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synced 2025-03-28 11:19:24 +01:00
399 lines
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399 lines
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#pragma once
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <sys/syscall.h>
#include <linux/futex.h>
#include "display.h"
#include "tick.h"
#include "dma.h"
#include "display.h"
#define BCM2835_GPIO_BASE 0x200000 // Address to GPIO register file
#define BCM2835_SPI0_BASE 0x204000 // Address to SPI0 register file
#define BCM2835_TIMER_BASE 0x3000 // Address to System Timer register file
#define BCM2835_SPI0_CS_RXF 0x00100000 // Receive FIFO is full
#define BCM2835_SPI0_CS_RXR 0x00080000 // FIFO needs reading
#define BCM2835_SPI0_CS_TXD 0x00040000 // TXD TX FIFO can accept Data
#define BCM2835_SPI0_CS_RXD 0x00020000 // RXD RX FIFO contains Data
#define BCM2835_SPI0_CS_DONE 0x00010000 // Done transfer Done
#define BCM2835_SPI0_CS_ADCS 0x00000800 // Automatically Deassert Chip Select
#define BCM2835_SPI0_CS_INTR 0x00000400 // Fire interrupts on RXR?
#define BCM2835_SPI0_CS_INTD 0x00000200 // Fire interrupts on DONE?
#define BCM2835_SPI0_CS_DMAEN 0x00000100 // Enable DMA transfers?
#define BCM2835_SPI0_CS_TA 0x00000080 // Transfer Active
#define BCM2835_SPI0_CS_CLEAR 0x00000030 // Clear FIFO Clear RX and TX
#define BCM2835_SPI0_CS_CLEAR_RX 0x00000020 // Clear FIFO Clear RX
#define BCM2835_SPI0_CS_CLEAR_TX 0x00000010 // Clear FIFO Clear TX
#define BCM2835_SPI0_CS_CPOL 0x00000008 // Clock Polarity
#define BCM2835_SPI0_CS_CPHA 0x00000004 // Clock Phase
#define BCM2835_SPI0_CS_CS 0x00000003 // Chip Select
#define BCM2835_SPI0_CS_RXF_SHIFT 20
#define BCM2835_SPI0_CS_RXR_SHIFT 19
#define BCM2835_SPI0_CS_TXD_SHIFT 18
#define BCM2835_SPI0_CS_RXD_SHIFT 17
#define BCM2835_SPI0_CS_DONE_SHIFT 16
#define BCM2835_SPI0_CS_ADCS_SHIFT 11
#define BCM2835_SPI0_CS_INTR_SHIFT 10
#define BCM2835_SPI0_CS_INTD_SHIFT 9
#define BCM2835_SPI0_CS_DMAEN_SHIFT 8
#define BCM2835_SPI0_CS_TA_SHIFT 7
#define BCM2835_SPI0_CS_CLEAR_RX_SHIFT 5
#define BCM2835_SPI0_CS_CLEAR_TX_SHIFT 4
#define BCM2835_SPI0_CS_CPOL_SHIFT 3
#define BCM2835_SPI0_CS_CPHA_SHIFT 2
#define BCM2835_SPI0_CS_CS_SHIFT 0
#define GPIO_SPI0_MOSI 10 // Pin P1-19, MOSI when SPI0 in use
#define GPIO_SPI0_MISO 9 // Pin P1-21, MISO when SPI0 in use
#define GPIO_SPI0_CLK 11 // Pin P1-23, CLK when SPI0 in use
#define GPIO_SPI0_CE0 8 // Pin P1-24, CE0 when SPI0 in use
#define GPIO_SPI0_CE1 7 // Pin P1-26, CE1 when SPI0 in use
extern volatile void *bcm2835;
typedef struct GPIORegisterFile
uint32_t gpfsel[6], reserved0; // GPIO Function Select registers, 3 bits per pin, 10 pins in an uint32_t
uint32_t gpset[2], reserved1; // GPIO Pin Output Set registers, write a 1 to bit at index I to set the pin at index I high
uint32_t gpclr[2], reserved2; // GPIO Pin Output Clear registers, write a 1 to bit at index I to set the pin at index I low
uint32_t gplev[2];
} GPIORegisterFile;
extern volatile GPIORegisterFile *gpio;
#define SET_GPIO_MODE(pin, mode) gpio->gpfsel[(pin)/10] = (gpio->gpfsel[(pin)/10] & ~(0x7 << ((pin) % 10) * 3)) | ((mode) << ((pin) % 10) * 3)
#define GET_GPIO_MODE(pin) ((gpio->gpfsel[(pin)/10] & (0x7 << ((pin) % 10) * 3)) >> (((pin) % 10) * 3))
#define GET_GPIO(pin) (gpio->gplev[0] & (1 << (pin))) // Pin must be (0-31)
#define SET_GPIO(pin) gpio->gpset[0] = 1 << (pin) // Pin must be (0-31)
#define CLEAR_GPIO(pin) gpio->gpclr[0] = 1 << (pin) // Pin must be (0-31)
typedef struct SPIRegisterFile
uint32_t cs; // SPI Master Control and Status register
uint32_t fifo; // SPI Master TX and RX FIFOs
uint32_t clk; // SPI Master Clock Divider
uint32_t dlen; // SPI Master Number of DMA Bytes to Write
} SPIRegisterFile;
extern volatile SPIRegisterFile *spi;
// Defines the size of the SPI task memory buffer in bytes. This memory buffer can contain two frames worth of tasks at maximum,
// so for best performance, should be at least ~DISPLAY_WIDTH*DISPLAY_HEIGHT*BYTES_PER_PIXEL*2 bytes in size, plus some small
// amount for structuring each SPITask command. Technically this can be something very small, like 4096b, and not need to contain
// even a single full frame of data, but such small buffers can cause performance issues from threads starving.
