#ifndef KERNEL_MODULE #include <stdio.h> // fprintf, stderr #include <stdlib.h> // exit #include <memory.h> // memset, memcpy #include <inttypes.h> // uint32_t #include <syslog.h> // syslog #include <sys/mman.h> // mmap, munmap, PROT_READ, PROT_WRITE #endif #include "config.h" #include "dma.h" #include "spi.h" #include "gpu.h" #include "util.h" #include "mailbox.h" #ifdef USE_DMA_TRANSFERS #define BCM2835_PERI_BASE 0x3F000000 SharedMemory *dmaSourceMemory = 0; volatile DMAChannelRegisterFile *dma0 = 0; volatile DMAChannelRegisterFile *dmaTx = 0; volatile DMAChannelRegisterFile *dmaRx = 0; int dmaTxChannel = -1; int dmaTxIrq = 0; int dmaRxChannel = -1; int dmaRxIrq = 0; #define PAGE_SIZE 4096 struct GpuMemory { uint32_t allocationHandle; void *virtualAddr; uintptr_t busAddress; uint32_t sizeBytes; }; #define NUM_DMA_CBS 1024 GpuMemory dmaCb, dmaSourceBuffer, dmaConstantData; volatile DMAControlBlock *dmaSendTail = 0; volatile DMAControlBlock *dmaRecvTail = 0; volatile DMAControlBlock *firstFreeCB = 0; volatile uint8_t *dmaSourceEnd = 0; volatile DMAControlBlock *GrabFreeCBs(int num) { volatile DMAControlBlock *firstCB = (volatile DMAControlBlock *)dmaCb.virtualAddr; volatile DMAControlBlock *endCB = firstCB + NUM_DMA_CBS; if ((uintptr_t)(firstFreeCB + num) >= (uintptr_t)dmaCb.virtualAddr + dmaCb.sizeBytes) { WaitForDMAFinished(); firstFreeCB = firstCB; } volatile DMAControlBlock *ret = firstFreeCB; firstFreeCB += num; return ret; } volatile uint8_t *GrabFreeDMASourceBytes(int bytes) { if ((uintptr_t)dmaSourceEnd + bytes >= (uintptr_t)dmaSourceBuffer.virtualAddr + dmaSourceBuffer.sizeBytes) { WaitForDMAFinished(); dmaSourceEnd = (volatile uint8_t *)dmaSourceBuffer.virtualAddr; } volatile uint8_t *ret = dmaSourceEnd; dmaSourceEnd += bytes; return ret; } static int AllocateDMAChannel(int *dmaChannel, int *irq) { // Snooping DMA, channels 3, 5 and 6 seen active. // TODO: Actually reserve the DMA channel to the system using bcm_dma_chan_alloc() and bcm_dma_chan_free()?... // Right now, use channels 1 and 4 which seem to be free. // Note: The send channel could be a lite channel, but receive channel cannot, since receiving uses the IGNORE flag // that lite DMA engines don't have. #ifdef FREEPLAYTECH_WAVESHARE32B // On FreePlayTech Zero, DMA channel 4 seen to be taken by SD HOST (peripheral mapping 13). int freeChannels[] = { 5, 1 }; #else int freeChannels[] = { 7, 1 }; #endif #if defined(DMA_TX_CHANNEL) freeChannels[0] = DMA_TX_CHANNEL; #endif #if defined(DMA_RX_CHANNEL) freeChannels[1] = DMA_RX_CHANNEL; #endif if (freeChannels[0] == freeChannels[1]) FATAL_ERROR("DMA TX and RX channels cannot be the same channel!"); static int nextFreeChannel = 0; if (nextFreeChannel >= sizeof(freeChannels) / sizeof(freeChannels[0])) FATAL_ERROR("No free DMA channels"); *dmaChannel = freeChannels[nextFreeChannel++]; LOG("Allocated DMA channel %d", *dmaChannel); *irq = 0; return 0; } void FreeDMAChannel(int channel) { volatile DMAChannelRegisterFile *dma = GetDMAChannel(channel); dma->cb.ti = 0; // Clear the SPI TX & RX permaps for this DMA channel so that we don't think some other program is using these for SPI } // Message IDs for different mailbox GPU memory allocation messages #define MEM_ALLOC_MESSAGE 0x3000c // This message is 3 u32s: numBytes, alignment and flags #define MEM_FREE_MESSAGE 0x3000f // This message is 1 u32: handle #define MEM_LOCK_MESSAGE 0x3000d // 1 u32: handle #define MEM_UNLOCK_MESSAGE 0x3000e // 1 u32: handle // Memory allocation flags #define MEM_ALLOC_FLAG_DIRECT (1 << 