mirror of https://github.com/alliedmodders/metamod-source.git synced 2025-03-02 23:29:14 +01:00
David Anderson 6cfff6ed91 combining everything into one binary again now that api is separated
branch : sourcemm-1.6.0
rename : sourcemm/oslink.cpp => sourcemm/metamod_oslink.cpp
rename : sourcemm/oslink.h => sourcemm/metamod_oslink.h
extra : convert_revision : svn%3Ac2935e3e-5518-0410-8daf-afa5dab7d4e3/branches/sourcemm-1.6.0%40434
2007-09-28 21:31:02 +00:00

266 lines
7.3 KiB

namespace SourceMM
enum ProvidedHooks
ProvidedHook_LevelInit = 0, /**< IServerGameDLL::LevelInit */
ProvidedHook_LevelShutdown = 1, /**< IServerGameDLL::LevelShutdown */
ProvidedHook_DLLInit = 2, /**< IServerGameDLL::DLLInit */
ProvidedHook_DLLShutdown = 3, /**< IServerGameDLL::DLLShutdown */
ProvidedHook_GameInit = 4, /**< IServerGameDLL::GameInit */
* @brief Abstracts command information, since the new engine fixes the
* re-entrancy problems in the tokenization system.
class IMetamodSourceCommandInfo
* @brief Returns the argument count such that arguments
* 1 to N are valid arguments, and 0 is the command name.
* @return Argument count.
virtual unsigned int GetArgCount() =0;
* @brief Returns the string of an argument number.
* @param num Argument number.
* @return Argument text.
virtual const char *GetArg(unsigned int num) =0;
* @brief Returns the entire command argument string.
* @return Argument string.
virtual const char *GetArgString() =0;
class IMetamodSourceProvider
* @brief Returns whether source engine build is compatible.
* @param build Source engine build.
* @return True if compatible, false otherwise.
virtual bool IsSourceEngineBuildCompatible(int build) =0;
* @brief Retrieves hook information for each callback. Each hook
* must be implemented.
* @param hook Hook information to provide.
* @param pInfo Non-NULL pointer to fill with information
* about the hook's virtual location.
* @return True if supported, false to fail, which
* will cause Metamod:Source to fail.
virtual bool GetHookInfo(ProvidedHooks hook, SourceHook::MemFuncInfo *pInfo) =0;
* @brief Logs a message via IVEngineServer::LogPrint.
* @param buffer Buffer to print.
* @return True on success, false if not supported,
* or IVEngineServer is not yet known.
virtual bool LogMessage(const char *buffer) =0;
* @brief Returns the command line value of a parameter. If ICvar
* is not yet loaded, this uses an equivalent function.
* @param key Parameter to look up.
* @param val Default string to return if none found.
* @return Parameter value.
virtual const char *GetCommandLineValue(const char *key, const char *defval) =0;
* @brief Prints a string to the remote server console.
* Note: new lines are not appended.
* @param msg Message string.
virtual void ConsolePrint(const char *msg) =0;
* @brief Returns whether remote printing is available.
* @return True if remote printing is available,
* otherwise returns false.
virtual bool IsRemotePrintingAvailable() =0;
* @brief Prints text in the specified client's console.
* @param client Client edict pointer.
* @param msg Message string.
virtual void ClientConsolePrint(edict_t *client, const char *msg) =0;
* @brief Returns a server plugin helper for the given interface
* string.
* @param iface Interface version
* @return IServerPluginCallbacks pointer.
virtual IServerPluginCallbacks *GetVSPCallbacks(const char *iface) =0;
* @brief Halts the server with a fatal error message.
* No newline is appended.
* @param fmt Formatted message string.
* @param ... Format parameters.
virtual void DisplayError(const char *fmt, ...) =0;
* @brief Sends the server a warning message.
* No newline is appended.
* @param fmt Formatted message string.
* @param ... Format parameters.
virtual void DisplayWarning(const char *fmt, ...) =0;
* @brief Attempts to notify the provider of the gamedll version being
* used.
* @param iface Interface string.
* @return Version number on success, 0 otherwise.
virtual int TryServerGameDLL(const char *iface) =0;
* @brief Notifies the provider that the DLLInit pre-hook is almost done.
virtual void Notify_DLLInit_Pre(void *gamedll,
CreateInterfaceFn engineFactory,
CreateInterfaceFn serverFactory) =0;
* @brief Wrapper around IVEngineServer::ServerCommand()
* @param cmd Command string.
virtual void ServerCommand(const char *cmd) =0;
* @brief Creates a ConVar pointer.
* @param name ConVar name.
* @param defval Default value string.
* @param flags ConVar flags.
* @param help Help text.
* @return ConVar pointer.
virtual ConVar *CreateConVar(const char *name,
const char *defval,
const char *help,
int flags) =0;
* @brief Returns the string value of a ConVar.
* @param convar ConVar pointer.
* @return String value.
virtual const char *GetConVarString(ConVar *convar) =0;
* @brief Retrieves the game description.
* @return Game description.
virtual const char *GetGameDescription() =0;
* @brief Returns the ConCommandBase accessor.
* @return An IConCommandBaseAccessor pointer.
virtual IConCommandBaseAccessor *GetConCommandBaseAccessor() =0;
* @brief Registers a ConCommandBase.
* @param pCommand ConCommandBase to register.
* @return True if successful, false otherwise.
virtual bool RegisterConCommandBase(ConCommandBase *pCommand) =0;
* @brief Unregisters a ConCommandBase.
* @param pCommand ConCommandBase to unlink.
virtual void UnregisterConCommandBase(ConCommandBase *pCommand) =0;
* @brief Returns whether a ConCommandBase is a command or not.
* @param pCommand ConCommandBase pointer.
* @return True if a command, false otherwise.
virtual bool IsConCommandBaseACommand(ConCommandBase *pCommand) =0;
* @brief Returns the number of user messages in the GameDLL.
* @return Number of user messages, or -1 if SourceMM has
* failed to get user message list.
virtual int GetUserMessageCount() =0;
* @brief Returns the index of the specified user message.
* @param name User message name.
* @param size Optional pointer to store size of user message.
* @return Message index, or -1 on failure.
virtual int FindUserMessage(const char *name, int *size=NULL) =0;
* @brief Returns the name of the specified user message.
* @param index User message index.
* @param size Optional pointer to store size of user message.
* @return Message name, or NULL on failure.
virtual const char *GetUserMessage(int index, int *size=NULL) =0;
extern PluginId g_PLID;
extern SourceHook::ISourceHook *g_SHPtr;
extern SourceMM::IMetamodSourceProvider *provider;