastdelegate::MakeDelegate(handler_inst, handler_func), post)
#define SH_REMOVE_HOOK(ifacetype, ifacefunc, ifaceptr, handler, post) \
__SourceHook_FHRemove##ifacetype##ifacefunc((void*)SourceHook::implicit_cast<ifacetype*>(ifaceptr), \
post, handler)
#define SH_REMOVE_HOOK_STATICFUNC(ifacetype, ifacefunc, ifaceptr, handler, post) \
SH_REMOVE_HOOK(ifacetype, ifacefunc, ifaceptr, fastdelegate::MakeDelegate(handler), post)
#define SH_REMOVE_HOOK_MEMFUNC(ifacetype, ifacefunc, ifaceptr, handler_inst, handler_func, post) \
SH_REMOVE_HOOK(ifacetype, ifacefunc, ifaceptr, fastdelegate::MakeDelegate(handler_inst, handler_func), post)
#define SH_ADD_MANUALHOOK(hookname, ifaceptr, handler, post) \
__SourceHook_FHMAdd##hookname(reinterpret_cast<void*>(ifaceptr), post, handler)
#define SH_ADD_MANUALHOOK_STATICFUNC(hookname, ifaceptr, handler, post) \
SH_ADD_MANUALHOOK(hookname, ifaceptr, fastdelegate::MakeDelegate(handler), post)
#define SH_ADD_MANUALHOOK_MEMFUNC(hookname, ifaceptr, handler_inst, handler_func, post) \
SH_ADD_MANUALHOOK(hookname, ifaceptr, fastdelegate::MakeDelegate(handler_inst, handler_func), post)
#define SH_REMOVE_MANUALHOOK(hookname, ifaceptr, handler, post) \
__SourceHook_FHMRemove##hookname(reinterpret_cast<void*>(ifaceptr), post, handler)
#define SH_REMOVE_MANUALHOOK_STATICFUNC(hookname, ifaceptr, handler, post) \
SH_REMOVE_MANUALHOOK(hookname, ifaceptr, fastdelegate::MakeDelegate(handler), post)
#define SH_REMOVE_MANUALHOOK_MEMFUNC(hookname, ifaceptr, handler_inst, handler_func, post) \
SH_REMOVE_MANUALHOOK(hookname, ifaceptr, fastdelegate::MakeDelegate(handler_inst, handler_func), post)
# define SH_SETUP_MFP(mfp) \
reinterpret_cast<void**>(&mfp)[0] = vfnptr_origentry;
# define SH_SETUP_MFP(mfp) \
reinterpret_cast<void**>(&mfp)[0] = vfnptr_origentry; \
reinterpret_cast<void**>(&mfp)[1] = 0;
# error Not supported yet.
#define SH_FHCls(ift, iff, ov) __SourceHook_FHCls_##ift##iff##ov
#define SH_MFHCls(hookname) __SourceHook_MFHCls_##hookname
#define SHINT_MAKE_HOOKMANPUBFUNC(ifacetype, ifacefunc, overload, funcptr) \
SH_FHCls(ifacetype,ifacefunc,overload)() \
{ \
GetFuncInfo(funcptr, ms_MFI); \
} \
static int HookManPubFunc(::SourceHook::HookManagerAction action, ::SourceHook::IHookManagerInfo *param) \
{ \
using namespace ::SourceHook; \
GetFuncInfo(funcptr, ms_MFI); \
/* Verify interface version */ \
if (SH_GLOB_SHPTR->GetIfaceVersion() != SH_IFACE_VERSION) \
return 1; \
if (action == HA_GetInfo) \
{ \
param->SetVersion(SH_HOOKMAN_VERSION); \
param->SetInfo(ms_MFI.vtbloffs, ms_MFI.vtblindex, \
reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&ms_Proto)); \
MemFuncInfo mfi; \
GetFuncInfo(&SH_FHCls(ifacetype,ifacefunc,overload)::Func, mfi); \
param->SetHookfuncVfnptr( \
reinterpret_cast<void**>(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&ms_Inst) + mfi.vtbloffs)[mfi.vtblindex]); \
return 0; \
} \
else if (action == HA_Register) \
{ \
ms_HI = param; \
return 0; \
} \
else if (action == HA_Unregister) \
{ \
ms_HI = NULL; \
return 0; \
} \
else \
return 1; \
// It has to be possible to use the macros in namespaces