#define SPI_QUEUE_SIZE (SHARED_MEMORY_SIZE - sizeof(SharedMemory))
// Need a byte of padding for 8-bit -> 9-bit expansion for performance
// Defines the maximum size of a single SPI task, in bytes. This excludes the command byte. If MAX_SPI_TASK_SIZE
// is not defined, there is no length limit that applies. (In ALL_TASKS_SHOULD_DMA version of DMA transfer,
// there is DMA chaining, so SPI tasks can be arbitrarily long)
#define MAX_SPI_TASK_SIZE 65528
typedef struct __attribute__((packed)) SPITask
uint32_t size; // Size, including both 8-bit and 9-bit tasks
uint32_t sizeExpandedTaskWithPadding; // Size of the expanded 9-bit/32-bit task. The expanded task starts at address spiTask->data + spiTask->size - spiTask->sizeExpandedTaskWithPadding;
uint32_t cmd;
uint8_t cmd;
uint32_t dmaSpiHeader;
uint8_t *fb;
uint8_t *prevFb;
uint16_t width;
uint8_t data[]; // Contains both 8-bit and 9-bit tasks back to back, 8-bit first, then 9-bit.
inline uint8_t *PayloadStart() { return data + (size - sizeExpandedTaskWithPadding); }
inline uint8_t *PayloadEnd() { return data + (size - SPI_9BIT_TASK_PADDING_BYTES); }
inline uint32_t PayloadSize() const { return sizeExpandedTaskWithPadding - SPI_9BIT_TASK_PADDING_BYTES; }
inline uint32_t *DmaSpiHeaderAddress() { return (uint32_t*)(PayloadStart()-4); }
inline uint8_t *PayloadStart() { return data; }
inline uint8_t *PayloadEnd() { return data + size; }
inline uint32_t PayloadSize() const { return size; }
inline uint32_t *DmaSpiHeaderAddress() { return &dmaSpiHeader; }
} SPITask;
#define BEGIN_SPI_COMMUNICATION() do { spi->cs = BCM2835_SPI0_CS_TA | DISPLAY_SPI_DRIVE_SETTINGS; } while(0)
#define END_SPI_COMMUNICATION() do { \
uint32_t cs; \
while (!(((cs = spi->cs) ^ BCM2835_SPI0_CS_TA) & (BCM2835_SPI0_CS_DONE | BCM2835_SPI0_CS_TA))) /* While TA=1 and DONE=0*/ \
{ \
if ((cs & (BCM2835_SPI0_CS_RXR | BCM2835_SPI0_CS_RXF))) \
} \
spi->cs = BCM2835_SPI0_CS_CLEAR_RX | DISPLAY_SPI_DRIVE_SETTINGS; /* Clear TA and any pending bytes */ \
} while(0)
#define WAIT_SPI_FINISHED() do { \
uint32_t cs; \
while (!((cs = spi->cs) & BCM2835_SPI0_CS_DONE)) /* While DONE=0*/ \
{ \
if ((cs & (BCM2835_SPI0_CS_RXR | BCM2835_SPI0_CS_RXF))) \
} \
} while(0)
// A convenience for defining and dispatching SPI task bytes inline
#define SPI_TRANSFER(command, ...) do { \
char data_buffer[] = { __VA_ARGS__ }; \
SPITask *t = AllocTask(sizeof(data_buffer)); \
t->cmd = (command); \
memcpy(t->data, data_buffer, sizeof(data_buffer)); \
CommitTask(t); \
RunSPITask(t); \
DoneTask(t); \
} while(0)
#define QUEUE_SPI_TRANSFER(command, ...) do { \
char data_buffer[] = { __VA_ARGS__ }; \
SPITask *t = AllocTask(sizeof(data_buffer)); \
t->cmd = (command); \
memcpy(t->data, data_buffer, sizeof(data_buffer)); \
CommitTask(t); \
} while(0)
#ifdef DISPLAY_SPI_BUS_IS_16BITS_WIDE // For displays that have their command register set be 16 bits word size width (ILI9486)
#define QUEUE_MOVE_CURSOR_TASK(cursor, pos) do { \
SPITask *task = AllocTask(4); \
task->cmd = (cursor); \
task->data[0] = 0; \
task->data[1] = (pos) >> 8; \
task->data[2] = 0; \
task->data[3] = (pos) & 0xFF; \
bytesTransferred += 6; \
CommitTask(task); \
} while(0)