2) // Allocate uncached memory that bypasses L1 and L2 cache on loads and stores #define MEM_ALLOC_FLAG_COHERENT (1 << 3) // Non-allocating in L2 but coherent #define BUS_TO_PHYS(x) ((x) & ~0xC0000000) #define PHYS_TO_BUS(x) ((x) | 0xC0000000) #define VIRT_TO_BUS(block, x) ((uintptr_t)(x) - (uintptr_t)((block).virtualAddr) + (block).busAddress) uint64_t totalGpuMemoryUsed = 0; // Allocates the given number of bytes in GPU side memory, and returns the virtual address and physical bus address of the allocated memory block. // The virtual address holds an uncached view to the allocated memory, so writes and reads to that memory address bypass the L1 and L2 caches. Use // this kind of memory to pass data blocks over to the DMA controller to process. GpuMemory AllocateUncachedGpuMemory(uint32_t numBytes, const char *reason) { GpuMemory mem; mem.sizeBytes = ALIGN_UP(numBytes, PAGE_SIZE); uint32_t allocationFlags = MEM_ALLOC_FLAG_DIRECT | MEM_ALLOC_FLAG_COHERENT; mem.allocationHandle = Mailbox(MEM_ALLOC_MESSAGE, /*size=*/mem.sizeBytes, /*alignment=*/PAGE_SIZE, /*flags=*/allocationFlags); if (!mem.allocationHandle) FATAL_ERROR("Failed to allocate GPU memory! Try increasing gpu_mem allocation in /boot/config.txt. See https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/configuration/config-txt/memory.md"); mem.busAddress = Mailbox(MEM_LOCK_MESSAGE, mem.allocationHandle); if (!mem.busAddress) FATAL_ERROR("Failed to lock GPU memory!"); mem.virtualAddr = mmap(0, mem.sizeBytes, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, mem_fd, BUS_TO_PHYS(mem.busAddress)); if (mem.virtualAddr == MAP_FAILED) FATAL_ERROR("Failed to mmap GPU memory!"); totalGpuMemoryUsed += mem.sizeBytes; // printf("Allocated %u bytes of GPU memory for %s (bus address=%p). Total GPU memory used: %llu bytes\n", mem.sizeBytes, reason, (void*)mem.busAddress, totalGpuMemoryUsed); return mem; } void FreeUncachedGpuMemory(GpuMemory mem) { totalGpuMemoryUsed -= mem.sizeBytes; munmap(mem.virtualAddr, mem.sizeBytes); Mailbox(MEM_UNLOCK_MESSAGE, mem.allocationHandle); Mailbox(MEM_FREE_MESSAGE, mem.allocationHandle); } volatile DMAChannelRegisterFile *GetDMAChannel(int channelNumber) { if (channelNumber < 0 || channelNumber >= BCM2835_NUM_DMA_CHANNELS) { printf("Invalid DMA channel %d specified!\n", channelNumber); FATAL_ERROR("Invalid DMA channel specified!"); } return dma0 + channelNumber; } void DumpDMAPeripheralMap() { for(int i = 0; i < BCM2835_NUM_DMA_CHANNELS; ++i) { volatile DMAChannelRegisterFile *channel = GetDMAChannel(i); printf("DMA channel %d has peripheral map %d (is lite channel: %d, currently active: %d, current control block: %p)\n", i, (channel->cb.ti & BCM2835_DMA_TI_PERMAP_MASK) >> BCM2835_DMA_TI_PERMAP_SHIFT, (channel->cb.debug & BCM2835_DMA_DEBUG_LITE) ? 1 : 0, (channel->cs & BCM2835_DMA_CS_ACTIVE) ? 1 : 0, channel->cbAddr); } } // Verifies that no other program has stomped on the DMA channel that we are using. void CheckDMAChannelNotStolen(int channelNumber, int expectedPeripheralMap) { volatile DMAChannelRegisterFile *channel = GetDMAChannel(channelNumber); uint32_t peripheralMap = ((channel->cb.ti & BCM2835_DMA_TI_PERMAP_MASK) >> BCM2835_DMA_TI_PERMAP_SHIFT); if (peripheralMap != expectedPeripheralMap && peripheralMap != 0) { DumpDMAPeripheralMap(); printf("DMA channel collision! DMA channel %d was expected to be assigned to our peripheral %d, but something else has assigned it to peripheral %d!