mirror of https://github.com/alliedmodders/metamod-source.git synced 2025-03-02 23:29:14 +01:00
Pavol Marko 53b48bab94 Added SH_GET_ORIG_VFNPTR_ENTRY
extra : convert_revision : svn%3Ac2935e3e-5518-0410-8daf-afa5dab7d4e3/trunk%40471
2007-10-07 23:00:38 +00:00

342 lines
12 KiB

/* ======== SourceHook ========
* Copyright (C) 2004-2007 Metamod:Source Development Team
* No warranties of any kind
* License: zlib/libpng
* Author(s): Pavol "PM OnoTo" Marko
* ============================
#include "sourcehook.h"
#include "sh_list.h"
#include "sh_vector.h"
#include "sh_tinyhash.h"
#include "sh_stack.h"
#include "sh_listcat.h"
:TODO: update ???
Protos ("Prototypes")
The purpose of protos is to provide the amount of type information about a function
which is required to be able to execute a function call without corrupting the stack.
Our protos do not fully do this, but they provide the size of the return value, the number of
parameters, and the size of each parameter, which is enough for most situations.
There are two version of protos:
C-Style strings.
Old protos are deprecated.
New protos are in fact pointers to the ProtoInfo structure (see sourcehook.h)
Old protos begin with a non-zero byte, new protos begin with a zero byte.
Protos are usually stored in a CProto instance.
Hook managers and hook manager containers
Each hookman container is tied to _one_ proto/vtable index/vtable offset info.
Hookman containers then contain a list of hook managers provided by plugins, sorted by version.
(higher versions come first)
Duplicate hook managers are ignored (ie. hook managers where proto, vtable index, vtable offset,
plugin, version are the same as in an already exisiting hook manager)
A new hook manager is always added to the end of the version group in the corresponding
hook container.
If the new hook manager was added to the beginning of the container (which only happens if
it is the first one or if it has a higher version than the previously first hook manager),
the now second hook manager is shut down and the new hook manager takes its job.
A "hook manager container id" (HMCI) consits of three values: proto, vtbl index, vtbl offset.
When adding a hook, first the proposed hook manager is added to the corresponding
hook manager container as described above.
Then the first hook manager in the the manhook container is chosen to handle the function.
Removing a hook does not neccessarily unreigster the plugin's hook manager. In order to do this,
use RemoveHookManager or UnloadPlugin/
Hooks can be paused - they remain in memory but they are not called. In SH, the hook iterator
classes handle pausing transparently.
The hook loop is supposed to call ShouldContinue before each iteration. This makes hook handlers
able to remove themselves.
Call classes
!! deprecated !! - see below (new SH_CALL)
Call classes are identified by a this pointer and an instance size
We use the instance size because a derived class instance and a base class instance could
have the same this pointers, and we want to avoid that the derived class
(which could be bigger) gets the same callclass as the base class (mainly if the
base class' callclass was requested first).
Call classes are reference counted.
The original function pointers are stored in a vector (in order to allow fast random access).
These vectors are stored as the value type of a hash. The key type is int and represents the
vtable offset.
If the hash key doesn't exist or the vtblidx is out of range or the corresponding element in the
vector is NULL, there is no hook on that function.
Recalls are used for the META_RETURN_(VALUE_)NEWPARAMS macros, ie. to change the parameters
in the hook loop on the fly.
First, the macro calls DoRecall(), then it calls the function the hook is attached to -> it
calls the hookfunc. SourceHook makes sure that the newly invoked hook loop starts where the last
one left off and that status variables like status, previous result, override return are kept.
When this recurisvely called hookfunc returns, the macro returns what it returned
(using MRES_SUPERCEDE). CSourceHookImpl returns false from ShouldContinue so the original hook loop
is abandonned.
Post Recalls
People wanted to be able to use META_RETURN_(VALUE_)NEWPARAMS from post hooks as well. Crazy people!
Anyway, for this, we have to know where a hook handler is. Is it executing pre or post hooks at the moment?
The only way we can know this is watching when it calls CHookList::GetIter(). So CHookList gets a new variable:
m_RequestedFlag. It also gets two new functions: RQFlagReset() and RQFlagGet().
HookLoopBegin() calls RQFlagReset on both hooklists of the iface; then DoRecall() checks whether the postlist's
RQ flag is set. if yes, the hook loop is in post mode.
So, what a about a recall in post mode? The first ShouldContinue returns false and sets Status to supercede.
This way the pre hooks and the function call will be skipped. Then, then next ShouldContinue returns true, so we get
into the post hooks. HA!
Return Values in Post Recalls
The easy case is when we already have an override return value. In this case, the status register gets transferred,
and so does the override return pointer. So, basically, everything is ok.
However, what happens if we don't? ie. the status register is on MRES_IGNORED? In this case we'd have to transfer the
orig ret value. But we can't: There's no way to tell the hookfunc: "Use this as orig ret pointer". It uses its own.
So, we emulate it. GetOrigRet will return the orig ret pointer from the old hook loop. If still no one overrides it,
we'd have to return it. BUT! HOW TO DO THIS? Check out SH_RETURN(). First calls HookLoopEnd(), then decides whether
to return the override retval or the orig retval. But it doesn't ask for a new override return. So we give the function
the last orig return value as its new override return value; but leave status where it is so everything works, and in
HookLoopEnd we make sure that status is high enough so that the override return will be returned. crazy.
