mirror of https://github.com/alliedmodders/metamod-source.git synced 2025-03-02 23:29:14 +01:00
David Anderson 09a87049ab fixed amb1244 - client meta not working
extra : convert_revision : svn%3Ac2935e3e-5518-0410-8daf-afa5dab7d4e3/trunk%40596
2007-12-14 04:57:52 +00:00

765 lines
18 KiB

* vim: set ts=4 :
* ======================================================
* Metamod:Source
* Copyright (C) 2004-2007 AlliedModders LLC and authors.
* All rights reserved.
* ======================================================
* This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
* In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from
* the use of this software.
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
* including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
* freely, subject to the following restrictions:
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
* claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a
* product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
* appreciated but is not required.
* 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
* misrepresented as being the original software.
* 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
* Version: $Id$
#include "metamod_oslink.h"
#if defined _DEBUG
#define DEBUG2
#undef _DEBUG
#include <ctype.h>
#include "metamod.h"
#include "metamod_util.h"
#include "metamod_console.h"
#include "metamod_plugins.h"
#if defined DEBUG2
#undef DEBUG2
#define _DEBUG
using namespace SourceMM;
using namespace SourceHook;
* @brief Console Command Implementations
* @file concommands.cpp
#define CONMSG g_Metamod.ConPrintf
#define CLIENT_CONMSG g_Metamod.ClientConPrintf
bool Command_Meta(IMetamodSourceCommandInfo *info)
unsigned int args = info->GetArgCount();
if (provider->IsAlternatelyLoaded() && !g_Metamod.IsAlternateLoadComplete())
CONMSG("You must change the map to activate Metamod:Source.\n");
return true;
if (args >= 1)
const char *command = info->GetArg(1);
if (strcmp(command, "credits") == 0)
CONMSG("Metamod:Source was developed by:\n");
CONMSG(" SourceHook: Pavol \"PM OnoTo\" Marko\n");
CONMSG(" GameDLL/Plugins: David \"BAILOPAN\" Anderson\n");
CONMSG(" GameDLL: Scott \"Damaged Soul\" Ehlert\n");
CONMSG("For more information, see the official website\n");
return true;
else if (strcmp(command, "version") == 0)
CONMSG("Metamod:Source version %s\n", SOURCEMM_VERSION);
if (g_Metamod.IsLoadedAsGameDLL())
CONMSG("Loaded As: GameDLL (gameinfo.txt)\n");
CONMSG("Loaded As: Valve Server Plugin\n");
CONMSG("Compiled on: %s\n", SOURCEMM_DATE);
CONMSG("Plugin interface version: %d:%d\n", METAMOD_PLAPI_VERSION, PLAPI_MIN_VERSION);
CONMSG("SourceHook version: %d:%d\n", g_SHPtr->GetIfaceVersion(), g_SHPtr->GetImplVersion());
return true;
else if (strcmp(command, "game") == 0)
CONMSG("GameDLL Information\n");
CONMSG(" Description: %s\n", provider->GetGameDescription());
CONMSG(" Mod Path: %s\n", g_Metamod.GetBaseDir());
CONMSG(" DLL Path: %s\n", g_Metamod.GetGameBinaryPath());
CONMSG(" Interface: ServerGameDLL%03d\n", g_Metamod.GetGameDLLVersion());
int engine = g_Metamod.GetSourceEngineBuild();
CONMSG(" Engine: Original (pre-Episode 1)\n");
else if (engine == SOURCE_ENGINE_EPISODEONE)
CONMSG(" Engine: Episode 1 (2004)\n");
else if (engine == SOURCE_ENGINE_ORANGEBOX)
CONMSG(" Engine: Episode 2 (Orange Box, 2007)\n");
// Display user messages
int messages = g_Metamod.GetUserMessageCount();
if (messages != -1)
const char *msgname;
int msgsize;
if (messages > 0)
CONMSG(" User Messages: %-32.31s %-5s %-5s\n", "Name", "Index", "Size");
for (int i = 0; i < messages; i++)
msgname = g_Metamod.GetUserMessage(i, &msgsize);
CONMSG(" %-32.31s %-5d %-5d\n", msgname, i, msgsize);