#define QUEUE_SET_WRITE_WINDOW_TASK(cursor, x, endX) do { \
SPITask *task = AllocTask(8); \
task->cmd = (cursor); \
task->data[0] = 0; \
task->data[1] = (x) >> 8; \
task->data[2] = 0; \
task->data[3] = (x) & 0xFF; \
task->data[4] = 0; \
task->data[5] = (endX) >> 8; \
task->data[6] = 0; \
task->data[7] = (endX) & 0xFF; \
bytesTransferred += 10; \
CommitTask(task); \
} while(0)
#elif defined(DISPLAY_SET_CURSOR_IS_8_BIT) // For displays that have their set cursor commands be a uint8 instead of uint16 (SSD1351)
#define QUEUE_SET_WRITE_WINDOW_TASK(cursor, x, endX) do { \
SPITask *task = AllocTask(2); \
task->cmd = (cursor); \
task->data[0] = (x); \
task->data[1] = (endX); \
bytesTransferred += 3; \
CommitTask(task); \
} while(0)
#else // Regular 8-bit interface with 16bits wide set cursor commands (most displays)
#define QUEUE_MOVE_CURSOR_TASK(cursor, pos) do { \
SPITask *task = AllocTask(2); \
task->cmd = (cursor); \
task->data[0] = (pos) >> 8; \
task->data[1] = (pos) & 0xFF; \
bytesTransferred += 3; \
CommitTask(task); \
} while(0)
#define QUEUE_SET_WRITE_WINDOW_TASK(cursor, x, endX) do { \
SPITask *task = AllocTask(4); \
task->cmd = (cursor); \
task->data[0] = (x) >> 8; \
task->data[1] = (x) & 0xFF; \
task->data[2] = (endX) >> 8; \
task->data[3] = (endX) & 0xFF; \
bytesTransferred += 5; \
CommitTask(task); \
} while(0)
typedef struct SharedMemory
volatile DMAControlBlock cb[2];
volatile uint32_t dummyDMADestinationWriteAddress;
volatile uint32_t dmaTxChannel, dmaRxChannel;
volatile uint32_t queueHead;
volatile uint32_t queueTail;
volatile uint32_t spiBytesQueued; // Number of actual payload bytes in the queue
volatile uint32_t interruptsRaised;
volatile uintptr_t sharedMemoryBaseInPhysMemory;
volatile uint8_t buffer[];
} SharedMemory;
extern dma_addr_t spiTaskMemoryPhysical;
#define VIRT_TO_BUS(ptr) ((uintptr_t)(ptr) | 0xC0000000U)
extern SharedMemory *spiTaskMemory;
extern double spiUsecsPerByte;
extern SharedMemory *dmaSourceMemory; // TODO: Optimize away the need to have this at all, instead DMA directly from SPI ring buffer if possible
extern volatile uint64_t spiThreadIdleUsecs;
extern volatile uint64_t spiThreadSleepStartTime;
extern volatile int spiThreadSleeping;
extern int mem_fd;
// Converts the given SPI task in-place from an 8-bit task to a 9-bit task.
void Interleave8BitSPITaskTo9Bit(SPITask *task);
// Converts the given SPI task in-place from a 16-bit task to a 32-bit task.
void Interleave16BitSPITaskTo32Bit(SPITask *task);
// If the given display is a 3-wire SPI display (9 bits/task instead of 8 bits/task), this function computes the byte size of the 8-bit task when it is converted to a 9-bit task.
uint32_t NumBytesNeededFor9BitSPITask(uint32_t byteSizeFor8BitTask);
// If the given display is a 3-wire SPI display with 32 bits bus width, this function computes the byte size of the task when it is converted to a 32-bit task.
uint32_t NumBytesNeededFor32BitSPITask(uint32_t byteSizeFor8BitTask);
static inline SPITask *AllocTask(uint32_t bytes) // Returns a pointer to a new SPI task block, called on main thread
// For 3-wire/9-bit tasks, store the converted task right at the end of the 8-bit task.