\n", channelNumber, expectedPeripheralMap, peripheralMap); FATAL_ERROR("System is likely unstable now, rebooting is advised."); } uint32_t cbAddr = channel->cbAddr; if (cbAddr && (cbAddr < dmaCb.busAddress || cbAddr >= dmaCb.busAddress + dmaCb.sizeBytes)) { DumpDMAPeripheralMap(); printf("DMA channel collision! Some other program has submitted a DMA task to our DMA channel %d! (DMA task at unknown control block address %p)\n", channelNumber, cbAddr); FATAL_ERROR("System is likely unstable now, rebooting is advised."); } } void CheckSPIDMAChannelsNotStolen() { CheckDMAChannelNotStolen(dmaTxChannel, BCM2835_DMA_TI_PERMAP_SPI_TX); CheckDMAChannelNotStolen(dmaRxChannel, BCM2835_DMA_TI_PERMAP_SPI_RX); } void ResetDMAChannels() { dmaTx->cs = BCM2835_DMA_CS_RESET; dmaTx->cb.debug = BCM2835_DMA_DEBUG_DMA_READ_ERROR | BCM2835_DMA_DEBUG_DMA_FIFO_ERROR | BCM2835_DMA_DEBUG_READ_LAST_NOT_SET_ERROR; dmaRx->cs = BCM2835_DMA_CS_RESET; dmaRx->cb.debug = BCM2835_DMA_DEBUG_DMA_READ_ERROR | BCM2835_DMA_DEBUG_DMA_FIFO_ERROR | BCM2835_DMA_DEBUG_READ_LAST_NOT_SET_ERROR; } int InitDMA() { #if defined(KERNEL_MODULE) dma0 = (volatile DMAChannelRegisterFile*)ioremap(BCM2835_PERI_BASE+BCM2835_DMA0_OFFSET, BCM2835_NUM_DMA_CHANNELS*0x100); #else dma0 = (volatile DMAChannelRegisterFile*)((uintptr_t)bcm2835 + BCM2835_DMA0_OFFSET); #endif #ifdef KERNEL_MODULE_CLIENT dmaTxChannel = spiTaskMemory->dmaTxChannel; dmaRxChannel = spiTaskMemory->dmaRxChannel; #else int ret = AllocateDMAChannel(&dmaTxChannel, &dmaTxIrq); if (ret != 0) FATAL_ERROR("Unable to allocate TX DMA channel!"); ret = AllocateDMAChannel(&dmaRxChannel, &dmaRxIrq); if (ret != 0) FATAL_ERROR("Unable to allocate RX DMA channel!"); printf("Enabling DMA channels Tx:%d and Rx:%d\n", dmaTxChannel, dmaRxChannel); volatile uint32_t *dmaEnableRegister = (volatile uint32_t *)((uintptr_t)dma0 + BCM2835_DMAENABLE_REGISTER_OFFSET); // Enable the allocated DMA channels *dmaEnableRegister |= (1 << dmaTxChannel); *dmaEnableRegister |= (1 << dmaRxChannel); #endif #if !defined(KERNEL_MODULE) dmaCb = AllocateUncachedGpuMemory(sizeof(DMAControlBlock) * NUM_DMA_CBS, "DMA control blocks"); memset(dmaCb.virtualAddr, 0, dmaCb.sizeBytes); // Some fields of the CBs (debug, reserved) are initialized to zero and assumed to stay so throughout app lifetime. firstFreeCB = (volatile DMAControlBlock *)dmaCb.virtualAddr; dmaSourceBuffer = AllocateUncachedGpuMemory(SHARED_MEMORY_SIZE*2, "DMA source data"); dmaSourceEnd = (volatile uint8_t *)dmaSourceBuffer.virtualAddr; dmaConstantData = AllocateUncachedGpuMemory(2*sizeof(uint32_t), "DMA constant data"); uint32_t *constantData = (uint32_t *)dmaConstantData.virtualAddr; constantData[0] = BCM2835_SPI0_CS_DMAEN; // constantData[0] is for disableTransferActive task constantData[1] = BCM2835_DMA_CS_ACTIVE | BCM2835_DMA_CS_END; // constantData[1] is for startDMATxChannel task #endif LOG("DMA hardware register file is at ptr: %p, using DMA TX channel: %d and DMA RX channel: %d", dma0, dmaTxChannel, dmaRxChannel); if (!dma0) FATAL_ERROR("Failed to map DMA!"); dmaTx = GetDMAChannel(dmaTxChannel); dmaRx = GetDMAChannel(dmaRxChannel); LOG("DMA hardware TX channel register file is at ptr: %p, DMA RX channel register file is at ptr: %p", dmaTx, dmaRx); int dmaTxPeripheralMap = (dmaTx->cb.ti & BCM2835_DMA_TI_PERMAP_MASK) >> BCM2835_DMA_TI_PERMAP_SHIFT; if (dmaTxPeripheralMap != 0 && dmaTxPeripheralMap != BCM2835_DMA_TI_PERMAP_SPI_TX) { DumpDMAPeripheralMap(); LOG("DMA TX channel %d was assigned another peripheral map %d!", dmaTxChannel, dmaTxPeripheralMap); FATAL_ERROR("DMA TX channel was assigned another peripheral map!"); } if (dmaTx->cbAddr != 0 && (dmaTx->cs & BCM2835_DMA_CS_ACTIVE)) FATAL_ERROR("DMA TX channel was in use!"); int dmaRxPeripheralMap = (dmaRx->cb.ti & BCM2835_DMA_TI_PERMAP_MASK) >> BCM2835_DMA_TI_PERMAP_SHIFT; if (dmaRxPeripheralMap != 0 && dmaRxPeripheralMap != BCM2835_DMA_TI_PERMAP_SPI_RX) { LOG("DMA RX channel %d was assigned another peripheral map %d!", dmaRxChannel, dmaRxPeripheralMap); DumpDMAPeripheralMap(); FATAL_ERROR("DMA RX channel was assigned another peripheral map!"); } if (dmaRx->cbAddr != 0 && (dmaRx->cs & BCM2835_DMA_CS_ACTIVE)) FATAL_ERROR("DMA RX channel was in use!"); if ((dmaRx->cb.debug & BCM2835_DMA_DEBUG_LITE) != 0) FATAL_ERROR("DMA RX channel cannot be a lite channel, because to get best performance we want to use BCM2835_DMA_TI_DEST_IGNORE DMA operation mode that lite DMA channels do not have. (Try using DMA RX channel value < 7)"); LOG("Resetting DMA channels for use"); ResetDMAChannels(); // TODO: Set up IRQ LOG("DMA all set up"); return 0; } // Debugging functions to introspect SPI and DMA hardware registers: void DumpCS(uint32_t reg) { PRINT_FLAG(BCM2835_DMA_CS_RESET); PRINT_FLAG(BCM2835_DMA_CS_ABORT); PRINT_FLAG(BCM2835_DMA_CS_DISDEBUG); PRINT_FLAG(BCM2835_DMA_CS_WAIT_FOR_OUTSTANDING_WRITES); PRINT_FLAG(BCM2835_DMA_CS_PANIC_PRIORITY); PRINT_FLAG(BCM2835_DMA_CS_PRIORITY); PRINT_FLAG(BCM2835_DMA_CS_ERROR); PRINT_FLAG(BCM2835_DMA_CS_WAITING_FOR_OUTSTANDING_WRITES); PRINT_FLAG(BCM2835_DMA_CS_DREQ_STOPS_DMA); PRINT_FLAG(BCM2835_DMA_CS_PAUSED); PRINT_FLAG(BCM2835_DMA_CS_DREQ); PRINT_FLAG(BCM2835_DMA_CS_INT); PRINT_FLAG(BCM2835_DMA_CS_END); PRINT_FLAG(BCM2835_DMA_CS_ACTIVE); } void DumpDebug(uint32_t reg) { PRINT_FLAG(BCM2835_DMA_DEBUG_LITE); PRINT_FLAG(BCM2835_DMA_DEBUG_VERSION); PRINT_FLAG(BCM2835_DMA_DEBUG_DMA_STATE); PRINT_FLAG(BCM2835_DMA_DEBUG_DMA_ID); PRINT_FLAG(BCM2835_DMA_DEBUG_DMA_OUTSTANDING_WRITES); PRINT_FLAG(BCM2835_DMA_DEBUG_DMA_READ_ERROR); PRINT_FLAG(BCM2835_DMA_DEBUG_DMA_FIFO_ERROR); PRINT_FLAG(BCM2835_DMA_DEBUG_READ_LAST_NOT_SET_ERROR); } void DumpTI(uint32_t reg) { PRINT_FLAG(BCM2835_DMA_TI_NO_WIDE_BURSTS); PRINT_FLAG(BCM2835_DMA_TI_WAITS); #define BCM2835_DMA_TI_PERMAP_MASK_SHIFT 16 PRINT_FLAG(BCM2835_DMA_TI_PERMAP_MASK); // PRINT_FLAG(BCM2835_DMA_TI_BURST_LENGTH); PRINT_FLAG(BCM2835_DMA_TI_SRC_IGNORE); PRINT_FLAG(BCM2835_DMA_TI_SRC_DREQ); PRINT_FLAG(BCM2835_DMA_TI_SRC_WIDTH); PRINT_FLAG(BCM2835_DMA_TI_SRC_INC); PRINT_FLAG(BCM2835_DMA_TI_DEST_IGNORE); PRINT_FLAG(BCM2835_DMA_TI_DEST_DREQ); PRINT_FLAG(BCM2835_DMA_TI_DEST_WIDTH); PRINT_FLAG(BCM2835_DMA_TI_DEST_INC); PRINT_FLAG(BCM2835_DMA_TI_WAIT_RESP); PRINT_FLAG(BCM2835_DMA_TI_TDMODE); PRINT_FLAG(BCM2835_DMA_TI_INTEN); } #define DMA_DMA0_CB_PHYS_ADDRESS 0x7E007000 #define DMA_SPI_CS_PHYS_ADDRESS 0x7E204000 #define DMA_SPI_FIFO_PHYS_ADDRESS 0x7E204004 #define DMA_SPI_DLEN_PHYS_ADDRESS 0x7E20400C #define DMA_GPIO_SET_PHYS_ADDRESS 0x7E20001C #define DMA_GPIO_CLEAR_PHYS_ADDRESS 0x7E200028 void DumpDMAState() { printf("---SPI:---\n"); DumpSPICS(spi->cs); printf("---DMATX CS:---\n"); DumpCS(dmaTx->cs); printf("---DMATX TI:---\n"); DumpTI(dmaTx->cb.ti); printf("---DMATX DEBUG:---\n"); DumpDebug(dmaTx->cb.debug); printf("****** DMATX cbAddr: %p\n", dmaTx->cbAddr); printf("---DMARX CS:---\n"); DumpCS(dmaRx->cs); printf("---DMARX TI:---\n"); DumpTI(dmaRx->cb.ti); printf("---DMARX DEBUG:---\n"); DumpDebug(dmaRx->cb.debug); printf("****** DMARX cbAddr: %p\n", dmaRx->cbAddr); } extern volatile bool programRunning; void WaitForDMAFinished() { int spins = 0; uint64_t t0 = tick(); while((dmaTx->cs & BCM2835_DMA_CS_ACTIVE) && programRunning) { usleep(100); if (tick() - t0 > 2000000) { printf("TX stalled\n"); DumpDMAState(); exit(1); } } spins = 0; t0 = tick(); while((dmaRx->cs & BCM2835_DMA_CS_ACTIVE) && programRunning) { usleep(100); if (tick() - t0 > 2000000) { printf("RX stalled\n"); DumpDMAState(); exit(1); } } dmaSendTail = 0; dmaRecvTail = 0; } #ifdef ALL_TASKS_SHOULD_DMA // This function does a memcpy from one source buffer to two destination buffers simultaneously. // It saves a lot of time on ARMv6 by avoiding to have to do two separate memory copies, because the ARMv6 L1 cache is so tiny (4K) that it cannot fit a whole framebuffer // in memory at a time. Streaming through it only once instead of twice helps memory bandwidth immensely, this is profiled to be ~4x faster than a pair of memcpys or a simple CPU loop. // In addition, this does a little endian->big endian conversion when copying data out to dstDma. static void memcpy_to_dma_and_prev_framebuffer(uint16_t *dstDma, uint16_t **dstPrevFramebuffer, uint16_t **srcFramebuffer, int numBytes, int *taskStartX, int width, int stride) { int strideEnd = stride - width*2; int xLeft = width-*taskStartX; uint16_t *Src = *srcFramebuffer; uint16_t *Dst1 = *dstPrevFramebuffer; // TODO: Do the loops in aligned order with unaligned head and tail separate, and ensure that dstDma, dstPrevFramebuffer and srcFramebuffer are in same alignment phase. asm volatile( "start_%=:\n" "ldrd r0, r1, [%[srcFramebuffer]], #8\n" "pld [%[srcFramebuffer], #248]\n" "strd r0, r1, [%[dstPrevFramebuffer]], #8\n" "rev16 r0, r0\n" "rev16 r1, r1\n" "strd r0, r1, [%[dstDma]], #8\n" "ldrd r0, r1, [%[srcFramebuffer]], #8\n" "strd r0, r1, [%[dstPrevFramebuffer]], #8\n" "rev16 r0, r0\n" "rev16 r1, r1\n" "strd r0, r1, [%[dstDma]], #8\n" "ldrd r0, r1, [%[srcFramebuffer]], #8\n" "strd r0, r1, [%[dstPrevFramebuffer]], #8\n" "rev16 r0, r0\n" "rev16 r1, r1\n" "strd r0, r1, [%[dstDma]], #8\n" "ldrd r0, r1, [%[srcFramebuffer]], #8\n" "strd r0, r1, [%[dstPrevFramebuffer]], #8\n" "rev16 r0, r0\n" "rev16 r1, r1\n" "strd r0, r1, [%[dstDma]], #8\n" "subs %[xLeft], %[xLeft], #16\n" "addls %[xLeft], %[xLeft], %[width]\n" "addls %[dstPrevFramebuffer], %[dstPrevFramebuffer], %[strideEnd]\n" "addls %[srcFramebuffer], %[srcFramebuffer], %[strideEnd]\n" "subs %[numBytes], %[numBytes], #32\n" "bhi start_%=\n" : [dstDma]"+r"(dstDma), [dstPrevFramebuffer]"+r"(Dst1), [srcFramebuffer]"+r"(Src), [xLeft]"+r"(xLeft), [numBytes]"+r"(numBytes) : [strideEnd]"r"(strideEnd), [width]"r"(width) : "r0", "r1", "memory", "cc" ); *taskStartX = width - xLeft; *srcFramebuffer = Src; *dstPrevFramebuffer = Dst1; } static void memcpy_to_dma_and_prev_framebuffer_in_c(uint16_t *dstDma, uint16_t **dstPrevFramebuffer, uint16_t **srcFramebuffer, int numBytes, int *taskStartX, int width, int stride) { static bool performanceWarningPrinted = false; if (!performanceWarningPrinted) { printf("Performance warning: using slow memcpy_to_dma_and_prev_framebuffer_in_c() function. Check conditions in display.h that enable OFFLOAD_PIXEL_COPY_TO_DMA_CPP and configure to use that instead.