// -> So we need to access and extend the global SourceHook namespace
// We use a namespace alias for this
#define SHINT_MAKE_GENERICSTUFF_BEGIN(ifacetype, ifacefunc, overload, funcptr) \
struct SH_FHCls(ifacetype,ifacefunc,overload) \
{ \
static SH_FHCls(ifacetype,ifacefunc,overload) ms_Inst; \
static ::SourceHook::MemFuncInfo ms_MFI; \
static ::SourceHook::IHookManagerInfo *ms_HI; \
static ::SourceHook::ProtoInfo ms_Proto; \
SHINT_MAKE_HOOKMANPUBFUNC(ifacetype, ifacefunc, overload, funcptr)
#define SHINT_MAKE_GENERICSTUFF_END(ifacetype, ifacefunc, overload, funcptr) \
}; \
SH_FHCls(ifacetype,ifacefunc,overload) SH_FHCls(ifacetype,ifacefunc,overload)::ms_Inst; \
::SourceHook::MemFuncInfo SH_FHCls(ifacetype,ifacefunc,overload)::ms_MFI; \
::SourceHook::IHookManagerInfo *SH_FHCls(ifacetype,ifacefunc,overload)::ms_HI; \
bool __SourceHook_FHAdd##ifacetype##ifacefunc(void *iface, bool post, \
SH_FHCls(ifacetype,ifacefunc,overload)::FD handler) \
{ \
using namespace ::SourceHook; \
MemFuncInfo mfi; \
GetFuncInfo(funcptr, mfi); \
if (mfi.thisptroffs < 0 || !mfi.isVirtual) \
return false; /* No non-virtual functions / virtual inheritance supported */ \
return SH_GLOB_SHPTR->AddHook(SH_GLOB_PLUGPTR, iface, mfi.thisptroffs, \
SH_FHCls(ifacetype,ifacefunc,overload)::HookManPubFunc, \
new CSHDelegate<SH_FHCls(ifacetype,ifacefunc,overload)::FD>(handler), post); \
} \
bool __SourceHook_FHRemove##ifacetype##ifacefunc(void *iface, bool post, \
SH_FHCls(ifacetype,ifacefunc,overload)::FD handler) \
{ \
using namespace ::SourceHook; \
MemFuncInfo mfi; \
GetFuncInfo(funcptr, mfi); \
if (mfi.thisptroffs < 0) \
return false; /* No virtual inheritance supported */ \
CSHDelegate<SH_FHCls(ifacetype,ifacefunc,overload)::FD> tmp(handler); \
return SH_GLOB_SHPTR->RemoveHook(SH_GLOB_PLUGPTR, iface, mfi.thisptroffs, \
SH_FHCls(ifacetype,ifacefunc,overload)::HookManPubFunc, &tmp, post); \
} \
#define SHINT_MAKE_GENERICSTUFF_BEGIN_MANUAL(hookname, pvtbloffs, pvtblidx, pthisptroffs) \
struct SH_MFHCls(hookname) \
{ \
static SH_MFHCls(hookname) ms_Inst; \
static ::SourceHook::MemFuncInfo ms_MFI; \
static ::SourceHook::IHookManagerInfo *ms_HI; \
static ::SourceHook::ProtoInfo ms_Proto; \
SH_MFHCls(hookname)() \
{ \
ms_MFI.isVirtual = true; \
ms_MFI.thisptroffs = pthisptroffs; \
ms_MFI.vtblindex = pvtblidx; \
ms_MFI.vtbloffs = pvtbloffs; \
} \
static int HookManPubFunc(::SourceHook::HookManagerAction action, ::SourceHook::IHookManagerInfo *param) \
{ \
using namespace ::SourceHook; \
/* we don't set ms_MFI here because manual hookmans can be reconfigured */ \
/* :FIXME: possible problem: someone adding a hook from a constructor of a global entity */ \
/* which is construced before SH_MFHCls(hookname)() gets called? */ \
/* Verify interface version */ \
if (SH_GLOB_SHPTR->GetIfaceVersion() != SH_IFACE_VERSION) \
return 1; \
if (action == HA_GetInfo) \
{ \
param->SetVersion(SH_HOOKMAN_VERSION); \
param->SetInfo(ms_MFI.vtbloffs, ms_MFI.vtblindex, \
reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&ms_Proto)); \
MemFuncInfo mfi; \
GetFuncInfo(&SH_MFHCls(hookname)::Func, mfi); \
param->SetHookfuncVfnptr( \