uint32_t sizeExpandedTaskWithPadding = NumBytesNeededFor32BitSPITask(bytes) + SPI_9BIT_TASK_PADDING_BYTES;
uint32_t sizeExpandedTaskWithPadding = NumBytesNeededFor9BitSPITask(bytes) + SPI_9BIT_TASK_PADDING_BYTES;
bytes += sizeExpandedTaskWithPadding;
// const uint32_t totalBytesFor9BitTask = 0;
uint32_t bytesToAllocate = sizeof(SPITask) + bytes;// + totalBytesFor9BitTask;
uint32_t tail = spiTaskMemory->queueTail;
uint32_t newTail = tail + bytesToAllocate;
// Is the new task too large to write contiguously into the ring buffer, that it's split into two parts? We never split,
// but instead write a sentinel at the end of the ring buffer, and jump the tail back to the beginning of the buffer and
// allocate the new task there. However in doing so, we must make sure that we don't write over the head marker.
if (newTail + sizeof(SPITask)/*Add extra SPITask size so that there will always be room for eob marker*/ >= SPI_QUEUE_SIZE)
uint32_t head = spiTaskMemory->queueHead;
// Write a sentinel, but wait for the head to advance first so that it is safe to write.
while(head > tail || head == 0/*Head must move > 0 so that we don't stomp on it*/)
#if defined(KERNEL_MODULE_CLIENT) && !defined(KERNEL_MODULE)
// Hack: Pump the kernel module to start transferring in case it has stopped. TODO: Remove this line:
if (!(spi->cs & BCM2835_SPI0_CS_TA)) spi->cs |= BCM2835_SPI0_CS_TA;
// Wait until there are no remaining bytes to process in the far right end of the buffer - we'll write an eob marker there as soon as the read pointer has cleared it.
// At this point the SPI queue may actually be quite empty, so don't sleep (except for now in kernel client app)
head = spiTaskMemory->queueHead;
SPITask *endOfBuffer = (SPITask*)(spiTaskMemory->buffer + tail);
endOfBuffer->cmd = 0; // Use cmd=0x00 to denote "end of buffer, wrap to beginning"
spiTaskMemory->queueTail = 0;
#if !defined(KERNEL_MODULE_CLIENT) && !defined(KERNEL_MODULE)
if (spiTaskMemory->queueHead == tail) syscall(SYS_futex, &spiTaskMemory->queueTail, FUTEX_WAKE, 1, 0, 0, 0); // Wake the SPI thread if it was sleeping to get new tasks
tail = 0;
newTail = bytesToAllocate;
// If the SPI task queue is full, wait for the SPI thread to process some tasks. This throttles the main thread to not run too fast.
uint32_t head = spiTaskMemory->queueHead;
while(head > tail && head <= newTail)
#if defined(KERNEL_MODULE_CLIENT) && !defined(KERNEL_MODULE)
// Hack: Pump the kernel module to start transferring in case it has stopped. TODO: Remove this line:
if (!(spi->cs & BCM2835_SPI0_CS_TA)) spi->cs |= BCM2835_SPI0_CS_TA;
usleep(100); // Since the SPI queue is full, we can afford to sleep a bit on the main thread without introducing lag.
head = spiTaskMemory->queueHead;
SPITask *task = (SPITask*)(spiTaskMemory->buffer + tail);
task->size = bytes;
task->sizeExpandedTaskWithPadding = sizeExpandedTaskWithPadding;
task->fb = &task->data[0];
task->prevFb = 0;
return task;
static inline void CommitTask(SPITask *task) // Advertises the given SPI task from main thread to worker, called on main thread
#if !defined(KERNEL_MODULE_CLIENT) && !defined(KERNEL_MODULE)
uint32_t tail = spiTaskMemory->queueTail;
spiTaskMemory->queueTail = (uint32_t)((uint8_t*)task - spiTaskMemory->buffer) + sizeof(SPITask) + task->size;
__atomic_fetch_add(&spiTaskMemory->spiBytesQueued, task->PayloadSize()+1, __ATOMIC_RELAXED);
#if !defined(KERNEL_MODULE_CLIENT) && !defined(KERNEL_MODULE)
if (spiTaskMemory->queueHead == tail) syscall(SYS_futex, &spiTaskMemory->queueTail, FUTEX_WAKE, 1, 0, 0, 0); // Wake the SPI thread if it was sleeping to get new tasks
SPITask *t = GetTask(); \
RunSPITask(t); \
DoneTask(t); \
int InitSPI(void);
void DeinitSPI(void);
void ExecuteSPITasks(void);
void RunSPITask(SPITask *task);
SPITask *GetTask(void);
void DoneTask(SPITask *task);
void DumpSPICS(uint32_t reg);
void SetRealtimeThreadPriority();