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* ======================================================
* Metamod:Source
* Copyright (C) 2004-2008 AlliedModders LLC and authors.
* All rights reserved.
* ======================================================
* This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
* In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from
* the use of this software.
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
* including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
* freely, subject to the following restrictions:
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
* claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a
* product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
* appreciated but is not required.
* 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
* misrepresented as being the original software.
* 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
* Version: $Id$
* @brief Core API calls that are provided to plugins.
* @file ISmmAPI.h
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <interface.h>
#include <eiface.h>
#include <sourcehook.h>
#include <IPluginManager.h>
#include <ISmmPlugin.h>
#include <ISmmPluginExt.h>
#if defined __GNUC__
#if ((__GNUC__ == 3) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ < 4)) || (__GNUC__ < 3)
#error "You must compile with at least GCC 3.4! If you know what you are doing, you can remove this message."
#endif //version check
#endif //__GNUC__
#define MMIFACE_SOURCEHOOK "ISourceHook" /**< ISourceHook Pointer */
#define MMIFACE_PLMANAGER "IPluginManager" /**< SourceMM Plugin Functions */
#define MMIFACE_SH_HOOKMANAUTOGEN "IHookManagerAutoGen" /**< SourceHook::IHookManagerAutoGen Pointer */
#define IFACE_MAXNUM 999 /**< Maximum interface version */
namespace SourceMM
class ISmmPlugin;
class IMetamodListener;
* The core API that Metamod:Source provides to plugins.
class ISmmAPI
* @brief Logs a message through the HL2 log system.
* Note: Newlines are appended automatically.
* @param pl Plugin API pointer (used for tagging message)
* @param msg Formatted string.
virtual void LogMsg(ISmmPlugin *pl, const char *msg, ...) =0;
* @brief Returns an interface factory for the HL2 engine.
* @param syn If syn is true, the synthetic wrapper is returned.
* If syn is false, the true function is returned.
* @return CreateInterfaceFn function pointer.
virtual CreateInterfaceFn GetEngineFactory(bool syn=true) =0;
* @brief Returns an interface factory for the HL2 physics engine.
* @param syn If syn is true, the synthetic wrapper is returned.
* If syn is false, the true function is returned.
* @return CreateInterfaceFn function pointer.
virtual CreateInterfaceFn GetPhysicsFactory(bool syn=true) =0;
* @brief Returns an interface factory for the HL2 file system.
* @param syn If syn is true, the synthetic wrapper is returned.
* If syn is false, the true function is returned.
* @return CreateInterfaceFn function pointer.
virtual CreateInterfaceFn GetFileSystemFactory(bool syn=true) =0;
* @brief Returns an interface factory for the GameDLL.
* If syn is false, the true function is returned.
* @return CreateInterfaceFn function pointer.
virtual CreateInterfaceFn GetServerFactory(bool syn=true) =0;
* @brief Returns a CGlobalVars pointer from the HL2 Engine.
* @return CGlobalVars pointer.
virtual CGlobalVars *GetCGlobals() =0;
* @brief Registers a ConCommandBase.
* @param plugin Parent plugin API pointer.
* @param pCommand ConCommandBase to register.
* @return True if successful, false otherwise.
virtual bool RegisterConCommandBase(ISmmPlugin *plugin, ConCommandBase *pCommand) =0;
* @brief Unregisters a ConCommandBase.
* @param plugin Parent plugin API pointer.
* @param pCommand ConCommandBase to unlink.
virtual void UnregisterConCommandBase(ISmmPlugin *plugin, ConCommandBase *pCommand) =0;
* @brief Prints an unformatted string to the remote server console.
* Note: Newlines are not added automatically.
* @param str Message string.
virtual void ConPrint(const char *str) =0;
* @brief Prints a formatted message to the remote server console.
* Note: Newlines are not added automatically.
* @param fmt Formatted message.
virtual void ConPrintf(const char *fmt, ...) =0;
* @brief Returns the Metamod Version numbers as major version and
* minor (API) version. Changes to minor version are guaranteed to be
* backwards compatible. Changes to major version are not.
* @param major Filled with the major API version number.
* @param minor Filled with the minor API version number.
* @param plvers Filled with the current plugin API version number.
* @param plmin Filled with the minimum plugin API version number
* supported.
virtual void GetApiVersions(int &major, int &minor, int &plvers, int &plmin) =0;
* @brief Returns sourcehook API version and implementation version.
* @param shvers Filled with the SourceHook API version number.
* @param shimpl Filled with the SourceHook implementation number.
virtual void GetShVersions(int &shvers, int &shimpl) =0;
* @brief Adds a Metamod listener.
* @param plugin Plugin interface pointer.
* @param pListener Listener interface pointer to add.
virtual void AddListener(ISmmPlugin *plugin, IMetamodListener *pListener) =0;
* @brief Queries the metamod factory
* @param iface String containing interface name
* @param ret Optional pointer to store return status
* @param id Optional pointer to store id of plugin that
* overrode interface, 0 if none
* @return Returned pointer
virtual void *MetaFactory(const char *iface, int *ret, PluginId *id) =0;
* @brief Given a base interface name, such as ServerGameDLL or
* ServerGameDLL003, reformats the string to increase the number, then
* returns the new number. This is the base function to InterfaceSearch()
* and VInterfaceMatch().
* @param iface Input/output interface name. Must be writable.
* @param maxlength Maximum length of iface buffer. Must be at least
* strlen(iface)+4 chars.
* @return The newly incremented iface version number.
* @deprecated Use InterfaceSearch() or VInterfaceMatch instead.
virtual int FormatIface(char iface[], unsigned int maxlength) =0;
* @brief Searches for an interface, eliminating the need to loop
* through FormatIface().