reinterpret_cast<void**>(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&ms_Inst) + mfi.vtbloffs)[mfi.vtblindex]); \
return 0; \
} \
else if (action == HA_Register) \
{ \
ms_HI = param; \
return 0; \
} \
else if (action == HA_Unregister) \
{ \
ms_HI = NULL; \
return 0; \
} \
else \
return 1; \
#define SHINT_MAKE_GENERICSTUFF_END_MANUAL(hookname, pvtbloffs, pvtblidx, pthisptroffs) \
}; \
SH_MFHCls(hookname) SH_MFHCls(hookname)::ms_Inst; \
::SourceHook::MemFuncInfo SH_MFHCls(hookname)::ms_MFI; \
::SourceHook::IHookManagerInfo *SH_MFHCls(hookname)::ms_HI; \
bool __SourceHook_FHMAdd##hookname(void *iface, bool post, \
SH_MFHCls(hookname)::FD handler) \
{ \
return SH_GLOB_SHPTR->AddHook(SH_GLOB_PLUGPTR, iface, pthisptroffs, \
SH_MFHCls(hookname)::HookManPubFunc, \
new ::SourceHook::CSHDelegate<SH_MFHCls(hookname)::FD>(handler), post); \
} \
bool __SourceHook_FHMRemove##hookname(void *iface, bool post, \
SH_MFHCls(hookname)::FD handler) \
{ \
::SourceHook::CSHDelegate<SH_MFHCls(hookname)::FD> tmp(handler); \
return SH_GLOB_SHPTR->RemoveHook(SH_GLOB_PLUGPTR, iface, pthisptroffs, \
SH_MFHCls(hookname)::HookManPubFunc, &tmp, post); \
} \
#define SH_SETUPCALLS(rettype, paramtypes, params) \
/* 1) Find the vfnptr */ \
using namespace ::SourceHook; \
void *ourvfnptr = reinterpret_cast<void*>( \
*reinterpret_cast<void***>(reinterpret_cast<char*>(this) + ms_MFI.vtbloffs) + ms_MFI.vtblindex); \
IVfnPtr *vfnptr = ms_HI->FindVfnPtr(ourvfnptr); \
SH_ASSERT(vfnptr, ("Called with vfnptr 0x%p which couldn't be found in the list", ourvfnptr)); \
void *vfnptr_origentry = vfnptr->GetOrigEntry(); \
/* ... and the iface */ \
IIface *ifinfo = vfnptr->FindIface(reinterpret_cast<void*>(this)); \
if (!ifinfo) \
{ \
/* The iface info was not found. Redirect the call to the original function. */ \
rettype (EmptyClass::*mfp)paramtypes; \
SH_SETUP_MFP(mfp); \
return (reinterpret_cast<EmptyClass*>(this)->*mfp)params; \
} \
/* 2) Declare some vars and set it up */ \
SH_GLOB_SHPTR->HookLoopBegin(ifinfo); \
IHookList *prelist = ifinfo->GetPreHooks(); \
IHookList *postlist = ifinfo->GetPostHooks(); \
META_RES prev_res; \
META_RES cur_res; \
rettype orig_ret; \
rettype override_ret; \
rettype plugin_ret; \
void* ifptr; \
rettype *pOverrideRet = reinterpret_cast<rettype*>(SH_GLOB_SHPTR->SetupHookLoop( \
&status, &prev_res, &cur_res, &ifptr, &orig_ret, &override_ret));
#define SH_CALL_HOOKS(post, params) \
if (SH_GLOB_SHPTR->ShouldContinue()) \
{ \
prev_res = MRES_IGNORED; \
for (AutoHookIter iter(post##list); !iter.End(); iter.Next()) \
{ \
cur_res = MRES_IGNORED; \
ifptr = reinterpret_cast<void*>(reinterpret_cast<char*>(this) - iter.ThisPtrOffs()); \
plugin_ret = reinterpret_cast<CSHDelegate<FD>*>(iter.Handler())->GetDeleg() params; \
prev_res = cur_res; \
if (cur_res > status) \
status = cur_res; \
if (cur_res >= MRES_OVERRIDE) \
*pOverrideRet = plugin_ret; \
if (!SH_GLOB_SHPTR->ShouldContinue()) \
{ \
iter.SetToZero(); \
break; \
} \
} \
#define SH_CALL_ORIG(rettype, paramtypes, params) \
if (status != MRES_SUPERCEDE) \
{ \
rettype (EmptyClass::*mfp)paramtypes; \
SH_SETUP_MFP(mfp); \