\n"); performanceWarningPrinted = true; } int numPixels = numBytes>>1; int endStridePixels = (stride>>1) - width; uint16_t *prevData = *dstPrevFramebuffer; uint16_t *data = *srcFramebuffer; for(int i = 0; i < numPixels; ++i) { *prevData++ = *data; dstDma[i] = __builtin_bswap16(*data++); if (++*taskStartX >= width) { *taskStartX = 0; data += endStridePixels; prevData += endStridePixels; } } *srcFramebuffer = data; *dstPrevFramebuffer = prevData; } #if defined(ALL_TASKS_SHOULD_DMA) && defined(SPI_3WIRE_PROTOCOL) // Bug: there is something about the chained DMA transfer mechanism that makes write window coordinate set commands not go through properly // on 3-wire displays, but do not yet know what. (Remove this #error statement to debug) #error ALL_TASKS_SHOULD_DMA and SPI_3WIRE_PROTOCOL are currently not mutually compatible! #endif #if defined(OFFLOAD_PIXEL_COPY_TO_DMA_CPP) && defined(SPI_3WIRE_PROTOCOL) // We would have to convert 8-bit tasks to 9-bit tasks immediately after offloaded memcpy has been done below to implement this. #error OFFLOAD_PIXEL_COPY_TO_DMA_CPP and SPI_3WIRE_PROTOCOL are not mutually compatible! #endif void SPIDMATransfer(SPITask *task) { // There is a limit to how many bytes can be sent in one DMA-based SPI task, so if the task // is larger than this, we'll split the send into multiple individual DMA SPI transfers // and chain them together. This should be a multiple of 32 bytes to keep tasks cache aligned on ARMv6. #define MAX_DMA_SPI_TASK_SIZE 65504 const int numDMASendTasks = (task->PayloadSize() + MAX_DMA_SPI_TASK_SIZE - 1) / MAX_DMA_SPI_TASK_SIZE; volatile uint32_t *dmaData = (volatile uint32_t *)GrabFreeDMASourceBytes(4*(numDMASendTasks-1)+4*numDMASendTasks+task->PayloadSize()); volatile uint32_t *setDMATxAddressData = dmaData; volatile uint32_t *txData = dmaData+numDMASendTasks-1; volatile DMAControlBlock *cb = GrabFreeCBs(numDMASendTasks*5-3); volatile DMAControlBlock *rxTail = 0; volatile DMAControlBlock *tx0 = &cb[0]; volatile DMAControlBlock *rx0 = &cb[1]; #ifdef OFFLOAD_PIXEL_COPY_TO_DMA_CPP uint8_t *data = task->fb; uint8_t *prevData = task->prevFb; const bool taskAndFramebufferSizesCompatibleWithTightMemcpy = (task->PayloadSize() % 32 == 0) && (task->width % 16 == 0); #else uint8_t *data = task->PayloadStart(); #endif int bytesLeft = task->PayloadSize(); int taskStartX = 0; while(bytesLeft > 0) { int sendSize = MIN(bytesLeft, MAX_DMA_SPI_TASK_SIZE); bytesLeft -= sendSize; volatile DMAControlBlock *tx = cb++; txData[0] = BCM2835_SPI0_CS_TA | DISPLAY_SPI_DRIVE_SETTINGS | (sendSize << 16); // The first four bytes written to the SPI data register control the DLEN and CS,CPOL,CPHA settings. // This is really sad: we must do a memcpy to prepare for DMA controller to be able to do a memcpy. The reason for this is that the DMA source memory area must be in cache bypassing // region of memory, which the SPI source ring buffer is not. It could be allocated to be so however, but bypassing the caches on the SPI ring buffer would cause a massive -51.5% // profiled overall performance drop (tested on Pi3B+ and Tontec 3.5" 480x320 display on gpu test pattern, see branch non_intermediate_memcpy_for_dma). Therefore just keep doing // this memcpy() to prepare for DMA to do its memcpy(), as it is faster overall. (If there was a way to map same physical memory to virtual address space twice, once cached, and // another time uncached, and have writes bypass the cache and only write combine, but have reads follow the cache, then it might work without a perf hit, but not at all sure if // that would be technically possible) uint16_t *txPtr = (uint16_t*)(txData+1); // If task->prevFb is present, the DMA backend is responsible for streaming pixel data from current framebuffer to old framebuffer, and the DMA task buffer. // If not present, then that preparation has been already done by the caller. #ifdef OFFLOAD_PIXEL_COPY_TO_DMA_CPP if (prevData) { // For 2D pixel data, do a "everything in one pass" if (taskAndFramebufferSizesCompatibleWithTightMemcpy) memcpy_to_dma_and_prev_framebuffer((uint16_t*)txPtr, (uint16_t**)&prevData, (uint16_t**)&data, sendSize, &taskStartX, task->width, gpuFramebufferScanlineStrideBytes); else memcpy_to_dma_and_prev_framebuffer_in_c((uint16_t*)txPtr, (uint16_t**)&prevData, (uint16_t**)&data, sendSize, &taskStartX, task->width, gpuFramebufferScanlineStrideBytes); } else #endif { memcpy(txPtr, data, sendSize); data += sendSize; } tx->ti = BCM2835_DMA_TI_PERMAP(BCM2835_DMA_TI_PERMAP_SPI_TX) | BCM2835_DMA_TI_DEST_DREQ | BCM2835_DMA_TI_SRC_INC | BCM2835_DMA_TI_WAIT_RESP; tx->src = VIRT_TO_BUS(dmaSourceBuffer, txData); tx->dst = DMA_SPI_FIFO_PHYS_ADDRESS; // Write out to the SPI peripheral tx->len = 4+sendSize; tx->next = 0; txData += 1+sendSize/4; volatile DMAControlBlock *rx = cb++; rx->ti = BCM2835_DMA_TI_PERMAP(BCM2835_DMA_TI_PERMAP_SPI_RX) | BCM2835_DMA_TI_SRC_DREQ | BCM2835_DMA_TI_DEST_IGNORE; rx->src = DMA_SPI_FIFO_PHYS_ADDRESS; rx->dst = 0; rx->len = sendSize; rx->next = 0; if (rxTail) { volatile DMAControlBlock *setDMATxAddress = cb++; volatile DMAControlBlock *disableTransferActive = cb++; volatile DMAControlBlock *startDMATxChannel = cb++; rxTail->next = VIRT_TO_BUS(dmaCb, setDMATxAddress); setDMATxAddressData[0] = VIRT_TO_BUS(dmaCb, tx); setDMATxAddress->ti = BCM2835_DMA_TI_SRC_INC | BCM2835_DMA_TI_DEST_INC | BCM2835_DMA_TI_WAIT_RESP; setDMATxAddress->src = VIRT_TO_BUS(dmaSourceBuffer, setDMATxAddressData); setDMATxAddress->dst = DMA_DMA0_CB_PHYS_ADDRESS + dmaTxChannel*0x100 + 4; setDMATxAddress->len = 4; setDMATxAddress->next = VIRT_TO_BUS(dmaCb, disableTransferActive); ++setDMATxAddressData; disableTransferActive->ti = BCM2835_DMA_TI_SRC_INC | BCM2835_DMA_TI_DEST_INC | BCM2835_DMA_TI_WAIT_RESP; disableTransferActive->src = dmaConstantData.busAddress; disableTransferActive->dst = DMA_SPI_CS_PHYS_ADDRESS; disableTransferActive->len = 4; disableTransferActive->next = VIRT_TO_BUS(dmaCb, startDMATxChannel); startDMATxChannel->ti = BCM2835_DMA_TI_SRC_INC | BCM2835_DMA_TI_DEST_INC | BCM2835_DMA_TI_WAIT_RESP; startDMATxChannel->src = dmaConstantData.busAddress+4; startDMATxChannel->dst = DMA_DMA0_CB_PHYS_ADDRESS + dmaTxChannel*0x100; startDMATxChannel->len = 4; startDMATxChannel->next = VIRT_TO_BUS(dmaCb, rx); } rxTail = rx; } static uint64_t taskStartTime = 0; static int pendingTaskBytes = 1; double pendingTaskUSecs = pendingTaskBytes * spiUsecsPerByte; pendingTaskUSecs -= tick() - taskStartTime; if (pendingTaskUSecs > 70) usleep(pendingTaskUSecs-70); uint64_t dmaTaskStart = tick(); CheckSPIDMAChannelsNotStolen(); while((dmaTx->cs & BCM2835_DMA_CS_ACTIVE) && programRunning) { usleep(250); CheckSPIDMAChannelsNotStolen(); if (tick() - dmaTaskStart > 5000000) { DumpDMAState(); FATAL_ERROR("DMA TX channel has stalled!"); } } while((dmaRx->cs & BCM2835_DMA_CS_ACTIVE) && programRunning) { usleep(250); CheckSPIDMAChannelsNotStolen(); if (tick() - dmaTaskStart > 5000000) { DumpDMAState(); FATAL_ERROR("DMA RX channel has stalled!"); } } if (!programRunning) return; pendingTaskBytes = task->PayloadSize(); // First send the SPI command byte in Polled SPI mode spi->cs = BCM2835_SPI0_CS_TA | BCM2835_SPI0_CS_CLEAR | DISPLAY_SPI_DRIVE_SETTINGS; #ifndef SPI_3WIRE_PROTOCOL CLEAR_GPIO(GPIO_TFT_DATA_CONTROL); #ifdef DISPLAY_SPI_BUS_IS_16BITS_WIDE spi->fifo = 0; spi->fifo = task->cmd; while(!(spi->cs & (BCM2835_SPI0_CS_DONE))) /*nop*/; // spi->fifo; // Currently no need to flush these, the clear below clears the rx queue. // spi->fifo; #else spi->fifo = task->cmd; while(!