CONMSG(" %d user message%s in total\n", messages, (messages > 1) ? "s" : "");
CONMSG(" User Messages: None\n");
CONMSG(" User Messages: Failed to get list of user messages\n");
return true;
else if (strcmp(command, "refresh") == 0)
char full_path[255];
return true;
else if (strcmp(command, "list") == 0)
CPluginManager::CPlugin *pl;
ISmmPlugin *plapi;
const char *plname;
PluginIter i;
char buffer[256];
int len;
int plnum = g_PluginMngr.GetPluginCount();
if (!plnum)
CONMSG("No plugins loaded.\n");
return true;
} else {
CONMSG("Listing %d plugin%s:\n", plnum, (plnum > 1) ? "s" : "");
for (i = g_PluginMngr._begin(); i != g_PluginMngr._end(); i++)
pl = (*i);
if (!pl)
len = 0;
if (pl->m_Status != Pl_Running)
len += UTIL_Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), " [%02d] <%s>", pl->m_Id, g_PluginMngr.GetStatusText(pl));
} else {
len += UTIL_Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), " [%02d]", pl->m_Id);
if ((plapi = pl->m_API))
plname = IS_STR_FILLED(plapi->GetName()) ? plapi->GetName() : pl->m_File.c_str();
len += UTIL_Format(&buffer[len], sizeof(buffer)-len, " %s", plname);
if (IS_STR_FILLED(plapi->GetVersion()))
len += UTIL_Format(&buffer[len], sizeof(buffer)-len, " (%s)", plapi->GetVersion());
if (IS_STR_FILLED(plapi->GetAuthor()))
UTIL_Format(&buffer[len], sizeof(buffer)-len, " by %s", plapi->GetAuthor());
CONMSG("%s\n", buffer);
return true;
else if (strcmp(command, "cmds") == 0)
if (args >= 2)
int id = atoi(info->GetArg(2));
CPluginManager::CPlugin *pl = g_PluginMngr.FindById(id);
if (!pl)
CONMSG("Plugin %d not found.\n", id);
return true;
if (!pl->m_API)
CONMSG("Plugin %d is not loaded.\n", id);
CONMSG("Console commands for %s:\n", pl->m_API->GetName());
List<ConCommandBase *>::iterator ci;
size_t count = 0;
for (ci=pl->m_Cmds.begin(); ci!=pl->m_Cmds.end(); ci++)
CONMSG(" [%5d] %-s\n", count, (*ci)->GetName());
CONMSG("Usage: meta cmds <id>\n");
return true;
else if (strcmp(command, "cvars") == 0)
if (args >= 2)
int id = atoi(info->GetArg(2));
CPluginManager::CPlugin *pl = g_PluginMngr.FindById(id);
if (!pl)
CONMSG("Plugin %d not found.\n", id);
return true;
if (!pl->m_API)
CONMSG("Plugin %d is not loaded.\n", id);
CONMSG("Registered cvars for %s:\n", pl->m_API->GetName());
List<ConCommandBase *>::iterator ci;
size_t count = 0;
for (ci=pl->m_Cvars.begin(); ci!=pl->m_Cvars.end(); ci++)
CONMSG(" [%5d] %-s\n", count, (*ci)->GetName());
CONMSG("Usage: meta cvars <id>\n");
return true;
else if (strcmp(command, "info") == 0)
if (args >= 2)
int id = atoi(info->GetArg(2));
CPluginManager::CPlugin *pl = g_PluginMngr.FindById(id);
if (!pl)
CONMSG("Plugin %d not found.\n", id);
return true;
if (!pl->m_API)
CONMSG("Plugin %d is not loaded.\n", id);
if (pl->m_Status == Pl_Paused)
CONMSG("Plugin %d is paused.\n", id);
else if (pl->m_Status == Pl_Running)
char run_msg[255];
bool run = false;
if (pl->m_API && pl->m_API->QueryRunning(run_msg, sizeof(run_msg)-1))
run = true;
if (run)
CONMSG("Plugin %d is running.\n", id);
CONMSG("Plugin %d is stopped: %s\n", id, run_msg);
CONMSG(" Name: \"%s\" by %s\n", pl->m_API->GetName(), pl->m_API->GetAuthor());
CONMSG(" Version: %s\n", pl->m_API->GetVersion());
CONMSG(" Description: %s\n", pl->m_API->GetDescription());
CONMSG(" License: %s\n", pl->m_API->GetLicense());
CONMSG(" URL: %s\n", pl->m_API->GetURL());
CONMSG(" Details: API %03d, Date: %s\n", pl->m_API->GetApiVersion(), pl->m_API->GetDate());
CONMSG("File: %s\n\n", pl->m_File.c_str());
return true;
CONMSG("Usage: meta info <id>\n");
return true;
else if (strcmp(command, "pause") == 0)
if (args >= 2)
int id = atoi(info->GetArg(2));
char error[255];
if (!g_PluginMngr.Pause(id, error, sizeof(error)))
CONMSG("Pause failed: %s\n", error);
return true;
CONMSG("Plugin %d has been paused.\n", id);
return true;