orig_ret = (reinterpret_cast<EmptyClass*>(this)->*mfp)params; \
} \
else \
orig_ret = override_ret; \
#define SH_RETURN() \
SH_GLOB_SHPTR->HookLoopEnd(); \
return status >= MRES_OVERRIDE ? *pOverrideRet : orig_ret;
#define SH_HANDLEFUNC(paramtypes, params, rettype) \
SH_SETUPCALLS(rettype, paramtypes, params) \
SH_CALL_HOOKS(pre, params) \
SH_CALL_ORIG(rettype, paramtypes, params) \
SH_CALL_HOOKS(post, params) \
#define SH_SETUPCALLS_void(paramtypes, params) \
/* 1) Find the vfnptr */ \
using namespace ::SourceHook; \
void *ourvfnptr = reinterpret_cast<void*>( \
*reinterpret_cast<void***>(reinterpret_cast<char*>(this) + ms_MFI.vtbloffs) + ms_MFI.vtblindex); \
IVfnPtr *vfnptr = ms_HI->FindVfnPtr(ourvfnptr); \
SH_ASSERT(vfnptr, ("Called with vfnptr 0x%p which couldn't be found in the list", ourvfnptr)); \
void *vfnptr_origentry = vfnptr->GetOrigEntry(); \
/* ... and the iface */ \
IIface *ifinfo = vfnptr->FindIface(reinterpret_cast<void*>(this)); \
if (!ifinfo) \
{ \
/* The iface info was not found. Redirect the call to the original function. */ \
void (EmptyClass::*mfp)paramtypes; \
SH_SETUP_MFP(mfp); \
(reinterpret_cast<EmptyClass*>(this)->*mfp)params; \
return; \
} \
/* 2) Declare some vars and set it up */ \
SH_GLOB_SHPTR->HookLoopBegin(ifinfo); \
IHookList *prelist = ifinfo->GetPreHooks(); \
IHookList *postlist = ifinfo->GetPostHooks(); \
META_RES prev_res; \
META_RES cur_res; \
void* ifptr; \
SH_GLOB_SHPTR->SetupHookLoop(&status, &prev_res, &cur_res, &ifptr, NULL, NULL); \
#define SH_CALL_HOOKS_void(post, params) \
if (SH_GLOB_SHPTR->ShouldContinue()) \
{ \
prev_res = MRES_IGNORED; \
for (AutoHookIter iter(post##list); !iter.End(); iter.Next()) \
{ \
cur_res = MRES_IGNORED; \
ifptr = reinterpret_cast<void*>(reinterpret_cast<char*>(this) - iter.ThisPtrOffs()); \
reinterpret_cast<CSHDelegate<FD>*>(iter.Handler())->GetDeleg() params; \
prev_res = cur_res; \
if (cur_res > status) \
status = cur_res; \
if (!SH_GLOB_SHPTR->ShouldContinue()) \
{ \
iter.SetToZero(); \
break; \
} \
} \
#define SH_CALL_ORIG_void(paramtypes, params) \
if (status != MRES_SUPERCEDE) \
{ \
void (EmptyClass::*mfp)paramtypes; \
SH_SETUP_MFP(mfp); \
(reinterpret_cast<EmptyClass*>(this)->*mfp)params; \
#define SH_RETURN_void() \
#define SH_HANDLEFUNC_void(paramtypes, params) \
SH_SETUPCALLS_void(paramtypes, params) \
SH_CALL_HOOKS_void(pre, params) \
SH_CALL_ORIG_void(paramtypes, params) \
SH_CALL_HOOKS_void(post, params) \
// Special vafmt handlers
// :TODO: what
#define SH_HANDLEFUNC_vafmt(paramtypes, params_orig, params_plug, rettype) \
SH_SETUPCALLS(rettype, paramtypes, params_orig) \
SH_CALL_HOOKS(pre, params_plug) \
SH_CALL_ORIG(rettype, paramtypes, params_orig) \
SH_CALL_HOOKS(post, params_plug) \
#define SH_HANDLEFUNC_void_vafmt(paramtypes, params_orig, params_plug) \
SH_SETUPCALLS_void(paramtypes, params_orig) \
SH_CALL_HOOKS_void(pre, params_plug) \
SH_CALL_ORIG_void(paramtypes, params_orig) \
SH_CALL_HOOKS_void(post, params_plug) \
// ********* Support for $1 arguments *********
#define SH_DECL_HOOK$1(ifacetype, ifacefunc, attr, overload, rettype@[$2,1,$1:, param$2@]) \