All this stuff could be much less complicated if I didn't try to preserve binary compatibility :)
VP Hooks
VP hooks are hooks which are called on a vfnptr, regardless of the this pointer with which it was called. They are
implemented as a special CIface instance with m_Ptr = NULL. All Hook Lists have a new "ListCatIterator" which
virtually concatenates the NULL-interface-hook-list with their normal hook list.
I'm afraid that with the addition of Recalls and VP Hooks, SourceHook is now a pretty complex and hacked-together
binary compatible beast which is pretty hard to maintain unless you've written it :)
The addition of VP hooks messed up the Call Classes concept (see above) - call classes are bound to an
instance pointer; they only work on one of the hooked instances. But VP hooks are called on all instances.
That's why now, SH_CALL takes an instance pointer instead of a callclass pointer. It basically does this:
1) call SH_GLOB_PTR->SetIgnoreHooks(vfnptr)
2) call this->*mfp
3) call SH_GLOB_PTR->ResetIgnoreHooks(vfnptr)
SourceHook stroes the "ignored vfnptr" and makes CVfnPtr::FindIface return NULL if the CVfnPtr instance
corresponds to the ignored vfnptr. This way the hook manager thinks that the instance isn't hooked, and calls
the original function. Everything works fine. This works even for VP hooks.
#include "sourcehook_impl_cproto.h"
#include "sourcehook_impl_chook.h"
#include "sourcehook_impl_ciface.h"
#include "sourcehook_impl_cvfnptr.h"
#include "sourcehook_impl_chookmaninfo.h"
#include "sourcehook_impl_chookmancont.h"
#include "sourcehook_impl_chookidman.h"
namespace SourceHook
* @brief The SourceHook implementation
namespace Impl
class CHookManContainerList : public List<CHookManagerContainer>
CHookManagerContainer &GetContainer(int vtbloffs, int vtblidx, const CProto &proto);
void RemoveHookMans(Plugin plug);
void RemoveHookMans(Plugin plug, HookManagerPubFunc pubFunc);
struct CHookContext : IHookContext
enum State
// Special
int m_State;
List<CHook>::iterator m_Iter;
CVfnPtr *pVfnPtr;
CIface *pIface;
META_RES *pStatus;
META_RES *pPrevRes;
META_RES *pCurRes;
void *pThisPtr;
const void *pOrigRet;
void *pOverrideRet;
void *pIfacePtr;
bool m_CallOrig;
void SkipPaused(List<CHook>::iterator &iter, List<CHook> &list)
while (iter != list.end() && iter->IsPaused())
void HookRemoved(List<CHook>::iterator oldhookiter, List<CHook>::iterator nexthookiter);
void IfaceRemoved(CIface *iface);
void VfnPtrRemoved(CVfnPtr *vfnptr);
ISHDelegate *GetNext();
void *GetOverrideRetPtr();
const void *GetOrigRetPtr();
bool ShouldCallOrig();
typedef CStack<CHookContext> HookContextStack;
class CSourceHookImpl : public ISourceHook
CHookManContainerList m_HookManContainers;
CHookIDManager m_HookIDMan;
HookContextStack m_ContextStack;
bool SetHookPaused(int hookid, bool paused);
virtual ~CSourceHookImpl();
* @brief Returns the interface version
int GetIfaceVersion();
* @brief Returns the implemnetation version
int GetImplVersion();
int AddHook(Plugin plug, AddHookMode mode, void *iface, int thisptr_offs, HookManagerPubFunc myHookMan,
ISHDelegate *handler, bool post);
bool RemoveHook(Plugin plug, void *iface, int thisptr_offs, HookManagerPubFunc myHookMan,
ISHDelegate *handler, bool post);
bool RemoveHookByID(int hookid);
bool PauseHookByID(int hookid);
bool UnpauseHookByID(int hookid);
void SetRes(META_RES res); //!< Sets the meta result
META_RES GetPrevRes(); //!< Gets the meta result of the
//!< previously calledhandler
META_RES GetStatus(); //!< Gets the highest meta result
const void *GetOrigRet(); //!< Gets the original result.
//!< If not in post function, undefined
const void *GetOverrideRet(); //!< Gets the override result.
//!< If none is specified, NULL
void *GetIfacePtr(); //!< Gets the interface pointer
void *GetOverrideRetPtr(); //!< Used for setting the override return value
* @brief Make sure that a plugin is not used by any other plugins anymore, and unregister all its hook managers
void UnloadPlugin(Plugin plug);
void RemoveHookManager(Plugin plug, HookManagerPubFunc pubFunc);
void SetIgnoreHooks(void *vfnptr);
void ResetIgnoreHooks(void *vfnptr);
void DoRecall();
IHookContext *SetupHookLoop(IHookManagerInfo *hi, void *vfnptr, void *thisptr, void **origentry, META_RES *statusPtr,
META_RES *prevResPtr, META_RES *curResPtr, const void *origRetPtr, void *overrideRetPtr);
void EndContext(IHookContext *pCtx);
void *GetOrigVfnPtrEntry(void *vfnptr);
* @brief Shut down the whole system, unregister all hook managers
void CompleteShutdown();
* @brief Pauses all hooks of a plugin
* @param plug The unique identifier of the plugin
void PausePlugin(Plugin plug);
* @brief Unpauses all hooks of a plugin
* @param plug The unique identifier of the plugin
void UnpausePlugin(Plugin plug);