#!/bin/bash cur_dir=`pwd` if [ ! -f $cur_dir/.have_installed ]; then echo "Please install the LCD driver first" echo "Usage: sudo ./xxx-show. xxx: MHS35,LCD35,MPI3508 etc." exit fi print_info() { echo "Usage:sudo ./rotate.sh [0] [90] [180] [270] [360] [450]" echo "0-Screen rotation 0 degrees" echo "90-Screen rotation 90 degrees" echo "180-Screen rotation 180 degrees" echo "270-Screen rotation 270 degrees" echo "360-Screen flip horizontal(Valid only for HDMI screens)" echo "450-Screen flip vertical(Valid only for HDMI screens)" } if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then echo "Please input parameter:0,90,180,270,360,450" print_info exit elif [ $# -eq 1 ]; then if [ ! -n "$(echo $1| sed -n "/^[0-9]\+$/p")" ]; then echo "Invalid parameter" print_info exit else if [ $1 -ne 0 ] && [ $1 -ne 90 ] && [ $1 -ne 180 ] && [ $1 -ne 270 ] && [ $1 -ne 360 ] && [ $1 -ne 450 ]; then echo "Invalid parameter" print_info exit fi fi else echo "Too many parameters, only one parameter allowed" exit fi #get screen parameter tmp=`cat $cur_dir/.have_installed` output_type=`cat $cur_dir/.have_installed | awk -F ':' '{printf $1}'` touch_type=`cat $cur_dir/.have_installed | awk -F ':' '{printf $2}'` device_id=`cat $cur_dir/.have_installed | awk -F ':' '{printf $3}'` default_value=`cat $cur_dir/.have_installed | awk -F ':' '{printf $4}'` width=`cat $cur_dir/.have_installed | awk -F ':' '{printf $5}'` height=`cat $cur_dir/.have_installed | awk -F ':' '{printf $6}'` if [ $output_type = "hdmi" ]; then result=`grep -rn "^display_rotate=" /boot/config.txt | tail -n 1` line=`echo -n $result | awk -F: '{printf $1}'` str=`echo -n $result | awk -F: '{printf $NF}'` old_rotate_value=`echo -n $result | awk -F= '{printf $NF}'` if [ $old_rotate_value = "0x10000" ]; then old_rotate_value=4 elif [ $old_rotate_value = "0x20000" ]; then old_rotate_value=5 fi if [ $1 -eq 0 ] || [ $1 -eq 90 ] || [ $1 -eq 180 ] || [ $1 -eq 270 ]; then new_rotate_value=$[(($default_value+$1)%360)/90] else new_rotate_value=$[$1/90] fi elif [ $output_type = "gpio" ]; then result=`grep -rn "^dtoverlay=" /boot/config.txt | grep ":rotate=" | tail -n 1` line=`echo -n $result | awk -F: '{printf $1}'` str=`echo -n $result | awk -F: '{printf $NF}'` old_rotate_value=`echo -n $result | awk -F= '{printf $NF}'` if [ $1 -eq 0 ] || [ $1 -eq 90 ] || [ $1 -eq 180 ] || [ $1 -eq 270 ]; then new_rotate_value=$[($default_value+$1)%360] else echo "Invalid parameter: only for HDMI screens" exit fi else echo "Invalid output type" exit fi if [ $old_rotate_value -eq $new_rotate_value ]; then if [ $output_type = "hdmi" ]; then if [ $1 -eq 0 ] || [ $1 -eq 90 ] || [ $1 -eq 180 ] || [ $1 -eq 270 ]; then old_rotate_value=$[($old_rotate_value*90+360-$default_value)%360] else old_rotate_value=$[$old_rotate_value*90] fi elif [ $output_type = "gpio" ]; then old_rotate_value=$[($old_rotate_value+360-$default_value)%360] fi echo "Current rotate value is $old_rotate_value" exit fi #setting LCD rotate if [ $output_type = "hdmi" ]; then if [ $new_rotate_value -eq 4 ]; then sudo sed -i -e ''"$line"'s/'"$str"'/display_rotate=0x10000/' /boot/config.txt elif [ $new_rotate_value -eq 5 ]; then sudo sed -i -e ''"$line"'s/'"$str"'/display_rotate=0x20000/' /boot/config.txt else sudo sed -i -e ''"$line"'s/'"$str"'/display_rotate='"$new_rotate_value"'/' /boot/config.txt fi new_rotate_value=$[$new_rotate_value*90] elif [ $output_type = "gpio" ]; then sudo sed -i -e ''"$line"'s/'"$str"'/rotate='"$new_rotate_value"'/' /boot/config.txt resultr=`grep -rn "^hdmi_cvt" /boot/config.txt | tail -n 1 | awk -F' ' '{print $1,$2,$3}'` liner=`echo -n $resultr | awk -F: '{printf $1}'` strr=`echo -n $resultr | awk -F: '{printf $2}'` if [ $new_rotate_value -eq $default_value ] || [ $new_rotate_value -eq $[($default_value+180+360)%360] ]; then sudo sed -i -e ''"$liner"'s/'"$strr"'/hdmi_cvt '"$width"' '"$height"'/' /boot/config.txt elif [ $new_rotate_value -eq $[($default_value-90+360)%360] ] || [ $new_rotate_value -eq $[($default_value+90+360)%360] ]; then sudo sed -i -e ''"$liner"'s/'"$strr"'/hdmi_cvt '"$height"' '"$width"'/' /boot/config.txt fi fi #setting touch screen rotate if [ $touch_type = "resistance" ]; then if [ $new_rotate_value -eq 0 ]; then cp $cur_dir/usr/99-calibration.conf-$device_id-0 /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/99-calibration.conf echo "LCD rotate value is set to $1" elif [ $new_rotate_value -eq 90 ]; then cp $cur_dir/usr/99-calibration.conf-$device_id-90 /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/99-calibration.conf echo "LCD rotate value is set to $1" elif [ $new_rotate_value -eq 180 ]; then cp $cur_dir/usr/99-calibration.conf-$device_id-180 /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/99-calibration.conf echo "LCD rotate value is set to $1" elif [ $new_rotate_value -eq 270 ]; then cp $cur_dir/usr/99-calibration.conf-$device_id-270 /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/99-calibration.conf echo "LCD rotate value is set to $1" elif [ $new_rotate_value -eq 360 ]; then cp $cur_dir/usr/99-calibration.conf-$device_id-FLIP-H /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/99-calibration.conf echo "LCD rotate value is set to flip horizontally" elif [ $new_rotate_value -eq 450 ]; then cp $cur_dir/usr/99-calibration.conf-$device_id-FLIP-V /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/99-calibration.conf echo "LCD rotate value is set to flip vertically" fi elif [ $touch_type = "capacity" ]; then if [ $new_rotate_value -eq 0 ]; then cp $cur_dir/usr/40-libinput.conf-0 /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/40-libinput.conf echo "LCD rotate value is set to $1" elif [ $new_rotate_value -eq 90 ]; then cp $cur_dir/usr/40-libinput.conf-90 /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/40-libinput.conf echo "LCD rotate value is set to $1" elif [ $new_rotate_value -eq 180 ]; then cp $cur_dir/usr/40-libinput.conf-180 /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/40-libinput.conf echo "LCD rotate value is set to $1" elif [ $new_rotate_value -eq 270 ]; then cp $cur_dir/usr/40-libinput.conf-270 /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/40-libinput.conf echo "LCD rotate value is set to $1" elif [ $new_rotate_value -eq 360 ]; then cp $cur_dir/usr/40-libinput.conf-FLIP-H /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/40-libinput.conf echo "LCD rotate value is set to flip horizontally" elif [ $new_rotate_value -eq 450 ]; then cp $cur_dir/usr/40-libinput.conf-FLIP-V /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/40-libinput.conf echo "LCD rotate value is set to flip vertically" fi else echo "Invalid touch type" exit fi sudo sync sudo sync echo "reboot now" sleep 1 sudo reboot