CONMSG("Usage: meta pause <id>\n");
return true;
else if (strcmp(command, "unpause") == 0)
if (args >= 2)
int id = atoi(info->GetArg(2));
char error[255];
if (!g_PluginMngr.Unpause(id, error, sizeof(error)))
CONMSG("Unpause failed: %s\n", error);
return true;
CONMSG("Plugin %d has been unpaused.\n", id);
return true;
CONMSG("Usage: meta unpause <id>\n");
return true;
else if (strcmp(command, "load") == 0)
if (args >= 2)
const char *file = info->GetArg(2);
char full_path[255];
const char *alias = g_PluginMngr.LookupAlias(file);
if (alias)
file = alias;
if (file[0] == '/' || strcmp(&(file[1]), ":\\") == 0)
g_Metamod.PathFormat(full_path, sizeof(full_path), "%s", file);
const char *ext = UTIL_GetExtension(file);
#if defined WIN32 || defined _WIN32
ext = ext ? "" : ".dll";
ext = ext ? "" : "_i486.so";
char error[255]={0};
bool already;
CPluginManager::CPlugin *pl;
PluginId id = g_PluginMngr.Load(full_path, Pl_Console, already, error, sizeof(error));
pl = g_PluginMngr.FindById(id);
if (!pl || id < Pl_MinId || (pl->m_Status < Pl_Paused))
CONMSG("Failed to load plugin %s (%s).\n", file, error);
return true;
if (!already)
CONMSG("Plugin \"%s\" loaded with id %d.\n", pl->m_API->GetName(), pl->m_Id);
} else {
CONMSG("Plugin \"%s\" is already loaded as %d.\n", pl->m_API->GetName(), pl->m_Id);
return true;
CONMSG("Usage: meta load <path>\n");
return true;
else if ( (strcmp(command, "alias") == 0) ||
(strcmp(command, "aliases") == 0) )
if (args >= 3)
const char *alias = info->GetArg(2);
const char *value = info->GetArg(3);
g_PluginMngr.SetAlias(alias, value);
if (value == NULL || value[0] == '\0')
CONMSG("Deleted alias: %s.\n", alias);
} else {
CONMSG("Set alias \"%s\" to: %s\n", alias, value);
else if (args >= 2)
const char *alias = info->GetArg(2);
const char *value = g_PluginMngr.LookupAlias(alias);
if (value)
CONMSG("Alias \"%s\" is set to: %s\n", alias, value);
} else {
CONMSG("Alias \"%s\" was not found.\n", alias);
List<CNameAlias *>::iterator iter, end;
CNameAlias *p;
iter = g_PluginMngr._alias_begin();
end = g_PluginMngr._alias_end();
size_t total = 0;
if (iter != end)
CONMSG("%-10.9s %s\n", "Alias", "File");
CONMSG(" --- \n");
for (; iter!=end; iter++)
p = (*iter);
CONMSG("%-10.9s %s\n", p->alias.c_str(), p->value.c_str());
CONMSG(" --- \n");
CONMSG("%d aliases total.\n", total);
CONMSG("No aliases found.\n");
return true;
else if (strcmp(command, "unload") == 0)
if (args >= 2)
const char *file = info->GetArg(2);
int id = atoi(file);
char error[255]={0};
if (id == 0 && isalpha(file[0]))
char full_path[255];
const char *alias = g_PluginMngr.LookupAlias(file);
if (alias)
file = alias;
/* first check if it's a known filename */
if (file[0] == '/' || strcmp(&(file[1]), ":\\") == 0)
g_Metamod.PathFormat(full_path, sizeof(full_path), "%s", file);
const char *ext = UTIL_GetExtension(file);
#if defined WIN32 || defined _WIN32
ext = ext ? "" : ".dll";
ext = ext ? "" : "_i486.so";
List<CPluginManager::CPlugin *>::iterator iter, end;
CPluginManager::CPlugin *pl;
iter = g_PluginMngr._begin();
end = g_PluginMngr._end();
for (; iter!=end; iter++)
pl = (*iter);
if (strcmp(pl->m_File.c_str(), full_path) == 0)
id = pl->m_Id;
if (id == 0)
CONMSG("Plugin \"%s\" not found.\n", full_path);
return true;
if (!g_PluginMngr.Unload(id, false, error, sizeof(error)))
CONMSG("Unload failed: %s\n", error);
return true;
CONMSG("Plugin %d unloaded.\n", id);
CONMSG("Usage: meta unload <id>\n");
return true;
else if (strcmp(command, "force_unload") == 0)
if (args >= 2)
int id = atoi(info->GetArg(2));
char error[255]={0};
if (!g_PluginMngr.Unload(id, false, error, sizeof(error)))
CONMSG("Force unload failed: %s\n", error);
return true;
CONMSG("Plugin %d force unloaded.\n", id);
return true;