SHINT_MAKE_GENERICSTUFF_BEGIN(ifacetype, ifacefunc, overload, (static_cast<rettype (ifacetype::*)(@[$2,1,$1|, :param$2@]) attr> \
(&ifacetype::ifacefunc))) \
typedef fastdelegate::FastDelegate$1<@[$2,1,$1|, :param$2@]@[$1!=0:, @]rettype> FD; \
virtual rettype Func(@[$2,1,$1|, :param$2 p$2@]) \
{ SH_HANDLEFUNC((@[$2,1,$1|, :param$2@]), (@[$2,1,$1|, :p$2@]), rettype); } \
SHINT_MAKE_GENERICSTUFF_END(ifacetype, ifacefunc, overload, \
(static_cast<rettype (ifacetype::*)(@[$2,1,$1|, :param$2@]) attr>(&ifacetype::ifacefunc))) \
const int __SourceHook_ParamSizes_##ifacetype##ifacefunc##overload[] = { 0@[$2,1,$1:, sizeof(param$2)@] }; \
::SourceHook::ProtoInfo SH_FHCls(ifacetype, ifacefunc, overload)::ms_Proto(sizeof(rettype), \
$1, __SourceHook_ParamSizes_##ifacetype##ifacefunc##overload);
#define SH_DECL_HOOK$1_void(ifacetype, ifacefunc, attr, overload@[$2,1,$1:, param$2@]) \
SHINT_MAKE_GENERICSTUFF_BEGIN(ifacetype, ifacefunc, overload, (static_cast<void (ifacetype::*)(@[$2,1,$1|, :param$2@]) attr> \
(&ifacetype::ifacefunc))) \
typedef fastdelegate::FastDelegate$1<@[$2,1,$1|, :param$2@]> FD; \
virtual void Func(@[$2,1,$1|, :param$2 p$2@]) \
{ SH_HANDLEFUNC_void((@[$2,1,$1|, :param$2@]), (@[$2,1,$1|, :p$2@])); } \
SHINT_MAKE_GENERICSTUFF_END(ifacetype, ifacefunc, overload, \
(static_cast<void (ifacetype::*)(@[$2,1,$1|, :param$2@]) attr>(&ifacetype::ifacefunc))) \
const int __SourceHook_ParamSizes_##ifacetype##ifacefunc##overload[] = { 0@[$2,1,$1:, sizeof(param$2)@] }; \
::SourceHook::ProtoInfo SH_FHCls(ifacetype, ifacefunc, overload)::ms_Proto(0, \
$1, __SourceHook_ParamSizes_##ifacetype##ifacefunc##overload);
#define SH_DECL_HOOK$1_vafmt(ifacetype, ifacefunc, attr, overload, rettype@[$2,1,$1:, param$2@]) \
SHINT_MAKE_GENERICSTUFF_BEGIN(ifacetype, ifacefunc, overload, (static_cast<rettype (ifacetype::*)(@[$2,1,$1|, :param$2@]@[$1!=0:, @]const char *, ...) attr> \
(&ifacetype::ifacefunc))) \
typedef fastdelegate::FastDelegate@($1+1)<@[$2,1,$1|, :param$2@]@[$1!=0:, @]const char *, rettype> FD; \
virtual rettype Func(@[$2,1,$1|, :param$2 p$2@]@[$1!=0:, @]const char *fmt, ...) \
{ \
char buf[::SourceHook::STRBUF_LEN]; \
va_list ap; \
va_start(ap, fmt); \
vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, ap); \
va_end(ap); \
SH_HANDLEFUNC_vafmt((@[$2,1,$1|, :param$2@]@[$1!=0:, @]...), (@[$2,1,$1|, :p$2@]@[$1!=0:, @]"%s", buf), (@[$2,1,$1|, :p$2@]@[$1!=0:, @]buf), rettype); \
} \
SHINT_MAKE_GENERICSTUFF_END(ifacetype, ifacefunc, overload, \
(static_cast<rettype (ifacetype::*)(@[$2,1,$1|, :param$2@]@[$1!=0:, @]const char *, ...) attr>(&ifacetype::ifacefunc))) \
const int __SourceHook_ParamSizes_##ifacetype##ifacefunc##overload[] = { -1@[$2,1,$1:, sizeof(param$2)@] }; \
::SourceHook::ProtoInfo SH_FHCls(ifacetype, ifacefunc, overload)::ms_Proto(sizeof(rettype), \
$1, __SourceHook_ParamSizes_##ifacetype##ifacefunc##overload);
#define SH_DECL_HOOK$1_void_vafmt(ifacetype, ifacefunc, attr, overload@[$2,1,$1:, param$2@]) \
SHINT_MAKE_GENERICSTUFF_BEGIN(ifacetype, ifacefunc, overload, (static_cast<void (ifacetype::*)(@[$2,1,$1|, :param$2@]@[$1!=0:, @]const char *, ...) attr> \