* @param fn InterfaceFactory function.
* @param iface Interface string name.
* @param max Maximum version to look up.
* @param ret Last return code from interface factory function.
* @return Interface pointer, or NULL if not found.
virtual void *InterfaceSearch(CreateInterfaceFn fn,
const char *iface,
int max,
int *ret) =0;
* @brief Returns the base directory of the game/server, equivalent to
* IVEngineServer::GetGameDir(), except the path is absolute.
* @return Static pointer to game's absolute basedir.
virtual const char *GetBaseDir() =0;
* @brief Formats a file path to the local OS.
* Does not include any base directories. Note that all slashes and
* black slashes are reverted to the local OS's expectancy.
* @param buffer Destination buffer to store path.
* @param len Maximum length of buffer, including null
* terminator.
* @param fmt Formatted string.
* @param ... Arguments in the string.
* @return Number of bytes written, not including the null
* terminator.
virtual size_t PathFormat(char *buffer, size_t len, const char *fmt, ...) =0;
* @brief Prints text in the specified client's console. Same as
* IVEngineServer::ClientPrintf except that it allows for string
* formatting.
* @param client Client edict pointer.
* @param fmt Formatted string to print to the client.
virtual void ClientConPrintf(edict_t *client, const char *fmt, ...) =0;
* @brief Wrapper around InterfaceSearch(). Assumes no maximum.
* This is designed to replace the fact that searches only went upwards.
* The "V" is intended to convey that this is for Valve formatted
* interface strings.
* @param fn Interface factory function.
* @param iface Interface string.
* @param min Minimum value to search from. If zero, searching
* begins from the first available version regardless
* of the interface. Note that this can return
* interfaces EARLIER than the version specified. A
* value of -1 (default) specifies the string version
* as the minimum. Any other value specifices the
* minimum value to search from.
* @return Interface pointer, or NULL if not found.
virtual void *VInterfaceMatch(CreateInterfaceFn fn,
const char *iface,
int min=-1) =0;
* @brief Tells SourceMM to add VSP hooking capability to plugins.
* Since this potentially uses more resources than it would otherwise,
* plugins have to explicitly enable the feature. Whether requested or
* not, if it is enabled, all plugins will get a pointer to the VSP
* listener through IMetamodListener. This will not be called more than
* once for a given plugin; if it is requested more than once, each
* successive call will only give the pointer to plugins which have not
* yet received it.
virtual void EnableVSPListener() =0;
* @brief Returns the interface version of the GameDLL's IServerGameDLL
* implementation.
* @return Interface version of the loaded IServerGameDLL.
virtual int GetGameDLLVersion() =0;
* @brief Returns the number of user messages in the GameDLL.
* @return Number of user messages, or -1 if SourceMM has
* failed to get user message list.
virtual int GetUserMessageCount() =0;
* @brief Returns the index of the specified user message.
* @param name User message name.
* @param size Optional pointer to store size of user message.
* @return Message index, or -1 on failure.
virtual int FindUserMessage(const char *name, int *size=NULL) =0;
* @brief Returns the name of the specified user message.
* @param index User message index.
* @param size Optional pointer to store size of user message.
* @return Message name, or NULL on failure.
virtual const char *GetUserMessage(int index, int *size=NULL) =0;
* @brief Returns the highest interface version of IServerPluginCallbacks
* that the engine supports. This is useful for games that run on older
* versions of the Source engine, such as The Ship.
* @return Highest interface version of IServerPluginCallbacks.
* Returns 0 if SourceMM's VSP listener isn't
* currently enabled.
* @deprecated Use GetVSPInfo() instead.
virtual int GetVSPVersion() =0;
* @brief Returns the engine interface that MM:S is using as a backend.
* The values will be one of the SOURCE_ENGINE_* constants from the top
* of this file.
* @return A SOURCE_ENGINE_* constant value.
virtual int GetSourceEngineBuild() =0;
* @brief Returns the VSP listener loaded.
* This is useful for late-loading plugins which need to decide whether
* to add a listener or not (or need to get the pointer at all).
* @param pVersion Optional pointer to store the VSP version.
* @return IServerPluginCallbacks pointer, or NULL if an
* IMetamodListener event has yet to occur for
* EnableVSPListener().
virtual IServerPluginCallbacks *GetVSPInfo(int *pVersion) =0;
* @brief Formats a string. This is a platform safe wrapper around
* snprintf/_snprintf.
* @param buffer Buffer to write to.
* @param maxlength Maximum length of the buffer.
* @param format Format specifiers.
* @param ... Format arguments.
* @return Number of bytes actually written, not including
* the null terminator.
virtual size_t Format(char *buffer,
size_t maxlength,
const char *format,
...) =0;
* @brief Formats a string. This is a platform safe wrapper around
* vsnprintf/_vsnprintf.
* @param buffer Buffer to write to.
* @param maxlength Maximum length of the buffer.
* @param format Format specifiers.
* @param ap Format argument list.
* @return Number of bytes actually written, not including the
* null terminator.
virtual size_t FormatArgs(char *buffer,
size_t maxlength,
const char *format,
va_list ap) =0;
using namespace SourceMM;
* Version History
* 1.1.0 Bumped API to 1:0. The breaking changes occurred in SourceHook and the plugin API.
* 1.1.2 Added API call for generating iface names.
* 1.2 Added API more helper functions and new SourceHook version.
* 1.2.2 Added API for printing to client console (with string formatting).
* 1.3 Added new interface search API.
* 1.4 Added VSP listener and user message API.
* 1.5.0 Added API for getting highest supported version of IServerPluginCallbacks.
* 1.6.0 Added API for Orange Box. Broke backwards compatibility.