(spi->cs & (BCM2835_SPI0_CS_RXD|BCM2835_SPI0_CS_DONE))) /*nop*/; // spi->fifo; // Currently no need to flush this, the clear below clears the rx queue. #endif SET_GPIO(GPIO_TFT_DATA_CONTROL); #endif spi->cs = BCM2835_SPI0_CS_DMAEN | BCM2835_SPI0_CS_CLEAR | DISPLAY_SPI_DRIVE_SETTINGS; dmaTx->cbAddr = VIRT_TO_BUS(dmaCb, tx0); dmaRx->cbAddr = VIRT_TO_BUS(dmaCb, rx0); __sync_synchronize(); dmaTx->cs = BCM2835_DMA_CS_ACTIVE | BCM2835_DMA_CS_END; dmaRx->cs = BCM2835_DMA_CS_ACTIVE | BCM2835_DMA_CS_END; taskStartTime = tick(); } #else void SPIDMATransfer(SPITask *task) { // Transition the SPI peripheral to enable the use of DMA spi->cs = BCM2835_SPI0_CS_DMAEN | BCM2835_SPI0_CS_CLEAR | DISPLAY_SPI_DRIVE_SETTINGS; uint32_t *headerAddr = task->DmaSpiHeaderAddress(); *headerAddr = BCM2835_SPI0_CS_TA | DISPLAY_SPI_DRIVE_SETTINGS | (task->PayloadSize() << 16); // The first four bytes written to the SPI data register control the DLEN and CS,CPOL,CPHA settings. // TODO: Ideally we would be able to directly perform the DMA from the SPI ring buffer from 'task' pointer. However // that pointer is shared to userland, and it is proving troublesome to make it both userland-writable as well as cache-bypassing DMA coherent. // Therefore these two memory areas are separate for now, and we memcpy() from SPI ring buffer to an intermediate 'dmaSourceMemory' memory area to perform // the DMA transfer. Is there a way to avoid this intermediate buffer? That would improve performance a bit. memcpy(dmaSourceBuffer.virtualAddr, headerAddr, task->PayloadSize() + 4); volatile DMAControlBlock *cb = (volatile DMAControlBlock *)dmaCb.virtualAddr; volatile DMAControlBlock *txcb = &cb[0]; txcb->ti = BCM2835_DMA_TI_PERMAP(BCM2835_DMA_TI_PERMAP_SPI_TX) | BCM2835_DMA_TI_DEST_DREQ | BCM2835_DMA_TI_SRC_INC | BCM2835_DMA_TI_WAIT_RESP; txcb->src = dmaSourceBuffer.busAddress; txcb->dst = DMA_SPI_FIFO_PHYS_ADDRESS; // Write out to the SPI peripheral txcb->len = task->PayloadSize() + 4; txcb->stride = 0; txcb->next = 0; txcb->debug = 0; txcb->reserved = 0; dmaTx->cbAddr = dmaCb.busAddress; volatile DMAControlBlock *rxcb = &cb[1]; rxcb->ti = BCM2835_DMA_TI_PERMAP(BCM2835_DMA_TI_PERMAP_SPI_RX) | BCM2835_DMA_TI_SRC_DREQ | BCM2835_DMA_TI_DEST_IGNORE; rxcb->src = DMA_SPI_FIFO_PHYS_ADDRESS; rxcb->dst = 0; rxcb->len = task->PayloadSize(); rxcb->stride = 0; rxcb->next = 0; rxcb->debug = 0; rxcb->reserved = 0; dmaRx->cbAddr = dmaCb.busAddress + sizeof(DMAControlBlock); __sync_synchronize(); dmaTx->cs = BCM2835_DMA_CS_ACTIVE; dmaRx->cs = BCM2835_DMA_CS_ACTIVE; __sync_synchronize(); double pendingTaskUSecs = task->PayloadSize() * spiUsecsPerByte; if (pendingTaskUSecs > 70) usleep(pendingTaskUSecs-70); uint64_t dmaTaskStart = tick(); CheckSPIDMAChannelsNotStolen(); while((dmaTx->cs & BCM2835_DMA_CS_ACTIVE)) { CheckSPIDMAChannelsNotStolen(); if (tick() - dmaTaskStart > 5000000) FATAL_ERROR("DMA TX channel has stalled!"); } while((dmaRx->cs & BCM2835_DMA_CS_ACTIVE)) { CheckSPIDMAChannelsNotStolen(); if (tick() - dmaTaskStart > 5000000) FATAL_ERROR("DMA RX channel has stalled!"); } __sync_synchronize(); spi->cs = BCM2835_SPI0_CS_TA | BCM2835_SPI0_CS_CLEAR | DISPLAY_SPI_DRIVE_SETTINGS; __sync_synchronize(); } #endif void DeinitDMA(void) { WaitForDMAFinished(); ResetDMAChannels(); FreeUncachedGpuMemory(dmaSourceBuffer); FreeUncachedGpuMemory(dmaCb); FreeUncachedGpuMemory(dmaConstantData); if (dmaTxChannel != -1) { FreeDMAChannel(dmaTxChannel); dmaTxChannel = -1; } if (dmaRxChannel != -1) { FreeDMAChannel(dmaRxChannel); dmaRxChannel = -1; } } #endif // ~USE_DMA_TRANSFERS