(&ifacetype::ifacefunc))) \
typedef fastdelegate::FastDelegate@($1+1)<@[$2,1,$1|, :param$2@]@[$1!=0:, @]const char *> FD; \
virtual void Func(@[$2,1,$1|, :param$2 p$2@]@[$1!=0:, @]const char *fmt, ...) \
{ \
char buf[::SourceHook::STRBUF_LEN]; \
va_list ap; \
va_start(ap, fmt); \
vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, ap); \
va_end(ap); \
SH_HANDLEFUNC_void_vafmt((@[$2,1,$1|, :param$2@]@[$1!=0:, @]...), (@[$2,1,$1|, :p$2@]@[$1!=0:, @]"%s", buf), (@[$2,1,$1|, :p$2@]@[$1!=0:, @]buf)); \
} \
SHINT_MAKE_GENERICSTUFF_END(ifacetype, ifacefunc, overload, \
(static_cast<void (ifacetype::*)(@[$2,1,$1|, :param$2@]@[$1!=0:, @]const char *, ...) attr>(&ifacetype::ifacefunc))) \
const int __SourceHook_ParamSizes_##ifacetype##ifacefunc##overload[] = { -1@[$2,1,$1:, sizeof(param$2)@] }; \
::SourceHook::ProtoInfo SH_FHCls(ifacetype, ifacefunc, overload)::ms_Proto(0, \
$1, __SourceHook_ParamSizes_##ifacetype##ifacefunc##overload);
#define SH_DECL_MANUALHOOK$1(hookname, vtblidx, vtbloffs, thisptroffs, rettype@[$2,1,$1:, param$2@]) \
SHINT_MAKE_GENERICSTUFF_BEGIN_MANUAL(hookname, vtbloffs, vtblidx, thisptroffs) \
typedef fastdelegate::FastDelegate$1<@[$2,1,$1|, :param$2@]@[$1!=0:, @]rettype> FD; \
virtual rettype Func(@[$2,1,$1|, :param$2 p$2@]) \
{ SH_HANDLEFUNC((@[$2,1,$1|, :param$2@]), (@[$2,1,$1|, :p$2@]), rettype); } \
typedef rettype(::SourceHook::EmptyClass::*ECMFP)(@[$2,1,$1|, :param$2@]); \
typedef rettype RetType; \
SHINT_MAKE_GENERICSTUFF_END_MANUAL(hookname, vtbloffs, vtblidx, thisptroffs) \
const int __SourceHook_ParamSizesM_##hookname[] = { 0@[$2,1,$1:, sizeof(param$2)@] }; \
::SourceHook::ProtoInfo SH_MFHCls(hookname)::ms_Proto(sizeof(rettype), \
$1, __SourceHook_ParamSizesM_##hookname); \
#define SH_DECL_MANUALHOOK$1_void(hookname, vtblidx, vtbloffs, thisptroffs@[$2,1,$1:, param$2@]) \
SHINT_MAKE_GENERICSTUFF_BEGIN_MANUAL(hookname, vtbloffs, vtblidx, thisptroffs) \
typedef fastdelegate::FastDelegate$1<@[$2,1,$1|, :param$2@]> FD; \
virtual void Func(@[$2,1,$1|, :param$2 p$2@]) \
{ SH_HANDLEFUNC_void((@[$2,1,$1|, :param$2@]), (@[$2,1,$1|, :p$2@])); } \
typedef void(::SourceHook::EmptyClass::*ECMFP)(@[$2,1,$1|, :param$2@]); \
SHINT_MAKE_GENERICSTUFF_END_MANUAL(hookname, vtbloffs, vtblidx, thisptroffs) \
const int __SourceHook_ParamSizesM_##hookname[] = { 0@[$2,1,$1:, sizeof(param$2)@] }; \
::SourceHook::ProtoInfo SH_MFHCls(hookname)::ms_Proto(0, \
$1, __SourceHook_ParamSizesM_##hookname); \
# define SH_MAKE_EXECUTABLECLASS_OB(call, prms) \
{ \
using namespace ::SourceHook; \
MemFuncInfo mfi; \
GetFuncInfo(m_CC->GetThisPtr(), m_MFP, mfi); \
void *origfunc = m_CC->GetOrigFunc(mfi.thisptroffs + mfi.vtbloffs, mfi.vtblindex); \
if (!origfunc) \
return (m_CC->GetThisPtr()->*m_MFP)call; \
/* It's hooked. Call the original function. */ \
union \
{ \
RetType(EmptyClass::*mfpnew)prms; \
void *addr; \
} u; \
u.addr = origfunc; \
void *adjustedthisptr = reinterpret_cast<void*>(reinterpret_cast<char*>(m_CC->GetThisPtr()) + mfi.thisptroffs); \
return (reinterpret_cast<EmptyClass*>(adjustedthisptr)->*u.mfpnew)call; \
# define SH_MAKE_MEXECUTABLECLASS_OB(call, prms) \
{ \