CONMSG("Usage: meta force_unload <id>\n");
return true;
else if (strcmp(command, "clear") == 0)
if (!g_PluginMngr.UnloadAll())
CONMSG("One or more plugins resisted removal (cleaned anyway).\n");
return true;
CONMSG("All plugins unloaded.\n");
return true;
else if (strcmp(command, "retry") == 0)
if (args >= 2)
int id = atoi(info->GetArg(2));
char error[255];
if (!g_PluginMngr.Retry(id, error, sizeof(error)))
CONMSG("Error reloading plugin: %s\n", error);
return true;
CONMSG("Plugin %d successfully reloaded.\n", id);
return true;
CONMSG("Usage: meta retry <id>\n");
return true;
CONMSG("Metamod:Source Menu\n");
CONMSG("usage: meta <command> [arguments]\n");
CONMSG(" alias - List or set an alias\n");
CONMSG(" clear - Unload all plugins forcefully\n");
CONMSG(" cmds - Show plugin commands\n");
CONMSG(" cvars - Show plugin cvars\n");
CONMSG(" credits - About Metamod:Source\n");
CONMSG(" force_unload - Forcefully unload a plugin\n");
CONMSG(" game - Information about GameDLL\n");
CONMSG(" info - Information about a plugin\n");
CONMSG(" list - List plugins\n");
CONMSG(" load - Load a plugin\n");
CONMSG(" pause - Pause a running plugin\n");
CONMSG(" refresh - Reparse plugins file\n");
CONMSG(" retry - Attempt to reload a plugin\n");
CONMSG(" unload - Unload a loaded plugin\n");
CONMSG(" unpause - Unpause a paused plugin\n");
CONMSG(" version - Version information\n");
return true;
bool Command_ClientMeta(edict_t *client, IMetamodSourceCommandInfo *info)
const char *cmd = info->GetArg(0);
if (strcmp(cmd, "meta") == 0)
unsigned int args = info->GetArgCount();
if (args == 1)
const char *subcmd = info->GetArg(1);
if (strcmp(subcmd, "credits") == 0)
CLIENT_CONMSG(client, "Metamod:Source was developed by:\n");
CLIENT_CONMSG(client, " SourceHook: Pavol \"PM OnoTo\" Marko\n");
CLIENT_CONMSG(client, " GameDLL/Plugins: David \"BAILOPAN\" Anderson\n");
CLIENT_CONMSG(client, " GameDLL: Scott \"Damaged Soul\" Ehlert\n");
CLIENT_CONMSG(client, "For more information, see the official website\n");
CLIENT_CONMSG(client, "http://www.sourcemm.net/\n");
return true;
else if(strcmp(subcmd, "version") == 0)
CLIENT_CONMSG(client, "Metamod:Source version %s\n", SOURCEMM_VERSION);
CLIENT_CONMSG(client, "Compiled on: %s\n", SOURCEMM_DATE);
CLIENT_CONMSG(client, "Plugin interface version: %d:%d\n", METAMOD_PLAPI_VERSION, PLAPI_MIN_VERSION);
CLIENT_CONMSG(client, "SourceHook version: %d:%d\n", g_SHPtr->GetIfaceVersion(), g_SHPtr->GetImplVersion());
CLIENT_CONMSG(client, "http://www.sourcemm.net/\n");
return true;
else if(strcmp(subcmd, "list") == 0)
CPluginManager::CPlugin *pl;
ISmmPlugin *plapi;
const char *plname;
PluginIter i;
char buffer[256];
int len = 0;
int plnum = 0;
for (i = g_PluginMngr._begin(); i != g_PluginMngr._end(); i++, len=0)
pl = (*i);
if (pl && pl->m_Status == Pl_Running)
plapi = pl->m_API;
if (!plapi || !plapi->QueryRunning(NULL, 0))
len += UTIL_Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), " [%02d]", plnum);
plname = IS_STR_FILLED(plapi->GetName()) ? plapi->GetName() : pl->m_File.c_str();
len += UTIL_Format(&buffer[len], sizeof(buffer)-len, " %s", plname);
if (IS_STR_FILLED(plapi->GetVersion()))
len += UTIL_Format(&buffer[len], sizeof(buffer)-len, " (%s)", plapi->GetVersion());
if (IS_STR_FILLED(plapi->GetAuthor()))
UTIL_Format(&buffer[len], sizeof(buffer)-len, " by %s", plapi->GetAuthor());
CLIENT_CONMSG(client, "%s\n", buffer);
if (!plnum)
CLIENT_CONMSG(client, "No active plugins loaded.\n");
return true;
CLIENT_CONMSG(client, "Metamod:Source Menu\n");
CLIENT_CONMSG(client, "usage: meta <command>\n");
CLIENT_CONMSG(client, " credits - About Metamod:Source\n");
CLIENT_CONMSG(client, " list - List plugins\n");
CLIENT_CONMSG(client, " version - Version information\n");
return true;
return false;