using namespace ::SourceHook; \
char *adjustedthisptr = reinterpret_cast<char*>(m_CC->GetThisPtr()) + m_ThisPtrOffs; \
union \
{ \
RetType(EmptyClass::*mfpnew)prms; \
void *addr; \
} u; \
u.addr = m_CC->GetOrigFunc(m_ThisPtrOffs + m_VtblOffs, m_VtblIdx); \
if (!u.addr) \
u.addr = (*reinterpret_cast<void***>(adjustedthisptr + m_VtblOffs))[m_VtblIdx]; \
return (reinterpret_cast<EmptyClass*>(adjustedthisptr)->*u.mfpnew)call; \
# define SH_MAKE_EXECUTABLECLASS_OB(call, prms) \
{ \
using namespace ::SourceHook; \
MemFuncInfo mfi; \
GetFuncInfo(m_CC->GetThisPtr(), m_MFP, mfi); \
void *origfunc = m_CC->GetOrigFunc(mfi.thisptroffs + mfi.vtbloffs, mfi.vtblindex); \
if (!origfunc) \
return (m_CC->GetThisPtr()->*m_MFP)call; \
/* It's hooked. Call the original function. */ \
union \
{ \
RetType(EmptyClass::*mfpnew)prms; \
struct \
{ \
void *addr; \
intptr_t adjustor; \
} s; \
} u; \
u.s.addr = origfunc; \
u.s.adjustor = mfi.thisptroffs; \
return (reinterpret_cast<EmptyClass*>(m_CC->GetThisPtr())->*u.mfpnew)call; \
# define SH_MAKE_MEXECUTABLECLASS_OB(call, prms) \
{ \
using namespace ::SourceHook; \
char *thisptr = reinterpret_cast<char*>(m_CC->GetThisPtr()); \
union \
{ \
RetType(EmptyClass::*mfpnew)prms; \
struct { \
void *addr; \
intptr_t adjustor; \
} s; \
} u; \
u.s.addr = m_CC->GetOrigFunc(m_ThisPtrOffs + m_VtblOffs, m_VtblIdx); \
if (!u.s.addr) \
u.s.addr = (*reinterpret_cast<void***>(thisptr + m_ThisPtrOffs + m_VtblOffs))[m_VtblIdx]; \
u.s.adjustor = m_ThisPtrOffs; \
return (reinterpret_cast<EmptyClass*>(thisptr)->*u.mfpnew)call; \
namespace SourceHook
// Support for $1 arguments
template<class CCType, class MFPType, class RetType@[$2,1,$1:, class Param$2@]> class ExecutableClass$1
CCType *m_CC;
MFPType m_MFP;
ExecutableClass$1(CCType *cc, MFPType mfp) : m_CC(cc), m_MFP(mfp) { }
RetType operator()(@[$2,1,$1|, :Param$2 p$2@]) const
SH_MAKE_EXECUTABLECLASS_OB((@[$2,1,$1|, :p$2@]), (@[$2,1,$1|, :Param$2@]))
template <@[$3,$1+1,$2|, :class Param$3@]> RetType operator()(@[$3,1,$2|, :Param$3 p$3@]) const
SH_MAKE_EXECUTABLECLASS_OB((@[$3,1,$2|, :p$3@]), (@[$3,1,$2|, :Param$3@]))
template <class RetType@[$2,1,$1:, class Param$2@]> class MExecutableClass$1
ManualCallClass *m_CC;
int m_ThisPtrOffs;
int m_VtblIdx;
int m_VtblOffs;
MExecutableClass$1(ManualCallClass *cc, int vtbloffs, int vtblidx, int thisptroffs) : m_CC(cc),
m_ThisPtrOffs(thisptroffs), m_VtblIdx(vtblidx), m_VtblOffs(vtbloffs) { }
RetType operator()(@[$2,1,$1|, :Param$2 p$2@]) const
SH_MAKE_MEXECUTABLECLASS_OB((@[$2,1,$1|, :p$2@]), (@[$2,1,$1|, :Param$2@]))
template <@[$3,$1+1,$2|, :class Param$3@]> RetType operator()(@[$3,1,$2|, :Param$3 p$3@]) const
SH_MAKE_MEXECUTABLECLASS_OB((@[$3,1,$2|, :p$3@]), (@[$3,1,$2|, :Param$3@]))
// SH_CALL needs to deduce the return type -> it uses templates and function overloading
// That's why SH_CALL takes two parameters: "mfp2" of type RetType(X::*mfp)(params), and "mfp" of type MFP
// The only purpose of the mfp2 parameter is to extract the return type
// Support for $1 arguments
template <class X, class Y, class MFP, class RetType@[$2,1,$1:, class Param$2@]>
SourceHook::ExecutableClass$1<SourceHook::CallClass<Y>, MFP, RetType@[$2,1,$1:, Param$2@]>
SH_CALL2(SourceHook::CallClass<Y> *ptr, MFP mfp, RetType(X::*mfp2)(@[$2,1,$1|, :Param$2@]))
return SourceHook::ExecutableClass$1<SourceHook::CallClass<Y>, MFP, RetType@[$2,1,$1:, Param$2@]>(ptr, mfp);
template <class X, class Y, class MFP, class RetType@[$2,1,$1:, class Param$2@]>
SourceHook::ExecutableClass$1<SourceHook::CallClass<Y>, MFP, RetType@[$2,1,$1:, Param$2@]>
SH_CALL2(SourceHook::CallClass<Y> *ptr, MFP mfp, RetType(X::*mfp2)(@[$2,1,$1|, :Param$2@])const)
return SourceHook::ExecutableClass$1<SourceHook::CallClass<Y>, MFP, RetType@[$2,1,$1:, Param$2@]>(ptr, mfp);
template <class X, class RetType@[$2,1,$1:, class Param$2@]>
SourceHook::MExecutableClass$1<RetType@[$2,1,$1:, Param$2@]>
SH_MCALL2(SourceHook::ManualCallClass *ptr, RetType(X::*mfp)(@[$2,1,$1|, :Param$2@]), int vtblidx, int vtbloffs, int thisptroffs)
return SourceHook::MExecutableClass$1<RetType@[$2,1,$1:, Param$2@]>(ptr, vtbloffs, vtblidx, thisptroffs);
#if SH_COMP != SH_COMP_MSVC || _MSC_VER > 1300
// GCC & MSVC 7.1 need this, MSVC 7.0 doesn't like it
// Support for $1 arguments
template <class X, class Y, class MFP, class RetType@[$2,1,$1:, class Param$2@]>
SourceHook::ExecutableClass$1<SourceHook::CallClass<Y>, MFP, RetType@[$2,1,$1:, Param$2@]>
SH_CALL2(SourceHook::CallClass<Y> *ptr, MFP mfp, RetType(X::*mfp2)(@[$2,1,$1|, :Param$2@]@[$1!=0:, @]...))
return SourceHook::ExecutableClass$1<SourceHook::CallClass<Y>, MFP, RetType@[$2,1,$1:, Param$2@]>(ptr, mfp);
template <class X, class Y, class MFP, class RetType@[$2,1,$1:, class Param$2@]>
SourceHook::ExecutableClass$1<SourceHook::CallClass<Y>, MFP, RetType@[$2,1,$1:, Param$2@]>
SH_CALL2(SourceHook::CallClass<Y> *ptr, MFP mfp, RetType(X::*mfp2)(@[$2,1,$1|, :Param$2@]@[$1!=0:, @]...)const)
return SourceHook::ExecutableClass$1<SourceHook::CallClass<Y>, MFP, RetType@[$2,1,$1:, Param$2@]>(ptr, mfp);
#define SH_CALL(ptr, mfp) SH_CALL2((ptr), (mfp), (mfp))
#define SH_MCALL(ptr, mhookname) SH_MCALL2((ptr), SH_MFHCls(mhookname)::ECMFP(), SH_MFHCls(mhookname)::ms_MFI.vtblindex, \
SH_MFHCls(mhookname)::ms_MFI.vtbloffs, SH_MFHCls(mhookname)::ms_MFI.thisptroffs)
// SetOverrideRet and RecallGetIface for recalls
// These take a ISourceHook pointer instead of using SH_GLOB_SHPTR directly
// The reason is that the user may want to redefine SH_GLOB_SHPTR - then the macros
// (META_RETURN_VALUE_NEWPARAMS) should obey the new pointer.
namespace SourceHook
template <class RetType>
void SetOverrideResult(ISourceHook *shptr, const RetType res)
*reinterpret_cast<RetType*>(shptr->GetOverrideRetPtr()) = res;
template <class Iface, class RetType@[$2,1,$1:, class Param$2@]>
void SetOverrideResult(ISourceHook *shptr, RetType (Iface::*mfp)(@[$2,1,$1|, :Param$2@]), const RetType res)
*reinterpret_cast<RetType*>(shptr->GetOverrideRetPtr()) = res;
template <class Iface, class RetType@[$2,1,$1:, class Param$2@]>
Iface *RecallGetIface(ISourceHook *shptr, RetType (Iface::*mfp)(@[$2,1,$1|, :Param$2@]))
return reinterpret_cast<Iface*>(shptr->GetIfacePtr());
// The pope is dead. -> :(